t 1 I J V 1V v 'it $v ' t wt: J r V !- y V BEDFORD MA H TRfBUNF;, MRDFORD, OIHCOOX, TIiritfiDAY, HICPTRMRER 28, 10.11 . PXGE THKKB5 . M IELLS OF WIFE FROM GRAVE Letter Written liy Charles Patterson Before His Doutli Throws Llht on Munlor by His Wlfu Which Now Excltos Denver. CIIH'AdO, Ilk, Hcpl. l!H. Inlvr I'Mlinu now liu,i( Ih Ihinuii on llm lllllllIlT UUMI) III' CIllllllW I'lltlt'lHIIII, wliit w'iih idiot liy Iiih u it'ii ill Ui'iiyer, Colo,, hy ii il(iM- inuiliici'il lii'it) liv illi' niiitlmr of llin iliii'DitHitil, who Iiiih Himln tlin ciImIIi jiiililitt in ilrlmiNK of tlm iiH'iiioiy of hur nun. Thu let Mr in Hiiiil lo ,u tlm ImhI which I'nl liirmui wmtii In hU iiiiiIIiit, iinil Hlllllkr1 III' till I'lllM iimIiihI hi lit'u n I lie purl hi' Mh wIIo'h iiHHouiitUii, Tim Inline nnytt in part: "I wmit lo liimiii n' my wife wllii n I'limul I'niiu llui Hiiiiilnriiiiii, Willi llm liitniiliuii id' talking ovitr llm ilil'. IVrunct' whioli liml uiiiiiiii liiilwnuii ufc. Ah I nioiiiili'il lho HtnM I miiw ii inmt imiii (illicitly into llm limit iii'HH. Iliflunl Imh'ii ni'iili'il y my wiln'rt miIv. I uwkml liar who hu win. nml Hint ri'Miutls "TIiiiI'm my hrullmr "I llii'ii renlirctl wlmt kind or it woman I Inn for it wil'n, AIUiiiiikIi I lined her, nIio inoM-il o nm llml lin wan a viuiiiiit'. Klin bail thicul ii'l inv IHV bofiuif, anil I vn nml. ly al'rniil of hrr, I walked away, lilliii Iiit Unit I wonlil mil willnlraw niv Niiil. Hint It icil o hold nm luu-k, but riiittlly walki'il away with nm. "Ah wu were walking mil Hit' Nniii(tr slopped n 1 1, iIium'iI a mvol-vi-r at my head nml .md: MS pit a ponil iniml (i kill .vmi.' I wiih hIiiiI It'll al Hrnl, lint told liiui Unit i.iil.s imiwiihIh I'Miriril ri'Milvcrrf, ami Ibal if liu wauled o tdmot ilnwn a ciin Hiimptivu to n ahead. I In walked luii'l; into llm ImiiKii; ami I ami my friend ji'liirniiiu' to tlic Niiiiitariimi." Mr. I'litli'ixni ilfiiii'il Hull bcr wiu bail "obi bin wilV fiir fl .1,0111) lo a maji with wbnia Mio went uhmtul, "i Miitnl bv tlin wtlV n Di'iimt, -l i ea YOUNG KING ALFONSO'S MONARCHY IS THREATENED a M ,3?iiaiZ?;sx. SCNOR CANVEvJAiS Ah a ii'nl of tin hoiIoiih iIuIh in Hpain, Si'iinr .Iimc ('anab'JiiN, llm I'oiiniiu', linn pioi'laiint'il marlial law in llm liirum illi(, A plot (o au NiiMhiiial (rmmnil Wi'vlcr, Captain (li'imnil of Ciilalonbi, Iiiim licrii nn imillmil. ami fimn bunion ioihih 'hi1 imw'M llml i U !lio uWienil opini'Mi llii'i" llml Kln AH'oiimd'h kuvciii iimnL will mmiii fall. Tlm Itihf tnnr maitlal law win ilccliiii'il In Kpntii wiih in tin Hiiniiimr of 1(10!), wlntii llm nffmlH of tlm jjnviu nuii'ii t lo pn' ilown tlm ri'Viiliilinmiry oiilliKtok I'tiliaimili'il in lln Itial ami ibiatb ol I'raiii'lHi'o I'Virci' at ilari'i'lniin. Tim trouble, wlili-li bi'an it Itiirci'lo'in, won caiiHi'il liy popubir ppoHiiion lo llm Miiniji rampaiKii iiii iunt tlm II i IT tiibi'Niimn in .Mnroi'o. BURSUNI WINS CONFERENCE Develops Strcn(jth and Will Proba bly Be Nomlnntcil to Head Re- liiibllcan Ticket nt First Election in New Mexico. I I ty ' Wt gftl jJWt'ij'I .t I jI " ' JIS jJ& Ml III u tFl I III r . k 11 1 t mh r 'JI'TQ! it WIFE TO DIVORCE GOLDFIELD MAN Former (Jjilef of Police Claude Inman Ocfemlant; Will Contest Property Issue Is Well Known in Mcdford Has Property Hero. SALT I.AKK, Si'l. 28. -Punnur Cliii-f or I'olii'i) rianili' liiman of (lobllii'lil, Xi'V., nm of llm iiiomI wiib ly known mt-ii in Hit' west, win hax bfun a rewiili'itt of Halt Ijtkn City for hoiim linm pant, ift ili'Tcnilmit in a HciiHntiiuiiil ilivoit'i' suit, filoil l. IiIh wifu in tbn Third dirttriot court yiwlmlay. Tito aollnii ih in ronltty an immmli'il I'oiapbiiiit in a xnil wbicli ycai-H uk). Mih. liiman hi-ukH a ili viiri'ii on tbn Kroiimlx of ilt'M'rlion ami Infiili'lity ami iiIho ankK for tlm KiiHloily of two nhihlri'ii. In aibli lion Mrn. Inman ankn fur a iliyinion of M!r. Iiiiihmi'h property in Vtuli ami Soul hern Oii'koii. Mr, laman naiil lnnt iiibt Unit he wonlil nut content the nuit, eveept ax lo I be iliviHioa of properly, the ma jority of which, bo hiiiil, bail been ncciiliiulateil by bint xlnco .Mih. In. man filed her nuit in (loldfiold. Mr. Inman in known an onu of (he iiervieHl men in tint wchI, I lo wiih at the beail of the pollen department in (lobtfiebl during the ntiikcH in the I'liinp ami for weel.H al onu (Hirioil be icceived anonyiuoiiH letters daily, Ibrealeninij bim with a.srtiiHHiiintion f lit) did not leave llm camp within til bonrri. In npilo of theno threaten ing ('oininiiaieatioiiH, Mr. Inman ro maiaed on tlm job and Hit' fact that Im is alive today tclln the Htory of liiK bravery ami iletenniiiliyi. Al ono Hum It wan annoiineed that (loldfiuil wiih to bo burned ami In man wiih warned lo keep bin IiiiiiiIh off under pain of aHwiiHHinntinn. la Hlead of doinu mt ordeied, Im an nounced that any man ciinhl in the mil of HlailiiiK a eoalblKiation would bn lynched and In iiiHiiro tlm Hnl'ety of llui town bu Hworo in 'J 10 dvputiex, Tlm uiulit wiih a miiinorabit nmt in (loldfiehl, but Ilia erisiH wiih punned without any iliHtiuhniiccH of note. Wo notice that hoiiui nmroliiiutn la other cltluu aro iihIhk coiiHtdoralilo uiiico atlvnrtlaliib' "Mario In Oregon" ' iiooiIh, That In m It ulionlit ho. The lnoreliiuit miiHt know that li Ih Indlvl dual proHiiurlty In to a t;reat oxtuitt ilepentloat upon tint nrouporUy of tao ntato at InrKO, nml If uriwoa inaiiu fuoturerM aro patronized, that it will moan mtjatar pay rollx, ami Rioator pay rolhi ioai u laiKor dOKteo of proBtmrlly for nvoiy iiinii, woinatt nml child In Oregon. LAS VKdAK, K. M., Sepl. US. II. 0. lliitxiin, ehaiinian of the te publican territorial coin'uiittee, prob ably will bu nominated an tlm re publican candidate for ko oritur of llm new htate of New Mexico at tlie firnt repiildieaii ulnle ri'publiiMn I'onveatioa which opened today. Ilnrrtiim Iiiih a Mnnii; hanking and it ih expeeleil bin tioiiiiiiation will be by aciilaination an Miguel Oturn, for nine j earn uowrnor of the torriUiry, and Soloainii Luna, niiliinml eoml iiiitteeman, lbi only-rivaN of Mar Miat, am expeeteirto withdraw. AII-lliuM eaiieiiKMiH were held prior lo the convention and reunited in the Kcntini; of diiircc .Mann, for yearn a prominent fij-uic in republican poli lien tlimtibout tho territory, um chairman of the convention. The ilelepilea from the iiiixirtnnt eouii ty of llcruilblo favored liurxtim. but he wan not available nwiin; to bin -,'Ulicrualonal ahpiralioim, wliieb left a clear field for Mann. VERNON VAWIER IS FEATURE OF CLUB UNIVKIISITV OP OKK0OK, DV flIINK, Ore., Sept. . N'e.M Monday lho Uaivernily of Orepm Olw Club will lie-in InniiiK up for its Kith tour of Iowiih of the NorlbwcHl. Onu of tlm men that are certain of a yo-id berth on the club thin year ih Ver non Vawter of Meilfonl. Vawler ii now in bin junior year at llm Ibii vernity ami for two years Iiiih been a incinher of lho (Ilea club. Ik'niilos HiiiKiu' in (bu hccnml haso t-oction Vawler will be used in (lie Htunts. The Univerhily of Oregon Oleu olub concert Iiiih beeomo very populr ill 1'ortlamK Last winter llm llciliH wiih filled lo overflowintr. Tlm Uaiversily of Oregon Glee club will in all probability vi-.it Med ford during tbn forepart of Orcein her. Last v'i' tb oltth tuailo tour of the lulaml Kmpire instead of coaling houlh. The HtiecesH thai the club attained on Ibis hip is shown Ibis i ear by lho many flnteriin,' o fiuiim of KunrantucH that ate beln madi' v KiiHlera Oivkoii tbealrinal iiiinitiCi'i'M o llui club. On account of Mieso offers from hoiiui KiiHleni Oregon Ibete biis been somo lull; of abamliMiini; the proposed visit to Koiithorn Oiokou, hut Vernon Vawler front Medford, ami nevoral other meinberH of the eluli hailing from Klamath Palls, Ashbind, nrants Pass ami I(oH(ibtiri; are insisting u a trip to their hoiim towns ami (here U pn doubt Ibal if suilahlo dates and conlrnclH can be gotten that lliesc towns will bo visited. Tlm pooplo of this city should huy "Mndo tn Orojson" booiIh rom tlio local nturiilmnta jvjionovor tlio prlco nml qtmllty aro oqitnl to JCantorn umdo kwhIk. fUNCJ ALFONSO Or SPAXH C TIMELY HINTS $m FARMERS SEES RROBLEM "I P m if wi umvi. Lord leresfortl Says Opcnlnn of the Pananatewny WMMiEyovo Prf sA..ff Mf rtte?-of FyifireJ?M lectlontj Uin t h VICTORIA, i). C, Bcpl. 'JH.-t lonl Chailcs Jlerj'sfoiil, Hpcakbiff he fore lho CiiiidiaO i lab yoslorday ill tcniooii, tlillt Off !"" 'nr f lbo 1'an. aula iiniiilV'oablJi"ot' orne of the (.Tcalcnl probk-iBM; thiil cottbl b cou cclvml, jirdiluinUltlnit l.iif;iihh Hpertk liiK nalloirt 'ullbl tniil difficulty ip iiileiiitU'ly Msftfyijifr, fir il U impoM ih!c to niter lho Hrnclicat position in oiio.jrcat bcmlKplK'rc without hav imr effecj HW'ir,i4r)"lb('r ureal hemis pberu. Ho critlcixcil the policy of the liriliHli' naval itilmiuiHtr.ttiou la abiin douiiic Khiniininiill iih a naval base. Blgfjer fer Congress. MKLLINOUAM". Wn., Sept. 28.- It is announced (oda that W J. Ili t:nr, local attorney and president of tlio progrt'HHtve republican Iciikiic of Whatcom county, Will be n candidate for conjircHH next vpnr to oppose Will I'. Hiiiuphrcy. He lias been prom ised tlio active Hiiport of .Senator Miles I'ouidexter and Conrussmau Victor Murdock, both of whiyu will stump tlio stale) in his behalf, Crossbred Fowls Poor Policy. If onu linn n ptirn breed of fowl ho ohoulil hy no mourn tliluU of cronlnt with mo nm other breed. With inon yreln, of coureu, It I different, and u there Is iiolhlaK to '"'u soii)cthiiiK iVay ho Kiibifl. hut with pure, tnetl fowls It U quite different, uml from (bo time wu muko tlio tint crot wu liuvv only tnoiiKrt'ls. It Is much canlcr o tear down than to build up. Ho ulo It U ensler to sihjII a pure bred than lo build It tip. liy nil means gel (Hire bred fowls. If you cannot afford to tni fowln )iiy nt le.iKl a Klttlnc of eirir. nml tlio next year you will hnvo u start. ! lint keep bens ami mnlc liidlKcrluil tmtely, but ench year select n few vholce fowls for tlio brKHllui: pen. nnd then you can hatch tlio clflckciiH you expect to net from cbsi laid by the liens running at large. In this way your entire flock will iooii bu thu 1hI, ami each eiion you rnu dlsiKxio of thu culln. but uales.1 drvs-ied for market wo uhould prefer to uao them on tlio tabic. Dlteasoi of Stietp. ritio tnr and turiwallae arc the Im portant remedies nml provcntlvcji for won nllmentH nml dUcasca of tlio sheep. These tw artlcle.i 'should ! Tn bo kept on hand. I'lne tar U the best treatment for a cut or lleah Injury on the sheep. It keeps nwny the flies, moists In henllni; tlio wounds and Is the best nil around dlslnfvctunt for use on the sticup thnt can bv had. It Is a cood treatment for catarrhal trou bles, as n correctlvo mid preventive used nbout the unit trough" or boxes by inlsliiK In tho salt and Htueartue over thu bottom of thu troughs. Look to th Stablat. Prcpnro for rooA stahllat; next win ter, Tho less feed jou luivo thoKreat er tho iieetl for properly houslnt; tho cows anil calves. It's always cheaper to keep the animal's body warm by stabling limit by allowing the nulmal to burn a third to a half of Its feed to umlutnlu tho nulmal heat, reeding In 11)0 stable also economises In the feed ing operatlou leed Is always cleaned up butter In a, manger than when placed In racks pr Mrewn on the ground. Tho dairy cow will give n good return for stnbllug. flaps Excellent For Lambs, Tho Wisconsin experiment station found rape an oxcellcnt crop to cut and feed given to brooding ewes and lambs In .Inly, when pastures waro fulling. Kxpcrlments at this station latllcnto that best results aro obtatuod by cutting tho plant four Inches from tho ground. Thu stumps readily sprout and produce succeeding crops. muici cuitivateu crop 'pr good M pre cede asparagus, ns the ground will be well loosened up by It Heavy manuring Is stisolutely :fec essory. Tho ground cannot bo too rich for nsparagus. Put on n thlcl: coaling of pianure, spade It In d,eeply and llipii put on more nnd keep on as long as It seems posslblq to ruako It any richer. It Is much more satis factory to do Jhl manuring at this time, Isiforo the plants aro started, for after the plants are In there vrll bu dltnrulty In doing much heavy manuring. It U not so esscutlal to have a very deep so betl, as (bo aparagus room tend to grow horizontally Instead of down. Hut tho first foot of the soil should bo spaded nnd raked repeat edly so that It will be mellow. If this Is kept up from now- till time to sat the plants next spring. It should be iu rim class condition. Oct Rtady to Plant Alfalfa. It Is not too early to begin on the land that you expect to sow to alfalfa next fall. Much will depend upon tho preppratloo of the soli. l will be de sirable to ba'ye n good deep mulch no that as much moisture as possible bo retained, from the early rains. ESTABLISHING AN ASPARAGUS BED. Tioolc for lbo losor of lho nrllelas you hnvo found for it prompt ml limy HHyb bint it lot of worry; Soil Must Be Well Cultivated and Heavily Manured, Iu selpctlnjf a plnco for asparagus remember that It will need to bu cut every morning during Its yielding sou. Hon and that tho one planting of It will llKcly last a lifetime. i?o It Is cHsontlal to put It In a convenient place, X row) of It along thu fence In tlio gardon will probably bo con. vtiuleut If thu place is not already occupied by ihubavo. It Is very nec essary that tho soli for asparagus bo exceedingly rich, but In a small plant ing tlils'cau bu made artlltcmlly Iliivlng selected tho Vhtco, the prob Icni hi to put tho soil In the best pos slblo condition, both of Icillty and phjalcal tittuctuiv. l'ututtity tir Hoim Roots as Stock Fed. Hoot crops are generally used for animal In mot sections of Europe They should be mora commonly used here. Beets, turnips ami carrots aro valuable feed and should meet with favor this year, wheu grccu foods are scarce, ' OPEN- For Business IUGGINS .Vi liKSUCS Kecond-Ilnnd Store nt 3C South Grape Street. Give us a call and wo will treat you fair. Highest cash prlco for second hand goods of all kinds. SMITH'S APARTfMENT HOUSE Bouth Ktversldo New and Up-to-,I)nt Mmlem in every particular, gas cook lug, etc. Women and girls must bring references. VM. 8SUT1I. Homo l'hono 84 K. Better stock up on something to read Come in and look over, our list Medford Book Store ROLPH'S PLURALITY IS OVER 20,000 UIV 1,'IIAVVIIUCO n.. t!i. oo ! - I'lill ilctulls of tbn tiolnbb) over lurn in Han Francisco sentiment which dofentod I'. II. McCarthy, tho' labor mayor, ami clouted Jiinles iiolph us chief exeiMilivo of the city for tlm next four years were wado public today. According to the unofficial count count t tlio primary ballots itolph Kdonnl a plurality of more than 20,-. 1)00 over McCarthy nnd will have a clear majority of better than J.OOO. i Fiekert led I fathom for district j attorney by moro than 10IHJ, The oM lice will be filld at the election ini S'ovembcr. Hair That Fascinates 'Ut Wants Ltulroii Ifnlr Fnli of J.lfe ami Itcoiity? Start now, madam, September Is Just tho month to begin to acquire a glorious head of hair of which you will he justly proud during tho social o vents of winter time. If you haven't used PAUISrAN 8A0K you aren't on tho hih road to hnlr beauty. J'A!U8IAN SAGE Is the most delightful preparation that des troys tho dandruff germ and by so doing removes In a short tlmo the cautto of dandruff, falling hair, Itch ing scalp, faded and lifeless hair. Dandruff germs aro obstruction ists; they prevent tho hair from re ceiving its proper nourishment by ravenously devouring tho same nour ishment. Use PARISIAN SAGE for onu week and note tho wonderful im provement. Chns. Strang guarantees it, GO cents a bottle. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY INDUSTRIAL rALK i At Fountains & Elsewhcr Ask for if JO", H0RLICKS The Original Mi fienutot I MALTED MILK Th, FMtfchk fir ill Ipt. I At restaurants, hotels, and fountain. dj:j '. .: i .....: Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without k. A muck fcuck Mesarei la a auaate. Take o mils tka. jiutsay'iH0Wi(XS." ' Mmi in Any Milk Trust MEDFORD, OREGON OCTOBER 3 TO 7 I'nlr Grounds, TJuctcd la th Kml of North Central Avenue, Finest Racing Program ever given in So. Oregon Horses Kntcred Tlint Ktartrd at State I'nlr nt Salem. The best lot of running horses entered that havo raced In Ore gon this season. PflfiiWIf! I' J -'".' -BALLON ASCENSION EVERY DAY- by the Broadwlcks. MJss Tiny Uradwlck, tho ?lejirorcst glrlarco naut in the United States, will give an exhibition each day that will thrill all who see her as nothing else yet seen here. The exhibition of horses, cattle, sheep, bogs and qoultry will be, well worth the price of admission alono. , Tho entries of fruits, grains, flowers, vegetables, etc., wU be good. MUSIC KV TIIi: MKDFOKD COHN'ICT HAXI) OF TWENTiT TIKCKS EVEUV JAY. One and one-third fare has been granted by the railroads Admission, adults, 50c; children 2cj box seats 50c and 75c; In the grand stand all other seats 25c; bleachers tree. V. II. CAXOX, Pres. GEO. DAVlS, Trvas. A. K. WARE, Bcc'y. Officers of the Southern' Oregon District Fair Association as follows: a. jrATl'EHItVrVrca. EfT.'sTAPLESrvr-Pres. jfsrlSihTfTircas. A. K. WAKE, Sec'y. 2 ROGUELANDS i - INCORPORATED FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager Have the Soil The Water . y, ' The Climate The Transportation To Produce Enormous Crops INVESTIGATE Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Bldg. Stoves Stoves Stoves TT" Wo have a very large and complete stock of Cole's Air Tight Wood Stoves, also a f jne assortment of Ranges, including the GREAT MAJESTIC, all at res sonable prices. aaa i mmmmm'n''''' Medford Hardware Comp'ny 18 EAST MAIN ST. ml r- i 4. i , 1 , ) a . .f...(.W4t jv u-j . H A 'MVl !- 1