Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 28, 1911, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Mutt's Aeroplane Was O. K., but It Wouldn't Fly;
By "Bud". Fisher
"JrtM-'uTJPl vou'cKn"
f-UGMT NCT - t Go'f KM
(veKopcM-tu -x cwiut it
will ruv.
Kcoh UPOrtTiu! R.
ru ..... .o-.
NO (JfoU(NC you SifAPOf
PQonue vin your rc
ctrr in (sno U" rr o.
St2C MOiO $ur woftK'
"" Its J"
I rfTII III If ill ''i'-. I
. x . :
I i
iMr? poop mo fsuAou j . ii .!,i J:.---J ;: r.'.v: ---" :-sa?
GOTTA OO "P 'tl'Wim ' 1 M ISsT"' fA &WG l I "
; i pwuno y li, ii', is i . j i ha. "?s: ftfL.J , i
il- iU r m$m$ wMffiJ&ft Ietr Sjf.l ,,f,i
sa-'ip-wn. t iiwp-w 'TrrwrmsMrjm e n 'sr-iWTr-ir njfw x . tmtw&yyjr ' fiTxzsr i - m. "mj r to , rr" tj wn i .
,wj mwiKfl stimLLAFrmfiSpm . mst ju l ra ,. -i:r-' w m '( ' i .
law-.Ill.oisJ Mm; H DiS ..'' I'"" 'VtamrrwJ.'y WVW WV . hZL IT .,.3-iT .,.. ., ..VCfcr v
MwfoMitommvf rf 2 - - '7sakr-m"immm"r v x: v y j,' v - is A m'v tr.s Vftsr
liill Jl i.lilv' - 'War-?. . ' . " .!!i -rrs: j r-,-. '
jjjr- v,sjffl53 IIJL .-- , Wwi- P
tcrmexrra iwt t ru ewororr.
Young Firs! Sackcr.
"V'". ,'; "i0 .rjl
i i i l
of Cavalry. "
i liioli) by American Vitt Aoclillon.
yVUvii Connlu Mnck In nn olTort to
flop tiU (nun' wlniiip nml to cluck
thn tinrliti uC UUnatnr nt Uetmll iull
4fJnulc Mrlunitt out of tlio lineup
oBiolliltiK wnit hIiowu Hint noltloiu, jo
lby tiovur. hud Imhu ilono Ixiforv. To
tnrttcr tin uoiiitral orrinMlvimewt of ItU
clul ho iKiiicliitl n ninii wfiu bnd bit
-1QI In i)Utytwo gntuc and vrtio U
iiMtt Iter n iKHiulivad nor n bud ball
llo lutd not ncciinx! n wonder to r
llfco IiIiji. for liu merely turned back
touIluri7 Darin, wlm wim nuwr tlio
JilJtiT thnt Mclniic linn lcou thlx ca
noii aM whoflo baMdiall tUyo nro num
burvd. Tlio clmiiKo Incidentally lim
ed only tvro ilnyi, Mclnnes bolus
placl lck nt tlio poult loa. Taking
..'MJt lilttrrx out of tlio lineup to twin
ntninctli In Momotblnc entirely now In
tlio nntlounl pitNtluio. enXH;lnlly when
tliHo btttor Imvn Ihoii In tienrly nil ot
ttw pnincn of thclc clubs, i
(lu flvo of tlio tell Kcnsoitfl no bnttor
liU na voll mm MelnncH ban done. In
bptouo of thn ywirn lun nny mnn piny
ns tlio hiiiiW ihjhIiIoh, lint bunc, reach
tnljIiU murk.
wHow Corhnn Broko Into Detebnll.
oy (Jorhiin, tlio llttlo NliorlHtnp on
tlio CIiIciiko Whllo Hox. who I plnylni:
llko it lUturo jUHt now, wtm dlscovorcd
bj; tlio Into Knink Soleo omo yenrs
ogo when Holeo wiih In chnruo of the
l'licblo club of tlio Wont urn Ioiikuo.
Rejco wt'iit ilown to Albutpivnpio, N.
M., whoro thoy hnvo n big ImHobnll
touriiniiieiit ovcry full, nnd In looklutf
cipr vnrloim plityorn bin oyo foil upon
qorhiiu mid n yoimt; third biiHoinnii
ni) tiled CiiHiy.
fyjleo took Corhiiu nnd Cnnoy to
ljublo, , nnd Ibu former nindo ufl'Hl
from ip Jump. Holeo nlwnyn cotiloml
edjtliii( Cuxoy wiih Just nu uooil u nut
urrl plnyer, but tlio younger novnr
Kot to koIiir )ood In Ioiikuo oompnity
4itid lltmlly dlHiippmirod. Corlmn wiib
liU pnrOciilur prldo, nnd ho nlvnyn
cqtonded thnt with n full opportunity
hqwoiihl mnko ooil uiiywhero. Cor
linn Ih ii, vury fimt floldor, but until ro
coutly yiiH rcKMided iih n Unlit blltor.
Ho Iiiih vouimaiicod to pick up In that
111(0, mid It lyoltH lllso ho will ntlck nt
tlio Hhort Hold tho Imlnnco of the w
Nw Rteord For Running to First.
John "JtnhliU" Ilurko. eontor Holder
of tho Columbia Houlh Atlantic Ioiikuo
tcntii. bipko tho world'a record ntcoiit'
ly. It In claimed, 'for bunt nnd run lo
Ill-fir Iuiho. thvoo tlmoH Kottlm; to tho
Jmfe In threo hccoiuU liar, nceoidliiB to
two Htoi,wntehoH. Tho world'n record,
mutln by, Thouoy, upw of llostou, nt
Cluclnnatr In 1007. tnil vt J-5 w
ondH. Punt f W- i U
1 When Clnrk wn n child bis mother
tiled, nnd hi fntber, nu Itluernnt den
tlxt, who rodo tlio Krntncky bill coun
try with olio end of his unddlo bapi
tilled with tho ImitriincfitH of torture
of his profrfMlon. whllo Ui other wns
bnlnnced ncrons tho pinro'n linck by
n copy ot tho lltblo, put tho boy
out to work for John Call, n flintier.
John could not rvnd, but be took n
.rent Intermit In politics mid agreed
with tho boy that ho would nubftcrlhc
for PrentlnV paper, tho old LouUrlllo
Journal, prorlded younc Clark would
rend It to hhu. t
Whllo Clark was working for Call
Mown and hU tuou mtno tbraush
that region, -and Call put tho boy on
(be back of a uaguincout chestnut
mnro nnd told him to toko the horses
lo tho woods, for Morgan bad n Hue
oy for n good horn a He sinned, but
Just then tho vanguard of that daring
body of cnvolry hurst Into rlew nt a
turn lu the road, tboorcnlug sun shin
ing ou their equlpuieut. Tho boy
paused. At thnt moment scroti home
guards dashed out of tho vlllngn and
rhnrged the Morgan turn. It wns nil
ovcr-Jna fow ailnutas. Tbs tscldent
of ih rbnrgo Ami ttw flsnUnx bloc'
of tb boy, nnd bo stole a way tlio neit
day to enlist In a company being raised
In the country. He stood en his tip
Iocs nnd swelled out tiU chest, but they
would not take htm. Later bo tried
to set Into a regiment Hist cam
through tho region vrnero ho llrcd. but
bo wns still too younc. Columbian.
Rcflntd Rspartss,
Uooth Turlington wns talking In In
dlauatwlls nbout tbo stn
"Thcfo were two actresses In nn
enrJy play of. mine." k snld. lKth
very benutlful, but tho leodlng actress
wns thin. Hbo qunrreled ono day nt
rehearsal with the other lady, and sho
ended Iho qunrrcl by saying haughtily:
t "Kemembcr, please, that 1 am tbo
'"Yes, I know you'ro thoatnr.' tho
other retorted, eylas with an amused
ninllo the leading actress' long, slim
figure, 'but you'd look bcttir, my dear,
If you wera a lltUe tnettor."'
It Looked Good to Him.
Tho tenchor wns demonstrntlng tho
powerful corrosive offects of Intoxlcnt
In? bererages uion a atqinach's lin
ing. Tiie. class looked oh Kith horror
when b!m poured somo 03 per cent al
cohol oa au egg, thereby causing It to
slirlreluand coagulate. The demon,
strntor. ws pleased to observo tbo In
terest displayed by tho Janitor, who
bnd conaa In for tho wnstebnskcts. It
wns well known that bo hnd need of
such n wnrnlng.
"Mn'm," ho nsked timidly, "wud yon
mind telling ma where you buy yer
llcker?" Success Magatlne.
A Csrsful Quail.
"I thought 1 ordered flualL"
"Dnt'aiqunlUawh."; t
'Qunll 'nothing; tbnt'a chlckenl"
"It was chicken, suh, but It seed bio
"Wbot hna that to do with ttr
"Do night ol n cullud puason nlwnya
innkes n chleken quail, anh."8t. Paul
IMoncor Presa. x l(),
,Anilwortant DlttUotlfrv.
"IitUougkt there would be trouble
when you dlscoyered that tboro two
poUor plnyors wcro In collusion."
"yes," repUd,Tbraelo-r 8nui. "It
looked dangerous till .they explained
that thoy weren't cheating, but -oro
merely operating under a gentleman'
ngrooneat."i-Waihlngton ptar.
Following It Up.
"Confound It. Jones. I wish you were
not ho .llbornl lo, your M'lfo,"
. "what d,o you moun, Birr'
"Only thlrt-my wlfo bolds'you up for
un oxjunplo"
JTJifn Bhn holds mo up too." Haiti
tuoro American,
T.ook for tlto ml that offor it to
you, uoooud-hiuitl, ot u real buii'iiinj
The First Ctmer.
Prof. W. Lawson Tall, apropos of
the Hew atrnB) cure for hay fovcr,
sold nt n UKHllcnl banquet In Denver:
"This euro Is tbo result of patience,
tho result of much patient toll. In
deed, when I think of tbo patient
watting Involved in tho perfecting of
this euro I am reminded of Dr. Bob
Uuwyor'u anteroom.
"Dr. Hob Bnwyer stepped proudly
Into bis anteroom ono day. There
asa -wbJ tS-rt
were quite eight or nine poreous-tbere.
Aud Dr. Ilob, looking from ono face
to nnothcr with complncenco. snld:
"'Well, who cornea tlrat? Who's
been waiting tbo longest?
"Here, doc that's me,' said Snip,
the tailor, rising nnd flourishing bis
unpaid bllL Tvo been waiting over
eighteen mouths.' "Pittsburg Ga-cette-TlnacB,
- -
. The Bait Did Win.
Tho story of a pretty compliment to
ieuntor Hoot wna rcentcd tho other
day at tho Union Leaguo club lu New
"When Hoot was n mooted candidate
for the presidency of the club." said
tho narrator, "bo met ono day here a
rival candidate. Tho two mea con
versed cordially for awhile, and then,
as they wero separating, the subject ol
tho forthcoming election enmo up."
" 'Well, said Jtoot, 'may tbo best aan
"Hut his rlvnl answered with grcnt
politeness nnd sincerity;
'"I hopouot, Mr. KooV
Mutually Ineempatlbla' Propositions.
"Did you over personally know n
mule to UlckJ" nska old Ud IIowo ol
Atchlsou. If wo hnd how'n Sam mil
could wo bo expected to bo In condl
tlun to answer audi a question? l.o
Augclea Express,
Not to Blama For That.
"Your husuaud suotea too mucU."
"Whatr 1 - -.'. i
"Your husband amo-ca too. much.?
"Woll, it bo does U'a bis own fault:
I don't muko him." Washlnston
Hssklns for Healta.
II. S, Drown, who lias been n res.
iik'nti C Central Point for tlio pint
two yearn, Iiiih rt'inovtul Ii'ir J'nmil.v
to KiiKciu, wliti'i' thoy oxpeet to ro
inaiu povmniUMitly.
Mv, KlioiloK, stuto seorelnrv of i!k
Y. II. r. A., vihltviViu Cculrnl.pqlut
tno urm of nut wook,
Mr. nnd Mrs. ,T, H. Cliirk loft for
Dutto FhIIh WViIih'mIh.v nftunioun
wlicro Mr, Olnrlt Ikih ii position for
tlio winter.
John Orlevc brotif;lit a loud of pas
jfeiiKLTH from 1'roHpecl Wednesday
afternoon nnd will return with u load
of Httpplica tiie Inter pnrt of the
week. v
J. J. Orim upon! Wcilncsilny in
OninlH I'iihh.
The LndicV Aiil of the Jr. E.
church wcro loyally t-iiterlaiticd at
the lioflpitnblo home of Mrs. W. E.
ICulilcr Wednesday afternoon. Mm.
ICaliler wax u very efficient IiosIchk
which lidded i;rontly io the grent en
jojmciit pf tho many j-iiealM who ro
lort hnviiiR icnt n most plcnKuut
uftcnioon. f
Mr. nnd M'rHvariuirt of Horn
lirook. Cnlif., Hjient Wednci'dny hero
viitin jrrri. KftrhnrPK brother, Dr.
Mihh Violn McDowell lms rctunied
from n plcasnut visit uitli Anlilnnd
friends. ,
The Wednesday Mcdfonl visitorb
were Mf. l-'rnnk Weston, Mrs.Mn
win, Mm. I.ntoiiHf Mrs. S. A. Pntti
hoii uiiil diiuithter, Mr. nnd Mm, Ja
cob Stone. Miss Mildred Elliott, iMsh
Hublmrd, IF. E. Trovilln.
Mr. Steclhnmnfcr, who has been
vitfitiiii; friciul here for home wecki
returned to her home ut Silverton
fOlt HA1.K OU TltADB Kivo sliarrs ot
stick. Insurance company Ban Fran
cisco. Will luke fov ivorcwrltcr In
exclianse. wildress P. W. atone, Mt-d-
fot'cl. Ortiroa. 1S3 i
KOIt 8ALK Two acres In Terry sub di
vision; cany tunns. Apply C M.H,
Mall Tribune. let
1'OIt HAIIJ 1 1-2 .acres with new (""r
rootn bouse; an litrnl chlckn ranch;
SC0 If taken within ten ilays. Ad
dress 1L K. I care Malt Tribune or
call on Homo phone 285-1. ISC
KOIt HALE 1G JO ncrea well located
Klamath lumltrr lamia for aala. Ap
plr to Ilutto Palls Lumber Co., Hutto
Tails, Oregon. 182
KOIt 8ALB 15 acres of best of Ump
riua river bottom, house, barn, out
houses, 3 1-4 miles from lllddlc. in
Orchard valley; J3C00. Address O. A.
Jones, Cnnyonvllle, OroRon. 185
KOIt 8ALK Now modern 8room buns
alow close In on paved street; terms.
Call E0 8. Hollcy st. 16S
KOIt SALE 1S00; completely fumlshM
nix. room house, closets, bath and pan
try, stationary wash trays and ce
ment ualka. 7S9 West Eleventh Ht.
Phone Main SC03. 171
POll fiAI.K Hlx acres, small hounc,
nearly all In fruit, all cleared; prlco
S1C00; terma. Address Owner, cara
.Us II 'Tribune. 16
KOIt BALK New modern five room
house, elecantly furnished; modern,
plumping, bath, toilet, hot and cold
water: electric Ilfthta; furnished In ev
ery detail, ready for housekeeping
One block from Central avenue, half
block from school. Phone, Home 263
L. or box.227, Modford. 1C4
flvt-passfiiKer M-cond-hand auto for a
good forty-acre wood lot four mile
from Talent un Rood level road to
town? Lots of tile fir, pine, cedar and
oak timber on this forty. Address 73
Ouk street, Ashland, Ore. 165
IOST Sunday, man's dark blue sweater
vest, between West Pourtccnth and
Central nvenutt return to 73S West
14th and receive rewartl. 15
STItAYKD OH STOLEN -1 brown"pony.
wclcht about 850 pounds, branded C
on loft thish. 8 years old; reward- M
O. Quy, 701 K. Main.
POIl SALE Elsht-room bu'nealow, 3
blocks from depot Central Point; city
water, electric light, sewer connec
Uons. small bam, henhounc, yard, flow
er garden; price 11(00 cash. Inquire
C A, Pankey, Central Point. 170
OR 8ALE Ranch on Coleman creek,
a lot of cordwood and poles, fir. plm
and oaK wooo.. P. onenDrugco. Q1
Riverside avenue. South. 1S7
Xaly Want reisls
WANTUD A woman lo do homework
on farm, Dohemlan, Bwlss or Norweg
ian; not necessary to speak English.
Sleepy JIollow Parm. Kock Point. Ore
gon, It miles from 'Medford on Koutr.
ern Paclfld road; Home telephone.
WANTED Girl for general housework:
ona who can cook; wages $30 per mo.
Apply Gold Ray Realty Co.
Sat) WsstH-Mats
WANTED Plnit-class finishing car
penters. Phone or write to O. 8. Har
ris, Riddle. Ore. 1CS
WANTED Strong boy lo leara trade.
Medford Sheet Metal Works, rear 21S
Main. 16S
WANTED Man nml wife, man to do
general orchard work, wlfo for house
work: must have had experience. Ad
dress or phono Pcnbro Orchard. tl.'
G10-R 1.
WANTED Sateaman for axculslve ter
ritory. Big- opportunities. No experience-
necessary. Complete Una Yak
ima Valley crown fruit, shade and
ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Out
fit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company,
Toppenlah, Wash.
WANTED Salesmen In trtrr locality o
the northwest; money advanced week
ly; many make over 31000 month
chotas ot territory. Yakima Valle
Nursery Co.. Topentsh. Wash-
COLVIO & TtnAMK& W- M. Colvlr. C
L. Reames Lawyers. Office Medforil
riaiionai iiansc Duiiaing. second floor
Attorncys-at-law. Norn. 1 and 1 Post-
oinca auiiamc.
A. E. nEAUE3 Lvwyer. Oarostt-Corsr
KOR SALE A modern C-stamp mill for
sale cheap, equipped with water pow
er: also a Scotdi Manne boiler, and
some promising gold prospects. E. B.
Hawkins, Applegate, Ore. 180
KOR SALE Poultry plant. 714 South
Central ava.; houso and lot, together
with '800 chickens, all thoroughbreds;
one fine cow and one 340-egg Cypher
Incubator. Phono S412 Main. 100
MONEY TO LOAN In amounts from
12,000 to 15,000 Huntley &. Mac
Clatch. IS N. Central avenue. If3 "
MONEY TO LOAN I5.0P0 In sums of
not less than 11,000 on realty securit)
for 1 to 3 years. Parm and orchard
' property preferred.. Box O. D Mall
KOR RENT Two-room house, screened
porch. Inqulro at" 511 South Onion.
N 165
1X)U RENT Modern bungti
low, cluse In: reasonable. Inqulro 513
8. Holly street. 163
KOIt RENT Strictly moJorn new bung
alow, close In. 113 Qonovn avonuo. IGf.
KOR RENT Kurnlshed house, fine
neighborhood. 0 North Oraguo st.
I'OR RENT Kurnlshed house dps lo
Iijqulro 147 North Holly.
KOU RENT Two seven-room honacs
one large barn, one stable. K. Osen
oruggt), 401 RlvirsMs avenuo, Soiith.
, 167
KOR RENT-Cosy five-room bungalow
on West Hamilton; modern. Inquire
401 a Riverside.
Board an Koeau
ROOM AND BOARD .at Mrs. Pay's. No
10 No. Orapo sU baeJk,if Karrners and
Prultttrowsrs bldg,
osVrpU, Baaaui
MODERN housekeeplng'-rooms, $16 and
$18, 133 South Holly.
effioss Cwt Imi
KQR TtEN,T Two elegant front office
rooms, corner Main street. Inquire
qregory'a Studio- t , , -
FOR RENT Over M pastoffles with
heat ana light SaaA. A. Davis.
rnratshta &oss.
KOR RENT Two front rooms with plos,
et, $17 per month; owner pays for
water. Apply Home Grocery, MS N
Central, 15
I'OR HUNT Nicely furnished sleeping
room lu now homo; rensopabK qulat
and iloslrntin. Call.Mijtn 474. SOS
Olcson street, .
KlsosUaasoa- t
rOlt SALE Good L. a. Srnllli Bros,
typewriter, cheap. Phono 1144. 164
KOR HALE Furniture, including piano.
518 Beutty street. 167
KOR SALE Practically new, fully
equlppwl donkey engine, adnpted to
clearing. Tako pny In clearing. Ad
dress II D. Williams, Grunts Pass,
Oregon. 163
KOR SALE One surry, good condition,
at West Sldo Livery. '163
KOR SALE A free soil ten-Inch John
Deer plow at Holly street blacksmith
shop. . 165
KOR SALE Cordwood, oak and hard
wood, $1.50 per cord lu carload lots.
Gold Ray Realty Co., 218 West Main;
phone 1873.
KOR SALE Cow fresh In Juno; good
milker. A. W. Stone, ranch ou Med-ford-Jncksotvvllio
KOR SALE Registered Burkshlre
swlno and Jersey cows at all times.
M. P. Bingham. Applegate, Ore. 174
WANTED Two men to board mid
room. 610 North Riverside uve. 16!)
WAITED By practical farmer rancji Jo
root on shares or otherwise. Address
S. P. Biultli. Tqlo. Ore, 165,
WANTED Consignments of peaches,
banta'Qup?. grapes, etc We guarantee
prompt returns. References furnished.
Frapk E. Blair, Com." Co.. Wholesale
Commission Co., Eugene, Oregon. 164
WANTED Who wilt haul fvo loads of
of flrwood from Jacksonville to Med
ford and take five loads In pay? Ad
dress Laurel, caro Mall Tribune, 165
GEO. W. ClfERRY) Lawyers. Prac
tice !a alt stats and federal courts.
itooms ii ana 13. Jackson County
Bank bldg.
It F. WILSON & CO., dealers In new
and second-hand furniture and hard
ware. Agents for Household stove
and ranges. 16 South Fir treat. Phone
Main 3161. Home 365-L.
aer 8th and Holly streets. Modford.
Mission furniture made to order. Cab
inet work of all kind. A trial order
MORDOPF WOLFF Cookstoves and
ranges. New and second hand furai-
Jure, Eads old stand. 18 Fir street.
South. Phone 91. Home 2UJ-K. Med
Orders called for and delivered FJrat
class work dono by hand. Ladks and
Gents' salts cleaned and firesset't Co.
Eighth and South Central, Medford, Or,
MISS TURNEY. Piano Instruction and
musical history, 309 South Newtown
street. Phone 6603 Belt.
acisiag- aticMnsry.
SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoenix, Or.,
or the Denver Quarts Mill & Crusher
Co.. of 1710 Broadway, enver. Colo
rado, Catalogues and prices can bo
had at Phoenix. Oregon. Malt Calhoun.
-rotary TaaUct
HELEN N. YOCKEY. Notary publle.
Brlng your work to me at tho algn of
The Mall Tribune.
era. potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923
E. Main. Phone 3741.
budded, not grafted. Our stock la not
Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything- put
out. Wo are not in the trust. H. B.
Patterson, office removed to 11 a
Main at.
CO.. Inc. Growers of high grade nur
sery stock. Office 104 a Fir. Both
IByaieUa as sTarreoaa.
JOHNS TURNER, Architects and
Builders. Office 7-8. SIS Main: phons
Aiiun itti. iieiaenc pnone 714.
D. R. WOOD General accountant. Yoor
books audited And kent for a reaaonabla
figure; your business solicited. Office
Meororu lall Tribune Hulldlng. pbonf
6611, residence phone 160L
Assaytr ana Analyst.
REAU Assays made for gold, stiver,
lead, copper, and other minerals.
Mines and mining prospects surveyed,
assayed and mining maps and reports
made thereon by competent mining as
sayers and engineers at reasonable
terms. Capital secured for developing
mines and mining prospects. All mine
owners are earnestly requested to send
samples of their ores for exhibition
purposes, and send full description of
their mining property. Southern Oro
gon Mining Bureau. 216 West Main
Street, Medford, Oregon.
gels, B. Sc General aasay and an
alyttcal work. Cement and asphalt
testing. Best equipped aasay office
and testing laboratory in Oregon. All
work, guaranteed. Granta Pass. Or.
rogue rivbr Valley abstract
TITLE CO.. INC. Jacksonville. Phone
Psolflc. Main 11: Hom 8no.
ZUUlara Sfsnota.
DR. M. C. BARBER Physician and Sur
geon Rooms 83-4 Medford Purnlturo
and Ham-are Bldg-,: residence 1303
West Main street: office hours. 10 a.
m. to 4 p. in.: tol. 3441.
and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bldg..
rooms 210-211-212. Office pbona SOL
residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a.
CARLOW Osteopathic physicians.
Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garntt
Corey bldr. Phons Main 6351
Office in Riaito bldg, J23 K. Main,
pas administered for extraction of
teth , Telephone Main 68L Night
phone 4433. t
DR. srEAItNS Physician and suwceoHI
if,S?, Qarnatt-Corey bldg.. rooms
211-212, phone 6501. Residence 111
Laurel at.. Phone 3093
OBJ S- A. LOCKWOOD, physician and
practice limited to diseases of wo
men. Offices over Hasklns drug store.
Phones: Pacific 1001; Home 28.
Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoc
Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoc
Ai Dentists.
Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 318. Medford,
"--" ilOLD 1-QODB.
a T. BROWN A CO. Billiards. Cigars
nil 9tntt Drlnlrw TTn atlv Ym.M M.
Hall building. A nice, cool place In
Itomu uia uu &,trriiuuil.
3H11 Poatoea.
VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and DIs
trlbutor. All orders promptly filled
Room 29. Jsckson County Bank build
Ina. Medford. Oregon
DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD Chiropractic
norvo specialist, 212 "Fruitgrowers Bank
building. Office hours: 2 to 4. Phone
Homo 269K. Resldonco 119 Roosevelt.
Hours: 10 to 12 and 6:30 to 7:30. Phone
10SK. Special hours by appointment.
Solentltlo massage given. Advice In
dietetics. Medical gymnastla hydrotherapy.
DA VIES cV IRLE Chiropractors. 623 S
ixnirai ave. rnone aiain an. urnct
hours: 3 to 4 p. m. Consultation and
examination free.
Oigara ana Tobscoo.
WANTErv -Old mining prospector n.o
care-taker for mine. Gold Ray Realty
Co., SIS W Main Street. 165
WANTED To buy u second-hand office
desk, safe and typewriter. 1005 S.
Onkilalti avenue. 1CI
P-Olt l.HAHR l'ully eniilimed ulaeer
mine. Gold ltn Really Co, ai8 W.I
Main -street. tW a6B
WANTllD A good young farm team,
wagna and harness; prlco must be
light for cash Phone Main 7163. 105
WANTED Housekeeping work by an
experienced womun. Address A. M.,
Mali Tribune, ' 100
position to do lmusn cleaning or of.
flees, Mrs, Ford, tel. M. 13S, 1C5
IRELAND & ANTLE. Bmokehouse-.
Dealers in tonacco, olgars. and smok
era' supplies. Exutuslvo agent of Lewis
Single Binder, El Merlto and El Palen
ela. 213 West Main street
GARBAOI1 HAULED Leave orders at
29 South Burtlott. or phone Rodney
Taylor, Pacific SG32; Home 107-x. 170
CITY GARRAan. CO., Medford Gar
bage, rubbish, dirt, and anything In
that lino hauled, Wugon calls from
two to three times a week; resluu
nintH and hotels, twice a day. Office
phones, Mnln 3151: Home 143 K. J F,
Perres and J p. Kerne, ISO
ranits Works.
O. D NoKle. Geo. T. O'Brien Contrac
tors and manufacturers of brick: deal,
era In pressed brick nnd 1 1 mo, Office
In llaruott-Corey block, room SOU. 2d
floor. Puous No, 8X81.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician "and
""'n"i piwiivs tiuiiieu 10 ey. car,
nose, and throat. Eyes sclentlflcally
testetl nnd glasses supplied. Office
216 East Main street, over Medford
Hardware company; hours 8.30 a. in.
t o i. in.; pom paonfs,
-"" SAUNDBHS AND UItJSE."4 lrac:
tleo limited to eye, ar, nose and
throat Office: Sultot 318 Garnott
Corev building. Both phones.
D. D. 8, Dentists, 228 E, Main, Phone
Main 3191. Home 121K.
Chlaess Medlclnss.
CHOW YOUNO'S-Chlnese niedtclnes will
cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit
ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness,
paralysis, private diseases and all
kinds of chronlo nnd nervous ailments.
Stomach trouble, constipation. Indiges
tion, womb and bladder troubles. See
me at 241 a Front st.. Aredford Or-,
to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Restdcnco phone
Phone Main 42.
Printers and Publishers.
MEDFORD PRINTING CO;, has the. best
equipped Job office In Southern Ore
gon; book binding; loose leaf systems;
SutxaPrt.,e,0-i et0- Portland prioea.
27 North Fir street.
Singer - wheeler & wilson
sewing machines for sale and rent. Re
pairs. Caro Duncnn local resprosentn
tlve. Phono 0013, No. 38 South Fir
Blanches Tor Rent. t
430 aero ranch, 300 acres under lrrlns
tlon, 10 miles from Medford. Gold
Ray Realty Co., 218 West Main street,
room 101 Electric lulldlag. H
Sanenss Tor Sale.
640 acres foothill fruit land, 10 miles,
from railroad station; $16 per aero on
10 years time One-tenth cash, one.
tenth each year for ten years. Inter
est on deferred payments. Biggest
bargains ever offered Oold Ray Re
ulty Co.. room 101 Elcctrlo Building.
218 West Main. ' ,
ELLA W. OUANYAW-Palm Qlock".
Stenographla work done quickly and
MISS L. J. HINGSTfH PubJlq"i'two
rnpher, Sleilford. Oregon. Plionee: Of
flee, Puclflo f!57l: residence, Paoifla
50S3. Room 2ls,.G4rutt-Cory bldg.
-,3ia',(H.i4.-, '.-