,! B K J !, ti : PAGE TWO MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUTE, MEDT?ORt), ORISON, FRIDAY, aWPTrcMnlDR 22, 10.1 1. v r $ OSS FUST 10 IK HEBE A. K. Wtfe HclfirKs From EUgciit Wfili Vi6fiilso Of Many Splendid Entrlw Many Fcatorcs Fer tho JM ' r - Scfcfev WnfcSienf WmlnoWny nt Kllfcetltt fulr MM KMMlfctt llio fl-loivi!iS-hiftllio?icloi'noi- liens fdr ourt4&fio lit olir iiilrij. i , y&fcfo 1-4. AxnoJn, 2;lf 1-1. Huron .Lovelace, 2:19 1-4. Sjilly.YouW-ib. t . .Hal (ruy.A i Mnbk. Hclvft C. In addition to thbsc there, nrc sev eral moj-ofjood oiips vtka cspcctv to eome, fujl liuyevui i-'HluVpd n$ jet. Vycaiit Jr., 2:11 1-4, llifc fust Med fonljipnccr, nnd Davis llnrum; 2:2!) 1-4 will nttd Rlnrt. . , ThVlibove hprs imvc licen rnc inir M Portland mid Salem races and wlll.jpvo onr people. chance (u ee Ptic,ftsminic luniie autosome excit inrjJb8.' i$f ;, Jiitke. mmiing races some four teen fine thoroughbreds have aprced lo conic from Kugenc and Roscburs ind.lh'pro rite sojno others .expected from the fafr at Klamath Falls which afcjTiifcs oiir people the best running rncop ever seen in Southeni Oregon nnd as good as at the state fair at Snlera. Willi such a fine jdl of librs cs for the races, and the famous Brondwiek family in balloon ascen sions fidfl Arnold Bros, bur carnival shqjv the amusement features wil' niiract crowds for lOO miles around Jfcdford. Hfe6lPR6cifV is DEFEATED (Continued from Pace 1.) his plans for reciprocity wdtild meat' Ins entire withdrawal from public life. When finally informed that tin- defeat of his policies and his party was complete. . "I gladly lay down the premier ship, a burden which T nave carrier" for fifteen years. We believed tha' in making the reciprocity arrange ment we had done something which would be crrcntlv to the benefit of In6 people of Canada. The elector? have declared otherwise and J bow to their decision. "I regret that we have been nnabtr to carry reciprocity, which I still be v hove would have protected the ma terial advancement of Canada ani1 wtyuld have promoted the grpwinf friendship between the United btatep mid Great Britain. However ihr country hns spoken. We must hov to the inevitable, anif cheerfully do RICE FAMINE IS THREATENING ISLE aiANILA, Sept. 22. A rice famine today threatens in tho Philippines. owing to the partial failure of the crop. As the price has advanced far above all previous records, Govern or Gerieral Forbes has decided to or der the purchase of a shipload of tho cereal by the government in Ran goon. The rice will be told to the peoplo at cost, m Ml EXPLODES; MILL BURY FOUR YOUNQSTOWN, 0., Sept. 22. Four persons word killed and two In jured seriously when a 18-luch gits mam exploded. Gas" eiitered a foreigners' hoarding and u luutern ignited the flow. The house was wredked. The bodies of three victims of the explosion have heeii recovered hid identification ib impossible ad the featured aid badly charred. "ZOIL" WRITING TO HUBBY. SCENE FROM "DABY MINE". THE FUNNIEST PLAY EVER WRITTEN, WHICH WILL BE PRESENTED AT THE MEDFORD THEATRE ON MONDAY, SEPT. 25TH COM ING DIRECT FROM SAN FRAN CISCO WHERE IT SCORED A TRE MENDOUS SUCCESS AT THE NEW iiiKi tnr-mivtr ? P T f.i L . . 1 . t r t .r r i , MMM .. -.m---. . . - --- II BIIHHPflHliiiHHnfflftSMIHhBj ZSiadiH0l&BiBHiHHftHSffiJK t S II Bh!! ! IE BSSiBBBVBHtaaBHB&aBBBKr JBBBBbV " inBHBBBBBBV9BBBBBXBP"'''''BPP"H9 II HHBBBBIBBflBm XBHBBKBRWiBbI II BVBVBBBVBWJBBVBVjRHn,ST V aBWllBBUieV-t V IMBBPVBhBBBk7,khv' . ..SBsBBBpa? wm BBBBaBBvXBHIHBR'SSK -. BBBHBB1BvXBf vrW if BBBMBSWBTBVbWbWbS' ' vW riBBWBWAwJHHBWBWjBMJr IB HHKHHBBflHwflHBBBBSBBBBBBBBS -A-.HBBBBBBBBBBBB0IHBnHBHHBBraHHBWM SPECIAL PRIZES Children Will Have Clmnco To So cilrn Prlzd At tiUtrlct Fair To Be Held Early Next Month Many Will Compctd. ' U i ...''''''"'"""'" i OPERA HOUSE :. EXTRA SPECIAL MARJCJklE MANDfcVItLE "DIVORCONS" i "i ,m 1 1H MIIIt()HTI?ll tlV ttP.lt r.X(MJPTU)NAM.V " u-i'iirwii imut , ... ..W.... V.,.,. SUNDAY, SEI'T. 24 Admission, 25c, 35g. 50g At jflie Bedford 'llieatre on .Mon day, Sept. 2.", Win. A, Hmdy ,l,td.. will present "Baby Mine" the inter national comedy hit which rftu for an entire year at Daly's theatre. New York, and the reinin: success in London. England, where it is nw tuuiihs H -UOin iicrionminco nt Mr Charles W.mdnin's Crileno ntheatro. It is ndmiltedl the funniest jila on record, and thi.. broad sstatemout Is uiidi.xputed by the theatrical world, The ieoplc who sec 'Baby Mine" mil about in their seats, and the mem bers of the cast are forced into the lull spirit at Hie play, wtth tho many, not pniductiii; situations and it is impossible for I hem lu show any ser iotiMios. There is an intense realism to the many ntmiMiiK complications null px the cotnedy continues, the most enrn et hilarity seir.es the audience. The Fair Association have deoidod to til't'of uliix'lul trli' t'ol jiindls of till thO sl-lioois ol .laeKMOit ami .iomi nhlne cOimtles to bo1 exhibited nt Iho 1 Itt r Ootobcr :i-7. X Best pluco of slt'tiell work done in untiles, first $1, second ."idols. "3- Best nmdo jjariuenl tiitulo in Krtulri sewing classes, $1,50, TfiotH. 11 Best iniule uurinent liinflo in )ii;h kehool sewiiif clnssosj l.fitl. 75c ts. IUcst charcoal dinwiiiK done in grades, $1.00, fillets. f Besl colored oruyon wotk done in "railes, $1,00, fill els. G- Best water color work done in Krndeq. $t.00, nOcts. 7 -Best water color work done in high school, $1,00, fill cts 8BiiKt iUu-o of pencil work, $1.00. fill els.. , . U Best fruit or flower tftudv done un water colors in snides, $1.00f fill ets. 10 Hlsl miiili utecn nf furniture ttindt! ill liluh M'lioKl heiiidr class, l.W, QO cvtH. 11 Best- piecti of work done by grade inipils in iiiauiinl di'imriuleut, $t.f0. 50. els. UNKISSED SON iS HOURS MAKING VERY MUCH KISSED' HIS WAY WESTWARD WAUKEGAN, Ills., Sept. 22.The cat has been let out of the has so far as Gladstone Dowie, tlrr so-called "unkissed" sou of teh late John Al exander Dowie, is concerned. The string was untied by Miss Liz zie Meyers, the pretty maid of Mrs. Dowie. According to statements i made toda yby Miss Meyers, "Gladdyl not onlv kissed me a number of times! but we are engaged and are soon .o, be married." SCHANTON, Pa., Sept. 22. At 12:30 p. m. here today Aviator Kod-t gers entered the valley at 1'rovidence' ei .,... . .. f aim new over me ceiunu jmrnuH oi the city. Having lost his way Rodgers land ed east of here but quickly rcas cended. Scranton is Co miles from Sus quehanna. ' FALLS FRuMill; Fi BEAKS She also said that Mrs. Dowie dud her son will start meetings in a South Side hall in Chicago, and will devote their efforts solely to reclaim ing" Dowie's vast interests in Chica MAN STRUCK BY AUTO ON FRONT ST. L. II. Fromnn, a barber, vas struck by an automobile riven by Walter McCallum, at the corner of Main nnd Front streets Thursday afternoon. The front wheel of the machine passed over Frohinn'g body, the roar wheel stopping on lm body. Frouiau was considerably bruised hut uninjured. The accident was unavoidable, McCallum was driving slowly add Fromnn was on. n wheel. Tho in jured man turned directly into the machine. Look for tho ad that offers it to vou. second-hand, at a ral hanraiol WILL ENTERTAIN PORTLAND Pteparattous are being made for nu elaborate reception Id the delega tion of Portland business men who will visit' Mcllford Wednesday, Sep temher 27, nl 12:30 p. m., leaving for the south at 0 p. m. A delegation from thu local com bcrcial club will meot tho visitors nnd a liinulleoii will hciscrvcd prolui hly at the hew Medford hotel. After the luncheon the delegation will be tnkcrt about the city and tho valley where all points of interest will he shown. Vnskinn for health. Elmer Lewis, nn employee of ihe Prospect Construction company, fell from a flume near In)Scet Thiirs-1 day and fractured four ribs. Thoi man was unconscious for nearly an' hour. lie will recover. ' AX STRIKES FOOT CUTTING IT BADLY U. E. Whitley, employed at the Welsh sawmill on Elk v reek, was bad ly injured Thursday while using an ax. The tool fell striking his foot, lie was brought to Medford for treatment. LOS ANGELES, Cal.; Dooln to tha joy of tho joyriders 1 This is the plan of the county board of SujierVis orsj, who have just approved an hj prdprjntion with which to buy nn ii perimcutal searchlight. It is planned to train the searchlight down a stretch favored by speeders niul by the. rays pf the light it is believed the county olico can read the li cense numbers on tho curs. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal. Authorities of llio junior class hnvo orderod all 1912 mbn to gb about win us hwid gear, This is Stanford's la(et"tnidilioli" and not particular ly 'intended to allow expanding domes more room. n .. - ; JIM HILL WILL NOT DISCUSS DEFEAT ST. PAUL, Minn., Sct. 22. J.is. J. Hill, creator of the Great North ern railroad, one of the strongest supporters of reciprocity with Cutri da, was quiet modest today wheil asked for a statement on yesterday's election in Canada. "If the people need education :n relation to reciprocity," Hill said, "I dm not goliig to be the schoolmaster. 1 will not discuss (he election. I i.o lint like always to sec' my name in tho newspapers." DELHI, British India In prepara tion for tho Durbar, a, camp to ac commodate 250,000 outside the city limits, NEW YORK, Tha baggage of Mrs, Grace Noblo 'of San Francisco is held by the customs authorities here, having been seized on account of failure lo declare $.'J99 worth of gowns on her arrival from Europe ( Saturday. To obtain releitso Mm. I Noble wiU haVe to pay $907 which includes duties and penalty. THE NEW SUITS AND COATS ARE GOING FAST AT GLOVES. Our Celebrated F. V. R Gloves. On Sale Sat. M 1Q a pair vlltF MANN'S CENTRAL AVE. NEAR P. O. CORSETS. "Warner's R u st Proof Corsets. On sale Silt. a pair mimmm warn La Vogue Garments a:re best Now is the time toseleet your new fall rfuit or coat while the stelc i complete. . SPECIAL VALUES FOR SATURDAY. 50 beautiful new Fall and Winter Suits, t g i' AA made of l all-wool Sercres and Fane v Mixtures. V I lk.v" - . j-j -- -w - -- w in all sizes and colors, ' I very special, each 15 Women's new black Coats at $8.00, $12.00, $15.00, $20.d0, $25.00 and $35.00 each. New fancy mixtures in Coats, made With the noto sluiwl collai'8, at $14.00, $18.00, $2j.00, $25.00 nud $35.00. "Women's caracul Coats at $14.00 each. Just received New Challie Dresses, liew Ohallie "Waists, nOw line o'fAVtlists, new Silk IPetticbatsj BIG SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY REDWOOD CITY, Cab San Ma. teo County stands to Jose $21,000 by hanging onto 8,000 bodies of deiid Chinamen. Tile Cltiticso Six Com )aliies offers $.'1 each for the reuiains in order (o ship theui had; to China. Tho supervisors aro" holding out for $10. PRINTS. Best qmility of -Dress C Printsyd V UNDERWEAR. lined vests and Children's fleeced pants, ): each t GOKS. Flannelette niglit ffowns, good qual ity, special aq0 each r.... PETTICOATS. AVomoil's Sntlnb Petticoats, $2,00 quality, J1 Q each ..vv OIL CLOTH. Best quality col ors only; 1(U special, yd.. BLANKETS. flood grey cotton Blankets, on sale Saturday, iO, pair v SHEETS. 72x90 Bleached Sheets, good qual ity, special JO o'Afh TOv PILLOWSLIPS, '12 and " 45-inch Bloacllnd PillmV .sliTW, spo- 4a eial, ea6h v A T i p- MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE, WED., SEP! 27 A; H. WOOD sujosts an evening ' with ih Uauhltifj onaaiiori of the Year THE GIRL IN THE TAXI 20 Weeks Chicag'o 16 Weeks Boston 2p Weeks New York Exceeding theS peed Limit-With an Ail Star Cast PRICES: $!,50. $1.00, 50c ON SALE MONDAY AT HASKIN'S MEDFORD THEATRE-MON. SEPT. 25 tTHE EVENT OF THE SEASON iMMHMnHMMMHMMK . WM. A. BRADY, Ltd. Presents Th Funniest Play Ever Written BABY MINE My .MAIMUItirr .MAYO Direct fntiu u Solid Yi'ur'n Ituii nt Dnly'w Tliwitiv, Xiw York I'lty Diiby Mlno Is scnilliu; n gnlo or hniithtor nrmtiul tho world It U now In Ih Mccond yenr nt Sir Charter Wyndlinm'H Criterion Tlioutrti, 1-i don. Within throb months Iluby Ml no will bo plnyod In Ilorlln. Vienna, Parts, Mulbourtio anil St. I'ctcmlinrK. 1 What tha Sun Franclnco crltli-H mty of Iluhy Mlno," "Habjf Mlno" proved tho urentent comedy HtiiKod In San Krnn cIhco wlthlii my rocoloctton. Wftltor Anthony, In "Tho Call." When tho piny oiuIb your lan;hter tmirhliiory U Htrophled nnd yon know tiiero novor waa dhythlm: no runny. Itnlph K, Iteiiuud, In "Tho Chronicle. You nnmt ho n hnploRH dynpeptlo If tho (Icklo or t docmi't ;ct to your rlliH. J. Lnwronco Toolo, In "Tho Kxmnlnor." You Can't Stop a 111k LaiiKh Llko Dahy Mlno, Seats lofBABY MINE" on SalcThursdayllasklns Drug Store PRICES 50c, $1.00 AND $1.50. ' 1 'J'lU I. . ' .11 MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. Q. Trowbridge, Prop. .FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'AH kindB of tenginct, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, tidllers dnd Machinery. 'Agents in So. Orogoii for FAIRBANKSl MORSE & CO. Our New Location The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company is7 now lo cated in the College Block oh N. Grape Street Southern Oregon Electric Co. NT