rM!? . f '- M-M.VjK-llfcM.' ,W,.WW.Tn , 1 't a -1 hT"' rV'J f Ao'J'H; " " ? I SUBSCRIBERS rihiir to iret pir wiu li one (Wllvtrirt by tihouliirf of. flu by U p, in. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Cloudy Milt. ? MIh. 7i Ilol, Hum. 1(1. Dully-HUlli Yir. I'lirty-I'lritl Yrnr. TWELVE PAGES MEDFORD, OJIISCJON, SATURDAY, SISI'TKAIJMH 90, 1911. TWO SECTIONS. No. 1C5. i. , ,.-ij, n,irz azsn MAJORITY FAVORS1BOND ISSUE MORE THAN 30,000 MEN QUIT WORK ON HARRIMAN LINES TREMENDOUS OR MEDFORD POLLS VOTE ALMOST UNANIMOUS DOND ISSUE OE $1,500,000 Reports from All Sections of the County Favor Passant of Bond Issue Voto Llnliter In Ashland than, Was Expected and this is Taken as an lidicatlofi of Success hy Octtrr Hlnhway Advocates All arc Workliin Hard. ALL EUROPE JACKSONVILLE, CENTRAL POINT, GOLD HILL, TALENT AND. PHOENIX ARE IN FAVOR OF IT Mcdford's Vote Is Heaviest Ever Polled In this City Before Noon 887 Votes Had Been Cast When Polls loscd for Luncheon at Noon IS EXCITED OVER ERACAS London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna and St. Pctrrsburn are Trylnjj to Form Coalition of Powers to Hold Down Balkan States. DAM GIVES AWAY: 300 TO 00 DROWNED At (wo o'clock 70 votes hud been i'iimI in North .InehMiuwIle precinct, County Clerk Cob-man who luix been ltMtiiif( iiim tuli on lli voting there, hlulcH thai giving t'it benefit of cv cry iloulit, tit least IO of iIhjh,! win) in favor of tli; bond insm). A sub tdnuliiil iniijorily ix oxpreled in cacti of iliu two .InckMinvillo precincts. A lain ic port from Ahlund till al'tcinoon wiiti to Hid effect Hint AUO AMiiliuuKwiiniK. It in I'Hlimiiti'il hi Anhlnnd that !() pur cent of thin number or l!(l() wcio in favor of tlio roailx, This would indicate Ih.tl AMiliuidVi vote njjahmt the lioiul range between u miijoiity of IOU Judging from report from all effect liml tint voting in that city i Hoi heavy, (loot! roads advocate at Ahlilaiul stale today that thu vote (hero will Hurprinc tlio county as the bonds am being heller suppoited than it wax believed will ho tlie case, It in claimed thai tlio majority ngaiiml tins ImiimIh will not exccc.i J 00. It !h claimed hy thu advocates of tho bonds that (lol.l Hill, CVntnil Point, .Inekhoiiville, Phoenix, Tinil ami ProHpeot are certain to give a majority in favor of thu bond. ThU with 'tlitt Medford voto, will iiKHiirc tho punugo of tho bonds own if ev ery other precinct including Ash land, returneil a majority against. Tho voting in Medford started early anil hundred vihitcil tho jhiIIs early. Hy 10::i0 a. in. over fU0 vote hail been cant. Dnritiir the afternoon the voting Hwlliiim of .liirkwiH county to'ci.edl ,,,,, nlvv ,, ;, U .jt.vt,(I liy liio .Mail Ti inline at noon imlny. there in little iloulit hut that .laekoi. county ha taken a bland for ino gnwn uiiil linn gien tho good 'imiIs hand iHMiie of .fl.r.Oll.tlllll a hiiblu tial mujniilj. Thu vote in Medford is ver heavy, totaling in tho five precinct in 'he city, 887 olcx at 1 o'clock when the polls cloned for an hour to allow the election hoard to get luncheon. Tin in the hcuviont ole ever east during a forenoon in thin city. It in pre dicted that the total vole will ho be tween I. '11)11 ami l.'tlt) in this citv and that the hoinlrt wilt receive a 'Major ity of 1000 voIch in thin city alone. Reports from Ashland nutu I ho1 that hetween five ami hcvcii o'clock this evening' Hint a great many of whom aro working and planning to vole after iiilting this afternoon. Union labor leaders were buoy this morning. The only subject discussed on tlio hi reel k today was tlio proposed hand issue. Apparently cveryomi was working for the passage of the homls. If Ihcro worn any against, they kept llicl. The total vide when the polls closed for noon in Ihn Medford pre cincts wan: Southeast .Medford, (l; Northeast Medford, 77; Central Medford, 282; Southern Medford, 28.r; Northwest Medford, 1117. F D LOWERED TO BURIED MEN Work of Rescue Is Prourcsslnn Rap idly and It Is Expected that Pris oners will lie Reached hy Tomorrow. KAMI HANKS, Alaska, Sept. HO. r'ood wax lowered lo (ho J 'J miners in thu Shakchpearo mine, today through u steam pipu which runs down thu collapsed shaft. The work of rusnui) in progressing rapidly anil it is expected that thu prisoners will ho reached liufnru to morrow afternoon. ' Thu minors told their rosouoi'H that thoy hardly daro sleep owing lo thu intense, cold hclow ground. RGDOERS FLYING NOW OVER OHIO MANSFIELD, Ohio, Sept. !I0. -Aviator Knilgorri flying westward ovur tlio continent, left hero at ll:.'10 today, announcing thai ho would fly until hirt gaHolluii supply was ex haiiHtrd, He passed Million at 12;2(l. CAPTAIN HAINS IS EREE MAN Was Sentenced, to 14 Years In Sinn Sinn But is Pardoned hy Governor Dlx To no to South America With His Brother. MARTIAL LAW IS NOW DECLARED CONSTANTINOPLE Turkey and Greece arc FlQhtlnfl In Tltcssaly Russlt Takes a Hand. LONDON, Bopt. 30. Oeneral cx cltumunl prevails throughout Kuropo today tin n ri'Hult of now ilcvelopment In tho Turko-Jtnllan bltuatlon In ro t;ard to 'rrlpoll, London, Parla, llcrlln, Vienna ami fit. IvtoraburR nro trying to form n coalition of tho powers to hold down tho Uttlknii Stiitt'it. Mnrtlul law hnu been declared In Coimtuuttnoplo. Tho TurklHh fleet htyi arrived nt tho (lOlilon Horn from llclrut, and tho torptjdo hoU nml dentroycrji will. raid tho Italian const. Turkey and Grecco nro fighting In ThcHHtily, the nortliwent jirovlnco of Orcocn. Husala la reported to bo In posses- slon of Troblzond and Italy Is mobll- Izlng her armies on tho Austrian frontier. Tho Uuko of Abrzzl has establish ed a mircciuiful blockmlo of Tripoli- tun jMirtH and today is In comamud of a fleet bombarding I'rcvcsa. (Ireero Ik casting covutoiiH eyes at Crc.tu; thu llalkan States aro ready to rise. Turkey now feels that nit of Its resources must bo called upon to maintain Its national Integrity. It recently lost two provinces to Aus tria, and with Italy after Tripoli, (Irceco after Crete and KukhIii after Treblzoiul tho patriotic Turks fool that tho partition of tho einplro Is Imminent nt any moment. Thoy pro pone to dlo fighting It they must per ish. Hcsuming thn landing of troops in Tripoli today tho Italians exchanged a fow shots with tho defondors. Auaval engagement Is mocntnrlly expected near tho Dadnuullcs. Tho Italian fleet that was sent to Inter cept Uurkmuu'li Turkish fleet, which Is now ut Constantinople Is reported Htenmlng to tho attack. City of Austin, Pa., Inundated and No One Had an Opportunity to Escape Newt Came in Telephone Message from Mill Foreman. 'i 1 NO DETAILS OF THE ACCIDENT AVAILABLE Accurate Estimate of tho Dead is Impossible but Reports aro Catastrbphc is Great. COUDEHSPORT, I'a Sept. 30. Tho Ilynlcss pulp mills dam at Free man's Hun, near Austin, Pa., went out at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. The reports say It Is estimated that 200 persons perished. WAT IE Tho Mall Tribune lies mado complete plans for receiving tho returns from today's bond election at tho earliest possible moment and tho In stant that the result is known It will bo flashed to tho residents of tho county by means of a red light from tho roof of the Mail Trlbuno building. Ho watch for the red light for It will signify tho passago of tho bonds. The counting of tho ballots will proceed rapidly tonight as tho ballot Is a short one. The result should bo known between 9 and 10 o'clock The Mall Trlbuno will Issue an extra following tho receipt of re turns from all sections of the county, which can bo secured from tho newsboys on tho streets. So watch for the red light. It will signify the passage of tho bonds. EIRST FREIGHT TIE-UP ALBANY Men Refuse to Do Their Work and All Local Freight Traffic on Cor vallls and Eastern Railroad Is Tied Up. BUFFALO, N. Y.. Sept. 30. Tho Emporium Lumber company hero this afternoon received a long dlstanco message stating; thnt between thrco I and five hpndtciirrnna aro report ed killed at Austin. Pa., when a huge dam collapsed. Tho city Is Inundated, no one hav ing nn opoprtunity to reach a place of safety. It is reported that tho debris has taken flro and tho castrophe may bo oven worse. No confirmation has yet been obtained. Thoillspatch tolling of tho disaster came from some sawmills seven miles from Austin. Tho manager of tho mills stated that an nccurato estimate of tho dead was imposslblo but reports Indicated that tho catastrophe would be appalling. Ho asked what action tedhe should take. Tho company In structed him to closo down his plant and go to tho rescuo of tho victims. NEW YORK MARKET AMIANY, N. V., Kcpl. :iu. Cup. lain Peter (J. llaiun, Jr., was par doned by (lovornor Dix. Mains wiik Hculeiieed to M .yearn in Sing Sing tor killing William K. Annis at the Haysidu Yacht club in August, 1001). lie will go to South America, au couipanied hy his brother. SOCIALISTS SHOW GREAT STRENGTH STOCKHOLM, Sept. 30. Muoh strength was hIiowii hy tlio Social ists ut (ho recent oluetioiiR that lie inemhoi'H of tlio onhiuut tendered their resignations today. Bombarding Streets. HOMH, Sept. !I0. JUDGE PREPARING TOR M'NAMARA TRIAL LOS ANflKLKS, Cal., Sept. :!0. To facilitate matters incident lo the opening of tho MeNamara trial here October 11, Superior Judge Waller Hordwell has drawn tho names of l'J,r talesmen from tho trial jury libt to try the ease. Usually theso jury lists, when so drawn, aro given out for publication, hut in this instance, hy specific instructions from Judgo ALBANY, Ore., Sept. ,10. All lo cal freight traffic on the Southern Pacific and the Corvallis and East ern railway companies here, is tied up. When 30 shopmen went out other employes refused tu-do -'their work. Trains that wcro supposed, to be mnde up and en route nt 8:45 n. in., were still in the yards here at 1 11. in. There is no immediate prospect of traffic being moved. KATE'S DUKE IS FIRST JO STRIKE Telegraphs Rome that Two Torpedo Boats Were Attacked and One is Stranded Other is Pursued But Escapes. MAYOR EORCfS PRICES DOWN Executive of Indianapolis Brings in 500 Bushels of Potatoes and Sells Them at Cost to Force Commis sion Houses Down. NEW YOKK. Sept. 30. Tho stock market opened with n slightly up ward tendency on moderate trading. Recessions fololwed later but prlcos soon recovered and mounted steadily. Amlagamted Copper and American Smelting gained 3, United States Steel 1 G-8 and Heading and Union Pa cific 1 1-2. Tho actlvo list generally advanced n point or more; Reces sions In thu llurrlmati Issues woro fol lowed by declines elsewhere and prices woro fractionally below tho best. Tho market closed strong. Bouda were firm. Fair Crowd at Fight VHIiNON AHKXA, LOS ANC1K LES, Cal., Sept. M.Only it fair crowd saw Johnny Kilhano and Frankio Conloy in their scheduled L'O round bout this afternoon. Kilhano entered, tho ring at 10 to (1 over tho Kenosha lad, and thu consensus of Hordwell, these names are being with-' opinion was that hu would win on held. Despite the fuel that members of the defcusu refuse, to stale whether thy will request n change of judge, both sides nro working hard to get their respective casos toned up ready for the opening of thu battle. It is not generally believed in legal cir cles that tho defeuso will carry out its threat of asking for n change of judge on tho ground of bias on tho part of Judgo llordwell. DERKtiLlW. Pa. -Tho timo-hon- Wireless dis-f orod " beer bust", ono of tho olassio patches from tho Italian fleet to-.traditions of tho stato university, li'is night say that the boiulmrdinoul of i gono down in history. Nothing hut Tripoli began at 10 o'clock. The news .(initio from Admiral Aubry, in 'ummuiid of the siptndrnn points. In the first preliminary Frank Hantora knocked out Harry Eord in tho first round. Occupy Tripoli Tonight. VIENNA, Sopt. 30. That tho oc cupation of tho Tripolltan coast will bo practically accomplished tonight Is tho belief of Admiral Aubroy In comamud In tho disputed country, ac cording to n wireless rocolvod today In Italy, bovoral Turkish fishing boats suspected of bolng spies woro captured by tho blockading cruisers today. Tho Crotans havo notified tholr ropicsontatlfos In Italy thnt thoy In tend to uso theopportunlty ofofrdod HOME, Sept. 30. The young Duke of Abruui, well kuown for his nn daunted SDirit and energetic action in Polar expeditions, is tho first to stnko a decisive blow in the Italin.i campaign in Tripoli, nccording to re ports received hero today directly from tho duko himself to tho effect that ho hns succeeded in setahlishin;: n blockade of tho Turkish port of Prevent. Abruzzi telegraphed to Homo us follows: "Two torpedo bonts attempted to escape. Wo engaged one, which stranded after catching fire. We pursued tho other, which returned to join tho blockaded Turkish fleet in Prevesa." ALBANIAN MASSACRES AT BOTTOM OF WAR INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. 30. Owing to the price of potutoes soar ing bkyward, Mayor Shank of In dianajwlU is today selling out 500 bushels of potatoes which he brought in from the country, at the cost of marketing them. The mayor intends to force the commission men to give fair prices. At the commission houses tho prices of potatoes went tumblin-' and many reductions were reported froru retailers. The commission men say the3' will go as low as the mayor. Tho pcoplo aro enthusiastic and mnny have pledged themselves to help 'show iip" the commission men in their inflating of the prices of necessities. GREAT STRIKE OF SHOPMEN NOW REALITY Every Line in the West is Effected Walkout Is Complete and 3bju are Completely Tied- Up Out at Ashland. SWITCHMEN MAY GO OUT THIS EVENING Reported that Trainmen Will Refuse to Handle Cars Worked On by Strike Breakers. CHICAGO, Ills., Sept. 30. Tho recent Albanian massacres aro the key to tho situation in tho present Turko-Italiati war, according to Cluules R, Crane, in a statement made hero today, upon his return from a trip through tho llalkan states. "Tho devastation wrought by the Turks in Albania is shocking," said Crane. "Tho Albanians will novor givo up, nml should bo of great as sistance to any power at war with Turkey." Crane branded Tout-got, tho Tm ish general sent to repress tho rebel. Hon in Albnnin as n monster of tho bloodiest sort. FIVE SHOOTERS INVEST IN VALLEY Medford Gun Club Wants Pacific Coast Handicap for 1912, and Have Splendid Prospect of Getting It They Say. The Strike in Oregon. " Telegraphic advices indicate " thnt fifty men struck in tho Or- " egon Short Lino shops at "" Glenn's Ferry', Idaho; fifty at "" the Oregon-Washington Rail- " road and Navigation shops at "" Huntington, Ore.; sixty-five at "" "" the Southern Pacific shops at Roseburg, 30 at Ashland, ono " hundred at Umatilla, Ore.; ono "" hundred and five at-LaGrande, t Ore.,; thirty at Starbuck, Wn., "" and practically all machinists " and blacksmiths stationed at in- "" termediate towns and sidings. TI SntilliArn Pnoifin tnnnnla " and tracks over the Siskiyou "" " mountains hro guarded by spec- " " inl officers, who went on duty "" " this moniiug. . - r Hinnlrni- will Int-n iln iilnen thin vniir nt tlm iiiiiiiml anlMiriitlnn of by tho Tripoli affair to offoct tholr ihn sophomores, !"K desired annexation with (Ireoco.j SANTA BARI1ARA, Cul. Dosort ing a woalthy husband and a baby boy for nn nutomobilo meohnnio, Mrs. W. P. Meyers, wife of n prominent Los Angeles physician, today is on routo to San Francisco with her af finity, J. R. Martin. Aftor nn ox oiting chnso Dr. Myers ran down his wifo nud tho ohnnffonr hero. Thoy had eloped in Dr. Myers' ntttoniohilc. Tho local gun club was Instrument al In securing five moro boosters for Mcdrord. Tho following woll known professionals, Peto Holohon of Du pont fame, Leo Drakloy, tho Win chester expert; Stadtfoid, tho Seattlo represtatlvo of tho Solby Smelting & Lead company; Dr. M. M. Bull, tho famous Eurciio dontlst, and Fred Moullen, also ot Eugene, all invested in Medford while attending tho two days' tournament given under tho aus pices of tho local gun club, tho pro- sosslonals, whoso territory raugo from Spokano to aSn Diego, all spoko In glowing terms of Medford, compli mooted tho local club on tholr tourna ment and backed It up by each buying a ploco of land In tho valloy. Thoy aro also heading a movement to securo for Medford tho Pacific coast handl cap for 1912, this annual event was held lu Seattlo, 1909-1910, and at Madoria, Cal'fornla, this yoar. Med' ford bolng centrally located with am plo hotel facilities and a fino shooting ground wit Istand an oxcollent chanco to secure this bannor event. Tho locnl gun club aro cortalnly putting Medford on tho map as shooting center and havo boon the means of Interesting outsldo shoot ers In Investments to tho exteut ot nearly $200,000 In Modford. CHICAGO, Ills., Sept. 30. A gen eral strike of tho Hariman lines and the Illinois Centrul railroad went in to effect today and 30,000 men quit their work. Tho strika is unanimous. Tho unionists expect tho strike to spread to every system in America. As it is the striko affect 2000 boil ermnkers, 10,000 mnchliists, H,0dO carmen, 3,000 blucksmithi. 1,'JOOO clerks, ,'J00 metal workers, 500 stcamfitters, 2,000 painters and 2, 000 laborers and the lines affected are in Unii.n Pacific oud Southern Pacific, the Oregon Short Lino, Oregon-Washington Railway and Navi gation company, Oregon Railway and Navigation compnny, tho Sunset, Il linois Central, thu Yazoo and Missis sippi Valley and tho Los Angeles, ban Pedro and Salt Lako routo. Tho largest number of shopmen af fected aro at Centrafiu, Ills.; Mem phis, Tenn.; Birmingham, Ala.; Oak laud, Cal.; Fast Bukersficld and Sacramento, Cal; Frccport, Ind.; St. Louis, Ills.; Omaha, Neb.; Kan sas City, Mo.;. Paducah, Ky.; Salt Lake, San Antonio, 1 Paso and Houston, Texas; Tuosou, Ariz. and Cheyenee, Wyo. SEATTLE, Wn. It was an nounced today that fiOO divorco de crees granted in Seattlo since 1009 arc void nnd ineffective, nud that many men and women, divorced by theso illegol dooumonts, havo romar- ricd in blissful ignorance that they nro not oven legally freed from their prior mates. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 30. Reports fro movory shop on tho Ilarriuiau lines west of tho Rocky mouutnius today deolnro that practi cally every shopmen in every shop is out to enforco tho demands of tho workmen for recognition of their sys tem federation, for better working conditions and for incroased pay. Promptly as tho hour of ten struck, from Idaho to Arizona tho men laid down their tools and with tho unant-' mity and discipline of trained troops began their flight for what thoy deem their rights. Predictions of tho railroad offic ials that many of tho men would re fuse to striko woro not borno out. In Sacramento and Oakland it had been confidently nssortod by tho rail road chiefs that only a smull propor tion of tho workmen would stand to, their guns when tho tost cmno. These predictions proved false, nnd, win or lose, tho strikers have entered tho fight united. E, L. Rcguiu, president of the fed eration, said us ho loft the shop that tho men had responded with a splend (Continued on Pag 4,j tr "-?' ,.. wyw'T.Mwi.''-wH-''iij''''"y'ii