Oily Hfltt wMuiww i SUBSCRIBERS ratlin tu Rat imjr will tm (tin (1llvnd hi iiliunlnr of. J li;i by U p, m. Medford Mail Tribune 2. WEATHER Jtflln, Cloudy Max. Mia, . . . 10 1 ltd. Hum. 15. iMIIr-Mlxth Ynr t'nily I'lrnt Yimr ROSE CITY IN ARE GUESTS OE LOCAL BOOSTERS Excursion of Portland Business Men Is Successful Affair Desnlto Weather Conditions They are Hav litll Good Time. ARE SURPRISED A T GREAT GROWTH OF CITY Commercial Club Furnishes Automo biles for Visitors and Puts Fruit on Train. MEDlfOKD, OREGON, "WICDNENIM Y, SEPTEMBER 27, 1911. No. 162. CLIMBS 14,000 FEET TO MOUNTAIN TOP .Medfnrd hinducs men are thin af ternoon culerlniuiiig llui exclusion party of PorlhinditrH w it It :iu nnloni-i-liilo ride about tint ellv and v.illoj. Cloudy weather detruded somewhat fmin Ihc pleasure of the nftoriiooit, ImiI tlit Portland visitor seem to ! onjnylng heir welcome here. ( Much Interest win Inkon hv tlti viMitorn in (ho oily. .Many of them woro hero n yonr ago on a iiuilnr iai'iiimuii nun loiiay tm iniiiwling til tilt' growth inailo hvtho ntv in the interim. Tim now $200,000 hotel brought forlli many eAprrHioiM of surprise ami praint, A largo number of local limine men were 4)ii linml when tho train .ptiltcil in willi llirir automobile which wore placed at the, dlspiii of th.t vMlor. A drive through. i:t the orchard district in Ihc chief fen. luro of (ho nflcniooit'M rmtcruin- ItlClll. A omiii!crnllo quuulily of !luii Hlvcr fruit wan placed aboard llm special train y thu Co'ittiKi-'u clnli Tho Portland 1iimiti "men nrn tin Vint a moil cnjoynhln time. They hnvo n fully equipped tv.iiu Ono of Iho features of the trii in tho pith lulling of a daily pniwi on t.io irain known ax the "Daily Kidder" and its slnto irt "hnild the h(ii-i.'' Many Writer. It U a staff of famous writers and editor who are held responsible for every line thai escapes llio blue pencil of the chief censor. The per Honnel of the hlaff IL: W. McDowell editor; L. A. Collou. advertising manager; L II. Weaver, iHor; Win. Mo.Muruy, circulation manager; II. R Chapln, presmnan; 0. S. Crego, pho tographer; J. Fred l.arhoi lilor women's coluuiu; C. C. Chapman, devil. Circulation Manager MeMurrnv him perhonal supervision of llio train, which hy llm way in as complete and comfortable. ns tho Soulheni Pacific can make i, which meant about .ill the comfort thnio is to he had la traveling mid in addition (o thin Ihc men have been granted Hie privilege of carryinir machinery for tho puhli cation of the aforementioned "Dailv n milki Ml n So' ,f&Jw7JwV 5 J f Ut'll ""MV x fi "Vit-ir A, ,1 Li r MMt.6ABRm.tL CIRARO A CONFERENCE BY A PULLMAN IN THE AIR IS ZEPPELIN'S NEW AIRSHIP. NOONTHURSDAY NOW S D E MAND Ultimatum is Served on tho Officials of tho Harrlman Lines hy Union Lenders Kruttschnltt Speeds to New York. UNION HEAOS ARE NOW MEETING WITH KLINE Gompcrs Says that Strike Will he Called If Railroads Refuse to Recognize Federation. R22SN 3 ' K. -S -cmnix.'C yurviemm k.(l( THI3 Alfe,HIP 04Q&S. '. IW '"V - ' -- m i- -ci SJ TH&'CH'AGG BEGUN MTIM WP.TMi MUHUt .Mine. Oabiiellc (lirard, a uioiiutain climber of uotij, rcccnlly tiNcended to the top of the Dent Blanche, in tin SwJmh Alpx. She iiiiido this perilous "limb, a dinlancc of fourteen tboiiN and feel, without a moinoutV prep.i ration. .Mine. Oriard, wIiohc homo ih at Nek Hiij-hton, H. I., a Kiiburh oi Now York, ilecliucH that Iter aniiF arn Kcnrred t ill by lior trip will three uuiitoH. when (die crept and wi huept alone Ihc ice on Ihn dcHcont. TAFT IN 'REGULAR' T KANSAS DISTRIC Senator Curtis and Governor Stubbt arc With President Frankly Flirt Inn for His Support In Race for Senatorship. and dale Killer," iniiluiHiitf typowrilerH oilier equipment (f ., j liewMpaper. rrcHident W, N. Tolvij? of (he Medford Commorninl club, welcomed tho Portland men with it brief ad ilroHH, Din referoueo to (ho K03d roadH hoHiliiii; Ihhuo wiih jfreolod with applaiH0. BIG CONVENTION DEMANDS NEW LAWS TOPKK'A, K'iiiih.. Sept. J7. -Pro-,, ident Tafl entered tho "rcpilar" dixlrict of KnnsiiH today, tho lioini or Senator Curlid. Thu inHnrnenti claim that Senator Ilrintow declarec' war in Hili IIulchitiHou Hpeech whoi he Haid: "The iiiHiirccnlH will iro oi Heekiui: rij;ht in their own wuv, which ihii't llio Tafl way." Sonator CurliH and flovenio' Stubbs are with llio president today each frankly flirting for Tnft'd up. port in llio race for tho Konnloitdiip FOWLER STILL HELD BACK Stronii South Winds Sweeps Down Sierras Makinu. it impossible foi Aviator to CrossLow Clouds Obscuro Summit. CHICAGO, Ilk, Sept. aoV-UitlcHH a conference in milted, tho officialH of the SyKtcin Kederalion by noon to morrow by tlic officialK of the road all niemberH of tho federation em ployed on Hie Harriiiinu linen will o on Hlrikc. accordiuu to an iillitnn- ttini nerved on llio officials of the incH in New York, is the burden of a Ntaleincnt ismicd here today by J. Ilf !' . - . . nunc, proHiiient of the intornn lional blackKinilliH union . JuliiiH KrutlHohnill, vice prou'dent and Ki'iiurnl mnniiKor of (ho llarri man linen, and active head of the rnilroailM in that synlcm, hat RonoMo New York to confer with Iho other railroad officialH in nn endenvor to Koltto tho differences between the xhopmon and their cmploycm. Tho reHident of tho vurioiiK in tornalion tmdo unioiiR represented n llio llnrrimiiu linen are in conference with Klino horn today, the chief top ic of diBciiKHion bcini; tho probabil ity of n Hlrike. Klino innints llmi everything ogihlo in bcinr done jo ailjtiHl mnttoro and nvoid a Btrike. buo ho added (hat Kivin Ihc rail road officinln n clinnco to confer vilh their union employes in New York today will be positively the la. moans resorted to in order lo nvoid a walkout on all lines. AIRSHIP FALLS; NO ONE HURT Rudders Go Wrong on Zeppelin's Modern Pullman of the Air and Ship Tumbles No One Is Injured Elnht Passenflers. NOUTH YAKIMA, Wn., Sept. 27. Oi'KmiliiKtloiiH with an iiRKOKrato vot ing momhomhlp of upwards of nnii liinulind thoiiBiiml men and women aro directly and Indirectly represent ed In tho fedorattou of farmorH and workliiK moil formed horo yostorday for thu promotion of proKioHsivo jiollt Ical nieanuroH. Tho orKauluzttou wil Iwiiko a vlg oroiiH eampalKn for tho adoption of pondtuK constitutional amouilmonlH provldhiK for tho Initiative, referen dum and recall, iiud domaiul of can dldatoa for tho next loKlulaturo (lint thoy plodKO thomuolvoa to nubmlt a constitutional nmomlmnnt rIvIiik tho pooplo tho powor to Inltlato amend ment)! to thu conntltutlon. it also urges tho next loKlfduturo'to uubmlt a conHtltiitloaiil amomlmont providing for llio recall of JikIko. , a prnvlslon which Wllfl oxeltldoil from thn lwmillncr rural I aineiidiitoiit. . KMIflHANT GAP. Cal., Sept. 27. Owiiu,' lo u Htroiij,' Houlh wind which swept (ho western slope of tin Sierras hero today, Aviator Hobort (1. Fowler was tumble (o niako hit eonlomphitcd start across (ho con tinent. In addition lo tho wind musses or low clouds obscured Ihc summit, making it impossible for Hu aviator lo follow a course. Kowler said Unit if tho atmospheric conditions mo satisfactory this at. lernoon he may make u Rlarl, but iio thinks llio chances are better for die tranK-iuounlain flight ni (ho morn inj,' and tionserpioully nmy wait uu'il tomorrow for his next nlempl. CIIICA(K) -If (lladslouo Dowle, sou of Iho founder of llio JCion City, ever has Riibmillcd lo osdullary em braces from others tlitin lim par ents, his inolher, Irs. Jaiio Dowio, doos not know of il; nor does she holiovo it. RKATTliB, Win Word was re oeived hero-today of tho reoord breakiiie; dip of tho "silk spooial" train over tho Iilwaukeo rond. Tho train lofl hero Thursday and nrrived in Now York Monday, making tho trip in'D7 hours, 40 minutes. oinpcr Talkn on Strike. SACIfAMKNTO. Ca Sept. 27. Sevcrnl thousand wnrkinmncn, nmonir them mnnv Soulheni Pacifin Blin employes, who Kalhercd Iiere to hear President Snmiiel Gompors of the American Federation of Lnbor, sent up a roar of approval when ho said: "Whether it bo a Kruttschnitt or i man b.v. nny other nnme, if he 'Minis io donv to any man or body of men Iho ricjit to bo heard by counsel of their own choosing, then let this thine; (Iho jmssihility of r. striko) io as far as it likes." In that manner Gompors j;nvo an swer (o Iho question: "Wliero will it end?" which ho snid ho had heard promunded on overy sido durinp; Ins short stay in Sacramenlo. "Wo don't want to strike," ho do dared, "but we must nover pivo up our right (o strike. Tho momont wo say wo will nover strike our employes will do it for iir by reducing wages and li'iigthouino; hours." HADKN HKDBN, Sept. '17. Willi eight passcngersjiihonrd, the rudders of the SchwaheiJ, Zeppelin's latest aircrnfl, fell thiii,tiioruing but no one was injured. Fitted willi n restaurant and other conveniences that moko joumovs in it ns comfortable as trip (oken in a Pullman ciir, (he Sehwabon h.i been beset by jwrsons anxioti-S for .1 ride in thu nir ever bince her maidon trip was made on June 2 last With American travellers on (ho Conti nent (hose trips'"havc hee.i pa.ticti larlj popular. WILL SUPPORT " CLERKS ON STRIKE HHI I zS&&xZc xaaBm tSaSI XHWRuhHH WbmMm V55ENGeC5 HMEARKINQ AT BADEN EADCN V NATIONAL REUNION Look for tho nd that calls for you among (ho help wanted mln. BLUE AND GRAY MEMPHIS, Tonu., Sept. U7. Plans aro announcod hero t.ulny for u ro-union nnd genoral jubilee of tliQ bluo nnd gray of Iho ontiro na lion lo tako plaoo at 'is'iinglon in 1U1.I. The .pibileo .viu docidcil upon at tno ro-uniou of iho oteraus of tuo- conlcdernto aii'l union ninues now in session liero. CLEVELAND, Ohio, Sept. -J7. That Iho striking clerks on the liar ritnan lines will receive tho sun.oit of the Hrothorltood of Hallway Train men is officially announced here to day after a conference of (he offic ials of (he Brotherhood. At tho conference' (he offieinla unanimously decided (hat no Bro(h erhood members should perform s(rikers duties during (ho present trouble. Telegrams liavo been sent lo chairmen of tho vnrious local' instructing them to this effect. MORGAN TAKES CHARGE OF FIGHT Personally Signs Steel Trust's Dec laration of War In Defiance of Government Want Uncle Sam to File" Suit. - " ' HEW SUITS BV UNCLE SAID WASHINGTON', D. C, Sept. 27. It is loarued from tho dopartmont of Jus tice hero today tuht a nurabor of trust anils inteutted to brenk up tho Colo rado nnd Wyoming Lumber Dealers' Association on tho ground that thoy vlolnto tho Sherman law will bo brought at once. NEW YOKIC, Sept. 27. Sensa tionnl developments mnrked the ji(ock market today. Throughout this en tire session the bulls and bears fought for control. The St. Paul and Wabibh issues were fought savagely, quotr.tio-1 de clined f points, throwiii'.; tho entire lit off balance. Tho afternoon market declined steadily, hatting oc coiunally after brief rallies. Morgan brokers prepared to up pon the market, but short selling was too great. Humors of tho commerce ronuuN sion planning freight reductions in the west unsettled tho market toward tho close, tho brokers everywhere nppoaring nervous. iew ioru uciunti i ueiow par lor tho first time since 11)05; Union Pa eilio mado a new loiv record of J 03 0-S; St. Paul dropped to 101, a new record. Tho entire list showed mil lions lost on paper. LLOYDS FEARS WAR WILL COME Anti-War Policies Have Advanced i Sharply Situation Very Serieus General Strike In Italy Dees Not Materialize. ROLPH BEATS M WHY BY 22,000 VOTES '5' Business Men's Candidate Defeats Present Mayor by Greatest Plur ality Ever Cast in an Election in San Francisco. 78.&00 VOTES WERE CAST IN STRUGGLE All Along the Line Candidates of Present Administration Suf fered Heavily. NEW -Deler- l ONLY ITALIANS ARE ALLOWED TO LEAVE LONDON, Sopt. 117. An unoxnoot- odly tonso situation dovolopod along tho coast of Tripoli today, when It wiib discovered that Italian stoamora would not transport any but Italians out of tho danger zono. Tho British colony at onco wlrod to tholr homo Bovorninont for aid and BrltlHh and French Btoamora havo boon Rent to tholr npalfllanco. "ARE BADLY FRIGHTENED CHICAGO, III., Sept. 27 -Con slot-nation has seized tho "higher ups" today in the polioo depaittuont horo today over n rouort that In speotor AfoCiiiuii now Tu Juliet, and tho labor lenders havo combined for tho lnuposo of involving tneni in vice protection oliaiges bofoiw, tho civil sorvieo cniimiisMnn. Tt in declared Hint MoCnun and tho labor lenders havo (ho gods. CHICAGO Kail Barnes, (ho child who was liilleu last wook by a mad dog nnd who developed an nouto oaso of rubies, died horo today nt 7 o'clock. POHTLANP, Ore. A trio of oraoksmen blew open (rlico safes in tlueo different stores on tho oast sido. Thoy seemed 23 oonts, u sum ton Knuill tu nn v for ono olim-irn nf dyuiuuilo, YORK, Sept. : mined to defend his title ns "Kiug of Finance," J. Piorpont Morgan op ened his offico early today to ar range n campaign to uphold tho mar ket. To allay signs of fear in tho hold-ors-of securities of (he United States Steel corporation, Morgan personal ly signed tho steel trusts declaration of war, in defiance of the govern ment, nnd has informed his asso ciates (lint ho expected! to reassure investors generally by tho power of his name, Thnt Morgan was correct in hit. surmiso is evidenced by tho Loudon ninrket, which opened bullinsh today. It is understood that nt yester day's meeting of tho board of direc tors of tho steel (rust Morgan severe ly criticized certain directoYs for having permitted tho inference to go abroad (lint tho trust was willim? voluntarily (o dissolve. Morgan de clared (hat, the corporation was in a better position (o resist idssolutiop in. hi jui.y mrnii- eomuuio and it js stated (hat ho suggested (Imt El bert H. Gurj, chairman of tho board, of directors of tho United Stales Steel corporation bo instructed to ask tho attorney genoral to fio suit immediately, thus taking tho position (hat (ho company is cn(iroly within tho law nnd thus rcliovo tho situation. LONDON, Sept. 27. Despite tho optimism which Is felt on tho conti nent In regard to tho Tripoli situation tho anti-war policies of Lloyds, the big Insurance concern of Great Brit ain, advanced sharply here toray. Tho policies arc now selling at 4 per cent, as a result of 'tho ultmatum delivered' to Turkey by Italy. Tho situation In Tripoli Is rery sorlous today. The native Turks are all armed and have organized Inde pendent companies, which aro drilling1 night and day in preparation for tho Impending crisis. The gunsmiths havo sold out their ontiro stocks andi all tho natives aro arming. Dispatches from Romo today state that a general strlo In Italy has not yet materialized. Tho Italian inhabitants of Tripoli aro In great fear of a massacre and,' a private telegram from thoro brings tho news that Italian warships aro' anchored off shoro as a protection of their resident citizens. WANT FREE CANAL TOLL PORTLAND, Ore., Sept 37. Fice tolls through tho Panuum anal for Amoricnn vessels enrrying American produco between American ports will bo avdoonted by the Portland f'lmui ber of Commerce at n mcoti'i iu San Francisco October 1'. BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 27. Win ning out by an unprecedented plural ity in tho greatest shower of ballot ever cast in an election In San Fran cisco, James Rolpr, Jr., today is the choice of this city as mayor for the next four y ars over tho present' la for union Incumbent, P. H. McCar thy. Official announcement by. the city registrar today was that 78,900 voles wore cast In tho municipal struggle. A total count of tho ballots cast la 100 precincts counted snowed tht Rolph probably will have 48,488 votes to his credit and McCarthy will have polled 25,745 votes. lfeats Him 22,000. These figures give Rolph a ma jority over all of 16,99$ and a plu rality of 22,199 over McCarthy. AH along the line the caadiatM of the present labor administration suf fered heavily, Rolph's election which, is made absolute byhkY heavy Ma jority over all candidate, waa aim- ply the top wave of a movement whlea boro heavily on all the aspirant for office who were known definitely as union labor mne. Probably not more than half a dozen of the union candi dates for supervisor will be on the of ficial ballot for the November elec tion. Explains Defeat. Explaining bis defeat and tho heavy vote rolled up against his partisans, Mayor McCarthy today declared that tho voto was In no sense a definite vote against union labor. Both the republican and democratic machines, ho said, were lined up against him but he asserted that only Rolph' promises to favor tho eight-hour day and an ever break for union men re sulted In the defeat of the present administration. More than 200 candidates were named on tho blankot ballot at the primary. Just who tho candidate to go before the peoplo at the No vember election will bo Is only Indi cated In a few cases as yet and a full tally of tho ballots for or against thorn Is not likely to bo completed' be fore tomorrow. Market Hniiyuur, NEW YORK-, Sept. 27 Offioinl announcement that tho United Stnrcs Stool corporation does not intend to dissolve gave a nnir of bouynnoy lo thu btook market nt Iho opening (o- SEATTLE, Wit. Tho Grand Trunk Pacific system will soon build threo turblno passongor ships to add to Its Hoot, It is reported horo today. The steamers will bo built iu England for uso on tho Pugot Sound runs bo- tweon Soattlo, Vancouver, Victoria and tho Portland canal. NATIONS SEEK II SETTLEMENT BERLIN, Sept. 27. Jt is admitied horo today that hostilitieH in Tjipoli may result iu a clash of European powers mid as a result ull tho na tions aro seeking a peaceful Bat tlement. Austria nnd Germany have luti mated that thoy oppose anything mora serious than a demonstration boforo Tripoli or Smyrna. day. United States Stool preforred opened willi a gain of 2 3-1, which soon reached 5 3-1. Union Pnoifio roso 3 1-2 and American Smelting 3. Amalgamated Copper gained 2 3-8, Northern Pneifio and Lehigh Yalloy 2 1-2, Heading 2 l-4,aud other gains woro from 1 to 2 points. Later tho pricos sagged, but tho touo of tho market was stnorg nnd quotations ranged from ono to two nnd ono quarter points nbovo yesterday's oloso. Tho market closed strong. Bonds woro firm. NO DEVELOPMENTS IN BANK BOBBERY t, I W NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C, Sept. 27. No now development havo occurred in tho ensq of tho rob bery of (ho Baiik of Montreal here, Tho slouths aro gumshoeing arotma aftor clues but uro observing their usual roticetico as to just what they nro working on. Besides tho agency Hint has tho enso in hand there (.re sovornl independent sleuths doing somo fancy sleuthing in the hope of getting that $ 30,000 roward, If li .. V 7 . ' . twt.i m m ?.