Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 30, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 9

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Our Correspondents
M. ,M. Welch nl' Hipiuw lithe, wiih
aiuuiiu; hU .liiohmuivlllc 1'iIiiiiiIh IIiIn
Mix. A. (lilKiin mill I'. M. Ktiiltli
III' ,StclllllU,( Willi! ill JltcllHOIIvillo II
few iliiyrt iikii,
I. N'tiiuiii Iiiih icluipcd I'kiiii ii lilp
Id CIh'IiiIit xK DwfiK'H liillin il Ml.
Hti'lllliK tlihlilrt.
Win. .li'iiiiiiiK unit !il huh Itulph,
if ApplcKiilo, tinned in ,liut(hoiilli
K ( 'Inn I m Kill canto nvcr fiom HU-
l.i.MUt cuuutx, Calll'., IIiIm woejc I'ur n
hIiiiiI hlny,
('ml Smith mill S, M. Cat pi'iitiu- of
Sli'iliiiK iniM'iin'l, woio ii'i'i'iil vIhII.
dim in .litckoumillii,
l.lllill It.VIHI WIIH llllllll IllllHO who
diil litmiiumH in Mcill'niil TIiiiixiIii.n
Mix. M. M. Tajlnr Iiiih been vinlt
Iiuj in Mi'ill'uiil, Hut iichl til' .Mm. I.
H. Sli'i'iinliiii,
Mr. mill Mm. E. (J. Potter, who
have lii'cii In Steamboat ilihliinl fur
lll'lllly tllll'l' IIMIIltllk, llli' ill JlH'I.NII'l
ill llltill,
.Mm. IiuIh Which lufi .Monday for
lli'inl, KiihI ()ii'ihi, In vinll her hi.
I t, .Mm. Km ilk Ucituolt, Htopplii
itl I'm Hand fur it few dnyn.
Mm. Hutler, wlm has been ximIiIiik
Imr Muter, Mm. I. A. Illnrw, Iiiih re
liuiu'il in lii-r home in Allimiy.
.1iihiii Mm (in mill (Iciirn Wciull
liu vi- tmit (u Tiiiiidud, Calif., tlii
fiiiinurV nlil Inane. They will return
in it abort time.
I. I'. Devvrt of Applciutc, Npent n
few iIii.vh in Meilfniil (IiIh week'.
Sheriff uinl Mm. V. A. .Inuen have
leturiieil fn.ui a tii to ('inter lake.
They iiiTii Kiiiiu only (linn day.
Chrfti Ki'inmv uinl hi family have
removed In I'urllmul, Icntiug .lack
Mnvillc WeiliH'Mlav evening.
P. K. Hunyne, .Inlui Hynic, A. Me
Ivco, C. ('. Purncl ami M. A. Wntkiiih
were ilowii from Mij; Applcc,uto on
John Hint Qiiixim ltcneruuec inaile
.Medford it hindui'i vinll Tliiimiliiv.
MUx Kleela .IiiIiiihIiiii U at home
iiKiiin from n M in Mm? nppor
Unfile Wiser country, iieeoiiiiaiiieil
hv MiH Ktl.-iiio.
.locph (idhy niiil K. Tlirnek
imillon of Applepito, IraiiHiieleil Iiiih
! 1 1 x h in .InckMiiivillo Tliumilny,
Ward llt-pir of Griffin creek, wii
in Jniiktioiiit l'riduy iiinriiitii;.
IKferllii jr. I rmliMlluTflii r' iiifrelmnls
Tliiirhdav nfleruooii.
.loM'ph (lillHt llf ltlllU'llla, wiih in
laekHoiiville ThuiMlny. lie will (-atli
er u koihIxUimI etop of fine priiliex
not week.
S. HototMiti wa over fnnn hii Kv
mm Creek raueli one day lliin week.
Tint Poodle Dot; lestaiirmit will lie
reopened Moudiiy under the mitniijjo
meiii of Mr. mid Mm. Poller, the Kite
imMful ealerem. It will ho eouiluet.
ed on modern linen and the lies! lo
eat euii iiIw'iivh lie olitaitK'd there.
M. K. Unriiii i'iiiiiii down from For
wt ereek Tliumdnv.
Mimm ICnte Chaiimmi lint removed
her luillinerv affeetH to the huildiup
lidjoiiiini; (lie Poodle Dui; nwtaurant.
V. II. Venuhle mid ,Inmen T.
Iluekley of Apple;nle, spent a few
lioum in JiickHonville Th ay.
Mr. mid Mm. Millnap (nee DoHn
ltarhii) and tlieir hon, of Iliiiulioldt
enmity, Calif,, are uuiKim lelntives
lisiiii; in ,litel(Houvilhi a ixit.
MihK Amiilia llritt. who Iiiih hecu
makiiii; n visit with rein ti vim living
in IIIiiioih, retunieil Sunday.
I!. V), Monihou, a proiuiiiont eiti
yen of (Iriffiil ereek dUli-icI, wiih at
the eoiinlv nn Tliumdnv.
Mr. Smith and Krnnk Cmuernn of
Applejale, were here Thursday, Irad
intr with our ineiehiiulH.
M. Mayer, the tailor, Iiiih returned
to .Jacksonville after a short nliHeuee,
Mr. and Mm, I). II. Miiriieshuri; of
Ashland, have heen visiting Mr. and
Mm. A. Cnnlrell.
MisH Kmiuii ArniHtrniK;, who Iiiih
heen vimllug her old home in Jaek
Honville, left for Pot Hand, whero she
now rcMdet, Satiirdny.
T. I-!. OHpuid, Htiperinleudout, mid
, fr. Ilnile of the company having
the contract for huilillm; the daek
Hnmille wnlerworkH, were in town on
Kiiduy. II in Htnled Hint work on the
enterprise will Infill next Monday.
'(I, KlkHimt Iiiih leliirned from Ap
plicate, where he Iiiih heen ennged
in Hiirveyiiif,' duriii; the past two
Mr. and Mm. Fred Kleiiihnnuner
viriik'd iu .InekHouville Fiiday.
T. J. Neff wiih anion,' us Fiiday
0. C, Culv of Asliland mid Plioe
uiv, hud hiiHilicHH in Jacksonville, on
Fi idny.
HIJArri.H, Wn.Aeeor.lini,' lo tentn
livo plaiiH for tho foolhall Reason
jxivcii out liy Ariiiiii)((ir ediilek, Iho
Unlvomily of WiiHhiiiKlou IIiih Hen
hoii vlll plnv n(,raiuHl tho University
of Idaho, Unlvomily of Oregon,
WmlitiiKlon Slnlo Collego nnd Oro
.K" A;ih'ldtiiul Colleu,
(My A. (!. Unwind.)
W, l Huffman ami wife of AHlilmid
were pleiiKiiut in 1 1 dim I ho flint of the
l.init Kuuiliiy the nioiuliorn of the
IiIkIi hcIiooI cIiihh of Kanln I'oliil,
nliiiliuioiiiiil hy Mm, II, II, nryiiul
Htiiited for Happy Oiimii on n picnic
oxi'iiihIoii uinl lienl on IiiivIiik li""l
tlino Keneiiilly, They wero lluny
llryanl, Wlllln llazclton, Clurit 'Am
uinriniiii, Kmn Dally, Oxcnr llrown,
lliuel .McClelliin, Ituhert I'aluiizu and
.lank Floiey. Theio urn Home of t lie
itliovo-iimiieil who are ntlll In hoiuo ol
(ho crailoeliiKiieri In hoiuo liiuuulieK
hut In noino of Hid lirani:licHx have
ant tliitu hut eittiKlit no HhIi iiUIioiIkIi
Thoy lepint IiiivIiik IiiiiI a very pleiiH.
tint lime hut caulihl no finh iiIHioiikIi
tlutro wax miotlier party at the mime
camp on Honui) ciuikIiI a flue lot ol
I.imt Hiimliiy ufteriinoii your KiikI
Point ioru'iouilent took n trip t the
new IiiIiIko on lt(KUo liver on Hie
Doilr.e-Freneli pinion to eo what wiih
to he Heen antl report for tho Mnll Trl
liiliie. There I met ipillo a number of
people who hud heen attracted to the
pltuo for tho miliio reiiMon except to
tell the reiulem of the Mull Trlliuiif,
that (iroiupted inn to ;o ami that wiih
tn nee how well they wero nettlm:
nloiiK with the work mid nun the
The foreman, Mr. Me.Nulty, nsinireil
mo thai he expected to linvo the
hrlilKe coinpleteil hy yeHtenlay, Tuck
day. hut I hnvo not heard from there
hIiico uinl no can't Hny iih to whether
It wiih roinpleted or not, Tho hrlilKO
proper Ih two liuiidred ntul twenty
feet In leant h mid fourteen In wlilth
anil then there In on the etint end an
approach hIx hundred and twenty feet
In leiiKtli, uuikliiK In "H dKlit hundred
and forty f el In letiKth. Tho innlii
hrldKe U hiillt of Kleel and the two
npproneheH are wolltl rock and teh
inula utriirlure Ih placed In hoIIiI con
rrotu ho tlmt from all iippenrunceH
we will likely linvo n rooi! HiiliHtniitlnl
hrldKe for u nuinlicr of yearn. There
Ih i'omilderstile work to ho done yet
hufore It cmi ho lined for Kenoral trnv
,tl mi there U a larKO iiiiihh of Holld
rock to he cleared nwuy before n
wiiriiii nnd team run rroHH.
Scott Urucu went up to hU home
nenr Dudley hint Hntiirday, reiiirnlim
Hiindny eveiilnfjl hrlucluK hln wife
kwltlijiliii?i8tie'lH,iiowJiat''ttio Sunny
Hide hut expect to Htnrl for eSnttlo
III ft feV dllVH,
Mm. llolnmn of Kiikciiu City tarried
with iih n few day nnd Wednesday
moriilnc took the K. P. nnd Pros
H.iK" for Ulk Creek, his old home.
Hu wiih nrocmpnnled hy n
whime untiio I did not learn.
Mr. Hindu, comomnly cnlleil "Hnp
py," who hna heen one of tho ftH8lit
t nt HiiperlutendiiiitH on tho ProHpect
workH, came out on tho Htn;o Tue
ilny eveuliiR mid took a room nt the
StiiinyHlde. Ho report thnt they are
i;ettliu: iiIoiik fairly well on tho work
hut that It In n trninendoiiH under-
Wllllnm Bponcer of Dudley I stop
nliiK with a. Hu Ih workliiK nl Ho
onrpenter hiiHlnen on ono of tho
new InilldliiKH. Ill lirnther, Harry,
ramo out the flmt of the week nnd
went to Medfonl.
Mr. nnd Mm. Salter, now of Med
fonl hut formerly of MlnneHota, were
with iih Tuenday nlKltt lookliiK over
our town. They returned to Med
fonl WediieHdny moriiliiK hut expect
to return In n few day and prolmbly
locate amoni; iih,
Tho workmen aro putting up a
flue In tho town hall and arraiiKlni;
for cold weather.
Win. I.lddell, ono or our hnrdwnro
uierchnntH, wont to Medford Saturday
nlKht, returiiluK Tuenday.
Peter Yoiiiik Ih puttliiK up a new
barn on Ids farm.
Mr. Corhlt, owner of tho UrndHliaw
orchard, phoned for mo to come aft
er hint with a rl bo iih to cnteh tho
(Clio train TuoHday inornliiK which
I did O. IC.
Mr, Uadcllffo litis hullt a new barn
on IiIh placo JiiHt above town.
Mm. Arnleo Oreen and her pon,
Fred. Htnrted Wednesday inornlnj; for
Now York City and Kvorott, Wash.,
respoctlvoly. Her Bon, AumIIii, who
Iiiih heen In Bun FranelHco, for med
ical treatment returned Tuesday In
timet to meet his mothor hero.
Mr. mid Mm. AdaniRon nro very
pleased to aunoiiuee the III i lit of a
Imliy uirl.
Mr. MoihO wiik in JnekHonvillo nnd
Medford Hatuidny.
Nv. A. ( Hnudall was in Medfovd
on husiuoHH Sal unlay, Mr. Itmidnll
leei'iilly rfetnrned from n trip in the
Tim IMisseH Violn Joih'H, T.eilu nnd
Livonia Mason mid Mary Spilzer
Hpcnl Siinilny in Ashland,
Misse8 SuookH, Liiinte una uriieo
Favor Oil Ouriicrs.
Heal K tn to Traimfem,
Hinnlid. Mamh lo oJlui K (Jrif
ilth, ononeiein.rjee. JJ, T.'ll),
1 K 30
Anna ICumley lo Marion Kndur
properly in Cottage addition
.to Medford 10
W. L. (Wily to (leo. H. Mi own
laud iu See. II, T :i(l, 1 B,. fiOU
Pauline A. I lines to Italph and
Walter H. Piltoek. 210 noroH
iu See. J I, T IIH, I W.. .. 1
David Sehullxe to David (I. Till
well, !." iicich in Sec. .'I, T
Loiiin II. Hiowii lo Polk Hull,
propeily on (' htieel, Med
fonl K
W. A. Werner to K. IC. Ander
hoii, I aeie in See. A, T !!!',
1 'i .... ................ .IDv
W. W. K.ifert to .laekson Coun
ty Uiiilillmx mid lMin AwHoei
ation, lot on Xoith Oakdalo
iivi'iiue, Medfonl 10
W. .1. Wi-lili lo Camlllia F.
Wooden et ux, lot -I, block
'J, Sunset addition to Med
fonl 30
(leo. It. Lindley to W. .1. Wehh,
Hiuue properly iih above .... HI
Mm. A. II. PhippH to W. L. Va
lentino, lots II mid PJ, block
1(1, Liitiielhuml addition to
Medfonl 10
P.liucr l-csslic to James I.eslic,
lot (I, Mock 1, Narrcunn'H nd
diliou to Medfonl 1
Hose DiOroot to (leo. F. Iviii',
NB 1-1, See. 18, T .'IM, a B J
Bhner S. Morton to Iiiiih Ilee
ly, 1110 neiert iu See. ,TJ, T
.11. : W 100
T. II. Mooie to Dclwoy (Jetehell
L. B. Wakeiiian. 11. II. Par
hoiis mid B. It. Picket, lotrt
10, II mid PJ, block :i', Mcl
ford 1
(leo. W. Cherry to Anne B. Cher
ry, JoIh iu Bl Mar addition to
Medford 3
JoHepli Taylor, J, 0. (Initio, ct
nl. to Albert ICniner, Ior 11
mid 12, block 1 mid lot I iu
block 8, Horryrulo addition to
Medford 30
S. (J. Simon lo W. B. Hondo,
lots 0 nnd 1I, block fi.t, Med
ford JO
Marion A. Under to Daniel Mil
key, lot (J, block II, CottiiKO
addition mid other property
In Medford" 2.-00
W. B. Ooode to D.iuiet llilkey,
lot 0. block .Ml. Medford 1.100
0. M. dimes to U. Frederiekson
properly in Cottage addition
to Medford 32.0
( W. Palm to O. f. Joiiei,
ame laud as above ....... 10
HACKAM'BNTO, Cnl. Sept, .'10. j
The hliile board of panloiiH Iiiih up-'
proed the applicutiou for parole!
form FoIhoih pfiiileuliary of Slater
I). Wonleii, Meiilenced from Sacra-j
iitento county iu Ootoher, 1801, to be
handed for IiIh eolifes'd wrecking of I
ii Southern Pacific train nl tho ti'itc
of the biy rnilroad si like of thnt
year iu which Bugineei Sain Clink
mid tlueo soldiem were killed. j
The condition of the parole, whi"hi
goes into effect Oetoher 2(1, is that'
Wonleii, now nearly 00 veam old,,
will immediately go'lo .Japan, when
his brother is engaged in inisHioiuiry
work, mid whero ho will he taken
care of by he latter. Wonleii Iiiih
served 11 years at FoIhoim, three
which wore Hpont in solitary eou-
liiiemeiit in couilemui'd row.
SBATTLB. Wn. The local hrmich
of the Volunteers of Aiiieiica plan In
build a $10,000 home for nbaiidoueil
wives iu Seattle. Several prominent
eitizeiiK hnve ngreed to act as a
lion til of tniHlees, nnd so far as is
known, this is the first institution ur
the kind in tho world.
.VALLB.I0, Cat., Sepl. 'M -That
Hi!' pious for the building programme
milhorizcd by tile last iiiimiI aptro
priiitiou bill piovidi'H for oil fuel
for all the vessel except one gun
bnat and two collier is the anuouueu
uient Hindu today by the navy depait
iheut. Officials of the tuny yard at Mure
Island believe that with the elimina
tion of the difficulty of securing fuel
mid with the opening of the Panama
ennui, tho Pacific fleet will he
trebled in bi'.
Grows Fine Corn.
S. J. Myers brought in from his
small tract of laud iu the northern
part of town some o flhe- finest
specimens of sweet corn that has
beeif our lot to seo In a long lime,
if ocr, says the WooiUille Argus.
There ore three stocks each hnving
two cars, averaging about fourteen
Inchon long, by eight luetics In tilV
eiiinforenoe. Tlio corn Is of tho main
moth variety and wni Irrigated. MV.
Myorq having a windmill for ftirlush
ing his supply of water. Mr, Myers:
informs us Hint tho com will ovnrugo
from i to 7 stnckt to Iho hilt nnd
some linvo n high as three and four
enrs to tho flloek.
Ilmiseome of Talent Spent Sunday
in Asliland.
MKk Fern Foss was an Ashland
isitr Saturday.
Mr. James Murrey left Sunday
night for Vancouver, H. C.
Orlie Powers also left Sunday
night for college nt Corvnllis.
Mr. Charlie Migh, formcrlv of
Talent, ami Miss Kelvin Hubbard
were married in Jacksonville Saturday.
Mr. and Mm. Corey of Talent have"
motived to Phoenix, which will he
tlieir future home.
Mr. Vogolli and family hnvo moved
into their new residence.
dairies Tryer mid Fleteher rfpene
er were in Medford Monday.
Bnin Viinee visited Medford Sat
urday and Sunday.
Mr. Farnell of Asliland preached
Sunday night at tho Methodist
Mr. J, If, Fuller nt tended quarterly
ennfeieneo at Salem and has gone on
to Portland whero ho will join Mm.
Fuller who hits been enst during ho
High & Hubbard hnvo opened a
bather shop and box hall nlley iu the
Laeev building nenr the depot.
'Iho Med t ord Sun lias been added
lo the literatuio of tho Current
Bvents class,
Wagner Creek nnd Talent Rohool
teams played a gmno of baseball Sat
urday on Iho local grounds. After
the third iiiniiit; the teams settled
down nnd played good hall, Talent
winning the score, 20 to IH. Talent
would like to hear from school teams
averaging not over llfi pounds. Ad
dress William Laoy. llatterics.
Tnlonl Quuokcnhush and Lucy.
Wagner Creek Iloso and Kirhy.
Umpire Frank Works,
Feter Viinder Shies and Jaek
Murroy returned from tlieir hauling
trip Friday.
Master Wilher Taylor of Dnluth,
Minn., is visiting his uncle, A. C.
Several nutoos carrying Shrinors
motored through Talent Sunday,
Nov. Hervey has resumed his plnco
iu the Christian church.
John Dickey of Lowiston, Califor
nia, was visiting his uneio, Marion
Tryer, tho latter purl of the week.
II. L. Ilobbii linn bought the I'd
meade shoo tock. The deal wn
cloHoil Ihl week. .Mr. Hobim helped
close out tho Emporium a few months'
ngo and will put Hie Kdnicaibs nhoe.
tork on sab 1gliiiiltiK today at
price Hint will tako ever) shoe off
tho shelves. '
Pimples and
No matter how difficult the ense. nor how long It Una laptoil,
Matlncllo Tniitmcnl will prosltlvnly Improve any skin In a few tiny
. A complete cure Is only a matterof persistence.
Marlnello operators do not pretend to enter tho provlnco of tho
physician. Most of their work Is done hy request of mornhem ot
that profession who hnvo no tlmo to give to this kind of work, yot
requlro their patlonta to have, special care.
If you have even tho first symptoniH of this trouble, Investigate
nt once. Do not let n day pass without checking this tendency. De
lay will only coarsen tho skin and make tho Improvement slowor
Pull, free explanntlon to nil who deslro information.
Call or telephone.
Kooum 5 ami (J, otcr Kcotticr's. I'lione tit
At New York Haiti.
At Pittsburg
At Cincinnati
Cincinnati '.....
At Washingloii
Washington . . -
Detroit 0
At Philadelphia Haiti.
At Huston Haiti.
Pacific Cmst.
At Portland
Portland San Frmicisoo . . .
At Iis Angeles
Los Angeles ,
At Oakland
Sacramento ....
No possibility of gr'tlng pf or worl.
or d'dnyed deliveries when you pat
ronize this laundry. Quality work
appeals to quality loters. It Is lo
this class of people that wo cater. Our!
work costs no more than tho ordinary I
kind. May we aill for your bundle? l
Steam Laundry
Medford, On'gon.
Itfll Phone JUOl Home O.I
4 8 1
2 4 1
At Spokane i""
Spokane .l.L .. ft
Portland :.'... .'J
At Seattle
Seattle AA
Tacoma 2
At Vancouver
Vancouver 7
irlnriM . .
Ton can't afford to do without
this Bplendid, refreshing drink.
Call up nod order a case eeut to
the house. The purwst. most
healthful J rink known is
P. C. BIGHAM, Aienl.
Xl7Y- 110 fy- ; ,.
QywyUvHi. f-f --
rOHTLAND, Ore., Sept. 30.- l're-'
limiiinry hearing of J. A. Pender, who '
has been formally charged with tho
murder of Mrs, Daisy Wehnnnn and
her four-year-old son will he held
before Magistrate IIiiKcn at St. Hel
ens, either Mondav or Tuesday.
Pender waS arrested Inst week and
jailed as a supeet. Following Iho
Get the
Original and Genuine
discovery of the body of tho woman j nfllALTEP Wl I Llm
and her son iu their cabin at Scaj
poose, officials unearthed evidence
thnt Pender, whoso homo is nearby,
had visited the house about tho time
the murders were supposed to have
been committed.
Stockade Built.
nKNVKK. Co., Sept. 30. Tho
Union Pacific shop stocluula hero wns
completed. For some tlmo tho rood
has boon quietly hiring strikebreak
ers. Of tho 375 shopmen horo nt
least 275 nro expected to quit work
when tlio strlko order comes.
Tho company recent'y put Its roll
ing stock In good shnpo and Is be
lieved to bo ready for tho struggle.
Ilasklna for Health, "
Catarrh Sufferers
If Vou Don't Know About Hyoiuel
Try It at Clias. Strang's Ittsk.
Nearly ovory reader of tlio Mnll
Tribune Ims rend about IIYOMEI, but
many of thorn contluuo to suffor from
catarrh Just because they do not ex
actly understand Just what IIYOMKI
To theso sufferers Chna. Strang
uayu you don't hnvo to know any
thing about HYOMKl excopt thnt you
brontho It and that It doca not con
tain cocaine or opium or any harm
ful drug.
You enn find out all about HYO
MKl without taking ' chances
wheatvor, JiiBt got an outfit today,
rend tho slmplo Instructions, glvo It
a fair trial and then K you aro not
willing to any that It la tho best
remedy Tor cntnrrh you hnvo over
used, Chns. Strang will gladly return
your money.
A comploto HYOMKl outfit costs
but 1.00. Extra bottles CO cents.
Not in any Milk Trust
" Insist on "HORLICK'S"!
bargains that are bargains. Food can
not be a bargain unless it has all the puri-
ity and ness Uintnmlces you healthy and strong when
3'on oat it.
PTJTCE is no guide to value at this grocery.
Cheap food docs not mean poor food
here. "We have studied the grocery question
and your tastes so closely that our prices
will surprise you as agreeably as the quality
of the goods. They are by far the cheapest
and best in this town. Come in today and in
spect them.
Tuko a packaf o homo
That NOW is the timo to ciplaco your old fence with a new ono. That it will improvo the nppear
nnco of your properly fully FIFTY. PEIt CENT if tho feuco iu right and properly coustructed.
That The Page Wire Fence
is best suited for tho purposo, na it is niadu up of the beat IIirIj Carbon Steel Wire that is found in
fencing; iu addition to this, it is the only fcuco which has the PAGE KNOT, and continuous orods
wire to weave H together, henco it
Is The Best Fence
that money can buy or modern scionco prcduoo. Owing to each lino wiro bcinj? coiled boforo tho
feuco is woven, Pane, Feuco is easily erected ove hills and through dales, without tho ticcossity of
cutting nnd splicimr. It ta
nt Adrian, Mioli., an shipped by us in carload lots, direct from the FACTORY TO THE CON
SUMER, thus iusuritiK tho greatest valuo at tho lowost possiLlo nrico.
Let us show you why you should uso Phro Feuco in preference to any othor. Wo furnish,
without charge, estimates ou cost of fcnciuR tracts, nnd coutraet to build fences complete.
Wo will fit;uro with you on nny amount of fenciiiR, from ono rod to u carload. If you aro
wantini: Fence, Gates, or cithor yew or cedar posts, lolt us fiuro with you. Wo furnish man mid
tools and assist iu tho erection of Pne,o Feuco without oxtra cost
Distributors for Southern Oregon a ud North cm California.
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