-- - vtwMri- i '- 'mNyr P-KiiwH'MWIlH VN .W-' f tlVWTffW WtVWtfKl m-,-h T--M( ft f'Wy'w ."VVA7! f HV" s f "Ht ft I fr IJW r MEDFOKD MATTi TnTTONE. MTOFOCT. OHTCOOK SATlinnAY. SMPTOrBTCR BO, iDtf. IS TRIPOLI WORTH FIGHT? Serious Question as to its Value Arises Noted Italian Historian Prepares a Statement Discussing tho Affair. ItOMK, Sept, 30. Thnt thoro In n norlotiu quohlloii whether Tripoli will jirovn worth fighting for na n colonial poRHi'mion vnH admitted today in n etnlomcnt oxcliiBlvoly pronnrcd ifor llio United 1'refiH by (ItiRllclmo Fcr-n-roro, tho famous Jtnlinn historian tvliono "QrcntnwH and Decnilenco of Homo" ranks as ono of tho greatest inodflrn historical works. All thai ho K.'ilil. dcclnred Fcrrerero, was not intnndod either fl an argument for or Against tho occupation of Tripoli, but mr-rely as n note of warning to tho lmpulsUonoss and enthusiastic expectations or tho Italian people at a tlnio when they seem bent on forc ing tholr goicrnnicnt to b-gln a sys tem of colonial expansion similar to tnht of Franco and Germnny. The Ctntement follows: (ny Gugllelmo Forrercro.) (Copyrighted 1911 by tho United Press Association.) A pcoplo Is at liberty to choose or not lo choose when It wants colonics. If It chooses to want them and seeks to found thorn, there can bo propsed no other means saro to occupy terri tory that is still poor, that is still seml-cpty, or that for a long time has been semi-barbarous for the pur pose of attempting to augment its aluo, Investing In Its wisely tho cap ital necessary to bring It about. Ter ritory already rich, developed and blossoming can only bo found in coun tries of an older civillratlon. The profit, therefore, of a colonial under taking can only bo measured acocrd Ing to tho probability of tho terri tory, which is to bo made tho subpect of tho undertaking, easily and rapidly Increasing and growing In value. nt this a problem thDat In tho ma jority of instances human wisdom has been impotent to solve. Thcro are few things that history can demon strate o man, but in tho failure of predictions, for states and territories. It can. All suprlses aro possible, cr nro alfo all delusions In the infinite changing of human vicissitudes, tin aspirations, the ideals and the needs $S$,000 TfVS VATn FOR THIS BIMUTW IMBl B t?V Tr krfS toRTf-OTDOLE' 'of 2feTrTTSBURG B.B.C. "Marty O'Toolc, the highest priced pitcher in tho history of bnlia.l v ill shortly pet a chance lo j.iove lu. worth in n cume npiin-t Nnlionn I ensue batters. Fred Chrko is inrMiiff tlie much touted plienoai tint! will try to drop him into a soft pUu-e when the Pirates get home. of humanity. Two centuries ago, for eaxmple, In the new countries, tho hot territories had a greater value than those In a more temperate zone. But n century late- when there camo all tho grand Industries and al 1the mechanical In ventions of modern civilization, the value of tho former had declined while the valuo of the latter had In creased. A century ago the I m men so plains n which Argentine sows Its cereals and reaps such masses of riches were anly a desert without value, nut the overflow of European population, tho ro-.'lng demand for cereals, tho prog r.vs of navigation and tho railroad lias converted In fifty yeare the desert Into an Eldorado. AH of this merely goes to show that In n colonial policy as in all othci 'hlngs human, much depnds upon rule, then, for a state to follow If It wishes to Inangurato and carry out a colony policy is to tako that which It can without excess cost aud danger and then to wait. It Is not possible to malto a colonial empire bear fruit llko a vast plain al ready fully established; but it Is nec essary that It be nlolwcd to fructify according f the ccriumstances fol lowing the current of the time, and keeping always well In mind, that hu man fortunes aro perennially moving and chnnglng; that In tho world nothing Is stable and eternal, not even tho va'ue of territory; not even tho power of the stato; not even tho greatness of tho people. rood fortune while tho clement of Ime Is also ono of tho mo3t important year nt tho annual 'lements of euccess. The only sure te sophomores. I1ERKKLKT, Cn. The time-honored " beer bust'', one oC the classic traditions of the state university, hns pne down in history. Nothing but a smoker will take its place this celebration of MILLER HAS A NARROW ESCAPE i In Cranklna Car Ho Overlooks Fact that Gear Is In Place Was Badly Jolted But No Serious Result Followed. luub.v S. Miller, uiiiiiiigor of tin Koguo Kivor Fruil association, mot with mi uiitoiiiobtlo accident about six o'clock Friday iiijjht which otune oiy near pultiii); him in hospital for mi indefinite period. His ear wns Mtniuliiii: on tho east side of tho iiNsoi'tntitin's office where it had been Urt in sour when slopped nnd Mr. Miller did not know of Ihis until ho attempted lo "erank" it. The cur started nod Mr. Miller wns jammed against a neaihy platform with such foivo ns to hiuNe him m veiely, hut no bono-, weio broken. Mr. Miller was taken into tho of fice nml Dr. Pierce wits culled. Ar examination showed that no bones were broken and he was taken lo hi homo wlicro tho tlesh wounds wore dressed. Fortunately for Mr. Miller ono of tho ear lamps came in con tact with tho phitfoiut til the same instance ho did, mid he was thus pro tected from more severe if nut fatnl injuries. I.OS ANGKLKS. Cal. lkcnnc lie feels that ho litis foiled u firing sipiad and hoies soon to he at liberty un der tho charge of iolnting the neu trality laws, can go to Irial, General Cap KliyM Pryce, freed by United States Commissioner VanDyko of murder, arson mid robbery charges, by which tho Mexican government sought to have him extradited to that country, today says that ho is the happiest man in California. Mist. Alice Higgs, whom Pryce is to marry, is exieclcd to nrrive in Los Angeles today from Vancouver, 11. C. SEATTLE, Wii.Tlircc young mid shipmcu of the Imperial Chincu na vy, have arrived in Scuttle on a Jap anese liner nud today are being shown the sights by Goon Dip, local Chinese consul. The lads nre cn their way to lloston where they will udy five jears in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, tho leading technical university in the world. l KKATTLF.. Vn. It vnn nil miimccd today Unit fitll) dlvoieo do eives granted in Seattle since, 11)01) nvo void mul ineffective, and that nmny men mul wonuut, dlvorood by llieso illcgel documents, linvo renmr- lied in blisstul igiiormuin Hint they nro mil oven legally from! from their pilor inn ten. SANTA ItAltllAKA, Cal. Desert, iug ii wealthy husband mid u baby hoy Tor mi automobile mechanic, Mrs. V. P. Meyers, wife of u pioiullieiit Los Angeles physician, today is en route to Sun Frntieisco with lier af finity, J. It. Muitiii. After nil ex citing ohiiHo 1)1 Myers run down his wife nnd the ohnuffeur heie. They had eloped in Dr, Myers' automobile. Ksoromo mabxxtb. HUU VriM. - Hntkinn for bMlth Vegetable. Potatoes S1.7B per cwt; a t-'Jolb. Cabbage 3c. Parsnips 2c. Lottuco Bo head. Carrots 3 Mo, Ueots 3 He Onions Uormtida, Co. Colory GOcCTH dos. Cauliflower 10 (pi Go bond. Turnips 2c, Radishes jEo bunch. Onions Ureen, Go bunch. Look nt tho mln Hint offor em ploymunt nml you'll flml thu right one. won. Look nt llio wIh for tlo nlmnnn tu buy tho pioperly you nwl nt u "right tirinn." &'4-rf4-r4 At MJ J XL ? nui 1 PAY 0 TAKE CHANCES WITH YQUR EYES Many of tho iiiohI difficult canes In IIiIh vicinity havo litrnn miiu. cesiifully fitted by mo, A call at my office will cohL you iiothluit midwlll convince you thnt you tako no chances hoio. The best tu thu cheapest. DR. RICKERT lJYKSKlllT HPKCIAI.IHT. (IVICH KUNTNIOIl'M rrr.r 99r4 HOTEL MEDFORD A Most Modern Hotol Europoan. Oponod Sopiombur .19, 1911. Sploiulidly arranged in ovury rcHpcct. Exoollunt Guisint). J Kates $1.00 Per Day V. RAU-MOHR CO., Proprietors. ........ .f ..........Pffffff r rffff fff ttttt ttssMst Fruit. ' Cocoaniita lOo ench. Prunes Dried, 60 lb. Lemons 2Go doxen. Unnnnas 15 to 2Go per doxen. Oranges 35 CM Go dot. Grapo fruit 75c $M1 dot. Ituttcr KgK nd roaltrj Ilutter French ranch, por 55c; creamery, fiOc. Krrm Frenh ranch, 38c. Poultry tlonn, dressed, 23c; ISc; springs, dressed, 30c; Ilvo Turkeys 3S(f30, dressed. roll, live. ae. Stents Beef Cows, 1020c; itoors, 13 race. Pork 20 032c. Veal Dressed, 15C3Ge. Mutton 12 20c; lambs, ICO 25c 145 liny M1 Fred. Hay Timothy, H; alfalfa, grass, $12; grain hay, $14. . Grain Whr.it, $1.15 bushel; oats, $35 ton; barley, $35 ton. Hasktns for Ilultn. I Meeker s Millinery Department Special for Fair Week Cords and Tassels Continuation of our sale of school hats for girls; Visitors at the fair are cordially invited to inspect our line of New Millinery. Meekers Millinery Department 28 South Central Avenue ftl!!! ! TOOTH QUESTIONS ?'.. 1 jij. . JL i vim'? I I Do you realize that toothache weather will soon be here? Are your teeth in condition to pass the winter without causing you troublo? , Have you had them examined lately or are you just guessing at it? Did your teeth cause you any trouble last winter? Do you want them to cause you trouble this winter? ' Don't you thing it wise to have them attended to before it is too lato? Don't you realize that NOW is the time? Do you want first-class work done on your teeth? Do you want it done at a reasonable price? Do you know that I charge you nothing for examination and estimate? Do you know that I use only the best and most expensive quality materials that, money can buy? Do you know that all my work is guaranteed? Lady attendant. , ,..."."'.,!.... I "HmtikL 3. .'m, ro II -It '"$&& lVf ',Ai r , - mnip..fts. m? i f t t v. "' . -fc. I 22 Karat Gold Crowns Porcelain Crowns . . Bridge Work (per tooth) Silver Fillings .... ... .j $5.00 5.00 5.00 l.OO AND UP. Gold Fillings Full Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate Best Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate Painless Extraction $1.50 AND UP 7.50 10.00 .50 ALL OTHER WORK IN PROPORTION DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, corner West Main and Grape Streets, Medford, Oregon OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.-Sundays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Phone Phone Main 653; Home Phone 287-L I tj1ijtMMM , .t ..jfe, -V A.-'A - ii-rfI k U I fe A ' , , ' . J :ijgBsjMigi-cffltjgggjgj