rxajro rpoxm a h MEDFORP MAIL TRTBUNIS, AraUFOUP, 01?I100N, 'PUKRDAY, OOTOHKR a, 101 1. v, J? t- .t te - ft J K i a: I JlBDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AM XNDKI'KNDBNT UKWRRAVfCri PUIIMHHKU KVKKY APTKUNOON HXCKPT SUNDAY. BY THE MBUrOIlO WUNT1NQ CO. The Drmocmllo Time. Th Mcdford Mall. Tnft aictirorn xriouno. ino bouii ern OrrRonlun, The AvhUmt Trlbuno. I TO IMPROVE THE PARK. NOW is Hie time to put forth iutelligeii nn appropriation from the next (. million (ioljars Xor the improvement of Office Mall Tribune UuIUlIn North rir utrcot; llottie 75. a. 2S.27-2U phone, Mam 1021, OKOltaU PUTNAM. Kill tor anil Managor RntweJ aa rcconil-clftaa mattir at Med ford, urejHKr" under the act of March I, 397t. Official Paper of tho Cltr of XtedforJ Official Paprr of Jackson Countjr. BtTBSCRIFTIOK &A.TSI. One year, hy tnall ....?5.00 One month, by mnll ... . B0 Por month, delivered by carrier In Medroru. JUCKBonviuo nnu wa- ll Unlnl . . .50 Hatunliy only, by mall, per year.. 5.00 IViwvkiv. ner year ........ " .......... RWORK CIKCTJUVTIOSr. Brare for six montha enfttnc Dally araro ror six rwmbcr si, mo, a;si. Tall Xioated Wire Tftuttft SfM Dispatch. Tho Mall Trlbuno Is on aale at the Terry News Stand. San Francisco. Ittrlfand Hotel NcWa Stand, Portland IWwman News Co.. Portland. Ore, W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Waah. XZSrOSB, OHEQOIT. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern -California, and tho fastest Krowlnr city In Oreon. Imputation U. 8. cnsua 1J10; 8St0; estimated. 1911 10.000. ... ,, Ktve hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, giving finest supply pure mountain water and lx teen miles ot street belnjf paved ami contracted for at a cost exceeding II, 000,000, making a total of twenty miles Postofflco receipt for year endln March 31. 1911. show increase of 41 per cent. Dank deposits a gain ot 33 per Banner fruit city In Oregon Itogui Illver Bplucnbenr apples won sweep takes prize and title ot "Apple Xing of the World." at tho National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909. and a car of Newtown won Tirst rrise la 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show. Vancouver, . U. .......... Rogue imer peara brought htghesi prices In all markets ot the world dur ing: tho past six years. ' Write Commercial club. Inclosing cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown nl notion to secure ongross of half a the Orator Lake National "PtiVJk and tho roads lending thereto through tho national forest. Engineers have finished their survoy for a road around tho rim of the, orator and other improvement's necessary in the park, whieh will oost approximately .$100,000. The road through the reserve and other improvements will mean another $100,000, so that $500,000 will cover tho. mouoy needed. fy Tho matter must be taken up wjrth Washington officials before congress meets December 1st. The secretary of tho interior and other departmcntxchiefs arc now making up their recommendations for submission to congress, and up on these recommendations depend tho appropriations for tnc coming two yen re. There never was a time when people of Jackson coun ty were in better shape to demand1 the active co-operation of the government in park improvement. They have cer tainly demonstrated their good faith in their efforts to make the park accessible to tourists. As a result scvernl thousand automobiles visited tho p&rk this year, as against none three years ago, and a fjew two yea re ago. Through public subscriptions raised by the Mod ford Commercial Club $23,000 has been, expended iji the con struction of one of the most difficult sections of the Crater Lake highway. This has been suppliniented by some five miles ol new road built by .Jackson county. The state of Oregon has at last co-operated in the con- situcJjou of this state highway by tho loan of convicts ior ioati wornna tne establishment ot a permanent camp. The poophof Jackson county have authorized the issu ance of aimllu&i'Kud n half dollars road bonds for the con struction of porpiaiiesnf''Jughwnys. All of these facts properly presented to the "Washington officials, will create a favorable impression anil probably result in securing the needed recommendations by depart ment duels ana tavorable action bv congress. Y JUDGE CROWELL MAY RETIRE Declines to Deny or Confirm Report that Ho .Is to Leave. Presidency ot First National Report Out that Deuel will Succeed Him. OLD NECESSITY'S" WISDOM. Tho plays ol today seem awful tame When I look back on tho years To tho time I used to sit up high And nilnglo laughs with tears. Wo used to sit, each ncrvo athrlll. Three solid acts of slaughter. And hiss tho villlan when he struck Tho "Gambler's Only Daughter." The eavrotflls used to "grind them' up" , Jndtfcotton presses squeeze (Tho Gillian wore a black mustache? And ga!tcn to his knevs.) Tho plays toJay are much too tame, They're all cut down and boiled, No trains run orer damsels fair. No villlan hisses "foileJ." 'THAT fountain head of all .-judicial wisdom. Attorney - General Crawford, is out with an opinion questioning the validity of the road bonds voted by Jackson county. The attorney general was not asked for any opinion upon these bonds, is entirely ignorant of the conditions un der which they were voted, and, as customarv, bnses his learned opinion upon an entirely false premise. Tho attorney general's .job is that of legal adviser to state officials. Prom these modest duties, however, he has inflated his position into that of sort of a minor supreme court to decide in advance of court rulings in an off-hand and careless fashion on misinformation, questions con cerning the validity and constitutionality of statutes. Attorney General Crawford has evidently earned his inVk-nmo-olL" Old -Necessity" for- necessity knows no law. ' ct -f An Idea for an cxcluslvo little Mod ford club -would be for all thoso who voted against tho bond Issue to organize. Tho Automobile Habit. "Poor fa'hor lost his life while neroplanlng." "Machino fall?" "No, ho was up 1000 foot and tried to crawl beneath to fix it." CLIMAX VOTED FOR GOOD ROADS James Kershaw, Angora Goat King, Waxes Indignant When Report from Antelope District is Mixed Up One Majority for Roads. Gaby Deslys says sho cannot afford to sacrifico her art by marrying. Vf o will bavo to credit Gaby with spring ing the best joko of tho week. "S Italy so far has knocked tho stuff Ingout ot Turkey. 4 The best kind of election bet we know of dswhoro somebody in the crovdyon,rqr,,wJth bets uoineono else a dinner for the bunch. SUAREZ MAY NOT BE VICE PRESIDENT MEXICO CITY, Oct. 3. The clot tlon of Pono Suarez as tlce president of Moxlco Is admitted today to bo doubtful and may have to bo settled finally when tho chamber of deputies consldors the returns as between Su nroz and Vasqucz Gomez, his rival for tho office. If this Is found necessary when tho completed roturns havo been received Francisco I. Madero, who is surely elected presldont, will advlso that ho prefers Suarez as his second In com maud. Climax voted for kooc! roads. Jim Kershaw, Angora Goat Kinp, says to and it is worlk any man's life to tell him he is mistaken. Jim says the voto wns nine in fnvor and eight against and not vise versa as was reported-Monday. . ... Mr. Kcrshnw is very indignant over the nffront offered his precinct on Antelope creek, and he spent Tuesday moniinj; in Medfofd correcting the report. "I wan nil the world to kow,'' states Mr, ivemhnw, "that Cjimnx gave good roads a majority I "watched tho votine nil day n'ld I knew eight votes had heen cast for and against. I wns the last man to vote and I cinched the precinct for tho bonds. Now you correct thai re port or there will be trouble." Hence this correction for Jia ii a big man. 28 PER CENT IS P08TALJCREA8E Year Ending September 30, 1911. Shows Big Increase Over Year Ending September 30, 1910 Mon day was Busy Day. MURD0CK. THE MAN WHO DOES THIRGS WALKKKVILLE, Out., Leaving n luxurious homo in Salisbury Cump, England, to coino to America to mnUo his fortune. Albert Edward Cruder, 20, a nephew of Gcnorul Sir Frederick Benson of tho English ar my mid n grandson of tho Into Arch llisliop of Canterbury, is today driv ing (i truck hero, earning n mengro livelihood, whilo nwniling funds from his parents (o cnublo Jiim to return to England. . lion. Victor Murdook is n fighter No knows how to put to flight the enemies of popular government. And lie is n fighter who knows how lo do tilings. In his eight years ns a member of Congress, thero are n few things he has accomplished: Ho hnsf led the fight for leform in the ndminiblrntion of tho postal sys tem. Ho has removed mnny abuses in tiio weighing of mnils, so Unit ihe government no longer pays for mail sonicd not rendered. No led the fight ngninst Speaker Cannon mid scented the independence of representatives. No was n pioneer in tho hlrugglo ior raie-rcgulalion, Mr. Murdck will lie hero October 0, 19U. IlaskinB for Health. ' Postal receipts for the year end ing September 30, 1911, show nn in crease of 28 per cent over tho year ending September 30, 1911. Tho re ceipls for tho year past ending were dJ,12C.22, while for the year ending September 30, 1910, they totnled $25,395:31." 'Thc-rncTcnso-was 7, 230 or 28 percent. Ycstordn3 was tho heaviest bus iness day yet experienced by the Pos tal Saving bank, .$011 being deposit ed. The tb tul deposits now nrc $12,-415. William S. Crtjwwl, who Im Won nt tho bond of (ho IV Xutionnl bunk of this oily Miieo itituuigiu-ntiou u HHto over nix yem utfo, js voou tv u tiro from Dm prosidiurv of that in stitution, lU'OflrditiK I" w'll defined roiwrt in fiimucml cnele. Mr. Cro wd! declines nt im-M'tit In deny oi confirm tho repot I, sluing tui h elmngos in the uiitiiftjreim'iil of (u bank will bo nummueed after Diev have been made. 10 n further re ported that R IC, itejiu'l will MU'i'tvd Mr. Crow Oil , pi undent of the in -titution. Mr. Crow ell wa-J nelive in Die fot tnnlioii of tho bank wliioh opepeit' fm InisiiiPHrt in Molprd nliotit ni and one-half j ears ago. The ins(itulnn under his innuagvuu'iit Ihih made n wonderful grnwDi, bciiiir tho firt in d oulv institution of ils kind to ia tho million dollar mark 1n SonUu'in Orepm. Tho. bank is now completing the finest bank building in the stnti outxide of Portland, showing its faith in the fnturo of Medford. As Mr. Crowell deoliuos to make n .statement roguidmg the ohniigo nt the present time to what bo will do uito bis tiuio in the future is not known, but it is biliecd Dint ho will retire from neliu biishuw s his health has not been good for some lime past. JJri.JrTvJ. J Wo Aro tho Soiling Agents For CHASE & SANBORN'S COFFEE - . - - . ,.,..,.,. ,.,,.,., KM '"-1 ' FRUIT 2 VEGETABLES! GROCERIES l MEAT BLUE RIBBON FLOUR Tho kind that is onco triod then always nsod ENGINEER THOMPSON ENGINEER OF PORT SEATTLE, Vn., (let. 3. H. Tompsoii, for l( 'ears eitv engineer of Seattle, is toda engineer ot flu newly organized port commission ol Die port of Seattle, lie wk chos. i bv the cninuiisMnu. Nts salary u.i fixed nt .?7."O0 per ear. George F. Cottenll, n former Dem ocratic candidate for governor of Washington, was Thnmoir eluef op ponont for the eleetion. I Warner, Wortman S Gore -l-4--t4g..C.44m44Uit4;444.44.44 J r--, t4 , IT DOES NOT PAY 10 TAKE CNMICM WITH YOUR EYES Many of tho most dirtteult In tbU lrlult have lu w coa(iilly flitt.nl by me. A coll nt my oMro will etwt you imlhlitR nndwltl ennvlnr "ii that you tkt no ctmneort hero. The beat 1 tbv eheapevt. ' DR. RICIiJrLRT r.viiMcitT sim: i i,ist. ovt:tt kiintn'KH'.s ! , M. , , . l y i a. ?A T&T A 7T DA 13TTn J A ?i v s7?e WALL PAPER .and PAINT STORE BUILDING SPECIALTIES CO. :u oitrn iti;Ti.rrr vr. 'tf''4-,''C--CVI-4--4'tfJ TRUANTS ARE GIVEN AWAY BY THEIR VOICES PORTLAND. Ore., Oet. 3. Be t rayed by their voices, Leslie Tur ner, 10, nnd Harold Tucker, 17, two strapping six-foot youths, nrc held under arrest us truants here today awaiting tho nrrivnl of their pnrenls from Seattle. Tho boys ran awny from homo soveral days ago. They attempfed lo enlint in (he United States navy hero nnd would have been passed had not their voice uiniaii-ii uu running mo nromnue scale from deep bnbs to "high squeak", when they asserted that they were of legal age. SEATTLE. Wn. Fifteen Phila delphia girls have written to Jerry O. Ilille, n young Seattle business man and they nil say fhoy just lire dying to romc ouf to Puget Sound and mar ry Jerry. Hut Jerry says it's nil n joke. Some friend of Ilille wrolo n letter asking for n brido nnd signed Ilille's name to tho letter. This was sent to tho chief of polieo in Phila delphia who gave it to llio newspa pers. Tho fifteen i proposals followed. TAQTJXVA BAT oxzaox's ropuzAB dkacx 2XSOBT An Idcil retreat for outdoor pantlrnoii of all kinds HUNTING. KIHMINO, nOATING, HUItl' IIATIIINO, ItlD INO, AUTOINO, CANOBINO, DANC NO AND ItOLLKlt 8KATINO, AVIioro protty tvatcr ukiIch, inorni uKntnn, moon-stonoH, cnmeltuns can 1 found on tlm beach. 1'uro mountain wntur and tho brut of food ut low prlcrn. Froiili fltth. clam, crabs and oyotern, with abunilanco of veBotablc of ull kinds dally, Campln? Oronndi Oonvenlmt and At tractive wlta Strict Banltary Strulatlona. row bound ran skaiov TICKXT rrom All Polnti In Oregon, Walj lngtoa and Zdabo, on sals dally. t-VKTC ATUBDAY-MOWDAY TICKET Look nttho ads that offer em ployment and you'll findUie right onn soon. from Bouthorn Paolflo points Portland to Cottah'u Orovii, bImo from all C, & II stations Albany nnd utsst. CJood Koine H.iturday or Hunday and for roturn Hunday or Moiiduy. Call on ony H. V. or C. & K, Aftent for full purtlculars uh to fared, train HclicdulfH, etc i also for copy of our Illustrated booklot, "OutliiKa In Oru t'on," or wrlto to VM, MoMOKXAT Mineral Vttntnger Agnt, Portland, Oretron. Rugs Tkat Match rHE main requirement of a nig is that it sliuu'ld matoh tho dcooratioiiH of your room hannoni.o with tho wnll paper, wl'.li the jialutliig and the ruriiUiiti). Tito provBllUijs Htyln of dotorulloiiM nrniiud boro nro known to im, CoiiH'ijiirnlly, In Dim new stock of fdHlilon ulili) rui that wo huvo Juut bought, you can 1 aUoluto fy (urliiln ot Dmllng what you want--a bountiful rug Hint will hnrmoulzn ami look ohKant, 'I Jin pi lees nro alxoumdo in f itiv pocI.it.s(.'iiiin) In iiuil bo louvliiieil oiwi ir jou ii not buy. ' Wo wUb to nniotinco Dial Jlr. llaiilof, of tho woll known linn ot ADy.m DroH. of Pnnlnml, In hoio with a comploto lino of Oruntal iukh. Wo conllully Invito all Dioo who aro IntorcUcd ti tall and oo thorn-. Some of Our Specials: Dxi2 Axminwtor vtrs.no to ijmn.im 0x12 TapoMtiy SAM (o K (,i( Weeks & McGowan 'Co. Where to Go Tonight r4t4t-t4 I t-l THE ISIS THEATRE ANOTIIKU DOlMlldC lllldi. Ior tho inl th too dlij'B mili wo llll0 (LINTON A.VM Itl'SKKMi Tim Hinging, Diiiiiliig iiuil (,nliU Chungo AiiiDnIn, anil Til DWIIITI? 'I ln Hhiiltfiii'ii CoiiumIIiiii unit .MoiioouU( . who linn plioed 111 uok of Bnllb' vim . (.'oiiMidiHiin, niiil oiion on Oiiilmiim nlrculi, Orinhur 31, Don't fall lo dm tlilM bill If jou wunt In IhiirIi Dotiix opn ut 7 0'iliMl. Sliurp, ; UGO Theatre Tlio Unit .Motion PI. lur.'N unit .Miitle lutln CIiiiii;i of 1'iogtnui lt'iy ... I toy. Any nlrturo will Ih enrrtdvaf Hi'foml dAy by rmtiitin untno t box offlif, mid III mirli n on tnii will lo tho iuiiiiI t tit uu nuivU ret'ls mid Him extra. fie nnd tile. AFTER ALL IT Jpsilfec. x sT NARROWS j gra f 19 ' jf5 to ' f m Sfhi l$Mft - ' The Herrlvold Shop ; 11 II I llJffiSwW4 VMM I ft -111 BLANK will , 1 . BOOKS WkM ;i 1 Newpori ag:. -0 N j."'"' Kl 4 f " mif ti.,ij, "i !. '. 1 itl),,') , v.tn'ii ), ,,,t. nuiUf iltl lUMIldrjr. QHftllty work upK ulci to r,uH)' lovni. It Im to tlilN I'lnna of KMipb ttuit w mtar. Our work eHit ni) ittort than (lift onllnnry klnl May wn tall for your IiiiiuIIp? THE STAR Steam Laundry Mcilfnril, Ort'gou. IU-II I'Im.iio lilOl tloine nn Mlfn StomltjforU'o I'lnno iVchuol 1'lniio, Harmony niiil Mmileal lllnuiry BJIIIA'T. HTAN'niJl'Oltl) ICxamtuar for .Vow lSiiglnml CuiiaorvMlury of Mtmlo tu Iloattin Miiko n MiHM'lHlty of trulntng ttvtrhorii 8iiil for tontliiunilnln ail leruiK. I'honn 7211, 170 UI5 Noitli Onkitole. PLUMBING H'li:..M AND HOT WATKU 1IKATINO All Work auurmitettd Priced lteiiHonublo 2n lliyninl Utoik, Kulrrtr on (Kli 8iref, Coffcen & Price I'mlflc llll.lt Homo mu Draperies W enrrv a vf-ry eompiuio llrin of ilrnirlnN. fnrn oiirlnlim, lxtiiri-, nto. ni ( nil !, of unriulitoriiiK A ri'7i,.I.u "i"in . Iik rir thin ork knivlon Hit In jiuniilliUi to Knt In ovon Urn lnrKi-m cIIIuk Weeks & McGowan Co Japanese Bamboo Waste Baskets Best for t.he House & Office Small & Large Book Store ji.SMif J ! ' W ,ArfM, tVM jyjm-MMrtM dhwMi. ?,JiAjT- rf- mwmfdiM:: Wil(lM,wW', " r.?