Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 28, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    "I (
JJV"' '
Mr anil Vim W I). .liiiiiH tun liixt A ,1 Hiiiwiiit ton HiIn IiiiiiiiInk tm
nlltlil fur tlmlr hoiim In Huliiitv, Mi'xlro wlioiit ho oxpwlH U. kih-iiiI tho
Mlcliliinii, nflur u vImII or two iiiuntlm wlnir
Willi tlmlr niiiM, lliu .Innmi lirotliviH, I'ntur Urn ii..Imii(; Iuim hci'ii iiinltliiK
ut fiipltul Hill riuicli, 1'iiHl of Moil, u Kiiiiil many limirov.iMimitH uhmil
foul. Mr, mill Mm, Jiuum wont itc
niiiil;iiuiliMl i'iimI liy Mm, llmny ('limili
of III In, Pn,, who iiIhii liiti Iii'dii vlif
ItlllC ll'llltlVOll lll'll'.
fl. A, Nowoll, ImiIIcr' tllr. Uoiiiti
tr, i. o, iiuiiiiiiit:. .7i
Mm -.1, Unwind. mUiii lied In AhIi
litml )nnlonlity nflor a vlnll' with
Mltulmll unit futility.
Hmittttty l"rim;li Dry Ulimnln
H. U. I'lilppM of AkIiIiukI wuh In
Moilfnnl )'utnriliiy vMlhii IiIm lirolli.
or, Attorn.) V ). I'lilim uinl fmii
II)'. Wo nrn now ImyliiK Winter Nolls
licniit. Kn iih Imforu ihiIIIiii;. Pro-iliin-rn'
Ki nit Co.
Dr. .1. I). Tin hit tutimieil yimtor
iluy ti (lrlittiy, CulKoinlii. Ho nx
liiintM to Immoiiih Inttin'hli'il In Kdkiih
river xiillcy ori'luird Intnl.
Mil) your wlntor'n wood cluni now,
ft. fill jior -onl. (lolil May Unilly Co.
Mm. Kut" Uiihui'II ri'tiinuMl ntr
iltiy from ltUHlMirt( ttlmro nlio lius
Iuim In it lioilliil for imvitrul inoiillm.
fliinltnry Fnuicli Dry Clcvtiilm;
Work. '
Mm, J H. Miotlimu n-turti".! to
Mmlfont Wmliiwiility nftornoou from
o vlnlt of Hvral inotiHiw In I'ort-
(.tulle. Imvo your mill tnndo ''
tlm llnrlln LnilloH' TallorltiK Co.. "I
Contra! Point. Or. 173
A. J. Htt'wurt rniiu In y'lnnln
from hlx liomo In Drittn.
Iluy your wlntor'it wood rhin now.
JI.RO ti'T conl (loltl ltii' Uonliy Co.
J, II. Wooilit loft WViliHwIny ovot.
Ini: for Portland.
At III" Hlitn of Y Nifty.
Tlio Jim lioyn. M. H. nnil W. '
Imvo imi'li unlit ilimnimlvoii iIwoIIIhk
Iioiihch on tholr CnpUol Hill rnncli.
nnl of Modford, nml tlo" nr oxpecl
Iiik tlK'lr ftnnllli'K to nrrlvo liorf ilil
fnll from HnKliw. Mlchlunu.
Clilinu Bacrod Mile nml Jnt'i''
olr ittantu nt llrondley'. IMionn
O. K Hmltli f Martini. Cnllf..
Mopped off I" Mt'ilfortl TtMiwulny for
n ilny'8 vlult wltli iuh iridiuiH, .r. ii
Mm. D. Miilr on Vil Main Btroil.
Iluy your wlntr' wood olunp now.
f .lit) jor conl. Cold liny H'lly Co.
tMr. l-'ronk Olnmchitln of Illy. Or
Ron, In vIbIHuk rtlntlvi'u nt JncliKon
Iliiiiutlfiil lU'nImm l lHlfw nnil
rimtorn nt Tin Hninll:rnfl Shop.
KiMitnor'n. ,c3
Chnrlcn UptllUo loft ttti moniliih'
ofr n vlnlt to l.oi AiikoIm.
jot- WllllnuiH of llurnlironk, Cullf..
nml Mm. Conn of Hilt, wro innrrlml
ut JneliBonvllU' yetitrily. Thoy Ml
Mctlford IiIh moriiliiK for Hornbrook,
wIhto tlicy will rcnldo.
Wall nnd try "IMIiir" mIioo. You
won't Iio norry. l05
Mr. nud Mr. Mdwnrtl WUk nnd
MIni WdlH loft on No. If. today for
itBn Prnnclnro.
Mr. nnd MrH. W. D. Knighton of
Kn;lo Point roturtiod tlili iiionilm:
from n vlnll to ol'rtlnnd.
MUh NMnti ChnHo roturnod to lur
homo nl Ayiir. Cnllf., thin niorul'u;
nftor n vlhlt In Mcdford with Mrs.
Marlon Latico,
If you'vu trlod tho rot. Uion wnlt
and try "iMInr.'s" hIi"'"- ,Gr,
rrank BhcrluKton loft thlH morn
Iiik for his old homo In drum! Hap
Ids, Michigan.
Hoy your winter's wood cheap now.
LRU per rord. Cold Iluy Uwilty Co.
Will oDan loft on No. 15 this morn
Inc for Baernnionto,
Mrs. II. W. Ilenedli-t who has hecn
visiting Mr. and Mrs. I'elor Hartie
hur, out lit tho rnncli, emit of Mod
ford, roturnod to hur homo In Ash
land today.
8oo II. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance
Man, over Jackson County hank.
Mrs, V. C. Ilechdnldt and Mrs. .1.
A. HotttltiKor loft this moriiliiK for
tholr homo nt llounnxn, Klamath
Iluy your wlntor's wood cheap now
$ I. HO por rord. Cold Kay Kcally Co.
tho lioinn pluro v,nt of Medford this
Hiiiiimei. ... hmi iuim it rimi biiiiKii.
law for his son, Harry, liml has imido
his own homo over into a modern
Weeks & McGowan Co.
17 IMione mm
Night Vhontm T. W. Wclm 7t.
A. . Orr, MW.
I j ts r rr r r ;
Undertaker nud Kinlmlmer
3uccoHS(ir to tho utulortnklim do
partmont of Modford Kurnltiiro Co. 1
Office UH Houth llartlelt Street
ZTolniilionos! day. lloll 471: nlBMtj
Iresldonco, lloll 47.1. Homo 170-1), j
Culls answered iiljjht or day
i . f s
The Miilual l.lfu tnsiiraiiro Co. pays
the Ini'Ki'Sl dlvliliitiilM, Hue J, !'
Mr. and .Mm. (Iuoiko K, HIiM)hIi
and Mr. mid Mrs. Hyrou K. HhultK
of llaiilshiirK. I'll., who have ln-wi In
Modford mi a visit to Mr. and Mrs
A It. (luirlmiii at -t.'l North Crnpo
slreot, returned to tholr homo (his
Him nliu:.
Tw.dve neros fruit ami nlfalfn laud
for snlo. Call on 0, Canty, Tftleut,
Mi, nud .Mm. N. V. Hllshy left
Wednesday arteriioou for a two weeks
visit with old-tlmo friends In Harm,
mento. Mr. Bllshv Is onsHtniiM.r .-mi.
iluctor on tho I'nclflo a Hnsterti rail
road nud (liln Is tho first vacation he
has hai( for nearly tin fit yearn.
I.essoiin lu hraiiB craft any morn
ItiK nt 10 o'clock nl the Hatidlcnirt
fihop. ,,Ja,
W. M. I'loyd nnd family ft w,.
uesdny for Urn AiiKide where thoy
expect io iKtnnlii for tho winter.
At the Hlitn of Yo Nifty.
Mm. Woodson of Coming. Cnl.. Is
nere on a visit to Mr. nud Mm. J. V.
Mitchell, ut the Mltclmll & iKx-ck or
chards east of Modford. Tlilrty-olKht
years nK Mm. Woodson llve, In t,M
vnlley and H.Ih Ih her first visit mIiico
them. It may onslly hit Kiiessed that
a few uotalili. chiiUKes have I.iwii
maiht in taht leuKth of time, hut, ho
this ns It may, tho lady Is n booster
for the vnlley at this time and will
ndtlso her Corning friends nrordliiK-
Iluy your winter's wood clomp now.
1 1 ftO per cord. Cold liny Kenlty Co.
A. I'rldlKer has traded n ten nnd
otie-hnif ncrt) orchnrd tract went ut
Medford to w. At. n)d fr i,,,,,!,,,,,,
property on North Central aveuitu In
Medford. This property Ih r.OxlOQ
feei In nine nnd Is situated Jtmt north
of the Dlntiioml IimIkIiik house. In
the deal enrb of the propertli-s were
considered worth 1 13,000,
J C Hchmldt has both phones In
stalled lu tho old Davis warehouse
nnd will bo Kimi to ijuot.t jou prlrcs
on nil kinds of feed nud poultry sup
plies. .
Hal Conrad will lenvo Friday for a
short business trlji to Portland.
Cnrkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln,
Olonn O. Tnyior), attornny-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank Uulldlng,
Mr. nnd Mm. John llrownleo re.
turned a few tnys nRo from n several
weeks' visit to their son's nl Uij.
cnuipnient, WyomliiK.
Complete line of 1). M. C. cotton
nt Tho llnnd'crnft Bhoji. 1C3
Mrs. !:. K. Hedfleld returned this
morning to (Herniate after n visit lu
Medford with her daughter. Mrs. C.
A. Wilson nnd family.
Hxchislvo designs In hand made
Jewdry nt Tho Handicraft Shop,
Koutner's, lfi3H
C. I). Wclverlon In erecting six
luiiignlowH oi. a tract of land which ho
oiie.half mllcH
purchased Bumotlmo ago, two and one
half mlleH west from Woodvllle. Ho
has subdivided tho trnct Into ten-acro
lota and upon six of those lots ho has
bulll fvo and six-room bungalows.
Mr. Woohertou has noli! mont of
these lots to North D.ikotn parties
nud It Is for them ho Is building tho
Iloino-mndo sorghum molasses, Ji
a Kallou. Hutchison & I.umsdoi), ton
W. K. Weaver lef UiIh morning for
Woodvllle wheio ho has a largo point.
Ing contract for Mr. Woolvcrton.
Several Applegnto ranchers are In
Modford today before tho bonrd of
water adjudication. Among those
hole are A. Cantrall, Amos McKoo.
Carey Ouley, Henry BtophetiHon, Kn
iney Phillips, Frank Stephenson, A,
D, McKco and Denton Pool,
Two employees of t, UngllBh
Chop House, on South Front street,
"llliinkej" Wilson, a cook, and "Cur
ley," a waiter, engaged In a rotiKh
house Httint this forenoon, but jvoro
ancHted and thrown In Jail by the
police before either wore marked nH
a result of tho combat,
Tho Medford Ulectrlcal Shop Ih Io
rated at Hi North Front street.
Fied Murray of oPrtland Is lu Mod
ford Installing a piiHHctiKor olovator
In tho new Neff-Wundorland hotol.
Ilov, Adams of Kiigeuo will prirh
at tho Clirhitlau church next ittimlay
.ook took I tho In wont catch or
flh at tho Fish Muilcot Just arrived
than ever before Jn-Modford. All this
K'eek Halibut, black cod and ling cod
lOd per III.! solva umolt, 13 1-Uo lb.;
ted Hslmou, Uio lb.; sturgeon cat fish,
ISu b,; spring chlokons, 30o; frosh
cieamery huttor, IlOo; fluo stool cut
coffo, ilOo Hi, Fresh shipment of fin
uluhiuldy Jutit artivod. AIbo fiesh
(ilainn and oystora, Mossier &. Kent.
wot thy,
-' wrii irrfBgnrnaiiiirT iff imit ' ' m&jw
Wmm WmMstisiHmm &$$&-& its': MR
KjSXmmmmmmm 7i
It is icporlcd en good piillionh Hint Hr, I)aid Jnyii Hill, formerly
rmted j4nl(M AmliiiHnilor to (lertuit u, is Io nceept Hie iliair of pndec
wor id polities nml eciiiiiiiiiicH ut I 'or iii'll riuvcrsily.
Aulomohllo Rltlc Given Party About
(lie City Causes Tlicm to Marvel
at Growth Made Durlrifl the Past
MetKortl Sunt,
(TuneOh 1 Adeline)
You .Medford Town
How .you Imvo grown
We like your Mvlo
We'll May nvth'ile f
I'niin I'urtlaii.l Town
We've traveled down
To liisto your pours nml njiplcw,
Medford Town.
Writes to Judge Demanding that
"The Don" he Either Hanged or
Electrocuted "Please Notify He
of Disposition of Him" He Writes.
Such in tin refrain of ti song bv
the Portland bou.Mertf who hpcii!
Woilnciliiy afternoon in Bedford
and here are their M'titimeuts, tak
en from the ".Medford Bxlra" addi
tion of the Daily Killer, the uuwhrm
per jmblished on the train:
flood rendu! flood roads! flood
roads I
.Medford the progressive. Med
ford the oiiterpri-ing.
Oregdn and I'orlland eau ho prom'
of Medford, which hIiowh the mol
reniurkahto growlli of nny oily we.i
of the Cnseade uioiiutains. Medfon'
in the l'aadenu of Oregon.
Medford in the Pear City. Med for
eitijens are Hot onlv keen nud widr
awake, but thoy are cultured th
eroaui of tin beht oilier of tho ea-t
It behooves we of Portland to gr
bolter ncti!iintcd with theo tliou1
imdfl of up-to-date neweomers wle
huvo located in the Itogue I5ier vol
ley nod me building there n frni
nml jobbing center of which Orogoi
can be pioud.
While here the Poitlaud liuiimi
men adopted the following- iomiIu
ItcMilwd, by tin Porilniid lliti
ueis Men visiting Medford on tho
Portland Commoroinl club's Oreirn
oxeuiidou, That we congratulate
Medford, the mngie city of Fouth
western Oregon, on the nmiuiiig pro
gress mnde ..ineo our last visit; pro
not only rufloctod in your now build-
KANSAS CITY, Mo, Sept. 28.
Jeclariug thai ho had never soon his
nthor but onto nnd that was when
ho had my mother's tonuue hanging
Jut ugln tho wall," llttlo Georgo
luhrfln, 10, has written Judgo Lat-
liaw from C'hlciigo, asklug taht IiIr
nthor, John Hulirfln, either be
langed or electrocuted. Ilulifrfln Is
'barged with bigamy. Reorgo coui
osod tho letter and It was also
Igncd by his ulster Anegllno and
irother Arthur.
"Tho last beating my father gave
ny mother.' tho letter slated, "Is go
ng to kill her. She Is dying In bed.
Dr. Kredman told mo that sho could
tot live. Ho has. already married
our good women nnd had children
y them all. He should either be
angod or electrocuted. IMeaso not
ry mo n to what disposition you
nako of the dog."
SKATTI.K. Wi.. 11. c. Stonemau
ts locked up in tho county jail hero
n default of $.'.,000 bonds today. He
rtas nrrtyted yesterday on eomplaint
f tho tcderal authorities. Ho'::,
harged with being u whito slaver,
lie government alleging that he
rough! hthcl Hower to Seattle from
'lotto for iinimirnljmrrJos.os.
Homo prosperity " depends upon
omo Indujtr, and stato-wldo pros
orlty will be greater If factories
elllng "Made In Oregon" goods are
at-onlzod b ytho local merchants.
R M, Uompton In building a buimu
low on his orchard tiact near Wood
llomo-mado Borghum molnsHes, SI
a gallon. HutchlBon & I.uniRdeu, li.r
Tho Itroadwlek family, famoiu
Kroncb aeronauts, H1 arrive lu Med
ford nSturday. Thoy will mako their
first iincensl;)'! nt tho fair grounds
Wednesday afternoon.
All livnl horho that will start In the
racot fair week must bo ontnrud Krl
iluy, Sept. 2tt, with tho socrotary, Mr
f Ware. Any peifion who desires to on
tor mules lu tho races aru also aakod
to bear this In mind,
llomo-mndo sorghum molasses, Ji
a gallon. HutchlBon & Lumsdon, 1GS
10, Chandler ltogiiu Is having a largi
bungalow built on his recent orcharr"
purchase east of Medford tho llatei
llroa. tract,
f 4
v t - t- r -f -f
KOit UKNT Two-room rurnlBhoi'
house. Kmiulro fa-t South Fir St
10 BE HE
Miss Grace Josephine Brovn Will
Sing a Number of Tribal Melodies
Made by Alice Fletcher Arc from
Native Sources Direct.
The four, iiidiiin melodieH which
(Iriico Josephine Ilrown is to sing
r'ridiiy evening, nro with the exrep
tion of one number, ''The White Dawn
is Hteitling," nil taken from the col
lection of Tribal melodies made bv
Alice Fletcher. These were received
by Miss Fletcher herself from native
sources direct nnd have been given us
in nil their original purity by means
of the pruphophon nnd the tran
scriptions from the cylinders after
ward verified from the singing f
medicine men.
It was through the retentive and
pensive mind of the medicine men
and also crude picture-sougs (picture-writing)
that the melodies of
the redmcii were handed down from
generation to generation up to the
present day.
Song is almost, if not. the only
mode of musical expres-iou. barring
the ever present and nruiotcnous
drum which is always used for ac
companiment to the song, nnd the
flageolet or "mystery whistle" which
is said to produce a peculiar sweet
ness of tone. Jn her writings con
cerning Indian music Miss Flctche
nnys, "That the flageolet has provrcl
a trusty friend to many a youth Io
whom nature had denied the swer
of expressing in vocal melody his
fealty to the maiden of his choice."
Kneh of the four Indian numbers
to be sung by Miss Jtrown xvill be
preceded by the playing on the flute
of the simple original melodies as
received by Miss Fletcher. Thec
have been ably arranged by Charles
Wakefield Cfdman and the words
nre by Mary Hichmond Ebcrhard.
Miss Brown will sing these songs
in the native costume nnd suitable
scenic setting.
Iiok nt tho "For Sale" nds nnd
at somo of the things that are adver
tised for sale.
New Drag That Quickly Itcmorcs
Tlicso Homely Spots.
Thcro's no longer the slightest need
of feeling ashamed of your t freckles,
as a new drug, othlne double
strength has been discovered that Is
a positive cure for these homely spots.
Simply get one ounce of othino
double strength, from jour druggist
and apply a little of it at night, and
In tho morning you will see that even
tho worst have begun to disappear,
while tho light freckles havo vanish
ed entirely. It Is seldom that cmorc
than an ounco Is needed to complete
ly clear tho skliuand gain a beau
tiful clear complexion.
lie sure to ask for double strength
othlne, as this Is sold under guaran
tee of money back if it fails to remove
tho freckles.
Tho W. C. T. U. will meet at Mrs.
V. L. Leonard, 14 East Main and
Cottago streets Thursday afternoon.
ngs of metroiMiiitnii size, style njid
oiistriu'liou, but in ull those' stati.s
linil iccoids which indicate indus
trial growth.
We also congratulate Medford nnd
Jtu'kxoii county on your campaign
for good roads, in advocating n ?l,-
.wi'.MHl bond issue to construct pub
lie highways which will tiinkc your
country tho most loured nud best
traveled in tho state of Oregon, he
sides nffordiiig facilities for market
ing your celebrated fruit products
quickly ami economically. We also
express our thanks to the president
mid secretary of Iho Medford Com
inereial dub and tho business men
of Modford for the kindlv reeeiiti.m
mtti iiiiiomoiiiic rule given to our del-
t.vni.... T 1?-.. . .
'hin. v-wuperiuion between Me
lon! and Portland along constructive
hues will do much toward the dovel-
'incut of our slnlo nud will ni.l in
'ho great cause of united Oregon.
. ."?,'' '"A"'1 ,0r- M,K 9'. This Ih to
t'lllfy thnt iiliout November my tinugh
er wu. taken with a sown attack of
liouinntlum whteli rendered her loft arm
isQlesM. In fact It wi ho neir paralysed
lint she was not aide to mine her flu
'eis. hut knowing of soma of Dr. Chow
oung's iiiurvelnuM cures of long stniul
IK eases of ihcimmtUm, wo decided to
'onsult him, lu which I inn p'oused to
iy inadi no mistake, as IiIn remedies
"led us he nlalmed they would and aft
r tho third treatment -tho rheumatic
atn entirely left her and1 sho Ima not
nd any symptoms of rliuimmttsin since;
csldes her goneial health Is much tin
rocd and l do not destitute In Bay Iiik
bullovo those afflicted with rheuiua
Ihiu or lmuiljsls will do well to consult
,r. Qiow Yotiuk, whoso hnuso Is corner
f Tonth and Fiont streets, Medford, Or
Boa. A, IN'WUlSa. 175
"Wo also haiKllo
Mason Jars
Everlasting Jars
and tho Fruit to Put in
Spcnifll Hates hy the Week or Month.
Kates 50 Cents Up.
RAU-MOHR CO., Proprietors.
All order promptly attended to night or dny. Short
and long IwuIh. Moving household goods a specialty
Union teamsters.
Office 51 S. Front
Pacific 4171
Home 80 Residence Main 613
E. O. Trowhridge, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
Artistic painting in water colore nn 1 pastel by M. Slickelsen. "
VX, j rJVlM -
CTxsVk (1 if J'f
Save your trophies this year.
There will bo none to sate In n
few years. This cut shows when
to cut the ikln. Never cut tho
front of a deer's neck. Call at
Humphrey's Gnn Storo and get 3
pamphlet free, telling bow to savo
game heads, birds and skins for
rugs, published by
Medford, Oregon
&$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.$$ $$$$$
The Medford National Bank
CAPITAL STOCK - $100,000.00
W. K. QOSJB, Fxetldiat.
7. A. PEBKT, Vice Fri. JOHN B. ORTH, Oatbltr.
r. E. ME&BXCK, Tlca Frca. W. B. JACKS OW, At. Cashier.
West Side Grocers
A Most Modern Hotel European.
Opened Septemhor 19, 1911.
i Splendidly arranged in every respect.
, - Excellent Cuisine.
Rates $1.00 Per Day Up.
RAU-MOHR CO., Proprietors.
Our New Location
The Southern Oregon Elec
tric Company is now lo
cated in the College Block
on N. Grape Street
Southern Oregon Electric Co.
' . .. .
j. -