Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 21, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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mtcptoup mattj trtotnt!;, MigraTOro?, onrcooy. TnTmsDAY, sisrrisjmiiin 21. inn.
Wi ! IIM. W I1 11 SSWI J
Jeff Has No More Taste Than a Gnu
By "Bud" Fisher
I f 1! hi
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Cam. j tuo&q
i.rW HJVra.
Oil,! lOtCi0T uiour
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vji'nri'iu'o- I'lt.on
owaooush, miu
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1 . v." rr. -7 ' : '? at it -fvo'c apc r '':.. , -'- ' . uz - - ?" i
-. IrNf.LrSH DltDO'l V I I I .'-"- ' '- I ftftVC A. 1 TTL3 I .. l 0 -1 'v.
-7W ,rr ,a ,''4w. t-- " u-);t, s" snm &"wtemsmsi
m . ' . s3 j ss' "'sHaaBL-'-. Affir?!Jg3BaH " snsm:Bst
ts-HOM tml ;nr i-m,, .. y-t!it?rr'y m im. t ' iiir: ,m gaatt . ' ?afeagy ' fr -v ,nmak- -arawg n f ,?& fHh 17"' .; '-rf,
Our Correspondents
(Mv A. V. IIomMI.)
'I'Iic IiihI Unit- 1 wniln for lltu .Mail
Triltiimi I pminlHi'il (n j,'ivt mi tu.
"ount of wlmt ! Htuv mid lit-nnl mi
my trip lo utii from lroHioct.
Htnrtml Montluv l hovoii oVIook
n. m. on tint Pronpoct Htiiif, Hoy WIN
Ii'Im iiiiuiiptilntliiK llio liiu-M, mill iim wi
kIiii ttil Ito.vnl Hrttwn t'iiiuirril if la
uiih ki'Ik t p tit tlmt rnlu till 'lit1
wiiy, for ln wtiirtt'll tlm hontt'n iih
(IioiiuIi lot wax Koine to filit fire
niul wiim in n hurry lo j,''t tlierc. Woll
(horn wiim iiothini; f (fpotilal intrr
'Mt Imppuiioil on the rouil until lifter'
wo IiihI piihhml Trail, whoro wo Htop
pt'il for nhoiit forty miiititcrt. Tlu'ro
wo found that Mm. .MitlillclniHlicr.
proprlt-troKH of tlm Trail Imtol, luul
pnie on a inlt to Si'iittlt1, Wattli.,
hut wt two grown ilntighlcnt, Mm.
Strmig ami MIhk l,ri, wcrn mmiaiong
Tho MiHiH Nraloii or Tnlilo Hop'k
h'lt tin No. 'JO WVihu'Hilay inoriiiiij,
for Comitl'iN, whcr they will attt'iu
ollfgo for tho winlur.
Mr. Hamuli of tho W'illmnollo vnl
lny. wlio Iiiih lircii vihilinjj Iiim Itmlli-i-r
.), H. Hariivtt, for a fow ilnyn, u
rt'tunii'il to liin homo.
Chairman A. .1. Diinhip ami tin
tn't committou havu had tui iu
hriliH ooiifltrut'ti'il over flriffii
(rod; on .Main ntri'ot and tint hiiiik
aro now roadv for (niffiit wliitdi add
jiroally to tho etiiiviunoi' of the trnv
flor. TJui ,lm'tdioii !c Hndn lilg tlitchinr
maclitiio Niit'i'CHHfully (MimpU'tod t
work lu'ro Thurnday and Mtnrlt'd im
mediatrly for Mgdford.
(Vnlrnl Point vinilor to Mt'dford
U'l'dnt'tttlay wore Mr. Neff, Mrs
ShioldH, Mrs. Umpkiiix. Mr. and Mm
Manii'tl, M!hh Iluhhard, X. (h-rrv
I lilt tjkul.if I liil.1 l'lml
WH'iiioilli.lmvinlHmlnllllilwliiMs!,rH' ih F" K"x "",l l'or ,,,,-"!,
they could attend to, and Mr. anil
Mix. Charlov IHi'nh, Hlntioncd at tho
old Allen hotel, reported - that they
uru fall most of tho time. Going
on up the ltogtut at the month of Klk
ercek at tlm hatehery they had the
traps, etc., all arranged lo cnteh the
fall run of HtretheadH, Rilvenmlett.
elo. doing on up Klk creek wo found
several men at work on tho eoiiutv
road, mill ntrnngo to uny, tho driver
hragged on the eonditioii of tho mad,
nnd it indeed whb fine. Tho miper
vhtor, Uetirgo I.yneh, ilenerven credit
for (ho manlier in which he Iiiih fixed
the road. The unwmill owned hy Mr.
MeCollotigh ami hoii, wiih hIiiiI down
for tho tinio heing, allhoiigh they
KeeiiH'd (o have ipiile a lot of luiii-
her on hand. The next thing of note
was tlm fuio alfalfa that ia growing
all along to road, not only on 11;
creek, hut all along the haiikH of the
Kogmt niul iln trihutaricH, 1'aKMing
along we vnmo to tho IViino hcIiooI
house, where wiih a lot of men put
ting it in Hhape for the winter
Hi'linol. They were looking nt that
timo for MiHH Mao linwo, their old
leaoher. to come nnd commence the
fall hcIiooI. I noticed along he
i-oiile that there was hut very little
improvement in the way of hitildiug
ro fencing and thu farmn an a rule did
not nhow iih much thrift mid energ
an might ho desirnhle, mid tho alfalfa
on hoiiio r ho fanns 1h going to tho
had, although where it in properly
oiiiiivaieu u looKH lino. Alter we"
hntl gone onfor n few milca wo left
tho county road mid Minted up the
hill to IVrHiHt Valley, which in mtu
ulcd on the head waters of Klk creek,
it' heing a kind of a covn in the
moimtaitiH coiitiHniag Noveral hint
dretl iuiich. Mr, Willeta Sr. and uh
roiih Imvo opened a now roml up the
hill lo the valley mid ltoy inforniH
mo that when they got it done it will
ho on a five per cent grade. They
Imvo opened it up ho that they can
rim tho Htnge over it winter mid fiimi.
lifer. Wo arrived nt tho PorslHt pout
officii almiit two p. in., having trav
eled M milcH rIiico aovoii n, in., nml
nmtlo Hovurn! slops on tho way. We
brought with iih good appetiles, hul
I hey were noon Hnttoffod, iih Mine
ITohIchh M'i-h. WilletH had a good,
Avnrin dinner in loadiiiOHH for us.
Mr. W. W. WillettH' farm, contain
ing 1120 aoroH, !h nil tin too! at tho head
of the valley, lie has about fiOaoroH
already cleared. It layfl at tho bond
of mi nub flvvniup mid of uoui'ho the
Boll iw reinnikahlv rich, heing regular
blnck iilltiNial Hoil, not alloky. Tlioro
Ih tpiilo a tract of tlm hiiiuo kind o'
Inml lo ho cleared nnd ono would
think thai iih a niattor of course tho
bind would ho very wot mid limd
to oullivnlc, but not no, for ho ban
'dry diloboH In drain llio land nnd
need cotter back in tho placo of regu
lar tiling, ho Hint by (hiu inonnH Iiiib
Mr. and Mr. McCaffrey who him
refilled here for the pant ncvera'
montliM, (.rt recently for Uritrit 1'asf
to make their home.
Mr. Foley had the iniKfortiiiie tt
loe a valuable borfio one day recent
lv hy joitouing,
Mrn. CIiiih. Hliuehtirg and Mo
John Mardou were giioU of Anna
Uigiubotham mi Tuesday.
Mr. Iiud Mnt. Lewis motored tr
Med ford Tuchdaj', where Mr, hmvii
in having Knne denial work done.
Horn-On Saturday, Kept. 17th
1011, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ithoten
a girl. Mother and child doing nice
ly, mid think the father will recover.
Mr. and Mrs. Marden were trans
acting biiNines'i in Central Point one
day retiently.
TlionuiH Dimgey mid wife, of Onlb
creek, wore visiting friendH nt tlu
"Mrnilcu mine" over Sunday,
flmudpa Humoll left on TuetdayV
train for Kosehurg mid the soldieVh'
Mr. NTorr! hnH returned Iioiik
from Prospect at which place he ha
been employed for hoiiio time.
SPOKANE, Wn., CaroleKHiiesfi in
the use of kerosene to start a fire
in a Htove today cost Mr. Michael
ICiisanovic, L'll, her life, resulted in
the narrow escnpo of her husband
and three children from death in a
fire which destroyed their home.
the laud well draiuod, Tho house is
Mtuutcd on a hill where ono can
overlook tho most entire phtoo, and
where he Iiiih ij fino t renin of water
brought in by troughs, emptying right
nt the kitchen door. If 1 was more
of a florist I would uudertako to
give n deaoription of tho yard, but
suffice it to Hay that Mrs. Willots
mid her daughter MIsh lues, have
t lowers all around tho houso nnd of
several different varieties. Mr.
Willots turns his attention to stock,
agriuiiltiiro mid gnrdeiiiug, lie has
several acres in potatoes mid cab
bage and tomatoes, and finds a
ready market nt Prospoot. There
aro several fainilicH settled in the
valley and Mr. Willeta tells mo that
there is room for several more. It
the U. S. government would throw out
of tho reserve tlm agricultural part
of tlm laud there would ho room for
u great many moro. They Imvo a
fine school hoilbu mid hmt Monday
Miss ICerim arrived there' to teach
tho fall school.
More anon.
No.t my trip (o Prospect over tho
mountains mid what I saw there.
Haskins for health.
I.. O. Van Wegcn has gone over
on Dig Sticky with bis gasoline saw
out! it where he has considerable
woik engaged.
Tho many friends of John Ilim
uingtoii mid bride are wry glad to
welcome them home, ufter their hon
eymoon (rip to Portland.
Wart! Itegar, one of our hiiccoh
fill fiumerit, is buying mid bauli'ig
his winter's wood from Chnrles'Nic
kell's much, icen miles from Jack
sonville. il. Q. Roberts, wife mid litllu son
were the guei-tH of the former's sis
ter. Mrs. h. 0. Van Wcgen nml fuiii
ily last Sunday.
Ur. It. C. Clancy, wife and little
daughter were guests of Mr. ami Mrs.
Reuben Robison Inst .Sunday.
Rev. Johnston leaves this morn
ing "(WodnoMlay) for Salem, where
he goes to attend the Methodil con
ference. Robt. Carol! has returned to bis
old home ut Weynwlingn, Wis., aflr
a year's slay in Rogue River valley.
Miss Recta Johiihton has returned
from a several week's visit with
friends on Klk creek. She was nc
comimnied home by MihS Mnrjorie
Krskinc, a1io will spend some liaie
vioiting in Jacksonville, her fonnor
home. The trip was made hy wagon
from Klk creek to Derby tbenco on
be P. & K. to Metlford and lastly
Mi Kniina Armstrong, tor mnn3'
.venrs a resilient of Jacksonville, is
initnig tdtl friends here, and is also
putting her houso in readiness for
the occiipunee of the new Presbyter
ian minister.
Mr. mid Mrs. Heckcrt are making
an cxtemled mt to eastern rcla
ttives ami friends.
Mrs. Mary Day has gone to Wil
lamette valley for a few months'
Miss Kate Chapman the milliner,
visit with friends.
hns so for recovered from her seri
eiis illness as to he able to be around
Our school is progrensing wonder
fully under tho nmnagcinent of the
able corps of teachers wo now have
Violin Mnkcr.
Itopalrlng of all utrlugcd Instru
ment. Violin) repairing a specialty.
Corner of 8th' nnd Central avenue.
Hnuldna for Hcaltfc.
Nolle- I hrrrby (riven tlmt on Ihtt JOtti
tiny of tV)trnilitr,.H'lJ. an Uctlon will
l)i tirlit thruUKliout Jachiiun county, Ore
gon, for llio itirio of nubmlttlnc to
iim vok.tjt or jncKin county, uretron.
Dm qucHtlon hh to wlietlicr or not debts
for tlio bulldlnK of ptrmanent roads
wltliln Jackaon county, Orrgon, nlmll be
Inrurrml In a num not xcvllnx $1 COO.
009 anil Intercut thtrvon, nnil over and
ubuve tiny and all Indobtedneiia of the
county at llio tlato of aild election, and
lii'H'U-nilent of any otlit-r lndebtdne
of mild county otherniifl created, and
nutliorlxliiK tiald lndebtfilneriM to be evl.
denci-d by lli'i bonds of Mid county, dat
ed January Int. lir, ami payable tivrrl
ty yara aftur data and ticarlnic a rata
of Intorest to be doterrnined by the coun
ty court, but not to exceed nix per cent
rr annum, payable semi-annually, which
Interest may bo evidenced by Interest
coupons attached to such bonds, and
which bonds nnd Intercut coupons may
be substantially In the form designated
In tho order of the county court for
Jackson county, Orccon, calling said
election, which ordervwas duly mads and
otitered of record In the countv court of
llio state of Oregon for Jackson county.
miiiiik ror mo imnsiction or county
business at tho regular August, 1911,
term of said court, which convened on
the 2d day of August, 1911. and which
order was made nnd entered on the 3d
drt)' of August, 1911. Said election will
be held In each election precinct In said
county, beginning; at the kour of S
o'clock In the morning on the 30th day of
Kptitnber. 1911, and continuing until
tlm hour of 7 o'clock In the afternoon of
said day. '
Tlilrt Mnlliui t Imm.a.4 In i..-w1 ...-.
with said order of slid county court thl
ju any 01 August, un,
w n. coi.i:man.
County Clork Jackson County. Oregon
I'Oll TKADIi -Two nlco Hertford res
idence lots to trade for team. Aa
tlresn box C22, Mtdford, Oregon. 1SS
roil HAI.IJ 23 ncreK of b-st of Vmp
'1 1111 river bottom, .liouxe, barn, out
houses, 3 l-l miles from Illddle, In
Orchard valloy; J3C00. Address O. A.
Jones. Canyotivllle, Oregon. 185
KOIl HAI.K 10 acres apples, 4 yearn
old, excellent location, IT acres, ten
In four-year-old pears. SIodrn house
with conveniences, llox 177, Central
I'olnL 167
FOll 8AI.T; This week only at $100
cash, each tract, lots 50x147 fret In
choicest residence, location at I'lioe
nlx, four blocks west of depot. They
urn the- very best soil for berries.
p-ar, or alfulfa, deep nnd iorus, thin
layer grawl on surface, no mud In
Winter lure water nbundadnt at depth
of 20 to 30 feet; eastern slope: oak
and laurel shade trees. Inquire Theo
dora Kngel, 8. W. corner Main and
I'lrst streets. I'hoonlx, Ore. 1S8
WANTED I'osIHon by mlddl-agd
woman an housekeeper: staid wages.
Address A. II., cara of Mall Tri
bune. ICC
WANTED Washing to do at home.
Tunny Vaughn, 636 N. I'lr. 163
help Wanted.
Xslp Want fl -TBiaJs
WANTED A woman to do housework
on farm, Ilohemlan. Swiss or Norweg
ian; not necessiry to speak IZngllsh.
Hleepy Hollow Knrm, Rock Point, Ore
gon, 15 miles from Med ford on Houtr,
orn Pacific road: Home telephone.
WANTED Qlrl for general housework;
ono who can cook; wages 130 per mo.
Apply Oold Ilay Ilealty Co.
Help Wasted VU1
WANTED Ten pick nnd shovel men,
12 60, a hours. Apply street commis
sioner. Ninth and IllVerslde. ICC
l-'OIl -SALi; Two new desirable bunga
lows, owner on premises. 612 Cather
ine street, TuMIoh addition. 151
HOUSES FOIt SALE Can sell you
houses on smalt payment down, bal
ance smull monthly payments. See
Huntley & McClatchte. 15S
FOK SALE Splendid new, strictly
modern bungalow, well worth $2600.
but you may liao It for $2060: small
payment, easy terms; North Central,
on pavement. Humphrey, owner, 816
East Main. 160 H
For exchange.
FOIt EXCHANOE-ICO acres, goot
house, barn and pumping plant, 12r
acres In cultivation. Will exchanct
for house nml lot In Medford; lone
time on balance Price $76 per ncre
Address 106 Tripp street or phone
4271 15S
HTUAYED White horse, roan markings
O II. Dean, Central Point. Tel. Jack
sonville Farmers 21C.
WASHINGTON, I). C. Practical
ly every militnry post nitho country
will ho visited hy Secretary of War
Stiinson, with a viow of thoroughly
fniuiliiiricing hiiiiKolf with condilmno
in the United States arym.
j 1- ,
Tliat'H Why n Tlinnkfiit Woman lice
omeinls Parlsltiu Sage.
Charles Strang will sell you a fifty
cent hottlo of PAHISIAN SAQH and
Kuaranteo It to banish dandruff, atop
fulling hair nnd Itching acalp, or
money hnck. It's a delightful hnlr
dressing that innkcit hair EastroiiB
ami faHelnntlng.
"In tho spring I was recovering
from a severe enso of oryalnolna.
which loft mo vlrtunlly bald on the
front of my head mid next to any
ears. Tho hnlr kept coming out rap
idly and anything I used Btonnod my
getting entirely bnld, until I uboi two
bottles of PARISIAN BAQK, This
tonlo nuido my hnlr start to grow in
and, In fact, grow mo a good fair
amount, of hulr, and It Iiiih ontlroly
stopped my hair falling out.
It Is with plenRtiro that I glvo a
public recoinniond to PARISIAN
BAQK, which I know is n wonder."
Mrs. Klla Gilchrist, W. Pitt St., lied-
ford, Pa,
8THAYED OH STOLEN 1 brown pony
wcigni anout sao pounds, branded c
on left thigh. 8 years old; reward. M
O. dtiy. 701 E. Main.'
MONEY TO LOAN $6,009 Jn uma of
not Iosh than $1 000 on realty securlt)
for 1 to 3 years Farm nnd orcharr
property preferred. Box Q. D., Mali
$ XoniM,
FOIt UENT Furnished hotiuo close In
Inqulr.) 147 North Holly.
l"OIt HENT Flte-room now, Rtrlctl)
modern liungnlow. largo sleeping
porch; $30.00. 113 Qeuuvu avenue. IS!
FOIt RENT Two seven-room houoes
one lurgu barn, ono alublo. F, Osen
bruggef 401 ltlversldo avenue.. South
Attention to nil cIMkoiih of good.
loyal and moral character in metlford
and surrounding towns, this will bo
tho last call to join tho soloctod herd,
tho ohartor closing Ttiosdny evening,
Septombor 10, 1011, at tho charter
feo of flvo dolnlrs at 217 1-2 Wost
Main strcot, Slowing building, After
that dato foca wU bo $2f.
lfiO Deputy Supionio OrgnnUor.
I'On RENT Coxy five-room bungalow
on West Hamilton: modern. Inqulr.
401 8. lllverslde.
FOJnENT At 719 Taylor street, hout.
with seven roomx, largo scroenei
porch, gas, good well, largo garden
$16.00 per month II. H. Ilullock
Homo phone, 10S L., 103 Itosovelt nve
mu 167
Hoard and Sooina
rtOOM AND llOAItn at Mrs. Fay's, No
10 No, Clrnpa st . taok of Farmers am'
Frultgrowurs bhlc.
Xonsekeopltux Booms
MODEHN hnusckeeplng rooms, $16 nnC
$18. 23 South Holly.
Offices for moat
FOU KENT Two elegant -front offlct
rooniH, corner Main street. Inquire
Oregory'a Studio,
FOIt nENT Over th potoffloe-wlth
heat and light See A. A. Davis.
. Tnrulshsd Booms.
FOIt UENT Two Hleeplng rooms nnd
two or four Uounckefiilntr roojus, gns
inngo, mtiduru; phono 6501. 244 N
Ivy. Call 0:30 p. 111. ISO
FOU UENT -Two nicely ftirnlslied
Mleeplng looms, seiuruto or on sulto.
till coiivonloiiues NprtheiiHt corner
OeuoBee nml East Main. No, 701 K
Main street. , 107
KOll UENT Pmt of modoi n Mun street
Htoto-for rout with uso of show win
dow, ona block from now Hotel Med
ford. Addles E, O,, caro .Mali Tri
FOIt SALE Strictly modern 8-room
house on paved street, close In; a
good bargain. Inquire 501 So. Holly.
FOIt SALE Strictly modern 7-room
bungalow, with sleeping porch: part
rash any easy terms on balance. Ad
dress G2, caro Mall Tribune office.
FOIt SALE Splendid homo closo tn:
lot 60x200, shade and fruit trees, paved
street, water, gas. Call 1017 West
Main. . 156
'Oil SALE Eight-room bungalow, 3
blocks from depot, Central Point; city
water, electric light, sower connec
tions, small bam, henhouse, yard, flow
er garden; price $1600 cash. Inquire
C. A. Pankey, Central Point. 170
OU SALE Ranch on Coleman creek,
a lot of cordwood an.d poles, fir. pine
and oak wood. F. Osenbrugge, 401
Riverside avenue. South. 167
KOU SALE A modern 5-stamp mill for
sale cheap, equipped with water pow
er; also a Scotch Manna boiler, and
some promising gold prospects. E. IJ.
Hawkins. Applcgatc. Ore. ISO
iOIt SALE Lady or gontlemnn's drlv
Ing mare. Address R. C., caro Mnll
Tribune. 158
'Oil SALE Poultry plant. 714 Soutn
Central avc.; house and lot, together
with 800 chickens, all thoroughbreds;
ono fine cow and one 240-egg Cypher
Incubator. Phono 6412 Main. 190
'OR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. fifty dol
lars; bow with flvo pigs. $15: at Seven
Oaks. Address W. R. Harris, Central
Point 156"
''OR SALE Cordwood. oak and hard
wood, $4.50 per cord tn carload lots.
Oold Kay itealty Co., 21S West Mnln;
phono 1S73.
"'OR SALE Kentucky saddle horse,
spirited, gentle and perfectly sound;
tlno young Jersey cow, fresh next
spring; gives very rich mills. Call
220 West Main street 161
"OR SALE $40 worth of new lumber
doors unit windows for $20. C. II.
Ford, Haskins' for Health. 159
FOR SALE Ijullea and rtentlomnn's
Plorea bloyclo; cheap. Address 418 8.
Onkdiilo. 156
WANTED To hire man by the year on
alfalfa and grain ranch. W. IJ. Harris,
Central Point , 156
WANTED First-class bookkeeper and
Htenograpncr. Gold Ray Realty Co.
WANTED Salesman fot xculslro ter
ritory. Big opportunities. No expe
rience necessary. Complete lino Yak
ima Valley grown fruit shade and
ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Out
fit free. Toppenlsb Nursery Company,
Toppenlsh. Wash.
WANTED Salesmen In every locality o
the northwest: money advanced week
ly; many tasks over $1000 month
choice of territory. Yakima Valle
Nursery Co., Topentsb, Wash. ,
CUL.V1U &. ItEAMES W. M. Colvlir. u.
L. Reamcs. Ijiwyers. Office Medford
nauonsi name Duuaing. second floor
Attorneys-at-law. Noa. 1 and 3 Poat-
onico puiuiing.
CITY GARman CO.. Metlford-Oar-b.nge,
rubbish, dirt and anything It)
thut line hauled. Wagon culls fron:
two to thrco times a. week; rrntuu
rants and hoteli, twice; i dny. Office
phones, Main 2461: Homo 143 K. J. !'.
PerreJ! and J. V. Kerno. 180
rs.ulU Work.
MEuruitD uuiCK co-oeo. w. friua.
O. D Nagie. Ooo, T. O'Brien Contrac
tors and manufacturers of brick; deal.
yr In pressed brick and lime. Office
In Gamett-Corey block, room 209. 2d
floor. Phone No. 3181.
SUNRISE LAUNDnY Tet Main 7331.
Orders called for and aollvoro.l. First
class work done by hantL Ladles' and
Gents' suits cleaned and pressed. Co.
Eight!) and South Central. Medford. Or.
Maile. '
MISS TURNEY, Piano Instruction and
musical history. 309 South Newtown
street Phone 6603 Belt
ldalng Manhlmry.
SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoentx. Or.,
or the Denver Quartz Mill & Crusher
Co.. of 1710 Broadway, Denver, Colo
rado. Catalogues and prices can be
had at Phoenix. Oregon. Matt Calhoun.
Xotarjr ITuDlla.
HELEN N. YOCKEY. Notary public.
Urlnif your work to me at the sign of
The Mall Tribune.
ers, potted plants, shrubberr bulbs. 92$
E. Main. Phone J741.
VI UAKEK NUltSKttlE Uu tret ii
budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not
Irrigated. W e guarantee everything put
out We ore not In the trust H. B.
Patterson, office removed to Ut E.
Main st
CO.. Inc. Growers of high grade nur
sery stock. Office 104 8. Fir. Both
phones. t
A. E. REAMES Lwyer. Qarnett-Corey
uuiiuinK. r
new w. iitiKiiux) lawyers. Prac
tice in all state and federal courts.
Rooms 11 and 12, Jackson County
Bank bldg.
J01LN3 & TURNER. Architect! 154
Builders. Office 7-8, 326 Main; phone
imn jii. iioaiaence pnone 744
If. H. WOOD General accountant. lour
figuro: your business solicited. Office
.ncuiuru Jinn inouno uuiiatng, pnone
6611. residence phono 1601
Assayer ana Analyst.
iikau Assays made for gold, silver,
lead, copper, and other minerals.
Mines and mining prospects surveyed,
assayed and mining maps and reports
mado thereon by competent mining as
sayers and engineers at reasonable
terms. Capital secured for developing
mines and mining prospects. All mine
owners aro earnestly requested to send
samples of their ores for exhibition
purposes, and send full description of
their mining property. Southern Ore
gon Mining Bureau. 346 West Main
street aicororo, Oregon.
Keia, u. oc uenerai assay ami an
alytical work. Cement and asphalt
testing. Best equipped assay office
and testing laboratory in Oregon. All
work guaranteed. Grants Pass. Or.
title uo., inu., Jacksonville. Phonci
Pacific. Mnln 11: Home Snos.
BUltara "Parlors.
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Cigars
ana son urtnKs. up stairs. loung
Hall building. A nice, cool lkce to
spend the hot afternoons.
BUI Fosters.
VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and DIs.
iriouior. in orutrn promptly rilled
Reom 29. Jsckson County Bank build
Ing. Medford. Oregon
Physicians and nrgtoas.
DR M. C II ARBEIt Physician and Sur
gcon Rooms 403-4 Medford Furnltura
nnd Harwaro Bldg.; residence 1303
est Main street; office hours, 10 a.
in. to 4 p. m.; tel. 3141.
Dlta OONROY & CLANCY musicians
and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg..
rooma fio-211-212. Office pfione SOT
residence phone 612. Office houra 9 a!
. kkj a (. m.
SfiitPWT' 8te.Pathlo- physicians.
Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gamett
Corey bldg. Phone Main mi.
D o,111.1.8. w- DEANK Dentist
Office in Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main
?h adm'nlt"ed tor extraction of
Phone 44,eI'noi Main 6SL Night
b StEARNS Physician and um-geoul
?.fi"S?, Qarnitt-Corey bldg.. rooml
211-212. phone 5501. ResWence 118
Laurel at. Dhone2093. c'u''nca "
DMreor LOCKWOODrpHysIciaa anil
practice limited to diseases of woi
men. Offices over Haskins drug stare.
Phones: Paclflo lOoi; Home 28.
Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoo.
Dr. C. C Van Scoyoo.
n .. Dentists.
Garnett-Corey bldg.. suite 318, Medford.
reSon- Both Phone
DR J. J. EMMEN8 Physician and
surgeon, practice limited to eye. ear
and throat, eyes scientifically teBtcd"
and glasses supplied. Offices 216 East
Main street, over Medford Hardware
Company: houra 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. tn.
both phone. "
DR,--L 8A-?J?,En3. A.N.p GREEN-Prao-
tiVV- Avit iU ,,).e ar now ana
throat. Offlc: Suite 318 aaroeU-
J,,'Ct!JlK' U- ' a- J-' IIltfiKBR:
. y. a., ivemisis, zs js. aiain. Phone
Main 3101. Homo 124IC
Chinese Mettlclnes.
'OH SALi: Ono Jorsey grndo cow:
fresh In March, now giving. eight
quarts; flrHt-clnss butter cow. $50.
L. Lane, R. F. D. No. 2. Centntl Point.
VATED Phico on ranch to winter
two horses. W. M. Vanscoyoc, room
318 Gurnott-Corey Bldg.. phono Main
'OR SALE Ueglstered Hurkshlro
swlno and Jersey cows ut all times.
M. 1 RInKlmm. Applegnto. Ore. 174
WANTED Consignments ol peaches,
onnta'oupes, grapes, ota Wo guarantee
prompt roturns. Roforoncea furnished
Frank E. nialr. Com. Co., Wholosalo
Commission Co.. Ettgono. Oregon. i
WANTED One-Bouted carriage with top
or coveted buggy In good condition.
James Campbell, 32Q Garntt-Corey
Building. 107
HOUSES' WANTED Ltat your, houses
for suio or rent wiih ttumioj iu
Clutcltlo, 158
DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD Chiropractic.
nerve specialist, 213 Fruitgrowers Bank
building. Office hours: 2 to 4. Phone
Homo 269K. Residence 119 Roosevelt
Hours: 10 to 12 and 6:30 to 7:30, Phone
10SK. Speclul hours by appointment
Salentlflo massage given. Advice In
dietetics. Medical gymnastic hydro-theropy.
DA VIES & IRLE Chiropractors, 623 S
Central avc. Phone Main 514. Office
hours: 2 to 4 p. m. Consultation and
examination free.
Cigars ana Tobacco,
IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse
Dealers in tobacco, cigars, and smok
era' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewis
uingie mnunr, i-;i lueruo ana ei raien
cln. 212 West Main street ,
H, F WILSON & CO.. dealers in new
and second-hand furniture nnd hard
ware. Agents for Household stoves
and ranges. 16 South Fir street Phonf
Main 3161. Home 265-L.
ner 8th and Holly streets, Medford
Mission furniture made to order. Cab
inet work of ull kinds. A trial order
MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookltoves and
ranges. New nnd second hand furnl
turo. Eails" old stand, 18 Fir street
South. Phone 91. Homo 28I-K. Med
ford. ,,.
CHOW YOUNG'S Chlnesdmedlcines will
-l1 '""?".' '""" coma, gon
ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness,
paralysis, private diseases and all
kiniis of chronlo and nervous allmnta.
Stomach trouble, constipation, indiges
tion, womb and blndder troubles. Sea
ma at 841 B Front pt. Medford. Ore.
to 4. 6:30 to 7:30. Residence phono
Phone Main 42.
Printers' 'and Pabllshsrs.
MEDFORD PRINTINO CO.. has the best
ailtnnt tnh nfrinu ln u...i XlT
--. arm -. -.vr- .,. ... kjuuiiiarii wrii
gon; book binding; loose leaf syatems;
cut paper, etc.. oto.. PortianH nr..'
North Fir street
sewing machines for sale and rent Re
pairs. Caro Duncan local respresenta
tlve. Phone 6013, No. 10 South Fr
Banclies ror Bent.
430 aero ranch, 300 acres under Irriga
tion, 10 miles from Medford. Oold
Ray Realty Co. 218 West Main street,
room 101 Elcctrlo Building, 14
Bandied ror Sale.
010 ncres foothill fruit land. 10 miles
from railroad mntlon; $16 pir acre on
10 years time. Ono-tonth. cush, ona
tenlh cttt'h year for ten years. Inter
est on deferred payments Biggest
bargains ever offered. Gold liny Rrt
alty Co.. room 101 Electric Building.
218 West Muln.
Stenographlo work done qulekly and
MISH U J, HINOSTON", Public stent)"?
rapher. Mrtlfor1!, Oregon, rhon&j, Of
flco. Pacific. 6571; residence. Paclflo
5083 Room 218, Qarnett-Corey bldg,
SIONS will help build up your busi
ness. Phone 802, 18 Rlvtirslde aveaus,