MEDFORD MATTi TRTRUNP!, MT3DFORD, QTfWIQX, THPKHDAV. SEPTEMBER 21, 1011. PXGE THRETQ il- V" H BUSY CAMPAIGN ARIZONA Lenlslnllvo Officers Aro Certain To Do PlcilC(l To nvlnstatc Recall In Constitution Territory Seems De voted To Pronrcsslvo Laws. SOME OF THE GinLS IN RICHARD (HIM8ELF) CARLE'S BIG MUSICAL STEEPLE CHASE "JUMPING! JUPITER." MEDFORD THEATRE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2IST. (II.OMH, Arlr.onn, Kepi, m. --Willi tin tllrort pi litinry election n mouth away Arlrnnii Ih loiluy in the hcoiio of n lnmy political cuinpnlun to nominate offlrou for the flint Htitto election Hllltll I'OIIKI'KHH millltnil MllltOllOOll That tlio riimimluiii'iH named will Jm irKrMHivpH wlmilior from tho ratihn of thn lupiihllriinii or itomocrittN iumI Hint IxKlnliitlvii officer will lio pIiIkoiI to ro-liiHurt the recall of the Jutllclary on the coiiHlltntlon iiiiu-nr certain. l)oninrratlo anilnuilft for officii arc dIiowIhk Knmtur activity tliaii tlio re piilillcaim. (lt.orn W. P. Hunt of (lloho In tlio Ii'iiiIIiik democrat for Kiihitinalorlal lionorii. Hit Ih recant 'tl iin a itroKrt'itKlvu, linn the Kiippnrt of thn nocIiiIIhIh, tint labor party anil many ptOKrcnitlvo ropiihllwuiH. TIiom. Wcodln, editor of a nownpiipor at Ploroiiro, U ducked hy tlio olil linn democrata. ami II, A. I'aeluird of DniiKlaH In lining put up by tlio hunt ittf liitnri'MtH, Thonian ItynnliiK. former ttherlff anil rnptalu of raiment, at pronent warden of thn tilalo prlHon at l-'lor imce, him thn moiil tmrlthiK from tin rupulillrana. A ropuhllran confer eno will ho held tomorrow, hownvnr, aftnr which a uiimhnr of iniplrnnlit for nomination will aiinntinro them HolVCH. Tim democrat! havn nine implrantM for llio United Btuten Miiiatorlal num. Illation. ICiiki'ihi H. Iveii of Tiimou, it Kouthnrii Pacific attorney, Hookn tlio honor. Among tlio nttiorn am Mark Kmlth, for twenty ytuirts a doli'Kato In roiiKri'int from ArUona; Hern M. I.Iiik, 1 1 I'll iy 1", Anluinil anil Michael J Ciinlff. thn latter a llnrvanl Kradiiatn uiiil oiiro editor of Wnrld'n Work. CoiiHrnmdonal DclcKitlo Italph Cnntcron and Chairman Ilovul A Hmlth of thn rcpnlillcnn Htnto mntral coin in It tiMj aro thn only ropnhlleniiH out for t'nltcd Htiiteri ronntor. In mtnurlni tlm pledr.o of IcKlnla tlvn rnndldntCH for thn recall which l'rnnldi'iit Tnft killed hy vctoHiiK ' wtatt'hood reiioliitlon, thn proKroimlvn Inadnnt r.'lll prcitcnt n mcunami that Kwlllrm'it5l vlth 1vm objection bocniiSo It will compel almoin fifteen dnyu, or a month to olnpiut between llm act which provoked tin movo anil tlm ri ia 1 1 election. Thin will rnmnvo thn recall from hue hy im.callcd uiiKry mob. BROTHERS MEET. AFTER 25 YEARS 1.AKK, Ore, Kept. 'Jl. railed in 1HHII. reunited in 11U1. This, in lit uf, h tlttt Htory of two lnotlieiH, nntive hinm of Oregon, who arc now icenlliiij; boyhood days on tin old fin in liiiek in Sniiiri vnllny, .liiekhoii .county. They urn L'lmrlcn ami ,1. M. M. Welch. Tit n i) Iiiih ho oluiiif;cit en eh mini in tlm iiinrtcr of u century M'pn la tino that they did not rccnKiiir.o each other when thuy met in thu Micel lion. ChnrluH Welch ennui to Silver Liilco nevenil wcokrt ng ami openeil it hhiokhinilli uiiil uiiichiiio hhop here, .1. M. iM. Welch, who h u well-to-do fiirnier of l.ako county, did not kouw (lint liin lirolluir hud ictiinicd to Or cu'ou, lie ciiiiio to Silver l,aku u few dnyH iik'o mill, HceiiiK tlio family iiitniu in hold li'llciH oyer tlio ma I I 1 B . cniiKi Hiiop, miKie inqiiiricH, iteloro tliin viHit to the nhop CIiiiiIck mid ,1. M. Af. luiNHctl eneli oilier in tlm slrccl Mivernl timuH, with no bi'ii of i'duok nilioii, Tvvenly-fivo ymirn ujjo ' Churlc Welch, then a youiij,' man, Imtlo pioil-hyu to liin pmeiilH mill 1'iv. Iirothei-H in Jackson comity uniV hIiuIciI out to win n forlitiu', Kinne then lio Iiiih (Vino traveled urouiid llm win Id, I In Iiiih won mid hmt u forluiiiij Iiccoiih! Mm fallinr of t"o lirijjlit cliildrcii; then n widower, find now is Htnrlnitf njiaiu lor uuolhnf hlalc. ,1, M, M. Welch Iiiih hIucIc lo llm 0 recoil Mill, lio Iiiih won mill nepi iiih hum ro ol wealth. Many Hunt Bear. SKATTIil-J. Wit., Sept. Ul.-A lmntliiK party of 0110 hiindrod mmi living on the oatit alilo of tlio city aro out hiiutliiK hear today. For tlio past fortnight a hie aha hear with two (iiiIih tralllnc ulouc holilnd Iiiih lioon vIhUIiik hack porch Iqo Iioxoh mid makliiK way with tlio Imttoi, milk and othnr provhiloiiH liilentlcd for human rnmmuiiillon. Thn hiiulorri r.tnrtcd on the trial Diinday hut havn found no trttccu ol thv ruldlnf bruin yut. WALKED 203,670 IfllLESJI YEARS Manuel K. Silva Has Unique Long Distance Record Now On Pension Roll Of Southern Pacific Was a Faithful Employee. Thu moil prououncoil iiiiiidcnl Huc-( eecl, nuniM'inciit mid relnxntnion , cipinllcd excellence. Kdna Wallace cchh of tin pa-t two nciihoiih in the ond that practically iiiciuih all thea-1 Hopper, dainty ninl dcmiirc in aji. cant wiik iiuiloiihledly Itichurd (him- tro co'Th. I poarnnce, brilliant in comedy mid M'lf) Carle and hi creat coinimnv, ' AUIioiikIi Carlo hns nover npoenred moilinh in cowninc. will he much ml- licndeil hy Kdna Wallace 1 limner tit licrc kh a ntnr Iiik rcimtation hh a ".Juiiipiut- .liipiter" mnl now t Iiiih. fuu innker has lone preceded him. mid hi HtiecnH an to he hccii at He wan inner funnier than in liin .Mcdfonl Opera Hound tonilil. Tin pnent play mid no conimeilinu cm ctitical mid popular verdict ih that In funnier than Carle at hw hct. The ".liimpiuc Jupiter" i tin fuiinient of -upenor eoinpany of coinedians, modern fnrccM with munie, ami ipiitn' ui;crK nd ilnneeri by whom he i.' ahont the hinge like n liuiiaii hhtittle the ideal cittertiiimneiit fur all who' Hiirnniiiileil eoiiMlitule n cnM of uu-'cock Sea (k now on sale. mired in the role of the nrtistn' model. Kothioc more noel tlimi the Mace hiiKiucKK of her miic, "I Like to Have u Flock ut Men Around Me." Iiiih ever been seen on tho local since, Alien Jour .stalwart men toss her AMERICAN DAILY STARTS IN CHINA SHAN'OHAI, Sept. 21. r-rr-h ci dencu of the awakeiiinc of China i t lie publicnlion hern today of tint Chi na I'rciH, the firot thoroiiclily Amer ican daily ami Sunday nWNpiiM printed in the Middle Kincdom. Tin editor in chief is TIioiiiuh Millard. famoiiH war correspondent mnl au thor of two widely ipioted IhmiI;k deal inc with (ho Knr Knst. Herbert Webb, until recently u Chieaco jour- naliht, ih associate editor. Tlio China 1'renn in pnlillhlied in l own huildiuc, one of the hand-omet in Shmicliai. It is ennl rolled by the China National I'icmm, ineiiM)rated. which almi puhlihlicK a daily newnpa pcr in Chinese, conducted on modern mnl known hh "The Iron l'on." Aninnc the prominent Chinese who urn inlcieMcd in tho onterprixo ntc Dr.Wu Tiuc Kane, twice CIuiichi minister to the United States; Clniiij. Mnu Vow, formerly chnrgo d'afj'nii of the ChiiicMi lecation at Wntdiinc ton, ami K. T. Nich, a direetor of many iuiorlniit commercial eoinp.i nies in China; II. !'. -'eilur, pro prietor of "The Japan Advertiser," is maiiaccr of Hampton's inaciu.iiie, lias tin; same iwisilion on tho China Press. FREDERICKS WILL 'AVIATOR FOWLER TO HAVE HELP AT TRIAL: START SATDRDAY LOS AKOKLKS. Oil., Sept. 21. -1 COLFAX, Oil., ..Sept. 21.-Aia- That District Attorney l'rcdcriek tor Fowler announced her today that anil otners ot Ins statt will have out-' Mile help when the .Mi'.N'ninnra trial, starts October 11 wnt nuule public; today when it was announced that Samuel Vcnmlyea, former district attorney of Inyo county, had heeu re-! tained by widows of the men killed' in the Times disiistcr to assist in the f prosecution of John J. and Jnines 'ti. . MoNamara. Aeeordinc t present plans Vonnil-i yea is tho only lawyer who will nssjst ' the district attorney's office in the, prif-cfiitiou. Numerous offers of! otitwide assistanee are reported to hao been made to the county prose cutor, hut were declined. SPOICANK--A sack of potatoes i the latest thinir in fire alarms hi Spokane. Fire al the home of It. Mil ler burned a hole in a sack of po tatoes suspended over the rear stair ways ami the racket created by the Inbers rolliuc down the stairs awak ened Miller, Thinkiuc bnrclars were in the house, Miller went to investi Cute and found the kitchen ablare. The house wiih sightly ilainnccd. Haslclux for Health. SAN FWANCISCO, Sept. 21. -Walking eighteen miles each day for a period of thirty-one years through the KfiowRhcdK of tho Southern Pacif ic company at tho summit of tho Sler-f ra Nevada mountains, during which 'Inn he has had to fight several des perate haitlcn with hands of tramps and has had to battle with the severe winters of the high nierrns, Is the re-1 cord of .Manuel K. Sllva, whoso uamo' has just been placed on tho pension i list of the railroad. Hllva describes' the hnrshlpH endured In that coldi and sparsely settled section In a man-1 nor that vond make the fingers of. tin news writer Itch for a pencil and wad of copy paper. "I liavo walked eighteen nillcn ev- ory day for thlrty-ono years, a beat of. three miles, over which I niado three! round trips every night. Figure It out. 8lxty-flvo hundred and seventy ' miles a year and 203.C7C miles in thlrty.ono years, Moro than eight times around the world." Hllva le a native of Portugal and Is now on a visit to that country with bis wife. He entorcd the Southern Pacific sorvlco as a section iaboror In 1870 and a year later became a shed watchman on the night shift. Ho lias worked faithfully end steadily since nssuminc thnt position and was absent from duty only twice because of clckncas. The duties of the shed watchman are moro responsible than one would mipposc, and Silva held the position for thirty-one years without a complaint being registered agalns. him. He has been retired and pensioned although he is only f!l yeare old and upon his return from tho old country will settle In tho vicinity of tho mountains for which he has developed such a fondness. '73-V 4 7 -7 ( y rH?fi"9v'i'v'?'Pl'p'pll ip !p Sp Sp S !5 Ip The Medford National Bank CAPJITAL STOCK - 9100,000.00 SURPLUS and PROFITS $35 OOO.OO UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY SAFE DEPOSIT JIOXEB FOIl KENT. W. K. QOBB, Prlldttt. 7. A. PERXT, Tlc Fits. JOHN S. ORTK, Osihlar. r. X. MEBBICK, VlC PrS. W. B. JAOXBOIT, Ant. CAIbltr. l3$pt?y$ylpy!ptp)pip,ppp' ti ' k h li .' B AGGAGEANDEXPR ESS HENRY M, MARSH All orders promptly attended to night or day. Short and long hauld. Moving household goods a specialty Union teamsters. Office 51 S. Front PaGlflG 4171 Home 80 Residence Main 613 Dcspcr.atc Battle Fought. liOIIA, Texas, Sept. 'Jl.-A di pernio iiuiiif, in uiiicii i ii i ecu were left dead upon the battlefield uiiil a score were wounded, occurred near Cnmargo, .tc.ioo last uighl, whtul the MiixoiiiMb ciicoiinlcrcd Mudcrists. The Mngoniftts caplurcd Cnmargo, but were driven out hy the oppor tune arrival of .MnlorisU rciuforce muntH. flrenl evcilcmont jirevails iilopp Hip border us a result of Hie encounter. UnsUlns for lrcaltn. Draperies w enrry n In vorv rnmntntM lln nt i.rtkAiu f..- .kr.iu j.. ..a nnti io nil oIhhboh of upholatcrtni;. A Ask Your Neighbor AIIOl'T KK'KEIIT'H (iltAKHES, Itlckcil's glasses fit tin eyes, iiImi tlm features,. You'll not look like an owl If you wear his glasses, ltlik eit'N glasses aro handsomely finished, look handsome, Improve bo(h lslou mnl appearance, I consider both liiiportaut ami essential conditions anil take good euro of each of (hem, DR. RICKERT EjcHlght Specialist. Cher luntner'tf. speclnl mnu to looknfler this work exclusively unit win Klve n km1 ni'ivmi' ii ib pimninio io gel in evon tlio liirKuat cltloa, Weeks & McGowan Co -- I CAN vol CAN WELL without ECONOMY JARS and ECONOMY JAR CAPS ? Wo nlho lutndlo Mason Jars Everlasting Jars and tho lYuit lo J?ut in Tliom. OLMSTEAD & HIBBARD Wost Side Grocers Save Money nv iiuyi.ncj Youn meat at THE WEST SIDE MAHKET Wo are now soiling meat on a utrlctly bash basis. This plan means that wo can soil to you at a lower into than you havo boen iiyliK. It's a Saving for BotH of Us You will always find tho best meat at our market. Our aim In to plcatm, both In uuullty mid uorvlco, WestSideMurkct LOWULUHIIi, Proprietor LOOK TO YOUR ROOF A leaky roof is the most annoy inc and expensive item with which the property owner has to contend. Save the expense by covcrinc all your buiidincs with Nothing to worry about then. No leaks, no damage, no repairs. No tar, paper or rubber to rot, crack and melt nothinc to rust. Ready for layinci you can do it yourself. Outlasts metal and shingles j costs less. Sec that you get the Genuine. TRAIL LUMBER CO. MEDFQlil), OKKGON he will resume his trans-continental tli;:ht eastward Saturday morning at (5 o'clock. The new rudder for his damaged biplane, which went astray in transit from the east, will arrive here toniuht. It Will Afiree With YOU Some people complain beer docs not kagrcc" with. them. Pabst BlueRifobon Tkc Beer of Qiulity will "agree" with anyone because bottled only g-. at the brewery in absolute clean- g? linesa alter it is hilly aged US IciiSA , r and mellow. r.l nttfW Order a cue to Jay. mwjjrjsi SM Jtua Houtk. Agt, Mttford k A Store; C PhoRa2&t1 5222ZZ2 On Sale, Bottle or Draught, at Nash Bar R0G3UELANDS Inc. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Offers you land at $450 per acre irrigation system constructed. The land plowed, leveled, fenced and planted ta a standard variety of trees complete with a perpetual water right On easy terms Investigate this offer Stoves Stoves Stoves I We have a very large and complete stock of Cole's Air Tight Wood Stoves, also a fine assortment of Ranges, including the GREAT MAJESTIC, all at rea sonable prices. Medford Hardware Comp'ny 218 EAST MAIN ST. m ; u a u