l ll,lH IvMlll ..).. f H M H (MMtf l (' r t . . r t b ' 4 , - w ( p . - -. -iv v jw t jtinui'lwir.lw,ww"f"' uuy nan it ,ftj t. 7,; (By SUBSCRIBERS l'nlllntr t trek vnr wlU livt one Ullvera by Dlioulnif of- , fluo tiy 0 it, in, Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Iluln Mux. Oil; Mln. 4fl ltd, Hum. II. Iinlly-fllntli Yfhr. Korly-Plml Your. AnuDjrojiD. ojnoaox, tCjimim v, ootoijkk :j, iiui. No. 1G7. TURKEY SEEKING INTERVENTION FIRST VIOLENCE COMES IN GREAT STRIKE ON RAILROAD ITALY WANTS TO CONTINUE EXHIBITS ARE BEING PIACED FOR BIG FAIR By Tonight Everything will lie, In Place anil Fnlr will Open In Earn est .VVeUncsUay Carnlvnl to Open till: ' " ' RACES ARE TO OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Many Fast Horses will Compete on Local Track Noted Starter Is Hero TiiiIhv i 11 Imih.v day ul lli fuir liuildiupt. Work U well under win if placing (Iih oxhiblt. a lursc iiiiiu- Imr of Ilium being broiudil "" Whili today wiim opening day, ilmiii will woo llio fair nmlly under way. Today tint fluiidiiiig touches nro lie hit; put on. Tim friill, vwduhhi mill gahi v hlbit nro being placed by 0. K. Wliisler mill J. A. VYcwIitrliiiid, while Miiyor Cniioii niiil (, Potter tire in charge of I In- exhibit building. A huge iiiiiiilu'r of exhibit Ihim been reooived mill nrit being yell placed. )). T. Itiintmi i busy will) (Ins en lriiHiiii!iMhnr,ileprtiMWit? mid Jack Morrill Ik herding Hid pig to tlutir roupeolivo pen. (I. I,. Sober iiiokIiiuii w In ehnrgo of tin' sheep mill gunlM mill M. Y llmiltiy the cattle. Clinrhm Tull mnl Dr. Hchmt aro liiiny securing local home' for tin vneiiig event, for vltlli tho piogrmu will upon WVOnuMlity. Tliu itmiwte,t'iiiiiit of llu fair hii" Hoeurod tlio irvloo of Starling Judge McCarthy of Oakland, Cnl., who i unit of tint liOMt known HlnititrH in tin Intuition. Ill- IlllH Jtint completed llll tii'rt iih sturlor jit Portland, Sali'in mill Itowiburg anil will go 1 HoUo, Idaho, ntixt week. ('. M. Spook of Spokmic, will act iih the presiding judge mid will ho assisted liy M. I. Anderson, mill MoHHrn. lingers, Kov noldrt and Hiiuni. Tho timers will ho 1. L. Mi'Alillo mid II. II. Graham. Among "tho cutties for tho week aro: Axnoln mid IConuclh ('., limit owned li.v ) C Wallace of. San Dioyn, (Jul. Tho first i's a paoor, and lou- nolh ( Iiiik trolling n id of 'J:i:i 1-1. ltooKod to enter tho 2:11 nni! tho free for all, V. P. Norton ol jMn irJlifiulil, Oro., outer Hull ,M. mo Viilnin .., Imth Irottoi'ri v.iMi liil ror.OnlH. i ' ' (l,i ft I't'iioltnii of Kiujono, cjilvr llaron I.ovolaco (panor, '.8.1 I '. A) mid Hall (lray,'hto a pit"ir of 'J:1P !(. IlohliloH lhc(', Ihoro uro innny iif tho looal Jjot'MOri liooUod 'or tin tho hvl'iiIh of thoir 3;m i'o ri.t h i val Tho firMt halloon aKoonsion wil' ho hold Wt'dnwday aftotnuoii at ' o'olook. Tho Koloy, (lorunm and Hurt Car. nival company will open tonight, FEDERAL COURT MEETS. ADJOURNS TELEPHONE GIRL IMPORTANT FIGURE IN "GET RICH QUICK" SCHEME Hull IBHaBMIMKi vyJ'l-'vBBKBBWBl j r-r. iliJHBHlH t V lit IIIb - M 'til ri3nTS!MB "&. v H n' X CLASH I R 0 OS STONE IN FATALITY One Strike Breaker Killed and Rail road Guards InjuredAir Hose on Trains at West Oakland are Severed. MANY ENGINES DEAD CARS OUT OF REPAIR Rolling Stock is Deteriorating Rap idly- Additional Men Go Out. HOUSTON Tt'xaa, Oct. 3 That J. J. IMpes, a strikebreaker, was killed anil Gordon Knight, a strikebreaker, II. I). Crockett and II. U. SIsk, rail road guards, wero wounded In a clash I near tho Southern Pacific yards here Inst night Is admitted today by officials. ySQD .OCHlt-LUfci. MISS MADELINE RUSSE Jurod riatK. Jr, who with several others. Including David N. Morgan, a former United States Treasurer, ncro arrtMti'd In New York following an xpaso of a "get rlQh ipilck" scheme, hag bwm retenscil oa ball. Edward U. JihHri fl 'an KIhsk'n confJdeita1 fllerk"."ai'sft'nnlarjf ?50 tP week has hen' ruleasCil. "$&-'' " AUT'MnlfolfnVrtlT'o,a pretty i7fwieon-)'enr-oil girl, Is said to havo been tho master mind In the affairs of tho company. BIG TRUSTS WlinUBMII Wlckersliam Busy Working Out De tails for Reorganization of Elec trical, Powder and Harvester Com binations Grocers Also Submit. TluijicKiilar October lorni of l'Vd oral (toiirl was opuncd in Mod ford thlH iiiiirniiiK by U B, C'lorlc Can lion mid U, B. Minnlml rartiu, mid wiih iiiljoinnud li .lanunry H, llll'J, Thoro aro u i'ow i'iihoh lo oomo lie foro (IiIh coiiil in this district hnl tho JVdoral ol'licoiH nro not proparcd io lake Ilium up at IIiIh I into, and tho United Slati'H olork and iiiiii'nIiiiI wore mint boro from i'orllaud lo convene coiiil, iih 1h rofpiirod by law, 'tuid to iidjoiiru its hohhIoii to ilio dalo nmiiud til m vo, at which (imo a trial jury will ho drawn and tho oiikcij tried. Look at tho mln for tho clinuco in buy tho property you need at n "rlflit prioo," NKW VOHK, Oct. 3.- UriguiiiK iiiuiiiiu'IiIh fmui four mid possibly live of the hl;;got.l t rusts in tho Unit ed SIiiUuj that thoy will uillior rc- oivmiir.0 or (IiNiutegrale, uniieii SlaloH Allornoy (leiieral Wickcrsham arrived horo today. HiPwill leturn to WiiMhitiglon iio.xt week. Tho tuihlH to xiibiuit aro the dee trioal, opwduif 'ilnl harvuHler trust- iiud the SAulbiirii WJudwalo flroe f - errt' iiHhOuiuiioii. It ih also qonl'i ileittly Hinted that tho hteel corimra lion may ro-ornuizo, depilo tlio do fiaut htatoiimnts of .Mdrgan and (ju ry. Wiokoi'idiaiu is himy horo in work iiiK out tho delailH for tho 'ro-ormiui-xatioux. Ho Iiiih already been stie eoMsful in i'oiciiiK tho (niblrt into iiKiecmeutri that liavu rovolutiouizod thoir biittiucris, Ho w.ill boon taku tho four UKioumuut.s, with tho trusts nioiilioned, into tho federal ciioult court, whom-tho tiiiKl.s' oouiihol will inform the court tif their williiiKinwH to ro-oi'Kmiixo in oonformity with tho iiKi'ooinoidri, Wiloy Vindicated. WASHINGTON, I). C, Oct. II. Complelo victory for Or. llarvoy Wi loy, in his figM for a frco hand iih piveriinient pure food export emtio today when tho following Htateiuenl wiih isKiiod from tho department of agriculture: "(leorgo 1. MeCabo, nolioitor of llio dopariiueul of arimiliure, Iiiih iihIjoiI to ho relieved from Hor-vlm on llio hoard of food mid drug in Kpootiou. I lis rciiuost Iiiih been granted. Hr, ,. Ouuliip, assooialo cliemiHt, Ih iing on vaoatinn, and durliiK bin nlihejicojDr. (. !;, Doiil tic, eliiof of tho bureau of oliomistvv in Now York, wil laot with Hr. Wi loy on tho board of J'ood and drug liispootiou," KNIGHTS BOLD FORTJJN CITY Sixth District Lodges Meet .in this City and arc Warmly Greeted Business Session Held Today Banquet Last Night. The first nuMidou of tho Southern Oregon Convention of tho !'uij;h:s ol Pythias wag held in Chnpll Hall lat night. Tho lodgo hall wn filled to. its ca pacity mid tho Medf rd team put on third rank work, .and wero tho lv eipienl of many wor hv c'iuime:ii!.t tor fiom the iil in,; lviu!it. Aftur the c.l-:e ork a, sphhdd IContlniiml i I 'imth 6 ) 0' BO S i ULTIMATUM OLDEST COLLECE GRADUATE IBs. wn-deBeEtfllH II jBhB9JBh ,' IJ1 RANKIN. THE STRUGGLE nlMoIuteiy Refuses to Consent ts Intervention pfv,Pw;$ aslAskM P'by Turkey-Scorts IdeafJ ftp 1 Ing Cash for Tripoli. WILLIAM William Rankin, tho oldest college graduate In America, has Just cele brated his 101st birthday. He ob served tho day quietly at the homo of his daughter, Mrs. Ellen H. nilsa. Val ley road. Summit, N. J., where ho Ihes. Mr. Knnl.ln enjoys good health and keeps posted on current events by reading the newspapers ev ery day. He goes out drlv'ng every clear day. Mr. Itankln Is a graduate of Williams college. CZAR IS SAID TO BE , READY TO SUPPORT TURKS DROWNED All Men Who Left the Employ of the Railroad Will Forfeit Their Posi tions If they Fall to Return by 4 O'clock Wednesday. PORTLAND. On-.; Oct. 3. An ul timatum addressed to the Hlrikiui; shopmen of tho Oregnn-Vn-htitgton and Navigation company and other Southern Pacific lines in Oregon, was issued by General Manager J. 1. O'Hricn iiero today. The statement declines that all men who left the employe on account of labor trou bles, will forteit their position and , Air Hose Cut, OAKLAND, Cal.. Oct. 3. Air hosor on all freight trains going out of West Oakland yards wero severed during the night. It Is reported that an effort Is being luado to repair tho damage at Sacramento. On one train I of twenty-five Sars every hose vaa severed. Notice of a reward of $500 for In formation leading to the arrest of the persons resopnsiblo for the action has been posted nt tho yardmaster's of fice. Kuglnes Den i). Union officials aro endeavoring to ascertala tho number of dead engines In each shop on the coast Harrlman lines, and It has been learned that there are five out of commission In Oakland and a considerable number In Sacramento. Union leaders de clared this afternoon that other roll ing stock Is dally deteriorating and mauy cars are In need of repair. At Pajarao, an Importa point near tho Santa Crus mountains, whore much ropalr work Is done, all shopmen and seventeen carmen havo struck, according to B. L. Iteguln. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 3. P. G. Athearn, head of tho bureau of eco nomics of tho Southern Pacific rail road, today would glvo out no state ment in regard to tho general strlko situation here ou tho Harrlman linos. IN DID STORM ON NORTH SEA Now Certain that Turkish Fleet Is Safe Within the Dardanelles- Transport Sunk HOME, Oct. 3. It Ih officially an nounced here tonight that Italy haa thus far captured 57 Turkish ves sels, of all sizes, including warships, transport! and merchantmen. Tur key has captured three Italian vessels. iContliuiPit on I'obh .) (Continued on rage Two.) 1H010I0 TO BETI1UNE FROM LAW 'J Such Is Price Paid by Steel Trust During Recent Decline in its Prices On New York Market. WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. Ono of tho Now Vork financial pa pern vhioh has llio interest of Wall it root very much nt heart, printed a ftutcmcut following I ho recent ditui banco in llio steel market io the offec: Hint tho flurry unused a d'-'clino in Meil hIiim-ch of npproimatetv ono bundled million dollars, , In tho three days -if llio flurry nearly oiio-third cf tho trmt'i .jMU), 000,000 of common slook'w.H Hold on tho Htook o.sohnngo in such volume that tho prieo was carr;,d to new low level, tliUK showing ih.it llio ono hundred mill Inn a in doylino represent tho amount of money it in worth to (ho trust to ho considered immune from tho operation of tliu Miurmnii law. Nothing linn happened to indicate that anything in wrocp; with the iu trinsio vidua of tho .ihol propo ties. Tho mills uro working as .istuil, and nro in exactly tho hiiiuo sduo of ef fioionoy thoy wore in two yeiuago who.il tin) si)qc was gulllnrr nt Its hitth wiit or murk. Tho flivinkago eamo because of rumors th.it tho trust was to be prosecuted, and a die busiuu&s tho real InwiiioM- of tlio trust was not iuinred.u mv way, tlio ono hundred millions Minptv iepu sonts tho 'excess profit! tho trust stood to Una in tlio vpnt of disso lution under the applioatiin of tho Sherman law. In oilier words tho shrinkago serves hb a inensuvo of tlio iiluo to tho trust of u license lo vio late tho law. When that license was threatened tho trust's shares fell immediately, and thk fall in prices, simply as the ifchijj f a scare, is Fear of Losing its License to Violate Law Which Caused Steel Trust to Suffer CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct- 3 Tur key, for the third time, today ap pealed to the powcra to intervene iu the war with Italy evidently with.tfie idea of savinjj its tcrriory i'roav the invasion of the Latins. Tho Porte neenses Italy of violating .all intcr- -national xulea. in deelariBRi aa& a- . ., , ,, , w ,--i'- Jphasizotk,f,-HMitkfeMitlM2'- Fnrfv.fivp I am vrjwm WrMkee I'-. , - '...'. .... -...!:i.rr - 100 Bodies Washed Ashore at Stcenbergen Great Damage Done Much Property Lost. AMSTARDAM, Holland, Oct. 3. Advices received here today state that there was a heavy loss of life as the result of the hi storm which swept over tho North Sea on Sun day aua much loss of hhipping prop erty. Forty-five large vessels are wrecked and most of their crews per ished in the angry waters. It is known that 12 mussel fishing boats havo been destroyed or badly dam aged in various parts of tho sea. At Stcenbergen 'JS bodies were washed ashore. It became known here tonight that at least 100 persons were drowned in Sunday's storm. Jfare than 100 corpses have already been washed ashore. pretty sure lo he used by the Demo erats as an argument for making so surities keep down to their real val uo through an enforcement of tho anti trust law. Commenting on tho fall of steel prices, Chairman Stanley, of tlio houso committee which just now is investigating tho steel triint, said that nothing could better demonstrate tin necessity of enforcing tho anti truit law. "It is obvious," Mr, Stanloy said, "that the reason steel stocks fell a hundred million dollars is beeauso tho trust was operating under an as sumption of immunity from prosecu tion under tho anti trust act. Tho instant that immunity was threatened tho stocks fell. Tho very insecurity of tho basis on which tho. trust rests as thus shown, is sufficient reason for nn application of tho law that will compel tho steel 'millionaires to put their business on a more legitimativo foundation. Otherwise, their stock- TAR DISAGREES WITH LAND PLAN President Voices Sensational Disa greement With Findings of Public Land Congress Now in Session at Denver. DKXVEIl, Col. Oct. 3. Sensation al disagreement with tho findings of tho public land congress was voiced horo today by Prosldont Taft. Tho convention had already adopted reso. lutlons reserving to the. different states control of tho publla lands within their bordors as ngulnst con trol by tlio federal govornmont. To Jheso resolutions Presldoat Taft em phatically took excojitlou. Ho said in part: "While you havo already reglstorod your vordlct on many points of which I totally dlsagreoo with you, you want to remombor that tho question is how wo aro to find an afflrmatlvo romedy for tho existing situation. Tho big problem la now much of a romedy you can secure for tho ovlls oxlstlug. 'Tho proposition before you Ih holders will always bo approhousivo, whether you will lose nil by claiming fliet coulinue, Turkey willwretklwfar ' to the fullest extent. Tho note adds: "Tho Sultan Jias so far postponed such measures, hoping that it is still possible to end the war on a basis of justice and equity." Italy Kefuscs. LONDON, Oct 3. Absolute refus al by Italy to consider tho acceptance of intervention by the powers io the burden of dispatches from Rome re ceived by diplomats here today. Tur key, say Constantinople advices, scorns tho idea that Italy pay cash for Tripoli, and in the light of these statements little hopo of on early termination of the struggle is felt in official circles here. Malta cables to tlio for"ign of fice, declare that tho Turks in gar rison in Tripoli aro suffering little from today's bombardment by tho Italian fleet. Moslems nro said to hold n strong position 50 miles in land, in which they will entrench when finally driven back from tho coast. Sixty thousand Arabs nro said to havo joined tho Turks, whoso advance guard to tho main force is now 20 miles fro mtho const, when' the Italian landing in tho city of Tri poli is completed, desperate battles aro expected before they nro able to really begin tlio conquest of tho in terior. Transport Sunk. It is reported thnt before tho bonvf hardment of tho city began tho Itul imis sank tho Turkish transport Dor. nn. It is now certain Hint tho Turkish fleet is safe intho Dardanelles, It is nnchorcd off Mngar. Tho Turkish government today, in fear of possiblo attempts ngainst its warships, noti fied all morchantmon that tho war vessels will open firo upon any ship which nttempts to pass their anchor ago nt night. St. Petersburg reports nyp that tho Czar is roady to support Turkey in tho Itnlian conflict if thq Port will assure to nil Russian vessqln a freo and unrestricted passage of the Dardanelles herenftor. No express sion is yet obtainable from tho Hrit ish foreign office as to what stand will lio taken by England in reference to this arrangements. " v lu with compromlso and concession and secure wha yon can, "You think many things I don't think, according to your resolutions, For Instaiico, you aro utterly opposed to tho loaslng system for disposing: of, (Continued on pace 3,) government coal and mineral lands. I favor, that, although I would not too much or whether you will comonciujo agricultural lands,;" y?l wt M( I J- V 1 '-.' ! ftIV4 V - -VjlVWM-!t4-f ',iMf M't-" "