w, ,, ytw w PXCH3 FOUR 3tEDT7QRD MATTi TRTBUNE, artaPFORD, OR KAON. WEDNESDAY, RTCPTMMIWI? 120, 1011. t I lr : i n ? k. f o1- 'v . 'i 'K- .(,,' C'Jt . BV. if M W jtegyoKp Mail Tribune AN 1NDKPKNDKNT NEWSIJAPMn I'UHt.IHUHO HVHHT AKTKHNOON HXOKPT HUNHAV, Y THR MKDFOUD IMUNTINQ CO. The'Democratlo Times, Tho Medford jhbii, una Aieaioru Trimine, xnn soum cm OroKonlhh, Tho Ashland Tribune. CONFERENCE VS. AGREEMENT. Office Mall Tribune Uullillns;. S6.17-J0 North Kir street; phones Main 3021, Hc-mo 78. QBOIaR PUTNAM. Editor and Manager &$$ Kntorcil ns Bcconrt-clnwi matter at Hert ford. Oregon, under tho aot ot March 3, 1879. Offlclnt Paper ot tho City of Medford r Official Paper of Jackson County. .. SUBECKIPTXOK BATCf. One rent, by mall . .,...., .......15.00 One month, by wall .0 Per month, delivered by carrier In Medfnrd, Jacksonville and Cen tral' Point Bnturdaybnty, by mall, per year.. 1.00 Weekly, per year 1.60 HP HERE -is as much difference -between conference uiul agreement as the distinction between light and dark-: ncss. Conference simply means an oral discussion, an ex change of ideas, while agreement is a compact to execute a uelinite plan tixed upon by (he parties to the compact. LOCAL Mil IS O.A. INSIKIICIIJR . flTT 4 ?;ii t Spcaklun At State Institution Is Proprietor Of Veritas Orchards. WWII I OHKCION AGHKTIiTHAii COL. WOK CIXCDXATIOW. i Dally avoroKn for six months ending December 31, 1810. 27S1. 3TnlT tatd 'Wire trait Jfrea Bitpatcfcss. ' Tho Malt Trlbuno Is on sale at the Ferry News Stand. San Francisco. . Portland Hotel Newa Slanil, Portland Bowman Newa Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. KEDroKO, oaxacm. Metropolis of Southern Oregon anJ Northern California, and tho faatest erowtnp city in Oregon. Imputation U. a census' 1910: 8840; estimated. 191110.000. 1 l.ivn hundred thousand dollar Gravity . Water System completed, giving finest supply pure mountain water and six teen miles 61 street belnR paved ana contracted' for at a' cost exceeding ?V 080.000, making a total of twenty intle or pavement -Postoffleo receipts for year cndlnfi March 31. 1911. show Increase of 1 per cent. Bank deposits a gain of 33 per . IJanner fruit city tn Oregon Hogu never Mpiizenoerg appica itou nwwK takes prlre and -title of "Appls Xing of the World." a the National Apple Show, Spokane. t0i, and a car of Ncwtowns won Jrtrtt TzlH tn 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, B. C . . . . Rogue luycr pears prougnt n gnes prices In all majkets of tho world dur tag the past six years. ' Write Commercial Club, Inclosing cents for postage for fne finest eommu njty pamphlet ever published. Governors have no legislative or judicial authority.! Leonard Carpenter Ot 0. A. C. Is j 1 i a ) ".. i j i i i l i . . I- I rncir mines in collection wnn icgisuuion is siiupiy u jiuikc Ap,,0ntcd instructor In Public recuiuiiicutmiiuu to uie lugisuiMiiu wiiuru iijhmi uihuussiuii takes xlace as to the proposed or recommended legislation and the people affected, or would be affected, by the enact ment of such a law have the opportunity to protest its pas sage. . ' w.1; j vnil vnjid oninniiKSinii nv linhlii Rivvin onininKsmn combines both legislative and iudicial powew vested withiT'1';UE' "VAixis. Oi.. s..,t. ao. autjioritv to change conditions without further action of ; r ', w C,,,'T " , r .' .? ., , . i . riM xi -i. j. i . i I tJillt i linrvartl umvorsily With me jcgisiuiuru. jlius JiuuuMiiy is uuuiuiitiutis its n is f.- tj,0 ,uroo oC A. 11, whs nppolutotl erted over enormous wealth, affecting the entire inter-' today at. tho t'iit fnmicii mootinjj chamre ot commerce, and to sate-iruard lioldei's ot tins or u yr to Mwwd rui ,i. Uut- wealth and the nublie weal, inflexible rules lor nrocedurel k,n ,KiK'l. litnifior in puhiic aro prescribed by which both parties to a proceeding before such bodies mav appear and be heard. The basic, principle and integrity of law is the open court, a provision of the Oregon constitution being, "2jJo court shall be secret.' A railroad commission is a court of justice in a special department and it has its absolute jur isdiction in its field the same, as the supreme court or any of the divisions of the civil courts. The files of the railroad commission cannot bo invaded qnly in violation of the stat utes, but tho rule laid down for the Oregon railroad com mission is that "all investigations and hearings before it shall bo-opon to the public." Acording to the news items the Oregon railroad com mission has held a session for the consideration of rates, not only affecting the rates within the state of Oregon but rates between Oregon and other states. The tiles of tho Commission do not show that it has before it any complaint for the general revision of state rates nor has the commis sion made any complaint before the interstate commere6 SM. M 001 UN 510,00061 ) i7 President Wlnslow And HI i Directors Nurd And Howo Aro Arralnncd On Chnrp Of Criminal Conspiracy In Restraint Of Trade. SAN HAI'WIOli, Cnl , Toil moIiIIoih lnultml In itiu local J til 1 t'scnpctl ot'ui'liH uiul wliiiUiwH, Coimtnlili) Oi'a- gpiur wniitH thu hnnttlo cjittllunl O'llt " s : j - J ;r-i : t ii vsv 'vn i vi" sitoakiut. Mr. Italkm will oontinuo lus stmhfs for h law ihj;iuu at Stan fortl. Mr. Carpenter, who is ownor of mi nrvhiml ntuir Modt'onl, visltru tho 'iIIoko thirinjf tho i-hort cotu-so last wniUT, and hci'ium imioh intiuvstetU tho puhlio xpoakinu woik at 0. A. '. in tho work of tit xdiool, it,piiinllyj,Mr. fttrpontor prtKithiit of tho ot ino puoiio spoakmc tlopiutmotit. Aciioulttirnl Kxpoiimoiil I.oiiiziiu or At Hnniml hti wa a pupil of l'lof.-aniju-.J t Mrtlfonl lat upriuir to HKur. wuo.se nooks w no it'xi ir advaiicu hi'iontifio ui'i'iiltiii w ROSTON. Miihs., Sopl. 120. XTitCit thtiy M pix'piitjMl tti lilit 1io j;ov ornmtjni in tii'ry ooiirt. tho lndltilt'il offioiTH of this United Shoo Mnrhiu. orv ooiupany will not plt'iul, nooonl iiitr t" nniioiini'onicnt hero today, I'lvmdont yainuol Winnlow and l)i ivotors Uiti'd and llowo of thu Toil. od Khoq Machinoiy compijny, woro itrrniKiuM today hoforo ITnitiM Ktatos I lis! tint Juiljo podo on a Huu'ko of oriininal t'oitspiruoy it) icstraint of trado. 'I'hoy woro tvlvtiMjcl oit .fit), OUO bonds eaoh. ST OPEN- For Business Htvondllaip1 Stiro nt at) South drano Htroot, Olvo u a mil and w?) will troat you fair. IIIkIiohI vnHh prk'O tor nocoiul hand rooiIh of alt kluilfi, Where to Go , . Tonight : rrsl SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE I Sooth l(lv(rldo Now ami l'p.tollat Modern In tnt-ry imi-tliMilar, c'" oook lux, i'ti'. Woiui'it and lrlM mutt IiHiih rt'fort'iii't'H, W.M. .SMITH. Homo l'liono NIK. WATER RIGHTS James T. Chlnnock Will Begin Tak , Ing Testimofly Next Monday As Tc "Right Of Ashland Irrigators To Use Water From Tributaries. Noyces bava been received by bout 200 persons in and about Ashland notifying them to appear nextMonda apd present to James T. Chlnnock, superintendent of this water division. evidence and proof of their right to tho. waters which they aro using. Faljure to make proof of their claims will bar subsequent assertion of any water right, and it is abso'utely nec essary, for tho protection of what ever right they may claim, that they appear and submit proof, as com inanded in this notice. This action is taken by tho state tn complainance with a new law and great interest is being taken locally In what tho outcomo onay be. , Tho state engineer will at onco be bjn examination ot the streams and ditches, and the lands Irrigated, but it, is not required that claimants ap pear until noxt week. Surveys have been made ot the lands irrigated in each forty.acre tract, or smallest le gal BUbdlYlslop, and ot & ditches dfverting water, fqr the irrigation of such lands, and tho maps of tho state engineer, prepared in connection yvith 'this adjudication, will show all lands actually Irrigated and the dltqhes. IrrJgatlpg tho same. Each cjalmant will be given an opportuni ty to cxamino fhe maps at tho time of submitting proof of his claim and to object to them for Inacquracy, If tho claimant dops not accept the maps as showing correctly tho lands which aro irrigated, he should submit, maps op a proper scale, showing this In formatpn. These, curveys. ljave been carefully made, however,, , and the maps prepared In accordance therewith. commission for a general revision of interstate rates, but of this "secret session" of the Oregon commission an agree ment was readied with another state whereby a general re vision ot rates attectmg the entire raeitie northwest was determined and a schedule of rates fixed upon of which no one has anr knowledge outside of those who were in at tendance at this remarkable "secret session" trivimr con sideration to so momentous a question as the general re vision of all freight rates in the Pacific northwest and par ticularly the domestic and interstate rates of Oregon with iiu uuuijjiiiiui ui'iuru it or miviug ueun incu oy it as pre scribed by law. The commission law prescribes that rates shall not he adjusted without an investigation upon com plaint at an open meeting. This is a serious matter, extremely serious, as there is now pending for referendum a bill to extend the authority of the railroad commission to include all public utility cor porations, such as electric light plants, gas plants, and like concerns, combining vast wealth that is likely to cone un der the control of the railroad commission and thus become subjecjt to haying rates fixed in "secret session" when ever the impulse from some secret motive moves that body to action. Will capital seek investment in Oregon where tons ot public utilities are tixed in secret? A check upon such unusual and unlawful methods as practiced by the railroad commission should be placed now so that thestate may be saved from the misery that such practice brings. Campbell & Baumbach MORTCrA&E LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS " CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money tm hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. S20 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. PORTIAND MAN n BUYS FRUIT TRACT M". F. Comer, a member of tho Un ion Uridgo & Construction company, of PorMand, clptfed a deal yesterday for tho purujinso of a ton-arco fruit jrnot, near J'hocnix, Mr. Comer also purchased, n rosidenco lot on Summit (tveuuo in Mcdford, nnd will undoubt edly build n (lwalliiif! tbeJ'cQi' The fruit tract purchased i known as tho Fj&hor tract and is nil Bet to four and fivn-yenr-oltl apple trees. Tho price paid was $0,000. j Tho sule was made by Karnes & Murphy. WANT REAL HOME :RJLE FOR IRELAND LONDON, Sept. 20. "What wc mean by home rule is the continuous government of Ireland according to Irish ideas, carried out by Iri&h min isters responsible to the Irish people servants of the crown, but nol holding offico at the will of parlia ment in Westminster." Thus concisely doeq John Red mond define homo rule in a preface to Stephen Gwynn's book "The Cast of Home Rule," just published. It is the first time that tho demands of the United Irish League have bepu stated in comprehensive terms. Gon tinuiij Redmond says: "In other words, w? npk that jaws relating to Ireland shall be made by a popularly elected assembly, sitting in Ireland, having the leisure to deal with tho necessities p (he case nqd possessing firat hand knowledge of them, and that responsibility for the administration of Ireland shall be confided to a ministry chosen by Ire land, and going out of office when Irish' public opinion . demands u change." SUPREME COURT RULES SHOW FOUR CHANGES rr? Draperies We carry a very complete line of draperies, lace curtains, fixture!, etc, and Co all classea ot untiolnterlng. A epeclal man to look after thla work exclusively and will' give a good service aa Is posslblo to get In even the largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co 1 ;; Look at '(1! of the real cstaje ad nnd at much of the rea) estate ad yttrtisodjjefore investing. ' a. j f Mi StarVdeTord's' ' PUro ffchff Ql Piano, Harmony and Musical History EMILY T, STANPI'JFORP Examiner for Now England Conservatory of Music n Postop Makes a specialty of training teachers. Send foy testimonials qnd'tprms, Phono 7211. 170 215 Nortji Oaktlule.,, I SALEM, Ore., Sept. 20. Some improtnnt changes in the rules of the supreme court were announced today by Clerk J. C. Morcland, to take ef- il-ci on wiu iirsi, iuouuuy in ucioqcr. The changes in rules have been printed nnd are being sent out to nil the attorneys of the state. The principal changes aro: First All cost bills must be filed withiq 20 days after rendition t.f opinion by the court. Second Ahstrapts must be fled in Pendleton as well as in Snlem. Third In nil cases of equity as well as of law the appelant must tile the first brief and have the opening and closing argument. Fourth In making up transcripts. the transcript must consist of only a certified copy pf the judgment, the nature of appeal nnd the undertak ing. Tho question sought to be liti gated must be presented in the abstract. W hilf , Taxidermist Sportsmen Save your trophies this year. niuro win 00 nono to savo In n fow years. Thla cut shows when to cut tho skin. Never cut the front of n deor'a neck. Call at Humphrey's Gun Storo nnd got a pamphlet freo, telling how to invo gnmo heads, birds and skins for rugs, published by F. W. BARTLETT Medford, Oregon Pure Clear Sparkling You on't afford to Jo without this nplondid, rofreHhluK drink. Call up and order a cako gout to tho houHO. Tho parent, nost healthful drink known is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. THE ISIS THEATRE mo noiMiiii: nii.i. Hurry -Iimk'n nnd Ihillni'poit Ooiiimly, HIiikIiik uild Mimical Ant. Tilt) itumtt'Hl net or Itti Mud that hint ovor vliiltod Modford, and he), foio tho vud n( tlmlr eiiKtotiiieiil I hoy in 11 hiiio tn burnuio tho RU'iit fuvorltcH, an limit- lutujo mid gwlt ill' itoloH aro mild to ho tar Hiiptiilor tn any act of Its kind In viiiidovlllo. Holm? Into lit I'aiititKu'ii I'li'nult Ih a t)taniliut iiiiaruiiloo of tlmlr, ureal ability to oiitorlulii, i HTII.L anotiiwu HID.VEV V.Nfll IhinllHh Viiii(rlluiiilNt . I An ml that imynr (alln tn Ipturrnt I iiH wdl its piuxlo tlm iniiHt simp I I Ileal of pt'onlo-rpuu that ktim you mumHliKf, How ilnoii ho do It?,: That's lmt tluty all miy. Don't tall o hoar I1I111, ricrvVv Mwi t"Nx. lYi&5. ij .. - t.1 LI VI a. V V UBB'C r 1 -- - - . mj , i m. "x x v tj -" -'-v-rf' .. -- - - -j-'- t-t'v r RANCHES SS0 acron. t5 nn ncr-, flnn mitwllvlntnn 3 ni'rt-K IVrry Mtilxllvliilott, nmy teruin. IS ucrei); close In: lx-;utlful view, fine sou, 3SO acre, very way terms. t 1-3 ttcr-a, brnrlne orchard; nter rlKht: slurs, also lns oil good ya luro and hay land) nl or trado. TRADE l 13 acres. 4-rtxim lmii l5fl Wo.acri-M In Wild county, Colorado; trade tor raitcn Iter. I0 acros, 1 ! miles from town In Wll lamettn vallny. rich tiottoin nnd up. land, loo ucrrs qultlvated. good Jrn- provemqiils, JUS nctt. Inctnna proprty, rentals, f IXC monthly, take good acrraga, 10 acres. II In iwars, close In fine build lug stlq ami view UO-ncre stock and atfnlfn ranch: HO acres lllnl)l: uildnr dllohl 7t per aore; tnko Incomo rntrty, 130 acres raw landi nit fine fruit land, take any good property. 10 acres, tillable; IJOOO; take town prop erty X0 acres. cUared; take rcsldtnoe In trade. 30 acres Hear Creek bottom for Dakolnh land. 30 acres. Palisade, California In orchard, take dairy or slock ranch and city properly. Jncome property, Twin Tails, Idaho, for good acreage, WANTJED S carpenters. Hoisting engineer. .(iris for general housework. City and ranch property t list, ('utloff nun, hox factory, 13.00. Tall cutoff men, 13 SO, Iliiukurs, f 3 76, UGO Theatre The l!ct .yotlnii I'ltlniv). ami .Mil do nnllni CIiiiiiko or I'rtigriiin Kvery lny. t Any plqturo will ho carried a scrond day by riiuoHllug tniim at box offlr, and In suoli n rnso tlmro will Iiu tho umuiiI threo'now reels and tho oxtra. fin and l(ic. ii! Rock Spring Goal 0 VAaTS AX.X. THM TlaOL Offico nnd Cool Yani. Twelfth kim Front Htnvts, I'liono 7101. Burbidge Xai OOAX. M.AM PLUMBING fiTKASI AXI HOT WATKIt 1 1 EATING All Work duamntoad Prcod Itoasanablo JW Hottunl llliH-k, Knlraac) on otli Htrt-vt. Coffeen & Price 1'AClfJo 11031 Homo S4B E. F. n. BITTNER aopat IM wuwwb Trrx.Tnra rt- 5D00RSTn You poclct lK mU9anan pioCb. We wO la wyLodir lm1 from our owa Ug It&ory- Qilit (uiiuUcd to lUut. S9M? pECULA (CATALOC rfWfESi Bungtlow or Crattmcn Ooort 1.60 (CetUie Front Door up from . . 2.Z5 Fancy Front Doom up (rorn S.00 Fancy Front Wlmjotf up from . 3.78 Window and CU oaa-Uilid !. We blp promptly nrwliro. Lot u ttimate your bill and freight. SEND POSTAL for CATALOG No. 0,B; WILLIAMS CO. 1943 FU$T AyE-SOlTII, SEATTLE SIi(liilSlilSJi1llili i if. i ft- ' f 'to '-O- Q I ITHOUT the best in groceries vour cooking cannot be a success. Jq good work ing man never attempts to1 build with deficient tools or bad' material. JTe is too proud of jns work. - So with the successful cook. Only the finest groceries can bring satisfaction. Wo sell that kind. Successful cooks are our best patrons, TAKE FLOUR For instance'; 'WAITSBURG PURE WHITE is the kind that gives complete satisfaction. ALLEN GROCERY CO. so i 10 8 OETBAL AV'B, - Newport TAQtriWA. BAT Oaueoox' rordx.Ax shack XU380HT An Ideal retreat for outdoor pastimes of all kinds. HUNTING, KIHUINO, IIOATINO, HUIII-' riATHINO, HID INO, AUTOINO. CANOUINO. UANO NO'AND ItOM.nit HICATINO. Wluiro pretty water "iiKates, uiomii auatcs, mooti'StoneH, cnrimllanH can bo found on the beach, I'uro mountain water nnd the bunt of food at low prices. Kresh fiRh, clams, oralis und pystors, wtli nhtimlunco of veuetubles of all kinds dally, . Camping- Qronnds Convenient ana At tractive with Ntriet Kaaltary Begmlattons. IOW XO0XTS TBI BAIOaT SIOXBTa Ttom All Points la Orffcm, Wash ington and Idaho, oa salt dally. .SAT ATUXDAT-KOsTDAV TIOXBTg from Houlliorn 1'aclflo polntn Portland to CottiiKo Oroya; Mho from all (J. & 10. stations Albuny und wont. Good KOlnu Katurday or Hifnday nnd for return Humlay or Monday, - Call on any H. V. or C, & 11. Aent for full particular um tq faros, train flclieilulpM, olc; also for copy of our illustrated booklet, "OutlnKM In Ore Kori," or wrlto to WX. MCMUBBAT Senoral Vasstpirsc Ayeaf, Portland, Oregoa. rsr A Full Line of School Books and School Supplies-at The Merrivold Shop 14 WICHT Wi!N ST. ", Kodaks The most beautiful time of the year Better have one , witji you on that trip Medford Book Store -, Iftr - YtX -. i """'?' 'alt JMiir-tWj'f .: vr '