Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 23, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 11

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-v f.y.
vmn mvn
sewVjW WMEms ,t 8C0nE0 A
teaa.iir-. ,
hf jslfHMfififgMBf ti 'WHBr' j TiPiflSHBBHHJ I 'L9
llio Improvement ot a treats' and laying
nf aownr In Incorporated clllc, runifor
Hi payment nfllm ebal tt rfilflh Improve
mollis, niiil JnyJiiK of rowers by Inslal
iihuiIn filed In tlm office of iiiK Henre
(illy nf Htnlu I'fiitrtlnry SZflil, J8K3,"
pinvml l'obruary 2ilfi, tool, nnd Is um
iililluiillon of llio city of Medford, afore
Ali niiil In nut to be detuned or tutn
to liw within or miy iwrl of lint llmliu
llon by liny a lo I Iiu Indt-blrdneiis f
fi.i Id city, mid II In further cerliried Unit
Mil llio, romilroiucnla of jaw have been
fully ooniiillcd wUJi by tho proper offi
cers In the Issuing of thin bond, nnd
Unit llln Join I itniount of Ibis lasun dons
not exceed tho limit prescribed by mild
7'hls born) la rede,e;nnhlo at the nfflci
of. hii Id treasurer Hi tb oiillon of (Im
city of Medford upon tho payment ot
ma rnnn value meri-or, wih ncaruitd In
tereat to tho dale of payment nt nny
p.uiii.nnuuiii iiouuon pcriou at or nrmi
Piio from the dnto hereof, on nro
vdfd In tmld Act.
ror tho fulfillment of tlm conditions
nf Ihlw obligation Hid faith Olid credit
of tho, Clly of Meilford are hereby
In witness wherenr UiIh bond linn been
signed by Hut mayor and attested by
I lin recorder of salt! Clly (if Medford and
tho torporuto still or tlm Clly of Med-
ford tin rp to rifflxnj Jhfn ,
dy of , A. I)., J911.
At ('"I:
i i a a
Recorder of tho JIty of Mmlfnrd
Krcllon 3 Knelt of mild bonds shall
Imv.o nlterhed therein twenty coupons,
each of which shall ho In the following
flITV Ot- MKM'Oltl)
HTATH HI' Olll-fillV
M'lll pay to the benrer . ...dollur
In KOlil Colli Of I lilt IIhIIliI Mini..- f
Ainfrlru, nt tho offlcn of l ho In-uHiiror
it ram L'ny, on i nil lny or
. . ,.., heliiK ilx miinllii) Inlir-
lt on Imiirovuiiirnt bond No m-
Um mild iionit In HooniT r,lr7n,l o
Kirrrin iiniviil(xi, tvillOll roilnlllpllon will
rendir tblw uoupon void,
TJm 'riiiinliiy nf MurKftri'i Mnu
wlui ri fiN)iiili!t fur Un "nli jlit
tliiK oujimily "JJuliy Mill"," tnlrril
itiiwiy wJjo Jini xoi'ii tlio Horoiiiiiinp
"('fun' the piililni, Ih Ntri'tif'tli niiil
,oiii!nnty Iiiim liiM-n ntleitlfil nml itn
innlnrtiou all oi'r tliu world iimkoK
In play n kU iiiiih of nittiiilitdv.
Jiiu iri.Htii4itiiu of "Ilitliy Mine"
What Mm) of Homnn Ih !' wlf ! Mctlfun! Tlirnlrn on Momlnv.
i'Mii I'vulvn it piny llint npponl l 1 !, Wi, coiniiij ilin-cl from oniniti,'
iimt itilnrrxtM nil liuinnii kinil, inn!
ciVM llii'iii n fmv liourt of iHUiluni
Hi fun mill nuitiit ooiiu'ily,
Mi Muyu i nimply u very dnmr
slinUinl of lit- doily ineiilmlx, nml m
(Minimi nf lifc'n tlniiij;
wlillu lookliik' fur tlio joyous him'
Infill fitlit to crcnlv pulilio ttiniKH'
inoiu nml ilhiiiuii. (juito riclillv
kIio bollitvi'i llmt H-opii prefer t
lmiuli limit to lie iiver unlcinii, nmljici
offurU to funiixli n eli!olo in "tin
wtty of nniiihiiitf eomeily in wlial
MItH Mni Iiiim pniviilnl In "Hal))
MIjiiv" ll it Wi(tiil n Ilia IriKKMii
niiil iiiol meefiil emneily offered
in (j life (hue nt Intnl.
T'1" jyiwr' lrrepltnn niiil nlile di
ruajjou of Malinger Win. A. Ilrndv
iuhjOuhIk fur lh piny lii'inu produeed
nml liiiiMiiuinif mi niitnedtiite hiicoon
'fir, uiijiiy repreneillniivn iiimintn
rnjgntri (lie piny n liein Ihinikni
ldv Tjxlnv Hit etiliro lluuilrienl
wnrjil Ijitretm Hint "l'iliy .Mine" In Hip
l"Sl ;ynly mid llionlrit nttrni'tioii
MIMiSllOHO, (Jal. Kticrnw De
Snlile, it Sun I'miieUeo oitpilnllM,
wi(lmve no mnniiiiiloH itrmiiid Iim im
Inljnl vniiilrv reiiilenee liere. II t i
liftvjiiiC it $10,0011 eniierele wall ittttde
In divert tin wnti'tM uf it cieuk in
Atliji-li Hnleelorn" lireed.
Soyenty Ycnrs Oltl nml Praises
T- v Wontlcrfiil Hyomcl.
ff- H "- ""
"l liud n Hovero nllnek of Idi
Orip. 'H left mo with lironcliilirt
n lAl eitlnrrlt of inv llirnnl. I !
oiiujn piiU tlenf li one ear n I
emlld yol henr a wnlelt liek. J eom
immeei nfiiitt; your IIYOMMI nml 'ii
Iinjor ami noon pit relief, and lie
lloi that It unveil my life. I Imvo
re'cpinuiemled il lo ninny. I nin oyer
fievciily yearn old, I have (old nev
ornj iiroiiiiiient iIiu'Ioth wlmt il did
fojit' Win. II. M"ywter, WitHliinu
ti If, J., H. Y, I). Marcli 1(1, 1011.
)r, ealarrli' iihljiiiin, liroiielillic,
eolj-lifi, eoldrt and ealarrlial denfiit"H
IIYOMJM Ih miaranleed by CIiiih.
Strain.', foinplelu mil fit jr.elinliiiK '
ImTtT fliiil lioltlo HYOMKI $1.00. non
nniloJotlleH IIYOMJCI if aflorwanlH
nceiled. HO aculx.
In oow Tort Tlieulre San Fntnn'weo,
will lie parlieulnrly intereMin, lu.
ttue it lirinjcH i.evernl of tliu well
'ciiowii player who have Jieen iden
iif inl herulofore only with Ihn loiif
run in New York and Chienno.
lltx-ordcr of tlm Clly or Mt'dford.
Hftlil muj'oim Hhnll bo nilnibcri-d from
on to twenty rtmpf-cllvoly.
HrcUon 4. Thu mayor nf said city In
ItnrHiy aulhorUed mid directed lo hIkm
uld bond urn) ihn oty r'cor.lnr to ctiuti'
lnrnlKii Ihn Kiiina by allucbliiK thereto
lh rl of uld olty, nil on tKihnlf of
aid city,
Krellon B, Tlie recorder of unlit clly
IH linriiby lln:lMt lo ivt.'lMlr unlit band
jnil liiilnhcr tlm minio on th blunk pro
Vldfd therrfor In tlm forcKnlinc form In
rtcrordBiico Willi htntlvo sua of void
codr mid utiitutt'N of tbo Blulo or Oro
koo, Hjctlon 6 Tm rwonlvr fit tbo Clly
Of Madfonl In llreliv llr..l.l in .,li...'
Mho KUld bond fpr aln mid thai tho
?m? W b0 0,,' for ,l "iKbfiit prlcp
ubtnlnubln, not ten than par wild ue
I crind Inl.rrnl, nnd In nald ndv-rtln-j
iiu-tit hu Mlinll annooncn that he will
N-cYlvp netd proionulN for llitt purchnmj
! "J "aid bond or any Mirlon tboruof
hi in lien in nny imin onrurn 4 30 p.
Il Rlmll publlNb ?ld ndvertUwiiKiit
V.,rSn. l,""-i I" datly niwMpiir pub
lUlicd and prlntcl in nald clly. nnd hnll
aubntit tio iieattd Proponaji received In
ucocrdiwicii wilb Nald advurtlmrnt to
tlm clly ojuncil fit tlm Cty of iledford.
'ATP?' " Ul" 6,h ,lu' of September,
Hit. by Ilm followltic olr. to-wttt
Merrick, ny, Wott, ny: Wormian.
: l.invrlck. nlm.-nlj i:ifrl, oye. and
Millar, nyc
Approvod Hcplember (Ih. 1911.
.... ' W. It. CANON.
Attt: Mayor.
ItOllT. Y TKLFlzn.
City Itecorder.
Auction - Auotion
"W. 0 IlitniH, Atmllditpar.
J1IO at'PTION HAl.i:Of tho per
tninnl prnporly, eoiiMlHtlmr or nlmtit
300 n-itd inilli'H, nhoilt !00 head
liorni'ti on1' brood niniea, wnKonn,
jinriii'HM, fifth ehiiliiH nnd HtrolalmrH,
plow'ti nnd lutrrnWH, inowlntr nm
nliliiv mill tiilo'H, oiio (motion on
kin" JciiHt fdOOO.Oil) nml other fiirin
I hi: Jinpltnii'iilM too iiiiiiinrntiH lo
'iToritiM of Miiloi All hiiiiih of ISO
unit -under, modi, over that itniount
BJlfht'' monllm llnin Willi u Imnltnlilo
iiiita,ilriiwliiK t per cent Intoroat.
TIih Kreat nolo Inkea phiee on lliii
CONH HANOI f, looiileil flvo (B)
jilllep. eiihl of IJed lllnff. Tehnnm
County, Calif., qvl"ur 3nd,,oitrt will
utinliuiin dally tinUI w"''1
V'nio liiauli 'or auiii and henat,
' QONU ItANt'll CO., OwnetH,
', WAller Hlnlc. I'refl. ami Atnunr.
or BAi.r or
Tlu city iiouncll of ilm City of .t-d-ford,
.Orvifojt, vrlll rrcl.t. i,r.ilxl jriji-Win-for
the purchnHa of III.JlilO'i. nix
p'r iHtni, t-ii ysr Improwi inl bondm
lupiiunui urmr tlu rirnt jrl, nl nl
iiKvilitR lo tx lirld Bi-pd-mbrr 2. 111. !
All bid liumt Im ncouopmili-d by iii
errilflpil elici-k iwiunl to 6 iter cent ofl
tlm amount bid for. ijuld check lo bo.
.littda Laynlilu lu tbo City Tr.-rtmiivr ofl
tbo I It) uf Medford. and In ! forfrlt.'
-d lo Mild cltt in rim,- nald bid Im no..
-plrt nml i.lil IhmiiIk nrn not pur-(
i Iihm-iI In nccordaiit-o with ald pmpo
UM. n within :0 day after tho not leu)
f l Id ACCeptulier I
All bliln niiiMt Ih- fllrd with tlm City
lUeonli-r nt ,auy Hum before., o'clock'
l in. H.lrii)Mr Jfillr, 111
Tlm Colinell tenwrve Ilm right to re-
lect nny and nil iodic
l ItOllT. W. TlU.l'KU.
. . . City lteconter
iMtwt thl :ixt ibjy nf l-U-pUuiilk-r. mil
An ordinance nuthorUliiK the Imuiinec
nf Ill.rlp.OU of tlm linproveinenl bond
'f Ihn City of Medford, Jneknon County,
Oregon, ninl dlrectlm; nnd ndvcrtlnlnir
the Kiiine for unle In neiirdnncn with
Chapter V of Titm XXVI I or Iloltlniier
A (.".ittim'H Antiiitnted Code nnd Mtntute
if the HlBlit or Ori'unu,
Tlm City of Medford doth ordain n
fallow i
HrcUon I. Wlierca. Ilm City Of Ned
ford linn Imrelcifnro duly cuiihi-d certain
xlrn-iN or ioJil city to bo linprovril, nnd
tin duly unii'Hiii'il tin. com thereof to
tl pruiHirly Ix-nefitril thereby lu accord'
unco with tlm charier of wild city
And. win-Trim, ceriiilu owner or mm
dry piece of property each nie-med for
miuIi liuprovniiietit In n unl oxcccdlne
twenty-rive dollar navo duly made and
filed application to pay mtld mtvornl
nKenNiuenta lu ItiNtaliiientH In nccordnnco
wild iti'Otlon 373 of Miild llolltiiKcr &
Cotlou'H Auuolatcil Code and Htnttitea:
And. whurertH. an ininoenimuit nnd bo ml
Mt. lien docket hn t'.-en duly tiiado up In
MIAOMIUloe Mllll .IIU -l u, tfiv(ia ii, Bliiu
vroiton nun or aeciiou aza 01 uiu uouv
nnd KlntilleH, mid Ilm total nntount of
iiiipnld iiMH.-miiueniii ror m)cu wireel im
lo.iiniieiitH and for which iinnllcatlon to
pay under tlm provUlon of nld reo-
lion nbovn cited ha been made nnd i
filed an nforeHnld I Ilm huiii of ISt.SSO.OO
an nIiowii by nld llnud I. leu Docket.
Now lliurjifuie. ald .City .of Medford
doth orilnln n nforeHiild, nnd there I
hen by uutliorlicd In Im Imiucd the bond
or mild city In tlm totat iiuioiint of
3I.:"0.00, In dnuoniliuitlouM of two
bundled mid fifty umfflvo littudred dot
Iiith eiich, iih muy Im convenient.
Heel Inn ! Hitld honda ahnll bo mndo
In Dm fullowlm; form, numbered from
1V0J to 1071 bnllt IiicIiinIvo:
Komv nil men by theao nreaenta, that
tlm City of Medford In tho County of
JiickHiiu, Htuto or OreKon, for value ro
uelved. hereby iiKtee and promlae to
pay dm bourne tho huiii uf
lulliiri.lti Koldcolit of.tlin united Ktntea
of Auierica, on um iiroiiniaion nun nor
reiidiir of thl .obllgutton " on tjio flri
day of In the
ear of our Lord Ono Thousand, Nino
jiuitdred mid ; . .'.without
irrnoc, with Intercut (hereon front tho
Into lii-roof until rudeouied. or until tho
Hum of tho Hciiii-nuuiuii iuierci pnyiuoiu
next eiiHUliiK tlm publication or uotlco by
tho City or Mcilforil -Jlutt thla bond will
Im loltmi UP il"l cuncoJIed nnd lmt In
tercut theroon will ccuan at' tho IntorcNt
piiyment period next followlm? nucIi lHiti
llealloii, nt tlio intv or alx'ljer cent, per
nullum, payable, mtiul-iuinuully, In like
eoiti on Dm fliHt day of' .,....,...,,.,,
nnd tho flrt day of .,,,,.,, ,,.,
nnd tho flrt day of .... .i In
ciioh year, on tho imputation mid aur
render of tlm proper CQiipoiiM tliemtn nn-
An ordlimnca proldltnf for Iho execu
lion or u contract with tlm Jucobnen
Im.Ih cointmn. vriiriiilntr i.,..! i...i
flllliik- trcnchi. and funilHiliik' und lay
Inc plpo and placlntt livdrnnl and other
eiulpmeui iu the coiuitrucilou of wutrr
main alone and In u number of atrcnt
of the City, of Mtdford. partlaulnrly
c hu ui wa nil in itaia ordinancv, and pro
litliitf thu leriu of nald tumtmot;
Tho City of Medford doth ordain an
Hitlon I Thai the proportion of
tlm JacObiH'ti-IUda company, au Orvcou
curiKiraltnu. for laying water main lu
tlm turret In Urn City of MeiKonU hero
iliafter peclfl:d, IncludlnR oxcAVtttlnu
and baekrllllinr trenche. furnlHhlnif nnd
laylni; plm und placliiK liydrnntM, Kate
alvc. tin-, elbow and cronne. be, und
tlm Hume la hereby accepted, and tlm
mayor nnd recorder urn hereby nutbor
Ixrd to enter Into and mIkii u contract
lu tho form and manner bvrelnnrter t
rortli, and rucIi action by audi mayor
and recorder la hereby uutborlxed. rut
irieil and confirmed.
Thl agreement, made and entered In
to thl. .... .day of ,lv
by uud between tho Jncobacn-Uuda com
jiany, on Orcson corporation, hernlu.if
ter named an tho contractor, nnd Iho
Clly of Medford. a municipal corpora
tion, hereinafter called the city;
U ItnmiMtth. for and In canaldamtlon
of tho covenant bt-l-rlnitrter net forth
tlm contractor hereby Undertake nnd
covuiiautn to furnlMh all the ueceaaury
material nnd labor nml do all tho work
of excavating nnd bnckfllllnK dltche.
huullni; and laylni; plto mid plnclni; hy
druut. Knlo vulteK, croNe. tee and
elbow on tlm follovliiK"tr-e(n, and av
enue In tlm City of Medford, OreKou,
1. Pluui ktreet, 4 Incur ,,.,1,310
3. Koiith Holly atreet, 0 Inche,.. ,3,70t
3. Votith Centliil Avi'iiui-, 6 Inches. 1,433
4. t-outh Htvernldo Ave., fi Inched.. 900
Hald contractor acree to placo all
hydrnuta nnd train valve, and nil crow
cm, tee uud elbow at Ilm point Indi
cated on Iho plana and apeclflcallnn
for eald work on flln In tlm office of tho
clly recorder of ald city, nnd to per
forin nil of aald work In a first clans,
NiiliMlnntlnl and warkmanltko manner In
uceurdunco with Iho. plana and Hitcelfl
cation thorefoj-, on fllo In Iho offlcu of
tlm city recorder, which plan nnd apec
Ificatlona have been adopted by tho clly
council for Much work, nnd upon the
term and conditions In wild plana mid
apcclflcationa aot forth, which auid pinna
and HioclfcatloiH imt hereby expreaaly
referred to nnd nmdo a part of thl
And In coiiNldorntlon therefor tho nald
city nervea to nay aald contractor nt
tho foiiowinc rate:
Kor furlUHhliiir nnd Inylim 4 Inch
water main per lln. ft ...I 1.11
T...H , n...l ....,.. 0 !..,. -
.-.-I .i,,i,dii,iik io, ,ynM 9 ilivil
water innlna per lln. ft.;.....,
inuii iiua, encii . ....
Croaaea 4x4x4x1, ouch ,
4 Inch Kate vnlvea, each
L-oroy nyunmta, each
-jcca, eucji
imxed. piiuclpul anil Interest payable- uv
iho orricu or mo truaauror or tno uuy,
or Meiirofd. ;
Thla bond la ono of u Horlen nuttmrlxed
by mi Aot or tho I.okIhIuUvo Aanonihl
of tuo yialo of OrcKiiu, entitled "An not
tu prnvhlo for tho iHHuauco of honda for
llni linivoveiiient of atreota and tho lay
Iiik of howoih lu Ineorporated title nnd
for tho payment of tlio coat of mioli Im
piovomoutH mid lavliur of new-era by In
atiilmmita," filed In tho ofrico of tlio
Ineuruiiuy in mum i-ommiij "''"' """
iia amended hy au aot entitled "An Aot
to provide 'for tho lmiuuiico of bond foi
ix-vm tli I.-UW4I ..
I Inch ifntn yalvca mid Kate, vnch, 23.06
I'eea' 8xfix(. eneli la.En
n Inch PlURa, each , 1.76
Croe Gxxjjx6. each ISOO
Croaaea Dx0x4x4, ouch .,.,,,...., 1K.S0
Tee 4x4x4, ouch ;.... 11.50
Teea 0x0x4, oaoh 14.00
ltedUCeia,,Qx4, cpioll ..,,,.....,.,. 7.00
1-M uurveji, oncli .,.., 7.00
1-18 curves, each 7.00
Kiirnlahlnu and luylnK 3 Inch pipe ,00
3 Inch ynlyoH, "eiich 3,00
Hock per oublo yard 6, as
Tho continclor ahall look for payment
only to tbo fund reserved.' collected." nnd
paid Into tho city trenaury for that pur
bono, and will not requlro Iho City of
Medford by nny IoriiI procea or other-
W'lHtt. to nnv tlm Huinn out nf uiiv
fund, except na provbTed for by tho
ounrier, unieaa aniu city anail fan or
nculcot to, provldo auolrfUipla by valid
naaeaanienta upon tho property affected,
And tho contractor fintlior ncrcea Hint
ho will aubmit a bona fldo offer of pur
and accrued Intereat for nil water main
bond lawfully IhbuoiI liy tlm City of
Aiouioru 10 liny jor tiny or aniu work
mid if nwrn-ilod nald bond that ho will
purohnao und pay ror tlm anttio,
Unon tho cnmnletlon of tho lmnrnv.t-
luout upon theao etroote, acoordlmr to
11m uoniraci, uio cuy hiuiii roriuwiin no
cept tlm work dono and performed bv
tho contractor and thla contract hIi.iII
bo to tho extent of tho work done and
performed conaldored conauumtcd, and
thu city ahall forthwith pruceed to ore
ato tho lien pinvlded for by law, upon
tho property benefitted by auch Im
priivement, uuleaa audi iiHHoHHinont ahull
liuvo been provloualy created and levied.
Tho contractor ahnll recelvu warrmita
tn tlm mnoiiut of elKhty (80) per cent
of tho work completed each month nnd
wurruniaior mo uuianco 01 twenty svj
tier conl ahall bo latnied upon tlm coin
pint Ion of Iho contraul on Id wnrrnnta In
be reileetni'd from Ills ')' of wnr inalr
bond, or from money paid Into tho pnr
tlauliir fund upon which aald warrant
iifn drawn, . .
11 I further BKnod Hint Ilm nd par
ty of tlio flrat part, "in conlnirtor nhove
iiimieil, ahnll fiir;ilah,boi,d for Iho faith
ful (Mrformnnco of (hi contract, to be
improved by the inwr of anld clly. Ir
Iho auiii of ........ . (f )
KiKiriiuiiivliiK tho faithful performance
nf thl contract uud further provldln
for tlm ImleinnlfylnK f xuld city oirain'
uhy plnlin or lion or Inbor, work 0;
tiinlcrlulM on nccount of all nub-con trac
tor, innlerhil men, luborer nnd other
riirnlMiliiK labor of mni'-rlnl on thl con
,11 la further Afrrced that aald worV
ahall Im eomini'iiced and proHicutcd witl
nit reaaoiinblo dlllttenoi and dlapitleb
Old that all of aald work ahall Im com
Plftled on or before llercmbar 11, 1911
In ti-atlmony whereof tbo pnrtle havi
coliai-d theao preaenla to hi executed 01
their behalf, reaped I vely, on bo da;
und year flrat nbovn wrflten,
iiy . f . ,..,,,.,,,,
,,,,..,.,,,,.. .......
City lleconbr
Tho foreKodiK ordluanc wna paaaer
hy the clly council of the City nt Md
ford, on the 20th day of Hoptember
101 1, by Iho following vol-
Merrick ny-. Wntt'iiyo. Worlman ab
aent, j:mrlck iibaunt. I'lferl nyo ani
Mlllnr nye.
Approved 8opletnb'-r ?tat, 101 1
Altealt Mayor
1 IV 1.11 . I 1',1,1'j.ll,
Clly uf!ordr.
All orillmiiice'iilltbnilrliiK tlm enter
Inic Into a contract on Ixluilf of tho Cltj
of Mi-dford, Oreiron, for th Improvlui;
curblntr und piivlna; c-rUin Htr--la ol
aald city, wllli the Clark and flener)
Oinatrilclloit ootnpany, a California cor
Tho City of Medford doth ordain ni
Heotlon 1. Tho mayor and recordi"
of the City of Medford. nro hereby iiu
thorUed and directed to enter Into
contract on behalf'of aald city, with tin
Clark wnd llcimry Cflntttroctfon compa
ny. u California corporation, In tlm fol
lowlmr form, und said act by anld nmyoi
nnd recorder la hereby oxpr.-aaly rati
fled, authorized and confirmed.
, Thla agreement. Hindu and entered Intr
thla . .day of .. .... 1911
by nnd between llio Clark nnd lienor)
C'oimlrucllon company, a California cor
txirallon. hereinafter called tho contrac
tor, nurty or Iho flrat part, and tlm Cll
of Medford, Oreiron, ft municipal corpor
nlloti oxlatina; under the law uf tie
Htaln of Oreiron, party of tho aeconi'
liart, hereinafter called tlm city.
Wltneaaoth: That the aald contnicloi
for und In consideration of tlm imymenw
to be madu nnd the covenantii to l
kept by tlm city hereinafter net forth
doi hereby covenant and acren to fur
lilali nil materia In and do till the w-orl
of excavation, filling. pnvlnB with a
lihnlt. curbing and Inntulllnir Inletr
cntch baaiua. monument caaca, mctet
boxea, jim, nnd nil other work and ma
ti-rJata herewith on tlm atrecta and por
tion of atreet. and for thu with here
Innfter npeclflea.
1 Alley In block 44. from Sixth U
alley, runnlnw eaat and Went throucl
mild block, width 2o ft, iau 3 Inchc
top lluch.
.2-. M.?K ln Wock.4B rro,n V- Ma'
HI. to niKhtli fit. width 30 ft., baao 4
Inches, ton 1 1-3 Inches
3 N tlrape St.. Hlxtb to Vermont gt
width 3( ft., baao 4 inchea, lop 1 1-2
4 Third Ht. IVAnJou fit to l-'lr St.
width 38 ft., Iniao 3 Incur, top 1 Inch.
6. J-lfth K., Kir, St. to drape- 8t
wldtli 36 ft., 'baso 4 Inches, top 1 1-3
. Alloy through block 4 4. Fir St. Ii
Orapo St. width 30 ft. baao 3 Inchea
top 1 Inch.
Suld work ahall be dono In accordance
with Iho K'-nerul spaclflcatlona for antf
'turx nereioiorn nrvparctl oy me Cllj
engineer of aald city, which nro now or
"J" ,n. '"" offlco of tho city recorder
of aald city, nnd tho pavlntc ahall be
laid cither with a four Inch aaphaltlc
concroto baaiv nnd a ono und one-half
Inch naphaltla wenrirur surface, or wltb
11 tlireo Inch napholtlo concrete base
und u ono inch uaphalllo wearing sur
face, iia the auld clly ahall elect Th
clly rt-anrvlnir the rlisht to use cither of
anld forma of auld pavement on each or
any or the nboo mentioned atreeta. nnt
lo mnkn election at any tlmo b-roro tin
contractor la ready to start work on a
particular street
Said pavement shall bo laid nnd work
dono In accordance with tins npeclflea
Jlona therefore, lu-n-lnbcforo submltleO
by tlm contractor to the city, which aic
Ificatlona nro now on file tn tho office
or the city recorder of said city, provid
ed howover. that that portion of the Ken
crnl apcclflCAtloua aubmllted by tho city
eniclneer which relate to maintaining the
navoment for a prlod of flvo years ahall
be conatdcred atrlcken from aald speci
fications and bo no part thereof.
The' contractor aureea to perform al
of anld work tn' n flrat claan workman
llku manner under the dlroctlon nnd au
iwrvlalon of tho engineer of aald city
provided that In caso nny mlaunder
alundlni; or dlaairreement between th
coutrnotor and aald (Mutineer na to the
lutertirctntlon of Ihn specifications, tin
mutter shnjl lx referred tn nnd detcrm
lel by the city council of aald city.
Tho contractor further agrees that 11
will proceed with tho worlc aa de-lgnat
ed by tlw ctty. ,
In consldtratlon whereof the city
nKreea to jwy the contractor for such
work nnd materials at tho followtnt
nrlccs. namelv:
1-or excavutlon. ier cublo yurd ..$
1 or curver, concrete armoured
curb, per lln. ft
Tor straight, concroto curb and
KUtter, per lln. ft,
l'or nil pavement, consisting of a
biiae and 11 ono and one-half
Inch napholtlo wearing surface,
per atmuro yard .....,...;. 1.71
l-or all pavement conalatlng of a
3 Inch nsphnltlc concroto baso
and a 1 Inch wearing surface
per Bq. yd 1.50
i-or luniiauing ami laying s inch
Iron pipe, per lln. ft
Kor furnlahlng nnd laying 6 Inch
vitrified sowor pipe, Por lln. rt,
Kor furnishing nnd laving 8 Inch
Vnal Iron pipe, per lln. ft
I-or furnishing nnd laying 8 iuch
vitrified aoxyer pipe, por lln. f,t., v ''". HUV.ll ,, , ,,, Sl.Ul
r.,i,i,,iii luniiuittui euara, encn.. 3.0C
Standnrd meter boxea. each ..... 3.75
Tho contractor ahnll look for payment
only to tho .fund reserved, collected nnd
paid Into tho city treaaury for that nuiv
poao nnd will not require tho City of
Medford by nny legal process or other
wise, to pay tho sanin out of nny other
fund, except ns provided for " bv the
charter. 'unions said city Bliall fall ot
neglect' to provide such fund by vnlli'
assessments upon property affected.
The contractor further agrees that he
will t the, 'tlmo tho same aro offerc
foe boIo uv-cordlng to law Hub'tult a bonp
fldo offer of par und accrued interes
and will purchase tit said prlco ftt the
option of, aald city nil Improvement
bonds wijlcli may bo legally Issued b
said olty pursuant to law for tbo pay
ment of tho work nbovo provided for-
Upon tho completion of tho Improve
ment upon each street according to the
contrast, tho city shall forthwith accept
tho. .work dono and performed by tin
eontraoto.r nnd this contract shall bo tr
um pxieiu or urn worn uono.nmt pel
tt'iiuvo i-uiiHiimroii ,'uiirifiimtu, mill
ngnlnat any claims or lien for labor,
work or material 01 account of nib
contractors, mnlerlhl men, laborer, nn
mechanic furnishing labor or mnterlnl
,,., 1 1111 ,,.iiiriiiti
lit wllnesa whereof, anld parties Imvn
caused iheae presonla lo Im signed In
diipllrulo by their respective oftlccr
and IhWr respective corporatn seal to
no hnreto nfrixa mi ...ony 01
,,.,,....,,..., 1911.
ny....... .
City Itecorder.
The foregoing ordinance was passed
by tlm city council of tlm City of Med
ford, Oreiron, on llio ilOlh day of Hep
i,i,np lull. Iiv tlm fnllnwlnir vole:
Munich ay, Watt nya. Wormian, nb
sent, Ktnerlck ubaent, Klfcrt nye and
' ApprSvid September VcANON.
Atleatt Mayor
City Itscordr
OBDiHAWOE wo. saa.
An ordinandi authorlxlug Iho Issu
,,i... , of tlm tmurovement
l.nn.l. r,r Ilm I'AtV lit Medford. JnCkBOn
county. Oregon, and directing tho ad-
inco wFth Chanter V of Title XXVII
it IJellluger & Cotton's" Annotated Codva
uid Klatutea of lh Stato of Oregon.
The Clly of Mfl ford doth ordain na
follows; . ,, ...... '
Section J. Wherena, tho City of Med
fird liaa heretofore duly cauaed cer
tuln atreet or snld city lo bo Improved,
ind bna duly naaeBaed tlm coat thercor
to tlm property Jioneritted thereby In
iccordnnco with 110 charter or aald
And whereaa. certain owners or un
Iry plecea r projM-rty each naeas-d for
iuch Itnprovemeiit lu o sum exceeding
Twenty-five Dollar hav duly made
ind filed applications to pay sarld c'
jral navainenta In Inalaltnents In ac
ordancn with section 2737 of aald Bel
linger & Cotton's annotated codes und
statute: . , ,
And wherrn. on assessment and bond
len docket baa been duly made up In
iccordanco with tho provisions of sold
u-ctlon and of s-ctlon 272S of said code
mil atatutea, and tho total amount of
unpaid assessment for auch street Im
jrovementa and Tor which application
lo pay under Iho provisions of said sec
jons abovo cited haa been1 made and
fljea as aforesaid Is tho sum of 131,
,Sf).00, ns shown by said bond lien doc
ket' Now therefore, aald City of Medford
doth ordain as aforesaid, and there la
hereby authorized to be Issued Iho bonds
ot said city In Ilm total amount of 134.
7S0.00. In denominations .of two hun
dred and fifty nnd five hundred dollars
tach, a may bo convenient
Section 2. Said bonds shall bo made
In tho following form, numbered from
1111 to 1217 both Inclusive:
now all men by thes; presents. That
tlio City of Medford In the County of
fncksnn. Htato of Orecon. for value re
ceived, hereby agrees and promises lo
pay me bearer "10 sum or
loilars in gold coin of tho United State
of Amerlcu. on tho presentation nnd
surrender of. thla obligation on tho first
day of in the year of
our Iord Ono Thousand, Mno iiunureti
and without grace.
with intereat thereon from tho date
hereof until redeemed, or until tho time
lof tho semi-annual Intereat payment
next ensuing me ihiiihubiiuu ui iiu.iw
by tho City of Medford that this tiond
will be tnken up nnd cancelled and that
Interest therpon will ceaao at me Intcr
tst payment period next following such
bubllcatlon, at me rate of six per cent
onr annum, payable semi-annually, In
like coin on the first day of
ind the first day of in
ach year, on Iho presentation and sur
render of the proper coupons thereto
annexed, principal and Intereat payable
t tho ofrice of the Treasurer of the
'Itv of Medford.
This bond la one of a aeries author
IzmI bv an Act of tho Legislative As
sembly Of tho State of Oregon, enti
tled 'An -not to provide for the Issu-
inco or bonus ror mo improvement or
itrects and the laying of sewers In tn--orporated
cities and for the payment
of the coat of such Improvements and
laying of sewers by installments," filed
'n tho office or tho secretary of state
February :2nd, 1893, ns amended by an
ict entitled "An net to amend sections
I. 2, 3. 4. S. Cand 7 of an act entitled
'An act to provide for tho laaunnce of
ttonda for the Improvement of streets
.ind the laying of sowers In Incorporat
ed cities, and for the payment of the
eost of such Improvements nnd laying
of sewers by Installments' filed In the
ofrice or the secretnry of statte Febru
iry 22nd. 1S93", approved February
1Mb. 1901. nnd is nn obligation of the
1 itv of Medford, aforesaid, and Is not
to be deemed 01 taken to bo within or
ny part of tho limitation by law aa to
tho Indebtedness of said city, and it Is
further certified that nil tho require
ments of law have been" fully compiled
with by the proper ofricera In the.lasu
Ing or this bond, and that tho total
amount or this Issue does not exceed
the limit prescribed by said act
Tills bond Is redeemable nt tho oWce
nf until treasurer nt tho ODtion of the
City of Medford upon the payment of
llio tace vniue mereoi. wuu ureni in
lot-oat tn thu dnto of rxivment nt nny
semi-annual coupon period at or after
one yenr from tho dnto hereof, as pro
vided in satu net
Kor the fulfillment of tho conditions
of this obligation the faith and credit
of tbo City of Medford ore hereby
In witness whereof this bond has
been signed by the mayor and attested
by tlm recorder of said City of Medfor
and the corporate seal of the City of
.Meuioru nereio anncti iu j
Of ................. A. U.. tll.
olty ahnll forthwith
to create
tlm lien provided for liy Inw, upon thr
irnioriy ueueiiieii ox nucii improvement
unless such nsseasment Hhnll Imva been
previously created und levied.
Tho contractor ahull reoelvo warrantr
to tho amount of clghtyMSO) per cent
of tho work completed each month mu'
wari'nn'a ror tuo naiauoa.or twenty (2
nee -cent ahull tin Issued unnn Mm run,.
(dot Ion of the contract; Hold wnrrnnta to
bo redeemed from the salo of Improve
ment bonds, or from money paid Into
1110 particular riiuu upon winoh said
wiirruniH nro urawii. r.
Tho contrnotoe herchv ne-ropM1 tn fill.
nlHh 11 bond for the faithful performance
of thlH contriiot, to b approved by the
city council of said city, for the huiii of
(. ) guar
nuieeing in proper rorni inn, raitnrui per
formanco or thlu contract and further
Indemnifying tho Ctty ' of Medford
Recorder of the City of Medford
Section 3. Each of sold bonds shall
havo attached thereto twenty coupons,
ench of which shall bo ln the following
Will pay to the bearer Tollar
In gold coin of tho United States of
America, nt tho offlco of the treasurer
of said city, on the day of
being six months Interest on
Improvement bond No. .........unless
aald bond Is sooner redeemed aa there
InNurovlded, which redemption will ren
der this coupon void.
Recorder of tho City of Medford.
Said coupons slum bo numbered from
ono lo twenty respectively.
Section 4. The mayor of said city Is
hereby authorized and directed to olgn
said bonds nnd ttho city recorder to
countersign tho uuno by attaching
thereto tho aeal of said city, all lu be
half of snld city
Section 5. The recorder of said city
la hereby (directed to register aald bonds
and number tlm same on tho blank pro
vided therefor In tho foregoing form n
nccordnnco with section 2730 of said
codoa, and statutes of the Stato of Or
ogou. -
Section 0, Tho recorder of tho Ctty
of Medford Is hereby directed to ndver
Hho snld bonds for sale nnd that tho
anme will bo sold for Iho highest price
obtainable. ,not less than, par and accrued
Intereat. and In said advertisement lie
ahnll announce that bp will receive
Healed proposals for tho purchase, of
auld bonds or nny portion thoreor nt his
otrico at any tlmo before 4tS0 p. in. on
tlm S6th day of September. 1911. lie
shall publish said advertisement three
limes lu n dally newspaper published
and printed In said city, and atinll kiiIi
mlt ilm seated nronostils received in
nccordnnco with said advertisement to
tho cpunoll at H8 next meoung inoreur
Tho foregoing ordlnonco was tinssed
by the olty council of tho City of Med
ford. Oregon, on tho 30th day of Sep-
leinuer, iuu, oy mo iohowiiib voiv.
Morrlok nyo, Watt aye. Wortman ab
sent. Einericit uuseui, Kiteri uyo, iuhi
Approved September Slat, 1911.
Attest: Mayor
lUJUT. W. TlIU'JKll,
uuy uccoruar,
Save Money
Wo nro now soiling rnoat
on a atrlctly bash baalo.
This plan mcann that wo
can soil to you at a lowor
rato than you have boon
It's a .Saving for
BotH of Us
You will always Nml tho
best meat at our market.
Our aim I0 tp picuso, both
In fltialJty nnd corvico.
LOUI3 I1EIL, I'roprlotor
Yoa can't afford to tie without
this splendid, lefrcHhtnr, drink.
- t
Call op and order a caaa fieut lo,
the honse. The purest, moat
healthful drink known h
For the Grand Opening of
Kf T H E A TRl! -JP-'V
SaturdAy, Sept. 23, at 7 p. in.
"The Blind Princess And the Poet,"
(A Biograph Masterpiece.)
"The Spirit of the Gourds,"
(Powerful Dramatic Production.)
1 ' The Runaway Leopard, ' '
(Positively the Funniest Burlesque Comedy Ever
i In New Songs.
Admission 10c.
Save your trophies this year.
There will bo none to save In n
few years. This cut shows when
to cut tno skin. Never cut the
front of a deer's .neck. Call at
Humphrey's Gun Store and get a
pamphlet free, telling how to save
game heads, birds and skins for
rugs, published b?
Medford, Oregon
Campbell & Baumbach
Honey on hand at all times to loan on improved
ranches and fruit land.
flC-TSJ, woore
Special Rates by the Week or Mouth.
Rates 50 Conts Up.
tt ).'
RAU-MOHR CO., Proprietors.
r i
t t
.5 '? $ ,5 ip .5 Ip $ p '5 5p .5 !5 p p $ $ Si $ 'I ii o $ Ip a
The Medford National Bank
CAPITAL STOCK . - 100.000.00
W. H. eOtB, Pjrestaeat,
3. A. PEXST. Tlos Fras. JORX 8. OKXB, Oaaalar.
3?. B. H1SKSIOX, Vict J?rs, W. B. JAOKSOK, Aast Oashl.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' fc
t Ik