Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 30, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 10

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    T'XQTj ffOtJK
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New Tucked Bloiisfc.
.(tractive blouse In illustrated
Tie model vns of wlilto Jawn
trlinrtvwl wltli a dark liltia. Glinlllo,
ullk qr nny mnlerlnl way bo substi
tuted for lawn. The Majryar alcoves
Imvo cross bands of narrow tucks nnd
lift fl fiK W
How to GiVeaBirthiay Party,
Kvcry oho has n lilrtlufay, bo hero
Is n pood plan to follow when yon rIvo
a party on your birthday. First wrlto
the invitation neatly nnd scud tlicm
out about two Mock before tho party.
On tlio tuoruliiR of tho occasion yon
should decorate tho house with holly,
mistletoe, house plants, such ns ferns,
palms, etc., If your party bo In winter;
In fall, autumn leaves and chrysanthe
mums, house plants; in spring and sum
mcr, wild (lowers. When your frlcndi
nrrlvo welcome them and make them
acquainted with one another, then
lead them Into a sitting room or parlor
and plvo each n chair. You could then
play some Karnes.
If you have many Ruests nt your
party have leo cream, cuke, candy, to
nnnns and fruit In summer; In wlu
tor have hot chocolate, cake, candy.
Imnbons oud frolt Giro each person
a fancy impcr napkin as a souvenir of
the occasion. Hate a largo room ready
for danclnir. lleforo dopartlug sours
and instrumental selectioua could bo
Klvcn by your guests.
IIiour.Ii llio winner of tho Nnlioun
I.eORiie pennant luv- tint been ilmilcil
1ho untionnl buvhtill ootutuisoiou
meet hero today In timinge ltr, tl
world's elitunpioiwliip series.
The firal gaino will lie plnyeil Oe
toher III. Two Mcliedules will b
framed one in oiv-o New Yok win
tho r!hun will ulternntc belweei
New Yoik ami Philmlclpltiti -ami Hi
others if Chics win, will be pine
lieally as la-l jear.
xrnrra ajtd ni.UK blocs.
are trimmed with narrow bands of
blue and IVench knots. Hands of tho
darker stuff and French knots trim
tho collar, while tho front is adorned
with narrow tucks and rows of buttons.
Tho Kimono Blouse.
'A new fancy Is tho kimono blouse
made of eyelet embroidery, thin or
thick. The design Is not very open,
and tho blouse is cut In tho vrell known
Jumper shape. It can be worn over
another kimono blouse of china silk,
white or colored, or it can be worn
merely over a dainty corset cover run
through with pink ribbon. It should
Lave a gulmno of net or lace, as the
sleeves are rather wide and "somewhat
short and expose too much of the arm
for any occasion except honso wear.
As it is nulte the fashion to wear flesh
colored slips under one's blouses the
idea may be carried out with artistic
result under tlieso eyelet kimonos. One
should -finish the elbow sleeves of the
Undersllp with a three Inch hem of
net, plain or dotted, or an equally wide
baud of lace.
A Paper Washing,
On warm summer mornings when
It Is too hot to enjoy violent plays and
you nro looking for something new to
do try putting out a lot of paper
clothes to dry. The clothes are cut
from stiff white, brown or striped
paper or any sort of paper which
would look Ilko clothes that aro being
washed. You may cut out nny sort
of garment that you like, but remem
ber that it must lie cut out so that
It looks as If the arms were hung up
to the line. The clothesline is made
uf a cord and hung from ono small
upright post to another. Anything
which will stand up will do for the
pots which are to hold the lines.
When the clothes aro plnued up on the
lino they look very funny, and it is
Interesting to see how many dlffereut
sorts of garments you can cut from
the paper In this fashion.
A Great Variety of Materials
Utilized la the New Sails.
In speaking .of BaaBOfactjjrera' prepa
rations for 'fall trade the' Dry Goods
Economist says:
"Much attention haa been given to
tho selection of materials for fall salts.
In tho plain tailor mades cheviots,
heavy serges, fancy mixtures and
mannish fabrics aro tho most desir
able. Some of tho double faced cloths
nro being used for suits, but they are
not so practicable as they are for
cvats and therefore arc not expected
to be taken in such largo quantities.
"Many of the new rough materials
aro being used in tho better grade of
Bults, as well as high luster broad
cloths, plain and fancy velvets and a
few cloth back satins.
"The' orders now being' placed on
separate skirts aro largely for the
more staplo numbers.
".Black voiles and panamas, trimmed
with braid, satin, velvet or embroid
ery, are again meeting with ready
Bale. A few black taffetas have been
ordered, also black satins. It is ex
pected that some velvet skirts will be
60ld, but tho demand will necessarily
lib limited. Serges, cheviots, fancy
mixtures and reversible cloths aro ex
"Panels of vnrious kinds aro much In
evidence, and buyers think well of
them. The slashed skirt Is being
taken in limited quantities ouly. Tho
slashed effects give promise of being
In good demainl. A few of the late
models show tho long tunic and some
a' simulated tunic. These arc expect
ed to grow in popularity as the season
Braids Prominent
TIralds of many widths from sou
tache to tho half yard wide bands
are prominent, tho bauds seldom en
circling a garment or any of its parts,
but appearing in sectlous or panels or
half bauds Just whero thoy aro most
useful iu accentuating tho good points
of a creation.
Cost Sets.
Tho striped coat sets aro in any
color that ono wishes, not necessarily
to match tho suit Tho collar is qulto
long, deep at tho back and finished
with an edge of cluny laco or a hem
of colored muslin or linen to match
tho stripe.
fergyman Tho very ,fllm7
I J of your women wear are
. ow can you stand them?
Clergyman Wo throw over
roud inantlo cf charity,
ton Transcript,
A Queer Kind of Bank.
Old Jacob Zeis, who lived a hermit's
life on a farm in Monroe county, 111.,
was not seen by his neighbors for n
long time, and an Investigating farmer
found him in his bed dead aud on a
table a note saying that ho had boon
taken ill and could not go for a doc
tor. In the note there was mentiou
of a hoard of money In the cellar of
the shanty where he lived.
Tho coroner and several neighbors
made a search for the money nnd
found it cunningly hidden. There was
an old oak log in a dark corner of the
cellar, and in the log were holes so
well plugged with original wood that
the log looked whole. Under the plugs
were found gold coins, and $300 in all
was taken from the queer bank and
turned over to the county authorities
A Playful Wolf.
Wolves carry off children out on tb
frontiers of clvillxation sometimes, but
tn New York some children turned the
thing around and caina near carrying
off the wolf. He was a big gray wolf,
and he bad been kept in a private me
nagerie in the suburb where the chil
dren live. Mr. Wolf got out of bis cage
and ran away and then came upon a
group of children playing in tho dust.
Wolves like to play In the dust, too,
and so this wolf was not at all offend'
cd when the children dragged him into
their play. They thought that he was
a street dog. and he did not tell them
what bo really was. He let the chil
dren pull bis tail and push him about
and -feed blm candy, and he was hav
ing a royal good time when his owner
came along and captured him.
The Game of Wink.
Wink is an amusing game and is
generally played as follows: Chairs are
placed in a circle; a girl occupies one,
and a boy stands behind her chair.
Suppose there were sixteen boys pres
ent and only fifteen girls, the sixteenth
boy would stand behind an empty
chair. All tho girls must look at the
sixteenth boy. The one ho winks at
must Jump up' (if she can get away
from the person behind her chair) nnd
sit in the empty one. Then the boy
behind her former chair must wink at
soma other girl.
Old Nursery Rhymes.
"Pussy cat pussy cat, where have
you been?" dates from the reign of
Queen Elizabeth nnd was a popular
rustic song In the old Devon county,
whero Drake and Raleigh lived.
"Boys and Girls, Come Out to Play,"
and "Lucy Locket Lost Her Pocket"
date from the time of Charles II.. the
"merry monarch." It is not known
that the rhymes refer to any particular
thing or event
Sewing Hindus.
Hindu boys havo to learn to sew.
When they aro grown men they must
do all tho sewing for the family if it
Is a poor family, and poor men are
hired to do tho sowing for the rich
Tho Swiftest Flowing River.
The fastest flowing river in tho
world Is tho SutleJ, in India. It rises
15,200 feci above, the sea and falls 12,
000 feet in 160 miles.
Letter Enigma.
My flrefl In pn. but not In write;
Uy second is In blue, but not In white;
My third I In zero, but not In cold;
My fourth is the same as my third, you
art) told;
My fifth la In lake, but not In pond;
My sixth Is In love, but not In fond.
My wholo spells a word
That, with tne you'll ogre
When you have (,'ucuBod It,
Will mean mystery.
Answer. Puzzle. u
Mr. WUUs-But why don't yon take
your bank book in to kavo it bal
anced? Mrs. Wlllla-I don't want that snoo
py looking cashier to know how much
money l'vt got lu tucroJ Puck.
his wife called hint a "supgag", Joh
I?. Kirkliuiri drought suit for divoive
He does not know the toieauiiui iC ll"
word, but considers il obnoxious.
Lccttcr ILst.
The following list of. Ietler. re
main unoalled for nt the inis-t ffk
at Medford, Oregon, VVuduesdnj
Sepl. 27,1011:
Euuiia Armstrong. 11. A. Hiiiwii
Mr. and Mrs. LouU K. Harbor, Win
Hnrvhers, Ida Hnrron. Hynm Higler
0. K. HlaUdell, L. A. Honnr, Ar.
Hones, Harry Ho-ler, Win. Christen
sen, Ohns. Cobb, Hnlph K. Ihivr
Nieltolo Coladonato Oouato, Mi
James Klliott, K. K. Garner, Mrs. J
V, Hall, Myrtle Hammond, C.
Hnnuou, Mr. Harden, Henry Has
Hubbs L. V. & Co., Hon James, l'e
der K. Jensen, Abb Keeling, Mr
Chas. Leonard, Med. Homo l'ninhne
Co., J. W. Melulyre, Chas. Morgan
Chns. Mulligan, Urneo Xe!on. Nor
wood Noronald, Albeit 1'ankev, Clot
Parker, Hessie Peterson, Mrs. p. L
Heed, T. J. Stanley, H. J. Slewnrt A
i?o., .7. J. Smith, Howard R Taylor
Percy Kay Tnlent, Hnrrv Thomas
J. W. Wilson, W. W. Woodfird, Cha.
Wooden, J. W. Wright, John Mar
shall Williams, Mrs. Kedelia A. Wil
liams, Louise ganger. Packages
H. W. Sanders.
Parlies calling for the nhnvo loi
ters will say advertised. A
charge of one cent will be made upor
deliver" of the above letters.
Shoes Way Below Cost
Two thousand dollars worth ot
shoes (formerly tho Kdmea'des Shoo
stock) must be sold at onco regard
less ot cost, beginning Saturday, Sop.
tember 30. High grade shoes will go
at prices below the cheapest. This Is
your opportunity.
Modfonl Ore.. Aue. 9. 1911. This Is lo
certify that about J"ormtr my daugh
ter wan taken with a severe attack of
rheumatism which rendered her left arm
useless. In fact it was so near paralysed
that b was not able to niovo her fln
Bers, but knowing of some of Dr. Chow
Young's marvelous cures of lone stand
ing cages of rheumatism, wo decided lo
consult him. In which I am p'eased to
say niacjc no mistake, as his remedies
a-tcd ns he claimed they would and aft
er the third treatment the rheumatic
pain entirely left her and she has not
had any symptoms of rheumatism sluco;
besides her Kcncral health In much Im
proved and I do not hestltate In saying
I believe thoso afflicted with rheuma
tism or paralysis will do well to consult
Dr. Crow Younk. whose house Is corner
of Tenth and Front atrrets, Medford. Or-
A. P. WKISa 175
Wo carry "Very-complets line of
draperies. lace curtains, fixtures, eta.
and do all classes of upholstering. A
special man to lopkr after this work
exclusively and will give as rood
service as is possible to get la even
the largest cities.
Weeks & McGowan Co
An ideal retreat for outdoor pastimes
of all kinds. HUNTINO, KI8HINO,
pretty water agates, njoss aitates,
moon-stones, carncllans can be found
on the beach. I'uro mountain water
and the best of food at low prices.
Fresh fish, clams, crabs and oysters,
with abundance of vegetables of all
kinds dally.
Osmplng Grounds Convenient and At?
tractive with Rtrtct Unitary
Ttom All Points la Oregon, Wash
lug-ton and Idaho, on sale sally.
from Southern Pacific points Portland
to Cottage Grove; also from all C &
B. stations Albany and west Good
going Saturday or Hunday aid for
return Sunday or Monduy.
Call on any R. P. or C. ft E. Agent
for full particulars as to fares, train
schedules, etc.: also for copy of our
Illustrated booklet, "Outings In Ore.
gon," or write to
fttniral Vasseares Ageat,
yortlaaO, Oregoa.
BKATTtiK, Vn., Hept. :)0. Pro.
cvsor J. Allej 8mih,pf llio fltu(o
tUilu'rHily, nlso n noted mifltor. Is
'ned a statement today .in wliioh he
empliatujnlly endorsed llio notion of
;ho federal grand jury In refusing
Vt Indiot lio Seattle edition and
itixens who addressed tlio protest
meeting uuluM Federal Judge Hun-
Profoisor Smith anids
"Tho refusal of tlio federal grand
ury to iutlici the men who oriliotsed
, iederal judge, is merely what was
o lie ovpeotcd. f it be a eiiine U
make tin organised protect iignisut n
fudge and ndxoeate his; inipeiioli
'ueut, the people would be powerless
to invoke the uupeaehineut provision
n the eonstiiutum against him, Anv
sneli iow of the matter would eon-
edo to tho oourl an independent1!'
of control by tho people utterly ie
pugnant to the idea of demoernov."
Look for the ad that orfejra II to
You, uuoomMiiuul, at a roal bargain)
Rock Spring
at xaxd a&k Yum.
Offlcu Ntid Con Yiml, Twelfth and
Front Birtsit.
Minnc 71f)t,
M G'OAb fA
On Rivoroido Avo,
' v " L, B. BRbWN, Proprlotor. f
Koiul, Hour, Seed, Veleli, Winter OiiIh.
Hnrloy Kollod.
0 acres Hour Creek buttom, IJ30 nerej
wisv terms.
it) ncr Hear ercek bottom mostly, &
room new hom-, IS0 arm.
acres. 1 lu two-Vear-old apple and
pears. ioo ucte cio in station
!rt acres. 7 In bearing aimles. b.ihinee
in nirairn. SfiOOO
II acres, alfalfa ninl pears, 9375 acre
!80 acr's. $SS an aer. fine subdivision.
1 acres Perry subdivision, easy terms.
IS acres: close In; beautiful view; fine
soil: U&9 acre, very easy terms.
1-3 acres; bearlnc orchard: water
rlttht; store; also lrasa on Rood pas
ture and hay laud, sal or trade.
Stoves Stoves Stoves
Wo'hav a vory largo and comploto atock of Colo's Air Tight Wood Stovpa,
also a fino assortmont of Ranges, including tho GREAT MAJESTIC, all at roa
sonablo pricos.
1 ' I li i ii ii i i. i mmm-mmmm i
Medford Hardware Comp'ny
t l-J sores, 't-nnim house, 8S0.
i0 acr. 1 1-3 miles from town In Wtl
lamottu valley, rich bottom and up
land. tOO acres cultivated. Rood Im
provements. 1135 acre.
(ncotno property, rentals, I1JB monthly;
take cood noreate.
Nlc Portland rvMdrnco for enrden land
600 aer, suli-dlddvldsdltlodn, finely lo
cated In small town, ttiko (umi prop
erly. iSO acres under ditch. 35 In alfalfa, f 575.
Tlllalilo, Krent siia.
610 acre. 300 In wheat. $30 per ncro;
take alfalfa or fruit ranch.
Waterfront slorw hulUlliiir. Ineomes urons
$1500 month, take alfalfa or fruit tract.
Tesoent City properly for ncrease.
10 acres. IS In pears, close In fine build-1
Inu site and view.
HO. aero stock and alfalfa ranch: HO
acres tillable; under ditch: 171 per
acre; take income property.
130 acres raw land; all fine fruit land;
take any rood property.
10 acres, tillable; 13000; take town prop
erty. to acres, cleared; take residence In
iirla for geaeral housework.
illtjr and ranch property ta list.
. F. L
mm tjhjdcbt
Japanese Bamboo
Waste Baskets
Best for the
House & Office
Small & Large
Book Store
Have the Soil
The Water
: The Climate
The Transportation
To Produce Enormous Crops
Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Bldg.
for us to call for. ( Neither caa you stall our machinery or wprking force by giv
ing us a large order of GLEANING nd PRESSING CLOTHES. Try us.
5 N.'Fir Street
Pacific Phone 2441; Home 244
..rfk .
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