h r . PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, arEDTTORD, OUMON. TUHKSDAY, SKPTlCMnttR 21. 101 1. LOCAL AND PERSONAL -ji MIbh May Knrlmrt left lliln morning for Imr holhu In los Angclon atlor t few ilnB vlRlt with rolnllves In Med-ford. IJuy your winter's wood chenp now. $4.50 to $0.00 per cord. Gold Hny llcalty Co. , James II. Smith left todny for his homo hi Chicago. Ho hns been hero for Ihc past week looklnff After his orchard Interests nt Kaglo Point and Central Point. Hny your winter's wood cheap now. J4.G0 to fC.OO per cord. Gold Hay Itoally Co. Mls Tiiga Krlckson Is at Ashland today visiting her brother. She will meet thoro nnothor brother whom slu. has not seen for 20 years. Sanitary French Dry Cleaning Works. Mr. and Mrs. K. 12. Miner lcrt this inornlnR for a few weeks' visit with Los Angeles friends. We are now buying Winter Nells pears. See us before selling. Pro ducers' Fruit Co, H. V .Davis, supreme secretary for the order of Pratcnnl llrotherhood, met with the locnl order in Medford lnst night. He left for Los Angele this morning. Hny your wlntor's wood.cheap now. $4.150' to' ?G.OO per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Illswoll returned today froiri a several months' visit to relatives In Wunntchee. Washington Buy your winter's wood cheap now. 3 4.50 "to JC.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Major and Mrs. W. S. Rich of Bos. ton, Mass., are in Medtord for a few dnvs' viit with Mr. nnd Mr. J. P. Halo. Mr. Rich is vice president anu secretary of the McPhall Piano com pany of Boston. Sanitary French Dry Clcanlne Works. Mr. and Mrs. Darley Slead of Rock Point were In Mcdford vesterday nur chasing house furnishings for their new farm home. These people have a tract of fruit land which thoy have planted to pears. Buy your winter's wood cheap now $4.50 to SG.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Mrs. A. A. Boyco and son. and Mrs. W. A. Mansfield of Tolo, were Med ford visitors Wednesday. At the Sign of Ye Nitty. Mrs. F. Chamb'trlnln of Gold Ray was among Medford friends yester day. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.50 to $6.00 per cord. Gold Raj Real ty Co. Rov, Matlock of Ashland was visit ing Mdford friends Wednesday. S, A. Nowell, ladles' tailor. Room 15, P. O. Bullulng. 174 Mrs. II. F. Brown and children have moved from Eagle Point to Medford and will reside hero for the winter where the children will attend school. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.50 to $C00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Mrs. G. E. Anderson and Eon, Mas ter Alton, returned to their home nt Portland Wednesday after a visit with Mrs. Anderson's mother, Mrs. R. C. Mincar. Both Mrs. Mlnear and her daughter returned a couplo of weeks ago from a several months visit to their old homo in Bowling Green, O. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.5p to $0.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Turpln arlved In Meddford last night from Shelbrini.. Missouri. The recently arrived Mr. Turpln is a brother of II. C. Turpln, "who was formerly chief of police in Medford, now living on a farm a few miles out. The brothers have not seen one another for fifty years. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.50 to $G,00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Attorney O. S. Brown of Grantb Pass was in Medford Wednesday on legal business. Chinese Sacred Lilies and Japanese air plants at Broadley's. Phone 5181. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS IHy Phone M71 Night Fhoaec W. W. Wecb 071. A. H. Orr, HM. LADY ASSISTANT. JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Einbnlmer Undertaker and Einbaliuer i ; Successor to the undertaking do-1 partmont of Medford Furniture Co, ! ; Offlco 28 South Ilartlott street ;. ; Telophonoa: day, Boll 471; night!; residence, Boll 473. Home 170-L. :; :: :: Culls answered night or day AMIIULANC13 8KUVICH Chns. L. Srhelffclln. with the Har den Grocery company, left today for I-os AngeW to which place he was called,, by the serious Illness of his mother. His mother, who Is now nearly SO years of age, wns one of the early day settlers of Jackson coun ty, having come hero In '52 and re Ridded upon n donation land claim In the Willow Springs district. She left hero In 'SO. Cnrkln A Taylor (John II. Carkln. Glenn O. Tayior), attorney-at-law, over Jncksou Couuty Bank Building, Medtord. Mrs. A. X. Farrls of Los Angeles loft Wednesday for her homo after a visit In Medford with her friend, Mrs. Klliaheth Gravatte. at 31 North Or nngo street. At the Sign of Ye Nifty. L. H. Kent and O. G. Shirley will leave tomorrow for Utile Applegnto whore they will Nsh and hunt for a few tlnys. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Miss Marie Curran la visiting rants Pass friends for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Fossler left this morning for Seattle. Theso peo ple are from Lincoln, Nebraska, and came to Medford for a day s visit with Prof, and Mrs. O'Gnra. It was four wccks ago that they camo and they, have been hero all this time hut that Is not all. They have return trip tickets to Lincol nbut when they hnvc visited Seattle and other north ern Doints thev ntv jnnni: to return in Medford, forfeit the remainder of their return trip tickets, drop perma nent anchor in Medford, and buy property. Get at the Fish Market the famous Seal Ship Oysters. Messier & Kent worthy; 15S Ladles, havo your suit made by the Berlin Ladles' Tailoring Co., at Central Point, Or. 173 Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Patterson re turned this morning to their home In Seattle after a stay of several months In Bedford. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.50 to $6.00 per cord. Gold'Rny Realty'Co. Citv Engineer Anspiger wns in Asa land Wednesday. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.50 to $C.OO per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bcnnet are vis iting Grants Pass' friends today. Look once more end watch the fish market all this week. We now have the famous Seal Ship oysters, Klppcrd camon, Klpperd herring. spring chicken. 20c per lb. Fresh creamery butter 30c per lb. Come and see us. Messier & Kentworthy. The smart and snappy styles In shoes will be at "B-llngs." 156 Tho beauty ehado tans, tho nobby toe. with a Uttlo nob, vs be at "B llugs." 156 Tho W. C. T. U. ladles will hold a home cooking sale on aSturday at 1 p. m. at Warner, Wortman & Gore's store. Telephone your orders again to the fish market. For Sunday, chickens, springers, 20c per lb. Creap fish for Friday and aSturday. Halibut, black cod and ling cod, 10c per lb. Red sal mon 15c, creamery butter 30c per Jb,; Sliver Smelt. 12 l2c per lb. Mess ier & Kenworthy. 158. George Brown of Grants Pass was In Medford yesterday. Buy your winter's wood cheap now $4.50 to $6.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. LEI SLEEPING SLEEPERS SLEEP Labor Council Protests Action Of Police In Routlnn Men From Box Cars And Puttlnu Them At Work On Streets Of City. L Card of Thanks. Member of the Chester A. Arthur Relief Corps, No. 34, wish to extend to tho citizens of Woodville their .sincere tlinnks for the royal manner in which they entertained them dur- Uifi the encampment. We esporinlly want to thnnk the liidicH for the delicious dinner so generously nerved to nil. The drill formed. The kindness of Mrs. Oor- LVhlior wua much appreciated. Also the effort made on tho part of Hon H. R Mulkey to keep his appointment niter a strenuous week in the court rnnm If will lurw 1u fniiiinliitw.i.1 "" '" " ra wuwrawmi, Mr. juulkey has mnny times willingly jjivfji his time mid service to the boys in blue. COMMITTEE. Medford, Sept. 20, '11. Raskins for Health. ,4 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 . V FOR RENT -Small bungalow with all modern improvements, screened porch 12x32, view of entlro valley, Inrgo modern barn, grapes, fruit trees, five acres. House has large fire placo, kitchen, range, heater, toilet- and bath. Fifteen minutes walk from Jacksonville postofflce, 162 FOR BALE 150 egg Incubator and brooder, chcup if sold this week. P. O. box 522. v 158 A committee from tho Central La bor council of Medford presented a protest to the city council last night r.sklng that the policemen of this city be dldrected to hurtuftor desist In the practice of taking unemployed men from boxcars and rnllroad property and putting them to work at public work. No action was taken by the council. Hero is the protest; Medford, Oregon, Sept. IS. 1911. We, the undersigned, a committee of tho Central Labor Council, dulj elected, do hereby protest to your honorable body ngalnst your city po- ltco protecting railroad property. namely: the searching of and taking from box cars and other railroad property unemployed men who are nasslne throuth this city In search of work, and wo further protest against the working of said men on public work. h. Mcdonald, k. carnahan. ii. r. straight, Committee. PAYS $6000 FOR lOBVEUID TRACT New Mexico Man Looks Over Valley And Then Invests Buys Ten Acres Company Will Care For Tract Five Years. I. T. Ynraell of Now Mexico, Wedncsdnv purchased a 10-ncre tract in Roguelands, Inc., paying $600 an ncrc or ? G000. The land was sold under the five year improvement, and care plan of the Rcgnclands company. Mr. xar nell is delighted with the Rogue Kiv er valley. LONDON Hobert Clough, GG, of Preston, committed suicide by entinji u calico "mother-hubbnrd." SHOULD BE BEAUTIFUL EVERY W0MANS HAIR "Beautiful, glossy and lustrous hair is within reach of every woman who will only try," suid Mine. Lc Claire, the French beauty specialist, today. "Stop your scrubbing, rubbing and rinsing. Such bhninpoos give you a headache, keep you indoors tho belt ter part of the day, and exiwse you to catching cold. "Every woman who wants nbund- nnd, lustrous limr should use a dry shampoo. Mix four ounces of pow dered orris root with four ounces of therox. Sprinkle about a tnblcspoon ful of this mixture upon ih& head; then brush the powder thoroughly through the hnir. "This cleanses the scnlp and hnir and ives the hnir u beautiful glossy lustre in addition to muking, it light and fluffy. Therox encourages the growth of hair." THEROX FOR SALE HASKINS' DRUG STORE APPLES FOR EUROPE We aro appointed agents for J. B. THOMAS, Covent Garden, Lon don and Southampton, England, whoso charges are 6 per cent and 6 cents per box. JAS. LINDSAY & SON, Ltd., Qlas gow and Edinburgh. Scotland, 5 per cent and 10 cents per box. RAWSON ROBINSON, Hull, Eng lang, 5 per cent and 8 cents per box. These aro tho oldest and largest firms In their respective towns, and their referenco no to financial abll Itles can be bad at Medford National Bank, Medford, Oregon. Cash can bo cabled day after sale if required, and highest markot prices guaranteed. Red Faced Men smoking BIG CIG AR8 talking "HOT AIR" don't always live on air, benco our remarks on charges. The clap-trnp about prlvato sale does not prove remunerative, except for soma curios of a small nature. All sellers by prlvato sale have to wait until auctions aro over so as to know what to ask, and In tho caso of largo supplies they often get left. For further particulars, address W. N. White cm Co. 70 I'AtlK JPLACJil NKW YORK LAYING FO' YO' MISTAH BOWLEN Dnr's A Bin Black Cloud Who Says He Will Get You-all's Goat If You Don't Watch Out-Flstlo Foals To Be Featured. . ! ( Cliie Howlen, tho eoloted oyclone of Mctlfortl, has been matched to box John Turner tiKt of ebony hue, on the 'JSIU of thi mouth at tho Nnta toiiiim Athletic Hub's boxing touniu tncut. The above oontct is the luscious dish which will be ccned to thu cluh't patrons nt their next smoker, n week from tomorrow night. Chio resembles n Iiutms cyclone when in notion, hut this mete find docs not scare his opponent Turner, who exclaimed he would he delighted in seeing a cyclone or tornado in ac tion n he was horn in Kaus-as, at any rale there will he big doings when these two tar habit's meet. The other three bout which Man ager Kraukie Edwards has Htguiul up promise to be good contests, ns all the boys are evenly matched. Earl KaNton. who W well known t local boxing fans, Inning met Rov Donne here two years ngo, will meet Joe Hiff. Tho fair are middle- weights 138 pounds. Hoy Smith, i clever light weigh!, meets Joe Parker. Thev should mil up t pretty vonles,!. Weight I'M pounds. Walter Kane, who hns been show ing up remarkably well nt his train ing, will box Jimmv Smith, thu local plumber boy. Wviuht 1'Jtl pound. Manager Edwards states that ele vated seats hnvo been installed, and holders of rosorved seals will he seated accordingly. Fresh nir venti lation has nlso been cared for. These bouts ncconl n pleasant evening's en tertainment, ns all the rough in stincts of n prize fight nra eliminat ed. They are being conducted by the Nntiilorium Athletic club, and Frnii kie Edwnrds who is competent, ref erees All the contests nml sees that every thing is run off in a clean, SMirt.smanlike manner. iZ &Jii A meeting of tho city (otuiell was lehl Inst night. Those present were Mayor Canon, Connctlmon Klfert, Millar, Watt and Merrick. Absent, finierlck and Wortman. An ordlnaitro wiih pnsRod nitthorli '.ng tho. luVylug of an anseHsineut for paving on North Fir street, Newtown street, Ruouovclt aventio Sherman sfreot, Minnesota nvcuiiu nnd Wash ington street. An ordinance was pnsnod directing thai tho Clnrk-Honory company be given contract for paving Third, Fifth and Grape streets nnd tho alleys In tho Mall Tribune mid Moore hotel blocks. Tho Jacobson-llndu company woro given contract to Iny water mntiiH on South Rlvorslded and South Holly Rtreet. Theso aro extensive Hues and all are to bo laid In those sections re cently taken Into tho city, A petition was presented from property owners In the Imperial addi tion asking for street lights at tho corner of Tenth street and Vaneouvor avenue. Referred to light committee Cement nlduwiilks were ordered put In from Second street to Jackson boulevard, and on Rose aventio from Second to Fourth streets. Ordiuauou wan imsscd uuthorixing (he sale of $'ll,73U of street im provement bonds. v Thu application of J. V. Khnger for tumor license was approved and license ordered issued. YOUNG COUPLE OF PHOENIX ARE MARRIED ! K. Morse and Miss Kdlth llreedeii, both of i'hoeulx. were married In I Jacksonville, yesterday by County Judge Nell, These young people left this morn ling for Portland whero they will re main for n few weeks, when they will return to Gold Hill where they will reside uml whero Mr, Morso will ungago In business. They each have a groat number of friends In Jackson couuty nnd all nro gatd of thin opportunity to extend congratulations. We Want a New Name "Wo have recently purchased the Smoko Club, located at 28 North Front street and it is our desire to establish a new name. Kill out the coupon below and brint it to the Smoke Club not later than Monday, .Sept. 25 and if we should decide on and use one of the names you suggest, you will be present ed with a fine Meerschaum Pipe valued at $10.00. Remember, no names will be ac cepted after Monday, the 20th. nUItGi:.SK, QUIBKXIIKUUY Ai IIUHGKB.S. Gentlemen: I herewith suggest the following names: Signature. Burgess Quisenberry & Burgess RU5S MILL On Riverside Ave. L. B. BROWN, Proprietor. Feed; Flour, .Seed, Vetch, AVinter Oats. Barley Rolled. 4-t'r44 HOTEL MEDFORD A Most Modern Hotel European. Opened September 19, 3911. j. Splendidly arranged in every j-cspoct. -1 Excellent Cuisine. AK Rates $1.00 Per Day Up. ' RAU-MOHR CO., Proprietors. 04t9 MEDFORD THEATRE --sVaiB on snio,iioN. sept, is LEDERER present Aw'J (himself 5S1 IN-THE-BI6-MUSICAL-STEEPLECHASE Wjlrrrm rj-vs-rrr - TrtrT 13-rCTtrrs W Tf.i hrh.HA I.IAII Aff UrtnDCO bf?WIMl,v .AND PER SfiBfcWf) CA5T w,,ri tuNAWflwtr nu-riip. wic aok PERFECT MUSkAL "0MEDY AND SOMA. U', 15 SONG KITS "VIS! fv.T U W It 4k w; , 4r Hm! jc .r . j.. s PRICES: 50c, $I.OO, $1.50, $2.00 MEDFORD THEATRE-MON. SEPT. 25 THE EVENT OF THE SEASON aiti I ' II 1 1 WM. A. BRADY, Ltd. Presents The Funniest Pluy Ever Written mm BABY NINE lly .MAIUIHIKT JI,V(l J DIrort from it Solid Ymr' ltmi at lil' Tli'ln, .NVw Vork City Uftby Mlno In Mciullin: a Kiilti r IniiKlitor nroiinil tli worlil. H In now In ltn jtcctiiul yvnr t Sir Chnrliw W'ymllmm'ii Crllurlmi Tliwiir", ! don. Within Ihrt'o montlm llftliy Mln w lit bo pUyml In llorlln. Vltmnn, Pari. Molliourno nml St. l'otorl)iiri;. Wlmt tho Snii KrnnrlHco rrltlw nay of Huby Mln." "Hahy Mlno" proved tho kwiUwI comwtly MtHftwl In iii Kriui Cisco vMthln my rooolittlon. Wultur Anthony, In 'Tho Cull." NVIkhi tho play imU your lunhtwr iuttclilury bt Ktroptilwl ami yon know thoro ni-vor unit unytbliiK no funny. Itnlph It. Itoimmt. In "Tim l'hronlp Von must bo n ImpIoM ilyHpnptlr If tho tlrklf of t ilnowi't got to your rlb. J. Iiwifnce Toole, in Tho lixnnilntr." Yon C'un't Stop n lilt; Lunli Mko lluliy Mlno. Scats for "BABY MINE" on SalcTIiursclay Ilasklns Drup Store PRICES 50c. $1.00 AND $1.50. MEDFORD IRON WORKS & Q. Trowbridgo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND -MACHINIST All khulB of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Mnchinory. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. JJJJJJJf'''P--J-l'Jl9-' ! Does ThisS uit You ! ! Lot tin glvo you u flxod prlro on tho ovorlmullni; Job you nro ' koIiii; to hnvo dono. V LONE RED AUTO COMPANY ? MIJMCCY M flUIKI'ITir, I'rojw. J1 H. HAItTlilVn'. g -r-nr4tr4 trt Our New Location The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company is now lo cated in the College Block on N. Grape Street Southern Oregon Electric Co. mt4 -' l jjlJ3 iV4ite f