, , I J V 1 T f PXM SDC MEDFOKu Jtf AIL TRIBUNE, ftfEDFOTtD, OKKOON, TUTOSPAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 1011 f l1 i If1 i HUMOR pEMl CITY NOTICES. specllvely, the name appearing above each description, being the name nf 111'! owner of such lot or parcel. Aii:t8MKNT FOlt TUB PAVINO OF Kill HTIIEUT FUOM SIXTH trVTllUKT TO JACICKOtt 8TKUKT, WIDTH 36 FKKT. Assessment No . (lolil Pay llcnlty, Co, lot 1, Mock 43, orlgtnnl townslte city or Mcdront, Oregon. Frontage s feat mi thn west side of Kir street. 1r- scrlbcd In Vol. 65, page. S64, of tho coun ty recorders reconls or jncKson coun ty, Oregon; 25 root, rate per foot, $5.SB, nmounl, $146.25, Assessment No. S. Gold Itav llealty Co., lot 3, block 43, original lowiislte. City of Medronl, Oregon, Frontage 35 reet on tho weal aide or Fir street, oc scribed In Vol. 65, page 364, of the coup ty reconleFK recurds of Jackson coun- ty, Oregon; is rij rnto ier root, f.6, nmounl, $146 38. Assessment No. 3. Gold llsy Realty Co., lot S. block 41, orlKlnnl townslte, to pit o It space for tho good of a von corned: Bolect a largo tree, preferably nn olm or n maple, with lov hanging branches. If this la not nvallnble. n lilac or even n gooseberry bush will miltlce. I.U full leiiRth lit u hammock on the shady aide, or. If tho grass I tall, n hummock la nnneccRarj Place the right hnmt under the back of the head-bo sure not to place It on tin -forehead and shift your position so ns to keep In the shade. Whenever you feel nn attack of seasickness com'i on whllo on 6Blpboard nsU tho capiat" to lot you off and flm! the necessarj Ingredients to till Mil prescription Clip this and paste It In your hat. You may not bo able to remember Jt In an emergency. Chicago Evening Tost Ho Would. "Wfccn they take woman away from The coeducational college." said the peakcr. "what will follow!" "I will.' cried a voice front the au dience Success. To Avoid Seasickness. Many of our tenders hnvo nsked this department 'or n provenllvo of ca tdcktiPM. Nearly all of our readers flit from shore to shore of tlio oceans or tin) taken during the mmimcr. nnd niMt of lhehl have tried lemons, and mustard plasters and smelling salts und Itllml fallh to no nvall. Charles F, Ilealy hits devoted much tliun and thought to seasickness, Its cause nnd cure, nod has consulted authorities hither nnd yon. lie has discovered u tnnttin.l f nvnlfllmr 12.uitflnint. V?"Slrh .iikiMin. ........... r, - , - !... .. ......., a........ l.-..,...... -4K , , ,. l . i..tit.( ..., . ..- -ti..l 11 ly 'i Mniiutiii virKi'iii rivnnKv w js Mid io oc iiiinmuie. nun ' '"" f.t n tho wct nl.to of Kir lml. dc- ncrltHHt in Vol. B, ivk J4, or ti coun ty reconler's records of Jnckson county, On-Kiin; 58 fret; rote tcr foot, JS.S5, amount, 3t4t rs. Ao.icsxmoiu jso, 4 .Minnia .m. Kino man. lot 4, block 43, original townnlto. City of Mcdfonl, OrrRon. l'tontnso V5 fet on tho west niiio or Kir Mrct, ! yorllK'il In Vol. S3, li go S5$. of tin- ooun tv reconler's reconls of Jackson count) Or-eon; SS feet; rate pr foot, IS S5 amount, 146.:S. Assvsxmcnt No. 5. Mlnnlo M. Kins man, lot S, block 43, original townnlto, City of Medforu. Oregon Krontngw 25 felt on the west side of Kir street, Ue fcrlbetl In Vol S3, uage SSS. of tho coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county On-con. IS fc-t: rate tier foot. 15. SS. amount, )14$.:&. Asessment No. t Mlnnlo M. Kins man, lot 6. block 43, original toivnsltiv City of Medfont, On'gon. Krontnce 2S fel on tho west side of Kir street, de ncrlbetl In Vol. $3, pago SSS, of tho coun ty reconler's records of Jackson county Oregon, SS feet; rata per foot, 15.85 amount, tltfi.SS. Assessment No. 7. Minnie M. Kins man, lot T, block 43. original townslte Cltv of Mcdfonl, described In Vol S: )ugrt SSS, of tlio county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon, 35 feet rate per foot, $5.83, amount, $146.35. Assessment No. S. Minnie M. Kins man, lot 8. block 43, original townslte City of Mcdfonl. Oregon. Krontngo 3t feet on th west sldo of Kir street, do scribed In Vol. S3, uigo 55S. bf tlio coun ty reconler's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon: 25 feet; rate per foot, $3.85 amount, $146.35. Assessment No. 9. Uertlia Langley lot 9, block 43, original townslte. Olt of Medfonly Oregon. Frontage 3S ftH on the west side of Kir street, describes In Vol. 40, page 631. of tho county re conler's records of Jackson county. Ore gpn: 35 feet: rate per foot, $5.85 amount, $146.25. Assessment No. 10. Her t ha Iangte? lot 10,- bloek 43, original townslte. Cltx of Meilford, Oregon. Frontage 35 fel on the west side of Kir street, de scribed ht Vol. 40, page 631, of thr county recorder's reconls of Jucksot county, Oregon: 35 feet; rate per fool $5.SS: amount. $116.35. Assessment No. tl. Uertha 1-anglej lot 11, block 43. original townslte. Clt of Metford. Oregon. Krontagu 25 fee on Fir street, described In Vol. 40. pag 631, of the county recorder's reconls o' Jackson county, Oregon; 36 feet; ratt per foot. $5.S5: amount, $146.25. Assessment No. 13. Bertha I-angloy lot 12, block 43, original townslte. Clf of Mcdfonl, Oregon. Krontage 25 fee on the west sldo of Klrstreet.descrlbe In VoL 40 page 631. of the county re conlers records of Jackson county. Ore gon; 35 feet: rate per fpot, $5.5 amount, $146.25. AJisessineni o. n. uig fines i.uiu CITY NOTICES. Clly of Mcdford, Oregvm. Front ok 60 ri-ei on me esv snio m nr sin-ei, hh scribed In Vol. 32, page Sit. of the coun ty rM-onlitr'K report) nf JaeVson eountv. tlregon, ftfl feet, tato pvr fool, $M&; CITY NOTICES. feet on thek east side of Fir "lloct, thw sotlbod In Vol, 7(1, pj;,i Sit, or the comi ty recorder's reconls of Jackson coun- amount. $293.50 Assessment No. 30. Medfont Urew tnur Civ. lot 6. block 41. oiiirlnnl townslte. City of Mcdford, Oregon. Frontage JO, Fmntage 8 rent, on ty. Oregon; 50 feetj ral peV foot, $J,!i5, iiiiiiiiiui, fap4.oyL Assessment No. 59 loruin 11. k lot Oregon A Cul ,, HIWR 44, IMIKH1HI uf Kir 34t, o Uiwnsltn, City of Medford. .Oregon. 10 reel on the east sum or Fir the west side of Kir street, loj street, described In Vol. Pago S!I0, of scrlbel In Vol. 33, page 341, of the coun-' the county reconler's records of Jack- ty recomer s reconisvot jscksoii county, Oregon; 50 feet, rale per foot, $5.S5; nmount. us: nu Assesstueut No. 31. J II. Coolc)'. lot 1, block 40, original townslte. Oliv of Medfonl. Oregvin. Fronlngo 50 feet on tho west side of lflr street, described In Vol 90, page 114, of tho county r oonlcr's records of Jackson county. Ore gon: 50 Afeet rate per fool, $5;Si; amount. $392.50. Assessment No. 33. J. It. Qooley, lot 5. block 40, original townslte. City of Medfonl, Oregon. Frontng 50 feet nn the west side of Fir stnjet, described In Vol, 87, pngw 492, of tho county recor der's reconls of Jackson co.tuty, Oio gon; 50 feet, rate per foot, $4 81, amount, fis:. tv. 1, P .ords I son county, Oregonj 50 feel, rale per ivmi, ..ci.t; nuiouui, llrl ut Assessment No.0. -Medfonl Idimber wo., 101 !. uiock 33, oriRinai lowusitn or City of Medfonl, Oregon IVonlngo 60 reel on tie east side or Mr street, tie scribed In Vol. 81. luim 173. of the eoim ty recorder's reconls of Jackson county, wregon; 011 leet; rale Pr 1001, !. nmount. SI99.&U. T .ssessmeii nn. ot Aieuroni i.uimter nrf, -- .-M . 'CITY NOTICES. S ll'lHII'lIM or A0 fetili into T30U.UU i-a, 101 iu, mock 35, original townsiie, City of Medfonl, Orenon Frontago 60 reel on the east. Hide of Fir street, de scribed In Vol. 84. mtge 178. of the eoun- lv t-t.etirtlttr'ii maaisI. ..f .InoVutit i-,iiiiil- Oregon; 50 feet; vato Her fool. ll.jS. nmounl, $392.50. Ass,ssmenl.Niv 62 -Medfonl Lumber Cautious Estlmatt. Curious Friend Is your wife a uu cook? Careful nusband Well, she Is Road en tows nud broIla.-Baltlaiore Anierl can." t - i -1 -f TO KEEP THE HAIR I - . LIGHT AND FLUFFY t (From ChicnRO Inter Ocenn) Tho proper care of Iho hnir tlp?J not require a worontl to"6cour her scnlp f ith sonp nnd drench her hnir wjth water "unfil n shn'inpoo, inclitil in) drjiiifj the hnir, takes llie- better part of tho day. In fact, the lea:; sonp and water used on the-Imirj the beter, as alkali and moisture tend to uinku the hair coarse, dull juid britle. 1 you wnnt to keep the scalp clean and the luur light and fluffy, try dry shampooing. Put in a quart jar, or any other handy container, four ounces of powdered orris root and four ounces of llierox. Stir nnd shake until thoroughly mixed. A beautiful cleansing powder with a delicate perfume will be the result. 'Sprinkle a tablcspoouful of this niixturo on the head nnd then brush it U.-MI fltrmmli i)m lullr Tliic lii-tnii- out the natural color of the hair; makes it soft and glossy, and if con tinued regularly, tends to make the hair lone and abundant, for it is a natural hair crower. jH r assessment iso. as. if. r Marnv, lot jv, 1111 11, oiocic as, oriKinui lounsne, 3. block 40, original townslte, City of!Cty of Medfonl, Oregon Frontage SO Medfonl, Oregon. Fnmlnge ,,4 f,t on feet on thn east side of Fir streyl, de the west side of Fir street, dnvcrlh',1 In I Scribed In Vol. SI. tin re 173. of the t-uun- Vol. S2, lKigo 312, of thn eountv recor der's reconls of Jackson county, Ore gon; 50 feet: rato per foot, $SS4, amount. $SS2 60. Assessment Na 34 Wm. Kllis.m. tol 4, block 40, original towi slttS Ciy i.r Melfonl. Oregon. Fnintngoi SO feet on tho west sldo of Fir strei, deserlld In Vol 67, page 567. of tho emiutv recor der's reconls of JncHson count v, imii, 50 feet; rulo r foot. $5.S5; aniaunt Assessment No, 35. Ivurle M. Iloxlo. lot S. block 4. original townslte, Clly of Medfonl. Oregon. Frontage 60 feet on the west side of Fir street, described In ol. 47, page- 90. of the county recor der's records of Jackson county, Oregon, 50 feet; rnto per foot, $5.85; amount, $293.50. Assessment Na 36 Iiiirlo M llnvle tot C. block 40. original townslte, City of IV reconler s reconls nf Jackson eountv oregou, so foot; rnto per root, $585 amount, $293.60, Assessment No, 03 Medfonl l.vnntipi Cm., lot 12, block 33. original townslte City of Medfonl, Oregon Frontage & feel on the east side of Fir street, Ue scribed In Vol, 84, page 175, of the emm ty reconler's reconls of Jackson county Oregon; 50 reel; rale per foot, $5 JO amount. $393.50, Assessment No. 64 -Krncst li Itarl lot 7, block 31, original townslte, Cltv Medfonl, Oregou, Frontage 50 feel Ol the east sldo of Fir slrvi, described li Vol. 49. pag 5S3, of the county recor der's records of Jackson county, Ore on ieeit rale iwr iimi, fu.su pugrt RSR, county tcconlcr'i Jnoksnn county, Oichuu; II per foot, 1 1.00 1 nmount. I a ..Assessment No, 5. -V, H. Weston, lot IT, block 3, of llnv Fiulidalu uddlllon to tho City of Medfonl, Oregon, Front uge. 60. feel on tho north side of Hhiir man strevt, ami described In Vol, till, pago 3Rl, county recorder's: reconls or Jackson, county, Oregon, 50 reot, into per root, $1.00. nmount, $200,00. Assessment No. e, V, a Weslon, lot 1 8, block 3, of the Frultdale uddlllon to tlio clly of- Mcdford. Oregon, Frontngo 50 feel oil tlln north side nf Hliuriiiiin ntrccl and descrlbi-d In Vol 80, page ,l5, county reconler's records of Jackson county, Oregon, 50 feet, rato per foul, $l.00 amount, $200.00. Assessment No. ,7 W. 8. Weslon, lot 19. block 3, of tho Fniltdalo addition In tho Clly of Medfonl, Oregon, Front age 60 fcut on the north sldn of Hher man slivet umV described iu Vol. 73, page 103, county recorder's reconls or Jackson county, Oregoni 60 reel; rate per fool. $4 00, idnounl. $200.1)0. AssttSNinunl No, 8, C, W. Austin, lot 30, hHek 3, of the Frultdalo addition to the Clly uf Medfonl. Oregon. Fioutago 80 feet no the north stiln of Hhermau street nnd descrlbid In Vol, 80, iMige 351, county record-r's rcevnln of Jackson county, Oregon. 80 reel, rato per fool, 11.00, amount, $200.00 Assessment No. t C. W. Austin, lot 21, block 3. of thn Frultdalo addition Io the City uf .Mud foul. Oregon Fruiting 30 feet on tho north side of rihcrmnu street und descrlbod In Vol. 80, pag 351, county reconler's records of Jackson county, Oregon, 80 feet, rnto per foot, l.i; amount, $200.00. Assessment No, 10 A. O llurgess, lot 32. block 3. of the Frultdnln addition iu me viij- or .iictironi. uregou. Front. CITY NOTICES. tlnn of each lot or jmrl tliotuur, mid iiiieli uiuniiiitH ruspei'tlvuly m Imniby declurod to bo tlio Mro"tirllmt Hharo uf eiu'li lot or part tlierepf, of tlio cohI uf itiich linpitivoiiiont, hiul Is htirohy tluuhii'od tu ho uhsomhoiI niinliiHt snld lot or parcels rospoetlvo. ly, tho iiaiiio uppimrliiK wlmvo moh dcHurlpllon .li"lK tlio ninno "f t"." owner of such lot or paicol. ABaiqsa.MWNT koii tiim pavino OF WAHIIINflTUN HTItlOKT FUOM flKNKSUK STItMtCT TO UOOlU VKI.T AVHNUK. WIDTH TIUll-TY-8IX FKIOT. Awuwmiitpt No. l,- Lulu Parlor, east HU feel Of lot 20, block 1 of tint Frultdulo addition to tho Oily of Mcdford, OroKon; fiontaito -10 foot on tho north sldo of WuHlilntitim sttont, nml ilescrlhcd Iu Vol, 7U, iK IIS.!, county rueordnr'H rocordH of Jaeknon county. OroKon; 10 foot! into pur foot, sci.uri', uinouui, ?310,00. Assessment No. 11. 1. (I. Porter, lot IU, block 1, of tho Frultdulo ad dition to the City of Medfonl, Ore lion j frontngo 50 feet on tlio north slilo of WitHhliiKton street, and do worthed In Vol, 71, piiko 171, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; GO feet: rato per foot, $5,-5: amount. lUGlUO. AsaosHiiiout No. 3.I,. O. Portt'l. lot 18, block 1, of tho Frultilitlo ml- THEROX FDR SALE! HASKINS' DRUG STORE I Hasktna foe HeaJta. LEGAL NOTICES. notice or eijectiox to oxeats ADDZTZOir&X, rWDKBTEDSTUIB POK rxs Buxzsure or psjusaitext mOASS JX JAOZSOV COXTSTT, owe. Notice is hereby given that on the JOth day of September. 1311. an election will be held throughout Jackson county, Ore gon, for the purpose of submitting to the voters of Jackson county, Oregon, the question as to whether pr,not debts for the building of permanent ' roads within Jackson county, Oregon, shall be Incurred in a sum not exceeding tl.COO.i 000 and Interest thereon, and over and abovo any and all indebtedness of tho county at the date of said election, and Independent of any other indebtedness of said county otherwise' created, and authorizing said indebtedness to be evi denced by the bonds of said county, dat ed January 1st, 1912, and payable twen ty years after date and bearing a rats of Interest to be determined by the coun ty court, but not to exceed six per cent er annum, payable semi-annually, which interest may be evidenced by Interest coupons attached to such bonds, and which bonds and Interest coupons may l)o substantially in the form designated lti the order of the county, court for Jackson county, Oregon, calling said election, which order was duly made and entered of record in the county court of the. state of Oregon for Jackson county, sitting for tho transaction of county business at the regular August. 1911, torm of said court, which convened on tho Zd day oc August. 1:111, ana wnicn order was tnaae anu enierda on me ( day of August. 1911. Said election ,wi Im held In each election nrecinct in sale county, beginning at the hour of 8 o'clock In the morning on the 30th day of Keptember, 1911. and continuing until tho hour of 7 o'clock tn the afternoon of tuild day. This notice Is Issued in accordance with said order of Bald county court this 3d day of August. 1911, W. a COLUMAN, Count y Clerk Jackson Countv. Oregon. CITY NOTICES. OKDXKAXOE HO. 574. Ordtnancu declaring the cost of Iho Improvement of Fir street from t'lxih street to Jackson street, mid astessluii tho property benefited thereby, and de during such assessment and directing the entry thereof In tho docket of city Hens. The City of llodford dotit ordain as t3eet"m 1, That no protests haying beon filed against tho fmpioveincnt ot Fir street fiom Hlxth ti-t to Jack son street duo notice if U.o liilontlin of the council to cause said Improve ment to bq mado having1, been given, mid said improvement liming been orj uereu maiic. tne council n tuiinmr u tin matter nnu iwrewmi Mm.-(iuiiin uu prolmblo cost of making such improve incrit to be the sum of $; 0 . i. Ami Hniil eminoll further finds that the special and pcoullur benefit accru ing upon encli lot "r part thereof ad jacent to said improvement and In Just proportion to benefits, to be tho re spective tunmmts hereinafter set oppo site the number or description of each lot or part thereof, and such amounts respectively aro hereby declared to m th proportionate share of each lot or irtrt thereof, of tlis cost of such im provement, and Is hereby declared to bo oe(isd against auld lot or parcels nj- br Co.. lot 1, block 43, original town site. City, of, Mcdfonl. Oregon. Front age 35 fetil n the west side of Fl street, described In vol, 75. page 343. o the county recorder's records of Jacl son county, Oregon; 25 feet; rato pe foot. $5.8i; nmount. $146.35. Assessment No. 14. Big Pines I.Uin ber Co.. lot 2, block 42, original town site. City of Medford. Oregon. Front age, 25 feet on tho Wjrst side of Fl street, described In Vol. 75. page 343, o the, county recorder's records of Jack sotr county, Oregon: 25 fee.t. rate pe foot. $3.85; amount. J46.SS. Assessment No, 15. Dig Pines hum her Co., lot 3. block 42, original town site. City of Medford; Oregon. Froutagi 23 feet on the west side of Fir street described in Vol. 75, page 343, of th county recorder's records of Jackso county. Oregon: IS feet; rate per foot $5.85: amount, $146.25. Assessment No. 16. Big Pines Lum ber Co.. lot 4. block 43. original town site. City of Sfedford, Oregon. Frontag 25 feet on the west side of Fir street described In Vol 75, page 343, of th county recorder's reconls of Jackso county, Oregon: 25 feet; rate per fool $5.85; amount. $146.25. Assessment No. 17. Big Pines Lum Iter Co.. lot 5, block 42, original towi site. City of Mcdford. Oregon. .Front age 25 feet on the west side of Fl street, described In Vol. 75, page 342 of tho county recorder's records of Jaak son county, Oregon; 25 feet; rate pe foot, $5.85; amount, $146.25. Assessment .No. 18. Big Pines Lum ber Co.. lot 6, block 42, original town site. City of Medford. Oregon Front age 25 feet on the west side of Fl .street, described In Vol 75, page 343, o the county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon; 25 feet; rate pe1 foot, $5.85; amount. $116.25. Assessment No. 19. Big Pines Lum ber Co.. lot 7. block 42. original townslte Hity of Medford, Pregon. Frontage 2J feet pn the west side of Fir street, de scribed In Vol. 75. page 343. of the coun ty recordar's records of Jackson county Oregon: 25 feet; rato per foot, ?5.5 amount, $146.25. Assessment No. 20. Big Pines Lum ber Co., lot 8, block 42, original town site. City pf Medford, Oregon. Frontagi 25 feet on the west side of Fir street described In Vol, 76, page 343, of thr county recorder's records of Jacksoi County, Oregon: 25 feet; rate per foot $5.85, oinoupt, $14C.25. Assessment No. 21. B.Ig Pines Lum lcr Co.. lot 9. block 42, original town site. City of Medford, Oregon. Front age 25 feet on thn went aide of Fl street, described In Vol. 7C, page 343, cX (he county recorder's tecords of Jack son county, Oregon; 26 feet; rate pe foot, $5.85; amount. $14C.25. Assessment No. 33. Big Pines Lum ber Co.. lot 10, block 42. original town site, City of Medford, Oregon. Front age 25 feet on the west sldo of Fl' street, described in VoL 75, page 313, n tho county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregou; 25 feet; rato pel foot, $5.85; amount, $146.25. Assessment No. 23.-i-Illg Pines Lumber Co.. lot 11. blocTi 42, original townslte City of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 2f fret on the. west side of Fir street, de Scribed in Vol. 75, page 343 of the coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet; rate per foot, $5.85 amount, $146.25. Assessment No, 24. Big l'incs Lum ber Co. lot 12. block 42, original town site, City of Medford. Oregon. Front age 25 feet on the west side of Hi street, described III Vol, 76. page 343, ;' tint county recorder!! records of Jack son county, Oregon; 25 feet; rato pel foot. $5.85, amount, $146.25. Assessment No. 25. Mcdford nrow lug Co., lot 1. block 41, original townslte Cty of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 5f feet on 111 west sine or Fir sircot, de scribed In Vol 32, pago 344, of tho coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county Oregon; 60 feet; rato per foot, $5.86 amount. $292.50. AssuhHinrnt No, 26,-rMedford Brew ing Co- let 3, block 41, original townslte City of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 60 feet on the west side of FJr street, de scribed In Vol. 32, puge 344, of tho coun ty recorder's records of Jackson countv Oregon; 60 feet, rate per foot, $5.85, amount. $292.60. Assessment Np. 37 -t-Mcdford Brew ing Co.. lot 3, block 41, original townslte (Jty of leford. Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on the west sldo of Fir street, de scribed in Vol. 22, page 344, of the coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county Oregon; "50 feet; ru! per foot, $5.86 amount. $292 60 Assessment No 28. Medford Brow ing Co.. lot 4, bjopk 4, original townslte City of Mcdford. Oregon. Prontago 60 feet on tho west sldn of Kir street, de scribed Iu Vol 32, puge 344, of tho coun ty recorder's reconls of Jackson countv Oregon: B0 feot; rato per foot, $5.85; amount, $92.60. AsveHHipent No. 29.-rMfdford Brew log Co., lot 6,, block 41, original townslte, Medfont Oregon. Frontage 50 feet o west side of Fir street, drserltiiul In Vn 17, pago 90. of tho county reconler's records of Jackson county. Oregon, 50 feel; rote ier finjt, $5 85; amount. t.Ji iiir. Assessment No. 37 John CL Murnbv lot 1. block 39. original townslte. Ctty of Mruinru. viregon. i-Tomugo bu reel on the west side of Fir street, described in ol. SO, page 27, of the county recor- oera records or Jackson county. Ore gon: 50 feet: rate per foot, $5.$5, amount. $292.50. ' Assessment No. 38. John C. Murphy, lot 2. block 39. original townslte of Ct. of Medfonl. Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on. the west side or Fir street, described In Vol. SO. page 27, of the county recor der's reconls of Jackson county, Ore gon: 50 feet: rate per foot. $5.(5, amount. $292 50. Assessment Na 39. Frank J. Mehl. lot 3. block 39. original townslte. City of Mcdford. Oregon, Frontagu 50 feet on the west side of Fir street, described In Vol. 'XT' Misc.. of the county reconler's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 60 feet; rato per foot, $3.85, amount, $292.50. Assessment No. 10 Frank J Mehl. 'ot 4 block 39. original townslte. City of Mcdfonl. Oregon. Frontage 30 feet on the west side of Fir street, described In Vol. "C Misc. of the countv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 rect: rate per foot, $5.S5; amount, $292.50. . Assessment No. tl Aurust l.nw. rents,, lot 5. block 39. original townslte I III M- liirrtr,l Msannk l.vtnlr ,.m Crl t tv rMTOriiVr rpcoriln f Jnrkrm r.mntv. I i . Ai ' """ 1 asi.aui uv. $5.85, Oregon; 60 feet; rato per foot amount. 93j,(,u. Assessment No. 42. August Law--entx, lot 6. block 39. original townslte. City of Atedford. Oregon. Frontage SO feet on the west side of Fir street, de crlbed In Vol. 65. pago 93. or the county recorder's reconls or Jackson countv Oregon: 60 feot; rato per .foot, $5.S3, unount, $292.50. Assessment No. 43. R. F. Antic, lot 1. block 38. original townslte. City of Medford. Oregon. Frontage 56 feet on the west side of Fir street, described In Vol. 87. page 613, of the county recor let's records of Jackson county, Qregon, 30 feet; rate per foot, $5.85: amount, $292.50. Assessment Na 44 James Leslie, lot 2. block 38. original townslte. City of Medford. Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on the west side of Fir street, described In Vol. 78, page 7. of the county recorder's reconls of Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet; rata per foot, $6.85; amount. $292.50. Assessment Na 4G. Oca Hamlin, lot 1. block 38, original townslte. City of Mcdford. Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on the west side- of Fir street, described In VoL 81, page 88. of the county recor ders records of Jackson county, Oregon; 0 feet; rate per foot, $5.85; amount, $292.50. Assessment No. 46. C. C Beckman, lot 4, block 38, original townslte. City of tledford. Oregon. Frontage 60 feel oi the west side of Fir street, described In Vol. 11, page 41, of th county reoor lers records of Jackson county, Ore gon; 60 feet: rate per fool. $5.86, amount, $292.50. Assessment No. 47. C. C. Beekman. lot 6, block 38, original townslte. City of Ucdford, Oregon, Frontagn 50 feet cm ha west side of Fir street, desctib-id ir. Vol. 11. page 41, of the county recor der's records of Jackson county. Of -ron: 50 feet: rate per fpot, $5.85; umount. $292.60. T Assessment iio. 48. O. C Beekman. lot 6. block 35. original townslte, City of lledrord. Oregon. Frontage 21 8 reel on 'he west side of Fir street, described In Vol. 11, pago 41, of tho county recor Jar's records of Jackoson county. Ore, ton: 21.8 feet; rate per foot, $6,85 amount, !. 03. Assessment No. 49 Franriska Oluclc. lot 4, block 37, original townslte, City of Mcdford, Oregon. Frontage '87 fit op he east sldo of Fir street, descrfbed In Vol. 80, page 362, of tho county recor der's records of Jackson county, Ore- sun; at leei; rate per 1001, ta.sb, Assessment No. 50, Franzlska Oluck. tot 5. block 37, original townslte. City" of ueuioru, uregon. iTontago &u reet on lie east side of Fir street, descrlbeed .n Vpl. 80. puge 362, of thn county recor der's recoids of Jackson county, Ore gon; CO feet; rate per foot, $58'i( amount, $292.60. Assessment No. 51. Franzlska flltirk lot 6. block 37, original townslte, City of tledford, Oregon. Frontage 60 feet on mo cam moo or i-ir sired, described in vpl. 80. page 362, of tho county recor Isr records of Jackson county, Ore gon; 60 feet: rate per foot, $5.85, imount, $292.50. Assessment No. 62. Franzlska Oluck, lot 7. block.37. original townslte. Clly it Mcdford, Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on the east side of Fir street, described In Vpl. 80, page 362, of tho county recor ltr's records of Jackson county, Oregon, 0 feet; rate per foot, $0,85; amount, $292.50. Asscssmont No. 63, August Lawrentz. tot 7. block 36, original townslte. City of lledrord, Oregon. Frontagu 60 feet on Iho east nlif of Fir street, described In Vpl. 54, puge 383, of tho county recor der's records of Jackson county, Oregon, io feet; rata per foot, $5.85; amount, 292.(0. , Assessment No. 64. .August Lawretit'. lot ,8 (dock 36, oiigloal tnwiinlta, City of Mcdford, Oregon. Frontage 60 feot on Iho east sldo of Fir street, described In Vol. 45. nil no 383. of Hid' countv recor dar's records of JackHou county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot, $5.85; amount, (392,50. . 'Assessment No. 66. Wm Ilawley, lot 9, block 36, original townslte. City of Mpdford, Oregon. Frontuge 60 feot on (he east side of Fir street, described In Vol. C9, page 205, of the county recor ir'H records of Jackson county, Ore gon; 60 feet: rato per foot, $5.86; amount, $29260. Assessment No. 86. Wm. Ilawloy, lot 10, block 36, orlglnul townslte. City, of Mcdford, Oregon. Frontage 60 fet-t on tiie east aids or Fir street, described in Vr.1 r.U nnlrn H lK t.f ,l.r. .nltntw .-A,- ,',w .VI Wfr IliU vuuittj , , .', - cords of Jacksoi) county, Oregon, : rate per foot. $6.85: amount. Assessment No. 67, Ben Haymond, U't 11, block 36, original townslte. City r(f Medford, Oregon. Frontage 60 feet ijn tho east side of Fir street, di sorlbcd in Vol, 22, page 618, of thn coun ty recoruer"H records or JacKsiiji county, . Hpnll- me cum Vol, 69. iter's reel 30 feel; gon. 6U reel; amount. 3393 50 Assessment No. 65 Krncst B, Itarl lot 9, block 34, original townslte, Cltv oc .Mmiioni. uregon. rroniago an ice on tho east sldo of Fir street, describe. In Vol. 49, page 533, of the county recor der's reconls of Jackson county, Ore gon; 50 feet ;rut per fool, $5.85 amount. $392.60. Aasessimmt Na 66 Krncst 17. Karl to!. block 34, oilglnal townslte. City o Medfonl. Oregon. Frontage 50 feet o tho cast sldo of VI? street, describe, Iu Vol. 6$, page 117. of tho county rvcor defs records of Jackson county. Ore gtm, 50 feet; rato per foot, $6,H5 amount, $393 SO,.- Assessment No. C7 Krnesl K. Hart lot, 10. block 31. original townslte. Cll of .Medford, Oregon. Frontage 60 fee on the oast side of Fir street, describe Iu Vol. 6S, page 117, of tho county re conlers records of Jackson couuty. Ore gon. 60 feet: rato per foot, $5 85 amount. $393.50. Assessment No. 6$ Krnest K. Hart tot 11, block 34, original townslte. Clt of Medford. Oregon, Frontuge 50 fee on the eosl side or Fir street, describe. In Vol S3. jkik 117. of the county re conler!! reconls uf Jarksou county. Ore gon: 50 feet, rate per foot, $5 85 amount. $393.50. Assessment No. 69 Krnest U ll.irt Ipl 13. block 34. original townslte. Clt of Medfonl, Oergon Frontage 60 fee on the east sldo of Fir street, describe. In Vol 68. nace 117. of the county re ocrder's records of Jackson county. Ore gon; 50 reet; rale per root, isss amount. 192.60. I Assessment No. "0 On'gon &' Call foruia 11. 11.. thai portion or mo rigin or-wny on Fir street between nut inirin sireei 1 -nonage so east side of Fir street, 6 r root, li ; nmouit' Assessment No. 71. Oregon it Call fornln It. It., lot if.' block 35, orlglno townslte, Cltv of Medford. Oregon Frontage 60 feet on the east sldn of Fl street, described In Vol 6", page 231 of thn county recorder's records o Jackson county, Oregon, 50 feet; rnl per foot. $5 85: amount. $292.50. ASKHSMKNT FOB I'lUVATK OUIVK ON Flit KT11KBT FHOM HIXTI KT11EBT TO JACKHON tfTHKKT. Assessment Na 1. Illg Fines Lum her Co. umount assessed. $102.96. Assessment No. 2 Medford Lumb Co. amount assessed, $12.73 Assessment No. 3. II. Wclnltard Brewery, amount assessed, $69.43 Assessment No. 4. J. L Jlelmr amount assessed. $29,81. Section 2. The recorder of the Cll of Medford Is hereby directed to mte a statement of the assessments hernb mado In the docket ot city liens, and t give notice by publication ns require by the chartar and ordinance) Na 250 o said city. In the Medford Mall Tritium a newspaper published and of genera circulation in said city, Tho foregoing ordinance was passe by tho city council of the Clly of Me ford. Oregon, on the 20th day or Sep teniher, 1911. by the following vote: Merrick, aye, Walt, aye; Vortman. ah sent; Bmerlck, ubsent; Klfert, aye; Ml lar, aye. Approved September 21st. 1911. W. II. CANON. Attest: Mayor. IIOI1T W. TBLFBR, Clly Bccorder NOTICE, To tho owner, or reputed owner, o each parcel of properly describod In th foregoing onllnance, us named thoreli and In the lien declared, by snd ordl nince as recorded In the docket Of cll lltns. You are hereby notified that the ar sesmnent declared by the forcyolng or dlnance has been mado and the lie therefor entered in tho city lien docke and that the same Is duo and you ar, hereby ron u I red tn pay (ho ha pie to th City recorder within ten days from th service of this notice, which service I made by publication of 'thn foregoln ordinance and this nfiflce three times I the Medford Mall Tribune pursuant an order of the City Council of sal city. - OBDIMAMCB XO.C77. Ordlnanco declaring tho'cotjl of III Improvement of Hhermun streul froi Genesee street to HlarK street and. as scsslng the property benefited tlu-ryb and declaring such assessments and d, reeling the entry tlu-ruof In iho dookt of city liens. The City of Medford doth ordain ni follows: Hectlon 1. Tint no protests havlm 1een filed agalnsC the Improvement 0 Hhcrman street from ..OcncHco street ti Htjirk street due notice of tlio Inleji lion of the council to online sab Improvement to bo mado havlm beep given, arid, said Improvement hat log been ordered made, tlio council hm considered the mutter snd herewith us curtains tho probable cost of making such Improvement to be tho sum o $4,600.00, And said council further finds that the speolal and, peculiar benefit uocrulni Upon euch tut or part thereof adjacent 10 said improvement anil in just propor tlon to benefits. -Io be the respectlvi amounts hereinafter sut opposite ti number or description of each lot o nu rl thereof, and such amounts respect Ively are hereby declared to be tin "ru uu ioci im urn norm sue or Hlier i.iim,,,. , ,1,,, mi,., ,,f Mndrnrd Ore men stteet and described Iu Vol 73, ,lluon ,0 ,,,u u "r Mltlltoru, wn imge a4, county recorders records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 reel; rale Per foot, $1 00; nmount, $200.00. Assessment No II Charles I. lining, lot S3, block 2. of tho Frultdale addition kiiii: frontage 50 tout oil thn north uldo of WnHhliiKtoi) itreot, mid dn m-rlhod In Vol. 71, imiiti 171, coiiniy recorder's rucnrtW of Jiu:lson county, Io the City of Mcdroil. Oreuon Fwmt age 50 feet on iho north side or Hher mau street nnd tlrscrlbed In Vol, NC, imgo 390, comity recordvr'M records of Jauk. son county, Oregon) 50 feel, rlo per foot. $1.1)0: amount. $3iiu,o AssesMixMU iii is.--Charles Limine, lot 31, block 2, of the Fiultdalo addi tion to llie Cltv or Mcdrnnl. Oreirnn Fronlugo so reel on Hie north side of .-xirniuiii sireei nuti iinserilietl in Vol. St. pago 690, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon, 60 feet, rale per foot. $4.00, amount. $300.00. Assessment No, 13 V II. Humphrey, lot 2. block 4. or the Frulldule uddlllon to the City or Medronl, Oregou Front igrt 50 feel on tile south sldo of flier man slreet und described In Vol 76, luige 191, county recorder's reconls of Jucksou county, Oregon, 60 feet; rnto Iht root, $4 00: nmount, $200 Ou. Assessment Na 14. U. II Humphrey, 'ot 3, block 4. or the Fnilldale uddlllon to the Clly or Medford. Oregon, Front. ge 50 feet uu the south sldo or Sher man streel. mid described In Vol 75, age Ittl. county reconler's records t lack son county, Oregon. GO feel, rule ,K'r4''"'..!...v ,,l,,i,""l,.".M.u'?y. ton. lot 10. block 1 of tho tot 4. block 4. of the Frultdalo udditiou Frultdalo addition to tho City o ine my or .Mitironi. Oregon. Front- of Medford, Oregon: froiilttKe 50 -1. 1 -'i 1 ".V".!!!" ,"7" V.r 18,,i,f' ft')t on the north side of Washington street, nml described In Vol 76, ,.,., , .,..,..,.., ... ,,, ,, ....... (,h,1TU M,,ll I,, ni, ,UVf It, 11. U,l Nlf,M 3SC, county recorder's records of Jackson enimlv nroumi! Ml foot! .. . . ... , j, ... ... ... . .-....-... -. , , ........., ., w ,-.,., nnv..ini'ui tu. ii. iiumpnrey,, ,., ,,P font IT. "'. ninmint lot 6, block 4. or the Frultdalo iiddmon l" ,,,,r I00, -'' nlllOlint, to tho City of Mcdford. Oregon Front. 3ua.50. tg 80 reet on Hm south side or iir- Assmwini'iit No. 7. Sarah Wolvur- nan street, und described In Vol ,OI. i, 1 j i,inl.k 1 ,,r n,,, i.VulMfili, ago 191. eounty r,-corder's reconls or i , ,'1.1 . . , ' ,i.1, ,. 1, , lackson county. Oregon. 60 f,, t, rate addition to thn City of Medford, Orc- k-r root, $1.00, ninount, $200.00, Knn; frontni;v 50 feet oil llniMlortll Assessment No 17. -Harris lliindy, u.ilt ,,f U'nslilnulii,i lr....l nn,i !. lot 6 and the eust 40 reel or lot 7. block ' H"M. . ....?." r . V .""" . or the Frultdalo uddlllon to the. city ; ncriuoii in vol. ua. piiHO nti, cuuiiiy OruKon; 50 fuel: rato per foot, $5.25; ".mount, JUfla.oO. AHsouiiinnt No, t. llinll Cordon, vi'Ht IG root or lot 17, block 1 of tun Frultdalo addition to tho City of Mcdford, Oregon; rrouluifu It! font V thu north side of Washington stinol, and docrlhd u Vol. l0, iiiiko til, county rocorder'a records uf Jackson county, Oregon -40 feot per foot, Dfi.aiit nmounl, l'Jll.r.0. AsseRsmoiit No. 5. W. 11, Humph rey, oast I feot of Jot 17 nod lot HI, block I of the Prtiltdulu inltlt0i to tho (illy of Medford, Oregon; front iiku fit root on tho north side of Washington street, and described Iu Vol, U0, puuo 143, coiinly recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 54 feet: rato per foot, S5.25; amount f'Ja.l.rill. I CITY NOTICES. AjfiicHmuiU No. i). Bar.ih Wolvor tge nan jngu 191, county recorder's records or lackson county, Oregon: 50 feet, inlo per root, $100: amount, $20000. f Medford. Oreiron Fronts.. SO feel in the south side uf riliermiiii street, mid lescrlbed In Vol 37, mgo CU, county 'i-cordcr's records of Jackson county, iregon: 90 fret, rutu Imt foot. 11.06: ,,lt,!(,, f.WV UU, reconler'n records of Jnckslin county, OrcKon; nitt) per foot, f5 S5: umount, lilUH.r.O. AssessiuoiU No. . Ntincy It. Day, a..".'..:...... &.. ,... . 'lot IS, block I of tho Frultdalo addl. est 10 feet of lot x am! mi 9. hioek'Uutt to tho City of Medford, Oregon; 1. or the Frultdale addition to the City of Medronl. Oregon. Froutngn 60 feet in thn south side of Sherman street. inn iis-scniiea m vol, u. iwifp m. coun- frohtngo 50 feot on tho no.'tli sldo of Washington at root, ami described In Vol. &0. lingo non, county recorder's v recorder's reconls or Jauksop county, j records or Jackson county. Oregon: moKunnC $:040foo.,, roe" ,,vr UMU ,oi 80 feet; rate per foot, 5.25; amount Assessment No, 19 I.. (7 Porter, lot l2ti2.S0. 10. block 4. of tho Frultdale addition Io the City of Mcdford. Oregou. Frontage 10 feet ou the south side of Hlicrinun treet, ,tmd described In Vol. 71. page lil, county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon) So feel; rule per foot. $4.00; nmount. $200.00 nnviii,-iii ,-, fu, I,, l I'orier. 101 !1, block 1. of the Frultdale addition Io he City of Medford. Oregon. Frontage ,v font 011 Assessment No. 0. Alllo M. Walt ors, lot tl, block 1 nf tip) Friiltdiiln addition to tlio Clly of Mcdford, Ore gon; rroiilagti 50 feet on tho north side of Washington Hjreet, nnd de scribed la Vol. uo, page 161, county recorder' records of Jackson county. the VouVhuiTof Ho'e'riZ": 0; "! rato per foot. 15.25; described In Vol 71. page UtllOlint, I2li2,u0. ASHCH8IIUIIII NO, trect. and 471, oounly recorder's records of Jack- proportionate share ifnch lot or par uierenr, ot uie cost or suc-u impro and is hereby declared to Ixi assesse -J. W. Ilorkursuilth the Frultdulo li'idl (Oregon; 60 feot; rate pee fpot, amount. $292.60. ' Assessment No. 68. Win. II. .nnn 1... , 1.1. ...I. 4, A.I..I..H1 . r...... ..I . ,. HiUlf, !' .-, i,liii:i, .IV, ,J,J HltYOnilt-, City of Medford, Oregon. FrontUL'O 60 against said lot or parcels respeoiivvly tlon being tho iiumu of the ow;icr of suet lot or parcel, AHHKHHMBNT FOB TUB PAVINO Ol HIIBKMAN KTBKBT KBO.M, (IHNU HUH HTfCKKT TO HTAHK HTJtBBT WIPTII TIIIItTV FKBT. ASHI'SHIIIUIII Nit I J, lot 13, block 2. of til nnu to ni" my or Meiironi, Oregon Frontago 50 feet on the north sldo o Hhermun street, and ileseribed In Vol 76, page 124, county rvcorilui's record, of Jnckson county, Oregon: 60 feet; roi per fool, $4,00. amount,' $200.00. ' Assessment No, 2 .1, W. llockcrsnilth lot II, block 2, of tlio Frultdaleuddb tlon to the City of Medford, Oregon Frontage 6Q feet on the north side of Hhermun street, and described in Vov 76, page 121, county recorder's records of Jucksou county, Oregon; 50 feot; rate pur foot, $1 oo, amount. $200.00. Assessment ru, 3, w. tr, Jtouinson, lot 16, block 2, or the Frultdulo uddlllon to thn City of Mcdfonl, Oregon, Front ago 60 feet on tli north side of Hher Juan streot and described In Yol. 70, pago 635, county iccordcr's records of Jackson county, Oregon: 60 feet; rato per foot, $4-00; uniouut, $200.00. vHML'Hmiirui fo. 1. is, r. immnson, o 10, block 2, of Iho Frultdulo uddlllon to the City nf Medford. Oregon. Front- age 60 feet on tlio north nldn of Hher man street and described In vol, son county, Oregon. SO feet, rate per foot, $4.00, amount, $200.00, Assessment No. SI L !, Porter, lot 12. block 4. of the Frultdale addition to lie C$ty of Medford. Oregon, Frontag $0 feot on the south side of Hhermun Itreet. end described In Vol. 71. page 171. county recorder's records of Jackf on county. Oregon, 60 feet; rate per foot, $4.00, amount. $300 00. Assessment Na 22 U O Porter. Inl 13, block 4. of tho Frultdale addition to Iho City of Mvilfflrd. Oregon. Frontaje i0 feet on the south sldn of Hlieruian Jtreet and described In Vol. 71, page 471, county recorder's records of Jack Jon county, Oregon; 50 feot, rale per foot, $1.00, amount, $200 00 Mention Tm, ri.corijer Qf ,(l0 Cty of Mcdford Is hereby directed to enter I statement of the assessments hereby mado In tho docket of city liens, anil o glvo notice by publication as redulred by llm charter nnd ordinance No. 390 In Hie Medford Mall Tribune, a newspaper Said city. Tho foregoing ordinance was passed y uio city council of the City of Med ford, Oregon, on the 20th day of Hep tembur. 1911, by ih following volel Merrick, nyo, Walt, ayo. Wormian, ab sent; Knicrlck, absent; Blfert, aye; Mil (ar. aye. Apiiroveil Helilember 21st. 1911. iit W, ir, CANON, Mayor. Attest: BOUT. W. TIH.FBIt. Clty Bccordor. m .L NOTICfi To the owner or reputed owner of each mrcnl of properly described In tho fore jolng ordinance, as iamci) therein, and n the lien declared by said ordinance, is recorded In the docket of clly Ileus icssmcnt declared by llm foregoing or- You aro hereby notified thai the ns. Ilnaiice, has been mado and thu lion .herefpr entered In tho city lieu docket, ind that tho same Is duo. und you are Hereby required to pay the same Io thr Illy recorder within ten days from the iorvlco of this notice, which sorvlco Is made by publication of Iho foregoing Mlnsnen and this notice three limes In lie Medford Mall Tribune, pursuant to in prdof of thn nltv council of said city BOUT. W. TBLFIUt, City Ilecordnr. I OIUH.VANCH NO. 57. Ordinance declaring tho cost of tho Improvomout of Washington Htrool from acncBoo troet to KoohbypU ftvo uuo, and iiBHnsflliiK thn propprty tiopii Ultod thorohy, and donlarlng hiicIi iih tjosNtiient ami d I met lute thu entry thorn ft In tho docket of city llnug, TJio City of Mcdford doth ordain ns followo: Hectlofi 1. That no protentH having boon fled agnlnut tho Improvement of V1ml1lnnton Htnmt from fJonuHon utrpot to jooHpyolt uyoniio duo no tlco of tho Intention of tho council 0 cauHo Hld liiiprovomont to liu mado and liitvlnu loon clvou and said linprovamoiit i:ivpg been onlornd, Uiq council hiifl noiiflldurod tlio uiattor nnd liorowth itHcbrtnlna tlo urobablo cost of making such Im nrovoinimt to bo tho mini of $0, 504.00. And Had council further fludii that 1 ho Hjiecial nnd peculiar benefit ac cruing upon pucll lot or part tllorcof adjneont to mild Impiovoiuout and In Just proportion to bttmifltH, to ho ilid rpHpertlvo itmountii lioruliiiiftor tjot oppoalto tho uumbor or ilcucrlp-l 10. Wm. Angle. lot to and thu west IG.S feet or lot 9, block 1 or tho Frultdalo addition to thu City of Mudford, Oregon; front agu t'.G.H feet on tho north sldo or Washington streot, and described In Vol. 78, pago 540, county rocordur'n records of Jackson county, Oregon; 00.8 feet: rato per foot, 15.25; amount, 1150.70. ABsewiuient No, 11. Jackson Co, li. &. U. Ass'u, east '13.-! feet of lot 9. block 1 or tho Frultdalo addition to tho City of Medford, Oregon; front ago 33.4 feot on thu nortn sldo 01 Washington utrcot, und described In Vol. XI, pago 400, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; i-,s. 1 icei; rato per root, $i.2i; amount, 17C.3G. AHKousmput No. 12. II, F. pintt. .vos-, 33.4 foot of lot 8, h'ock 1 of tho Frultdnlo-uddlllo'i to the City of Mcdford, Oregon; fMintui,i .13,4 foot on hu north sldo of Wasl'lnglon utroet, and dossrlbfld In Vol. pp', pago 244, county recorder'- rccordt of JackErm county, Oregon; 33.4 feot; plo per foot. $5.25; atiioint, $175.35 AkhobsiiiuiU No, 13, -Uoorgo 11. Medley, oust iq.8 foot of lot 8, mid lot 7, block 1 of tho Frultdalo itddl tlon to tho City of Modford. Oregon: frontage 00,8 feet ou tho north hIiIii or Washington street, and doscrlbcd (n Vol, 84, pngp 370, county rocord ot'h rocordH or JnrliHon county. Oro !on; flil.8 rent; ruto per foot, $5,25; amount, $350.70. AsHeusiiiont No. 14. h. O. Portor, (ot (I, block 1 of tho Frultdalo addi tion to tho City of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 47 feot on t)io north Mo of Washington atroot, und dOHt'rlhed li. yol, 71, imgo 471, county roeordor'H rocortln of Jackson county, Orogonj 47 foot: into per foot, $5,26; amount, $240.75, ABSOHHinont No, 15.- I,. 0, Portor, lot 5 block 1, of tho Frultdalo addi tion to tho City of Mcdrord, Oregon; froptngo 47 ft-ot on tho north uldo of Washington Htrmit, mid destrllied jn Vol. 71, pago 471, county rfcordor'H rocorda or Jackson county. Oregon : 47 feot; ruto por foot, $5.25; amount, $.210.75. AHHOBHUIflllt No, 10. -L. O. Portor. lot- 4, block 1 of the Frultdulo addi tion 10 inn city or Medronl. Oregon; froiilago 48 foot on thu north bIiCi nr Washington utroet nnd doyerlbod In Vol, 71, PUgO 471. (Olllltv ritcnrUi-- recordH or .IucIchoii cmmiv nriiirii.t. lrn 'on r"t0 ,0ot 6'2r'' IOMnl, AHHOHHinont No, 17, j, (, Ward, ot a, Jot I, block 1 of tho Friiltdnlii addition to tho City t)f Medford. Oro u nn; frnnliiL'o lln r ,,...'..... ,. Hldo of WitHhlngton Htreet, una do Borlbod In Vol. 70, pago 372, rounly ropordor'H record, qf ucIihoii county, moil I" li rfito nor (Wt, $5,25. Aipouiit, $750,76. AtiBeuHtilOIlt No. 18. L. fl. Portor. "'I . -ir. I lot II, block 3 of Iho Fi'itltditlti uddl llon to thu City or Moiiroi'd, Oingoii; ti'onlngo 143 root on the smith Hldu or WitHhlligtou Htrimt, nnt ilt'iicrllmd In Vol, 71, pinto 471, county record er'M reconlM or .Ittuksou county. Ore gnu; 143 root; rnto por foot, $6.26; nmount, $760,76, Aitsoiisiueiit Np. 11'. Ii. (1, Portor, lot 7, block !l of thu Frultdalo midl tlon to tho Clly of Mmirord, Oiukoii; rroiitngt) 1 12 foot mi thu 11011 1 li Hldo or Washington street, and tli'Ntirlbml In Vol. 71. pngo 471, enmity record or's lecordN or .lurknoii coiiiit, Ore gon; 112 reel; into pur root, $5.26; uniouut, $7 16 60. A'lHPHHiui'tU No, 20. Idiidu li, 1,1111011111111. lot t.Jilmik 3 of Iho Frult dulo udditiou to tho City or Mmirord, Ou'tMii; rroptai'o 611 root 011 tho south sldo of Wimhliutloii ntroni, und die Hcrlliod' In Vol. N2, iiitgu 122, county lecordor'M leconls of .liuikHoii county, Oregou; 50 root; into per root, $6,25; itinoilut, $202.60. AssosHiuont No, 21. -I.lndu I,, l.uiuil'hliui, lot 2, block 2 or tlio Fruit diilu addition to thu t'lty of Medford, Ovegon, rroiltnitv 60 ftl on Iho south sldo or Washington ntnmt, mid do scribed In Vol K2, pago 122 of tho county im-ordor'fl reconls of Jucltsou county, OroKon: 60 feet; rnto per foot, $6 26, amount, $202 60. Assessment No, 22 -J. II. I locker hikIUi. lot 3, block 2 or tho Frultdalo addition to tho City or Mudrord, Ore gon; frontage 60 feet on the south Hldo of Washington street, and de scribed Iu Vol. 70, page 124 of tlio county H'coidor's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 60 feetj rato per root, $6 35; iiliiOlillt, $202,60. Assessment No. 23. W. It, ttood ale, lot 4, block 2 or tho Frultdulo addition to the Clly or Medford, Ore gou; frontage 60 reel on tlio south aide or Washington stroel, and de scribed n Vol. S7, pngo 668, rounty recorder's reconls or Jackson county. Oregou; 60 foot; rnto per foot, $5.26; iimoiiiil, $202.60. AHsotisiui'iit No. 24. -0 M. Ilttr land, lot 5, block 2 of tho Frultdalo udditiou to thu City or Medford, Ore gon; mintage 50 feet 011 tho south side of Washington street, and do ncrlbml In Vol. 85, pngo 4 41. county recorder's reconls of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feel; rate per foot, $6,261 amount. $202 60, Assessment No. 26. Wtniiiu It. Orlgsby. lot 0, block 2 of thu Frult dalo addition to tho Clly or Medronl, Oregon; frontngo 60 feel 011 tho south side of Washington street, and do scribed In Vol. HH, pago 23U, county recorder's lerordn of Jnckson coun y, Oregon, 50 feet, rntp per fool, $5 26; nmount $202 50. Assessment No, 21. Kmmn It, Orlgsby lot 7, block 2 or tin- Frult dulo addition to tho City of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 50 foot on the south side of Washington street and tie scribed In Vol. SS, p.igo 221), county recorder' records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; ruto por fool, $6.26; imount, $502.50. Assessment No, 27. 1. 0. Porter, tot 8, block 3 of tho Frultdulo nihil 'Ion or tho City or Medford. Oregon; frontage 50 feet uu tint south sldn or Washington street, and described lit Vol, 71, pngo -471. county recorder's records; or Jnckson county, Oregon; o root; rnto per foot, $5.25; amount, $202 60. Asseiiieiit No. 28. U. 0. Porter, lot J. block 2 or the Frultdnln addi tion to tho City ot Mmirord, Oregou; frontngo 60 feet on tlio south sldo of Washington street nnd described In Vol. 71, pngo 471, county recorder')! records of Jnckson county. Oregon; 50 reet; rnto per foot, $5,25; amount 1202.60. Assessment No. 3D. -J (1. Portor, lot 10, block 2 of thu Frtiltdnto uddl llon to thu City or Medford, Oregon: frontage 50 feot 011 tho south sldo of Washington street, and described In Vol. 71, pngo 471, county recorder's recordg of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 (cot; rnto per foot, $6.26; amount, $202,50. Assessment No. 30.- O. Portor. tot It, block 2 of Iho Frultdulo addi tion to the City of Mudford. Oregon; rroutngo SO reet 011 tho south side nf Washington Htreet und described In Vol. 71, pngu 471, county recorder's rorordn of Jarkvon county, Oregon; 50 foot; rate pur foot, $5,25; amount, $202.60. Assessment No. 31, t, 0. Portor, lot 12, block 2 of tho Frultdalo addl Ion to tho Clly or Modrord, Oregon: frontagu 50 fuel on tho south sldo of Washington street, and described Iu Vol. 71, pngo 471, county rerordurii records of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 feot; rato por root, $6.26; amount, $202.50, ABHKHHMKNT FQU TJUC PIIIVATB IHllVKB ON WABIIINOTON BTIUJKT FUOM (IKNICHMH BTUBKT TO ItOOHBVIJIt' AVB- NUB. AtmcHauiunt No. 1.--II. I). Howard. amount assessed, $0.54, Hceinm 2. Tho recorder or tho City or Mudford Is horoby directed to en ter 11 Htntoinoiit of thu nuHOHHiuontn hereby pindo Iu thu docket or city lions, gild to glvo notice by publica tion iih required by tho charter and ordinance No, 250 Iu tho Medford Mall Tribune, n newspaper published Tho foregoing ordlnanco was puss anil of goiiuri-l circulation In Haiti city, oil by tho city council of thu City of Modrord. Oregon, op thu 20th day of Boptumbur, 1011, by thu following yoto: Morrlck, nyo; Watt, uyo; Wortmun, absent; Biuorck, iilmout; Klfcirt, nyo, and Millar, uyo, Approved Boptombor- 21st, 1011, W. II. CANON, AttuHt: Mayor, HOIJT. W, TWhFEJl, Cty Hocordor. roffOIT. To tho owner, or roputod ownnr, of each piircol of property dCHtirlbed In tho foregoing oidliiuiico, iih minimi therein, and In tho (Ion declared by Bltld ordinance an recorded lu Iho docket of city llenn, You u,ro hereby notified that tho avHOHHiuuiit duolarod by tho foregoing ordlnanco iiih boon tuudit ami tlio Hon thorofor outorod In tho city lieu dpiikpt, and Unit tho uiimo hi duo und you iro horoby roiiilrod to pay tho sumo to tho city recorder within ton diiya from tlio Horvlco of UiIh notlco, which Horvlco Ih mado by publication of tho foregoing onlliiaiico ami thin lujllcn lliroo tliuuii lu tho Miii(oi MM I Ti'lbuuo piit'Hiiuiit to nu order of thoclty council of imld clly, v , ' ...,..... ... ...... ... KUHT. W. THLFHIl, City Hocoidor, 1 . i i t yj,.i , jNfct'jt-fe -' ! r .-"