' (J1 ' A h IV m w w it tf ti A 4 PAGH TWO MEDITOUD MAIL TRIBUNE, MIBDFOltt), QKHCiON, IWHUY. SlOTIQMmOR Si), 1011. UNION LABOR durruKidDunud PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN FINANCE GREAT RELIGIOUS CUUSADE i Central Labor Council anil Socialist Party tPlcilgo Support to Bond Is sue at tho Polls Saturday ire Nostlmi for Cause, v a r Tho Central tabor Council nnd the Socialist imrly of Jnrknon county on Tluirsdny Issued n statement to tho )mijllrv ploifslng their support to the Bf'jdfdniln bond. Irsuc. This moans added AtrnRtfi to the forces fnvor Inft tho bond Issue, as tho two orKan Isratlons haVo n voting strength of from 800 to i)00 votes' In tho coun ty. Tho statement Issued "Thursday was ns follows: To tho Public: We, tho'umlerslgnod, as a commit tee tpnrc8?nttiiK tho Central Labor Council Iff Medford, and tho socialist party .of Jackson county, after due coiMderatjon '(foul deliberation 'have decided to'heartlly Indorse and sup- porlJtlie gobii roads botfif "Issue tho coming election, (Signed.) O. 0. PARKEK, Teamsters. ' ' 'G.vn. UtlOHES. Carpenters. 1). C. SIMPSON, Plumbers. O. SI. MILLAR. Socialist party ' ' of Medford, Ore. nt WAR IS DECLARED (Continued from Par 1.) war whieh miiy mean (lie massacre ot thousands ot tiie Christian residents of the Turkish provinces. LONDON, Sept. 20. News that Italy has occupied Trlpol Is hour ly expected hero. The Turkish troops thero will not resist, believing that U would bo useless to combat the ov crwhclmln&Jtalan forco that haa concentrated for tho adventure. The Italian ultimatum Italy deliv ered to Turkey expired at noon today bul tho landing of troops at Tripoli has been deferred Until the usual no tifications have been bent to tho for eign consulates. Tho "wholo coast of Tripoli Is blockaded. War, as ye m not been actually declared. Italy's diplomats here will nqt formally act but as It Is Turkey must ' eevntuajly order tho Italian forces but ot Trlpolltan territory, thus severing diplomatic relations. Alrea'dy anuttcrlngs of a holy' -war are heard throughout Turkey and it is feared that Italy's grab -will result Inriromiscpus massacres of Europe ans, thus reopening tho entire Turk ish, question, and possibly canslng a geperal European conflict. Dispatches from Tripoli reeclvevd here oday say that tho foreign eon-sujates- there are besieged with hun dreds of Europeans asking for pro tection. Turkish troops are massed ou the outskirts, of the city, prepared to retreat into the desert when the lallah forces land. The streets of Tripoli are deserted, most of the mer chants having sent their valuables away and all business is at a stand still. Tho Italian expeditionary force Is .TO'.OpO strong, In two divisions of two brigades each. General Caneva commands with General Rinaldi and Olardlna D'Amlco as his aides. Both the lai)d aud sea forces are under tho direct command of .Admiral Au bry. ' Two thousand Carbineers are with the force. They are destined to act'as police In the city of Tripoli nfior tho occupation. I I 10t ' BARNUW IS TO RUN AUTO LINE Will Furnish Halt Hour Passi-iiurr Service Between Moilf ortl nml Jacksonville Second Car Is Pur chased. "& i 4 ( W. ILjllitViuun, wiiwlA now In Hut Francisco, hivu ptuchmu'd niiutlmr .S- I imsiM'UK'!- uutoiuohdo mid commotio lug MnitiluyiuiirnliiK. OciImt till, h w loH(ibllh!u .MfdrordvlnckBoitvllle uutouuilillo ttmto with tlio Uo lnttto nulomoblles which ho will put ou and tlio train mtIvo now In oporatlott tlion wll ibo OHtnbllalied n holt huur sorvlcn Jhotwoen .Mini ford iiiut Jncksonvlllo I. THE BEAUTIFUL HAIR OF ENGLISH WOMEN IiTEi6 G CAiTNXttT P LHAJ3ER.a KEY lHOUiE,S iTE.-U-Z.Tati IN IXOVEilvrBTrr TO EVANCittLIZX 3Jcrvxr&ra ic ojooar.. A tOTS-riJWENT Finnneinl by buine.-s men of national lnmlmeucl, whoso (Munliim'd w enlth nips into the hundreds of mil lions nml who will oontlurt it u.s thev would n privnte luisinvs nffitir, tlio I itited States muLCanndn arc on tlio eve of n common s.enst religious cntsiide such s is not reconled m tlie ihvmoiis history of llie luiman nice wince the refonnntioii, ami winch, its pro-moters proehuni, will be further reueliiu in its. elfeet thini the oiusiuloi of history. The plan, oriinntinu in New York, ineindos n Uit to more than ninety cities by oviingliJ.(it workers wiio will reneli.llie people in every valk of life. Ainoiit; the jirominenl men in New York who are associated with the work and who have given jenorous finnneinl aid to it are the followiiii: : Cleveland IT. Undue, J. I'iorpout Morgan, .lames H. Post, Frederick Hilliitu, .Inmes Q. Ciinnou, H. Fulton f utiiiijr. Dr. 1). II. JlcAIun, Aided K. Marling, Chnrles A. I'enhody, li. II. Seveninee, William Sloune, Wohert Hicusler. Jtimeis H. Coomhs, Frank A. Ferris and James I). Hustcd. MILLER EXPLAINS :l" HIS! POSITION Concerning tho article in this morning's gun stating the position of the Socialists on the bond issue for good roads, I wish to state ns nil individual that I was appointed by Medford Local of Socialist Party to act in conjunction with the labor un ions as to the iwsition we should take upon this bond 'sisue for good roads. Tho Socialist party is al ways in favor of shorter- hours, bet ter conditions and higher wages, in all lines of work, especially in pub lic work. Xow that thco principles are the cardinal principles of trade nniomstu, I, representing the Social isls ou this committee work, assumed that every Socialist would he in favor Of these provisions, and therefore thought I could take liberty to voice the sentiment of Medford Local of the Socialit parti; and I further be lieve that' I have voiced tho senti ment of the Socialists of Jockson county. Th5 good roads proposition however, is not especially n Social ist issue, nnd are only using it to endeavor to better the conditions of the working class, as wo do on nil lirivntu or public work. 1 GEO. II, MILLAR. HISS BROWN WILL GIVE CONCERT TONIGHT Medford socielj' unl interest in is showing vlntis "An F.vening of TO WALK OUT SATURDAY (Continued from Page 1.) " Italy 'Sot of One Blind. ROME, via Moduhe, Franco, Sept. 20, TlTu't Italy is far from being nu nniinus in fiesirjng war with Turkey over the Tripoli dUpule, is evidenced in nnyiy ways throughout the king dom toduy. In nil the large cities tho socialists are rioting and giving drastic demonstrations of their oppo sition tti the attitude of tho govern ment. The general strike plained by the socialibts failed only because the government prevented it by sluer forco of arms, Tio unions have )so become involved in tho anti-war crn snito nnd a number pf their nuibt prominent aud radical members have bepn arrested. Tho jails in several pities nre jam med wth protesting workers, arrett ed lor voicing their scutiments against tho war Joo freely, or making moro aoliyo objection. Tho order calling out.tl0 reserves is bitterly refi,onlcd, especially by the married mon, who are being torn from their families by the government orders In' uiuny cases tlio rpserves have boon forcibly driven to tho Italian Btniidard. fh'iioril judications are that in the event of war TurLoy will bo faced by u disgruntled Ifuly, weakened and torn by internal disscntum, Look at tho uds that cjffer cm pJoyjuqntand. you'll fii)d tho right om soon. . P ; r-r- IasUIn folealth, -. today to become effectivo nt 10 n. ra. tomorrow," said William Atkui srtn, vice president of tho boiiermuk crs' union, A strike of tho men jiero' means d monthly loss on tho face of the payrolls or more than .f250,000. Should the trainmen become involved citli3r directly o rindircclly, through tie lying up of the system, the loss in wages will be doubled. ' Upon tho Tcquest of Southern Pu cific officials 38 'incn have been sworn as special olice. These men arc stationed at the gates of a high board fence lending to tho shops. i , Portland Men Itady. PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 20. Shop employes of the Ilnrritnnn lines in Portland, who nre members of the Bystcm federation, nro prepared to walk out the moment the strike or der, expected tomorrow, is received. Fifteen hundred men nre employed il the locn shops. Railroad officials assert that many of the older employes will not join in the strike for fear of losing their credits and prospects for n pension, which is grunted after '17 years continuous service. Federation emuloycs, however, take the opposite view and declare the overwhelming majority will U' niain loyal to the union. Song ni which Grace Josephine Brown's beautiful contralto voice n to be heard this evening. Society hns already pronounced the nftair u great success. Thu patrohesscs who have given their support to Miss Brown's very nrtistio undertaking, are Mesdumes Walter A. Folger, George II. Daggett, John M; Root, Evan Reamcs, Edgar Hafer, William I. Vnwter, E. Barton Pjckel, Her bert C. Kcntner. Martin C. Uarbcr, William M. Colvig, Edward E. Gore, and Edward M. Andreus. ' "THE QUIZ" IS NAME OF NEW SMOKE HOUSE For several' days the proprietors of the smoke dub or north Fro.it street, have been advertising for .in appropriate name for their place of business. The present proprietors nre A. C. Burgess, R. 0. Burgess and W. F. Quiscnberry. Tliey offered .is t prize a ten dollar pipe to the per son who would suggest a name wliidi might be selected as the most ap propriate. A great, number of names were handed in but the one selected was "Tho Quiz," presented by A. W, Maokie. TOGGERY' BILL MOVES LOCATION The Toggery last night moved into its new iiuartors next to the Medford National Bank buildiug. The new store is much larger than the old one and has been fitted out with en tirely new fixtures, making it ouo of the most modern in Oregon. The show cases nre of plate glass and marble and the cnliiuets and shelv ing of finely finished wood. The Toggery started out in Med ford nine years ago with a inert' linudful of stock and bus grown to be one of the largest business, con ocms in tho city i (Annie ll m N. Y, Graphic) The long, abuudnut and glossy, tresses or English women nro not due to hair ionics and IutoIo shampoo ing. There is a nenonil belief uxor there that the less water put on Hie hair, llui better it 15 they miy V-ttiug "Inkcn the life out" and leaves tho hair dull, brittle aud col orless. English women with hair rich in coldr, clean mid whohsonieand plenty of it have told me they nt- tribute it to dry shampooing two or llirco times a week. They mix four ounces of Ihctii.x with four ounces vi" orris root and sprinklo a hihlcsponti fu of this mixture ou tho head; then briitili thu powder thoroughly htnmgh the hair. They thus also avoid llio danger of catching cold nnd tho dis comfort that accompanies washing rinsing and drying the hair. This treatment keeps' the hnir light, fluffy and lustrous, nud is tho only tiling I know Mint will actually pro duce the growth of hair. 4 THEROX FOR SALE HASKINS' DRUG STORE Tho mnll order houses of the East would not bo so prosperous I (the people- of this community would In Bint on having "Mado In Oro;on" goads from tho local inorchnuts. The business of this community would he butter Conserved If tho buying pub lie and tho tmorchnnts would help along tho "Mndo in Oregon" idea. THOUSAND FLEES FROM SEAT OF WAR SAN JOSE, Cnl. Arranged op a ehnrgo of drunkenness Ernest Ru dolph, who Aays he is the son of a Seattle business man, told sijch a convincing story to the court here today that ho was let off with a suspension of sentence. Rudolph claims thnt instead of boing drunk', he fell from a moving Iruin and was dazed, CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. 20. -Fearful of reprisals in dire terror of worse consequences of the Italian wjar declaration, thousands of for eigners arc fleeing northward today ip an effort to find refuge beyond the boundaries of the Ottoman em pire. The exodus 1ms become gen eral, and the trains nnd boots bound northward are all jammed with ref ugees. The government has decided to en force a state of seige, fearing an up rising of the Turks throughout the empire against the Christians. 'i'he Turkish fleet stationed at Beirut is leaving the port for Con stantinople. We notice that somo merchants In other cities aro using considerable spaco advertising "Made Jn Oregon" goods, That Is as it should bo, Tim merchant must know (hat his Indivi dual prosperity s to a great oxtont dependent upon the oronpority of the statoi at largo, and if Oregon manu facturers aro patronized, that It will mean greator pay rolls, and greater pay rolls mean a larger .degreo of prosperity for every man, woman and child in Oregon. Special Look nt the ads for tho chance te iuy tho pro'porly you need at a 'right price." ' ' SEATTLE, Wii. Tho threat of (he independent telephone company to raise tne rates win no resisted by tho city, according to on announce ment made today. Tho company says it can't operate at a profit unless subscribers pay more. Supporttho!nnHfactHror8 o,f your homo city first, last nnd, all tho tlmo, and you will help yourself to prosper ity. Hut If your local factories can not supply your wants, InBlst that tho merchant carrIes"Mado In progon" goods from other Oregon sources to lupply your needs. For SATURDAY and MONDAY Wo will put on sale hero tomarr6w 1000 glass suit and Pep per Shakers, with a combination glass and nltUol uon-corro-s'vo top, worth lGc each or two for 2Gc, anywhere, .lunt ns a fl)or. Her.6 Saturday nnd .Monday. 5 Cents Each .' Tsot oyer fotjr to any ono person. HoIiry- Wo want your hosiery trade, and aro giving yon Uio beat hoHlory values ever offered In Medford. Not Job ok hut now clean, perfect goods, with a full lino of slzo to select from. ladies ' fJnizo llfilo tlosio, ullk finish JIhIo JIohc, Diirsou Seam less Hobo, Maco Bplltfoot Hose, outulze Hose, any size, and several weights to select from. 25c pr. i Ladies' Hose ule 8 1-2 to 10. Men's Hose size 0 1-2 to 11 1-2 Boys' & Misses Size C, to .0., 1-7. t. Any of tho above In black or tun and In any of the above slzo tomorrow 10c Do you want a boys nlal CllttH? (trade KryH-tol Mark), for 15c juJr? If so seo our now llnotio best hosiery valuo In Modfordj slzo C to 0 1-2, pair, .iffo DID YOU EVER hear of C'hlppendalo Colonial 'Olovcs,' (trhdo ftoyH-tno Mork)7 every pleio copyrighted. Wo aro solo agontu In Medford for this celebrated lino and will have a full assortment on sulo horo tomorrow. HUS SEY'S knew Getol John Bidwell 1 '' ' Chico, California "u " ' See the Land "1L Mitml bind wlifii he Know how to form It bow ami what to plnu to Mvi khoiI ei op ami iiuikt) nimi)' He elmxe Itumililo Hideo j uflir IihMiIuh uI i i Vol' I'lillforpln t ., Von iiunuut ili'iilile In tmiM'ir where to Iniv unlit llltlwell OicIiukIm di lily . j on $ lii' be plniileil Irises Mliiulo iiihI trinity tiei'H for, f i nil fur ('nine In (Militu W'k'II i ii )( yen nil ovr (bin itKsit pntpeity .lililnn for ynilrwelf it nil mi unit liiiiveHtul ent lli-ie he Hnw'eit etmiH OIllllVlllxl llio HUH tniiile .t mitlw and Wiu kubli) , , I li'ti' In' Iftlit mil roixla ilrlvnwnyn purKu iiiiupiiriHint In nee t linn uiunil lnU lirtM lieeu iliiiinlrit in tbo City nf Clilt'ii if Itlilwll oiclmrill nt" fiiineuM when-xer fnillM rttit known (hiiuiuh fur xne, rlnMir nnd ki'iiriit ipiulltli'H ? See Chiip.o proHpfnuiH, ,iuvliiic oily of is. mm inoili mi tu tiilli'iMilit , IiwIiih tisi'rv l wo iMiurn nil iHhi(nlittinl riili i s n himmI ilni iu live UKmtn ur ViU flue town whm lhrr I a JimrliHi fur wlwt you nut itmiil MohmilH eliuinlii'M lliHtilntM fiiCluKlwl Hinrt-M liiilrt Now for Sale Seven Years to Pay Thin nrf VMn't or iliiliiwiiiilH of in-1 im uf rthe iltiliHttl mil pmit ly fiiiiiiiim eriii Is luiw lielng tllttin Intn (mull fun n . And f f.'t I'll ul very lew prleim hi (limit ttlvlmt momui im tu pity Nottilng HKo It ean'-'lm foiin.t unyttbon elne rlllii'r tu puUlly er U-riim Ttm hrle iu iw thu tiiriiw ef iMjineiit T vw On.leuUi iHli I'.iy tlitf renin hiiter out of ilm lirnrilt on your tiropi On tiiiitli Hurt of lln iMylfle !)iS iiiIIkh Mil iiiHoh frni Htiu I'ntiu'tm'ii Kuijlhern rrinii Hjt'ittiiK'iilu Write Te.Uy ti ANNli: E. K. IIIDWrTlJ. OIM'HARDH, Inc., r Chico Clrtrcure llrril, A. I: MnritK'UUi-ry, Clilco, Cat. Cnlen tRliiKn Hunk Utile. Onltlnml. Cat. C-T-A-R k-JTHEATREjLV. Aledford'H New Jlonie of IMiotoplnys. THE CRAVEN HEART. ' A fir picture llijtt i$ a thriller. AS FATE DECREED. A human drama of iniHiirpiisscd interest.. RETURN OF WIDOW POGSON'S HUSBAND. A coiiit'dy. feature .sure to make a hit. AL SATHER IN POPULAR SONGS Pay strict attention to our huiHiu and roalinth; ef fcets. i Sunday wo run continuous front - p. in. to 10:110 p. m. Week-days from 2 to 5 p. in. aild 7 to 10:!10 p. in. Strict attention to ladies and children during aft ernoon performances, FOR SALE OAK and HARDWOOD . , $1.S0 per cord, near Tolo, 10 miles from Medford. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. 218 AVest Main. Phone 18711 49Whi r , .. i i ,. THE JACKSON COUNTY BANK ,, i - Mod ford,- Oregon. fttrt Moro than 23 yearn of uninterrupted sueeessful huuiness, ti , . Oapital, Surplus and Profits more than $17f, 000.00, 4 , , All'husiiiesH has our jirompt, and careful atton tion. , v , . Total i-esourcos arq over $800,000,00, W. f. Vawtor, President. 0, lV. McDonald, Cash. Q. R. Ljudloy, Vioo-Pj'OHidont, 1 f V& w rtsfckrJWiWTr " '" PBSiZSS 2siifiiMM ; r . 2xTf,rJtri & 't I --A- ip . M I I ' f ' i