-r ornnfn Hltlicai 8o.c1elS city Hall '-" SUBSCRIBERS rnlllnif to irtt iHpr wUI liv ofm dllvri(l tiy phonltif of (to by 0 p, in, MEDTORD MAIL TRIBUNE WEATHER Cloudy Max. 08 Mln. I3 ltd. Hum. 27. Dully Hlxlh Ymr. 1'iirly.Klrnt Vriir. MEDITORD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 19.11. No. ICO. BATTLESHIP BLOWS UP; 300 DEAD WITH FEZ AND FIZ THEY SCORN BIZ; SHRINERS? SURE TIS CITY GREETS NO E OM '&.S FAR UNO NEAR All Sections Of Slnlo Represented By Members Of The Order Of the Mystic Shrine City In Holiday Attlro. CONVICTS TO UD 00 IMPERIAL POTENTATE GREETED BY HUNDREDS First Pilgrimage Of All Hllali Temple Provlnu To De A Groat Success. Now il no happened during tliu reign of Illustrious Potentnto Oruut of lllllali Temple, thnt tt special dis poiiHiition was grunted hint and his follow nobles liy Imperial Potrnt.ito ' .1. F. Truat (May Allnli Mesa him) v givinu unto tin-in tliu privilege of pitching their louts on the cool tin it refreshing oasts of Modford, desert of Oregon, it ml thoru holding a cor moiiiul Ni'foilon under tho uuhpiccH of . llilhih Temple. Now it hitmn to pusn Ihut on llio J5th ditv of (ho tunth month Shnwwnl tj" , BwilWU, Mohammedan calendar, .thorn f?bpm0pr' :iiih!rA nt'lha'onftlil nforcmuhttnifcd many nobles and son of shirks from till partH of tho dcriort, and having gntliorod ami refreshed themselves they found that tunny uuregenoruto miih of tliu dnttert had gathered ami petitioned to lit' allowed to join the caravan in itK pilgrimage to the holy oily, and to enjoy the leaching of the. wIko men. And after council hud ' been held it wart decided that the miiih of tlio desert should go with them, not an iino of them, hut rather ah NcrvuutH unto them, and hearer of 4 burdens, until such timu ns they Hhould he able ami willing to endure lint Moslem IchI of eon race, faith and , fidelity. And it wan g'uen tint peti- tioiiH strictly in charge that Hhould they fai to undergo tint trials of those noble attributes that tliev Hhould depart and live forever in the tentH of tlio infidels. Now on approaching the ohms of Med ford tliu vast concourse of n-i-IiIch discovered that tlio peace loving people of that oithirt hud heen ap. prised of their coming and had made r overtures of poneo hy gaily dooornt- " ing nx If in honor of the caravan. On entering tlio oasis' tlio nobles found flags ami banners of their colors thrown to tlio four winds in HotiouH v nhaudon whilo everywhere tlio iitys- k lio Hvmbols of their fnith woro iIIh. played. Thin pleased tlio nobles " mightily and they spoko words of prniso and commondntion. Tito rosi- dentH of tliu soolion hoinir a peace loving pcnpln engaged In the tending of their Hooks, Iho tilling of the ground and tlio cultivation of their vineyards expressed delight in ro ttoiving strangers from tint four qunilcrs of tlio globo, hut in ord or thai I hoy infill, not have their laws t ' and regulations ruthlessly ignored ami violated thoy throw open oil Iho gales of Iho oily ami placed nil f Iho favored spots at Iho disposal if tho nobles. In thin way no conflict nroHi) and Iho sojourners found com plele and unmolested rest and ro kt' freshmenl. . Now it onmo to puss that hooii '" after the nrrival of Iho great ourn- 1 van that Iho nobles woro uppriKod of ( - Iho proHonoo of J. V. Trent ( Way Al- ) lah IUchh him) who qnmo mi a , , loiiK and wonryKomo journoy in order " to retteivo their iiIokiuiol Bo Iho ', RubBorvimint to IiIh wihIi hut ho ho- inj apprised of their loyally lalij ' ' nnido IiIh Hcoplro for a 8moo and 1 i!(iialily. Thou wIIiIvhI hooiioh of en joyment woro enaolod, Many inolh- oiIh ot providing plcnHuro woro cm- )oyi'd, And it ciiino- to piiBH that ho pllKniniiKo whk a reat hucochh and tho nohlos woro plouHed. CRATER LAKE Governor West Pledges Aid in Con struction Of Road Which He Re. gards As State Highway 25 To Como At First. COUNTY MUST FURNISH FOREMAN; SQUARE DEAL wnomn SBIHWllVNWnMMnPMnWHnMinaaMHMHMlnv"nBlBaiCMHHHaMMH ffl&.v- ' '!" ' .rmBSffiSBSfflsam WHMHIM-H I I II , mi I !! ! u, .1,1. IK ! II .Mil . . -MiaaMMVWMIMMHHMMiaaBH Says Crater Lnko Is Oregon's Great est Scenic Highway Urges County To Guild Roads. I!1 Fully fiOO niomliorfl of Iho ordor of llio Myutto Shrlnu nru in tlio oily Tho French crulnor Mborto, which wns reckcl In tho illenstcr In Toulon harbor today, wan one of tho three wnnililiM attending tho lludnoii-Fulton colohrntlon two yonra ago. The othor vesbola which acoctnpanled tho Ll 1)0 r to woro tlio Vcrlto nntl tho Juatlco. Thoy ench coat 112,000,000, "Upon rc()iicl of tho Jcnknon conn, ty court, I will next November or Do comtmr, noml twonty-flvo cohvlctH to work upon tho Crater Lnko hlKliwny, thn tiitmhor to ho Incronnod Inter )f dettlreil. Tho cotivlctn will bo f urii ImIicJ thu county free, but miiHt ho well fed and taken cam of," Hlnto (lovernor Went Hiyuluy lieforo bU do parturo for Bnlont. llo outlined IiIr phiti tin follown: "Tlio ronvlctn will bo sent hero nlono Mini tinKiinrtled. I will person ally nelcH't thu prlaonom to tm no trtiHted, A fuw hiny brvnk their hon or pledge nml nttempt to uiicape, hut tdouJit-ltntnl;-mj;-cxifcrlcncc'Ho'far" junuiies my Doner. "Tho county muni furnUh n com petent foremnn. who will trent tho prUoncm oqunro. No IIMreutment will bo tolerated, and tho men will bo Inntriicied to return to Salem It not Klvon tt nqunro deal. "I will niimo a committee of Jnck- hoii county cUIioiih to cij-opornto wltli the county court In tho handling of tho men and In looking after them One of thorn will bo deputized iih n penltetitlnry warden with full author ity to net. I lo will bo hold rcupomil- bio for tho ncjlouti of tho convict. "I regard thu Grater Kako hlKhwny as properly a wtuto hlKhway, I heplcd to got tho Htato appropriation through for Itu coiiKtructloii. , If tt were pohbI tile, tho Htato Hhould "build It. Ah It Ih, the ntnto can aid itn comitructlou by furultthliiR labor and tho convicts tiro belter off in uuoriil occupation than In prhtou, "Thlti waH my flrHt trip to Crater like. It Ih beyond my pnworri to do- Hcrlbo Itu beauty. It Is, and always will be. one of tho great national won- doni of tho world Orogon'H greatettt hcoiiIo titiriKitlou. "Tho Hokuo river Ih tho mont beau tiful river 1 hnvo ovor neon and I have Heen every Btream In Oregon. Other riven tiro botautlful In npotb, but thn Itoguo In a continuous pitno rnuiiv of beauty, "Thero Ih no question nt nil but Hint tho Crater Lnko highway will rank among thu great nconln driven of tho world, but In Itu coiiHtruetlou, Uh hcciiIo poKHlhllltlcH uhould hi) iiuiilo tho IllOHl of. "JackBon county Iihh n great oppor tunity to become n tourlnt renter. It Hhould griiHp tho opportunity nt onro. llulld your hlghwayH and build them aa boon an ponHlhle." MADERO WILL BE ELECTED PRESIDENT MKXIGO CITV, Me.ieo, Sept. Itf. Tho eleoliou of Franeis I. Mado ro h pronident of the repuhlio is to Karded iih a foregone eonolusion hero today. Inlori'Hl in Iho context con torn mainly on tho race for tho vice proHidenoy helween Joso l'ino Sumex, FranoiHen DoLallarrn and Dr. Fran e'tHeo Qomor.. Tho eampaign without inHitoH ami ia lielnu fought on por Honal linen. loilay for Iho firnl pilgrimago of llil hih Templo. Tho affair takes on lidded imporlaneo owinj to tho pros-' eneo of John F, Trent, imporial po tentate. Tho only foaturo to ho enjoyed hy tho puhlio nt lnro will ho tho hltf Htreot partulo at ! o'oloul;. COLD GREETING FORJR. TAFI Farmers In Heart Of Insurgent Kan sas District Stand Glum And Si lent As President Speaks Hardly A Cheer Or A Handclap. COFKKKVII.LK, Kiiiih., Sept, 2.", With hardly a ehocr or a handclap to greet him from the 30,000 persons who thronged abbot tho stand from which he spoke, l'rcflidcnt Tnft de- lfejlrdJtcn5,to,day'v,ve,lo,meBKiige on the wool, cotton and other bills Tho fanners in the heart of tho insur gent district stood glum and silent us tho president voiced his defem-c. "Hound ns 1 was hv platform pledges," he naid, "lo see that Amer ican industry jvas sufficiently pro tected, I could do nothiiij; hut with hold my signature from the hills." On arrival here President Tnft breakfasted nt the Country Club nnd then autoniohiled through tho streets. He spoko from a temporary stand in the main plana of tho town. REIGN OF TERROR ON IN ROSSIA ST. I'KTKIISlllMin. Eydtkulmcn, Sept. Ufi.--Whether Slolypin was killed as a result of a genuiuo revo lutionary voll or at tho instance of other government officers who hated his policy there is no doubt that the Hussion tervorist organization is on. tho ovo of a fresh period of activity. Tho premier is by no means tho first officer to meet death at an as HnsHin'H hands recently. Ho was merely so prominent Hint tho news of his denth could not ho suppressed, That of the victims who preceded him has thus far heen pretty effect ually hushed up hy tho government, whioh ohjeets to encouraging- the rev olutionary element hy letting it be come generally known ho wsucooss ful tho terrorists have been lately. llcginuing six weeks ago thero fol lowed in rapid succession tho kill ing of the assistant prosecutor, the deputy usMstnnt prosecutor and the assistant chief of poiico of Tamhoff and tho l7-year,-old son of Captain Ivurosh, commanding tho erui.Ser Finn at llolhiugforri in 11)0(1; tho serious wounding of tho governor of Koran tiuski prison, and tho suicide of a high police officer named Sasonoff. ARE YOU CRAZY? THEN ATTEND DANCES MOIIK1S PLAINS, N. J., Sept. '2Cu IlocnuHo ho holiovos thnt duuu ing is one of tho chief cures for in sanity, Dr. fl. D. lOvans, noted oxperl of tho Thaw trial, and hoad of tho Now Jorsoy slato insnuo asylum, states today thnt heroaftor all nurs es engaged hy him must ho willlnf to ten oli patients to dance, COST OF LIVING IS INCREASING Freely Asserted That In A Month Altitude Recerd Of A Year Ago Will Be Exceeded Sugar Higher Than In Years. ROAD STRIKE N0WPR0SPECT Conferences Will End Tonight And Action Is Expected Tomorrow No Statement Is Made Regarding Situation. NKW YOKKSepl. 25. ricei f foor products nro soaring bo rapid ly that it wnsi freely asserted in wholesale circles' todnv that within another month ))g, altitudo record of uycnrng"d -wu"a ho exceeded and that hy tho firt of the year the necessities of life would he out of reach of tho common people. Wholesale dealers make no effort to mitiimixo the situation. Sugnr is higher thna since tho civil war days; coffee is daily advancing; eggs am butter nro almost prohihi vo; potatoes nro selling; for ? for 10,1 pounds; other products aro pro portionately higher, making tho out look gloomy for those with limited moans. ITALY AND TURKEY ARE NEAR CLASH Italy's Attempt To Seize Tripoli Has Awakened Turks To Fact That They Must Fhjht To Retain Dis puted Territory. ALL RESERVES HAVE BEEN SUMMONED TO COLORS All Italians Have Been Ordered To Leave Turkish Territory War Seems Near. CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. 25. The first nrmy corps is beine; mobi lized for embarkation to Tripoli lo reinforce 30,000 troops already there in readiness to oppo.se the Italinu seizure of that colony. NO DIG FIGHT IN ENGLAND LONDON, Sept 2G. Tho clergy of Hugland, who hfavo been making Htrcn efforts to put a quietus on tho proposed heavyweight fight between Jack Johnson, world's heavyweight champion, and Uombnrdlor Wolls, En glish champion, won their victory to day, when it wns nnoininccd here that tho fight will not take plnco. Tho announcement comes ns n rc Biilt of tho stand tnkon by Winston Churchill, tho homo secretary, who declared thnt unless tho promoters voluntarily nbumloacd tho match ho would put tho nmttor in tho hands of n magistrate and havo both Johnson nnd Wolls bouiu' over to keep tho peace.' DAVENPORT. Iowa, Sept. 25. With international officers of tho va rlous crafts conferring bero with President O'Conncll ot the .machinists union', tho indications today are strong tfiat the allied trades of tho Harr'man lines will strike. Tho conference with President O'Connell w'll end tonight and action Is expected tomorrow. Both Presi dent O'Conncll and the other officers of the dlfefrcnt crafts refuso to mafco any statement in regard to the situ ation, but It is said to bo very grave, and tnht a strike is imminent. A report on tho general conditions along the Harrimaa lines will be made on tho floor at tho machinists conven tion hero this afternoon. FIRE STARTED E N S OR ROOM NEAR POWDER Everywhere Explosion Is Regarded As-An Evil Omen, Coming On Heels Of Peaceful Settlemnte Of Mer oc ean Difficulties. CRUISER LIBERTE OF FRENCH NAVY ON SCENE Warship Republique Near By Was Badiy Damaged And Is Placed, In Drydock. LOWER MARKET FOR TOP STEERS PORTLAND, Sept. 23. lleeeipts for tho week were 21140 eattlo; 111 calves, 171-1 hogs; 2351) bheep nnd 10 horses. Packers and buyers started in llio week fairly well loaded with supplies ami the increased offerings of oat tlo caused a lower market, Steers, especially the heavy classes, wore from 25 to .10 cents less than the week previous. Thoro was a more frequent call for cows and hutohor cattle and tho market on this class ranged more hlaedy. Tho calf mar ket wns steady, Tho constant arrival of Eastern East and tho matter of quality eased lllrv tnrr omrlrllf HO IV lilll Ollfl Inh of tops sold at $8.00, with extra' heavy as low ns $7.00. Tho sheep market wns stonily to strong, with top Iambs at $5.00, FOWLER THINKS HE WILL CROSS EMIGRANT GAP, Cnl., Sopt. 25. After having circled above Cisco, JO miles further east than ho has yet been, Aviator Robert G. Fowler is today timing up his machine for the hi- test to Summit. Fowler is solving the problem of the air currents by degrees, and Lo thinks when ho passes Summit he will havo no further trouble, ne claims ho was up over 8,000 feet yes terday and that another day's flight will seo him over tho Sierras, llo probably will try again tomorrow. LITTLE CASH IN DEFENSE FUND LOS ANOKLKS. Sopt. 25. ered by a lack of funds with w carry on proper Investigations preparation of tho coming trial will undoubtedly start October dofueso in tho enso ot John Jabos n. McNnmnra Is today faeo with a serious proposition Hanip- hlch to n tho , which 11, tho J. and faco to BLIND JAN CHOPS HOLE, ESCAPES EIRE PORTLAND, Ore, Sept. 25.--With their rooming houso in flames, and a solid wall of fire hlookim; their way to safety, Peter Schiltzo, blind pro prietor of a rooming housa at Tenth and Hoyt streots, saved himself and wifo from incenorntion by hopping through tho wall with an ao, VIENNA, Sept. 25. Private ad vices from Constantinople say that Turkey is fighting mad. Italy's at tempt to seize Tripoli has awakenc-j the whole country to the realization that it must fight to retain the dis puted territory, and all classes are rallying to the support pf the gov cniment. All the reserves have been sura nioncd to the colors and an order expelling all Italians from Ttu-kw'i territory has been signed by the Sul tan and is in the hands of the pre mier ready for issuance when it is certain htat war must come. Steamer Reputed Seized. If Italy invades Turkey the fight ing will be most bitter. The report that Turkish officials at JTersina had seized the Navignz ione Gcnernlo Itnliana's steamer Re gion jrarghcrita is unconfirmed, al though generally believed to bo true. Italy's attempt to acquire Tripoli is alarming European capitals and it is feared it will re-open the Mediter ranean problem. Fifty thousand Italians hnto large financial interests in Tripoli. AH hope of affecting an amicable settlement between Italy and Turkev in tho Tripoli altercations seems to have been abandoned, and Italy'rf purjwse, it is stated, is to strike be fore Franco and Gormnny have final ly concluded tho Moroccan negotia tions. Forces Available. It is unofficially announced today thnt tho Itnlinn troops have landed bn tho coast of Tripoli, taotily declar ing war with Turkey, and that 112. 000 reservists havo been called to tho colors and will bo held in readi ness to embark at a moment's notice Besides these reservists, Italy has n force of 60,000 men available for for eign service, and it is stated thnt all of theso troops will compriso tho first expedition. No official coufinnntiou can bo ob tained of theso reports. There is the strictest censorship of newspapers, which nro threatened with diro penal ties if they publish anything regard ing the military or naval movements. It was beliove.l until todiy that Turkey had given i-.tle credonco to reports of Italian war preparations but plans for nuynientinp tho forcer, in tho disputed territory nro now be ing devised. Thirty thousand Turk ish troops aro nov in Tripoli. CITY DADS PULL DOWN BILLBOARDS GRAND HAPIDS, Mich., Sept. 25. Determined to rid tho city of tho billboard ovil in tho downtown dis tricts, Mayor Georgo Elliss and 24 nldonuen mndo an attack on tho signboards and demolished four tho largest ones. TOULON, France, Sept. 25. At least 300 officers nnd men of the cruiser Libcrto are dead hero today through the destruction of the cruis er which blew up and sank in tho roadstead off this port early today. Only about 100 members of the crew of tho warship escaped, they swim- minc; to shore when tho vessel, af ter soaring skyward in a terrific ex plosion, settled back in tho water and sank like a plummet. Tho instruction of tho Libcrte strikingly parallehrtftrWowratJwf tho battleship Maine in Havana Jiar bor and early accounts of the disas ter followed by the wildest excitement throughout the country. The warship Republique was badly damaged and was hurriedly placed in drydock. The explosion broke the Liberate in two nnd tho forward part lies at tho bottom of the harbor upside down. PARIS, Sept. 25. The minister of marine is preparing to render aid to tho families of tho victims of tho Liberte explosion. Everywhere tho explosion is re garded ns an ovil omen, coming on the heels of tho peaceful settlement of tho Moroccan difficulties with Germany. According to Captain Jaures' re port, there were 32 officers on tho warship. One-third of tho officers and 72 men had been given shore lenvc over Sunday and tho remain der of the lost crow were sleeping betwen decks. Tho minister of marine thinks that the fire started in tho storo room ad jacent to the magazine and short circuited the electrical wiring, caus ing tho explosion. As the sailors took their posts for fire drill, slight explosions wcro felt, followed hy flames bursting out nil over tho af ter quarter. Explosions then followed at brief intervals, the third shooting tho lira mast high. By this light tho crew was visible fighting tho flames from tho magazines. HARRINGTON CASE MAY BEPUT OVER LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Sept. 25. When tho enso of Attorney John IL Harrington of counsel for tho AIc Nnmara brothers, eitod for rontenipt for refusing to nnswoi questions propounded by tho graq-l Jury, cornea up boforo Judgo Hordwoll this after noon, Attornoy Leeompte Davis will likely ask that tho matter bo fcI ovo? until after tho Times trial. Tho do fonso maintain!; tho Harrington case is parallel with those of Mrs. Ortio MeMonigal and Goorgo Bchm, who woro cited for contempt in refusing to nnswer questions bearing on tho McNumara enso. OTTAWA, Ont., Sept. 25. Sir Wilfrid Lnurier, tho dofoatcd promior of Canada, is preparing to go to Cali fornia whoro ho will resf for two weeks boforo taking tip the leader ship of the opposition nt Ottawa. 4 i. V