o ,1 Oregon Hlstorteaf goJ Cily Hail ,.;;,r!4flf P ifrft.-i,, SUBSCRIBERS ,F'lliir to irtt ijr will hv on milvortil by plioulutf of fice r ii p, u, Dully lllxlli Your. Korty-riMt Ymr. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE jmmmr pages WEATHER Fnlri May. 7H JM(n. 50j Hum. 110 Per Cent. TWO SECTIONS. MEDJTORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, BIOI'TJOMBEU 23, 1911. No. 159. TK Jl ,ll, 'Ui'J-'J SAMUEL HILL, GOOD ROADS ADVOCATE SPEAKS AT NATATORIUM AT 8 O'CLOCK ROADS WILL BE THEME THIS EVENNG Not to Resign Governor West To Address Local People On Highways Meeting Will De Of Great Interest All Should Attend. HILL WILL SHOW HOW GOOD ROADS WILL PAY Every Voter In City Is Urged To At tendAt Ashlaand This Afternoon. Samuel lllll, good roads advocate mill Oswald West, governor of Ore put, will address tin citizens of Med ford nt Jhi Niitntoriutu this evening nt eight o'clock on llu subject of tiotlor highways. Each of them will have something of nt It-rent to tell local people mill it behooves every voter In tint city mill vicinity to nt tend. Tim two tni'ii will nddrcHs a mass meeting nt Ashlnnd this afternoon. Tliu meeting in tin neighboring city has been well advertised mid a big uUciidtuico i assured. ' 'liindlilintrtOoVtTirtfH'MtfHiiii Mr. Mill, tlm gathering will bo ml' dressed by If. I. Bowlby, fonnei stale cointiitHHfoitrr of highways for Washington, mid now especially en gaged by Mr, Mill, who in with the party. Jackson county oxoiicutH of good roads will iiImo speak. Tin lectures will bo illustrated by stor copticon slides. Governor West mid party will nr rive here after tint holding of tin inwliiii: in Ashland nt -I o'clock, nt which both will- talk. They will ar rive. In Medford in time for Hit even illg Meeting. The meeting ut Phoenix Friday evening wns n ureal success. liiut Clerk Coleman inado onn of the most effective nddresscs an ho told ni u very effective innnner thu bcnofilH that wero lo bo derived by plncihp their voto for good roads. Mnn times while speaking hu wns hearti ly applauded. Judge William Colvig opened the meeting mid told tho Koplo the nil viiiitugeti of the promised bond in- hoc. Alter this mlilress many ipicc tinns were asked by different people of tlu' city, mid in all cases them worn successfully answered by the speaker of the evening. W. Ooio concluded mid Hcemingly sat tied thu iloubtH, If any existed, in the iiiIiiiIh of llin voters. RATE ON GRAPES TO EAST IS CUT Reduction Of 25 Cents A Hundred Is Granted On Grapes In Carload Lots If One Day's Notice Is Given Company. RACHAMKNTO, Sept. 23. Fruit growcm mid shippers nro today ou Ihusinslio over the announcement that onn of tho big truiis-ooiitiuuntiil lines had endorsed a reduction of thu priiHcnt rato of ifl.25 por bun died poimdH in grnnpos ni carload Io(h to ijil, provided ono day's notice 1h given, Taft Has Substitute. RT. 1,01MB, Mo Bopt. 23. Orltl c,llnK tlio conduct of tbo courts ot tlio country I'rcHldont Taft In Ills aildroHH heroin tlio cty cluh advocatod tlio onRlor method of ImpoiioliinontB. Ho ofTortd this no u Biibntltuto for tlio re call of JudKoii. which ho ti.nlil ho op-poiicil, GE.ORJGR W. WICKEESRAM WICKERSHAM IS NOT TO RESIGN Says He Will Not Be Forced Out Of Cabinet By Trust Magnates In tends To Send Them To Prison, He Says. hrktton woods, n. h., Sept. 23. Attorney General George V. AVloki'mlimii who Jh htnyhiCjliVn. de tiled today that there in any truth in the rumor of his contemplated resig nation. "Ah to my being forced out of the cabinet by threats uf powerful cor wrntions or trust miiKnntcH." Wick orshain added, "I should like iioth Inu better than to go before the country on Much an issue. And, It I continue to servo ns attorney jen eral to the end of President TnftV term. 1 intend to scud some of them to piisou. The men under indict ment in Chicago will also pi to prison if 1 have my way." Statement Jolts Market. NKYV YOltIC, Sept. 23 An alleged iintcrview with Attorney fluncral Wiekersham, published today in the NTw York World, in which Wickor- shain was declared to bo on the war path against (ho trusts and planning to jail all trust officinls, threw Wali street into a statu of reat amaze ment mid excitement today. The interview stated ftuthcr thnt Wiekersham would not pennit thu trustH to defy the Sherman nnti-trust law by rc-oruauiy.iii(; without first fnoini: a dissolution suit. These statements failed to affect tlio mar ket, ,1. 1. Murpni and his associates oniuiiu; heavily to the support. FREE PRESS AGENTING TO GO State Editorial Association Dcttcr nilno To Make War On Publicity Bureaus As Suggested By Mall Trlbuno Recently. PORTLAND, Ore, Sept. 23. Ed itor members of thu Orison Slnto Kd itoiinl iisriociation returned to their homes determined to make war on press iikoiiIh, publicity Iniroaus and other schemes invented with the iden of scouring i'reo advertisinj. The war an i'reo press ac,ontiiiK was Ht'arlcd by tlio Medford Mail Trlbuno two mouths iiko. Shortly before adjournment of the convention a resolution was passed declnriiiR against such publicity soek irn unless tlio 'oontrihutions" wore accompiinied by paid ndvortisiiiK. Tlio editors havo deolded to boost homo iudiiHtiioH more when homo in dustries have learned the valuo of reciprocity and Rliow their willing' nes.s to boost tlio editor also, ENGINE TOO W HEM WIND Aviator Fowler Forced To Give Up Attempt To Cross Sierras Will Install Larger Engine And Again Tackle Flight. EVERYTHING IS READY SHRINE IMPOSSIBLE FOR ENGINE TO FORCE PLANE UP Made Splendid Flight Until He En countered Wind Which Was Too Strong For Him. COI.PAX, Cnl., Sept. 23. Ibifflod in his attempt to cross the Sierras or his .$.0,000 traun-continental flight. Aviator Robert 0. Howler, undiseour aged, will try again tomorrow. Returning here today from Him Canyon, where lie wns forced to turr the nose of his biplane westward af ter failure to climb the heights to ward tlio summit, Fowler declared that lack of cngino power wad the cruise of bin non-sneccsa. 'When I got high abovo Blue Can- yini," aatil fowler, "I found it was simply imiKinsiblu for ray engine 10 force the biplane up (he solpes of air necessary to make the climb of the Sicrrau. There was no use in need lessly risking my machine and my life so I turned back. I shall at once arrange to havo a moro pawcrftil en gino installed and if all goes well will try the pass again Snudny inoniing." Arising from this town nt G:58 o'clock this morning, Fowler got a good start an,d after u series of pre liminary circles, his biplane shot away toward the cast. At 7:30 t. reached Gold run, ten miles, where his altitudu was .1,224 feet above the sea. At 7:30 ho passed Towle, 15 miles from hero; at 7:3.r o'clock ho reached Midas, another four mlies and be loomed nbove Pino Canyon, 1CS miles from San Francisco and i an altitude of 1,700 feet above tlio scu at just 8 o'clock. On reaching Hluo Canyon Fowler started a series of spirals, climbing upward all the time. At ono time hu reached an altitude of nearly 2000 feet above tho earth there, but en countered high winds swopiug down from the Sierras and, tacking and veering like a boat at sea, ho tried time mid again to forco his air craft against the fitful gusts. Hut tho ef fort was too much for tho engines of his biplane and after circling time and again, the nose of tho aeroplnuo was again pointed westynrd and in a virtual volplano down the slope of tlio sierras the defeated aviator sped back to his starting point here. Fowler had no difficulty in nlight incr and camo to earth without even a jar. RMON S Monday Will Be A Big Day In This City Imperial Potentaate Will Arrive Temerrtw And Will Take A Hand In The Program. THIRTY CANDIDATES WILL CROSS BURNING SANDS Nothing Will Be Left Undone Big Parade On Monday Afternoon. 4 , ATTENTION" SHRINERS! John Y. Treat (may Allah bless him) Imperial Potentate of North America, will arrive in Medford on Train No. 13 at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Every Medford Sliriner is asked to be at the train to meet our "distinguished gtictt. t UVflt vfm I.Vt. .. ..... JW... . .. C. L. REAMES, A. L. LOOMIS. W. A. KOyiElt,, GEO. W. DUNN. -r t -t- 4 " Hard Luck for Rodgers. ELMIHA, N. Y., Sept. 23. Avia tor C. P. Rodgers ran into trouhlo hero today when ho tried to get un dor way on his wofiwnrd coast to coast flight for a JfflO.OOO prizo. Af ter waiting until 10:30 o'clock for the fog to life lie ascended mid thou tried to descend, but in landing broko a guy wire which punctured tho elo vating plane. Boosts Rodgers. BUFFALO, N. Y Sopt. 23. Jim mv Ward started from here today by train for Chicago. No believes that now that ho is out of tho transcon tinental raco, Rodgers appears to bo tho most likely contendor. Back After 27 Years. SEATTLE, Wn., Sopt. 23.--Aftor a 7 years of llfo n tho Artie Clrelo, Albert Forttor Is In Seattlo today en joying his first rhlo In a motor enr, his first Rllmpso of a movlnc nloturo show and b alflrst stroll on roal as phalt pavomonts, John F. Treat ,the Imperial Potcn toto of North America of the order of tho Mystio Shrine, will narrive in Medford ut 3:30 o'clock on Train No. 13 Sunday afternoon. All of the Medford Shriuers will meet at "Jio train. He will be escorted to Ashland Sunday afternoon where bo will meet with the Nobles of Hillnh Temple and all visiting Shriuers. Refreshments will bo served after tho meeting and undoubtedly a largo delegation of the Medford Nobles will vis.it Ashland on Sunday afternoon as nt that timo the reports of nil the committees will be received and final arrangements inndo for tho entertainment Monday. Imperial Potentate Trent will return to Medford Sunday evening and will bo the Kiiest of Noblo A. h. Loomis until Mooudav morning when the re ception committee appointed by Hil lnh Temple, will take charge of him. During Monday lie will be at the Ho tel Medford and will hold n recep tion mid get acquainted with all the Nobles. Imperial Potentate Treat occupies the highest position possible to attain in Shriuedom. Every Temple of the Shrine throughout North America is under his jurisdiction. It si a dis tinct honor to Hillnh Temple of Ash land and to the resident Shriuers of Medford thnt this distinguished vis itor comos to Roguo Rivorvnlloy at this timo as its guest of honor. The city of Medford takes pleas ure in welcoming tho approaching caravans to the Oasis of Modford. Mayor Canon lins issued a special proclamation gii"g and granting the freedom of thu city to the Soons of the Desert. Evidently preparations have been made for tho roynl entertainment of all of tlio Novices who will cross tho burning sands on Monday. Tho fol lowing advice to Novicos is gleaned from the official program: You will come in bliss and dopnrt In blisters. You havo a perfect right to feel sorry for yourself. No initiation U ever hold unless thoro are tlueo or four surgeons present. You won't need to givo tho sign of distress overyono will soo it in your face. This is your show; you pay tho bills so keen your tenipor; no one elso wants it. v Toll your wife wo havo sevoral No hies who aro singlo, nud if wo don't send you back, we will send someone just ns good. Pay strict atlention to what in told you. Imtttcution is fraught with STEEPLEJACK PAINTS POLE 506 FEET ABOVE STREET. A ALBERT V LINDHOKM ON TOP OF FLA-GATAJT . .Yf JiAJW.EviiJ3Hi. Thouosands of people in the lower part of New York city the other day gazed with fluttering hearts at a stee plejack who was climbing the steel flagpole of the thirty-two story Whi ehall Buildingt in Battery place. This steeplejack is a dauntless young Sw ede, Albert Lindholm, who has made a profession of climbing high towers and steeples and scaling the poles and mtffits nbove them. ' " " ' The Whitehall Building is 421 fe et high and the flagstaff is 82 feet higher, so that Undhnni bad to work nt an altitude of f0G feet above the .lavement when he regilded the ball at the top of the slender pole. FRISCO CAMPAIGN SOON TO CLOSE Generally Predicted That Jas Rolph Jr., Will Defeat Mayor McCarthy At Primaries Betting Favors Rolph 2 To I. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23. The practical close of the hottest mayor alty campaign San Francisco has seen since tho days of Eugene Schmitz and his horde of boodling supervisors, snme today. While the finishing touches will be added Mon day, Iho rush of oratory and politi cal meetings closes tonight for the primary election on Tuesday. It is generally predicted that James Rolph Jr., will defeat Mayor P. II. McCar thy, the choice of the labor unions. Betting favors Rolph at 2 to 1. While tho election Tuesday is called a primary, it will undoubtedly decido the fate of (ho candidates. It is a strictly non-partisan election scheme, known as tho "Berkeley plan" and adopted in a modified form from tho DesMoines election plan. Tho candidate who receives a ma jority of tho votes cost at thi rpi mnry is declared elected. Should lip, receivo only n plurality, ho must run for the office on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November against tho man receiviug tho noxt highest vote. danger. Obey unhesitatingly, and thon if tho result is fatal tho Tem ple will attend the funeral in n bodv. Twonty-five candidates from Med ford, Ashland and Central Point havo already sent in thoir applications and it is expected that there will bo other candidates from Eugene, Albany, Grants Pa,ss, Roseburg and Klamath Falls. Tho program for the day so far ns known to tho public, is'as fol lows : . 12 to 2:45 p. m. Reception nt tho Natntorium, 3 p, in. Business session nt tho Natatorium Hall. 2:45 to 3:45 p, m. Band concert in tho Medford City Park. 4 p. m. Parade, 5:30 p. ni. Luncheon at tho Nat (Contlnued on Pag I.) STRIKE MAY COME SOON 111! lM Strike On All Harriman Lines West Of Mississippi River May Be Called Soon According To Official Of Boilermakers. LOS ANGELES, Cab, Sept. 23.- "Be on tho watch for strike order's; it may be called now at any moment." This was tho substance of a code message received hero today by Win Attkinson, sixth vice president of the Boilermakers Union from J. II. Frank lin, president of that organization. "The strike on nil of the Harri man lines west of tho Mississippi riv er may bo called today," said AN kuison. "We are prepared." NO HUSBAND EOR HER, SAYS NELLIE Daughter Of Millionaire St. Louis Brewer States That She Would Not Marry The Best Man Living Loves Her Freedom. HIT BETWEEN EYES, KEEP STi-TUfT Such Is Hk Swmmry Of Hm Hf Fk Over CarMtfan HtweUwt Says Its Makes A Little Difference Now Whs Is Respen-slbte. IF PEOPLE DMT LIKE N N IT, CAN REPUDIATE HIM President Will Accept KespeftsiMlity For Everything CennedMl WtHi His Administratis. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 23. "When n decision hits me between the eyes the only thing to do is to sit still." Thnt was President Taft's sum mary today of how ho feels over the Canadian situation. The president spoke nt a breakfast given him here today by the Mercantile club. In troduced by Governor II. S. Hndloy of Missouri, the president said: "I am sorry to announce that my reciprocity policy is not going' through. I observe that the distin guished speaker of the house is en gaged in discussing ;wkois.reapoB9i blel Well, L am content ith Cana da's decision and I do not suppose that it makes any difference who is responsible. I am familiar enough with supreme court decisions to know that when I get a decision that hits me squarely between tho eyes tho only thing to do is to sit still. "I had great hopes of carrying tho reciprocity agreement and am con vinced that it would have greatly ben efitted both countries. But a ma jority of the electors in both coun tries did not coincide with my views. All I can say now is that it is a par ty issue, except insofar as making mo responsible for putting through something which did not pas is con cerned." The president, it is snid, will ac cept the responsibility for every thing connected with the official acta of his administration, taking the nt titude that if the people don't like it they may repudiate him. Champ Clark, speaker of tho house of representatives, and President Tnft were in tho same railroad sta tion here today at the samo time but they did not meet. Tho Taft party filed from the depot just ns Clark made his way toward his train. CHICAGO, Ills., Sept. 23. That the average husband belioves the functions of a wife are to contribute to his comfort and pleasure, humble herself, darn his sox and save his money, is tho opinion on marriage oxpressed horo today by Miss Nellio Auhousor, daughter of a millionaire St. Louis browor. ho whs asked: "Do you not ex pect over to marry?" "Nover. I havo seen too many poor girls tako tho step only to re grot it. I love my freedom, I would not'nmYry tho' best mnn living," Look for tho "help wanted'' ad that Beems like a "prospeot" and auswer it promptly. THAW TO TRY FOR HIS RELEASE Believes That He Can Convince Cow mission That He Is Sane Says He Will Not Divorce Evelyn If Released. PITTSBURO, Pa., Sept. 23. Ac cording to a report horo today ITarry K. Thaw, slayer of Stanford White, will soon muko another attempt to gain his rcloaso from Mattuwan asylum. Ills friends say that ho has com pleted a long study of insanity and feels cortnin that he can prove him solf sane when next examined. NEW YORK, Sept, 23. A furore was created in financial circles here today by tho announcement that the Carnegio Safe Doposit Company has beon taken chnrgo of by Georgo Van Tuyl, state superintendent of banks. Van Tuyl himself made the fuota publio today, Htating that tho coulr pany had been doing business at a loss. Immediately upon taking pos session ho appointed Special Depu ty Egbert t oliquidato the affairs of tho corporation, ti I m t I a ' 5 lJ-MM Alhfk f W t - r irm wiiMfiiitiA ( -r - -f"mwm tm -" ! h-wiiiA'''kjNwt- r n9mfiA&i'