i? i PAG&TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNTO, atEDFORD, OMKOON. THURSDAY, SlOPTKMttlOU 38. 1011 P .' ft K , ,t V V I 3 ti V f y r IS EVEMIRG FmirHuml toys are Eager to Show "TWr Cleverness Good Crowd Will Attend Bexliifl louts at Nat- attritm Tofriflht. Kuim nro WRcrly nwniliug tluv tup of the feon wMrh will semi (ho four round boyiJ nwny lpnij,'ht at the Nnt ntoritjihi Athletic club smokor. As n cnr(n1ii reiser, Jimmy Smith "The Plumber Hoy," nnu Waller Kane, will battle for honors at -2G pounds, MolU boys' arc trained to the minute nmlfwcll matched-both as to clever ncsa and sire. The second event, between Karl Ralston and Joe Ulff, middleweight. is causing cQHsiderablo talk, both men hnvinsr liorts of iulmirer. llal- f.ton is well uown to the fans of Mcdford, and in his matches wilh Roj Donne nnd Kid Wallace bo 'proved lihnscll. a ring artist of no mean abil ily. niffsjt friends fijrurc that nis Ihrco weeks of good (mining here )iRVitotRona for nolbing. lloVSmiUi, who needs no iutroduc lion, wilt po 3fmir rounds with Jie Parker, who shows up well in bis workduts and bears a strong resem blance to Ad Volsa8t. 1 "Chic" llowlin nnd John Ttmw will bo sure io furnish n good bo.it as n vindup and scud tho crowd borne in the right liumor. Frnnkie Edwards' methods of bolding clean bouts nro well lik.'d by citizens of Mcdford nnd he as sures every one that anything rough will 'not occur in any club in which Jnf is 'instructor. Seals on sale at club rooms nnd Mcdford Cigar Stand. XENieS HDD A TEA ROOM FOR LADIES HMvllPl Kcntners have added a lea room to their many conveniences for tin lrfdies of Medford and lhc vallav Tea and wafers will be served freo of charge there every afternoon from o io o o ciock. ine new tea room t located at the Lead of the stairs overlooking the mam floor of the store and is a part of (he general rest room, wntm'room nnd library ENGLISH BOXERS INVADE UNITED STATES BECAUSE OF Ut 4vr)t1f? -V iSf w r:1 ,' ' iHHH t ' ' lHSiliHKilH LIB MHMHJJMHMHHMH Pr i PH HI4JHB1 wl' - FAHtv - iHi IHBlHHMHHlB)HHttk3dlui "" )HBH B- &&$ lHHV7-P'MKHH t 9 Vi xt y 1 HIbhIhMhv ?4kHHHHBH' T i v??i 93HHHHHHI Ht"fef - WL 1 HHHH 4tMPI r v ftMR V Mr i .l IhhIa ' TlTflH WmmW W?- ' r H r -VSi-vA PHRBBHncHflli Hc wT, IH Jk 4ih1 rMNBMPHMBM iEl BBB BfKt' i "i ffi3B BHB9-B-I! 1F ?JI HlMi . 'i -HIB)l IH4I JSHI HwHHHHHQVr wVnKiHflHH HHHHB i k H t if Jftfl SBTHnn 8 ' rJBT1nSV4 HV l flB K l iHUinMHw 4.iiV B ,. vHI i I BNMflr k iBH m H H ERr "" i n B r IHH HWHflHHHHv'a .- ti miHH H JHSA B flkB Bitv4KrJ9 ---.H-i JHHHt H iHHH HB-BHKtiiHH BlHlr jfllHlHHHfi H hHHHIIHB MhIHIBIHBK iJjw ft',iWll r-' BHBt - 1H ISI FtK'rMHHI V'flHi H wM-i ilB IaKiuiji ETi & r M - MiWHI' DHrNl P '1BHK F TT I ' I I vjIH9I K---i H jvik: HHB, EH HiH9Hv .H mokki-. IHBBiiBBiH HHHKH HV BI "VT-urcl Jorr"torii. "-Yurc- ccctrr-K Tlie new boxing law m New York has stired up the pugilNtio pot in England, so much m Hint Euglinh bo.crs nre dropping into tln couutry with regularity. Xhe three latent arrivals are "Young'' Cohen, "Young Joey' Smith and "Jack" Morris. They are under the management of "L on" Snuudei and all hail from London. . Judging from the assertion of Mr. Sntinders all three arc likely boys in their chides and have good rec ords.. . t ! . !i' JOHNSON'S HEAD - BADLY SWELLED TELE6RAPHIC TABLOIDS. NEW YORK Speedy indictment-, against Jarcd Hags, -alleged gct-ric quick broker, and his associates, are expected at the meeting of the fed eral grand jury" here today, accord ing to a statement this morning Ly United States llistrict Attorney Wise. A score of witnesses, including cus tomers and clerks in Flngg's office, are being examined. LONDON, Sept. 2S. All tongues in fistinna are wagging here today in comment on the impudence with which Jack Johnson, negro henvv weight champion of the world, treat ed the attorneys who opposed him when broflght into a court of justice to hear which he should be enjoined from holding his fight with Bombar dier Wells here. Johnson refused to be represent ed by -n lawyer, assumed a patron izing air toward the sob'citor gcn; eral and polico superintendent and showed the acutcness of a tmined lawyer in cross-exnmiuiug the police witnesses. "Take him awny; I-d6n't want to see him'' any more; I'm sick of him," said Johnson when he hnd finished with Superintendent Mclntyrc. Flberc, was a general Inngb at the sally, in winch tbc champion joined heartily STATE MAY ENGAGE A SALT BUSINESS SALEM. Ore, Sept. 28. it was learned today that the state board will take immediately litlo lo Sum mer and Albert ln1cs in Southern Oregon and the marginal lands from the federal government, with the view of ultimately engaging in tho salt business. State Laud Agent Itcinhnrt, ;ho made tbc recommendation, estimates that there are 40,000,000 tons of suit in the lakes, of which practically one half can .be refmed for table use. NO FEAR OF RATS . WITH PLAGUE NOW SPARK PLUGS . , t DIRTY WER Cylinders Missed nnd Girl Falls to Speed Up Irt.tho TaxiSmall And lenct Attends Very Ordinary Production. No fpecd Inwrt were rthuUiMxid Wwlnesdnv evening t Ihu opuin house by tho Uirl in-tho Taxi. JM dcnUy (ho spark plugn woi-o diity for tho eyliudorrt in Ihu old machine seemed to miss with uionntoiiuut tet ularily. ' Tho play wns'n dNu)poiiitiuenl, much of it being mil, which nn itbout the only seusihlu thing tlio no tors did. Only one thing pleased -n specialty by Hoy Sumner. Tho next attraction will lo the Moose miiistrelH October 'J-1. W. C. T. U. TO HONOR TODAY FRANCES WILLARDS MEMORY The Y. C. T. U. will give tho fol lowing progralu in honor' of the birth day of Frances Ii' Willard at tho home of Mrs. F. l Lconanl, x Cot lag Thuixday nflcrnoon: Instrumental solo. Miss K. llrondle Hynlu ...' Scripture ivnding and prayer. ... Mrs. Leonard Solo Mrs. I). W. D.iy Heading .Mrs. James Les)U r.cerpi( iroin mitireses ny unu ed States senators, and representatives Solo ....,,... Mh Denial Wallace Heading , ..Mfts Klsie Wallace Hiographieal s1eteli... .Mrs. llonuir Temperancp doobg. . PORTLAND, Ore. Charging thnt their client was made a scapegoat in Hie fight between delegate Wicker sham of Alaska, and Attorney Gen eral ickersham. attorneys for Geo Bullock, indicted for defrauding the government of 30,000 on Alaskan coal contracts will fight c.xtraditior to Washington stnto for trial. WAYCROSS, Ga. G. F. Radford. an express messenger, is in jail for tearing np money. He tore up 150 $1 billd and scattered the pieces about the floor of his car. Itc is said to have protested against licing compelled to work an account pf !ii- condition. NEW YORK Using as a hammer a loaded ono pound shell (bat bad been kept as an ornament, Mrs. An na llnlpit is now in the hospital for injuries that are expected to prove fatal. BERKELEY, tVl. Flea yoUon are under cxjM'niucntntion by scient ists ut the university under diicction of Professor C. W. Woodworth. Thc flcasw'ado ab'ou't, carelessly in many of t!ic(milder jKJiwms. ( SAN FRANCISCO. Oil. Charged wilh assisting in Ihu escape, of a United Stales prisoner, ' Dr. John Grant Lyman, tho' Los Angeles pro irioter, arrested for alleged misuse of tho mails, Lawrence Galimlo, 'a chauffeur, is in custody of tho Unit ed Stales officials hero today. STOCKTON, Cab Eugene Gruus ky, a prominent real estate man brother of C. E. Wnld Grunsky, ni. engineer of national renown, was in stantly killed here when a Sacramento-Stockton intcmrb'an car -wrecked his automobile. Pieces of the mi dline were picked un eighty yards down the track. WniTE SALMON. Wn. While pruning nn apple tree this' spring, A. L. Guthrie, an orcharding lost a diamond selling from his nag. lie regained it when he bit into a ripe applo yesterday. The gem had stuck to the apple and the "meat" had grown timiuid it. NORTH YAKIMA, Wn. Hercuf ler saloon licenses will be granted only to established snloons, locnted in inconspicuous places, the mayor nnd council have announced. "No more gilded thirst paluces to wel come the stranger lo our city oh ev ery prominent corner," (boy say. ' i i ..NEWPORT, It. I. Forming bis decision j study for the law, Vin cent Astrir. son of C'dlone.l John Ja cob Astor, has" lefl for Combridge, where ho will enter Harvard for a special three years course. After completing (he course it is his inten tion to enter one of the lending .law schools, ' BREMERTON, Wn A specjnl Ice tion will bo held hero December 0 to determine whether Ihu city cf Charleston shall bo merged with (ho Hremerton municipal government. Tho people of both (owns will vote on the question. MILWAUKEE, Wis. Former Con gressman Liltlefiold of Maine, will act as chief counsel fpr United States Senator Isaac Stephenson of Winoonhiii, the nftllionniro lumber man accused of having bougllt ji'is way to a sent in tho national imnifol. vH'Ines cahnot bo adopted by tho city according lo an announcement mndo hfiuggo the constitution foibids it., here today. SEATTLE, Wn. If tho plans of United States Fish Commissioner George M. Bowers, here on an in spection visit do not miscarry, 'Seat tle grills' will spccialire on broiled live lobster next year. "There is no lenson why lobsters should not flour ish in Puget Sound waters and I proposo to send out a quantity of eggs (o try tho experiment," said Commissioner Bowers. BRATTLE. Wn. If (ho opinion cf Spott Calhoun, corporation counsel, is$ proved correct, the movement to make Senllle n single (ax city will cqjno to naught unless the slate con stitution is amended. Calhoun dc- c wires Hint the single tax on laud Think Hunters Lost. SISSON, Cal., Sept. 2S. Three rescue parties n're searching through Mount Shasta for four huutcrH-- Harry Maples, Herbert Ball and Frank and Harry Purdin, aged 3S lo 20 years who left here Sunday on a deer hunt. The Purdin boys followed tho oMi er two with pagk animals and pro visions but failed to reach them None of tho party have been hcaid of since Sunday, and it is feared thnt disaster has overtaken tho youths. -BATTLE, Wn. With her hold packed tight with raw Hilks, tea nnd olher Oriental products, the Nippon Ynsen lCaisha liner Knmnkaru Maru has arrived from Tokio. Her cargo is valued at $1,000,000. SEATTLE, Wn., Sept. 128. There is no fear of, an invasion of rats in felted with tho bubonic plague just now, the United .States murine hos pital corps exjwrts say. Out of 7.'5, 000 rats killed in Seattle nnd exam ined by the experts only one cadavar contained tho dread plaguo genu. More than 5,000 rats aro killed' monthly in SenKfc by prison traps! set ny die uonwi ot licauu. Look for the ad' that describes the place you would like to own. Hattktim fofHMltft.- YESTERDAY'S SCORES. .... ..,..., i National. At Pittsburg Rain. At Cincinnati Cincinnati Hoaton . . . j At Chicago Chicago ,..., g Now York o At. St. Louis St. Louis f . . . , , 3 jirooklyn . American. At Now York Rain. At Doston noaton . Chicago ',, At Philadelphia Philadelphia. Cleveland . . . At Washington Washington x Detroit . . . ; i. . i rarlfi? Coaqt. At Portland'" Portland 2 San Francisco 1 At San Francisco- Sacramento 4 Oakland 14 At Los Angeles Los Angolcs 1 Vcrmm .....".. 3 Knox Comedy Company at Savoy Theatre. The Knox Comedy Company will appear at the Saioy theatre begin ning Sunday, October 1, 1011, for fouc mgbta in "If Maniinglory Wm." This U a play triling tho story of u young man, whole undo died leaving him a fortune of over n million dol lars on '(ho condition thnt he inn try Uio lady (hut he has picked out for him, within six months of his death. The entire fortune to go to tho es tablishment of a home for friendless uewsboj-s, if his wishes nre not curried out. This play abounds in fun, there is nothing cle to it, but laughter. It is just ono scream from beginning to end Miss Marshall, tho girl, is well known us a lcadinir lady, having played in some of tho largest and best companies in the cast. Mr. Knox, (ho bov, is known throughout tho country us a lending man of "ability and versatility. Mr. Knox is nlso n capable slago mali nger, having put on some of the sue J cessfurpbiyfi (hat have bad long runs-f There wijl bo given in addition lo llio nbovc, two specialties. Wo can as sure everyone nttcuding the perform ance of (he Knox Comedy Company a very pleasant nnd ngrceablo lime. - ki ft k ' J ti RUBEROID vn M-MH . I , . pr. m ROOFING Nu Km if Ik SifNls Gnmoi 'lo Olkr KMflig MattHals RUnEROIP is not affected by changes of temperature. It is weather-proof, water-proof and so highly fire-resistant that sparks or burning brands will not ignite it. The ( Permanent Roofing With Permanent Colors RUBEROID is made in red, brown, green and slate color. These colors arc not painted on the roofing they arc part of it. They do not Wear off or fade. Trail Lumber Co. MfdforU, Ori'gna.'- n RUS MILL On Riverside Ave. L. B. pBOWN, Proprietor. -Teed, Flour, Seed, Vetch, Winter Oats. Barley -Boiled. " & . 4 ' - . ---rr 1 1 - lira ni i l fmmmm -- -a mm "'' ' . , -, ,-,,-r - . "P , . '1 mm Whet Your fir Ar-neiite Eminent pliyaieiaiw ctcclnrc tlicro must be a sharp nppouic m u S Pabst v. DlueRibbon Y ThoDVcrofQiuluy taken leforc or Willi your mcalu i a (talc means lot crcuiin a -- healthy nppelite. ''J -i...i. "-fty.sv?i " & &LJW - .drVT - Vir', 'jkk . illV. U --fl-BlJIl j.Hwk ''" -, w V & -l - , wr-,...,""' ; ! 5IK3llu: -uv.- - Au- ' mjim ir imn v, ft- . y.j'4j,..v...v.. 8 sy.. av,, j W it On Sale, Bottle or Draught, at Nash Bar , irr'Mi''p Campbell & Baumbach MOBTOAOE LOANS, OOTJNTY WAKKANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at nil times to loan on improved r&nohos and fruit land. A. ' PHONE 3231. J20 GARNETT.COREY BLDO. WHY DR. FlICKERT Hnffor ulth hi'iiilni-licit? Olliern liaui been ronutleleljr rellee( by wearlnu my KlnoitoH. Ho inny ym. CjenlKlit Sltrflallrt, Over KentiK'r'-. 04VW T3f iQ-T-A-R theatreAV. -Hertford V New Jlomo of Photoplays. THE BLACKSMITHS LOVE A graphic story that will cause-you lo flunk and attain. A GENERAL STRIKE A Htory I liken from real life. THE WRONG PATIENT AND QUEER FOLKS Here's where we give you the laughs a doubc-hcart- er; and they strike you hard, AL SATHER IN POPULAR SONGS Pay strict attention to our music and realistic ef fects. Sunday we run continuous from 2 p. m. to 10:30 p. in. Week-days from 2 to 5 p. m. and 7 to lOtfW) p. m. Strict attention to ladies and children during aft ernoon performances. n. ji. k, Xortliu'fMtcrn. At Spokane Spokano ...... .-.,,.. 8 Portland 0 At Seattle' Seattle . . . , , 7 .Tacoma 0 At Vancouver ' , Vnncouvor , 7 Victoria 1 3 C 8 1C. C 10 11 10 0 10 13 3 THE JACKSON COUNTY BANK Mcdford, Oregon. p 4 i ' 'More than 23 years' of 'uninterrupted successful business. ,.y, .. . ,' . t '" Capital, Surplus, and Profits more than $175, 000,00. h , , 'All businoss has pur prompt and careful ntten- tion.rf CHASE & SANBORN'S COFFEE ,000r000i00j09.lrr,r&3t J''j.J.r....j, We Are the Selling Agents For . t Total resources are over $800,000.00, ; , W. I. Vavter,'P-'PHidcnt. 0. V. McDonald, OiibIi. 1 QR, Lindley, Vice-PrcBidcnt. FRUIT VEGETABLES ii t i L it . 9 GROCERIES MEAT ------------ - ' BLUE RIBBON FLOUI The kind that is once tried,thon always used Warner, Wortman 6 Gore II 1 1 1 mmmmmmmtmm v -t P fcH. i l-A-- - " - ' -