MJUDFOm) TSfATTi TRmTJNP, mAWOTm, ORKCIOK 8ATUKDAV, SIOTTORlilU 30, 11)1f. 4Ua44i fotib vtsnn KNIGHTS PYTHIAS TO BATHER HERE Ninth Annual Convention of sixth Dlslrlnl ol orriinn Will Mrot In Ilils Clly Noxl Muiiilny Lnrue At- tendance Expected. A Hint From Paris , ' Tllll llllllll lllllllllll I'llliMMlllllll of till' K'iiUIiIh ii' I'.vIIiIiim ol Hut hl.ti iIin tlll'l III' (lll'Hllll Will IHIIIWIIH III . 'iimii Hull TiiIImiiiiiii Lodge Nii. Ml. lit U i. in., Molality, OHnbiT J, 'l ,' I'oim'iilltniN mil lu'1,1 in tuitt nl Omul him, MiMlfonl, Ahlniil mill Klniiiiilli hill-, Tin 1.UII1 ill, Iik i t'iiiiiiiNii nl' ihn ImlKm in .ln-i pliiiii", .ItieUnu mill Klniiiiilli t'liiiiitii i mill lllit M'lll- till' lot-Ill lodge, Will I'llllll lain Ihn enuveiitinii, i.uhI year n Mll'N NIH''(nn' rOIIW'lltillll WIIM lulil nl Klmtinlli t'nIU wlimii nil mihi I'lilmliilnoil royally mill tin local lm mi tli'li'iiiiliii'il o do lu well Iiiti' HiU tmr. Til" dale Hit for I lie meet liitf U llmuuhi In In' a gnml urn u llm ilUhlcl fnlr ami men mci'tiiie: will follow illUUediull'tv II II cr tin i'Iiikii of Hid I'liiivi'iitloii Tut'Milax IIMHllllS. All iueinlnr of Din iiiiil lodge nu iiiyi'il in nlli'iiil lliitii mceliugM mill nil Hiiiiiiiniiii: ICuighl ure enrdmlU Invited, Tli ryHiian SIMer nml wUih. .r (lit Knight rmni the ollui Indue Iiiimi been iuvlli'il mid u j(.. eml kimhI time U aiiHiiiiiliil. Tin' frtitcniul order, Knight of I '. Ilium, wi founded nf Wimliiuy ton, l. ('., IVImiiuy III, I KIM, nml now iiiiiiiImtm iilmiit lln fit itinriii nf a million lueiuher. Tim IihmiI Imlui' wiim iuMiltileil Aii!l 2, I Sllll, ami i in ii mtv Itiiiiiiililntf condition. TIik program nf tint coiiwutinu f(. lov: MON'lAV. 0(TOlKll 2. Forenoon Aiiloiuiiliilc imitv ilrivo IIiitiiiHi Hm cily ami Koguo Kicr vnlloy. '2 1 1. in. Cull In order lv DiMlrii'l Di'pnty (Intml Chancellor, M. A. ltd ilnr. ' .Mimic Aililiimn of welcome liv ItintlitT V II. ('nnnmi, mnwtr of Mi'ilfonl. !! iHUfin liy tin' Chancellor rniiiiiininU it of mit'li lodge tepruiicntcd. ' K I'limi I, h by (uuii lodge officer Adjournment until K . m , when Tulimumi lodge will immivi'iii' in ri't'ii lur himnIoii nml oxcinpllfv IIin lliinl rank woik n ft it which a Immturt will be Niiiifll nml tonMrt offered. TUK8HAY. OGTtillKK (I 10 n. in. Call to nnliT. Minde. "Our New Mv-I.nw," v Porter .T, Nilff or TiiliMiian lodge No. ,Tt. "Mow to liiiToiiHt Attendance tunt lutere!," liy tlio lri'iT of Hid n'P iuiIh anil Mi'itl of Klniiiiilli ludu'' N'u. till; Kliitualli rnlli. niictiKiinit. Mil'l'lllllll'llll IlimilU'OH. J p. in. Call to omIit. Muili'. "offin-r-' Dutii'H ami nirni)nitiiH," I.iiJut of riTiinIrt ami m'lll of TImt iuiplai' IimIki N'o. i0i of (Irnnli 1'iCiu. l)iiH""iiii. "Tin' llciiittlfR mitt IVrWolloi) r Oifr Itiliinl," kccpiT of p'1'iuiln nml Imul of (liniiiti Inili' Xo. ail, of Anli Iniiil. , .'ConiiT Stoiio of Our OnltT,", lJmlluT H. I'. MuIKov of (Iranito' lliHiBSI''ii,u's ih Mr OHR flffll 1 1 ftaa rmtJLu IML fc atii IwW Mil, . tm IHntN MM O Wurlrw tiluij tnllorttl costumrw "T NEW TALES THAT ARE TOLD Mr. Archbold's Bridge Hand. Jolin I). Archlmlil, (lie Kliiudiinl Oil roiupitio'i ri'iil lii'iul, In a lirlili,'ii lU'tlil llo llvt-H lHonl TitrrytowiHMi-tlitf' llintinn. nml in iinlcr to lm crtnla of n pluiiwvimt dull)' Kit nit) In ImiukIH 11 fit st Hlrnin ynctit nmito yenrn iiku. At tlio (.liii of ciu'li ImiiIir'si dny Arch Ixiltl mnl ItU frli'iuli uo ulKmnl. No limn In itihultlitt in tlio dully khIIilt- NOTED PIANIST 111 APPEAR HERE Beatrice Dlcrke Who Appears Soon In Two Concerts at Portland, IWII Also lie Heard In this City Next Month. Jfriilrieo Dimku wlm uimih Iwo pi ano coiicciIh In I'oiflmnl (lining tint I'lMiiniic uioiitli, i'm uImo to a p it'll r in Mr.ll'oi.t Oiilolii!!' JTIIi, lit Hio Mol. foul llit'iUru, Mi. l)i'i!J iK mi nilinl of whom i'ortlaiul may m;M Iiu pioinl mnl Huj Millie loviTri of dial oily inn lm! lii'nr tier oiii'u iniirt in I'oiiciirl work. Diiriii liur Kuiopcaii lour lliri'c or four yearn ngn, Mrx. Dierko plnycil 1110 it Hiu'ceHMl'iilly in Ileiliu, PrcHiU'ii ami oilier iiiiihIi'iiI' ueiilerH of (lenua n V. Kinco Ikt return hIic Iiiik lienii ilnMitlui uiuliviik'il ulloiilion to the hIiiiIv of her urt mnl until now Iiiih hci'ii 111 ictireuiofit fioiu pulilio worltH. I'orllmul puperH ami iiniHicnl erit Icm mnl xtmU'iitrt niit uuiiuiiiiDiiH in I'litliiiHiiihlic untieipatinu of the coni nitf eonccilH ami Meilfonl ifrtiui .ite imlcL'tl (o hceuro jor ciiiivniciil heie. Mr. Cluorcu AinlrewH, operatic bari tone, uho Iiiih not been hoard in nolo work heie, Mill civo two miuihurfi at the Meiitrieu Dierko eoucuit. The Apollo Male Quintette under Mr. An drews' direction will iiIko uhhiit. MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. ' FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, ' Boiler Arid Machinery. 'Agents. in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. WALL PAPER ART SUPPLIES PICTURE FRAMING Arlhitlo-palatini; In water colom nml piutlel hy II MIcIioIbcii. C. E. COLLINS 'xi Noitni ;u.i'i:HTui:i7r. I 7GERARD TAILLANDIER. DIRECTOR " 'GERARD TAILLANDIER Send for Catalog. RECTOR Nat. Bldg. B AGGAGEANDEXPRES S HENRY M. MARSH All ordors promptly attended to night or day. Short and long hauls. Moving household goods a specialty Union teamsters. Office 51 S. Front PaclfiG 4171 Home 80 Residence Main 613 -..A - . tv vm, i Ilanklua (or Health. S5 g- - - TIIM Ki I'LPMll TO THU )lOT. lute iihIixh lie In a pluiMTfect pnut inns tvr of IiHiIho wlilst. If IiIn ptinni fnlU on" lie In ilroppeil from ili ilnllv t.n li)de. .MUeellaueoiiM Inihineiw. Tuewiliiv uvuiiiiiB- Daiieo nl Kiiliitoiiiiiu. (he Hnnktiis for llenltn. I no oilier ilny two oanuueu went out unulK'ly on n windy dny. Their fnill Hindi "liitcklWl" III the Dwell, mid the pulr were throvru Into tlio drink jtiKt ax the Vixen enmo wliooplns Along. Thu VIxi'u'k captain iitoppfd her. mil Delivered for a few moment In the choppy en nml llimlly pt ropen to the men. who were deiperntely cllim Uix to their Unit. Arehlnild run to the rail to-iTo tlii'in helped on Ixmrd In hlu exctteiuent ho waved Ids hand im he wiim k v 1 1 1 tr mi order, mid a Hut fill of lovely iTirdn Hunted on the lnvwe Thu men wi'tu taken Into the engine rtHitu and dried off. Arclibolil vlall4l tlieiu there. Tlili nhoiild lie n lexson to you. youtiK men," Mild tie. "You wliould be nioro cnrefnl." They nald they would tx. They were profusely uniteful for their re: cue. "You ouKht to be," mild Arclilwild ooleuiuly, "Do ou know what this cm capadn of jour coit mo'" They didn't know, of count'. Tlio very twit bridge liniid I ever held In my life." said John I). The Hermit Crab. The hermit crab likes to llvo In n little pool left by thu tide on n rocky or idielvlnR .iore. With tin; hHkIiU! nhirm tho llitle crcnluro retires Into the nIu'II nnd Kiiunlx the opeuliiK of II with one claw, whleh Is mm h larger tlmn the other, the hard point of the feel also projectlnc a Utile. This crab ran hold on to Itx hIioII ho (Irmly that, thouch It may Im pulled to pieces, It cannot be pulled out. A Safe Dot. A innu enn neer Kiient how big the ImtH or nIcvwh or nklrts of women "HI bo next Kciison, but ho Hlands nndy to be l that no fashion center can make big mIiocs for woiuon ikijih-Inr- AtehlHon filolie. HOTEL MOORE European. Special Rates by the Week or Mouth. Rates 50 Cents "Up. RATJ-MOHR CO., Proprietors. rr&&&&i&&Gw Campbell & Baumbach MORTOAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved - ranches and fruit land. rr PHONE 3231. 120 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. """"r-rrrrrrririrft A HANK BOOK WILL LIGHTEN tho burden of cailng for your money. Dupoidt your cash in tho Fanners & Fruitgrowers Bank and you will not havo to elt and worry about its safety Thieves don't tstcal bank books; nnd It flro destroys ono, you don't loso anything, us you would it It was tho rnsh Itself. Open an account today nnd you'll sleep easier tonight and cxery night. IB FOR SALE OAK and HARDWOOD $1.50 per cord, ucnr 1'olu, 10 milcH from Afodfoi'd. GOLD BAY EEALTT CO. 218 Wist Main. I'lidilci 1873 "ARE YOU ETNA-IZED AGAINST ACCIDENTS C. H. REDFIELD ICKI'UfShTrriNG Aetna Accident--Northwestern Mutual Life 210 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg. Both Phones .. Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank S-T-A-T? theatreJlV- Mcdford's New IToine of Photoi)lays. THE CRAVEN HEART. , 'A fire picture that is a thriller. AS FATE DECREED. " 1 "A human drama of unsurpassed interest. RETURN OF WIDOW POGSON'S HUSBAND. A comedy feature sure to make a hit. ' - AL SATHER IN POPULAR SONGS f Pay strict attention to our music and realistic ef fects. '4iMttJiflMtti Sunday ve run continuous from 2 p. m. to 10:30 p. m. V. Week-days from 2 to 5 p. in. and 7 to 10:30 i. m. Strict attention to ladies and children diu'iug aXt-t. ernoon performances. iftrta -FOR PORCH OR GABLE 4 or in fact any part of the house, in or outside, you will find that our mill work will help woh-f derf ully in the beautifying of your dwelling, Ane thd porch colums, newel posts, blinds, etc, will actually cost you less than the hand made articles. Don't complete your plans without seeing our mill work t 1 '' I ill A (i l re Sm 1 v If 3 I ( MEDFORD SASH and DOOR COMPANY t'i fi "nl A 1! 3 4 .4 $ MMMMyMMtMMMMMMMMMMMMM,MMlll'Mlr