m-r tn,,. ri-w r "-.. 'r"" r ' -r''l,:' o IV H- H 4 t 1 1 ) Ij JSS IS' ! J V' V i , 5' "i u I' I V ' 1 I f PAGE K)TIR AfEPFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORI), ORKClOy, SATURDAY. SFiPTHMttER. 2!1, 1911'. MOOSE I STAGE . MINSTREL SHOW Gcorno T. Wilson Is Fast Whipping Bunch Into Shape For Entertain ' mcnt To Be Given On October 3rd , and 4th. Not an Experiment But a Success JNDIANAVOhlS. 11. Tho Clrnnri , Stoeker Lotion of OuMfollmv., lit hcssIou here, (nnmmmU'r approved tlu MiM'liouof (lenornl A. (nut. To the nttontivo observer, tho ad vancement of the Medford Consorvn tory of Music ami Languages wns far beyond his expectations during tho past year; and tho bcinniiiK' of tho second year gives bright promise to far excel tho first, It is now a conclusive fact that this institution is no experiment and has come to stnv. and offer to tho cituens or Medford i broad field of subjects in music and languages. Last year tho Faculty was com posed of four members. This year it number six all artists along their lino of instruction. Prof. Taillandier, director, studied in Leipzig, Weimer and Hamburg, as enthusiastic jThe Loyal Order of Moose Xo. 07(1 of Medford, under tho efficient work of Organiser Sherman, has increased it.'H membership until now nearly 300 ... . ., ... ... mt.-i.. ,rrZ cnc" ou,cr w .. . .I well as in Boston. Studied languages abroad; French in Paris, Spanish tn Spain and Mexico. These facts, to gether with a broad experience of I seventeen years as instructor in Itos ton, has been a great factor in plac ing the Mcilfonl Conservatory on a j firm basis. Miss Carrie Louise Alton, violin, I is n native of St. Paul, having stud ied six years in Boston. She is pro i nounced by critics as one of the greatest of onr lady violinists of to day. Mrs. E. M. Andrews, vocal music, needs no comment, as her many suc cessful years in musio in Medford has firmly established her exception al ability along her line. The course given includes practi cally ovcrytbing in music, piano, voice, violin, viola, 'cello, band in- B Istrumcnts, guitar, mandolin and ban- Ijo, np. xnoy arc an a Theoretical subjects includes bar I mony, musical history, counterpoint,, instrumentation, etc. Taking into consideration tho high , standard of instruction, tho rates are, far below the average of the lending; conservatories of our land, of which the Medford Conservatory is stand ardised and modeled. All these things should bo taken into consideration, and any ono do siring instruction along tho many Hues of musio and languages should see Prof. Taillandier at tho opening . of tho fall term which will begin on Tuesday, Sept. '26. Very truly, U. S. COLLIN'S. M-:. : l . 'j ..... .. .... or jMinmsinirg. tiiiio, on' of tho Pnlvliu'elw Mil rJ'W! MONDAY AND TUESDAY Special Offering of GIRLS' SCHOOL HATS For Sale Oordwood, oak and hardwood, $4,130 por cord in carload lota. GOLD RAY REALTY 00., bunch of good fellows and aer ready talking "jennanent homo." is Enfe lo predict that not many years will roll around before a. Moose home will bo added to the list of sub stantial buildings that aer being erected in Medfonl. Incidentally among the many good men who have some into the order tbero arc enough who possess good voices to make "The welkin ring' and they are go ing to demonstrate their abilities in a first class home-talent minstrel show at the opera houso on the even ings of Oct. 3rd and 4th; the first two days o the district fair. They have engaged Mr. Geo. T. Yilson io direct tho rehearsals and perform ances and n week has already been spent in drill with a chorus of CO voices Many Medford people will remem ber that Mr. Wilson is the man who directed the Elks minstrels a year ago lnst March. Since that time he has produced shows for tba Portland and Rosebnrg Elks, tiie Grants Pass Commercial club, the Aberdeen K. . P.'r and numerous other organiza tions of the principal cities of Ore gon and Washington. He has been steadily improving his show, intro- during new specialties, ncauirinr ncwJsconory and costumes and writ- ins new music until now he has a melange of minstrelsy, the equal of nny. Two new songs of Mr. Wilson's "Golden Dreams" and "The Old Ited. White and Blue" will bo heard in this show. It was while Mr. Wilson was directing the Elk minstrels that ac- , quired 100 acres of Rogue River land 20 miles from Medford on the P. & E. railway, where his family has 'since resided, and he has been such an enthusiastic booster for Medford while producing shows in v other cities that he has been styled "Tho Medford Jlinslrel Man." Mrs. Wilson is a graduate of Northwest ern School of Oratory (Evanston, 11-, APPLES FOR EUROPE Wo aro appointed agents (or J. B. THOMAS, Covont Gordon, Lon don and Southampton, England, whoso charges nro 5 per cent and 6 cents per box. JAS. LINDSAY & SOX, Ltd., Glas gow and Edinburgh. Scotland, 5 per cent and 10 cents por box. RAWSON ROBINSON, Hull, Eng lang, 5 per cent and S cents per box. Theso nro tho oldest and largest firms In their respective tcwnn, and their reforenco aa to financial abil ities can bo bad at Medford National Bank, Medford. Oregon. Cash can bo cabled day after salo If required, and highest market prices guaranteed. Red Faced Men smoking DIG CIO- $1.00 218 West Main. Phono 1873. Also exceptional bargains in Fancy Feathers MEEKER'S MILLINERY DEFT 28 'South Central Avenuo. A UAN1C HOOIC WILL LIGHTEN tho burden of curing (or your money, Depotilt your rash In tho Karmora & Fruitgrower Hunk and you will not have to sit and worry about Its luifoty, Tbloven don't ntoal bank books; and It flro destroys ono, you don't loso anything, tin you would It It was tho cash. Itself, Open an account today and you'll sloop easier tonight uud every nlRbt. IBS? -v MS f i "2E" S-. jjrfc ; t ' Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank linois-. She will aiienr in the Olio at both performances in a monologue by Caroline Wells, entitled "Over the Baluster.' Reserved seats will be at hte popu lar prices of 75 cents and $1.00, and the plats will be opened at Haskin", at 9 a. ro. Monday morning, Octo ber 2nd. Look at the ads that offer em ployment and you'll find the right ono f ARS talking "HOT AIR" don't always llvo on air, hence our remark! on charges. Tho dap-trap about private salo does not prove remunerative, except (or sonio curios of a smalt nature. All sellers by privato salo bavo to wait until auction aro over so as to know what to ask. and In tho case of large supplies they often get left. For further particulars, address W. N. White 8L Co. ....;.!SM).s WE ARE better enabled than ever before to do good work and turn out same promptly 76 PAIUC PLACE XEW YOUK B AGGAGEANDEXPRESS HBNEf M. MAKSH All orders promptly attended to night or day. Short and long hauls. Moving household goods a specialty Union teamsters. Office 51 S. Front PaciflG 4171 Home 80 Residence Main 613 HOTE& MEDFORD A Most Modern Hotel European. . Opened September 19, 1911. Splendidly arranged in every respect. Excellent Cuisine. We clean and curl Plumes, clean and press Draperies, Portieres, Lambrequins,' Table Centers, Doilies, Scarfs, Blankets, Spreads, Small Rugs and all sorts of wearables for men, women and children. .in to- I- t '. W1 -sssasnzsKEt Kates $,1.00 Per Day Up. EATJ-MOHR CO., Proprietors. ro0- tfY4 Telephone us and the drivers will do the rest, Phones:- Pacific 2441;' Home 244 rw'yw r4 r . ? 9S '1 '- "-''; S, 'Si . t. .u. &tf : .''' ,, ,ttu '.' wfciYH-'; "-- v " '' &!?$$ SwfosIV'., V1 - '"rk: tisw., yi' ..V A ' o- y r ; no i. ' ;., i Ai- A . ' , .'.. .' it- -. i.-. - ' v4-,. 'jJL.'fr&v-e. '.'.-t " . . "ii.' '.,' .V ' ' . ' . , . ' x.ii-ti .",- i ft ' ,i'-n . j. j i ,i 24&L,'.'; ' "-',.. ',....-'."' i f 'vJi'v-'t. .- " ''sr-i." . & -Is -:' ' T ' v . " .' i . &', ( 'tit ' (. ,' ' Vfc ' ' . 4-,' jy - :.-. TMHt: Aljf.fjWf ' .A" 4, -P. J ,Jt. M f .lit . .1I ft J 'i'-W K -if if "Klitt I V I7 s -&vl&Pll$t&itmei.,'.wfti w1mm . .fe Hw ,.y r ' .V . . i. l "i'im im mnnmn-. ftiLlW v. It V