")WW1IWMW flBwpWf"- n'y''rii"ws'iy- r I ' b P&GE BTGHT - -- , - i MEDF0RT) MAIL TRIBUNE, arEDFQRD, ORMflON. THURSDAY. K1WT10MR10R 28. 1011 . SI 571 FOR CAR OF ROGUE PEARS Fancys arc Sold for $2.95 a Box In Chicago Prices Continue to Grad ually Climb Upward Choice Go at $2.85. All gf the sooboii records in prices imid for penrs wore brokou Wcilncs SEVENTH ANNUAL SHOOT STARTS Professionals on Hand to Take Part In Shoot Two Days of Sport on Local Grounds Thirty Entiles Booked. The .sexontli annual slumt of (lie Srnlfiml Rotl nd Ouii 'mi oiii'iied tiny by the flnlo of npcnr by the today with several professional ItnKiio River Valley Fruit and Pro dneo nefioointion in Chicago for $lf71. In this allotment fancys sold for $2.1)5 n box, choico for ?2.So, llniii for $2.45 n box. Still higher prices aro predicted in the sales to oomo between now and the end of the season. The inferior California pear is now entirely off the markets, and the supply in southern Oregon, not al ready contracted for, is in demand einong enbtern and middle west fruit denlcrs. EXPECT WAR SOON. (ConttniMd From Pape One) shooters entered Ijvcrythinjj i in rendiues and nil look forward to the Inrjrcl shoot held in the hNtory of the club Thir ty entries 'are booked for the events. The names of the professionals that have entered thus far follows: F. Reihl, Tnconm; J. Reid, Portland; I. Reid, Seattle; 1 Hololum, Twin FjiIN, Idaho; .J Smith, Portland, and Dr. Hull, K. Bonn and Kompf of Eu gene. Afessrs. Loo Harkley and Fred Villet of San Fmnewco missed the Shasta Limited and will not be here until today on train JTo. 16, too late to participate in today's events. ROADS TO PROSECUTE. MAYOR TO PAY ATTORNEY FEES Zealous Regard for Peace and Dig nity of Eagle Point Get Mayor and Marshall In Wrong In Drunk Case. lug troops from Its transport at Trip oil Is an unpardonable defiance. Tho whole of Italy Is excited, the great majority welcoming war. "Mora than 9 per cent of tho re- Bcntsts havo answered the call to tho colors, especially In tho south, whore tho soldiers paraded, carrying banners lncrlbed with 'long live Italy and an Italian Tripoli. "Wholesale arrests of the anti-militarist faction aro being made throughout ho country today." Pope Says O. K. ROME. Sept. 2S. Pope Plus today offically endorsed tho Italian expe dition for the occupation of Tripoli. His Holiness approval materially aided the government in preventing n great striko of protest planned by tho socialists. BERLIN. -Sept. 28. Hope for a peaceful settlement of the Tripoli affair thronjjh plans of Pope Fius has been virtually abandoned, but the German ambassador at Constan tinople is still seeking to find some basis of agreement between Italy and Turkey. Two German warships were today ordered to Tripoli to safeguard Ger man nitcrcsts. The foreign minister is in constant communication with the ambassador nt Constantinople. PARIS, Sept. 28. With the send ing of the cruisers Gambetta and Rc nnn to the const of Tripoli in order to protect French interests in case of a possible war, France took a limid in tho Itnlian-Turkish dispute today. Advices received here slate that the Italian blockade of Tripoli's coast is complete. All shipping op erations are being closely followed by the Italian officials and nil Turkish (Continued from Para t.) Bconue the mayor and inurslmll of Kngle Point took a great interest in the welfare of tho city and caused tho arrest of S. 11. Spiker on charge ot drunkenness ami UMng profane language on the streets of the little municipality, thoy must lmu to pay attorney fee in connection with the cno for Spiker wc cleared. It seems that the citv council ha been parsing ordinances and uot properly advertising their pasngo jv that the arrest of Spiker was not legal, hence his acquittal. Now the citizens of the little town plan to make the mayor and umrslmll pay up. WIND STILL HOLDS FOWLER Aviator is Forced to Make Fourth Posiponcmcnt ot Trip Over Sierras Will Try Trip Across as Soon as Possible. EMIGRANT GAP, Cut.. Sept. 28. Boisterous winds, that continued lo .port about tho muwv summits of the Sierras today cuumM tho fourth sue ccsmvo ptwtponoiueiii of A tutor Rob ert G. Fowler's 'attempt to conquer tho towering-guardians of tho Cali fornia border. Fowler luis been here since Sun day, chafing nt the delav, but undis couragvd. Ilo announced that n soon as tho weather becomes propitious he will n'-say the conquest of Hie peaks, and hopes that his opportuni ty will come tomorrow morning. Look for the "help wanted'' ul that seems like n "prospect" and answer it nromntly. RODGERS IS ON HIS WAY WEST Aviator Hies 103 Miles In 115 Min utes and Lights at Fair Grounds at Mcadvlllc Makes Good Flight Over Long Dlstanco MKADVILMJ, Pa.. Sept. 28. Sus taining a iipoed of almost a mtlo a niliuUo over an uorial eourno of moio than tOO miles. Aviator Uodgors de scended nt tho fair grounds hero to day In bis truuK-coiittucntnt flight for tho STiO.uoo prlxo. Uodgcra flow 103 miles In US minutes. PRIEST RIVER, Idaho Cashier Uerry, of tho Fret River bank which was robbed oC $2000 in cash an nounced that tho bank was fully -ni surcd against loss. Tho yeggmen se cured also a $3,000 cerlificato of do poMt on tho Homier County National bank and county warrants umouutini! to $2,000. The paper is not nego-l tiablo. &' MORGAN SHOWS GREAT POWER Brokers Do Not Buy Shorts Forced to Cover and Bulls Shot Prices Up Substantially on New York Stock Market. NEW" YORK, Sept. 28. Mealing tho bears today when' tho market was depressed by tho fear of tho Italian-Turkish hostilities, J, I'l'erpont Arorgun proved his right (o tho title "king of finance." Ills Iotory was reiiinrkablu in view of yesterday's market, when tho hears kept ham mering prices down. That hcshIoii touched Morgan's pride. Today Morgan brokers did not buy but simply demanded tho delivcroy of tho securities which they pur chased yesterday. The result was thntl tho shorts were forced to cover and the bulls shot prices up sub Haikina for HoAUb. MEET TOH AT GOLD HILL Good Rdnds Boosters are Plnnninu to Attend Session In Full Force Mcetlni) Has Been Well Atlvcr-tlstfil. A good roads inditing will bo held litis evening at Gold Hill ami a largo number of (ho local advocates of tho bond tssim aro planning to ut tmid. The meeting harthccii well ad vertised and a rousing hieottng should bo held. Yesterday afternoon it number of Med ford men spoke at Ashland. Judge Nell and CoiiiinlwHlouor Dnvls nnswotcd many ipiestlou ami it seem that n chiiiigo in sentiment Is prevalent in Ashlnnd and Hint tho bonds will receive n fAlr number of the voles in Hint section. nankins for Health. l tho strike situation today: "I have, been busy handling tho strike situ ation, and hare not had time to pre pare for our convention in Atlanta on October 2. The reply ot Kruttschnttt is very unsatisfactory, and there is nothing In it to niter the situation. The unions have gone as far as they can, and be honorable to their men. "Kruttschn'tt says taht tho men aro treated fairly, and wonders why they wish to strike. He says nothing about tho physical examinations to which they must submit, the personal rec ords scheme, the rank discrimination and favoritism shown, nor tho utter disregard of seniority in giving men preferences. Ho says nothing about the railroads ridding themselves of the older men, or transferring them to new shops. The men insist on hav ing their former positions, and will not retreat .from this stand. Tho matter. of wages and hours of work Is for later consideration. All we are asking for now is tho recognition of tho System Federation." Continuing, Kline intimated that the strike is likely to involve all the western lines, and perhaps its pro portions will embrnco the railroads of the entire United States Kline said: "This is the crisis between capital and labor and wo may just as well fight it out right now." Nobby Fall ana Winter Clothing MV bhbkbbLLVilHHHHHLLLLHHHHHHHLV B VMHHH For Men, Boys and Children SEATTLE, Yn. When the steam ship Minnesota sails for tho Orient December 15, every inch of space in the monster hold will be occupied by gniin. For tho first time since this 28,000 ton vessel went into ser vice on the run to the Orient, all of her space hns been contracted for. SPOKANE. Wn. A woman police man to serve without pay will be np .... ... w... .... .. . transport arriving nt or leaving P0,,c1 ,0 eniorco me curiew jaw in v watched. ' opoKnne ny mo woman s iNon-ruru- Tripoli ports nre carefully Look at the ads that offer em ployment and you'll find the right one soon. sau i'oMicai league, accoruing io Miss Anna Swauson, chairman f tho curfew enforcement committee of the league today. --AT--- T H GOLDEN RULE . riOj ion 0x440 Summer has passed, fall is here, and winter is fast approaching. You must discard tho summer togs, You will want a new fall suit. We want to sell you that suit. No matter whether you want to pay much or lit tle. Our clothing department has just the suit you want. One that will give you 100 cents worth of service for every dollar you pay. We carry men's popular suits at $8.00, $10.00, $11.50 $12.50, $13.50, $15.00, $17.50 and $20.00 MEN'S PURE WOOL STEAM SHRUNK HAND-TAILORED SUITS $22.50, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 BOYS' LONG-PANT SUITS, $5.00 TO $15.00. CHILDREN'S SUITS, $3.25 TO $11.00. Bring your Clothing Wants to Us. We will give you real value in every purchase. A KINS, BENTON . CO lftMrtft0 c BOXING TO-NIGHT 16 ROUNDS OF FAST AND CLEVER BOXING, BEGINNING AT 8:30 P. M AT THE NATATORIUM ATHLETIC CLUB ROOMS JOE PARKF.R.4 ROUNDS, WEIGHT. 133 POUNDS.RQY SMITH CHIC RQWLRNJ ROUNDS, WEIGHT 142 POUNDS-JOHN TURNER JOE RTFF-4 ROUNDS, WEIGHT 158 POUNDS.RARI . RALSTON WALTER KANE-4 ROUNDS, WEIGHT 126 POUNDS-JIMMY SMITH i t ii I ' , -4 ' i 0WNEY PATT0N, Master of Ceremonies FRANKIE EDWARDS WILL REFEREE ALL CONTESTS BOB TELFER, Official Timekeeper SEATS ON SALE AT NATATORIUM ATHLETIC CLUB ROOMS AND MEDFORD CIGAR STAND r I iMmwmtmmMaMmmmmm -rurai-"1" - " lm m - - - '' . . f . mmttMUBtttttKtttKttlt ,.lj.