w lu iv if iW- I h' I . f H if' 'I u it 1 li ; i3BE JOTK 3nDDFORD'3rAiri TRTBUNF), rEPFORD, OREOON, WKDNKSDAY, SRPTrcMKTCR. 27, lOtf. Jf EDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE Ki ' AN INI1C1MJNIKNT NICWSHArRIl iuw.ibhi:d nvKiir 1afti5iinoon EXC131T BUNDAY. BY THE MKDl'OnD PMNTINO CO. The Dcmocrnllc Times, Tho Medfonl Mall, Tha Medford Trbun Thi Bouth rn Orcsonlun, Tho AWiland Trlbuno. Office Mali Tribune Bulldlnir. SB-ST-SO North rir etrout; phone, Alain 30J1, uome o aUOnOD PUTNAM, Kdllor and Manage r S$j Rnlred m afcond-olasa matter at Med ford, oreffor under tho act of March I, I87P. Official Paper of tho City 6f Medford Official Paper of Jackson County. . . BUBSOHXPTIOH BATES. Oije year, by mall ....- ''Si! Ono month, by mall ,........... .50 per month, delivered by carrier In Medford. Jacknonvlllo and Cen tral Point ....... i... .BjJ Saturday only, liy mall, per year.. 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.50 WORK CXBCtTCATXOir. Dally a vera po for six month ending December 81, 1910, S711. mil Seated Wire Unites fttn Blapatcata. Tho Mall Tribune Is on aale at tho Ferry News Stand. San rranctseo. Portland Hotel Now Stand, Portland. Cowman Nowa Co., IMrlland. Or. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown .llnil Trust' Made Good. CONVICTS FOR THE HIGHWAY. When Tcrniice Arthur O'DonncH Cnme vtb. to.wn ami bought the will, Wo nil allowed, ns some tlo still. That his was a trust wo orten kill. Tho Traces ho paid wore awful small And his prices fer pram most notlrin' tall. So some of us sent an urpent call For a protest moctin' at the hall. Wo called old Terry an octupust And called his mill an evil trust, A thing which we were pledged to bust En' wipe right out like wind docs f dust. And. while wo wuz raisin' this awful w din Who but Terry comes walkin' in, "Ladies," he sear, and "gentilmin," And you could hear him drop a pin. "You people havo treated . me rite fair," And ho shoves his finger through his i , hair. ifhat.mill is mine but I now declare I'll givo each man in town one share." We see things now in a different way, We're stockholders ever since that day, No mater the wages the mill might pay, It's a blamed good trust, that's what wo say. Every city has n wireless connec tion in Wall street. r OYERNOR WEST'S offer of convicts to construct, the VT Crater Lake highway should bo accented and it un tloubtedly will be, at the first meeting of the county court. The Crater Lake highway is really a state highway. Afore than that, it is a national highway. Crater Lake be- lonsrs to the nconlc of tho United States and the neonle of the nation .should aid in making it accessible. This thev win uo wiunn um iiimis 01 ine nauonai pane, uwsuic however, tho state and county must share the labor. Governor West's plan of treating the convicts as if they were human beings instead of ferocious beasts is to be giv en still further trial m the construction of this highwav. It is a far cry from the treatment formerly accorded Oregon convicts to that thoy experience under the present execu tive. Oregon was long famous or rather infamous, for the lieiuush brutality bestowed upon prisoners. How differ ent will be the Crater Lake highway construction. The Pacific Monthly for September contains an inter esting account of Governor West 's prison reform efforts. It should be read by all as showing what, manner of man wo have elected as our chief executive and whether or not ho is making good. Oswald West is a non-partisan governor. Uo belongs to the liew school untrammeled by partisanship, formula or prejudice, with a strong view of altruism, and an earn estness of purpose, a hatred of sham and swindle and a love of the square deal. He is not snag faced, frock coated and pompous, but simple, plain aiuf democratic, guided by homely common sense rather than pretentious statesman ship. i ti'$i$ ' 111 offering convicts to construct the Crater Lake high way, Governor West has done what no other governor of Oregon ever did or dared to do. He will be sharply erit i eised by tho small-minded partisan press for political pur poses, but such criticism will only strengthen him with the people who are relieved to find a leader actuated by com mon sense rather than boiind by red tape. IN CENTRAL OREGON. A New York society woman left her husband to marry a plumber. Might have been n simple case of following the family money. I care not what others say of their babes, I listen and knowingly smile, I used to get Bore when they bragged up their kids, But now I'm indulgent tho while. They can tell lots of tales, but I have one on hand That will floor them completely, forsooth, And envy is theirs when I idly let drop "Our baby has cut her first tooth." It was in the Medford Ilotel lob by Monday that a young mother was having a hard time keeping baby in terested during one of those puuses in conversation. She was heard to sny, "There, there, baby, just look at thoso men in the pretty red hats." TN SATURDAY'S issue, the editor of the Mail Tribune will describe briefly what he saw in central Oregon in a week's trip, and give his impressions of this little known empire. . ywijffj.f Central Oregon is today the largest section of undevel oped or very slightly developed country capable of devel opment left in the northwest. It is an empire in size but utue understood. As its physical characteristics are so different from those in tho developed portions of the coun try, there is grave danger that disappointments and failure await the average settler who attempts to follow the beaten path of the orthodox farmer. North central Oregon is oie vast wheat field. For miles and miles in every direction, for league upon league south of the Columbia, stretch the grain fields. Over this great region of prairie there falls an average of but eight inches of rain a year yet the farmer persists in farming with the same system used successfully in a country with fortv inches of rainfall and needless to sav they are but par tially successful. South of these grain fields stretch what was once known as the great American desert, an immense plateau of limit less horizon of sage brush and gnarled juniper. In the southern end of the desert the irrigation systems arc trans forming the barren desolation into garden spots. Into this legion is flowing the great mass of settlers. But the short seasons, the great altitude, the soil characteristics, make the problems to be solved different from thise of other ir rigated belts. South of these plains stretch the forests. Oregon's future depends to a large degree upon the suc cess achieved in solving the problems offered in the devel opment of central Oregon, of oritrinalitv ;md inwimirv in making the crop fit the conditions. It is a fascinating study, one worthy the energy and enterprise of a resource ful people and one bound to be eventually crowned with success. . i .. , .jjay Yet developed to its utmost, central Oregon can never compare with the Rogue River valley. It lacks the beauti ful scenery, the delightful climate, the variety of soils and resources, and in other things can only end where tho Rogue River valley begins. BID ACCEPTED FOR I Tho city council lu'M u luicC ses sion Tuesday ovouuur and accepted n hid of the Chirk Ueiicr.v Cm rt motion company for &l MHH) worth of city improvement londn. Tho only other Iupoiiphh transact ed wni the nuU'riuc ' f n owiuilil sidewalk oil the north side of Da kiitnli avoiiuo. l.KAYKXWOHTII, K"s. Scs. sions of the hoitrd of panttnift in ltv gard to thu release from Kort leav enworth prison of .loliti It. Walsh, the former Imnkmof Chicago, havo be KUit here. ChutmiHM. K. V. Uidovv, of tho board of parole of tlt federal prisons arrived Tnuii Atlanta, (In. SKATTLK. nJ. ( Hurtinm. manager of Iho'Vorth Wmleru duirv. convicted in the supetior court about 10 day ago on a ehargo of nclliiit.' "impoverished milk" must again ap pear in tho police court October t.'l on two charges hi connection with tho sale of milk Mow the slnhd-ard. j Taft got a cold reception at Cof fecville. Wo can't imagine anything much worse, than a cold Coffeoville. ' Tho man who wrote his wife to eeiul him money because ho had been murdered ought to look into tho the ory of dancing as a euro to insanity. If thcro ia any truth to tho theory tho dnnco hull bunch ought to be a wiso ono. LYNCH LAW IS RAMPANT Officers and Negroes Clash fn Battle Two Younu Negroes Are Killed and Their Father, Aged .67, is Hanged by Mob. it is to ho honed that tho suspen sion of tho Hank of Kgypt won't havo any effect on tho banks of the Nile. tiiiiif$ji - Girls, Try This. Mother, I do not wish to ro, I fcol so tired and Jnzy; ; Hut 1 should go to tho dance to night To keep from Roinp; crazy. '' Violin Maker. Repairing of all stringed instru ment." Violin repairing n specialty, Cornor of 8th and Contrnl avonuo. 177 CIIAS. HAIUUS. PINK BLUFF, Ark., Sept. 27. Following a battle of officers and negroes near Dumas, fiO miles south of here, when Sheriff W. D. Pres ton, Deputy Sheriff Barney Stein, nnd two young negroes were killed, a mob today lynched Charley Mnl pnsH, 07, the father of tho young negroes killed in tho nfiray. An other negro, a member of tho snmu family, was found by officers after tho battle nnd killed on tho upot. Tho officers had been aftor tho negroes for somo timo on a charge of bootlegging. Tho battle occurcd at tho Jfulpnss hnine, where tho fatli- or of tho mixed blood family was shot in tho leg and seriously wounded. Fearing that ho might survive and ultimately escape, the mob took him away from tho officers and hanged him to a wntcrlank. W LOCAL COMPANY O.N.G. Earl Gaddis and H. L. Wilson Work ing Up Movement to Create Com pany of Militia for Meifford Meet Encouragement. K. C. Gaddis and If, I,. Wilson, both of them military enthusiasts, aro endeavoring to organizo a militia company in Medford. Colonel Yornnn of Kncono has written tho boys horo asking thorn to get busy and perfect a local organiza tion, and tho gentlemen montionod ahovo aro doing their utmost to thut end, but they aro, as yot, unablo to secure officer timber for tho com pany. Thoro Is plenty of good tim ber horo but to got an accoptanco of tho position is a difficult task. Haaklns for Healtn. LOS ANC1BLEB, Cal.Kueh wear ing u "full moon" hinilo, Afr. and Mrs. ticorgo Primrose, happy novv lyweds, today aro in Los Angeles on their second honeymoon. Tho Prim roses separated bix months ago, each filing n suit for divorco, and then thoy pntched up their difficulties ir. Portluiid. Better stock up on something to read Come in and look over our list Medford Book Store STANDARD OIL IS TO LIVE 999 YEARS YET l.OriSVU.Li:, Ky.( Hcpl. 1!7. My virtue of its amended arlulcs of in corporation, filed here h the Hlnu dard Oil Company, it is to Hvm for 1100 crs more, Local oflicers stvv nun ro-orgiiiuxiuion iiccnmc ueces- sufy hccuuo the eliu'ilcr o.vpiivd, nnd thnt the ro-orxnuir.itliiioit hud nothing to do with the "dissolution .if tho Stnmhu'd Oil trust. OLYM1MA, YVu. -Oittiiu pormnml dcteels of the bend whleh create Vr blencss of I hi mind in ehildien nui lie corrected by u surgical iipcrnliou and the normal mci -t the lit mn restored. Tliw i the opinio! gien today h Dr. A. S. Oliver, attached to the stale iiwnue hospilal at Med APPLES FOR EUROPE Wo arc appointed agent for J. 11. THOMAS, Covout (larden. Um don and Southampton, Kuglttml, whoso charges are ft per cent and G contu per box, IAS. LINDSAY & SON, Ltd., Ohm gow nnd Kdtuburtili. Scotland, f per rent niul 10 ccnta per box. HAWSON UOIII.V8Q.V, Hull. Kng Inng, G por cent and 8 cvuU per box. Thetio aro th olde.nt and Inrgext firm In their roftpuctlvo Uwiih, and their reference na to financial abil ities can lie had at Medford National Uaak, Medford, Oregon, j Cash ran bo cabled day after mile If required, and htghcHt m.irkel I prices guaranteed. j ltcii Fared Men smoking 1IIO CIO j.VUS talking "HOT Alll" don't olwnyj. jltvo on ulr. hence our rumarkt on cbargen. j Tho clnp-tiap about private sale J docs not provo remunerative, oxrept for some curios of a small uaturo. All rollers by private alo havo to wall until auctions are over so ns to know jwlmt to ask, and in the case of largo supplies they often get loft. ; For further particulars, address W. N. White Q. Co. 7(1 PAUK PhACK -i:V YOItK icul Luke, who Iiiih just llnlnhcd Hiirglctil (iperiillniiH on Hfi children in the Hlutt iimliluliuii ul ChcluiUs. All of these children will soon bo uoiuuil, it in thought, in thought, speech tittd action. Auction Sale Hat unlay,-. Sept. 110, t! p ,ni. A lino of nil-won! clothliiK for boys n ml young men must bo closed out, no ii'scivo. Don't lulus this chaiieo tu elotho your soU for the winter, WM. MONDEN tlrt tl.iufli l;ii:ictt. SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Soulli ltli'i.tli New anil l'p.ti.iiiti Modern In every lurtli-ulnr, gus cook, lug, etc. U'oiiieu mill glilt mutt tiring- rvferviirei, W.M. SMITH. Home PIioiio NIK. HOTEL MOORE European. Special Rates bv the "Week or onlli. Rates 50 Cents Up. RAU-MOHR CO., Proprietors. B AGGAGEandEXPRES S HENRY M, MARSH All orders promptly attended to niglit or day. Short and long hauls. Moving household goods a specialty Union teamsters. Office 51 S. Front Pacific 4171 Home 80 Residence Main 613 OPEN- For Business ltKidlNS .V I.CSMC'H Sisoiul-llmiil Store at 3fi South (Irnpe Street, (live us a call nnd we will treat you fslr. HlKticst wish price for second band goods .of nil kinds. MEDFORD IRON' WORKS B. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. RANCHES jit ifct, llir rrrck ImiiIimh intly, I 77 errs. IS In torriil.l npittos win! IMHirx. ivw Mcrr. eii lit Nistloo, ? arrvM. T In twnrliiK ltlf. IwlSH" In oiralfs. tsooo II oi-H. Mirslfn it ml rs. tSTt sari. 31(1 ncrrri. 1J Hit wrr. flltx muIhIIvInIuii ! srrtt I'erry miIiU1v!nIiiu, Mtwy tartitn. U uuron, elo In, Iwnutlful vtnr; fin, (oil. 1210 urrt; viry ran) lrm. I 1-1 itcrrs. ln-rlnB oroimril; walo! rlelil. nlnrn, alittn litHn on Kiil pi turn niul hay Unit m.iIm ur Irsiln. TRADE 1 13 nrr. 1-rixiiu Inline, 430. MU nor,-, I 1-: iiillrn fiuin lawn In V1 Uniftt.t vni)-, rlrli ImiIIoiii nint uj lainl. 100 aorrs ntiltlvulc.l, uixul Im iriv'innlM, 1131 ncrr. t liKKtim protwriy. rvnluln, tl!S monthly lnk koih! nerMRi Mli?, t.,rllatiil r.t.lilaMM tm mm r.l... tu.i.l li0 ariv t.t(ltiltl IdiMlltKHln. Mnrly I" iihi in n ma 1 1 itjwn. laaa luiiii irn- rty Jiu ii.TPft umlrr dlleli. SB In slfslfa. UTH Tlllnltln, ureal anap o witw. loo in whmt. 110 jwr sere I'vS" nlfalfn ur frull ram-li Wn'iifronl atar lulliliiiK. Iliromra sros 11-KD month, lakr nlfulf ,,r fulll Irnrl i'r-e-iil Clly iiruprrty for uori-nR m Heron, m in iar, aluaM tti fin imlld ItiK site niul view, iqo-ncm nlook niul slfdlfn ranch; 14 norm llllaliln; umlrr ditch; IT ' nare; inkn lnruui rruiwty. 110 nrrns raw luml; all riue fruit larul tako any K'xl prejinrty. 40 noron, llllatilo; 11000; tako town prop rrly , 10 ncres, clcnii), tnk rcMcric i irnuo. WANTED ,irla for Kcnornl hriUaavrura. rlty atnt ranch property t Hal. ror piok"r l.'iKiit lulioriTs, rmir wttlirKN,-M Two ronch IkiikIh. E. P. I. BTTNER IOOM It nurrs mx,oxvi C-T-A-X kJlHEATSE-IV Med ford's New Home of Photoplnya. THE BLACKSMITH'S LOVE A graphic story that will cause you to think and attain. A GENERAL STRIKE A story taken from real life. THE WRONG PATIENT AND QUEER FOLKS Here's where wo give you the laughs a doubc-head-orj and they strike you hard. AL SATHER IN POPULAR SONGS Pay strict attention to our music and realistic ef fects. Sunday we run continuous from 2 p. in. lo :I0:30 p. m. Week-days from 2 to fl p. in. and 7 (o .10:30 p. m, Strict attention to ladies and children during aft ernoon performances. Newport TAQDIKA HAT OKcciON'M rorur.AB BXAOX RESORT All litt'iil rotmiit for outdoor pnatliiiHn of nil kind. HUNTING, 1'IHIIINO, HOATINO, HIMIK 1IATIIINO, HID INO, AUTOINO, CANUI'INO, DANC NO AND KOM.nit HKATINC1 Wlmm pretty wntur UKalvi. imobh iikuIum, inoon-nloiiMi, rarnnllunti run Im fount! nu the limich. I'urn inounliilii wnlnr ami thu ticMt of fooil nt low prlcnn. I'rcHli flhli, ul'iiiiN, ciiilui nml oyfiturri, with iiliiinitnncu of voKnliihlca of nit kliiila tlully, Cainptntr Orounda Oonveutint and At tractive with Htrlot Kanltarjr HtfnIntlon. tOW ROUND TEH" HHAKOH TICKET rrom All Point In Oruifoii, V?aah Inifton and Idaho, on ! dally, S.DAY UATUKDAY-MOMDAT TIOKET from Koutliorn I'nolflo points l-nrtlnnd to CottnKo (Irovo; hIwo from nil C. A 13. MliitlotiH Allmny niul ynnl. Clooil KOlnir Hntiinliiy or Huiulny nnd for return Hiuuluy or ilomlity, full on nny H, 1, or O, & 10. AkiI for full pnrtlmilarH iih to fnroH, train huIkhIiiIch, (ite.: nluo for ropy of our llliiHlrnliil linnklut, "OutlnKfi In Orn Hon," or write to WM. MoMURS&T Qtnural Faivoniror Ag-eut, Portland, Oroifon. Where to Go Tonight svr- i Till: ISIS THEATRE 'I'llltKU MKi At'l'M. .liKtn-Si'nti li (oinlrx. lliuo U tln I'lfHteat mt uf Mil Mini ovel HiHJn- fli'at tltiiu on tint "mt"Mt Mr. (tdiiliiii'n Ki'ttttt Im IH'iKOiiKiltui i)f tho Kiwit uniiitnl Inu. I lurry liuilnr, u nuiieUluii who ilrnwH IIih lilttliuvt HHlury ut any in tint living. Vim would In ill) ljr t'tv to mn trfiiiiloi', Horo you phi i w Uorilon, whom th uva Port Plnliu Is lilt iximl, In ivii- npi'rt. Vuu intn iiw him niul tlio IkiI allow In Mt'tltoril nil fin 20 Pt'lllM. A lO limiK DAM I.OI Kit Mom Sololht anil .Mi'imlnulxt TIih t'hiiltrtiiHVf "f t ho woi'hl lu hla wutnlorful I'tlilliltloii with tho Ioihim; aoini'thliiR trillrtly nuw, f I rait tttnw tnur hIiowii mi Hip ronat. If you iitla Hi In nrt you iiilati Hip trwt of II llfHtllllll. IfUI.I.MV .V .M.Mt.N Sluittux, Diiiitiuix, 'CiilhltiK Coiucil hint. lliTi nrv J uat I ho fnllowM you hitvo htrtii wullliiK for; uVtH-ylhJiiK ii-to-iluti, iiothltiK 'lil: now Jnkmt thnt ii ro ul) orlKlunl. iihvit hmiril lifforp. You Juki PHti't uilaa "i'in tlii'iu. Draperies V rnrrv n vary couililnln lln t ilrit.n. In. m furfnlna fltllirra, cln. Blot .. Mil l-U(tn of UDlioUtlTltl A P"!' "isn lu look after hta work limiM-iy an,! HI Mlva n kihhI rvir l p-iin lu tfl In vn Dm lBi.nl rltlca WceKs & McGowan Co Rock Spring Coal OK nAl' AX.T. TJB TIUA Otflro ami 'w inl Twlri -. Krorit RintaTJI riiono 71611 Bu r b i a e I'M COAT. afA Ml Nlnndnford't rinno.Vchool I'lnno, Hiirtitoiiy nml Muslenl IINtory KMII.YT. STANDIJKOUI) KxiituliiHr for Xw UiikIhihI Caiimtrmtnry uf Miuto In Kontoii MnkpM rv noMlty of trulnliiR tmrlipr Hwitt for tontlniouInU utl Iprtim. I'hmiu 7211. 170 J 1.1 North Oiikitilo. PLUMBING KTIM.M AM) HOT WATKIt MKATI.NU All Work Ounrantoti! I'rlcoi Itonnonnblo U!i 1 1 mi it rt I IIIikIc, Kntrnm-e mi th HIrrrt, Coffeen & Price I'nrlflc IlOilt Homo tttO UGO Theatre Tho llcat .Motion irtiiriN nml .Miirili; Ihillro CIiiiiiko of I'rojjiiini Hpry I lay. Any plcturo will ho cnrrlod it Horoud diiy hy roiiiitiiK hiumo nt hox offlru, nml lu mich n ciihu thoro will ho tho initial throo now renn mid tho oxtru. rtn nml ioc, ' A Full Line of School Books and School Sup plies at The Merrivold Shop Iftl WKHT MAIN HT. Ht0tfi wwwwwgg Srsgtwrjjayfiyiay 2T-l?: , jyTismiSMtiiri! .'-" .v' -. wt- .waI, v.xe. ;n