v. P3TGK POUR MEDFORD MAIL. TRTBUKE, rEDFORD, QRHOON, THURSDAY, SWPTEMlWtt 28. 1011 It Id m I) I'ti it nt r MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE an !nrpknm:nt NnwsnAi'Rn I'UIIMHIIKU UVKUY AtmiltNOON KXCR1T SUNDAY. Y TUB MlSDFOltD PIUNTINa CO. The Democratic Time, Th Medford Mull. Tho Medford Tribune, Tho South urn OrtiRonlnn. Tho AVhlaml Trlbuno. Office Mall Tribune nulldlnn. 55-27.J9 North l'lr street; phono, Main I0S1, Homo 76, OKOnaiC PUTNAM. KJItor and Manner gSLSX Itntrrcd as iieeond-eloM matter nt Med ford, Otreor under the act ot March t, Official Pnncr of tho City ot Medford Official Paper of Jackson County. . . UBSORXTTZOK &AXSS. Onn Tear, by mall ,..,.$5,001 One month, by mall 50H ror montn, aciivcrca oy carrier in Medrord, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point ...,..., .. ,50 Saturday only, by mall, per year.. 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.60 IP THE BONDS LOSE. KWOBir CIXCUIuATIOK. Dally average, for nix months ending December 31, 1910, ZT31. mil Seated Wire TTnlUa ftiM Dlapatcb.ee. Tho Mall Trlbuno la on Kilo at tho Ferry News Stand. San Franelaco, Portland Hotel New Stand. Portland. nJwinan Newa Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown Tho black hand will receive- an aw ful BCtbnck If the sleeping car porters join tho railroad strikers. Someone has suggested that Turk ey shouldn't ho courting extra trouble bo near the Thanksgiving season. So far difficulties In Egypt havo not affected tho cigarette crop. JACKSON county imlebtodnoss amounts to $-137,836 nt tho presunt time. A paltry sum on an assessed valuation of $315,000,000. Yot county warrants arc sold at' 8i5 and 90 cents on the dollar. A peculiar circumstance and yet a logical one, due to tho present method of handling county finances. The county court and commissioners are not to blame. Their actions havo heretofore been bound by law. Tho passage of tho good roads bond issue will correct those faults. Should the bond issue fail the county court can do one of two things: They can stop road building entirely until the present debt is wiped out, or they can levy an $ mill tax, (the limit prescribed by law) and 'raise $320,000 next year for road purposes. ' . 'jfOMIfff It is unlikely that tho count y court will levy so heavy a tax rather, they will house the road building machinery and let the ruts deepen. If the bonds carry tho present rate of taxation will he ample for the payment pt? interest, and tho creation of a sinking fund. It is the easiest way out. It is the cheapest way out. It is the logical way out. Defeat the bonds and go without roads. Defeat the bonds and see the road machinery housed. Defeat the bonds and take a chance on au S-mill tax. Defeat the bonds and force a continuance of the pres ent unsatisfactory methods of county financing. Defeat the bonds and set Jackson county back. Mr. Voter: Its your move. A WAR FOR TRADE. A lot of politicians whose hair Is standing on end reallzo that liaFol letto has a way of making others adopt his style. T " - A Ilnelva "Sotc. I am In receipt of tho following note concerning Huelvn. Spain, about which I made a remark tho other day: "You ask what kind of a place Is Huolva. Don't you know that it la tho place Columbus sailed from?" Didn't think much of the joke in tho first .placo but thought it would go through without a chart. In order that we may boast of springing this first in Medford this season, wo now 'offer tho following: Do your Chr'stmas shopping early. Railroads will really begin to wor ry when tho colonists go on a strike. Secretary Wilson says he will ex plain why ho hobnobs with brewers. Is there moro than one reason? In Jackson County. (Oregon Journal) There will be interest throughout Oregon in tho good roads bond elec tion to be held in Jackson county next Saturday. The issue is wheth er bonds to tho amount of $1,500, 000 shnll be voted for road buildinp purposes. The campaign has been on for several weeks, and had a climax in a good toads meeting at Medford Inst Saturday night. All this week tho issue is pressed throughoutt the county, and tho vote is expected to bo heavy enough to reflect tho views of all the people. There is a strong opposition to tho plan, but tho county is very pro gressive. Medford is in tho iniut of tho fight and its people as well as tho general population of the county nro purposeful and powerful. If tho bond issue should he voted it would bo significant of a militant public sentiment in favor of better highways. It would, in this hespoct bo a result that would be encourag ing to good roads men throughout Orceron. Such an outcome would at once bring to tho test tho issue of wheth er or not legislative action is nec essary to make operative tho recent ly enacted constitutional amendment for rond building by county bond is sues. Strong legal opinion in the county is said to take tho view that it will bo hold by tho courts that legislnlivo action is not necessary to jnnko tho amendment effective. MAYOR SEIDEL TALKS ON MUNICIPAL SOCIALISM TRIPOLI, over the possession of which a war is brew ing, has been a domain of the Turks for 360 veal's. It has a commercial business valued at $J,000,000 annually, which is derived from domestic products of wool, wheat, oil and cattle, and the central African exports of gold, feathers, ivory and rubber. Its area is 400,000 square miles, equal to the combined areas of the three Pacific coast states and Nevada includ ed. The population, consisting mostly of Berbers and Moors, is estimated at 1,000,000. Large water courses are not shown on the maps ot Trip oli but the country has ample water from springs that ex ist almost everywhere. Tripoli with its vast area, abundant resources and scant population, is within two days' easy .steaming from Italy's shore. Inancient times it was included in the empire of the Carthaginians, passing successively to the Romans, Yau dals, Greek, Arabs, lYediiiaiied the Catholic, the Knights of St. J ohn and finally, in lol, to Turkey. A center of empire and of civilization, the coimtiy de scended until it became a pirate stronghold, the terror of all Europe until the united States was bora. Then, m 1801-5 and in 1815, the United States government directed histofy-making expeditions against the pirates, that were successful and which forever silenced the claim of tribute which the Tripolitans exacted from every merchant ship that sailed, the sea. In the modern war for trade it is indeed a rich prize, but one to be secured by competition and not by bloodshed. Such a method seems a farce in the present day light of civilization. TAFT'S TARIFF BOARD. CHICAGO, Ills., Sept. 28. -"Municipal Souinlism" was tho puljeet of nn address today by Mayor Fniil Foiilel, socialist mayor of Milwaukee, t tho conference held hero in con nection with tho International Mu nicipal Congress. Numerous other spoukcrs wero included in the pro gram. TAREPP legislation passed by congress was vetoed by President Taft on the ground thajt the report of the tariff board should be a"yaitcd before any tariff legislation was enacted, and the schedules changed only upon its rec ommendation. Indications arc that the tariff board is a farce and that its real purpose is to delay any tariff changes and block any legislation likely to interfere with protected in terests. The board was created September 26, 1909. A year lat er, the chairman, Frederick C. Emery, announced from his headquarters, the home of a son of that eminent stand-patter, Senator Ilale of Maine, that preliminary arrange ments had been completed and the board would get to work at once. On June 7th, 1911, one year and nine months after the organiaztion of the board, congress passed a resolution asking for whatever information it had collected regarding wool. President Taft replied that no information had yet been gathered. The board is said to have agents at work at home and abroad gathering material for a report to be made in De cember. One of these agents publicly sneered at the de mand for tariff revision, denouncing it as a fad and declar ing that the merchants who want it do not know what they aro talking about. Besides attending banquets given by magnates of pro tected trusts, the tariff board has nothing to its credit so tar. AUSTRALIAN MINES NEED MANY MEN Violin Muker. Repairing of all stringed Instru ments. Violin repairing a specialty. Corner of 8th and Contral nvenuo. 177 CHAS. HARRIS. Haukln for Health. MELBOURNE, Sept. 28. Tho colliory proprietors of Newcastle and Maitlnnd assert that they will require a thousand men to work in lite mines nt wages from seven shillings to a pound per duy. Two thousand miners at Mount LyeJJ have struck bccaiiHO tho non unionist employes havo not been dis missed. 'Die works of tho company nro distributed over soveral slates and tliero nrq probably ten thousand men out of work as a result of tho action of tho union laborers. The miners' union has refused to countcnanco tho mine wheelers' strike and tho trouble lias ended, Look at tho ads for tho chnnco m buy tho proporty you need at u "right price." Hasklns for Health. 5VEbS KICH PErSYERITE - tmmm" ttnii "1 t - T"IM lift zmu.zfjmzs " &m,j?JFZz' TJ- TL" LADIES ELECT NEW 0FFICERS Greater Medford Cluli Is Plannlnn for Season's Work In CityMrs. Pnr sons Is President of the 'C!u!)- Well Attended. MR ANO k rKAIVJ -sw.TjtT A flee ii mtnniitiit OOUl'tshtl) (-.1 1 1. ...... ...... .-. ..In..). I....1 Ku littittmiiiie,' 101' in a ooiixorMituloti oor tho tolo phono, Mis! Mao L.uioh, of Now York City, until recently tililoC lolo phono operator At tho Hotel flir anl, was married , tho other day to Mr. Frank Rinitfi, of No. 'I Dovino street. Denver. -Mr. 5-tnilh ih-ii mm Tho ladies ot tho Oioutor Al'idfonl club hold thoit Aral mooting of tho fall riouMiu t tlio Kit In tot him Wed nesday afternoon and oloetod officer for tho eiiMiinir yeah Little buino was trniiMiotod hut tho officer an oNiioctod to oillluio work fur Iho whi- t lor at an early uieutuh and proton, it to tho oluh at w'liii'li tiuio tho uiat- will tin noted uiiuii. lltorc itir mvoral movements hoiiiK' planned 1V tho ladio.4 (o add to tho attractive ticss of tho oily. Tho olTioofs oluolod Vduoda woio Mi. Kdwiit I'lirxouri, president. Mix. ,1. M. Hoot, first vioo president, Mts. KiikIisIi, M'oond ioo president DEGREES CONFERRED AT secretary; 'an in, liciistiror. Mish Klixuhdh Put I in 1. ,",MI , ,, n.,t ...If... ..!.. of a wealthy Colorado cattle rri'i ''" "".. -"' vV..-h.- iiiiii iiiinv ii , . Ai-livtvi lnivitft!fiiriiil (it Misj. , "'K " --v I Smith .who ij oc-the blond type, a "tho prctiesl telephone jj'ri in X'jw York." Mr. and Ms?. Smith will Joavo for Denver, uhro they aro ti ho. SMALL VOLUME -OF TRADING TODAY About twenty members of Rogue Hiver Encampment Xo. .10, of .Mod ford, viied Table Koek Encamp ment at Jacksonville Tuesday evon- The Golden Hole nmrHoyal Purpit deMgns were conferred on two can didates after which' a splendid ban quet was served, in which the Jack sonville body passed all previous ex cellent records in "banqueting. The Medford Encampment has in vited the Jacksonville boys to bo with them in Medford on October 10th, to assist in initiatory work nnd enjoy the bounties of a prosperous class as spread for the gratifica tion of the inner man at this end c f the line. It is expected the-re will be a hit class to instruct on this occasion. Among those who attended Tuesd.tv night were: J. L. Denuuer, X. J. Wi ley, A. X. liildebrand. J. J. Hnuri, Wm. .Miller, Isaac Wolf, E. V.. Wil son, Gus Anderson, A. S. Wells, Leon Howard, II. J. Howard. M. L. Meadows, C. I. Paul, C. J. Emkoopf.. NEW YOltIC, Sept US. - Today' opeuliiK stock market developed a smaller oluiiiit of trading than bar boon the cuho la the lal few day and moved Irregularly. I.atur uoarb tho entire IIhI advanced. St. Paul. Lohlgh Valley. Union Pacific nnd Amalgamated Copper rune 1. Head lug showed a rise of II and United States Steel jumped II -'l under no il v buying. Auuoiiiu'oinunt that th Union Pacific had rejected Iho de mnnds of the labor loaders had tittle effect on tho markot, which cloned steady. ltouda wore firm. Draperies W carrr & very compluto Una of rtraporlr, laeo curtain, nxturra. etc.. anil Co Ml clastic of utiholntrrlnR. A ntKHilAl man to look nrtrr thin work exclusively nnd wilt kIvo u rood ervlcS) hh In !.slblo to not In uvnu the Uritttat cltlm. Weeks & McGowan Co CLEVELAXD, Ohio-It is just ofi years sineo John I). Itockefellor got his first job. He caused the Amer ican flair to be flown over his For est Hill homo today in honor of tho j event. Rock Spring Goal oi notD xi, thi Trarx. Officii and Con I Yard, Twelfth unf Front Street. Phone 7101. Burbidge VKU COAX, MAS- mr: APPLES FOR EUROPE Wo nio nppolhttnl aco'i't' f)r" J. II, TMO.tfAS, Covent (Inrtlun, Lon don and HouUiamiitun, ICnKlauil, wIioho ohargon hro C poi' cent and 0 conlu per box, JAB. LINDSAY A RON, Ltd., Ulan gow and EdlnbiirRh. Hootluud, o per font and 10 cents per box. KAWRON UOIUNHDN, Hull, !": Ittiiit. C per cent and 8 cunts per box. Tlieo iiie the oldont and InrKOHl llmifl In their rotipootlvo twna, and tliolr reference au to fhint'ioliil nhll Itlos oan ho had at Medford National Hank. Medford, Oronon. GhhIi ran bv cabled day after nalo It inquired, and highest market prices guaranteed, Ited Fared Men smoking UIO ClO AllH talking "HOT AIH" don't always Mf on air, honco our reiaarki on eliargos, Tho clap-trap about private unto does not prove roinniimatlvo. except for huiiio curios of a smivll nature. All Fellers by private sale havo to wall until nucttoi.n aro over ho ns to know what to nsk, and In tho oano of large supplies they often get loft. For further particular, addreim VV. N. White (KL Co. 711 PA UK VXAVK SKW YOltIC Auction Sale Hntiiiriny, Sop(.'to, !! p ,tn. A lino of nil-wool clothing for bo)a and young men must b clood out, no rmoivo. Don't mf this chance to clothe your fctdt for the winter. WM. IHONDEN. 110 South Ilartlult. Live in a Prosperous Community Tho city of fhlro li.tnkH )i(iVo I2.330.U00 oil dupOHlt. Tint yrnr'n l'ot Offlco rccolpta amoutited to IJH.SIU.53. , CMco Iihh IS.ftfto populntlon, it 1IO.U0O lllirttry n ns.ono hiRh Hciiooi, t; otKlit iilcotrle milos of railway. Klx wtill-vaulppfil itriuii) Holioolv, over 2.300 pupil. Htnti' Noruiul HhIiooI, wllli an nverK- nttfiidanco of 300. !'Ymrtfn churtlu h, ull clenoTiilniitlnnH A floiirlshltiir bimlnrjfH colleKc, nn active ('oininrilil GltiK, tliri'i first cl hriliilii, two dully iiivwtp.tpyrs. ,, The enr nhop of Iho Northern ' Klcotrlc KnllK.iy uro loculuil at Chli., Clilco Iihh the fln.-nt thoatro In tho Intorinr of (.'ulifornlu. Chico In six mii from tho. Kacruincnto Itlwr. ' i Tlio Diamond Malih.Compan'! plant huro employs liOO nijjn. - ' , .Two JurKO tnnd m whops tnnl.p illKKiim fHHHi' lllll " f , . mliilni; muchinnyi' " Chleo Is tho parn'Mqfor'tliQ .matt who H-i-ks u kit. . uit furm (S1 , wjuro he onn i ilJf ",?' ill vend fltMl oro-M llio lim ,A year round. W Jt Mttlo or no lrrlinlonjls njfdod. Tho averflRo MiiinniaMtsmpratiire Ih 79 ilOKroe ,i - Clilco lws the fiiiHHrdrliikliiK walgr ah eailh. tT, j. The nnniml rnltifuil Is fc Tho Htrct'tH of ChtiHtttirmHneiy wltJi urutiRo una plilm' -k trceM- . ' TJio ornni?n iron In full ' hcarlnt'. , " ' i 1'roktM are mliloni felt hero. Chico l the ci-nlnr of u rich linrlciiltiinil neotlon. the chulcent of uhluli In Tim I Hi) well OnilHiplM, Sno nereH of tho liithiiNt, xoll In Hid world,. A. iHtrllon of wlileli Im iihoiI 1 hy the Htutfi for an experlmenliil furm. t On Uil lurid xlnndH (ho lantcHt oalc lnw Tn ih world, eovurlnk' With 1m fllinle Mivon-lenlliM of an aorn. On thlfi hind you ulll tnt vvi-ry fruit treo In full llewrlllK, V ovory herry, ivory vi'Kutuhlo, -' every a ruin . , ' rnlkeil uiiy v hunt In tho li)iiiioralo zone. ' - Chleo Id lorateil on thn orlulnnl lltilwell riinaljv. Tlio land wo are offmlii udJolnH Iho oily, tionio of It In tho city llmlln, Chico Ih Hlttintrd on Uio main lino of tint HoiillKirii J'nclflr, with inuny liiilnn day eneli way. ,,J Tho Northern Klrolilo UnllwTty ciinneelH Clileu with . Ornvllln, Sliiryiivllle, Kaornmento, with IiuIiim every two lioiirn, TJiIm Ih a nettled community. You Know whut It fill urn Ih to Im hy IIm premtnt. T I'roHperlly Ik In Iho nli I'roperty valutjM aro InuieiiHliiK ovory ywir. CMuio lo Chleo, Ito your own JuilRfi of noil, ell ma to, community. Von liiiiRt nee It to run 1 1 u how kooU It lu, If you cninot cnmn loilny wilto iih for HpeclflO , lnfoi million. Newport YAQUINA RAT OKraoif iopux.aii beach KUSOKT n Mial ri-treat fur outdoor ttoalltiie of nil kind llt;NTlNO. KIMIMNO, 1IOATINO, Hl'MK llATIHNU. ItlP. l.NO. AUTOINO. CANOKIN'd, DANC NtrA.NI ItOM.KIl HICATINO. Whuro pretty wtr iiku1.hi, iiiou BKiitfM. nioon.ton, cnrnnUan can 1 found on thn Iwrneli. I'uro mountnln wattr nnd (he lwt of fi.Ml ut lotr priw. rrmh fih. rlniim. oriitoi nnd oyntur. wi'U nbundancn of vncotubtn of All klnilM dally Csmplnj around ConrcaUnt tut At. tractive with Btrtel BkMUry Seg-nlatloB. IOW XODITD TT.IV ICAKOM Tioturra rrom All Point In OrofOD, Wmb. Ing-ton and Idaho, on aU dally. J-DAT ATtiaOAT.&tOlfDAT TICKET from H-JUthurn I'aolflc point Portlund lo CottARe Orovo; attio from nil C. A IC ttlon AltNkiiy ond went. OcmxI RoInK Saturday or Hominy nnd for return Hundny or Monday. Call on any H. l. nr C I H Affmil for full p.irtlculr u to faroit, train cIihiIiiUk, to ; nlxo for copy of our tllutrutd hooklot, "OutlnK In Oro. Kon." or writ to WM. McMDKXAT Otntral rifngr AftDi, Portland, Orffon- J- ANNIKfl?. K. innWKLL OHCUARDB, Inc., i of Clilco. Clarepco Itced, ' A- D. Montgotnory, Clilco, Cal. Union Havlngu Hunk Illdfc',, Ouldaud, Cal. RANCHES !0' ncrw, Ili-nr creek holtutu moty, i room new houe. 2SU Here 27 nureH, Id In lvo-e.ir old uppln nnd PeaiH SIIO iicre. elo In bi,.ii,,m JO iicriH. 7 lii l)-rlii upliH, Iwlatie,. ill iiililiiu. fb'iuu II iiuren, ulfuifu nnd penr. flTS'nnrii. 2!I0 acre. $85 nn tioru, flni? tAibdlvlNton 3 Here IVrry uhdivllon, winy turniH. IS cren; oIoro In; beautiful view; fine roll; 25Q ncri; very nany .term. I 1-2 acre; bearlnjr orohnrd; wiitei right; ntoro; uUo I en no on Kood a turo unit hay land; l or trudo. TRADE I 1-2 neroH, 4-room hoimo, $C50. 180 non, 1 1-2 inlU'N from town In WII Ifiiniitto viillnv. rleli iiiiin,.. ...i .... land, 100 hctm cultlvutod, nood Im provcmnnlH. 1 125 no re. Incinn-i property, rotitul, U2C monthly, M.ni kimiii wurriiKe. .Mio. Portland revlduiien for Riirdnn land UOO aero NUli-illditilndldudii, finely lo. oitted In Himtll lovvu, tli town pron- erly. 2S0 iichm under dltoh, 35 In nlfulfa. 1B76 TIIIhIiIo, Krsat Hiinp. IU norcM. 200 In wheat, f.10 pPr Mcro. tako alfalfa or null lunch, Wuterfront sioro bulldlntf, lncomeH emnn $1500 iiKinili, toko alfulfu or n tilt truot CroHceiit Clly piopmty for iioreiiKo. JO Huron, 18 in pear, uloau lu fine tiulld Iiik nltu and view. 100-nero nlook and alfalfa ranch: HO ncruM tlllabiiiL miiiiip .Mini., hi . . : - "iii f,u imr iicnij tiikn Incomo property. I2i acre raw land; all flno fruit land lako any kooiI proporty. 40 aero, lllluhle; $2000; tako town prut.- orty 20 iiore. cleared! tnko rcaldenc In iruuo, WANTED iirl for Ronoral hoiiHouork, ''Ity and ranch proprjty t 111. l'"our picket h, DlKht lahoierH, Kour wiltlieHfi 'J'wo ranch IuiihIh. Where to Go Tonight SsMsr--i I THE ISIS THEATRE l 't'liuiMihiy, 1'ililay, Hal mi day, ) TDK MH IIAHM4VH. 'Clio OilglnaloM of ling 'I'loio, The man who htm el Iho whole ; world" foot lo dancing, tho flrnl pornnu (o orlitlnnlii and play chk : time, iiiiialo that him lioon l he time and mIwh.v will ln'.tohuandk ; who have tonm ami played I he evor-lovIlK ratelliatliig iiig-lliin mulr, own their plemnirtt to (lib Mil of eomiHorn, .Mr lUrnoj ,mUiI by bin rlfver ifliiin"r. iiiio a coon Hhotiter with it world' wide loputMtlim nn lielux Hit Krnntiwt tdiiRor of Huhh' hiiiikm Him! J Ntarl iii tIiirIiik. will ho hwird 1 lu the wry Intwt cooit nonmi One I dig featiiro of lht net I the dillie Inn of (he m outiwil dancer that; er ippptd on a ntngH, Mr, tlouott i who two muiilliK ago at tho roof I Harden nt Nw York, mat and do- ftsilcil thn world V Hroatiwt ilnno-1 er 'I'll In eiitliiiii now hold j proud dlHtlnotlnii of IhiIiik (lo it .,1.1 urnatlMl ilillllMtr H'ltll nil nprit ehttllmiKP lii all of f 6(100 to Hiiyouo who can defwtl lit in. Thin ; la (he rim text ttrt over bniught bore. STILL ANOTIIUIt FMATintH ACT. DAVIS A.VD DAVIS. I 'I lie llullnii lliihletn. J TIiIk art In known throughout the (!( antl ollior jtlnewi iier X I Hoy have nppwtrd m holng th funnleit unt v j r put Into vautlt villi), mimt vor ptuc Im IjI1II thm MH tlio blBKt wrwiin tbnt tluy hnv over hmi. Titer la ( only nut wnjt to Ih ll(lil nnd (liHt Im by pay tag a vlult to (Iih Uln Theatre nnd witttnw (Ikmo wonder-1 fill people ti tli grwtlMl net-thai i eor rftino wl. t llr Idvlii lull omi of bin uw'n orlMitinl lorl Hint will mnRM ybu l li'Mtll. J Mli Stnndoford'i I'lano iVchool l'lnno, Harmony and .Musical IIHtory K.MILYT RTANDKKOItl) Kxtiuilner for New Kuglmtil CottRorvatory of .Mimte In lloMtoti Make a upoclnlty of training timrhur. Hend for tvallmonlal tti termii. Phoim 7211. 170 airt Xorlli Dakihile. PLUMBING KI"lt.M AND HOT WATKIt HICATINfl All Wafk (Itinmntrod I'riceri Ilcftnonabln W llow.ml llhMk, Kit (rc on tltlt Htnvt, Coffecn &. Price Pnrlflr IIOIII Homo 210 UGO Theatre Tim Hekt Million I'll lute nn.l .Miiulu Hntlro CliaitKo of 1'rnKniiu livery Day, Any pleturo will bo carried a Mocoiid day by rtiiiONtliiK Htimn nt hox offleo, and In hiicIi n ca0 there will bo tlio itnttttl threo new reolH and (lie oxtra. fin mill Or, i L F. S. BITTM koom tia ruxrva inr,Diwo A Full Line of . 'I School Books and School Sup plies at The Merrivold Shop 101 WK8X RIAIN BT. MMm! '