PGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, M13DFORD, QKMON. MONDAY, OOTOniOlt 2, 1!)1 1, ?- u. w LOCAL AND PERSONAL r- 13. V. Or'nlimil, tllo rrhniicct 'r1"-1 hetiB grower, Is lu Mcitfonl on liust- Banltary French Dry Clwmlng Works. Mrs. 13. v. Cnrder returned Snt iinlny from n fow days' v'olt with hprMsbnnd'nt Dorliy. 'failles, ''liavo your suit mn'dov toy tho Berlin Ladles' Tailoring Co., at Central Tolnt, Or. 1T3 Mr. and Mrs. Hnuklns. of Gallon, Ohio, were In Mcdford over Sunday. These people, woro hero looking for n dcfltrablo location In which to lo cate. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4. GO mr cord. Gold Hay Ko.-ilty Co. Mrs. KMma' Sharp of- Dos Molnos, Iowa, Is In Mcdford for a visit to her Jirothor, ,1V M. Wilson and fam ily , At thofSIgn of Yo Nifty. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Ilruco came in Sunday frpni their splendid home stead, near Butto Falls, nnd on Mon day,, Mrs. Britco lqft for n month or Blx weeks' visit with Spokane friends. Loland Holbrook, of Albany, who hav ticen spending his vacation In Medfofd, returned to his home this morning. Chlneso Sacred Lilies and Japanese air plants at Broadley's. Phono B181. , , - Dr. J. P. Iteddy was In Glendale over Sunday on business. Buy your winter's wood cheap now, $4.r.Q per cord. Gold Kay Itcalty Co. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Bitter of Loiir Beach. Calir. were in Med ford over Sunday. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. J4.G0 per cord. Gold ltay llealty Co. Mrs. Edith Grigsby came in from Butto Kails Sunday, and loft Monday morning for a visit with relatives a Tolo. t See It. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. L. D. Burdlct and family left Sat urday for a visit with Portland rela tives. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.50 per cord. Gold Bay Realty Co. Mr. and Mrs. a S. Estcll of Wood vlllc, spent Sunday In Medford. S. A. Novell, ladies' tailor. Room 15, P. O. Bullulng. 174 J. W. Lane ot Gold Hill was Bi one Medford friends Saturday. Banltary French Dry Cleaning Work.,. Attorney G. V?.- Cherry, Is erecting a flno bungalow home on his prop erty, near the city reservoir. It Is to cost about $2500 and J. Q. A. Farth ing Is building it. Wo are now buying Winter Nell? poors. Sea us before selling. Pro ducers' Fruit Co. Mr. and Mrs. R. . Smith were in Medford Saturday from their home In Gold Hill.. II. L. Neall is In Grants Pass today pn business. Carkln & Taylor (John IL Car kin, Glenn O. Tayior), attorney-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. " Rev. Adams, an evangelist for the Christian church, left this mowing for tho north. He preached to a largo audiqneo In the Christian church in this city yesterday. Irish crochet lesson books at The Handicraft Shop. No. 20 North Cen tral. 170 Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Petorman of Un ion, Oregon, arrived in tho city and will visit hero with P. R. Smith and family of 51 Beatty street. Exclusive designs in handmade jewelry at Tho Handicraft Shop. 20 North Central. 170 Mrs. W. L. Brazeo of aJcksonvIlle returned from Portland. She was ao. coinpanied home by her bother-In-law, Mrs. W. Brazeo. Born To Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brnlnerd, September t4h, a son. The ladles or tho Catholic church will sofyo dinner Wednesday and Thursday, October 4 and 5, In the store room formerly occupied by tho Nicholson Hardware company. Tho dinner will bo served from 11 to 3. Prlco 50 coats. 1C9 C. Walker, the real estale man, s lit A.khlnnfl today on "business. " .Mr. and Mrs. Q. M.Barnet,t left this morning for Sacramento. Tho Pacific & Eastern is selling TO ARREST MAN IT PRISON GATE i n v V one-third round trip rates to Mod ford from all ticket station on account of tho fair, commencing Tuesday. The lai'les oriSt. An's Society of the nCtholIc church will servo a chick en dinner' at noon Wednesday and Thursday, October 4 and 5, In tho building formerly occupied by the Nicholson Hnrdwaro store. Prlco RQc. Tho ladles of tho Altar Society of the Catholic church served tea In the! hall on Oakdale nrcnuo from 3 to 5 p. in. Wednesday. Mri. C. Burgess. Mrs. Bare and Miss Brass served. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. J4.&0 rcr cord. Gold Buy Realty Cp. Twelve acre fruit aad alfata land for sale. Call on Cy Carey. Talent, Orcsan. , At the Sign of Ye Nitty., , , W. II. Aldeuhagcn's automobile party, en route to Crater l.ake, are reported to bo tied up at the En yart placo on Rogue river, with a crippled car, New International Encyclopedia Dictionary, three volumes; Just what is needed by teacher or student for sale at a batgaln. Address, Falrvtaw, Jacksonville. Rev. Ev O. Eldrldgo preached two splendid sermons at the M. E. church Sunday. The church was filled to Its capacity In the morning and nearly so at tho evening services. Rev. El dridge Is tho new pastor who comes here from Roseburg. It his pennons of Sunday may bo taken as a sample of "what the good people are to listen to for tho nest twelve mouths, a much larger placo of worship will be an ab solute necessity. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.50 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Lowry of Law ton. Oklahoma, have been the guests of Mr. and Mre. J. A. Pearl, left Sun day for Klamath Falls. Mr. Lowry Is a retired merchant ot Lawton and will return to lecato in the valley. Ladles, If you want your hair made into fashionable coiffure please bring It to me. I also color and buy hair, Mrs. L. L. Reame, 246 Oakdale ave nue, Medford, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pearl were. County Treasurer and Mrs. Crone- Biiller's guests at dinner at their Jack sonville home Sunday. J. C. Schmidt has both phones in stalled In tho old Davis warehouse and will bo glad to quote you prices on all kinds of feed and poultry sup plies. Mrs. aMrtha Muldoom ot 230 North Ivy street returned this morning from a visit to Portland. Sho was accom panied home by her daughter, Mrs, McLean, and her son, Lawrence J, Muldoon. Look! look! the largest catch ot than over before in Mcdford. All this week Halibut, black ?od and ling cod 10c per lb.; selva smelt, 12 l-2c lb.; red salmon, 15c lb.; sturgeon cat fish, 18c lb.; spring chickens, 20c; fresh creamery butter, 30c; flno steel cut coffe, 30c lb. Fresh shipment of tin ninhaddy Just arrived. Also fresh fish at the Fish Market Just arrived clams and oysters. Messier & Kent- worthy. The dance to ho given by the K. of P. boys tomorow night will be at their ball Instead of at the Natatorlum as was first given out. A. C. Allen and family and Prof, and Mrs. P. J. O'Gara left this morn ing for Klamath county. They will go first to Mr. Allen's houso boat, at Rock Point, and after enjoying a sev eral days' cruise about tho lake they will tlo up at Wlldwood, Mr. Allen'8 summer home, where they will re main several weeks. 1 When Harry Davis Walks Forth from Penitentiary October 6 He Will be Immediately Me-arrestctl on Second Charge. Constable SiiiRler will leave Moil ford Tuesday for Snlcm to servo n warrant of arrest on llnrry DivvU for forgery. Davis, on October Cth. will hvr served a two .veur' term in the )on jtcntiury for n forgery committed in Jackson, county. There, wns another foiycry com mitted hi Medford by Davis nt tin. time the one whs emmuitted foi which he wns convicted, but this scooud one did not, como to Hunt until after lie had been sentenced for the first offense. Wnrner. Wort man & Gore were the victims of tin Inst forgery nnd the amount of tho chock forjied was for $S1.70. Constable Singler will ho nt the prison door to servo the second war rant, on October 0th, when Dnvis shall have paid the penalty for lit first offense by two years imprisonment. ALL WRONG. The .MMakc It Made by .Many Med font Citizen. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDBIJTiaCERS Itay FboBe M71 Night Pbome F. W, Weoks S071. A, PL Orr, NH, LADX ASSISTANT. Er JOHN A PFRI Undertaker and Eutbalmer 3ucces3or to tho undertaking de- J ; Offlco 28 South Ilartlctt Street Telephones: day, Boll 471; night realdonco, Bell 473. Homo 179-L. .. .... Unit answered tught or uay AMUlJIANCJi) SKItVIOK I M tJfr W. C T. U. CONVENTION'. Medford, October 5-10. TJelegatea from every portion of our stato will arlvo in Mcdford this coming week to attend tho state con vention of tho W. C. TT. U. aStur day evening will be a most Interest Ing debate. Question: "Should tho Orcgou women be Enfranchised?" by Mesdames Addltou, Sbeeth, Harford, and Booker. Every woman in Medford and vi cinity should hear this lecture. Oon't mistake the cause of back ache. To bo cused you must know the cause. It Is wrong to Imagine rolief Is cure. Backache is kidney ache. You must euro tho kidneys. A Medford resident tells you how. Mrs. William Charley, Grape street, Medford, Oregon, says: "The publlo statement I gave In pralso ot Doau's Kidney Pills In 1907, still holds good. I occasionally tako this rem edy and find that It keeps my kldd neys In proper working order. A fall was the cause o( kidney com plaint with me. The kidney secre tions were unnatural and sometimes I had such acute pains in my back that I could hardly bend over. I did not sleep well and despite tho use of plasters, liniments and remedies ot various kinds, I continued to suffer. While In that. condition, Doan'a Kid ney Pills woro brought to my atten tion and procuring a box at Haskins Drug Store, I commenced using them In about two weeks I felt better and tho contents of four boxes made me well, I .have recommended Doan'n Kidney Pills to many other people." For sale by all dealers. PrJco 50 cents. Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sola agents for tho Unit ed States. Remember tho name Doan's and take no other. Violin Sinker. Repairing of all stringed Instru ment8. Violin repairing a specialty. Corner of 8th and Central avenue. 177 , CHAS, HARRIS. NOTICE. Sept. 2S. 1011. Notice Is I erpby given that I, tho undersigned, will not be responsible for any debts hereafter contracted!))" my wife, Georgia Firehaugh. Signed, J. L. FIREHAUGH. 180 Haskins for Health. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1 c 4. 4.4- 4-4- 4-4- 4- -t- WANTED Will locato a party on 1C0 acres government land eleven mjles from Medford. Box r.22. P. O. ICO WANTED AGENTS One of tho best selling articles on tho coast; $10 return for every $2 invested; eith er sex. Mack Blowers, Gojd Ipll, Ore. FOR RENTHouBokeopIng rooms, 2 or-3 In Biilto. 108 E. 14th sticct. Phono C0C2. ' 171 CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Office of the City Treasurer. Medford, Oregon, Sept. S9, 1911. Notice 4s hereby given that there aro funds ou hand In tho city treas ury for tho redemption of outstand ing city warrents issued ngalnst the following funds: Warrants No. 1 and 2, on Lateral No. 9, T)lst. No. 11. Warrant No. 1, on Lateral No. 10, Dlst. No. 11. Warrant No. 1 on Lateral No. 8, Dlst. No, C. Interest on tho name will cease after tho above dato. . L. h. JACOBS, 167 City Treasurer. Glean Up Your Stomach And (las, Houhu-, ni.luch, Head- uches itHtfjlf-ul lit ojmt.JWIll tlo. , Jf yo(u really want Tclcan, Bweot, pure s'tomacli, free .from gas, sour- new apd distress, go to Chan. Strang today and get a 50-ccnt box of MI OJ.VA Stomach, Tablets. , Tako, these little tablct& acordlng to directions and If at tho end of n week you aro i)Ot brighter, stronger an (J more vigorous, Just say so and got your money back. For heaviness after eating, eructa tion, lieartburn and taht distressed feollrjg, JII-O.-NA Stomach Tablets wllj glyo rqljof In flvo mlnutos, Largo 'box of MI-0,NA STOMACH TABLETS, P0 cents at Chas. Strang's and druggists everywhere. Alltns In Mdlevl Time. Medieval England had rough nnd ready way of Injuring the good behav ior of alien. According to tho Sax From Uecoti to Uccnn by null, Tho completion of tho first railway which made It possible, to go by rail from tho Atlantic to tho Paclllc vn .. v, -. "" - " - cl,ei,rtod Mn.v 10. 1S(U). when 11 gold on law ot frankpledge, which remained , .. . ,,,, ,,. ,, ,.i.... At In force until KU0. no "tiu.-dolor might (u, j0u,. of t, central l'acllle itud entertain a foreigner longer than ' tJitloit l'acllle nt Promontory. Utah day nnd a nlgbl iinles:" he uiidgrtook to ' The iicono wns comincmorHtod by Urol nnwer for his guest's behavior. No Unrte In a pocpi and proscrved for tho foreigners were allowed to keep hotels; ndintrntlon of the fu'uro by n iiiiimnIvi' In London. Some luvamo uitturnllxnl J painting which wns reproduced lu mi In order to qualify for this privilege.) engraving: which had wide popularity Even those were not suffered to coni' i Tm similar last spike, of tho Northern pete on equal terms with tho natives, Pnclllc was driven Sept. 8, 1SSII. near being required to lap their houses j the mouth of Gold creek. In Montiiiiii. "In the heart ot the city" and rigidly j On the earlier wild the Urst through excluded from tho more protltnble re- i rar frotn the Paclllc reached Now glons near tho Thames. , Vork, July 21, 1870. At a uittltnrydruTUie coWiunmt was j t nottce." said ttiu yoiing uinu's em given to raise tho loft log One man. ploycr. "that you nrw always about tho however, raised his right leg. and, per-' drst In tho otllco In the mornings." cclvlng this, the olllccr exclaimed. "Thank you, Rlr," "Which Idiot has raised both hU "Why do you thank moV 'My-I.ondon Mali. "l'or imti tuu U' -t'.tehiinvre. THREE DAYS only THREE C. BAER HE IS HKUi; AT LAST! Export Typewriter Repairer. Any mnko of innrliliio cleaned, overhauled and readjusted. ONE DOLLAR Other repairs at nominal cost. Don't blame your machine If It does not glvo you the service It should. Something Is wrong. Soo Baor before ho leaves. Rome 15; Pacific, 541, Hotel Mooro, Medford Theatre, Friday Sept 6 THE SWEETEST STORY EVER TOLD. FRED RAYMOND S Famous Domestic Comedy. THE MISSOURI GIRL Ytfim; truly, "Zcko" and "Daisy." CI ra ud in its' Simplicity! (ileal in Rs rnlcn.sily! Gorgeous in Its ISntitvty! A masterful combination of sparkling wit, hearl feeling paflftis and stirring incidents! Pricfts 5&o, 75c. and $1.00. Scats now on sale at Haskins. .M ' ' ' ' Special For MONDAY and TUESDAY Wo will put on sale hero tomorrow lObO glnss Fait and pep per Shakers, with a combination glass and nickel non-corrosive top. wortii 15e each or two for 25c, anywhere. .IiikI as a nvr- . . i. I 5 Cents Each rfnesveur Not over tour to any ouo ptirHon, Hosiery Wo want your hosiery trade, and nra giving you tho best hosiery initios over offered lu Mcdford. Not Job lots but now clean, perfect goods, wlthu full line of mIzk to snloct from. Ladies' Hose size 8 t-2 to 10. Men's Hose Size ti 1-2 to 11 1-2. Boys' & Misses Slzo 0 to 9 1-2. Any of tho above In black or tail ami In any of tho above size tomorrow Ladies' (lauzo I,lnlo lloiio, silk finish Idsln Hose, Ilurnon Seamless lloso, Maco Hplltfoot Hose, nutslzo Hose, any hIz, uud novum! welglita to iielect from. 9E,n n9 10c W yi. Do you want n boya' or misses' regular' 2rc IloHlofyvaluo lTic pafr7.wIf so sco our now lino of tho boat Jioolory val- lor inc pa no In Medford: hIzo C to 0 1-2 air , 1S(! DID YOU EVER hoar of Chlppondalo Colpnlnl Ulass? (trado Krys-tol Mark); ovory piece copyrighted. AVo aro solo agonta lu Medford for this celebrated lino and will have a full assortment on Halo hero tomorrow. HUSSEY S MEDFORD IRON WORKS 4 ,' W. CI. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'All kinds b'C TJnginus, Spraying Outfits, Pump.i, Boilers nnd Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. lit WALL PAPER . . . ART SUPPLIES PICTURE FRAMING ArtlMlu painting lu water color; and pastel by II .MtchidmAii C E. COLLINS i!7 NOItTII (IIUPKSTItKltT. BAGGAGEANDEXPRESS HENRY M MAKSH All ordora promptly nttondod to night or day. Short and long IiiuiIh. .Moving huimchold goodH a Hpuuialty Union toaniHtors. Offlco 31 H. Front Pacific 4171 Homo 80 ResldonccNaln 613 P 4 4 Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS GiTY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on hand at all times to loan on improved ; ranches and fruit land. I I PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. . .frrf' . -. , JNM'rly' Sfte WALL PAPER and PAINT STORE BUILDING SPECIALTIES CO. an NOitru imtTUriT M'. tf4'tfrf4'4r44'4''44'tf444'4tf''4 HOTEL MEDFORD A Most Modorn Hotol Europoan. j Opened Soptonihor U), 1011. I Splendidly arranged in every respect. IOxcellent Cuisine. tywracrwx. zvf Kales $1.00 Per Uay Up. X I X s X EATJMOHBCO.,Proi)riolors. The Medford National Bank CAPITAL STOCK - $100,000.00 SURPLUS and PKOFIT.5 $JJ3 OOO.OO V W $ $ $ $ ft $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ .$ 5ji $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $i v Hi- 7 C V ' th h UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY HAI'i: liKI'OSIT ll()XIH TOIt HUNT. W. It. aoun, Pranldrnt. j. a. runny, vicp rr. joum u, outii, oaiiiUr. v. s. mnnnxUK, vic it, w, ji. jaokhoh, aii. c.hir. U m m in ii in HU w J $$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"$ $ $ $ $ M Our New Location The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company is now lo-. cated in the College Block on N. Grape Street Southern Oregon Electric Co.