Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 21, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Travcllna Salesman At Portland
Placed Under Arrest Secret Scr
vlco Men Think They Have Found
Complete Organization.
POHTLAND, On., Sept. 2t.
Tliroiijli (he nrrest of Troy JfcDdvltl.
a (raveling snlcsmnn, who is held
liero lodny to answer to the federal
LTiUiil jury ns n. white slnvcr, rove
lotions of clinnncls of tho white
flnvo trnffio involving directly mul
indirectly severnl traveling men,
women of repute and local business
nml hotel men, are promised by fed
eral agents,
II is alleged that the supposed or
ganization lias drawn girls into the
underworld from all parts of the Pn
eifio eoast, Portland was tho head
quarters of the shivers, secret ser
vice men declare, and here young
country girls were sent by travel
ing men to receive their initiation in
to public life."
The testimony of Olive Dick, a girl
from Lcwiston, Idaho, nn alleged vic
tim of McDnvid's. who was arrested
here, pave tho federal agents their
first clew several weeks ago.
Will Spend Afternoon Of Wednesday
September 27, In Tills City Are
Much Interested In New Hotel Re
cently Opened.
Joint Annual Institute Of Teachers
For Jackson And Josephine Coun
ties To Be Held In Medford Octo
ber 25, 26, 27.
The annual joint institute of tho
teachers of Jackson and Josephine
counties will be held in Medford on
Oct. 'Jo, 'JO nml 27. It is expected
that during the three dnvs session
over 12.10 teachers will he present.
Among those who will address the
teachers here will be men and wom
en of promiucnc,e in the educational
field of the state and country. L.
along It. Aldcrumu, state superintendent if
schools, has already consented and;
other certainties are Prof. Ackcnutui,!
prcMdent of the Normal school it
Monmouth, and Miss Montana Hast
ings, formerly of Columbia college,
but now of the VmverMty of Oreg-in
Other sneakers and additional fent.
nres to the program will be an
nounced Inter.
New Cases.
State of Oregon vs. II. Ferguson.
Transcript from justico court.
Ansil A. Davis vs. John Flabis
Suit to quit title. Vowter & Purdin
attorneys for plaintiff.
Butte Falls Lumber Co. vs. Mabel
Scndder. Suit to quiet title. Lin
coln McCormack atorney for plain
tiff. Jackson Co. bank and W. E. John
son, vs. First National Bank of
Medford and W. A. Jones, sheriff.
Suh for injunction. W. I. Vawter
attorney for plaintiff.
. U
Marriage Licenses.
Harvey C. Kendall and Alice h
Emery W. Morse and Edith Ilree-deu.
Whitney-IIedrich On Sept. 4.
1911, by J. B. Moreloek, J. P. Hor
ace G. Whitney and Gertrude F. He-
Estate Frank C Enos, order ap
pointing y. E. Redden, W. L. Valen
tin and Muthew Enos administrator.
POKTraXD, Ore., Sept. 21 Port
land business men are looking for
ward eagerly to the comdig Oregon
excursion, run by the Portland Com
mercial club, south through the Wil
lamette nml Itoguc River valleys to
Klamath Falls. They are scanning
Ihe itinerary just made up and tho
only objection so far heard is the
expressed wish that more time cold
be spent in the various citie
the way.
The trip will be made for the sole
purpose of getting better acquainted
and cementing more closelv the
friendly relations that now obtain be
tween Portland and all of Western
The various cities on the schedule
will extend greetings to the excur
sionLsts and sjeed them on hteir way
with good wishes. Medford. that
widely known pear city of the Rogue
Kiver vnlley, will be a point of much
interest to the visitors. Arriving ar
12:30 p. ui. on Wednesday, Sept ca
ber 27, the travelers will spend the
whole afternoon there, leaving for
the south at G p. m.
'I He I'ortlnnders hope for a glimpse SOUTHAMPTON. England, Sept
or the iamoiis orchards that sur-121. The big White Star liner Ohm
round Medford. now laden with their pie, listing badly, and with n gap
wealth of fruit. Medford' fine new ing hole in her side, was towed to
hotel, just opened, will be inspected, the dock here today nfter lying nil
jf the visitors have their way about night in her disabled condition off
it, as they have read of this splendid Calshot Castle, owing to the danger
hostelry, said to be equal in its ap- of bringing her into the inner bar-
Sale Opens For "Baby Mine'' And
Shrlncrs Get BusyWant Some
Placo For Their Wives To Go
While They Are Havlnjj Bin, Tlmo.
The first man in line when the
seat sale opened this morning for
"Uaby Mine" which comes to the
Medford opera house next Monday
evening was n representative of lo
cal hhruiers who bought .100 seats
for that organisation, which will be
used by the Shriuers in entertaining
their wives Monday evening while
they are busy with their Shrine, do
ings. "Hahy Mine" will doubtless be
well patronised for it is indeed a very
funny production.
For First Time In Years New York
Nationals Seem To Have Pennant
ClncfwdThcy Lead By Seven
Electric Company Is Eniploylnn Only
American Labor And Pays Out
From $8000 To $10,000 In Wanes
Alone Work Is Bclnn Rushed.
pointments to the best in the state.
Many who will be aboard the spec
ial have visited Medford before on
similar junkets and remember it ns
a benutiful modern city. From ac
counts they have read of its progress,
they expect many improvements will
have been made since that time.
The excursion will leave Portlnnd
September 26. nt 5:30 p. m.t return
incr o nthe night of September 29.
LISBON Tho arrest of a white
sdave dealer developed tho fact that
mothers at Seville, Mndrid and Bar
celona have been selling their daugh
ters at from $10 to $100 each for
exportation to Argetinn.
bor in the darkness.
Stevedores are busy today remov
ing the Olympic's can'o and the
baggage of the 2000 passengers. It
is estimated that it will require a
month to repair the damage to the
liner, which will be taken to the Bel
fast shipyards as soon ns her cargo
is removed.
Captain Smith of the Olympic,
blames the BlitUh cntiser Hawke,
which collided with tho Olympic off
tho Isle of Wright, and wns the
cause of the disabling of the big
liner. The officials of tho White Star
lino today demanded that a thorough
investigation of the accidnct be made
bv the lords of the admirnltv.
NEW YORK, Sept. 21. For the
first time ni years, the New York
Giants have what appears to bo a
sure hold on the National League
peunnnt, their average for the season
being .(552. while their nearest com
petitors, the Chicago Cubs, have but
.500. New York leads by seven
This, too, when the Giants have
but 22 games and the Chicngoes Id
games yet to plnytliis season.
If the Giants win only 14 of the
coming engagements and tho Cubs
win nil of theirs,.Ncw York still will
finish in the lend, while if tho Windv
City men lose threo battles then tho .
present lenders will need but 11 wins
to get the flag.
Tho betting lajm, today is 4 to 1
that tho Giants will cop tho pnnnnt,
and some enthusiasts aro offering
odds that they will beat the Athletics
in the world's championship series.
Tho Prospect Construction eoinpii
ny Is now employing fully 100 men
at their clout rio power const ruction
camps near Prospect and tiro slill
taking on more men. The company
is paying out each mouth for help
alone, between $8000 and $10,000.
The company, oven with this large
force of men. will require several
months yet to complete the power
plant. Only American labor is em
ployed and the wages paid runs as
high as 50 cents an hour, for a ten
hour day. This price is paid for car
penters. Hock men get from 111 lo
ilfl cents an hour; men working with
pick and shovel get 28 diets nn
hour. Thero aro a few of the men
who do light work about tho camps
who aro paid 25 cents an hour. This
hist is the lowest wage paid. Hoard
is $5.50 a week.
PORTLAND. Ore. To ascertain
whether chalk affects the health of
Portland's school children, the. stale
board of health is feeding various
brands of crayon to guinea pigs.
Wo Avo tho Solline: Agoiits For
Tho kind that is onco tried then
always used '
Warner, Wortman 6 Gore
Don't lllilo Them Willi a Veil He.
move Tlicni Willi the .Vow Drug.
An eminent skin flpoclallst rucently
discovered a new drug, othlno dou
ble Btrongth, which Is no uniformly
HiicccHHful In removing freckles and
giving a clear beautiful complexion
that It Is sold under an ntwoluto guar-
anteo to refund (ho money It It fnlln.
Don't hlilo your freckles under a
voll; got nn ounco of othlno and re
move them. Even tho first night's
use will show a wonderful Improve,
ment, sonio of tho lighter freckles
vanishing entirely. It Is abuolutely
harmless, and cannot Injuro tho most
tender nkln.
Ho siiro to auk your drugRlnt for
the double strength othlue; It Is this
that Is sold on tho money back guarantee.
Hair Sale
$10.00 Switches $8.00
$ 5.00 Puffs - $3.00
$ 4.00 Puffs - $2.50
Boom 25
Jackson Go. Bank Bldg.
Civil Court.
Sta(o of Oregon vs. O. F. Home.
In regard to the assignment of Ma
dio and Davis ordered that assignee
enter into contract to sell business,
E. W. Clems vs. E. M. Clems. Case
tried and taken under advisement.
Joseph G. Shebley vs. J. It Ken
drich et nl. Evidence taken and case
continued until such time as same
shall bo submitted to court.
C. G. Seamnn vs. P. II. Robinson
ct a. Order referring said cause to
court reporter to take evidence.
Gold Hill Bank vs. Sylvnnite Min
ing Co. Judgment by default.
CORDOVA, Alaska Gifford Pin-
chot has arrived from Katella. He
says ho had a good trip. He visited
the Bruncr works on Martin's Island
and inspected the million dollar Gug
genheimcr breakwater.
SEATTLE, Wn. A family discus
sion over properly a yeur ago which
grew into a dispute too large for one
house, wns the onuso given in a di
vorce complaint filed by J. S. Baker,
78, aguiust Johanna Boyd Baker, 07.
SEATTLE, Wu.-Told u funny
story by another potato peelor, Win.
Snyder laughed so hurd that he lost
his bnliiuco and fell through a win
dow in Kuight'ti rcbtaurant. He mu
PORTLAND, Ore. Sovoral clerks
in tho district nttonioy's office havi
writer's oramp today, They were
compelled to transcribe an acousa
liou of larceny preferred by Tom
PouIoiih, against C. Politoupoulos, ,1.
Punugopoiilos and J. Politoupoulos.
Tho Btono work on tho First Na
tlonul Bank building Is completed
and tho interior celling decorations
nro now being put on.
LOST Reward will bo paid for tho
roturn of ladles' black loathor
bund bug lost noar tho Seven Oaks
station hotween Central Point and
Tolo, Sopt. 10. Return to Mrs.
Finnic McKeo, R, F. D. No. J, Con
trul Point. 158
Quality considered, Prices are Lower Here Than Elsewhere
15oto 25c Neckwear 10c
These dainty stylish pieces all are stylish and
appropriate for wealing now and the coming fall
We have assembled this special lot that we
might give you a special bargain on this two-days
sale. Amongst them you will find Dutch Collar
Sets, Jabot Linen Collars, Bows, Etc
10c TO 15c VALUES FOR 10c.
Pacific Kimona Crepe 18c
For two days only we put on sale 10 pieces of Pacif
ic Kimona Crepe; all new patterns at 18c
Galhttea Kimona Flannel 15c
Ve have 15 pieces to select from. They arc till
pretty new patterns with beautiful fall shadings,
extra good value.
5 pieces good heavy linen Crash Toweling, 18
inches wide,
Special 7c
r If Your Figure is Shapely
TM liN your dresses will fit
accurately and drape sylish
ly. Then you will be point
ed out as a fashionable woman.
There will be no uncertainty
how your figure will look if you
wear a Henderson Corset.
We feature Henderson Corsets
and highly recommend them be
cause these models are giving such
complete satisfaction to our cus
tomers. We are able to offer you a bet
ter fitting, more comfortable and
serviceable Henderson Corset than
any other model.
If you value your comfort and
health you should wear these hy
gienic corsets. Henderson Corsets
are designed according to the very latest 6tyle ideas.
They are constructed to give lasting service.
A wide range of styles are here for your selection at
popular prices.
Br turn and aih for booklet of new eoreet llluitratloni that we arm
now giving away at our corset department.
$1.00 to $5.00
Wo carry in stoclc a complete line of Simmons' Whito
Fashion Form
Corsets ,
and Black Kid Gloves. .Better quality and bettor length
than you ever bought before, $3.50
Children's Fleece Underwear 25C
Vov these i wo days we will sell you Children's Gray
good heavy fleeced lined Underwear in all
sizes, at '. , 2Cc
A big cloan-up on remnants. You will bo able
to buy these at much less than one-Jialf prices. Tho
rear end of our storo will be paclcod with remnants
of till descriptions, good seasonable goods, but not
enough of each kind to mako an assortment, there
fore wo have assembled them all in one placo so
you can make your selection in a hurry. Remom
ber they are marked much less than one-hall! reg
ular price
La Vogue Coats i
New arrivals vivvy week. When convenient
coino in. We shall ho pleased to show them to