'"yt : V fi I i .1 ii Ii f n i ?r ,:.-'jr!' 'mfiw KCGE JT0UB 'MEDFOBD MAIL TRIBUNE, MBDFQRP, OUTCCION, TITUftSDAT, SFiPTflMirTCn 21, 1011. Medford Mail Tribune sate: AN INDKPENDRNT NRWRPAPRIl FU1IL.I81I13D KVEUT A1TKKNOON KXCEPT BUNDAW HT TUB XIKDFOnt) l'niNTINO COr .The Democratic Tlmea. Th Medford Matl.Thn Medford Tribune, The South ern Oregonlan, The Aanland Tribune Office Mall Tribune nullcJlnit, S&-1T-19 wain North Fir Noma 7C. atreet; phone, 101, JUDICIAL CONTEMPT FOR THE PEOPLE. OHOnan PUTNAM, Rdttor and Manager nterod na seeond-claaa matter at Med ford, Oregon, under the act of March S, 1179. Official Paper of tho City of Medford Official Paper of Jnckson Countr. .. aTOBSCBXTTXOX laAXZS. One year, by mail w.15.00 One month, by mall .............. .10 Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford. Jacksonville and Cen- tral Point .M Saturday only, by mall, per year.. S.OO Weekly, per year 1.M bwobh oxsotnuiTZOir. Dally areratro for nix raontha aaalng December 31. 110, S7JX- ruU Xaet4 Wire Ualtta 9t Slapatebta. ) i ' ' " The Mall Tribune Is on Bale at the Ferry Newa siana. Ban tTuncieco. Portland Hotel Newa Stand. Portland, Bowman Newa Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. 'Whitney. Seattle, Waalu FOR the past tou or fifteen years at least the supreme court oC Ohio has been trying to aequire a reputation equal to unit ot tlio suprome court 01 1'onnsyivanm as a faithful servant of monopolistic corporations. When Attorney-General Monnott started n number of suits against the. Standard Oil company and similar monopolies, he found that the merits of his ease cut very little figure with that court. Later, when Tom L. Johnson started his fight for three cent fares and for equal taxation of railroad and street railway property, hu found that the judges of the Ulno supreme court coma not nave ueen more paruai 10 those corporations it they iiau ueen opemy roraiuou as at torneys for them. In order to protect monopolistic inter ests, thev even rendered a decision overturning the gov- 1 J 11 1 A Ti J .. ... iK ennuentoi every oiiyin tuesiaie. xi is nor. surprising uiimi to hoar of the latest manner in which it has distinguished itself. There is a vigorous campaign tieing carried on in Ohio for the initiative and referendum, and it looks now as though there will be an overwhelming popular vote in fav or ofthese measures. The interests are clearly alarmed. So when a question was brought before the supreme court re- laung ro a law requiring puysiciaiis to iii.iku cerium re ports, that august bodvsaw fit to render a decision nullify ing this law in such a way as to give it an excuse to utter some irrelevant side remarks that might be construed as bearing on the initiative and referendum question. It de clared tiic act void, not on account of any unconstitutional feature, but because it was said to be contrary to the ordi nance of 17S7 and then went on to intimate that there were tilings in that ordinauee which would invalidate a pure de mocracy and that since it ante-dated the constitution, aiarcu sn kJ'JJta H 5S nothing could be put in the constitution to revoke it. In other words, the court holds that the states lormeu out 01 the old northwest territory have not boen admitted to the union on equal terms with other states. Other states may amend their constitutions to suit themselves, but these states must first obtain the consent of congress, if these side remarks of Ohio's supreme judges have been proper ly understood. Can fidelity to predatory interests cro any further? Taf t's conduct in regard to Arizona seemed high handed enough, but Arizona was still a territory under the control of congress. But a state admitted to tlie union is supposed to be sovereign in all things that do not conflict with the federal constitution. Ohio needs not only a new constitution, but a now lot of supreme judges as well. FOUR WEEKS E ID PAVNG i acxsroaU), oxssok. Metropolis .of Southern Orccon an4 Northern California, and the faateat growing city In Oregon. .. Population U. a censua 110; MiO; aatlmated. 191110.000. FUo hundred thouwuxd doltnr Gravity Water System completed. Eivlns finest auDoly pure mountain water and eix teen' miles ot atreel belnir paved and contracted for at a coat exccedlnr . 000,000, making a total ot twenty mllea of J PTeS!fnt- .. .,!.. I'oeiomce rrcripiB r i. .... cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Roeua River 8piUenberR applea won sweep atakea prUe and UUo of "Aypla Kin of the World.1 ax the National Apple Show, Spokane, 110, and a car of Kewtowns won jttnrt Mm ta 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, B. C ...... nnmi. izivr Dears orouKai uutiics. rlca In all markets of tho world dur ing me paai six , year. ivhi. commercial ciu cents for poatase for me finest eommu- Clark & Hcnery Will Be Kept Busy Until End Of Season With Work In This City New Contracts Are Coming In. The Clnrk-Uouerv Puvim comimnv havo fully four wcoU work ahead of them heforti their stroot paving uon traet in Medford will ho completed. Tho streets yet to pavo, aru North Fir, from SixlA to Jaeksou; North Orape, from Sixth to Jaekwon; Heat ty, from porth Central avenue to Aranmunta street; Tlilnl 8tnet, from Front street to Apple street; Hurt lett street, from KirIiUi to Ninth; Fifth tri'et, from Front street to Kiversiilo avenue. Tho exenvntious have been nimlo on mst of these streets ami on some of them all nec essary work preparatory to putting on tho "1oih)' nml "hot stuff" has neon completed. Several alleys are also to ho paved. These arc all the alleys in the Med ford Furniture & Hardware compa ny hlock; nil those in the Hotel Nash block, and ruuninc east to ltivorsidv avenuo; and nil those in tho Miil Tribune block. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl. IlurlJnir Jiiinsclf from the roof of St. Fran ..:.. it . . . .... BIG BANQUET ON SATURDAY Toggery Bill To Bid Oltl Stand An Approprtnto Farewell Many Speakers Will Be Heard At The Festival. . eis Hospital hen', K. Marcus a pa-, hi tient under treatment for melancholia' w Preparations for tho haiupiet to bo given as a farewell to tho old Tok Kry stand oil Saturday ovcntn arc well under way. 1 ho hour Iiuh lieou set for directly after the, eloso of busiuusN and it is then that with feast and oratory tho old utoro will bo closed up for the uifjht for tin last time as "Tho Toery.'1 On Monday morning tlfo new TogB'Ty will bo opened next to tho Medford National Hank. Among tlio speakers of the even ing will ho John 11. (loodrhih, who will devote some time to tho subject, "Tho Itaiucoat as a Uoverumenl Wa tershed." Clarence H. Maid win has prepared a lengthy address on "Mlock Heads that Need ItehlockhiK." Tim lecture will be illnstrutcd with stent opttcou slide and the company will bo given cues when to applaud. I'aul Leonard will modestly tell about the time hu caught n bigftor fs, i,an jj over caught and how it got away. There nro no pictures with this, the speakers' word heiiig sufficient. rrank AloKny has been given tin lonor of closing tho toastmnkiug. He AT rOUNTAINB.HOTKLBtOn (LaKWMKnK Get tho Oritnul nd Genuine. HORUCK'S MALTED MILK . Otficttait Jmitaticn& ThcFootlDrinkforAUAc.H RICH MILK, MALT CRAIN EXTIUa. IN roWUM Not in any Milk Trust limine on "HOHLICK'S" Tako a inuku)So lioiin ill shed real tears nq lm htilu ftim , ....... ... ..,..,. ..... was picKca up m a dying condition ' well to the old store. If there an by attendants and died on tho oper-1 any other addresses they aro still nting table of the hospitnl. r. wm nlty pamphlet ever published. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown Tho Earl of Yarmouth has become a ook. Does he uso Royal Baking Powder? v A Kansas City woman throw a cooked goose at her husband. Must havo been a half-baked ono herself. i Without a graft Investigation Phil adelphia goes atalo. An aerial express Is announced at .Now York. Merchants who order drop shipments will do well to Investigate. I called on a clairvoyant, A wizened littlo man; Tho pages of tho futuro j I asked tho right to scan. I looked upon tho headlines One hundred years from now. They said, "Moroccan question Will finish In a row." I quickly turned tho pages, A thousand years or more And saw "John Bull and Kaiser Are on the verge of war." 5, Speaking of names, we note that a white slave Investlagtlon In Portland 'has brought to light a Mrs. Sinner. , Some of tho guests at the banquet wished thoy could havo been traveling salesmen Just for tho night. EXPECT Ml -t WAR TO START r i i i SANTA BAKDARA. Cnl.. Sept. 21. A clash of considerable magni tude between American nnd Japanese fishermen on Santa Cruz jsland is expected to follow the announcement today of Fred F. Cairo of San Fran cisco, ono of the owners of tho isl and, that no exclusive privilege has been given tho Japanese to fish on its shores. Cairo says that he only gavo tho foreigners the rifjht to camp there, , American fishermen have been hesitating to enforce their rights on tho island. Now that thoy know whoro thoy stand, tho Americans are determined to fish pn tho island and tho littlo brown men arc nst as de termined not to permit thorn. Last Friday tho Americans and Japanese clashed but no weapons wore used. IIoavHy nnncd, a party of Santa Barbarans Btarlcd for the island today and serious trouble is 'expected if tho Jnpaneso nttempt to interfere. There are about 50 Japa nese from I)8 Angeles now fishing for crawfish and nbnlonoq on tho isl and, and they havo announced that they v'ill fifiht nny'-nttempt to nsur their privilege. HMkuu for Health. " MR. FARMER, CAN YOU AFFORD IT? CAN you afford to continue to haul your loads over the present roads when it will cost you not one cent more than you are hoav paying to enjo' the use of a good hard surfaced road, free from ruts a,nd mud at all season of the year? Good roads will enable you to bring in wood at a time when fuel is most needed and prices the highest, and when you have no other work pressing on the farm. Good roads Avill enable you to bring in hay, potatoes and other products when you have leisure to market them, and prices are right. Good roads will bring rural free delivery to every farm in the county. Build good roads and enjoy them now, and thousands of people yet to come will help to pay for them. NEW-THEATRE OPENSSEPT 23 Long Expected Opera Chairs Arrive And Saturday Evening Will See The First Performance Open House Is Well Appointed. The Peoples Amusement Company will open its new Star Theatre in thU city on the 23rd day of September at 7 p. m. This time there will bo no delay as the long expected opera chairs have arrived, arc now beinj: installed, and with a comparatively few hours will be set up in propel munner, in the Star Theatre, to be used by the public of Medford. It is also good news on this occasion to announce that Mr. A- Sathcr, the newly appointed manager of the house, is in the city superintending the final preparations for tho open ing. Mr. Sathcr is an experienced theatrical manager, having come to Medford from being manager of one of the company's theatres in PorU land. Besides being a competent manager, Mr. Bather possesses a tenor voico of exceptional sweetness, and is sure to prove n great success as a singer of popular songs at the new Star Theatre. It may see mstrange to tho people J Medford that a company liko the Peoples should bo delayed so long in tho shipping cud. opening tuc nouse, out ino company believes in keeping its promises, and having nromised everything possible in the way of a properly equipped and up-to-date theatre, did not feel liko opening the house without one of the most necessary things in the way of comfort, the opera chairs. This, delay was caused through the faalt of (ho chair company in not deserv ing tho chairs on September tint, according to contract. However, this is all over, and tho theatre will open ns above stated pp Saturday, September 2'A with tho best program obtainable, up-to-date and appropriate musical features, NO SHORTAGE 0FJIREW00D Many Residents Putting In Winter's Supply Thousands Of Cords Have Been Shipped In Sells From $5.00 To $6.50. There will surely be no shortage of fire wood in Medford this com ing winter if the supply now visiblq may be taken as a forecast. It is said by one who has traveled over the Southern Pacific between Medford and Qlendalo that north of Grants Pass at every railroad siding there arc piled thousands of cords a seasoned .firewood. Besides this supply tho Pacific & Eastern rail road has brought in scvoral thousand cords from the Butte Falls country, nnd there is considerable more in that section still to be brought out. Cordwood is now selling in Med ford at from .$5 to $0.00 per cord and many town people aro putting in their winter supply. Last winter the price at ono time went to $12 per cord. Whether this was caused by scarcity or by com bination is not quito clear in the minds of some consumers who wero compelled to pay this extortionate and unreasonable price. All tho deal ers here declare it was a holdup al NKW YOIHCE. H. Gary, chair man of the board of directors of tho steel trust, refused today to contain a rumor afloat in finnncial circles that tho steel corporation directors have agreed upon a plan of dissolving tho concern and ro-organizing along lines Inid down in tho supremo court decision in tho Standard Oil case. popular ballads, etc, and tho policy of tho. company will bo to run the Star Theatre, Medford, oxnctly as is tho Star Theatre, Portland, tlio Peo ples Amuemcut company' most suc cessful theatre. being kept soon-1 . Mill Stendeford'a) Piano .Vchuol riano, Harmony nnd Mimical UUtory 1CMU.Y T. BTANDrcroitD Examiner for Now ICiiKland Couaervatory of Miulo In DoMon Mnkon n apeolnlty of tralnlnn teachera, Bond for tcHttmontata and torma, Phono 7311. 170 21.1 North OuUdiilc. Where to Go Tonight i0'w-t OPEN- For Business IUOOINH TiKSMK'H 'HctHimMlntul Hdtro nt 3G South (Irapn Htrotit, Olvo ua a call and wo will treat you fair. HlKhCHt cauli prlro for eorond hnud poods of all klnda. r-rti-rrfrrfrrn 3-BIG FEATURES-3 For the Grand Opening of S-T-A-R THEATRE JLV. Saturday, Sept. 2'., at. 7 p. m. "Tho Blind Princess and tho Poot," fA Biograph Masiurpieco.) ""Tho Spirit of the Gourds," (Powerful Dramatic Production.) "Tho Runaway Leopard," (Positively the Funniest Hurloanue Comedy Ever Exhibited.) AL SATHER, In New Songs. THE NEW THEATRE, Admission 10c. HOTEL MOORE European. Special Rates by the Week or Month. Rales 00 Gents Up. RAU-MOHR CO., Proprietors. it.ft Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Honey on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 120 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. t04S s!v!k ft C Jy 5Hl UtfCTy Sportsmen TaxIdermlMt 8avo your trophies this yoar. Thoro will ho nono to savo In a fow yoaniT This cut shows when to cut tho skin, Novor cut tho1 front of a door's nock, Call at ' Humphrey's Gun Store and get a pamphlot froo, tolling how to savo game heads, birds and aklna for J rugs, publlshod by F. W. BARTLETT . Medford, Oregon SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Koulli lllvvrftldo New and rMo-lute Modern In every particular, gait cook ing, etc. Women and glrla itiunt tiring rvft'tvnrt'ft. WM. SMITH. Homo l'lioun (4 IK. THE ISIS THEATRE HPIKJIAIi I'JNUAUWMKNV Ol' TIIKHKVOUH'lt IH'O ; MluuhiK, Oamluu; and Clever lm pei'NonatlouN, ii i ii " i Then pedal onKitK'nncnt of therm two clover people In noiuelhlnit out of tho ordinary run of actn an It will ho tho very flint tlmo uuy art of thin Ittud Iwm over played f i ......-., ., .Mcunini. miw houkm in inu tit k latent cum I or it hlttt, their Importum atloiin aro of tho very bent, havliiR received many wrltiMipn In all tho pending cltlen of Ameilra. Thoy aro hound to ho a bin drawlus card, tiM It In nomuthluit very one eujoya anil Hipiuul not in Inn. HTii.ii .iNiniii;ii. s llltl'M AM lllMllllvH Hltiuhiir. Talking, WltMIng, Another ono of PnutnKo'n IiIk hltn In nnmethluK that In hound to ; pleano ovoryhody. Now nonun, ! new J ok cm and whlntlhiK union that ' ; aro far nupertor to any you have ; over heard. Thin In ono of tho : atroiiKortl bllln wo havo over had, ; f 0 RANCHES 30 norm, llmr rri-k liutltmi montly, I riMmi iii-w iioiiKr, i:si iicri ST iuti'k, I a In (ni.ytttr-ilil iiir nml H-ari. 1300 ncTi, rleitff to hinMoa. 30 iicri'H. 7 In ImhuImk ni'l'l"'". lutluarn III MMim. 1(009. II iiiTtn. itl fal r ii nml Nnr, IJ75 nrro. 310 ncrri", $4 nn nrir, flni niilllvltoti. 3 uoriin I'urry miliiUvUlott, my Uriiin. it cr; olomi In; txmutlful vlaw; tin noil: 1350 Rflf; vrry ) torm. I 1-3 ncrvn; brarlna orchard; wattr rlaht; utorn; alo lrni on Etxnl a turo and hay Inrnt; al or tmdo. TRADE t 1-3 aerfia. 4-r(Kiiu huu, 1660. 1 80 ocrcH, I 1J mllea from town In Wll Imaotln valley, rlrh bottom ant up laml, 100 ncra cullivatiHl, sood lm proviniiila, 1115 aero. Irtrontn praiwrty. runtala, (136 monthly; tako Rood acrcORn. to nctta. It In poara, cloaa In flna build in k all and view, MO-ncro atock and alfalfa ranoht ISO acraa tillable; under ditch; T( per ncrn; lak tticoma pronrly. 130 acrra raw land; all flna fruit land, tnka any good properly, 10 acrea, tillable; 13000; uka town prop erty 10 acrea, cleared; take realdenc in trade. WANTED jirla for central housework. City and ranch property ta Hat. I'mir plckrrn. KlKht luliori'ra. Konr wiilllicMdra. Twit niiii'U IiuihIh. E. F. a. BITTNER aooM M 9mxrw atrxz.tx3ra Newport YAQUHTA. SAT omcooa's ForutAB bbaox BXBOBT An Monl retreat for outdoor paallmca of ntl klnda. HUNTINO. KIHIIINa, HOATINO, HUlir IIATMINO, IUI) INO, AUTOINO, OANOKINO. DANC NO AND IIOM.KU HKATINO. Where pretty water iiKutca, moaa okMcd, rnoon-atoncB, carnellnna can ho found on the bonoli, I'urn mountain water and tho boat of food at low prleea. l'ri'nh flah, cluma, craha and oyatera, with aliiindanco of vouetubloa of all klnda dally. Camping- Oroanda OoaTaalest ana At- traotlve wth atrtot aBltary Bg-nlatlona. OW BOUND TBI IBAIOV XIOXBXI Jfrom All Polnta In Ortfon, Waah lagton and Idaho, oa aala dally, -DAT BATUBDAY-MOBDAIf X1QK.XX t from Bouthern I'dclflo polntn Portland to CottnRe Orovoj a I no from all G. ft K. ntatlonn Albany and wont. Oood koIiik Saturday or Hundny and for return Hunday or Monday, Call oa nny R. P. or C. ft 13. Aent for full imrtloulnrn oh to fnroa, train nahaduloH, olo.; nlno for copy of our llliiMtralcd lmoldnt, "Outlnta In Oro jjoa," or write to i WM, MoMUBBAT eneral X?aaangec A feat, Portland, Oregoa. UGO Theatre The vt Motion I'ltturrti and Atonic l.'nlln (."Imiiik" of I'roKrnin Kvery liny. Any picture will ho carried a ncroud day by reiiuontlui; unmo at box office, and In auch a enno them wilt ho the ununt three uotv rcoln and tho extra. . no nnd ltlc. Rock Spring Goal OB atAJTD AXI. Office nut) Oval Yard, TwrUth m4 Front Htrmta. l'liono 7IBI. Burbidge rxa ooax. kajt PLUMBING BTKAM AM) HOT WAT Kit 1 1 H ATI NO All Work Ouaranto4 Prlcea Hoaaoaablo 8A Howart lllock, Halnuct on nth Htrt-tft. Coffeen & Price Pacific 80111 Homo Si A Full Line of School Books and School Sup plies at The Merrivold Shop j 1U1 WKHT MAIN HT. Kodaks The most beautiful time of the year Better have one with you on that trip Medford Book Store cr.aafci iAr.i-"au. . K iv.Vh-aABV. H,r-aa. 7h.fltaafcl