CJ MTOFonn matt TFinroNic, mtottord, OKKnoNrnrcsnvW, ocmmn n, 1011. PAGE SEVEN. ojnachow or Other Mutts Investments Never Seem to ran Out j- B "Bud" FisKei- i? N (N0 WHVr Dn VOU T4ifji. a,.,,.,. MA.M nrn ...rl J'i,tMcN w. . . . . ."-',,," r , "".. lnor...i.i. IMISTMIHIW) I S X l.."..n -a....... ...- 1 v-js iwii.i. ""nin - t- v.i :v-tvi.r-... cuius ,u fAoim j J 3VrJl!.J IMM MR MM1 f V r oh.pinqJ '-vJ WLUCJRM, IMlST OtlNK-WGNU fkfr 'frV.ZO.VMTULCUJU. RON MI(A,MhKa '"" TMIVJft'Hfl Mouc.e.n& HtjfSl WNfc iCUlflUM 1 ini ..viUM II I - J Irlmun ,,.. I Mnsi;.l 1 1 e""' 1 mi uu li iMn 1 irakb!-!.. .. ., a iarr(iiar.ia.. . . . i h V. OM.,V.r. M5raWKW6Vw l0,u,,NNK-r---w-., - . - I ' v v : I .. . , V aKTitjY7r t -X Mt .1 WE miff -. . XV"T " MU00WTra 7 v. - r ;(T-h-3 t- m. KbC iri. vwJi "W'Tmw , IEJ-a. CVi TV J i J rVlkW s rrvj-n "oomhst wtw raaavr w. iwwr .. -,.v. t,-i,wv v a-x Mff( i.- i. j.siiibn j . w i. i- v j.r ,i b& 'j ly'iv fVO,JOHM, TOO CrV4'1 WWiOiNCCttT, TouRti auc cuer "jUbT tUOvy'lT "WOK. Oil IWU s Fisw OH,trv,., 'fc No WN YOU cliouLO ttirt. UH.Cvvf NO r ror (, Vn.X Aim.1... ll"ViXV n,lruW MB UK-.G CT AMCUCftUi VOB.N WliCh UTTW vMa, (?OHN, CUiT To rop it or. WO, NO, YOU CW4T cptt no ccNn-, riuu ToMoiy?.ow NO.JollN.YOUCWI'T eAyYTMiN&.eur&M io Tn v .. .vl:r5i,,U:l surg - iw wri i irjijriLJ im4 Till. ToMnPOnu . m- V r AMj.lfW Mf!V roR 2co Vll'i ? 5u(je - iii?.a TOO Rij . mws G(f.HTYCGHTS i IN XfVGRitfM1 i MoNe-N 1Y vii Q.M 1 Ly.TJU m& , rzsi roRGioN iV vs.r j ; FtHAHGUD iS 1 . C .rzrwB u w rj n.v ;.t filer- " li : J 1- TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS. plicitV in tin) (llininiliu of, (lit) I.oh Aiiki'Ivh Tinu'x lnillilliif,'. iimi In'iiij! fiiriilKlictl hy Ihu Nnliimul Kii'i'ltntt' iihnot'liilliin mill llio liuliiiiinHiliH MlHIIlflU'llllTlV IIHhOt'IlUioil, lll'l'OIll iii to Altorntty linker. TACO.MA, Wii.-Willi cIiiuim f it'titrv u( (In lnpttii i)Ntiti) n liulli't in Mm lii'tiil (iinl iiiKitlicr in IiIh Rii'in, l''iitiiiiiii'l IVirii'rn tolil hou lie Iimi lirou hIioI. rolilioil mill thru left JI hour in tho uihhIh Hi-it r Wilki'nni In ilic TACOMA. Wii. Tlin-o yi'itni nuo II. I.. Ili't'unr, hi'IioiiI ti'iit'litT, .fdl) in ilclil. xtiirti'il litiyiii n l'n rm mi the liiMnlliiicnt plan. Todny, worli $.)ll,. 11(10, In is litTtt to uial.i' mi ntlilnwx nt tin l'iiylliit Millt-y I'm in mi how lie iliil it. KI'KINUI'IKU), III.- Cuitinuin- till' HMMlttl M'M.jiill tlllll took' II l'fiH'H Juno HI), tlio Ntntc li'iilnturo rtwou vcunl itnli'nly. Kk(Iovirnnr Hii'li nril VitlcK nimlu it proliiuiiiiiry mi iiiMiiii'fiiifiit Hint lio Iimi fonnitlly arri'l IiIh cilttiii'utioiir willr Hunl.r Willinin r.oritnir. mnl Hint In wonlO In n 1'iiinliiliito for tliu Kopiililicnn iiouiiiinlion for ptvonior. SAN KKANCISrO, Cnl.- KI.li for ft riot'tiui; Hi'iMintl, Viflor IN'iilTom it'll, 11. mourn I lie wfiitli he liclil for n inonu'iit yoHtnrilny. l'iinliiii .f."0, ln iniioi'outly ukfil mi iuU'rcMt'il fttrnnp'r if it vnn ronl. "Yi'8", miitl tin MriiiipT, iirt liu Knililit'il tlio itton ov mnl mil. .2atJliljlfl SAN I'll A NCI SCO, Cnl.-Strolli.iK Mlll.tlOII inilfK, .luliurt Until, of St. LotiiK, in Inno toilny. Ilu Iiiih it wnlk iu'u' contrm't with tin St. I.oulrt t-luli wliit'li In lit'jjmi M yi'iirs , 1 to Iiiih ulill Hi'vcrul iiiSIch to k. NKW YOKIv Two unlivo liorn OliinoHo, nllt'inliiitr loluniliin univor ulty, flif-ililtt to tin) pn'sluVnny of (ln tlulti'il Stnti1), niiuoiinou Hint tlioy ill run for tlint officii whon old l'IIOUll. SAN FIIANCISCO, Cnl. Tho Ahi til to llmtr Citv of I'mininit Iiiih n nmv rkippiirt Oiiptniii Ifo'or Atlmuti who wrilo.H ponlrv for locirnlion. Tin hIiIp'h tluily pupi'r Iiiih to print it. 4 SAN rilANriSCO, Cnl. - .Imik Mit'kni'll, Now York cliiliiumi voyiiK iiitr fioin Cliiim, tiri'tl of liuttiii) inoii .y, vnj,ivtl iMily hIiiivuh iiiHtoiul. lit I md u inn of Iimi Ionic mid arrived with Nti much ln'iird Unit tlm linilmr ditl not know whutltur to Jilnnl or iniipiitnti'. ll ' '" TKHNTON, N. J.. riiiirni-lviiii-ifr tliu Ii.miiii "Itcnutil'ul I hi i) of Soiuo whino'' iih "Hilly mnl iiumiiin,'k8H," nl'lor liu lut tl heard (101)0 pcoplo hIiik il, (liivurinir Wootltow Wilnou htnt('tl llint nuin.v pri'Hvut day liyimiH oon tuiii uel I her poetry nor huiiho. ( MONMOUTH. III. A. Hearoh in ho liiir ninde heie for n iiend who killod William Dnwhou, hin wife mid one daughter, hy rrushiiif,' (heir fiUulln whllii thoy worn in lied iiNluep. There wiih no nvidoneo of a HtniKKlu and it irt heliovetl that each victim wan killed with n muk!c hlnw. I. ! TACOMA, Wii-WIUi halt tho town of Pnynlliip ready to loHtify ill' hin favor, and 17 actually lakiiiK tho filaud, Tilley (I. Sanford, who is worth Jj-tl(l,000, hnH won hin freedom from the Slellneom iiHyliiiu. Sanford w'Hh I'ommitled two nmnlliH no aM tor hin dmiMhtor ami her miKiiami ten tified 4thnt ho was iiiHmio. Tho tnwiiHpeoph) worn indignant over the oOlnmilmeiii iintl liroulit ohont n iv-lioariiij. ., DOGS TRAVEL IN oi r. LUXURIOUS S1YLL p - . iv j. w i ., r. ,.";' y' .ljTql MI6S MAHY WINTHROP. Qn Inmril n Kpoclnt car ton of tho I'rt'iich mnl i:n;lli!i IuiIIiIokh ownert by MImi Mary W'liithrop, of ltrooklyn, nro on their wny to ChlcnKo, whero they nro to lio exhibited. Mldii Wln tlirop, slio Ik leitit thrtu tuenty yearn old, lint wvlt known an n liruetler, hnil ,i rreliiht car Hncltilly Htloil up Mint her toi'. ami their keener will trnvt:) tu luxury. SAN t'HANCISCO. Cnl. Tho ho). tliern nt tho I'lcHilio ant Hpeeulat iiiK toduv us to what would have happened If Aviator Frank llryaot hud Im'vii it xpy from n hostile conn liy. Hryunt How ovr the forlifieit Iioiih of Golden (late mnl could ens ilv huvii destroyed tho lij; uuh hy dropping liomhii upon them. SKATTI.i:, Wn.- I)cpoiitlenl ho oiiiitiu hin wift hud seoured n divoree, Dr. IT. (1. Kinnifon, u dentist lUuip in Ahenloen, Wn., committed suicide Hi ii hotel room here. A letter from Iuh wife in which hIic told him that hIic hal won her ill vol oo uit, wuh found in his poekot. TACOMA, Wn. Suit for $10,000 damiiKos utrniiiHt HUhop O'Don and 4i uuuihor of Cntholio ilipiitarics, wnrt tiled toilny hy Mrn. l.izxia Miik uusm'ii, who litis just received pos nonioii of her duu-'hter, Marjorie Kieuimin, who left homo to outer n coin cut. TAO.MA, -Wn. Strut in the hciitl hy ii eliancti Inillct while row i hat it hunt, Ulm O'lliieu piuked up the pieeeti of the bullet an they fell from hin forehead, rowed to tdmrc and took a MiccT eat tu tho hospital. 1 1 in hkull in frftcturotl. SAN VIIAKCISCO, Cnl, While joyiidhif in Uolden Gate paik tod.y .Mihh Sluiley VYickhum, a ehonin hiiif;er, wiih instantly killed, and Maud l.onj,', M"ny Allen and ,T. F. Donnelly, her eomimuiouB, vero ser iously injured. Tho uoeident oe. furred when tho nutbmohilu skidded and became uncontrollable. A, .1. Solium or,' the chauffeur, in held hy the police, charged an i t It iiiiuisIuukIi-ter. HIVES AND PRICKLY.JIEAT RELIEVED FREE Thoro nro no conditions nttnchetl to tli tn offer, If you nro aufforlnc with IiIvph, prlckloy holit, Insoct bites or any other kln ttftlletlon, wo want you to ai'cejit with our eoinpllmonlB a free hottlo of 7.I0MO, tho clean li quid roniedy for oezeimi, and nil illo oiihoh of (ho Hkln and ticalp. TIiIh frco hottlo 1h not full rUo, tint It Ih Iiii'ko nnouKh to show you lm wontlorful lioullng aiurHootliltiK effertH of ZBMO. v Onll today for your aamplo hottlo of XI.MO nt tho IIiibUIub Diub Store, v t . JlnslduB for Ucalth, . HILL FAILS TO REACH BURNS POUTLAND, Ore., Oct. :i. In hIciiiI of iiddrehHiiiu the Oicoii De velopment l.cu(ue meelitiK ut Huron, Ore., tomorrow, iih ho intended, .1. .1. Hill, accompanied hy bin miii Louis Dill ami parly, will ho in 1'oitlmnl. Caught in a heavy rain in Central Oregon Sunday, ,1, ,1. Hill contracted a cold mnl although hin comlition wiih not Horiouh, it wiih deemed best to mnliu the run buck to the coitht where tho attention of it hpccialint could be neeurcil if noecsooiry. lie ai rived it Scuttle today. . The Hill parly will viit Portland tumoirow mid Dill o.iccIh to he at llond, Ore., Thiirhduy, when the gold en npike, markiiit; the completion of the Hill road into Central Oregon, will hu driven. tf- CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Jack Wiiloruiyor Mid wife are ileum making thin city their tempor ary home. Aflor Huernl day, visit with her Histert., Mrn. 1. llnwk ami Mrn. iiobt. Ash worth. Mr.. .). C. llarnard left for her home in Ashland Monday. A. W. Moon, former proprietor of the Central Poii(t l.umbyr ynrd, Iiiih purchiihfd the Phoenix lumber yard mid look charge ol it Monday. Juek Wntennycr inmlc a huiiines trip to Knle Point the first of the week. Mrn. A. W. Moon mid Mrn. Moon Sr., Hpcnt Monday afternoon in Med ford. MifK Miuxiicrito HotmeK left Mon day moniii).' for Woodville, after a few iIu.vm' ihit with home folks. Attorney V. At Keaincs of Med ford imih horo on IokiiI buhilleH Moudny. Ainont; the Monday Central Point Metlford JHllurA were Mr. mid Mrs. Wnrt. Mr. mid Mrs. J. K. Hoswell ami Miiis, Mi.H Stmnne, Miss Shield, S. A. PattiHou, Archie Parker mid Henry Furnuui. f- ausoromD acAmxaxB. Btll ?rlo. VcjjrUblcs. Potatoes $1,75 per owt;.21-2c lb. Cnbungo 2c. PnrBnlpa2-2c. Lottuco Ro head. " Carrots 2 He Uoota 2 '.fie OiiIoiih Dorm'utln, Cc. ' Colery 50c4f Jl dot. Caullflowor 10QlGo Lend. Turnlpa 2c. Hntlluhos Go bunch. Onions Grcon, Go bunch. Fruit. Coconnuts lOo each. , I'riinoa Dried, Cc lb. ' I.oiuoiih 20c dozen. , llnminna IB to 2fio per doren. OrnngeH 26MGo dot. '' Grnpo fruit 7Go Stl do. i Hut tor Ekhh and Poultry , lluttor French ranch, por roll, ftGcj cronmory, COc. 1'kkh Fresh runrh, 28c. Poultry lions, dressod, 22cj live. 18c; HprlnRs, drossod, 30o; llvo i. Turkoys 28 30, drossod. . Meats Hoof Cowb, 10 20c j otoors, 12 2 Go. Pork 20 22o. Voal Drosaod, lG2Bc. Mutton 1220o; lambs, 1G0 2Go. , I Hay and lVoil, liny Timothy. $14; alfalfa, $H; crnas, $12; Kinln hay, $11. Grain Wheat, $1.1 R bushel; oats, $SG ton; burloy, $3G ton. TO GIVE LIFE AND BEAU.TY TO HIE HAIR (Frujn tho LiJndoii Hiiirilresscr'H llcviow.) "More dull, hritllc, faded mid fnll- iuc linir reniilts from too much wiihIi iu; the head that), from any other online. If you, wiiu t to ee your cmih- tomers hair uro'w m beautv mid col or, nod brilliance mid luxuriuuee, ntop dreiiehiii'; and riiifiin it mid de pend ii'Hiu dry tfhmii'Mioiu;;. "Dry hhampooui once a week will biin),' about wouderf. Hard and scaly HcalpH bceomc. mi ft mid pliable, will take on new life .become frnft ami (-lossy ami the natural color will re turn. " "To make a hhmiioo powder mix four ounce of orin root with four ounce of Ihvrox. Sprinkle n tahle Hpoouftil over the head and hriiKh IhoioiiKhly throuh the hair. Don't fparo the hriihliinii:. The treatment tones up the hair from root to tip, iriuHVctfiliiHl, dautlruff am exeess oil, leaves the hculp clean, eool mid refreshed and tho hair rich, soft ami silky." THEROX FOR SALE BY HASKINS' DRUG STORE MoiUonl Ore., Aurr 9. lll Thin In to certify that about Nowmtx-r inv dauoli- tcr wnn token with, iv v-ro uttnek or thrtmmtlvni which rttitrl Iter left itrm uelAii, In fncl It wan no near lralvzcl Dint lio wan not ublu to move her fin t omim taka 1r . a ii I h a -m . tk k- . 1 Voungn innrvFloim citrcH of loan atnnil ho; cascii of rlicuiuntlnm, wo ilechlcil to ciinnult htm, In which. I am p'cascil to iy nmiJc no mlntnkp, us hin remedies -ted an he rlulmcd they would and aft er tho third treatment tht rheumatic fain entirely icrt her, nnd he has not hnd any symptoms of rlioumatlum elnco, lKnlden har cuneral health la much Im proved and I do not iieatltato In saying I believe thoso afflicted with rheum, limn or tmrnlyeln will do well to consult Dr. Crow You nk. whoao houno Ih corner of Tenth and Front t reels, Medford. Or rcoii A. V. WKIBS. 176 FOR TRADE. l"OU TU.nir-lorly acres Rood lm proxed fruit Innfl. H.mM valley, for home In Medford t'riee 11200 llumiih rvy. 815 unt .Mulu Phone 3891 17V MONEY TO LOAN MONi:Y TO LOAK 15,000 tn sumii of not leas than $1,0(0 on realty eecurlty for 1 to 3 years. Tarm nnd orchard property preferred. Box O, D., Mall Tribune. l"OK U1:NT Vlw.reoni strictly modem litminilow'. lBrRo"jlecplnK porch: close In. paved strcut. JJS.OO. 113 aenexn ft.pnut. 172 '" FOR RENT KOlt HUNT Six roomn, modern house. furnished. Tvl. 322. 421 llentt) street. 171 l"OU HUNT Seven-room house, new In uulro 501 Ueatty street. 170 lOU KCNT Ajnlx-room modern Iiuhbu low with flro place lnipilro 50t S. . Holly. " 167' ''Oil lti:.NT l'our room house. 121S IV lUth street, $8 00; also n three-room house, $5.00. Tel, Main 403-U 2. 1C7 FOU HHNT Sown room house; mod em. Inquire corner of Twelfth anil Newtown streets, FOK HUNT Two-room furnlsheil houio Ciuiulra 334 Huutli Fir street. 1C7 FOlt TtRNT KuriiUlied house, fine nolKhborhood. 00 North Orocno at, FOlt RUNT Two sovcn-rooin lioyaea, oiio largo burn, ono stable. V. Osen bniBBe, 401 lllversldo avenue, South, 167 Xotuitkoplac Boom FOlt 11 KNT Furnished housokPopliiK rooniH. 328 Houlh Central nvo. lOI" e FOlt HUNT -Housekeeping rooms, 2 or 3 In suite, 10S 12, 14th street. Vlione. 0002. 171 MODKIIN houBokrepltiB rooms, ll and $18. 22 South Holly. Offices rot ai FOK HUNT Two elegant front office rooms, corner Mln street Inquire Gregory's Studio. FOR H1CNT Over th postofflos with heat and light, 8aa A. A. Davis. Apnilments. rUU HKU11F.N MoJuriv furnished npait menls. Hot water, heat, disappearing beds, buffet Kltcliens, prlvnlo baths. Uvery eonvenlonre. Corner Quince and West Main slirrla Home plmno SI" 1.. ITS' FOR RENT Board tna smbi ItOUM AND npAltO at Mrs. Kay's, No. 10 No. urapo nu. back of Farmers and Fruitgrowers bldg. FOR SALE. Acrsta. FOlt HAM-lly I.uman N, Jmbl of Tal ent, In the fruit Im-H of southern Ore gon, midway botwecn Medford and Ashlnnd Alf.ilfn, fruit and garden lands In S, 10, IS. SO, 1G0, S00 and ZftO acre trncts commercial orclmrilH; timber lands from $12.50 to $320 nu acre; huMurts and rrsldencfl lots In Talent, I'htx-nlx, Medford and Ashland from $100 to $750 nn ncr; also chick en rancht s and gold mines, and prop erty for trade In California, Seattle und Portland, ulso lands In tho Orango IkHs of suiitlurn Texas and Florida FOn SALK 1590 acres well located Klamath lumber lands for sate. Ap ply to Dutto Falls Lumber Co, Dutte Falls, Oregon. 1S2 FOlt 8AI.H 25 acres of best of Ump- iua river bottom, house, barn, out houses, 3 1-4 miles from Illddle. In Orchard valley: $3000. Address O. A. Jones, Canyonvillc. Oregon. 185 Olt HAL.K tOncres 3-year-old orchard, set to Newton ns, Kpltz nnd AVinesaps. Under gravity illicit. 1 1-2 miles from Clrants l'ass wntofflcc. John II. Hair. Woodville. Ore. 195 SSoaass FOlt HAL.K Payments like rent, new, very nlc mislern 5-room butigalow on payments. $2055. Humphrey, 815 Hi tit Main. Phono 3991. 170 FOlt SALE -New modem 8room bung- muw uiunc in u,i (uvvu uirvei, terms. Call 501 S. llollcy aU 1CS FOR BALE 1800; completely furnished six-room house, closets, bath and pan try, stationary wash trays and ce ment walks. 729 A Vest Eleventh St. Phono Main 6803. 171 OR SALE Eight-room bungalow, 3 blocks from depot. Central Point: city water, flectrlc light, sower connec tions, small barn, henhouse, yard, rioVr er garden: price $100 cash. Inquire C A. Pankoy, Central Point. 170 Bancs . OK SALE Ranch on Coleman creek. a lot of cordwood and poles, fir, pine and oak wood. F. Osenbrugge, 401 Rtversldo avenue, South. 1C7 aciscsUaasooa FOlt SALE High-bred pointer, well trained Address box 16, cam Mull Tribune. 170 IXU SALE A modem 5-stamp mill for sale cheap, equipped with water pow er: also a Scotch Manna boiler, and some promising gold prospects. E. B. Hawkins, Applegate, Ore. ISO FOR SALE Poultry plant. 714 South Central ave,; houso nnd lot, together with 800 chickens, all thoroughbreds; one fine cow and ona 240-cgg Cyphers Incubator. Phono 5412 Main. 190 FOlt SALE Gnipc, 45c a peach box fit'l, delivered. Home phono 13, party L. 1S6 FOR SALE Ono Mollno endgato seed er; 1 disk plow, 1 steel road scraper; 60 feet 1-2 Inch steel cablo; 1 Jersey cow, stock quashes. John U. Hnlr. Woodville. Ore. 195 FOR SALE Furniture, Including piano. 518 Heatty street. 1G7 FOR SALE Pedigreed Alrdalo Terrier puppies, cheap. U. L. Jewell, Trail, Ore, 175 FOR SALE Cordwood, oak and hard wood, $t 50 per cord In carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 21S West Main; phono 1S73. FOlt SALE Cow fresh in June; good milker A. W. Stone, ranch on Med-ford-Jacksonvllle road. FOR SALE-fRcglstercd" Burkshlro swlno and Jcrsoy cows nt all times. M. F. Rlngham, Applegate, Oro. 174 WANTED. KlsctUsncoas WANTEI Cheap lot or small lionso and lot. Itegnr Ranch. 109 WANTED Good sound general put pose horse, sound nnd cheap. Also ono hoise wagon. Address box 92. 169 WANTED At tho Cottage, six gentle men or ladles to tako rooms at the Cottage. C04, West 10th street, two blocks south of tho new Medford Ho tel. Our rooms aro flrst-chiBS in every way: private telephone, hot and cold running water in every room, with sleeping porches. Our patrons too Mr. L, O. Ortoh, Mr. R. V. Mlckle. Mr C K. Nowhnll and son Jack. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II. PaBgott, Mr. Wei don F Riddel, Mr. W. C. Wddlo and Mr John Hnll McKay. 166 WANTED Sltonts, about 100 lbs. In w night. Homo phono 13-L, 1C7 WANTEE Two men to board and room. OtU North Rlveistdo ave. 169 WANTED Will locnto a party on 160 notes government land eleven miles fiom Medfoid llox t'i2. P. O. 169 WANTED Office futures, chairs, ele. llox 073. l'(0 HELP WANTED. Xaly WaaUd TaaiaJta WANTED -Woman who can do fine sow ing to co mo to tho house. Cull on Mrs. i. r. Jlcddy. Queen Ann addition. RANTED A wdrrian to do housework on farm, Bohemian, Swiss or Norweg ian; not necessary to speak Engtlslu 8leepy IIoll6w Farm. Rock Point. Ore gon, 15 miles from Medford on Soutr, orn Pacific road; Home telephone WANTED Girl for general housework; ono who can cook; wages $20 per mo. Apply Gold Ray Realty Co. Jfalp Wanted Xl WANTED AGENTS Ond of tho Is-st selling articles on the count $10 re turn for every $2 Invested either sex. Mack Ulowcrs. Gold IIIH, Ore. 172 WATED Salesman for sxcutslrs ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expe rience necessary. ' Complete line Yak Ima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash weekly, out fit free. Toppenish NUrsery Company, Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED Salesmen In every locality o the northwest; money advanced week ly; many make over $1000 month choice of territory. Yakima Valle Nursery Co., Topenlsh. Wash. IUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. COLVIO tk. RTEAME& W. M. ColvKs. C L. Reames. Lawyers. Office Mel ford .national uanK ouuaing, secona uoor PORTER J. NEFF. 5M. P. MEALEY Aitorneys-at-law. Nos. l una z rost' office building. A. E. REAMES Lwyer. aaxnett-Cemy x ouiiaing. MULKEY & CHERR1 (B. "F. MULKBY, OEO. W. CHERRY) Lawyers. Prac tice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 11 and 12, Jackson County uanic mag. ArcMtaccs. JOHNS & TURNER. ArchttecU and Builders. Office 7-8. 32C Main; phone Main 3471. licaiaence prion 744. jLccoastamts. D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure: your business solicited. Office Aieorora Mail TrlDuno uulldlng, pnone 6611, residence phone 1601. Asaayar ana Assiyst. SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays mado for gold, silver, lead, copper, and other minerals. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed nnd mining maps "and reports made thereon by competent mining as sayers and engineers at reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mlneu and mining prospects. All mine owners aro earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibition purposes, and send lull description of their mining property. Southern Ore gon Mining Bureau, 216 West Main Street, Medford. Oregon. ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Earl V. In gcls. B. Sc. General assay and an alytical work. Cement and asphalt testing. Best equipped assay office and testing laboratory in Oregon. All work guaranteed. Grants"' Pass. Or. Afestxaota. ROGUE RIVBR VALLEY ABSTRACT TITLE CO., INC. Jacksonville, Phones Pacific, Main 11: Home snoc. JUUlajrd anos. A r nnrtWTM . nn -nmir rHra and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young A nan ouitutng. a nice, cool yiace to spend the hot afternoons. BUI rotten! VERNB T. CANON Bill poster and DIs, trlbutor. All orders promptly ftllml Room 19. Jackson County Bank build Inc. Medford. Oregon. Chiropractors. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD Chiropractic, nervo specialist, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank building. Office hours: 2 to 4. Phone Home 269IC Residence 119 Roosovolt. Hours: 10 to 12 and 6:30 to 7:30. Phone 10SIC, Special hours by appointment Scientific massage given. Advice In dietetics. Medical gymnastio hydro-theropy. Cigars as Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLT& Smokehouse . uoaiera in tobacco, cigars, and amok ere supplies. Exclusive, agent of Lewi Single Binder, El Merita and El Palen ola. 313 West Main tttrvat Garbage. GARBAGE HAULED Leave orders at 29 South Bnrtlott. or phono Rodney Taylor, Paolfio 3632; Home 107-x. 170 CITY aARBAOB CO., Motlford Gar bage, rubbish, dirt, and anything In that lino hauled. Wagon calls from two to threo times a week; restau rants and hotels, twice a day Office Phones, Main 24C1: Homo 143 IC J. F, Perrez and J. D. Korne. ISO Sranlte Works. MEDFORD BRICK CO. tleo. W. Prlddy, O. D Noglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contrac tors and manufacturers of brick: deal ers tn pressed brick and lime. Office In Garuett-Corey block, room 209. 2d floor. Phono No. 3181. , Civil Engineer, IUSINESS DIRECTORY rural Vara. LOUIS WHITINO. civil engineer and surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty, surveys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering draft ing, sewer design, concrete, work, I pump and canal systems, Rooms 4-3, Ailklns Block, Medford, Oregon, IL F. WILSON & CO.. dealers In nJ and second-hand furniture and bur1 ware. Agents for Household stovea and ranges, 16 South Fir street. Phone Main 3161. Home 285-L. ' MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cor ner atn una Holly streets. Jf'jdrorO. Mission furniture made to order. Cab inet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstoves nnfl ranges. New and second hand furni ture, Eails" old stand, 18 Fir street. South. Phone 91. Home 2SJ-K. Med rnrd. Xnndries. SUNRISE LAUNDRY Tel. Main 7S31. Orders called for and delivered. Flrnt class work done by hand. Ladles' and Gents' suits cleaned and pressed. Co, Eighth and South Central. Medford, Or. Masic MISS TURNEY, Piano Instruction ar.d musical history. 309 South Newtown street Phono 6C03 Bell. Klnlng Machinery. SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoenix. Or.. or the Denver Quart.-. Mill & Crusher Co., of 1710 Broadway, Denver. Colo rado. Catalogues and prices can be bad at Phoenix. Oregon. Matt Calhoun. Votary Sfaslle. HELEN N. YOCKEY. Notary public Bring your work to mo at the sign at The Mall Tribune. BBisenes. MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut Cow ers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. M E. Main. Phone 3741, QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We aro-not In the treat. H.-H. Patteraen, office removed -to lit M, Main st. ROGUE RrVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high grade nur sery stock. Offlco 104 & Fir. BotA phones. SffcyslcUaa ana aTargeoss. DR. M. C BARBER Physician and Sur geon Rooms 403-1 Medford Furniture and Harwaro Bldg; residence 1303 West Main street: offlco hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.; tel. 3441. DRa CONROY & CLANCY Pnj-siclena and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bldg,, rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 501. residence phone 612. Office hours a, m. to 8 p. m. D7&r2CAIJ.I'OW'r)R- KVA-MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic phvsiclans. Movea to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett -Corey bldg. Phone Main 635L X'tJ.IlTEMAa W. DEANR Dentist Office in RIalto bldg, 133 K. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth Telephone Main 66L Nighty DR. 8 r-EARNS Physician and suwgnoii. .V'?. Oarnatt-Corey bldg. rooms 311-313. phone 5501. Residence 118 Laurel st. Phone 2092. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD, physician and surgeon. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, practice limited to diseases of wo men. Offices over Hasklns drug store. Phones: Pacific loot; Home 38. Dr. W. M, Van Scoyoc. Dr. C C Van Scoyoc. Dentists. Gsrnett-Corey bldg suite 318. Medfr4. """" uain I'nonea. DIt. .T .T Kvrf wgnhv.tninR ..' surgeon, practice limited to eye. ear. nose, and throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 21a East Main street, over Medronl Hardware company, hours 8.30 u. m, I tu o is hi.; duih pnones. DKB. SAUNDEItS AND GREEN Prao tlce limited to eyo, par, noae and throat Office: Suite 318 Garnett Corev building. Both phoneaL J. M. KEENE. U D. A: A, J HINIKEItT D. D. 8.. Dentists. 223 E. Main. Phone Main 3191. Homo 124K. Chinese Mtdlclnas. CHOW YOUNG'ifChlnose medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness, Paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach troublo, constipation. Indiges tion, womb and bluddor troubles. See me at 241 S. Front st. Medford nr, to 4, 630 to 7:30. Residence phone Phono Main 4a. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the beet equipped job offlco tn Southern Ore gon; book binding: loose leaf Bystnms; uut Ji"Psr. etc., eta, Portland prices. 27 North Fir street SINGER - WHEELER & WILSON sewing mnchlnes for snlo and rent. Re pairs. Care Duncan local resprcsenta tlve. Phone 6013. No. 38 South Fir street. . , ."- ..-.-". Banches Tor Bent. 430 aero ranch, 300 acres under Irriga tion, 10 miles from Medfoid. Gold Rny Realty Co.. 218 West Main street, room 101 Klcctrla Building. Banches Tor Sale. v 640 acres foothill fruit land, 10 mts irura ruuroao, eiauon; iu per ncro OB 10 years time. One-tenth cash, one tenth each year for ton years. Inter est on deferred payments. Biggest bargains ever offered. Hold Rny Re alty Co. room 101 Electrlo Building, 218 West Main. ' Wtenogtsphets. ELI.A MT GUANKAW Palm hiodl Stenographlo work done quickly and Wtlll. MIS3 L. J. HiNGSTH'Publlo Mm'o'fc rapher. Medford. Oregon, Phonees Of fice. Pnelflo 6571; vesldoneo, Pnelfla CV83, Room 218, Oarnett-Corey bldg, Uli A I t, 1, VA I ; i : , 1 mmammmmmmmmmtmmmm