, ,. 1..- fiUift ((jf.i'.mwf.nw' itfti t i - . e;4,- -4.i...i- - TT5J73R?55w V ' S i-J hwmi' PXGB SIX -.- M . .- arrcprcmT) mate trtbuwe, otdfokd, orkoon. Saturday, &mvvm mi no, 101 f. s, ENYART WINS TROPHY SHOOT rGcts Second Lcn on Mall Tribune Lovlnn Cup Splendid Day's Sport . Is Had Eugcno Wins High Mark In Contest J. K. Knynrl won the slioot anion); MISS CLEMENS IS VICTIMIZED Portland Girl, Formerly Circulation Manager of the Mail Tribune, Los es Her Money Friends in Port land Come to Her Aid. Much interest Is being tnkon here MISS BROWN WASJTONG Not Only Possesses Beautiful Voice Out Displays Vivid Imagination and Keen Intellect as Well Audience Pleased Hrown'a liontitiful interpretation of tlio various number ami her charm iinj personality with hearty encore., mill left the theutic with a nnivennl feeling that "An Hxonhnr of Smij?," with its varied group of. the com positions of American nil it Unjjlisli composer, liiul been e.orified into u perfect whole through her nrtistio mill convincing rendition of tlio en tire program. ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KOH WHNT Hovon-room Iioiiho, now, liuuilro 501 chatty Htrout. 170 WANTKD- Uopomdblo pnry to board carrliiRo homo dtirhiK Dee. niut January (or uo of name. Btifo (or bulled anil children to drive. local men Friday for the loving oupiu tho rcporthat Miss Mildred Clem- prc.enlel four years npn by the Mail ens of Portland, formerly circulation Tribune to the Medford Hod mid Gun manager of tne Medford Mall Tribune, cum ns n iropny. mis is inc seconu time Mr. Knyart has won, three times beinj: nccessnry to pain ownership of the cup. Other shooters winning in previous years have been Tj. H. Mi nurd, Claude Miles and Dr. Seely. The professional loving cup was won by Frank Uiehl of Tneoma. crank idem ucai ms anursnays score of 101 out of n possible 105. by four birds. Only once in the five events did he miss. The prizes for the amateur shot were also awarded. Eugene took fnt and second places, Medford third and Ashland fourth. Dr. M. M. Hull of Eugene, was the fortunate one, seconded by F. C. Moullcn of the same town. W. V. Humphrey look third and 0. 0. Ilcllmnn of Ashland took the last money. V. V. Hum phrey won the. scholarship prize in competition with nil shots from Jnck son county. Following are the scores for the two days in the two 105bird events: Professionals Day Day Tot'l Frank Kiehl 101 104 2."0 .1. E. Rcid So SO IGo Less llcid 94 1KJ Km P. Holohau 93 93 188 Amateurs Jess Enyart SS S8 17G drover Connn 8," 90 171 Dr. E. R. Sccley 78 90 10S W. W. Humphrey 8G 91 ISO J. Brown 87 SG 173! Lyman Orton 77 79 loG T. E. Daniels 58 S4 142 II. E. Boydeu SO 79 159 J. S. Gill 84 8."i 1G9 F. E. Moullcn 90 9G 1SG Dr. M. M. Bull 93 94 1S7 E. A. Bean ,8G 95 181 C. K. Kompp 76 91 1G7 Edgar Hafer 80 .. ... T. W. Diamond 71 Dr. J. G. Goble 74 V. H. Cowlcs 12 Jeff Heard ..... S3 Thomas . Shorty Miles Slattifield 72 ... Merchandist Event No. 19 Fifteen Targets. 1. O. O. Helman 15 2. W. V. Humphrey 14 3. Jes Enyart 13 I. Shorty Miles 12 5. J. Brown 9 G9 143 who Is beginning her freshman year at the University of California, has been swindled out of J24S, all the money she had saed for her year's work by a man who promisor to make J K0 more out of It In three days. Immediate Investigation show ed that B. F. Signer, the namo signed to two worthless checks given to the girl In return for her money, Is that of a convict who had been out of San Quentln penitentiary on parole, but wns put back by the Btate board of pardons last week wheu It was1 discovered that he had taken up again the game of rorgery for which he was committed. Signer now is serving the remain ing six years of his original seven year sentence, which ho received for forging two checks of $400,000 each with the name o( James A. Murray, a millionaire lumuerman, wno lives at oMnterey. "WIUH Signer, when relased, committed various forgeries and went to board in Berkeley at the house where Miss Clemens lived Vnd. winning from her the story of her struggles for an education, got her money. When the clrl found taht the checks were worthless, she was forced to ask aid and advice from the university au thorities. As soon ns word of the robbery reached Portland, Miss Clemens' friends started a subscription to make HP the money that Miss Clemens may realize the ambition of her Hfo for which she has been working night and day for two years. Mrs. A. J. Renshaw, mother of Miss Clemens, lives at 1565 Minerva street, near St. Johns. Miss Clem ens Is a distant relaltve of Mark Twain. Her father, William Clem ens, was asecond cousin of the fa mous humorit. G9 83 1. 3! 4, 5. Merchandise Event No. 20 Twenty G, Targets. I TX ! T It f it. h. n. nun iJil W. W. Humphrey 18 Dr. J. G. Goble 17 O. O. Helman 10 Shorty Miles 15 II. E. Boydeu 13 Merchandise Event No. 21 Fifteen Targets. 1. Helhnnii. Bull, Brown 15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fl. F. C. Moullcn 14i9. 3. Dr. J. G. Goble 13 4. Jess Enyart 12 5. II., E. Boyden 9 Merchandise Event No. 22 Twenty Targets. Dr. M. M. Bull 20 Jack Brown 19 Shortv Miles .18 H. E. Boyden 17 F. C. Moullen 1G Y. W. Humphrey 15 Consolation Prize Awarded. Grover Corum . . . .Wool sweater Jess Enyart Stueey shoes J. S. Gill Flask T. E. Daniels Dozen photos of himself Thomas Gauntlet Dr. J. G. Goble.. 5 pounds candy Jack Brown Cake O. O. Ilcliniin One plate F. C. Moullen Hnir tonic I MISS (By Jeanne Iinclol Brnekinrecd) Grace Jocphiuc Brown not only jHs-osies bountiful voice, but 11 viid imagination and keen intellect as well three indispensable rco.ui.x ites for the making of a finUltod ar tist and these utilities Miss Brawn displayed last c cuing at the cMd ford theatre, in the rendition of her program, "An Etening of Song." "A Perfect Day" was the first and by far one of the most pleasing num bers. It was sung with such wanutli of expression and with enunciation so orfeet that no beauty of the song was lost to her audience. In the second group, ".MolUnmle in the Wood" fumi-hed the singer the opportunity which alone was needed to convince her audience of the dra matic and powerful ipmlity of her voice: this song, picturing us it does one of the mo-t striking scenes in Maeterlinck's great play, "Pclleas and Mclisande,'' was ierfectly adapt ed to the bringing out of the full pos sibilities of her beautiful contralto. The Stevenson numbers showed great delicacy of interpretation, and rippled and frolicked in the most fas cinating manner. The last and crowning feature of the evening was the group of four In dian songs by Charles Wakefield Cadman. Miss Brawn appeared in Indian costume and made n very nt tractive and striking picture against the background of tepee and camp fire. The melodies themselves, col ored as they are by the pensive nud brooding nature of the redtnen, w'ere rendered by the singer in n very ef fective manner, giving her nn opjnir tunity of displaying, as she did, emo tional vocalization of a very high order. The audience responded to Miss )sgKi SAVOY THEATRE Henry S. Foadlcr Presents THE KNOX COMEDY GO. Beginning Sunday, October 1st, for (our nlghta ami Matlueu Monday, Tues.lny and Wednesday. Farce, Comedy, Singing Dancing, Fun, laughter. C I ! AddicHH box 111, Mall Tribune. 1(1(1 WANTED Woman who can do fluo Hewing to cumu to the limine. Call 011 Mm. J. K. llcddy, Oiieon Ami addition. FOB KENT A mIxmooiii modern hull, galow with flro place. Impilro Col South llollcy. 1 07 LOST A whllo Spits dK, four nioutliH old Itutiiru to 5U I South vy . . .- ' Holly. Phono I Id I, Kill FOB HAIjHGnuieii, IRn a pcuuh box (till, dullvcMul. Homo phono III, puilyli. 1N! FOB HAMS idiuik of oatii hay 011 Olfflu Crook for nalo uhcap. Cull Homo phono Klxl., WANTED- Hlioatn. about 100 llm. In weight, iioiiio phono l!Mi. Hi 7 rsv-r4 ANNOUNCEMENT "The Bcrben" (Comer tjiilncu and Went Main Hlreet.) Just being completed, auodern (iirnbihed apartments. Hot wat er, heat, llolniett'dlHapiiearlng beds, buftol, kitchens, private Imlhit, largo pmchcH. livery convenience, OPEN ABOUT Otri'OBKU IOTII. VMM INVESTIGATION OF I POLITICAL GRAFT 1 p$aJipPiiiiiSiijbrtmimriMCf .Who is investigating graft in New York .state. ' - 1 t - THE TOGGERY ANNOUNCEMENT We are now installed in our new store next to the Medford National Bank. We don't ask you to take our word for it, come and see for yorrself the most modern and largest mens clothing store south of Portland. :: :: :: :: FAIR VISITORS and people of Southern Oregrn, erally, we bid you WELCOME gen- THE TOGGERY 1 "" tiJ, J f t- . Jy ' BACK TO THE WOODS We Do Have Time to Give You Service and Material y WOODS LUMBER COMPANY - ttnr ' xrr'' I V 'kff f r, ' Ik. ;; &s? a- --s c c w ymrv t jf. v-t r - - -F - PM( W ViV'-'i TC -' ?,i.rst,Tv fx,i,zvt 1 VJ -tf'k4wmCr$l$?. JLjt,1Jk4WVA.i -t4. -Vj -. v "U " -"" k.,, ip, foj 'rfywHf'