It' r I ', .OTTOirORD MjTTJirRU?TmiS, OTDFOJIPOH'ROON, 8'ATin?.DAYt.SFiPT.Fmit!n,3f),f39ir. nam mil) wiww !., hi i i ! i . , i i. p . mm nan pi ipi-nwin """ I i .mini inniiM wiw i.hWhIimiiiiwi ;rr BAOF JTBGTC ....m.. i IM wifcMi , p mini iwwiwiiiih wwjwiiim i i . i . tnnwm p -. n n pi ipi-lwih - Oil the Square, Jeff Has a Brain Like a Flaxseed- ',,;, By "Bud" Fisher, ft r ; 4 v :) ,'i, j. I ( iTu?i v" " ' I r nuiTv'VrtuTAT""" "i '"I " T ' Hf -T '' "f 1 1 k . ! ' I ll'UH I f MUM ' YOU -'v j I you.,vn BJ? HGIIG AT I " , ' ' I .?V MyZM Ur.rTjccOC,) .' - IMPORTANT' i J WTfE Sl WliFEw f fhi-r. n Tm.v iH'fflrt ' ' ' 3a .1 -cub .ATtf.eftft,sM v yiii' I I ....... I . . I I iVf,r n t 9 C4aiGi ih enr 5tai co ,'r fi" EN TH& R EAliM OF FASHION , Seasonable Headgear. sTw lints stiltnhlq fur Hut long mlnny days of midsummer nro Illustrated hero. One In n wide brlimiu'il crea tion of wlitto c!il( ndurticd with a I III ll V'llMtj niUU. Ml MM! WICK. UVCr fills tho. enlotio In pinned, nnl then nre nr mired the swirls' qr irtii which Mo loojjoly n)K)it Iftp knot. Wh(!h (bo dressing In oinplelo It seonw tiN If tho hnlr wero Juxt lightly niid iinturnlly In n noft titicccsnlon of eivlrU. Tint vory muiiiinit women In 1'iirln nro now nfTwilnK thin tttjlu. CSIrU from (If icon lo Hvonly ypnr if iiro wenr ti hnlr cut off In fnnil Hint In, IioIiUmI llkv llmt of n rhlld. Tim IxihlM'd hnlr fnlU woll over tho iiirn, 1h unvcd mid Ihu imiiIh tiiriiwl under. Tho huck hnlr In then knotted nt the Imck, nnd tho now Hwlrllni; en lotto I; ndjiixted. Huq Collars. Tho haIIoi collar linn orMcnlly not only cm lo jilny, hut linn lncivnsel (In Inllneiire. Tho little, uvortltw Nhouldont "ffKt litis now' grown lo tho lenlly Htrlldnc wnUt leiiRth Htylo nnd linn inodo Im nppenrnnco on con In, on hloimefi nnd on oun Jileco frocliK. Mnuy Itronil, clnulnr collnm arc fnnlilomsl In IioxIh nt tho Imck. A Mutinlnff hliio nllk null for n ynune Ctrl hnd n rollnr of while ntllc which tlriMtpcl Into tho tnonk'H IhmmI nnd wait trim iniil with whllo nllk con! nud a (nud. NEW TALES THAT ARE TOLD The huntsman's Awakening. A Mory told ninny time nt Jlwiitow hrook In ll week of jkIIo nctlvlly con ccrnn Kdwln I. Morjmn. Imrncmnn nnd dovolor of njMirl, whono "ilnlc I nt Whonllv rilllH. not far off. Afnrcnn I hnd lte:n onlorlnlnlnp the ncwcinhlcd i i.-onitnny in (ho cluh ono nlcht bcfor i n hunt, hut tin ally hnd Otut to bed denplto tliflt roteUtlona of bin com- DEFECT THAT WAS EASILY REMEDIED Amusing Break of an Uncul tured Theatrical Mm, . UllmrMUIlU IU1H. prof union of roee. Tho other U drooi'lnc llueorlu hut of lino emlirold ory, Kiirnhilicd with u t;nrlnuil of uior roci, UuttonhoUi and Outtont. Hitvo (ho huttonlioto Htrlji from nil not too tmdly worn whllo cariurut niul lino thoin nRiilu nx nn Invisible c1oIiik on now wnlitn nud drciHon You will unvo Imlh tluio nnd Inhor. Novor throw nwny i:oort liookn, ryes and huttoiiH, but cut them off your worn out clolliliik' .nnd nvo (hem for fuiuro . An oxcejtlon idiould lo mndo, of couiite, In tho cno of din cnnlwl ctoHilttR Riven to ttio poor; It l ii alliiKy chnrlty thnt wiven In thU wnyl When you cut tho Intttonn off n Rtir nieut, Htrlnir tlinm on n thrend before dropphiK them In tint button box; then when you need bnllnuM you cun tell without trouble what klndn you linv end liow iniiiiy of each kind. THE NEWEST KINKS" IN HAIRDRESSING The Galoiie Arrangement Looks Both Natural and Becoming. ''Mniiy cIiihiboh nnt (nkliitr nlnco In hnlrdreHMliiKH thin nciihoii," hh.vh the Dry (loodM KcoiioiuIhI. "Kuviirul nuw cnlutto Htylen nro ImiIiik hIiowii, Ono of Iho most liiteroHlliiK of theso In tho tint culolto, which iittnlncd mich u vokuo wlum tho hnlr wiim worn In u mop about tho bond. "Tho now vnlottu In wholly dlfTcrent. liowover, iih It Ih adjimted oyor thu, iiiiturnl knot of tho hair nnd thun Htnndti out much farther from tho licnil, wlillo tho falso hnlr, itiHteiid of vovoiIiik U In a HtrulKlit cnpllko form, Ih laid In noft (roHHUH or wavon In llvo dlfiVront HcctloiiH. Tliuii tlipro aro nttnehed to tho rn lotto fouudntloiiH llvo Hoiunwlmt thick nlioit bialdu. Tlumo nro llnhtly yaved, mid ufUir tho calotto la mljimtod to It poHltlou at tho crown of tho bend theco llvo nraldrt or treHMes form a bountiful Hwlrl about Iho knot. In umklni; thlu iIiohhIiik Hio lilr In imrtod In tho inlddlo or at tho Hide, Klvon " K"d wnvo uud (lion drawn down low ovor tho onrn, complotoly vovorlnjr thoin, nud tlig onda tirrniiRoil Tho quorttlnn of the N thentcr'n dtffcctlvo ncoiiftlcK, now known to fiiuio n tho "ecbo," reminds mo of the well authenticated luciduiit In tho tho ntrlcnl career of tho Into Jotiu St noil. Un one occiihIoii, while ho wnn mtiuiiKlui: Iho Union Sijimre theater In Now York, nn luionnut nlnr complnlu ed thnt tho ncuu.stlcn went nbomlnublo nud thut ho didn't nee how ho wnn to Klvo nn cffectlvo jterfonnnnco under tho clrcuiiintnuccfl. Stctxeu, nlttiotiKb ho hnd been Ideutllled with tho Globo theater In lloatou. wnn not overbur dened with Iloiton culture, end tho term "ncountlci" wnn not Included In hU plcturemiuo nnd untquo vocnbulnry, but ho HiirmlPcd thnt It wnn nonicthlnuf tniiKlblo-aouio aort of natnifo "(irop." However, bh hn wasn't qutto nure, ho lookeil tho at:ir Dtnilfiht In tho fnco and nHked: Wlinl l It you'ro Wcklnj: nboul?" "AcoiihIIch, Mr. Htotnont You've ?ot tho M'omt kind of nny thenter 1 over played In." "Why, mnn," anld BtetBon "why I didn't you any no beforo? I'll npenk to tho MtiKo mnitncor nt once, nnu beroro tho curtain kocs up toulRht I'll hnvo him boff, tiny, borrow or atenl tho bent kind of 'cowNtlckti' to bo hnd on nny nliiKo In Now York." Albert Hilary Iteri;h In dolumblnn Mncnxlne. KB nt TUB POOS 79XI0TrSl THE HOT SCETT. pnnlonii. IIl.i room wnn on tho ground floor, almost adjoining tho pinco where tho couRoolnl nplrlta wero Kutbered. Tho nuiKtcr of hounds conceived a plnu for bringing Morgan bncfc Into tho circle. Ho brought In tlio drag, trailed It through tho clubroom, Into tho bedroom of Morgan, n cross his bed nnd out tho window. Thou ho un lcunhcd twenty couples of hounds! They followed tho hot scent full cry, giving tonguo n they leaped upon, nnd over tho Blooper's bod nnd crowd ed through tho window. History docs not relate wlmt Morgan snld- It Is as serted, liowover, thnt ho rejoined tho group ho hud left, romowhnt bruised nnd cut, but decidedly wldo nwnke. Now York Tost. Filch Man Spoke to Htm. "Ono of my ncqunlntnucoa Is much Interested In tho Ohiigrln Falls nunt club nnd Is nn onlooker nt most of tho functions of that orgnnlr.ntlon." snya Ward Jackson. "Tho other night ho mild to me, with bouio show of outhu slnsm, thnt gradually hu wiim got ting nctpinlntod with tho club members. "'Why, linn Ilniiiia enmo right up nnd spoko to mo today,' ho mild exult antly. 4"Ih thut so?' I replied. 'Whnt did ho sny to-youV "'Ho snld, "Don't got too nenr thnt borso thoro, or bo'll kick your darned head off.'" ''Clovelttud leader. FOR THE CHILDREN What Mother Sajd. ' I know u llttlo girl of nlno. ' (I wonder If you'vo mot hcrj) 1 think' It you Hlimild bco lior ono You novoe wolilil foret Iter. 8 h (' audi n fnsnv llttlo nlil; TIipio Ih no much to fret liur. It Ih ho vory haul to lourn Tho tanks he toneliorn cot her, Bho wants to do mo many tlilnns (lor uintlior doeHn't lot icr. Hut, then, when sho Is ton years ol4 1'eihnpH nIio may do bettor. I'm mire nhe will not llku to think When rim's u llttlo older How or vory many thnos lior motlior hnd lo ncotd her. If nlui would ihlnl! now I'eihuim It mluht wlthliold her From yleldlmr t' til" fvtfulms ,w ,'i'liuv lua tiu Iviig voiiliyllvd lior, Tho people' of this city ahou'ld buy "Mndo In Oregon" goods from tho locnl merchants whenever tho price and quality aro equal to Hasturn ruado goods. Hasklna for lfecltb. 4 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE roil HAi;t: Olt TltAni: rir slwres of Hix.-k. liiHiiriitic.i comitjti) --Kiii Krnn -lct Will ttlko new lynrrwrlter In oxlIiiiiiki'. Address V, Y, litone, Jled- fun). OicKon. 1C5 WHO WANTH TO KXCIIANOi: a BooJ rive-iuiioietiuer sveund liunil nolo fur a Kixxl forly-acro wood lot four mllrn fniin Taliint on it"ol level road to town? Jott of bllr, pine, cpdnr nnd ,ik UiiiIkt on this forlr Addrenti 73 t).ik Jitreol, Ashtund, Ore. JC5 PERSONAL l'i:itiOKAl Matrimonial pnrHr; de ficrlptlnim of reflm-d iH-uplu Willi iDfiiirc. ItilrtHluctlnnti ulrlcth' private. iletid tho testimonials. The l-Ht proof Is resullM. I'atHjr nt waled. 10c. Mfn. Hell, RS Miifiiolla avenue, I.o Angeles, tsnir. LOST. I.OHT Kunday, mnn's dark Iduo nwcnlcr vent, between WibI rourtcentli and Cetitml venuo; return to 738 West 1 lilt urn! receive reward. 1CS MONEY TO LOAN MO.Nj:Y TO IOAN-a$0.oeo In Bums of not leiis than $1,000 on realty ecurlt for 1 to 3 years. Knrm and orchard property preferred. Hox O. D., Mall Tribune. FOR RENT Xoass "Olt ItCNT Four room house. 1218 W lOlh ntrrei. $s.uo alxo u tliree-roon houne, 15 00. Tel .Main 103-lt S. If. KOlt HKNT Seven room houne; mod em. Inquire corner of Twelfth one Newtown streets. I'Olt IlKNT Two-room furnished bout Kmiulro C3I Houth 1'lr trrt. 1(7 roil ItKNT Two-room liouse, ncrecne porch. Imiutro at SU South drape. 165 l'Olt IlKNT Modern five-room bunga low, cIoho In; rensonablc. liuiulrn BIT H. Holly streot. 15 roil IlKNT Strictly modern new bungf alow, clone In. 113 Gencvn avenue. 1C( roil ItBNT rumlslied bouse, flnt uclKhborhood. 60 North Oragne st. KOlt niJNT Two sovcn-room honors ono larga barn, one stable V, Osent brugge, 401 Mvcrslde avenue, South 167 Record For Size. Senator La Toilette, himself ono of tho mnit direct of speakers, has a nat ural horror of speeches of tho ram bllug, boring kind. In n recent session n certnln soiintor, nfler elaborating In n speech of two bourn n statement thnt would have been better mndo In n speech of two minutes, concluded: "And that's tho situation, gentle men, In n uufaholl." "Gracious," said Bcnntor La Toi lette, sotto voce, "what a nutl" HUMOR OF THE DAY Guessed at Last. Tin) philosopher wua sitting qn a' bench in tho park thinking ubout ttio whyucsa of tho wherefore when a ninn rushed by him. Tho fugitive wns followed by nuother muu who yelled nt tho philosopher: "Catch him! Lny hnuds on hlml" Hut tho phllosophct' did not budge. 'Aro you denf? Why did you not hold tho murderer?" "MurdorerV Whnt Is a murderor, air?" i "What n, questlonl A murderer Is ono who kills." "Oh, you mean a butcior, then?" . "What nu ldlotl I menu ono who kills another mnu," "I seo. You menn n soldier." "Stupid! A murderer Is oun who kills another mnu in tlino of pence." "Now I have It. You mean an exe cutioner." "I novor saw such stupidity I I mean n man who comes to tho houtio of an other nnd kills him." "Oh, oh! I have It nt Instl A physl-1 llull " KOlt ItnNTCqsy five-room bungalow on West Hamilton; modern. Inquln 401 8. lttvrrslde. Board and Xooau IIOOM AND HOAItO at Mrs. Fay's, No 10 No. Grnpo St., back of Farmers am) Fruitgrowers bldj;. Xoatekeeylar Booms MtlDHltN housekeeping rooms, 18 and IS. 323 South Holly. Oftloaa fox FOIt HUNT Two elegant ront office rooms, corner Main street. Inquire Gregory's Studio. t . i"On HENT Over tho pbatofflce with heat and light. See A. A. Davis. rnratilitd Booauu FOIt HUNT- Two furnished rooms porch. Inquire nt Stl South drape. 166 FOIt HUNT Two front rooms with clos. t, $17 per month, ownqr -pays for water. Apply Home Grocery, 813 N Cen,tral. w I5 FOIt HRNT Nicely fiiriilshi1slcoplnK room In new home; rennonable, quiet and desirable. Call Main 4174. SOS Oleson street. BUseeUastOMV FOR SALE. X oases FOIt HAM; Small boarding house, with kihmI reputation. You may liuvc the Imnlni'K.i If you buy tho furniture. Clival )f taken nt once. 1'arty leaving on account of Dtlfkncsrf. Address to 371, Medford. Ore. ' 165 FOIt 8A1.H New fnodcrn 8ropm bung alow closo lii on paved afreet; terms. Call SOI S. Hoi ley at. lg FOIt HAI.K1X00; completely furnlslied six-room house, closets, bath and pan try, stationary wash trays nnd ce ment walks. 73? West Uleventh St. Phone Main 6003. ?l FOIt HAM; Six acres, small houne. nearly all In fruit, all cleared; price $1600; terms. Address Owner, en re Moll Trlbi'iiu. 166 FOH 8ALC KIght-room bungalow, 3 blocks from depot. Central Point; city water, electric light, sewer connec tions, small barn, henhouse, yard, flow er garden; price $1600 cash. Inquire C. A. Pankcy, Central Point. 170 Bason m. OH SAI.n nanch on Coleman creek, a lot of cordwood and poles, fir. pine and oak wood, F. Qscnbrugge, 401 Itlversldo avenue. South. IC7 BttsceUaaeoms FOIt HAM: A modern 5-stamp mill for iiule cheap, equipped with wntcr pow er; nlso a Scotch Manne boiler, and some promising cold prospects. B. n. Hawkins, Applcgatc, Ore. ISO FOH BALK Poultry plant. 714 Soutn Central ave.; house and lot. together with AOO chickens, all thorouchbreds; one fine cow and one 2l6-egg Cypher incubator. Phono 6113 iloln. 190 FOR SALE 3cxuuuncoua 'OR BALK FUHNITUnK Brass bed and sprlncs: gas cooking stove, gas heater, refrigerator, sanitary couch, sovert doxen fruit cons, etc.. cheap., Ad dress 41$ South Oakdalo or 215 Gar-nott-Corcy Hldg, 16S t-'OH SVLi; Furniture, Including piano. 51S Ileatty street. 167 FOR Pedigreed Alrdalo Terrier puppies, cheap. 11. U Jewell, Trull, Ore, 176 FOH SAI.U Ona. surry, good condition, at West Sldo Livery. 15 FOH SAUI A fre soil ten-Inch John Doer plow ntyllolly street blacksmith shop. 165 l"OH SALT: Cordwood, oak and hard wool, $1.50 per cord In carload lOts. Gold Hay llealty Ca, 218 West Matn; phono 1S73. FOR SALK Cow fresh in Juni! pood t milker, A, WPtene. ranch on Med- roru-jacKsonviiie roac, FOR SALE Registered Hurkshlrc swino and Jersey cowa at all times. M. F. Hlngham, Applegate. Ore. 174 WANTED. KlsesllMfrtw WANTKU Mlddlo-uged woman to Keep house for family of four grown people. Apply at Ueuuty Shop, or telephone 7411. 165 HELP WANTED. Xaly Wasted reauUs WANTED Girl for general housework; one who can cook; wages $30 per mo. Apply Qold Ray Realty Cd. 2iljT WaaMft aula WANTED First-class, finishing s?r lenters. I'liono or write to G. H. Har ris. Hlddre. Ore. 165 WANTKD Strong boy to learn trade. Medford Sheet Metal Works, rear 218 Main. 165 WANTKD Man und wife, man to do general orchard workt wlfo for house work, must have had experience. Ad dresK or phono I'enbro Orchard, lei. Cio-R 1. WsJiTL.Ud4leBina.ti tot xcuuuvw tor rltory Big opportunities. ,,No (expo rlenco necessary. Complete line Yak Inia Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash weekly, out fit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company, Toppenlsh, Wash. WANTED Salesmen in every locality o tho northwest; money advanced week ly; many rnako over $1000 month cholsA of territory. Tail ma Valle Nursery Co., Topeolso. Wash. BUSINESS DlrTtCTORV: Attorneys. COLVIO &. ItEAMES-VT. 1L Col via-. C. L. Rearaes. Lawyers. Office Medford fiauonaj uanK Duuoinr. second noor TORTER J. NEFK. WJI. P. MEALET . Aiiorncya-ai-iaw. noa. i ana z rost office bulldlnx- A. E. REAME3 Lswyer. Qamett-Corsy ouuainx. MULKET & CHERRY (B, P. MULKEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Lawyers. Prac tice in all atato and federal courts. Rooms 11 and 12, Jackson County Hank bldg. Architect. JOHNS A TURNER. Architect and Builders. Office 7-8. 32E Main: plume Main 3471. Residence phone 741. Aoeonatasts. D. R. WOOD General accountant. Tour book audited and kept for a reasonable figure: your business solicited. Office Medford Mail Tribune' Building; phone till, residence phone 1601. Asaayex and Analyst. SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made foe gold, silver, lead, copper, and other minerals. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps nnd reports made thereon by competent mining as sayers and engineers nt reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. AH mine owners ato earnestly requested to send samples of their ores fqr exhibition purposes, and send full description of their mining property. Southern Oro gon Mining Bureau. 216 West Main Street. Medford. Oregon. ASSATER AND CHEMIST Earl V. In cels. B. Sc. General assav and an. nlytlcal work. Cement and asphalt lesung. tsesi equipped assay office nnu leaung lanoraiory in uregon. All work guaranteed. Grants Pass. Or. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Jramltaxa. H. P.. WILSON A CO., dealers In new and ( second-hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Household stove and ranges. 16 South Fir street. Phone Main 3i.l. Homo 3H5-L. MISSION FURNITURE WQRKS Cor. nr 8th and-Holly streets, Medford. Mission furniture mads to order. Cab inet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFP ft WOLFF Cookitnvcft and ranges. New and second band furni ture, Eada old stand, 18 Fir hueet. South. Phone 91. Homo 283-K. Mod ford. Xaan dries. SUNRISE LAUNDRY To!. Main 7831. Orders called for and flcllycred. First class work done by hand. Lad(en' anil Gcntu' suits cleaned and pressed. Co. Eighth and South Central, Medford, Or. Music MISS TURNEY, Piano instruction and musical history, 309 South Nowtown street Phone 6603 Bell. Killing Machinery. SEE SfATT CALHOUN of Phoenix. Or., or tho Denver Quarts Still & Crusher Co. of 1710 Broadway, Denver, Colo rado. Catalogues aad prlccq can be had at Phoenix, Oregon. Matt Calhoun. Votary IfaDllo. HKLEN N. YOCtfET. Notary public. Bring your work to mo at the sign of The Mall Tribune. Bursaries. MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut xlow- ers. polled plants, shrubbery bulbs. 938 U Main. Phone 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Our, trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock la not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not In the trust 1L B. Patterson, office removed to 116 E. Main st ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO.. Inc. Growers of high, xrado nur sery stock. Office 104 3. Kir. Both phones. JrhysIclaBs aad nrgoas. DR St. C BARBER Physician nnd Sur- niu. i.uuuia iu.-i .wcuiorii 1'iirniitiro nnd Harwaro Bldg.; resldenco 1303 West Main street; office hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.: tel. 3441, DRa CONROY & CLANCY Physicians and anrgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg.. rooms 310-211-218. Office phono EOl! residence phone 612. Office hours a! tn. to 8 p. m. Abstract. ROGUE RIVBR VALLEY ABSTRACT iiri.U ltj.., Jacksonville, phones Pacific. Main 11: Home 2006. Billiard rsnora. a T. BROWN ft CO. Billiards. Cigars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young A Hall building. A nice, cool lace to ircuu inn nui auernoonsu WANTED Cheap lot or small house and lot. Hegttr Itanch. 169 WANTED Good sound general purpose horse, sound and chynp. Also ono horso wagon. Address box 92. 16!, U'AVTl'll At tlin r.Mn.... ,lr n..ntln. ,...,.....M- ,.. ..... u....n,, ..... nv...,. men or ladles to take rooms nt the Cottage, 601, West 10th street., two blocks south of the new Medford Ho tel. Our rooms are first-duns In every way: private telephone, hot and cold running water In every room. With sleeping Porches. Our natrons aro Mr. L, O Orton. Mr. It. V Mlekle, Mr. C K Newliall nud sou Jack, Mr nnd Mrs. Geo. 11. Daggett. Mr Wei- don F Hlddel. Mr W. C. Blddlo nnd Mr, John Hall McKay, ICfi FOR HENT Piano luqulro 514 South Holly; telephone 5(92. 165 Foil LEASE Fully 'equipped placer ' mine, Gold Hay Realty Co., 218 W. Mala streot. 1C5 FOR SALE,,, Acreage. FOR SALE 1 1-5 nctes with new four room bouse: nn Ideal chicken ranch; $550 If taken within ten days. Ad ideas It. 12. II., cute Mall Tribune or call on Homo phone 285. L. 160 FOH SALE 1590 acres well located Klamath lumber lands for salo. Ap ply to Hutto Falls Lumber Co., Hutto Falls, Otegon. 183 FOH SALE 25 ncies of best of Ump qua river bottom, house, barn, out houses, ,1 1-1 miles from Riddle, n Orchard vnlley: $, Address O. A. Jones, Cnnyonvllle, Oregon. JS5 WANTED Two men to board und rogm, 619 North Itlversldo ave, 169 WANTED Hy practical farmer ranch to rent on shares or otherwise. Address S. F. Smith. Tolo, Ore. 165. WANTED Who will haul flvo londa of or firewood from Jacksonville to Med- ford and take five loads In pay? Ad dress Laurel, care Mall Tribune. 165 WANTED Old mining prospector ns caro-taker for mine. Gold Hay Realty Co. 318 W. Main Streot. 165 WANTED! A good young farm' tenm, wagon and harness; pilco must bo right for cash Phono Main' 7163, 165 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Housekeeping work by nn experienced woman. Address A. M., Mall Tribune. 160 POSITION WANTED Woman wants position to do house cleaning or of fices, Mrs. Ford. tel. M. 135. 165 HELP WANTED. WANTED A woman to do houNowork on farm. Bohemian, Swiss or Norweg ian: not necessary to speak English. Sleepy Hollow Fnrm, Hook Point, Ore gon, 15 miles from Medford on South orn Pud f lo tondj Home telephone, BUI Fosters. VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and DIs-, inouior. in oraers promptly rilled Room 29. Jackson County Bank build tng. Medford. Oregon. Chiropractors. DR. R, J. LOCKWOOD Chiropractic, nerve speclnllat, 213 Fruitgrowers Bank building. Office hours; 3 to 4. Phone Homo 269K. Resldenco 119 Roosevelt Hours: 10 to 12 ond,6;3 to 7,;JQ, Phone lusiv, special nours uy appointment Sclentlflo massage given. Advice In dlotetlcs. Medical gymnastto hydro. tneropy. DA VIES ft IRLE Chiropractors, 6SS S Central ave. Phono Main 514. Office hours: 2 to 4 p. m. Consultation and examination free. OtgcM aad Tobaoeo.' IRELAND ft ANTLE. Smokehouse ueaiera in tooaeeo, cigars, and amok era' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewi Single Binder, El Merlto and XI Palen ola. 211 West Matn street Garbage. OARRAQE HAULED Leave orders at 29 South Bnrtlott. or phono Rodney Taylor, Pnclflo 3632; Homo 107-x. 170 CITY GARBAGE CO.. Medford Qar- nage, ruumsn. uiri. nnu auytning in that lino hauled. Wagon calls from two to threo times a week: restau rants and hotels, twlco a day. Office Phones, Main 2131: Ifomo 143, K. J. F. Forres and J, D, Kerne. 180 ranlte Work. MEDFOHD BRICK CO. Ooo, W. Prlddx O. D Nagle, Geo. T. O'Brien Contrac tors and manufacturers of brick; deal ers In pressed brick and lime. Office In Gamett-Corey blook, room 109. 2d floor, Phono No. 3181. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Civil Engineer. LOUIS W WIUTINO ctvll engineer and surveyor Water filings and Imtrntlon woik a specialty, surveys, subdividing, building grades; ellveiigluwtriug diufi Ipg. sewer design, concrete,, jyork, pump nnd cnnal hv stems, nooms 1-3, Adklns lllock, Medford, Oregon. D5rRwCA9Ff,w: KVA-MAINS CAIILOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnott Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. D r:AnT.EM,A.;5,.vr-t DEANB Dentist 8Ei,Ct'n, nltO bldg.. 123 E. Main. Qaa administered for extraction of phone 45jelephone Ma,a 81- Night D neJEAEfis-:F5.T8iclon ana suweon. .f'?. aarnittrorey bldg.. rc?ae rl1.:",' .pl,05e 6501' Realdencell$ . uici !,. LUIQUP JUJJ. DK;.,2:A LOCKWOOD, physician aFd surgeon. JP; MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, practice limited to dlseasea of wo men.. Offices, over IUsklns-drug atore. Phonea: Pacific 1001; Homo 28. Dr. W, M. Van Scoyoc Dr. a C. Van Scoyoo. .. Dentists. j Garnett-Corey bldg., aulte 318. Blcdford. Oreco- Doth l!hon. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon, practice limited to eye. ear. nose, and throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 2 IS East Main street, over Medford Hardware compuny; hours 8..10 n. m. to 8 p. m ; Itoth phones. DKS, SAUNDERS AND anEEN Prai tice llinlted to eye, ear. noso and throat Office: Suite 318 Garneti Corey building. Both phones. J. M. KEENE, D. D. a: A. j". HINlKEIt: D.. D. 8.. Dentists. 238 E. Main. Phono Main 3191. Homo 124K. CalBtae MeaieUea. ' ') CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private dlsenaoa snd all kinds of chronlo and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation. Indiges tion, womb and bladder troubles. Hoe me at 241 a Front at. Medrord Ore, to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Rcsldonca phono Fhone Main 42, IMuters and Publishers. "MEDFORD PRINT1NO CO, has the best equipped job office In Southern Ore gon; book binding: loose leaf; SSt..,,aPort ol0-f '- Portland prices. 37 North Fir street. sTnOER- WHEELER ft WILSON sewing machines for salo and rent. Re pairs. Caro Duncan local respresenta tlve. Phono 6043. No. 3S South Fir ( street. ' Baaclies Tor Kent. 430 ncro ranch, 300 acres under irriga tion, 10 miles from Medford. Gold Hay llealty Co.. 218 Wost Alula street, room 101 Elcctrlo Building. Banohes Tor Sale. 640 acres foothill fruit land, 10 miles from railroad station; $15 per aortron 10 years time. One-tenth cash, ono tenth each year for ten years. Intel est on deferred payments. Biggest bargains ever offered. Gold Hay It, alty Co.. room 101 Electrlo Building', 218 West Main. " tenographera. ELLA M. GUAnVAW Paltii Sloell Stenograpblo work dono quickly and MISS L. J. HINaSTON.'rubila stervejf: onnhao ltfaiir.M.,1 nMd-A Tt.. -. st flro, Vociria erjl; rnB.rt.wfr. !'toin C083. Hoom 8tsf QarnutMorey Wf. 0(1 wr n M v !4 tf ) tyA H- -.41 ; sWitW U jKiMrgV,f '