Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 23, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 9

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Our Correspondents
Mr. itiul Mik. Cliitn, KrtlKir, who
llvo niwir Oiilnil Point, lurlml n fow
bourn lit JiicIimoiivIIIu Tliuimlity.
Jiieknouvlllti witti full of InwyorH
tiKiiln thin wnvlc oil liunliiKHii huforu
tlit) circuit court.
Jllllll'H A. WllllOII )llH llt'l'll III .luck-
mnivltlo llilit wonk,
Minn (lrnco NuInoii Iiiih rutin nt'd to
linr huniu In HtitrlliiK precinct nftiir
n nliort roftlduwo In Jiitiltminvlllo.
ty, Calif., noun) Unit! iik.
.IiiiIko nitil Mm. K. 11. Wat no n of
fl'ortliinil urn vUHIiik In .liicltHouvllln'
tln'lr (oriuur liotiic,
J. II. llooiunu uml J. K. Duvlilnoii or
(lolil Hill, Mr. ami Mrit, J. U. Cloud
llvo of Wooilvllli", iiindo JnckKOiivllln
) lltlHllll'ltrl Vlltlt tlllH VVOUU.
Attorney (J. U. Itcaimm, V. 11.
U'lilpim. 0. II. Lttwlor and Mi-Culm of
Modfurd, J. U. Iliiiuiiu'rnly of Gold
lllll, C. II. Witt ho n, II, I). llrlKKH and
II. V. UlcliardHon of Ashland worn
Intro durliiK thu wk on profcwiloual
J. Nunnu Ih riiHtlcatliiK at tho Do
jIiik initio on HlorlliiK inonntiiln,
J, l. Dnvln of Apl'Rto tnrlod n
day In Jacknonvlllo latoly.
Itov, Mr. HodKun, rocmitly of Now
.York Htnte, Iiiih bon ntmlKmtd to tint
liitdtomto of tlm PrfMhyti'iian church
of JnrkMonvlIlK and arrived hero with
hU family a fow day bko. Tlmy aro
at homo at tho fornmr rcttlih-tiio or
MIhh Km nut ArniNtroiiK.
Itttv. CharlcB Johnitton had ki to
Balfm to nltt-nd the tuuiunl confor
onto of tho M. K. church.
Ulydo Hhaw mado Modford frlcndn
n visit Tliuriday.
Harry Thrnithor of (Irautii I'anii tar
rlod at JnoknonvlHu tho foropart of
thn witok. whllo on IiIm way to Han
I'. I', rtwayno ami A. H. Kloltihnm
mor of Applt'Knto woro atl ho county
neat a fow tlayM iiko.
A. n, J. I'urclval haH uwu ovor
from Mfdford nevttral tluu'tt lutnly.
lid Andrew, tho huatlliiK Rood
rimilH advocato, ha bruit a rathor
frequent slitlior In Jackwonvlllo late
ly. I)r. I). J, H. Poarco of Toorman'o
Crook wan amoiiK liln Jacknonvlllo
frlcndn Friday.
Dftvld ronco of Trail and I. N.
Low In of ApplKUtu worn .In Jackntyi
vlllo oho day thin week.'
Chan. Iloofft of l.ako Crook hrouRht
a lot
a loud of oKotaho to Jacknonvlllo
tiiintoniorri Monday,
JnnioH O. Watnon, an attorney of
UonchurK, hut boon ttpondluR a fow
day la JackHonvlllo, IiIk natlvu town.
Monmln. l.orlmor, Ireland and Hay.
hn aro lutorontod In tho inlna at
Mineral Hill, wore In Jacknonvlllo
it fow ttnytt nlnco, on tholr way to
Htorllnn. Thoy are well pletmcd with
John Devlin, MIIom Contrail and
Walter llontwlck woro amoiiR tho
many In Jacknonvlllo during the
Minn aKte Chapman nan cloned her
millinery entaldlnhmoiit and will re
move (o OnintH I'iiiih.
MIh llinma Arumtronf of Portland
In makliiK her old homo In Jacknon
vlllo a vlnll.
A. T. l.uiidrKon, tho minor, han ro
turned from tho copper holt, where
ho linn law Interenln.
A. Clantnlnch, who linn been build
Iiik a nchool houno In Moadowa din
trlct for r J. tho contractor,
Ih In Jacknonvlllo hkiiIii. Ho broiiKht
a pair of fine deer hornn homo with
Mra. 0. I). Woodman of Itabbltvlllo
ban boon vlnltliiK rolatlvon and frlondn
IIvIiir Jacknonvlllo.
Clark Hiiviiko ol' Siiviijjo crook,
wan here on n Imihiiiohh tlip Kriilny.
M. Klwooil mill daiiKlitcr ol' Kuui
Valley, aro viHillnj; I'ricnilrt luuo.
Miri. Alice Aruintroiir l' !" An
(olort, Cnl.( in lioro vimtin her hIh
tor, iMw. Helen I'nlilwell.
A. P. Oillollo will prcnuh at llio
M. K. fliun-li Sumluy evoiiiiiff.
Mr. Worlmnn one of I hi proprio
loi'H ol' tlm I'imiiiiiK fuolory, will stion
with ii load of oau kooiIk for Klum-
lllll FllllH.
Hill MorriK Iiiih iiiovimI IiIh family
from tho country into tho Willie
Tim Mnrjorio Miimlevillo Co. will
pluy liero lltix evening (Saturday) t'l
I ho' opera houno. Thin company Iiiih
lii'Pii here before ami every body who
lionni them wiih phmHcil with thoni,
and it ih liopotl (hat they will have
a full Iioiiho thin (iiio.
Dr. I'ollinly. of Metlfonl, wh vin
itiiitf fiicntlH hero (ho laut of tho
, Crniifill nml I. 0. Itnliinnll aro pul
liuu up u now waroliniifio liaoL' of
Iheir htoro,
' ' '
lUiklDB for llMltb. "
.Mi-H, II. (', KIiuoIh nml chihliru,
of Anlih, iipi'iit n fuw iluyn at llio
.Minion 'fryer homo.
Hum Kobinoii, who Iiiih livotl
aiottml (IiIh vicinity for u iiiiiubur
of ,eiu'H, ilicil at liia home Knlur
thiy. l-'uiioral HorvieeM were held ul
u'ni family icmIiIoikmi Monday.
A pin ty of yotiiif; pcolu nttemled
the tlmiee at l'lioeulx Katimluy iiIkIiI.
Ilov. Mr. Kuiith of AhIiIiiihI, filled
Mrx, Monriiiii nml dntiKhler Kthel
the pulpit at the M, 11. chinch Kim-
.tml him fhoHtor, lelt for their home
Montana, They huvo been vinitiu
at tho home of W, I-. Dunn.
John HikIkcoii wan an Ahhluml vIh
llor TiieHtlay,
M!hm Kdua llirleh kiivc mi enter
taiiimeiit nt tho M. E. church Tiich
tiny evoiiiiiK.
MiH. Weliioin IIi.m.'hoii anil Mr. ami
.Mr. J. K. 1'ohh left for Sncrnineiilo
Haturday morning;. Mr, Fokm iiitoudH
to o mi to Hmilii Monica, Cal.
Minx Natalie Swigert of AhIiIiiiiiI,
wh in Talent Weilnhilay trying Ij
orptuiro a ehiHH in mimic.
MIhh Kmuia Varubui'i; left for the
eawl lant Tuenilay.
Mr, Copfliinil ami her mother.
Mr. Tucker, left for Myrtle Creek,
their future home.
1. II. Fuller wiih a liuniucHH
in AmIiIiiiiiI WedueHilay.
Fern Fokh, It lit Ii Kuudall and Alice
Vamler Kluiii were Attlilaiul vlnitorx
Mr. I. 1,. Stewart, receiving no
tice of the hcrioui illiionK of her wih
ter at Klamath Fall, left for that
place Thutday.
Ceo. Trickier of Modford, autoed
over ami Npeul .Sunday afternoon
with Mr. ami Mr. F. C. Smith.
Harold A;or f WortliiiiKlon,
Minn,, arrived Wetlnenday and will
teaelt nchool in thin vieeiuity.
I'eter VamlerSluiH ami .Ian. .Miir-y
are Hpcmlim; a fow da.VH hunting in
the inoiiutaiiiH.
Mih Anna Smitli Iiiih been forced
to ininh hchool on account of biek-
An eiitertaiiimeiit ami lecture
eoiirno funiishetl by tho Meuley l.y
couui Iliireau, ban been arranged un
der the iitinpiccK of the M. K. chiireh
anil eompriNCK tho following iium-
born: Menely tmartettu ami Itaymoml
McCord; Minrf Hell Kearney, lectur
er; Jim. I). HarMley, lecturer, carton
iht ami crayon iiitict; Cal. John So
bioHka, Polish lecturer ami Iticholtp
Concert Co. and Header. The pco
plo of Talent Iiiih furnished the
"iinrnutcc, ho tho course is assured
Season ticketH uro two dollars. A
very low rate will bo made to boiii
fiily heboid htudeuts. Doctor Portion
or F. C. Smith will answer tpiestions.
Mr. ami Mrs. M. K. Tryer were vis.
iting in Metlfonl Tuesday after
noon. MUs Partita Smith was a visitor
in Ontiits Pahs Saturday,
Mix, Uoy Suamau and little daugh
ter arrived from Wootl villa Friday
morning, iimU will visit relatives in
MihS Julia Stewart was in Ashland
Friday. Fred Krwin also visitetl the
same place.
Marion Tryer was in Metlfonl on
business Thursday.
P. ,1. Noff mid V. C. Meahty wore
in Talent atteudiug city council Mon
day night.
CIllCAdO, 111. Judge Peter ,?.
tlrosseup of tho United States Dis
trict Court of Appeals, yet may have
to resign, according to report here.
His friends aio advising him to ig
iioio the alleged report of Laurence
Kilchie, former United Slates secret
service officer, insisting that there ih
nullum: Horious in tho data claimed to
have been gathered to the discredit
of tho jurist.
CIIICAdO. Ill.-lteforonduni vole
on the (piestiou of forming a new
labor party, submitted by the Illinois
l'otleratioii of Labor is overwhelm
ingly against u new nolitical orgaui
ration. It is said here today thai
lio result of the vote is pleasing to
the Initio unionists mid tho socialists
alike, as the former favor llio policy
of llio American Federation of Labor,
which is to support good men on uilh
or of thu old party tickets,
.Marriage Mccone.
T, Kail May and Lillian II. Dug
gnu. Now Case.
Kdwin P. Hiiuhes vh. V. A. Dunlap.
Action lo recover money. (J. C. Me-
Allisler alloiuoy for plaintiff.
LOS ANOKLFS, Cal. Ueeausu
she reminded him of tho Mary Mag
thijeuo painting which hangs in (he
Melropolilan art gallery, Now York,
Henry Levins, head ol llio depart
inent of drawing nml painting at the
College of Fine Arts, University of
Southern California, married his
model, Miss Klemior .loluihou of Den
ver, nml will devote (he rest of bin
life, if necessary, ho pays to humor
tnlizo on canvas an imlel'iuihle some
thing which he declares typifies the
soul ol woman and wheh is perfect
ly cNpresseil in tho countenance of
his wife,
i iii ii.
Hailjtuo tor Uoaltn. "
HAN FKANCIHCO, Cal.--Tho nui
tlenlffiud corpse of it woman found
high on the beach Friday, is occupy
ing iillcntloii of thodcteetivcH, who
fear that there jruty have been foul
play. The hotly, which vmih dressed
ami appealed to ho that of a woman
in good drcuuiMlniicoH about f years
of age. In llio hair wiw a plain lor
tolge shell pin, mid on the breast a
pin of iiuinuo design. Wound about
two gold coniiicopliiH placed on a
gold leaf wn woven hair, tied in the
center with u lover knot.
Hnnklnn for Hcnlth. -
I'robalo (,'ourt.
Kit ale (Jeo. W. MelCnight.' Order
eonliiining the atdH of an mlmiiiistra
tor. Kstalo D. McCoy. Order admit
ting will to probate ami apstiiiting
W. T. Orieve adiiiinislralor nml Marx
Whippel, Carl Kiilile ami .1. V. Ja
cobs appraisers. AtlminUtratorh
bond Ulctl.
Kstale Frank C. KuoK. Inventory
ami appraisement Hied showing es
tate valued nt $1(12:1.82.
Circuit Court.
P. Olesen Karl vh. Sophenia .1
(Mi) (lore et al. Order appointing
guardian ml litem for defendants,
Hlanehe Maule ami John Maulc.
.1. 0. Ifigu' vs. II. H. V. Orchard
Co. Judgment for plaintiff.
Sylvester Patterson et al vh. City
of Ashland et ul. Order amending
eoinplaiul an stipulation.
James Barrett vs. Marion Hun
yard. Order for publication of sum
mons. W. C. flreen ami Hert Anderson vs.
II. 0. Wilkinson et al. Suit to tpiiet
title. Dcetee granted.
K. W. Clems vh. K. M. Clems. Suit
for divorce. Decree granted.
Oracc Humphrey vs. Alto Hum
phrey. Suit for divorce. Decree by
K. M. Mcliitire vh. K. A. Shanufelt
et ill. Suit in etpiity to foreclose
mortgage ami deed.
Order makiiii; J. II. Kelly party de
fendant to suit.
In the matter of the assignment
of T. .1. Kenney. an insolvent. Or
der to make deed ttf correction,
Charles Knr.uly vs. Ahbio Morlcy.
(llair.e and C. II. Glair.o and Kdward
W. Morlcy. Order to take depoji
tiou. K. M. Savage vs. J. C. Oodlovo it
aal. Suit to rescind contract. Case
tried and evidence taken and continued.
MCNCIK, Intl. Deposition are
heiiic taken here today for use in the
McNamara dynamiting eases in Imh
Angeles, Dctccthc William J. Hums
was here recently nml obtained the
register of tho Vaughmi Hotel, where
Orlie McMauigal is supposed to hnve
stopped under the name of "J. ".
Medraw." Depositions conceniinjj
McMuuigul's operations whilu in
Mnuce are beinj; taken.
Whllo nhopitlni; the most nnnoylni;
IbliiK for mo Ih to have someone try
to null mo nomethliiK "just an good"
when 1 ank for Nowhro's llorplcldo.
To bo miro there aro not many drug
Rlnts who do thin, but what fow
there are should know that such n
policy will destroy tho cutstouior'a
confltlence. When thoy try It on mo
I never wait for tho story, simply
hunt a store where thoy will soil mo
what I want.
It In absurd for nnyono to say that
ii preparation Is as good an llorplcldo.
I don't think thoy bellovo It them
boIvoh. livery drtiKKlnt knowH that
there Ih hut one genuine, original
dandruff Korm destroyer and that In
Xowbro's llorplcldo.
It keeps tho head free from dan
druff, prevents tho hair from coming
out and ntops Itching of tho scalp.
llorplcldo Ih realy a wonderful rem
edy which does junt what you want
and expect It to do.
One dollar size hottlcB aro guaran
teed. Hold by nil druglHts, Appll
catloim at Kootl harbor shops.
Soinl lOo In postago for a sample,
to Tho llorplcldo Co., I)ont, It., Do
tiolt, Mich.
Special Agents,
Near P. . Night ami Day.
"Just Say"
It Mutts
Original and GmuIm
Thi Feod-drink for All kg.
Moro healthful than Tea or CoIce,
Agrcea with tho weakest digestion.
Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted grain, powder form.
A quick lunch prepared in winute.
Take bo substitute. Ask for HORLICK'S.
Others are imitations
An tdfal retrrnt for outdoor pniitlmra
or nil kln.lit. IIUNTINO, I-'IHIMNO.
pretty water ocatm, iiioh nKnte.
mooM'SloticK, cnrnrllan can h fourifl
on (lie lunch. I'urn tnounuiti walijr
nnd thn tx-nt of tom t low price.
Prmli fish, clnntif, era In and oyster,
with Abundance of vei;cUble of all
klndii dully. ,
CamplBff OroaaOa Connlnt and At-
tractlre with Strict BanlUrr
rrora All otnt la Onron, Waah
lufton and Idalio, oo aal dall.
from Koultiern Pacific point Portland
10 Cottage Grove; alao from all C &
11 Rtatlonn Albnnr and west Good
Kolnit Koturday or Sunday and for
return Hunday or Monday.
Call on any B. P. or C. & n. Accnt
for full partlcularn an to farm, trnln
achedulea, etc.: alao for copy of our
llttiKtrntcl booklet, "OutlnKd In Ore
con," or write to
nral 7aaitsyr Atnt,
Portland, Orioa.
20 ncrett, llonr creek bottom montly, 6
lomn new limine, $2f,0 neti'
27 ncrew, 10 In iwo-yenr-oltl apple nnd
eiiri. IJOO ncre, clotto to Mtnllon
20 ncri'K, 7 In Ix-nrlnx apple, ImtancR
In ul fulfil. tCOOi).
II norvM, ul fnlfa ami venrn, $275 acre.
280 acre, t tC an acre, fine ntilirilvlalon.
2 ncrea 1'erry autidlvlaloii, nay term.
IS Acre: clone In; beautiful vlnw; fine
aoll S2C0 ncie; very tany trrtnn.
4 1-2 acre! licnrlnc orchard! water
rlKlili at're alao lenae on good paa
ture and liny land! al or trade.
1-2 acre, 4 -room hotiw, I SCO.
180 acte, 1 1-2 inllea from town In Wil
lamette valley, rich bottom and up
land, 100 acre cultivated, (food Im
provement, S12S acre.
Income properly, ronlnl, $126 monthly;
tnke good acreaKO.
flce Portland realdnnco for tfnrden land
600 acre aitli-dlddvldadldodn, finely lo-;
fitted In Ktimll town, lko town prop
erty 250 arre under ditch, 35 In alfalfa. U7S
Tillable, crent nati.
'610 ncre. 200 In wheat, 120 per ocre,
take alfalfa or fruit ranch
Waterfront tttorc building, income nmnn
II5UI) month, lake ul fulfil or fruit tract
C'rtHcent City properly for acreage
20 acre, IS In peara, cloan In fine build
ing lte and vlnw.
ISO-acre atock and alfalfa rnoeh; ISO
acre tillable; under ditch, 7S per
acre; take Income property
120 acre raw land: all fine fruit land;
toke any good property.
SO acre, tillable; $2000; take town prop
erty 20 acre, cleared; take residence In
,irl for general houaework.
Hty and ranch property ta Ut
I'our picker.
Klcht luborera.
I'our wnltheaae.
Two ranch hunda.
E. O. Trowbridgo, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
L F. I
ruwi amLDDia
Mian Staindeford'a
Piano .School
Piano, Harmony and Musical
Kxamlnrr for Now England
Concervntory of Music
In Boston
Makes a specialty of training
teachers. Sentl for testimonials
sad terms. PhonR 7211, 170
245 North OaktlAlc.
Wo carry a very complete line of
draperle. lace curtain, fixture, eta,
and o all claaaea of upholeterlnc. A
ipeclnl man to look after Uila work
exclualrely and will five ood
ervlce aa la poaalble to set In even
the larReat cltlea
Weeks & McGowan Co
Koulh Khcrsltlo
Nov antl UMo-l)ate Modern
In every imrtlrular, irnti cook
Inc. etc. Women ntul skirls mubt
brliiK rcfcrviueji.
Homo I'hono H1K.
On Riverside Ave.
L. B. BROWN, Proprietor.
Jfced, Flour, Seed, Vetch, "Winter Oats.
Barley Rolled.
Suffer with headaches? Others havo
my glasses. So niny you.
been completely rollcvcd by wearing ;;
f T Tl f 4T 1j U 'bP 'JCHiRiii. niacin i iw
I I mw arm I . vm sn arm I .. vmin..'.
JkA'V AXA'Vl.aVAWaVV M. "v " v " S
Life's a checkerboard after all.
Half tho happiness antl success lies
In having the best of everything. You
can get It where laundry woik Is con
cerned by sending ypur laundry
to attend to. We give every satisfaction.
Steam Laundry
Mcdford, Oregon.
ndl riione 1201 Home 05 II
Sunday, Sept. 24
Butte Falls and Return
Pacific & Eastern R. R.
Round Trip Only $2.00
Train leaves Medford at 8:14 a. m., arrives in
Mcdford at 7 p. m. This is the finest scenic trip
in all of Southern Oregon. You'll enjoy this 65
mile. rideanto Interior Oregon.
For Business
Scconri-llniul Store
nt 36 South Grapo Strcot.
Glvo uu a call nnd wo will treat
you fair.
Highest cash prleo tor second hand
goods of nil kinds.
That NOW is the time to replace your old fence with a new one. That it will improve the appear
ance of your properly fully FIFTY PER CENT if the fence U right and properly constructed.
That The Page Wire Fence
is best suited for tho purpose, ns it is made up of the best High Carbon Steel Wire that is found in
fencing; in addition to this, it is tho only fence which has the PAGE KNOT, and continuous crous
wire lo weave H together, henco it
1$ The Best Fence
that money can buy or modora science produce. Owing to each lino wiro being coiled before tho
fence is woven, Pago Fence is easily erected ove hilU and through dnlcs, without the necessity of i
-..ii:.... ....i ..i::.. it :. '
nt Adrian, Mich., nai Bhippcd by us in carload lots, direct from the FACTORY TO THE CON
SUMER, thus insuring tho greatest value at tho lowest possible price.
Let us show you why you should- use Pago Fence in preference to any other. We furnish,
without chargo, estimates on cost of fencing tracts, and contract to build fences complete.
Wo will figure with you on any amount of fencing, from one rod to a carload. If you are
wanting Fence, Gntcs, or either yow or cedar posts, lelt us figure with you. Wo furnish man and
tools nnd assist in tho erection of Page Fence without extra cost.
Distributors for Southern Oregon n nd Northern California.
ssss sstyis-iiisi Sm
Medford Conservatory
RLM Opens Tues., Sept. 26
i ..