Pv i T'lfciwy "' Kv .""Hr-ip. -fK' TRSSW- -1- 'V- ". -v.r -!ww"'v' - " ' -. ntw-. V ' ,'Vi" . ii . . ,V :r" 'v? ! PAGE SIX aiEPPORD MAIL TRIBUNE, SIEDITORP, QRlSaON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1011. , ... ,., . ROUSING GOOD ROADS SESSION HELD SATURDAY AT NATATORIUM i Samuel Hill, Good Roads Advocate, Address Largo Number Of Local People Spoke In. Afternoon. At Ashland Governor Spoke. - f f f f Following liis mMress nt the Nnthtorium Saturday cvoniujr. Srnnuol Hill vena nskcl if lie could recommend pood man lo oversee (lie con&truclion of rondrt in Jnckson county if the bond issue pawes. "l know of three," ho re plied, "and I pledge you I will secure one of them if you want him, or if I fail, I will come my self and sec that your roads nn? heinjr constructed in n scientific manner." "- stale. If I had been consulted in re gard to that tax I miht not have decided to come nt nil. It was a real tax, too, nnd si direct one. I had to pay Slt'O a "v to rnio inronpu ure- pn. To whom did I pay that ntnountf To the had roads of the county. 'That's expensive. That's poor bus iness. 1 am here in the interest of pood ronds and tho promised l"00. 000 bond taiio. After riding over your roads I see thai n bond issue is necessary. You can build n compre hensive system in no other way. The one great defect in your roads here is their location. They po over the mountains. They should po around them. Then you would find that the mileage would be no greater and the grade would he infinitely better. "I nin often asked as to what is the best material for od ronds! I must reply that the host material is brains. What might be pod material in one location nnd one climate might not be of any use in another.. 'Your bond issue for good roods, would not be debt, but an invest ment. Good ronds mean good busi ness. I am now the master of the Enterprise Orange in Klickitat coun ty. Washington. Wo have built twelve miles of good ronds, about the dis tance between Ashlnud nnd Med fonl. A public market was estab lished. "Why did we build these pood roads? For fun, as a fadt No. to make money. Listen. Before that road was built the farmers got $19 n ton for vegetables and the people in town paid $40 n ton for the snmr vegetables. Now the farmers receive of the roads, but ho mado a talk on?2S and the people pay $32 The farm- tho street which uis heartily np-jers receive more money, the produce plnuded by his hearers. costs the consumer less money. The A large audience greeted Mr. Hill entire community is benefited." nt the Nntntorium in this city in the "I have been in Oregon before, but evening. Governor West also nd- I have never before been so impressed dressed the audience, as did R. II.' with the scenic wonders of this state. Thonins, present city engineer jf.I don't know much about Africa or Senttle, William JI. Colvip introduc- South America, but I think I know inp tho speakers. AH of the speakers' something nbont the rest of the world, were listened to intcntlj and they (And I can say without equivocation each mado a splendid impression. that I have seen nothing in nil rav Governor West during the course travels which can compare in natural of his rcmnrks regarding the bond (grandeur nnd sublimity with Crater lake. The road down from Bigg SPEAK TONIGHT WILLOW SPRINGS Big Meeting Will Be Held Tuesday Evening At Talent To Further In- trrcsts Of Proposed Bond Issue- Much Work This Week. Although in Jackson county but v few hours Saturday, Samuel llil) vice-president of the American Good Honda . Builders association, am' honnrury life president of the Wash ington Good Ronds association found lime to deliver two very inter cstinp tnlks on pood ronds one i.t Ashland, to which city he rushed late in the afternoon, nnd at the Nata torinm in this city in the evening Mr. Hill's nddress in each city wen, followed closely nud he had mud of interest to sny. A large portioi of his audience at Ashland got awa beforo he appeared on the scene, w he wns held back by the conditioi Kd Andrews nud W. 1C. Gore, ac companied by one or two othei speakers, will visit Willow Spring this evening and discuss good ronds Tuesday evening n monster mnsj. meeting is to be held nt Talent. A large delegation is expeoted to at tend. Many meetings will be held thi week, nnd much work has been mapped out by the good ronds bo) ter. issue and good roads in general, dwelt nt some length upon tho use of convicts on the roads of the state. He also pledged 23 convicts to Jnck son county for nso on tho Crater Lake road, if tho county wanted them. He stated that he was hearti ly in favor of good roads. Mr. Hill spoke at some length nud illustrated his remurks. He said ir. part : "f had to pay a tns to enter this thnigo Bend nnd on to Klamath hns scenic wonders which can scarcely be excelled. But what good nro they? Who knows about them? The trouble with the wonders nnd the resources of Orcpon is that no one can get to them. They are about ns accessible ns tho moon. What is the remedy? Good ronds. Building good ronds is simply the development of your greatest resource." "Baby Mine" Is Here Tonight isoti- . Margaret Mayo's piny, "Baby Mine'' will bo revealed nt the Med ford tonight by n -clover company of pluyorH under tho direction of Win. A. Brady,. Ltd. "Buby Mine" comes with n record of 0110 solid year nt Paly' thentre, New York, nnd 3k now Hearing its second yoar at Sir Chnrlo.s Wyndnm's Criterion then tliontro in Loudon. Productions tire bliorlly to be tuudo In l'uris, Berlin, Mr. Thomson delivered n very in teresting talk on roads. ''The pop ulation of n country," he said, "does not depend upon its natural resourc es alone. The nature of the people is n factor. The accessibility of the markets is another factor. Do you realize that the stnte of Oregon is hnlf as large as the entire Gennnti empire? And that while there nre less than n million people in this stnte, thero nre 110,000,000 of people in Germany? Why is that true? Very largely because the prime necessity of easy communication between n people. He followed the example of Cacser and Napoleon nnd ordered tho construction of hundreds of miles of permanent highways. What is the result? Every acre of tillable land si cultivated. Every man hns a market for his products. Every inch of the empire is accessible. That wns wisdom on the part of one man. To pass the $1,500,000 bond issue for good ronds in Jackson county would be wisdom on the part of the people." The party came here from thr Columbia river, through Central Or egon by nutomobile, being met bv machines from this city. Those in the party were: Samuel Hill. R. II. Thomson of Seattle. II. L. Bowlby, former highway commissioner of Wnshington, Charles II. Bnbcock of MaryhiH. M. B. Brooks of Golden dale, Wash., George Maon Trow bridge, managing editor of the Port land Jonrnnl; John C. Lewim. Port land: Charles P. Chamberlnin, Port land; Dr. J. P. Reddy, George Put nam, Benj. C.' Sheldon nnd Colonel P. L. Ton Vclle of Mcdford, Morgan a Minstrel Vienna, St. Petersburg nnd Austra- liu. Tho farcinl possibilities of "Baby Mine" nro obvious, nnd Mur gnrcl ifuyo, tho author, is said 'o have handled them with unusual in genuity and skill. Indeed, no come dy within memory is said to have surpassed this in its swife, compact, technique. Jt will bo presented here with uu excellent company of pluy- urs, nnd;iml;cH uu hilarious evening' euterluinment This Is tne figure the genial head of the Valley Sign company will cut when he "decorates" tho tambo cna and "daubs" black paint on his faco In the big Moose Minstrels at the op era ho.use the first day of tho district fair. Mr. Morgan was ono of tho end men In last year's minstrel and made good. His particular stunt this year Is the e'nglng of the best rag- tlmo composition of tho year, "That Carolina Rag." Morgan Is something of a dancer too, and will limber up his paint brush feet In a way that will throw vermllllon all over tho scenery. Tho other end men too, aro scheduled to get Into tho dancing game with him and tho result will bo something that will make every one feel they aro "Way Down South in Dixie." Thero will bo no chest nuts sprung In this show either in end songs, gagH or music. Every thing will bo strictly new und hoard for tho first time in Modford. Mem bers of tho Loyal Order of Mooso who sell tho tickets sent them through tho mall may sccuro moro to sell from P. P. Dohorty, chairman of tho ticket committee, at his place of businosH, tho Mcdford Billiard Par lors, on West Main street. Tho pub lic may sccuro tickets of any Mooso and exchange them for rcsorved scats ut Huskins drug store after 9 a, m., Monday October 2nd. From tho way tho rehorsuls aro progressing and the Mooso generally aro taking hold of the minstrels it Is confidently ex pected that a full houso will greet tho blnckfaco artists when the curtain goes up on tho first nlght'H performance, ROADS TO GRESENT CITY ARE GOOD That tho road to Present City, uf tor leaving Jnckson county, is in good condition, is the statement of J. W. lCoyea who has just returned from n trip to Kurckn. lie was ac companied by Mrs. ICe.ves and Prank Amy. FALLS 300 FEET DOWN SHAFT: LIVES WALLACH, Idaho, Sept. U.V-AI. though Adolph Wolff, n minor fell nearly 5100, feet down n shaft in the Hunter mine near Mulhu, physio inns nt tho Wnllueo hopttul today said ho would bo Imok to work In I three days. fim-ne-r---r'r--rt ARE YOU ETNA-IZED AGAINST ACCIDENTS C. H. REDFIELD Hi:i'HlvSKNTtNl Aetna Accident Northwestern Mutual Life I Both Phones 210 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg. HOTEL MOORE European. Special Rates by the "Week or Mouth. Rates 50 Cents Up. RAU-MOHR CO., Proprietors. -44 ,.., , , REMOVED. THE MIDWAY Has romovod from 25 Woat Main Stroot to 105 Woat Main in tho Hotol Mooro Block. WHEN YOU WANT THE BEST AND OHOIOEST FRUITS, CANDIES, CIGARS AND SOFT DRINKS The MIDWAY mMNMiWMr: MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, BoDers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. g$$$$S$$$$S$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ LfiCL fr 33- &r 9- fc i& J The Medford National Bank CAPITAL STOCK - 9100,000.00 SURPLUS and PROFITS 35 OOO.OO UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY SAFE DEPOSIT nOXES POIt IlENT. W. X. OOBB. rralUnt. 3. A. FZSmT, Vie Pi. JOKX B. OBTX, CuhUr. x. s. uzsmzox, vio Tit, w. a. jaoksojt, . cehir. K if) ) m$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ Sportsmen Bnvo your trophla thla your. Tlioro will bo uono to navo In n few year. Thla cut abowa wbon to cut tho akin. Noror cut tho front ot a door's (ncclc. Call at Ilumpbrey'a Ouu Btoro and got a pamphlet frco, tolling bow to aavn Ranio hcniln, blrda nud aklna for rtiRM, publlahod by F. W. BARTLETT TnxklrmilHt Mrtlford, On?Ka ww Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 120 GARNETT-OOREY BLDG. V00ff BAGGAGEANDEXPRESS HENRY M. MARSH All orders promptly attended to night or day. Short and long hauls. Moving household goods a specialty Union teamsters. Office 51 S. Front Pacific 4171 Home 80 Residence Main 613 HOTEL MEDFORD A Most Modern Hotel European. Opened September 19, 1911. Splendidly arranged in every respect. Excellent Cuisine. '. aEracwn Rates $1.00 Per Day Up. RAU-MOHR CO., Proprietors. issttrt i4em Our New Location The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company is now lo cated in the College Block on N. Grape Street Southern Oregon Electric Co. ,t 1U1 " i-L Grocery BaigahsJL CN'rl 1 M...A ilBSHrf III II tr-y IHIO f-fr U Z, r2CJy i Wm w ti-ii,- bargains that are bargains. Food can not be a bargain unless it has all the puri- ity and nesH that makes you healthy and strong when you cat it. pRIOJO is no guido to valuo at this grocery. Cheap food does not moan poor food hero. Wo have studied tho grocery question and your tastes so closoly that our prices will surprise you as agreeably as tho quality of tho goods. Thoy aro by far tho choapost and best in this town. Como in todjiy and in spect thorn. ALIEN GROCERY CO. 80.40 H . 0 IS N T It A L AVIS, I 1 l'4'-f'' i V.