If1 IflPmppm'w PXdE BTOHT ; fcfEDFORD MATJi TRTBUNE, MPFQRD, ORlttlON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1011, i 14 HOWDY IS PUT UNDER ARREST One Of Men Who Used Insulting Langunnc When H. C. Garnctt Ap proached In Automobile Is In The County Jnll. HOUCK GOOD BOUTS ON HAS HIS FACE SLAPPED THURSDAY NIGHT Judge Colvlfl Resents Being Called A! Clever Amateurs To Appear At Liar and Despite His Age He Re tallatcs With Well Placed Blow Heated Argument Over Roads. Joe Johnson, nnuthcr of flio part oC four men who rtA insuUhij; lan tftingc, ami who shot at 11. C. Gur nult nml liis nutomohile part on thi) roml liolwccn Medford nml Jack sonillo li few weeks n.c, lias been nrroated by Sheriff Jones nml will bo given a iiroliiiiinnry henrinp nt .hiclcsoiivillo this nftcrnoon. Wm. look, ono of the Ran?, was nrresled a few weeks ago ami nt his preliminary exnminntum was bound over lo Iho grand jury. He gave bonds In the sura of $200 to appear before that body, but soon nfter his release from custody he forfeited his bonds by disappearing nml his whereabouts arc not now known. POM ER HOUSE FOR JB CITY E. C. Tlce, Rep-escnnnfl The Imper ial Powder Company, Has Propo sition Which May Make Mcdford Distributing Center. E. S. Tice, representing the Im perial Powder company, lias submit ted to lodnl business men n proposi tion whereby a powder ningazinu may be established in this city, and powder distributed from this point. The matter will come before the Com mercial club nt an early date. Mr. Tice's company disposes of considerable powder in this sestion and firms which uso a large quanti ty Jiko Uie Prospeet Construction company, the Rogue Kiver Valley Ca nal company, the Pacific & Eastern nnd Jackson county are urging them to build n suitable magazine here. The company has agreed to do so if a suitable fcitc is found for them. STOCKS REGAIN THEIR STRENGTH NEW YORK, Sept. 2C. After pro nounced weakness at the opening In which United States steel and Union Pacific were tho principal sufferers, the stock .market today took a Bud den upward bound. A heavy demand caused United tSatcs steel to gain 1 1-4 above lycsterday's close. Un ion Pacific rose 5-8. Tho market, however, did not long hold the ad vnnce, the demaind diminishing and prices falling off about a point. Am erican Tobacco showed further strength.. Lato in tho day the mark et took another upward spurt and the llet again mounted to tho highest lev el or tho day. Tho close was steady. Uondi were firm. GONE TWO HOURS; GETS A DEER A. W, Walker and Olllo Jeldness have broken all previous deer hunt ing records. Sunday morning they left Medford with team for Coleman Civek, a distance of six miles, and uj 7 o'clock they had shot a fine buck and were on tlieir return trip to Med- Hoonusc. he called William M. Col vig, president of the Commercial club nnd booster-in-ohief of .Med ford and the ltogue Kiver valley, u liar, Jese Moiiek hud ids face slapped and Col vis did it. Tho pacing of the lie onir.e tiur- ins an nrgument over the good roads bond iue. Col vis nml Ilottek who is fighting the iMte, had had it up and down for eveml minutes when llotiek linked: ""And what have you got for all of your efforts in this vnlleyt" "I've got nbount $o000," was the reply of the judge, "and I earned every dollar of it that's more than you can wty for your father left . " "You're a liar," declared Ilouek. Thereupon Judge. Col vig, though tiO venrs of age, slapped llouck's face. in spite of the fact that Hotick is n much younger man. Then by tanders interfered. Natatorium Athletic Club Smoker Local Boys To Go On For En tertainment Of Club Members. SUGAR DROPS 75 C. 100 LBS. Magnates Of Trust Fear Boycott First Break Came Today When Arbuckle Brothers Announced The Cut. NEW YORK, Sept. 20. Fearing n boycott on refined sugar, the mag nates of the sugar trust today low ered the price of that commodit" from .?7 to $0.25. The first bre-k in the high price which has been prevailing was made when Arbuckls Bros, announced this 7" cents drop in fine granulated. Other sugar men hastened to fol low suit, with the single exception of the Federal company. The brokers state that the consumption of sunnr has declined considerably since the price was advanced ,and the mag nates were beginning to fear a boycott. "MONTREAL, Que. One man is ileiid and two others tiro in u criti cal condition, following an explosion in a powder mill at Ueloeil yesterday. COLVILU3, Wn.Mnrtln Shom ors and Node JJardesty, hold for rob bery, tried to effect a jail delivery hero last night but wero foiled by Deputy Sheriff Uryant whom tho con victs mlHtook for another prisoner. REV. ELDRIDGE NEW PASTOR The apportionments by tho recently I'oiivened II. E. cenfJnnce have been m;ide public E. O. Eldrldge. formerly of Roso burg. will como to Medford; L. F, Belknap, who has cecn In Medford for two years will gi. to Lebanon; H. X. Aldrlch will icti'in to Central Point; Afhland gets L. C. Poor; "W. K. Jeffery. Jr.. Roe to Grants Pass; C. H. JohuytM to .iiit-KBonvllle, A. It. .McLean to ritsvbur. C. F. McPher son. foime'Ix oi Medford, goes to Trinity church In J'crtland; W. D. Mooro returns to I jilz; W. C. Reut er is rctiirn'tl to 'ivburg. Rrv Eldridge, .Mcc'lcrd'a new pas ter. Is expected to firrlvo In Medford this week and will undoubtedly hold EPrvIcet next Fonduy Definite an noiinccment will Yti inailfc later. I TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS. 4 SURINGFIELD, Ills. Protests arc being made to tho state board of health today becauso Dr. James Egan, Its secretary Is in favor of allowing RobIo Pell, a yojing girl charged with being a typhoid fever carrier, to re turn to tho dairy farm of her step father, Gilbert Doersma. SAN KHANCISOO Police are searching today for Dr. Grunt, a rtiH Angoli's promoter, detained o hargo of fraudulent uso of the mails who escaped from tho Providenco hospital in Oukluurt. Lymau had been taken to tho hospital to bo treated for injuries received vi a first attempt to escape- from tho polico Hbount a week ago. Assistance to the prisoner from somo ono in tho hospital is hinted at. CORDOVA, Alaska Plans for a big Pinehot reception to bo held when the noted forester returns from the Hering riier country, are being a-r ranged. JUNEAU. Tho gold yield In tho Idltarod district this year will reach $ 8,500,000, it is shown by the reports Deputy Customs Collectors filed hero today, SEATTLE. Wn. State Sonator G. F. Cottrlll returned homo today from Maine whero ho bus been campaign ing for the nutl-saloon organization In tho prohibition fight. "When tho final count Is made I am suro that it will be found that Malno has gono dry by a majority of at least 3d0 Votes," said Cottrlll. What promises to he tho best box ing show njvcfx seen in Medford, will be staged next Thursday night nt the Xatatorinm Athletic Club moms, matched in weight and skill, and each one of the four contests could be classed as. a main event. Ray Smith, as neat a little boxer as ever seen here, will meet Joe Par ker, a good boy. Joe Hiff, a real white hope, will have a severe try out with Karl Ralston. If Hiff can mit-poiut the clever RnNton he will be considered as a possibility. "Chic" Howlen will be highly en tertained by John Turner. This go will bo a scream from start to fin ish. Jimmy Smith, ''the locnl plumber boy' meets Waller Kane, which con eludes a splendid card of boxing. Seats on sale at club rooms nnd Medford Cigar stand. All club members wiMiing seats must positively get tlu'm before Thursday night at the club. BANK OF EGYPT HAS SUSPENDED No Reason Assigned For The Actton But Understood That Crisis Is Due To Partial Failure Of The Crops Will Liquidate. LONDON, Sept. 2C The Dank or Egpt this afternoon announced today that It had suspended payment. No reason is .assigned tor tho action, but it Is understood thatt he crisis is chiefly due to the partial failure- of crops. ' The affairs of tho bank will bo liquidated. LAND CONTEST BEFORE CANON George F. Wilson Contests Home stead Entry Of Gco.'rjJ T. Hcrsli berger, Alleging That Land Is Chiefly Valuable For Mineral. Testimony is being taken today in a land contest case before U. S. Commissioner Canon. George F. Wilson has contested the homestead entry of George T. Hershberger, alleging that the land involved, which is in section J7, south, range 2 west, "is chiefly val uable for mineral and that the said contestant has mining claims cover ing same." A. E. Kcnmes is appearing for Wilson nnd Gus Newberry for Hershberger. The mall order houses of tho East would not bo so prosperous 1 ftho people of this community would In sist on, having "Mado In Oregon" goods from the local merchants. The busliaacs of this community would be better conserved If tho buying pub lic and tho merchants would help along the "Made in Oregon" Idea. Look at aU of the real estate ads and at much of the real estate ad virtiscd, before investing. The Cause of Eczema is germ If fo that burrows under and feeds on tho skin. Tho wny to cure ECZEMA Is to remove the cause by washing away with a clean, penetrat ing liquid, tho gorm life and poisons that cause tho trouble Wo have n preparation that will do this. Tho first application will stop tho Itching and glvo prompt rollot to au irritated, Itching or Inflamed skin. If you are a sufforor from skin or scalp eruption In any form, try one bottlo of ZEMO, tho clean, scientific preparation, wo are confident you will bo pleased with tho results from tho use of this standard preparation for eczema, Good for Infants as well as grown Itcraous. Ifuskliis Drug Store. back if it falls to rcmovo tho frock- Medford. Ort Auk . JMI. TIiIh In to certify that nhout November my dntmu lor wns taken with ,vr ntlrtok of rlKcuinntlsm which rvmloroil hor left nrin 1iiiUh, In foct It i o imvr jnmyl Unit nlu was nut nlU ' mvo lior flu K'iH, lull ktiewtiiK of i-t'iiit' f D". Cliow Youuh'n nmrxeloim cur of toiur Mknd Inir crtiion of il)Minrttlm, we itaeliUM in coifwuU lilm, in which I m i'iiwl to shy ii.mic no mlMnUo, nn his rvmwllei) iMcil tn ho olnlmtM Ihuy would and lift, or tho (hint tioixtmotit tho rhnunmtlo imln onllroly loft hor nnd ulnt Imn not I mil txny nymilom or rhmiuinthuu Mnoos ttesliloH hor Konoml hoiillh lit nutuli lm Inovod nml t ill) nAt hoNtltnlo In tmylnn I lioilovo Ihoito nfftlcivil with rliiHinm. tlnin or imnilynU will tlo Writ to ooumilt l)- Crow VounU, whono Iiuumo Ih corner of Tontti nnd Kixmt hlroolH. Modfonl. t)r oson A. P.'WV.IHH. 17R Uaaklns for Healtn. C-T-A-TJ kTHEATRE--- Atotlfonrs New Homo of Photoplays. THE BliAOKSMITH'S LOVE A graphic story that will foiuso you to think and attain. A, GrENERAL STRIKE A story takon from real life. THE WRONG PATIENT AND QUEER POLKS Rero's where we give you the laughs a doubo-howl- "or; and they etrike-you hard, AL SATHER IN POPULAR SONGS Pay strict attention to our niusio and realistic of feets. Sunday we run continuous from 2 p. in. to .10:30 p.m. Week-days from 2 to 5 p. m. and 7 to 10:30 p. in. Striei attention to ladies and children during aft-" orupon performances. HOTEL MOORE European. Special Kates by the Week or Month. Rates 50 Cents Up. RAU-MOHR CO., Proprietors. MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers tmi M&cbinery. Agcnte in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. BAGGAGEANDEXPRESS , HENRY. M. MARSH All order8promptly attended to night or day. Short and long hauls. Moviug household goods a specially Union teamsters. Offlc 51 S. Front Pacific 4171 Home 80 Residence Main 613 Eighteen Feet of Garden Loam IN Northern California there are many largo rnnche.i xomo twelve mllen miunro Homo noleil for lzo ' othern for fertility Of M)tl oIIiith for cllmato Th famouii Illdwell ranch at Chlco ' Iiuttn county lm ull tticxo tlilnirs anil many moro Tiere ar Karttenn of CuHiitia melons (from Hi ii Imltny cllninto of tho Adriatic Hcu.) Thn larKont oak trro In In I lie wnrlil HtumlM on tlm Illilwtll ranch covering 7-10 of nn acre Thurn or it walnut anil chorry Irw-H of unciiiuli'it nlza It Ih provoil by what It lino produced and by what you can ? Kfowlnt; thrru today.' m4t REMOVED, THE MIDWAY Has romovod from 2D Wost Main Stroot to 105 Weat Main in tho Hotol Mooro Block. WHEN YOU WANT THE BEST AND CHOICEST FRUITS, CANDIES, CIGARS AND SOFT DRINKS i V loll The MIDWAY rtn Sportsmen Snvo your trophloa thla year. Thoro will bo none to tava In a (ow yunm. TliU cut howi when to out tho akin, Noyor cut tho front of a iloor'n neck. Gait at Humphrey's Oun 8toro and set a pamphlet froo, tolllne how to aaro pniuo hoada, birds nnd aklna for riiRS, publUhod by F. W. BARTLETT Tttxldontilst Medfonl, Oregon Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAOE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231 120 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. WWMWi p pSpSj)!p$lip$ij$$tijSiplji Jj Ij ji li p lp 5p V y v v v The Medford National Bank CAPITAL STOCK - flOO.OOO.OO SURPLUS and PROFITS $35 OOO.OO UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY HAFB DKlOSIT UOXKS VOH IIHNT. w. m. oomn, rrosidtat J. A.,rSKBY, Vtco rrs. J OK . OBTM, 0shlr. T. B. KBBBZOK, 7lc Pre. W, M. JAOKIOBT, AnI 0fUU. : ft fl i 09 m jyfy j t P P ppipip'pip!p!pJ)ppplpp ip lp Ip p lp rp ip All thonr IhltiBH In actual cxlntcnco prilva tho fertility of th Holt and tho tuuulilo climate It hOH 18 feet of ' Rurdn lonm, tillable i-viry day In llio year rtf -r,v.''.. Vu-red by underlying ' - ' , ' chanelH Klvinif1'" ' an Inexhuustlbla -L , fiupply of moisture , JU , Tiicro are orchards-of trees ' In full InarliiK , ' ' , pluniH, pruriiH '' uprlcotH, almonds -v 'olives and ntaturtnes, -t, There are spli-mllilAlneyurds of lablo KrapcH u'nd ' v wlno Brapts '. r"KBt, i There uro ull VlndHvof berries and To sen thn land and IIn eropij ' In the, most convincing argument No man should buy luiui without scelnK It If you want to buy land you'll buy (i purl of this orchard IIcchumii It possesses every uuullty you could' usk , rf Anil the price Is low 10 per cent down small fruits C" i' With seven years to pay . the remulndur Wrllo to lYi B. K. HIDWKLL OItC'Il'A!iJ.)S, Tnc, 7 ' at Chlco. ' Clarence Heed, Chlco, Cal. ' II A, 15. Montgomery, Union Havings Dunk Dldtf., Oakland, Cal. HOTEL MEDFORD A Most Modern Hotel European, Opened September 19, 1911. Splendidly arranged in every respoet. Excellent Cuisino. Rates $1.00 Por Day Up. RAU-MOHR CO., Proprietors. tt9fQt 'J." 1 . .Ji r0-0 r9 Our New Location The Southern Oregon Elec- x trie Company is now lo cated in the College Block on N. Grape Street Soiithprn OrfiP-nn Rlfitrii? flo. -444lht0 0" l"1 a1 a s r ,J r . PT J- f. fatVX lft 3 3 , it i .., Ur Via?