PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, 0KWC10N, AV MONKS!) AY, SMPTMM mill 20, 1011. tf r I LOCAL AND PERSONAL I H. 1 Cliiiiullor, Ii Woodvlllo or chHrtllBt, wnc in Modfortl Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Loo Cavo nrrlvcd In Medford Tuesday from Kntntt, Texas. Tlioy will reninln hero. Jluy your winter's wood clienp now. 4.B0, to G,00 per cord, .Gold Rnjr ltwlty Co.- . i Mrft. Mary Day of Jn?kRon.vlllo left Tittiulny for ft visit nt Salem. Win. GorlR, Kenernl tnnunger of tlio Pacific &.lCstcrn, loft Inst night for a few dusts business stay. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. VI. no to JG.00 per cord. Gold liny Ronlty Co. Rev. W. II. Jones and ,fnmlly of Butto Falls, loft last night for their now homo ntjToumo, Washington. Itev. Jones has been pastor of tho rresbytejrlnn ;chrch at Butto Falls for tho past year. Sanitary French Dry Cleaning Works. , Mr. ,nnd,Mrs. A. C Allen and slx-ycar-oId)8on, returned Tuesday oven- .Jng from San Francisco. The young Mr. Alien was operated upon In San Francisco about three weeks ago for npcndlcltls, from which operation ho Is now nearly entirely recovered. Wo -are .now buying AVinter Nells Ycnra. , ,See us before selllnc. Pro ducers Trult Co. Mayor W. II. Canon Is In Ashland today In tho Interests of the Southern Oregon Fair association. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. 14.50 toJC.OO per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sharp visited Ashland friends Tuesday. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.50 to $6,00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Marshall left tals morning for a visit In San Fran tlsco. Sanitary French Dry Cleaning Works, Mr., and Mrs. J. W. Hatchor of Ashland, arc visiting Medford friends. E. V. Carter of Ashland is In the city today on business. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. I4.G0 to JG.OO per cord. Gold Ray Real ty Co. II. H. Harvey, Medford's mall car rier, Is building a fine little homo for himself and faraly on Washington street, in West Medford. At tho Sign of Ye Nifty II. L. Neall Is lu Grants Pass to day on. business. Miss Hazel' Herring of Central Point visited "Medford friends, Mon day. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.50 to $6.00 ppr cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Mrs. B. Whalen and son, Theron, returned yesterday to Thrco Pines, Josephine county, after a few days' visit In Medford. S. A. Nowoll, ladles' tailor. Room 15, P. O. Building. 174 Mrs. Ada Kcyee. qf Cadilac, Mich igan, arrived In Medford Tuesday and will visit her daughter, Mrs. D. C. White. . Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4. CO to $0.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. O. C. King, traveling salesman. for tho Medford Grocery company, will leave this afternoon for a business visit to Butco Falls, In which place his company has a splendid business. Buy your winter's wood cheap nbw. $4.50 to $6.00 per cord. Gold Ray, Realty Co. Phil S. Looslcy of Tolo was In Med ford on business Tuesday. Mrs. M. A. Mnnor returned to her homo at Glendale this morning after a visit with C. T. Halloway at.40q West Second street. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.50 to $C00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Dr. F. C. Pago left this morning for a wcok or ten day's business .trip to Los Angeles. Chinese Sacred Lilies and Japanese air plants at Broadley's. Phone C181, ' Attorney and Mrs. A. C, Hough of Grants Pass wero among tho several from out of town who attended the opening of tho now Medford Hotel, Weeks & McGowan Co. XJNDERTAKEES Day Puoae M71 Ntgfet FbOBM F. W. Weeks 9071. " A. B. Ow, MM. LADY ASSISTANT, y- rof JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Embulmcr f Successor to the undertaking do- pnrtment or Alodforu Furniture uo. , Offico 28 South Burtlett Street Telephones: day, Boll 471; night 4 ruBiueucu, uwu tio, iiuuie lio-h., Calls answered night or day AMMHiANCB SERVICE' O,. L. Davis, president' of tho Far mers nnd Fruitgrowers bank, will leave this evening for n business trip to Portland. Seo R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. K. W. Wltlc and wife returned last evening from a trip to San Francisco whore they went Inst Frluy to moot Mr. Witto's brother and wife from tho enst who wore en route on a picas uro trip to Honolulu. ( . Car kin &. Taylor (John H.i Carkln, Glenu O. Tayior), attorney-at-'aw. over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. William G. Hnydon and family of Las Vegas, Now Mexico, have returned to their homo after a visit with Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Barber. At the Sign of Yo Nifty. Dr. M. C. Barber has opened of fices in the Howard block. Ho Is a graduato of tho Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons and will con duct a general prnctico in Medford. Ho has made his residence at 1303 West Main street. Ladles, have your suit madq by the Berlin Ladies' Tailoring Co., at Central Point, Or. ' 173 Mrs. L. Davis of Jacksonville visit ed dAshland today. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4,50 to $G.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. J. Baker of Man hattan, Kansas, who have been visit- lug Jacksonville friends, returned to their home today. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.50' tos $6.00 per cord. Gold ,Rny Realty Co. Mcrl Kellogg and Carl Shoemaker left this morning for San Francisco. James Campbell will go to Salem this a'Jternoon to be In attendance at the M. E. conference now In session In that city. Warren B. Rood and family of Bos ton, Mass.. arlved in Medford this morning for a visit with A. W. Stone and family at 19 Ross Court. P. H. Gray was In from Beagle Tuesday. Look once more nnd watch the fish market all this week. We now have the famous Seal Ship oysters, Kippcrd samon, Kippcrd herring, spring chicken, 20c per lb. Fresh creamery butter 3.0c per lb. Come and see us. Messier & Kentworthy. Attorney .George' F. Stanley of San;J ta Cruz, Cat., returned to his hornet Wednesday. Sir. Stanley has been hero Bottling tho estate of Frank C. Kuos, who owned, ranch property near Mcdford,.nml wl?o vaa adjudged In ea,ue soinellmo ago nnd "who nfter WAtds died at tho Insane asylum In Salem. Mr. Stanley .was accompanied upon his return by Matthew Kilos, father of tho deceased. The amart and snappy styles In shoes will be nt "ll-llngs." 1RCI4 Tho beauty shade tana, tho nobby too, with a little nob, will bo at "B lings." ' v '' ICC " '. -i t ' Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.50 to $6.00 per cord. Gold Hay Realty Co. it LINER OLYMPIC RAMMED (Continued From Tago Ono) but, he decided that they would l.e safe aboard the ve,sel. They1 came hero after tbe Olympic was placed in drydock. The collision occurred shortly after tbe Olympic cleared from Southamp ton. It will be necessary to reconstruct tbe llnwke's bow. LOSES HAND BAG ON HER WAY HOME Mrs. Frank MoKee while on roulo from Medford to her home in Cen tral Point Tuesday nfteqioon lost a hand bug containing $18 in money nnd a lady's pold watch. A party of emigrants hnd met .her on the rond only i short time before sho missed the hair nnd thinking they hnd picked it up Mrs. McKce returned to Med ford and swore out o search war rant before Judge Taylor and the emigrants, who has camped near rbe fair ground were searched bv Dep uty Sheriff Shearer but none of tho lost articles were found. t . NOTICE. Evangelist W. ,T. Adams of Eugene, Oregon, will preach nt tho Christian church, corner of Sixth and Ivy Sts., Sunday morning and evening, Sept. 24. - OVER HAULING WATER SYSTEM Workmen Sclil out To Go 0v Gravity Water System Ami Put I Gravity Water System Ami Put I Sets In. Water Superintendent Trenim it rounding up' nil "work in his depart ment preparatory for the approach ing wot season. A gang of workmen was sent on" 'this uioruiuir .over the lim line ti make auy needed repairs thov ma find. They will probably bo out i couple of weeks ami will travel ovei the entire length of the pipe line am will then go lo tho bond of Riipply al Fish lake. Mr. Trctiuit is doing ev ery thing possible to guard ugninsl accidents duriui; tins wet weathol when repair work is more deffioull to make than now. RUSHING ROAD, r CENTRAL POINT Much Propess Is Bclitji Made Dy Twohy Bros. Rofjuc River Canal Company Putllnrj In Concroi'o Brltlrjcs Over Ditches. MEDFORD THEATRE --scnroir?oMionff. i yx vzgm FRA2EE anf LEDERER present H . ROGUE RIVER FEARS SOLD IN CHICAGO At Chicago 1. K. B car C2S0 from Medford, Oregon. August 30: Dnrtlett pears Rogue River Fruit and Pro. duco association: fancy nvcrncu $1.S5; choice, average $1.05; plain, Construction work on tho new Med-'urd-Contrnl Point nmcrtdnm road wan omtueuccd lu earnest Tuesday morn ing. Tho Twohy llrou., who have tho ontrnct for tho cotiHtructlon of the i -ond, have tho thirty-foot excavation undo for a dlntanco of ono mile from ivledford, The road Is being oxcavat- ul thirty feet In width but tho maend- km wll lho only twenty foot In width. W. T. Roveddge, who Is doing en gineering and hus supervision of tho rpad for tho county will complete tho uirvoy and cross sectioning of the ond In two days. Ho Is now nt work in tho Central Point end. Tho Rogue River Canal company a putting lu concroto conduits n rons he road at all high points on tho onto, this being done to enable tho irrigating company to supply water to ranch c in? to mora uu either side of tho road, MANY ENJOY NEW HOTEL (Continued from IMen 1.) j-avorngo $1.55; car grossed $SUS. P. P. B. car .1063 from Medfdt August 20: Uartlctt pears Rogue River Fruit and Produce association; fnncyt avcraso $1.SS choice, average M.45; car grossed $7S9. - t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY -... FOR TRADE Two nice Medford rcsldenco lots to trade for team. Address box 322, Medford Ore gon. 158 FOR RENT Two sleeping room and two or four housekeeping rooms, gasTangor modern J phono 5561. 244 N. Ivy. Call C:30 p. m. 159. appropriate furnishings. The dooI nimiiH. rutlisLi'lIni In 'il.l ,tmJ,i oak, and oven the engine room, kitch en nnd more mochaiuonl departments camo hi for their nlmre of tho praise, and the verdict wag ntwny tho mimic no detail seemed Inokiinr. .", (HIMSELF1)' IN-THE-BI6-MU$ICAL-5TEEPLECHA$E rswmm a vv :l CAST w. EDAiAWALUCC HIPPER (tRSKfiW) ND A PERFECT MUSICAL :0AiEPV , ANB SOMJhi r 15 SONG HITS. fi i"" " fw ' : av- "JSJii utrtii iWMtiaio-nne PRICE5: 50c, $I.OO, $1.50, $2.00 MEDFORD THEATRE-MON. SEPT. 25 THE tfVKNT Or THE SEASON i 0t9- HOTEL MEDFORD A Most Modern Hotel Emporium Opened September 30, 19.11. Splendidly arranged in everv respect. 'EZS15ECZ2ZZZt Excellent Cuisine. ci'jii.ix.,aci'xg."'""wu 4 m. diatcs $1.00 Per Day "Up. m'" RAU-MOHR CO., Propritors. WM, A. BRADY, Ltd. Presents The Funniest Plty Ever Writtetx JJJJJJJJJJJ mmmmmmm rfffsffff Selecting Your fall Clothes Here is Neither Problem or Experiment - 1 i it ! i . ft4f RATHER A PROVEN PLEASURE AND PROFIT FROM THE LARGE TO THE SMALL WOMAN Because vc sell you the beautiful and the tried Style-craft Coals and Suits, nationally reputed for their artistic outlines and correct fit. 4 1 ' 4 National and Enviable Reputa- , , tign is Not Attained in a Night Back of Style-craft Success are years of Garment Study and Tailoring Expor iencoNvArthy your serious, favorable consideration. ' Less Alteration and More Satisfaction, Mouc Exclusiveness, and Less -Expensive.' b ' " f " "IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPORTATIONS' means n happy, practical .blpndin&of. Paris stj'lc with American requirements The Style Craft Label Protects You Believe in it BABY NINE HI it)' MAIKJAItirr MAYO lHrvcl fnun a Holiit Vtir' Unit l Unln Ttu'rttiv, Xrw Vnrk. Clly Unity Mluo Ik fciulltiR n itnln of laiiKhicr (iffiiutiMlio worlil. (i U now Itt l: Hcrontl ynnr nt Kir Clmrlok Wyiiilltntii'ri Crilorluii 'J'lilr, Unt- ilon. Within tlirtnt imiulli Unity Mtnu will bo tlnMl In IliTlin Vlonna, I'nrlM, MultiDiiruii nnd Si, roturHlturg. Whnt tho Mait l-'runclMro rrlthw my of llwby Mluo." "Unity Mlno" jtrovcil tho t;rontrtt ronuuly ntnuml lu Sii Ir. rlnco Trllhln my rorfllitrtinn. Wnltor AnUiiiny, lu "Tim Cull." Wlinn thu tiny untlK your IniiRlttwr tunrltliinry U ntrnuhliMl nml you knon- tlioro itovur tiiu tiiiythlitK ho funiiy. Itulph K. Itoiiriti'l, In "Tho Chronicle. You tuiifit ltu n hniilewi tlyiiinittr If tlio tlekl" of t iuwut K"' to your rllt. -J. Iwiwronco Toolo. lu "Thu ICxMiuliiitr." t You Can't Stop a lilt; I.uukIi l.lko Dalty MIiih. Scats for "BABY MINE" on SaloTlmrsdny ilaskins Drug Store PRICES 50c, $1.00 AND $1.50. KM MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Does This Suit You Lot 118 kIvo you n fixed prko on thu ovciIiiiiiIIiik Job you nro KoIiik to liayo doiio. LONE RED AUTO COMPANY I MUfjICKV .M OHiri-'ITII, 1'ioit. J to 8. HAItTUCTT. v-r-ff Our New Location The Southern Oregon Elec tric" Company is now lo cated in the College Block on N. Grape Street Southern Oregon Electric Co. Ttiittrtrfrftrtttt