I k lrEDFORl) MA1T; TRTBUNK, OTPFOTIP, OWWONr, TUESnA V, .SIOTMMniW 19, 1.011. W STATE FAIR VERY GOOD JR H. D. Patterson Dnck Willi Words Of Prnlso Of Annual Show Dost Ex hibit Orcnoii Ever Saw, Ho Says. Poultry Show Good. PXGETHRE1D EONA WALLACE HOPPER WILL U E HERE WITH RICHARD CARLE "Tint Oii'KMi State Jalr wiim the best exhibit I have ever seen,'' hiiI.I II. II. PllllciMOII, U'ltO llHN JllSt II). turned I'nuii Salem. "In what way Why, in every way. 'J'hii Iiuil, vegetables-, gralii, live Muck, Implements mid himhIiIii. fry, In fnrt; (hero wan scarcely an tuhlhlt iheio which wiih mil superior by fur In anything I have over ttceii in tho middle western stales. I hiivu hfni at hlnUi iiiiiH in Springfield, Illinois, Oniiihii, Nebraska, ami In niiiiij imnT mm cm nut i never saw ho roinplKl,, niiil porfrot III) exhibit n H I hiiw nt Hill "The poultry exhibit CMpcelnlly i. teieslcd inn hcCIIIISC f fit,. ',, (H( for Itwnty years wiih ii t'liiifMcr in iillry mill wiih judge of poultry at a great many shows. Yoii may mil it ilown a h coming fioin nut that Oic gon can heal (In. woilil on any ox hihit lo-r miijii. put up. Tioniili- is yon fellow hen' not' llicno wonderful and Hiipoiior exhibits ho oflrn thai yn rannot iipprrriiili their excel leney uiiil siipctiorily." SKATTI.K That , approximately $.'0,(11)0 will he expended in the J,,,', mediate future on the fniiMructi'iu of the Northern I'aeitle helt line around Lake Union, wiih u eoiielu mIoii renelieil at, ,i esonfejenee today between Superintendent of Public I'tniiie Valentine mid Counsel lot I hit rompmiy. .fir.' A s v ' F'JJrvfjfK' 4 -x . WOWI WHAT AN AWFUL PACE I I 4 . wa Go To P.teVi 'io ir viq cay pltPD SORt2 k RAILROAD IS BUILDING SHOPS I, hjm mil TM rrtag-r CONSUMER PAYS NOTED REEVES MUSICAL AT SAVOY COMPANY The Ilccves Mimical company will appear at t lit- Savoy 'theatre hemn niiiK Tucmliiy, Sept. 'Jtl, for ,'l 11I-I1U TIiIm Ih a hiyli elmtH ciitcitaiinnciit. Tim KeevcH .Mn-ical eompmiy are up pearinc under the uiaiiaL'eiueiit o ( Mr.-lleiiryH.'"Keiiitler,'1iriiiaiikiiowrt from count to count for thn hiuli elitHH of coinpiiiiicH appearing nndei Iiih maiui;eiiieut. Therefore us tin KeeveN eoiiipiiuy are under Mr. r'cti-l. ler'M maiiai;eiiient it in hiifficienl Kiiaraiitee of the merit of the nhow. The program offered w opened with a violin nolo hy Madam Con Mnuee, followed hy n cornet nolo hy Mr. UeeveH, and cloncx with a fule horn mid haritnne duet. The Hccond act in opened ly Min Klhn, in HonH. MisH Klha'rt voiei Iiiih heen Hiiid to compute favorahly with the MiiKorrt mi the (,'raud omrti Htae. Thin act cIokch with MUf Alieiie, the drummer irl 8ouhrette. in comedy hoii'H, the third mid last net coiimhIh of lint liuj:k ciiIIk of I ho IT. S. army n the triuupelH and drum, mid iiilrodue ch the KieateHt piece of miotic evei written hy the march kinj, Phillip Koiit.ii, We advice everyone to to, an Ihif ix ii hIiow that Iiiih never hcei eiiialed any where. There will he n hpecial program of iuomiic pictures. After liavini; untile all the Kast laiiuh wiih IiIh latent iiniMcnt folly. ".Itimpiuc .litfiiter" for tin; IiihI two heiiHoiiH, Itiehard Carle (HiiiiNeif) Carle will prcHcul Iuh HiicceMnful pro diiclion at Medford opera Iioiikc, on Sept. 'Jl, Carle fanliioned "JiiiiipiiiK Jupiter" over from a taree hy Syd ney Itnxeiifeld to fit hix own pecu liar humor mid perMiualily. The imiMc hv ICarl lloxchiia, the fmitoiiH compoM-r of "Madam Sherry" Ih full of cliariiiiuc melody mid the produc tion ih hrand new in every detail. Mr. ('it i lo haw not heen Heen here for three year mid hit appearance will he n welcome event. Unlike many other hIiiih Mr. Carlo prefern to Hiir roiiud hiuixelf with the bent MiHHihle cit mid the htipiMirl in "Jumpiiii; Jupiter" will include Hdna Wallace llotper fHpeeially enpifjfd.) MARJORIEMANDEVfLLE SHOW AT ISIS APPEAR HERE SOON MAKES BIG HIT SUGAR'S FINE Trust Has Raised Price From $3.75 In January To $725 Today Tnis Will Net the Corporation Just $40,000,000. Ml Marjorlo Miuulevlllc. the tuL Th(, Jr,iK ,)i(,K fa5r ,(, mnkc rucon, elite,! yumiR artreiw who will apponr, ,- 11,lI11i11,.m, ,), fi., ,.,f ,lf ,,lie here In "DIviircmiH," como hlKhly rerommemleil liy rrltlr over the ronitt to ho the iiiohI vcrimtlle youiiK iiar on the mIiiko toilny. Tluil no iloolit ,1 , miyliiK roimltlttralile, but iliomi who liitvu neon her in' other tiroUiictlomi will ngreo that Hint Ih a very, tnlenteil young nctrexH, In rhooiiliiK "DIvorcoiiH," hIio cIioho :i vehicle that will plemte all hor old iiiimrorit ami niiiKo u lot of uow (rlemlH. Th I h Ih aliMiliitcly tho lnitt nppeur- tttee of MIhh MuiidovHle on the count for hiiiiim yciirti. The tour hIio Ih on now roc through to ClilcnKO amlil hIio will not ho on he I'niifle coitht a mil n for a Ioiir lute. Hho Iiiih miiilo a Kroat HticuatH In California and her hint appearance In Oregon hhU to hrcak all liox office record a. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mrn. I'aukey Sr Iiiih ret timet from Klamath FulU, hriiut'uic lu't lit lie crauililauchler with her. Mih. ICiihlt'r's hiHter of I.o An Celes, Calf., arrived here Sunday t bpeinl a few wcekn, Mih. C, A. IIcIhIioiic; and childni of Millionaire How, were pusHfuf to PiiHitdeiia Moiidnv where they wil Oi-ii. L. Neale. Minn Tevele Neale (Icoigiii Cliue, MIhs Slewitrl. r'ran hpeiid the whiter. tiln Shield, Aiehie Pinker, Miih Stroii(,', S. A. PalteiMin, Mih. It, I. WIIhoii, Mi, anil Mrn, Huhk, Mr. am' Mih. (leo. Pankey, Mins Ktliel Pin key, Mi-h. KnaekHteilt, Misw llitr.el ICnaekNtemlt mid friend M!sh Kdilh Stone, were unions the Ceutial Poii.t people who npeut Mouday in Med ford. Mrs, McDowell ami duujhloi'H Mist Viola and Minn Mary, Minn Louise KIIchIiiiI. Theresa Klli'stail mid Mel viu KIIchIiiiI have reltirni'd from a trill lo the hop Holds. Hev. Aldrich left Monday for the mutual conteieiice at baleiu. PASADKNA, Ciil.--Soiilhern Cal iforuiii leniiiH euthiiHiaslH will have mi oppoiluiiily to nee the Sutton llotclikisH feud Hottlcd, The two lemlint; woiumi exponents of the net Kama will tnne in tho Hotel Mary land toiirnauieiit hero tlurliiK thu first weelc in Ootohor. LEADER OF INSURGENTS IS COMING TO MEDFORD The lecture course (hat hii hooked Victor Murdock this season, will hear one of, the greatest men of the day. Few men except Theodore Hoosevell have heen more in the eye of the politic duriiic the past year. He is, hy the way, n close fiiend of Roosevelt's, haviiiir, it will ho ie called, heen his guest at Oyster Hay noii after the retiirif of the e.-ptoi-dent from Africa. Murdock is ev rywiiere known as the "Lender ol Insurgents." He has heen eougress naii from Kansas for eight years. Mis lecture will therefore, he espec ially timely, Wichita, Kansas, was a .frontier town when it hecame the homo of Murdock in 1H7L hut he received his diicalion there, first attending the "oiumon schools and later Lewis academy. At the age of ten, during vacations, he hegnn the printer's trade, and when he was twenty years old he went to Chicago mid worked 'Here as a newspaper reporter. In or week. The show, as given Monday night, made a great hit, and will he continued for tonight and Wednes- day. Harvey, Jones & Dellnrt give a musical turn that includes some red hot bun jo playing and also in troduces the Mexican soltere, a mat peculiar Instrument and -one that is xerv difficult to play. Mr. Jones has it pleasing baritone voice. Sid Verne the Knglish music hall vcnfrilnipiNt, has a mystifying act that has the crowds guessing. H is something new and is no small part of tho hill There are three rolls of pictures mid an illustrated song. in. Etllson In Trouble. PACF. Havana. Sent Though not actually arrested, Tints. A. Kdison. and family aro detained liere today, pending the result of mi iuiiiiry into the death of n child killed by the iiutoiitohile of Kdison's -on. Wanted To Kill Taft. DKTHOIT, Mich., Sept. lD.-He-aitse he confided to Traffio Officer Keartlon, that President Toff ,...),! be assassinated before he left town, J'dilt McMniius was locked up here today charged with being a suspic ious person. The police believe Me Mauiis to be a crank. IF YOU HAVE ECZEMA OR ANY SKIN OR SCALP TROUBLE HERE IS GOOD NEWS You have probably tri0lJ ono or more roniedleH with munll success. Thin costH money and It is uncertain Wo want you to try .HMO. the clean Hmild remedy, hut wo do not want ou to pay for It unless you nro satis fled with results. Wo have ho much faith In Homo that wo want von tn NEW VOItIC, Sept. 19. How the mig.tr trtiHt makes the consumer "pay the freight" for tho ft ties levied upon It by tho Bovernment when It wnH detected In customs steals was set forth here todn by sugar brok ers. Thoy ray the trusts profit for the coining year, following Its arbi trary rise of prices from $3.75 per hundred pounds In January to $7.25 todady, will net the corporation Just 110.000.000. Much of this enormous profit, thu brokers say, will be ueed to wipe out a deficit In tho trust's reservo which resulted from tho KOvermticnt pros ecutions for undervaluation of Im ports, and from litigations following the discovery that tho trusts em ployes bad robbed the United States by manipulating etittom house scales at the Ilrooldyn docks. RODGES BUSY WITH REBUILDING PLANE MIDDLKTOWiV, N. V., Sept. 10.- Tcmporary SllCds Are BclnfJ PlaccdjC. P.Wodgers received today the noe- essnry partn for Ins tlnmaged ncro- Near Pacific A Eastern Sheds Permanent Shops Go In At Junction. The Pacific. & Kasleni railroad company has men at work putting up lemHrary machine shops on J(h groutfds near the passenger depot, on Hast Main street. ( It Is the intention of the company to build its permanent shops at the junction, one mile north of the stu tion. This temporary structure how ever, ih expected to fill allrerptirc merits of the road during the com ing winter and at the same time com ply with a Htatc law, recently opera tive, reipiiring that shelter be pro vided for Uk shopmen when four or more men are employed. ItANkln for Health rA.N JTtA.M i&t.u ucneviove, a big Alaskan bean in Golden Oat Park, is sick. A doctor snys .she needs a dentist. The dentist says she needs a chiropodist. Nobody dares go near her. Draperies We carry very complete line of draperies, tare curtains, fixtures, etc. and ?c all clnssra ot uptiolaterlnff. A peclal man to look after this work exclusively and will Klve as good service as Is polbl to set tn even the larccst cities. Weeks & McGowan Co OPEN- For Business mot; i.vs LKSi'.iirs Second-Ham! Storo nt 3G South Qrnpo Street. Give us n call and we will treat you fair. Highest cash price, for second hand goods of all kinds. APPLES FOR EUROPE Wo aro appointed agenU for J. D. THOMAS, Covcnt Garden, Lon don and Southampton. England, whoso charges are 5 per cent and C cento, per box. JAS. LINDSAY & SON, Ltd., Glas gow and Edinburgh. Scotland, C per cent and 10 cents per box. RAWSON ROBINSON, Hull, Eng lang, 5 per cent and 8 cents per box. These are the oldest and largest firms In their respective towns, and their reference as to financial abil ities can be bad at Medford National Bank, Medford, Oregon. Cash can be cabled day after sale If required, and highest market prices guaranteed. Red Faced Men smoking BIG CIG ARS talking "HOT AIR" don't always Ilvo on air, benco our remarks on charges. Tho clap-trap about private sale docs not provo remunerative, except for some curios of a small nature. All Fellers by private salo have to wait until auctions nre over so as to know what to ask, and in the case of large supplies they often get left. For further particulars, address W. N. White (SL Co. TO IMItK I'LACE NEW YORK plane mid hemi nt ouco to rebuild the machine which was wreeked in it tree near here. He expect! to re sume his flight tomorrow for a const to coiihI $00,0(10 prize. NBY YOItK Coliinal John Me Cook, one of the most prominent corporation attorneys in the United StntcH ih dead at IiIm home nt Sea bright, N. ,., uh a reniilt of. pneit- MARTIAL LAW NOW PREVAILS IN VIENNA t VIENNA, Hept. 11).-For tho firnt timo nineo the revolution mrtlnl law wiih declared hero today nM the vo' mill of the riots which are duo to tho high coBt of living. Following the diMturlmnccg, In wliluli ono wiih killed nml ono ruu dred wounded J75 nrrostH woro made. monia. Ho was ono of tho famous "fighting McCooks of tho civil wnr. Kasklns for Health. MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. Q. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIEBANKS, MOESE & CO. B AGGAGEANDEXP RESS HENRY M, MARSH r All orders promptly attended to night or day. Shorth and long hauls. Moving household goods a specialty Union teamsters. Office 51 S. Front Pacific 4171 Home 80 Residence Main 613 W00i9l0 Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. S20 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. ooooroofw 1801 he became imiiiiigiiiir editor of UJ !! y ' o tho r. v. , i lie YMfiiun l 'any fiiigie, in which en imiMly IiIh forceful editorial utter tui'cs soon brought hint into public il'e. Miirdoek comcc to .Medford op. urn house on Monday, October Utli. Haaklna for Health, Says Wo Need Jnps. STANFORD I'NIVHKSITV. Cul., Sept. III. Addrtssing more than 1, 00(1 hlndi'iilx here today on "pence in the I'aeifie" PrnlVnsor luugoNU ltdie, head of the tlepartir.?il of '')- lomicrt in the Cnivernily of Japan, who is in this country to preach nonce, took occasion to expose what he believed In he a source of the wnr hcare, mid to insist thai the West rcquircH cheap Japanese labor, SAN JOSK, Cnl.-Kov. II. T. Jlonl ley, 80, retired Methodist minister, has finally fallen in love, He niitr rietl Mary Ann Sphcly, 0$. .'kmiiliiiu L.U.. aoaa fiiiv.. o o. Louis, Mo., lOe in stamps to pay post- K.ior a generous snmplo of ZK.MO and 'AMMO (antiseptic) SOAP and our :ia page booklot on, skin diseases OR get a bottle today nt Haskins' Drug Storo and f yo nro not plena ed with results they will rorund your nioiiey. 'AMMO Is a clean scientific prepur atlon that washes away and destroys tho germ lire and tho poisons that catiflo tho trouble, stop tho Itching at once and results can bo soon after one application. ZKMO iibsolutoly : cures epzeinit In all Its forms aa well as hives, rashes, ucne, tetter, IwiilH'rs' Itch, plrckly heat, utc, on Infants tho saiiio as on grown persona. Indorsed and sold by druggists everywhere mid In Medford hy Ilas UIiih' Drug Storo. HiiBkhiB for Hoalth. Newport , TAQUWi BA.TT omsooK'i ropuzjuk bzaox SESOBT An Ideal retreat for outdoor pastimes of all kinds. HUNTING, FISHING. HOATINO. 8VUV BATHING. niD- INO, AUTOING. CvVNOUING. DANC NO AND IIOI.I.KU SKATING. Whore pretty water ncatcs, moss amitea, moon-atonott. carnellutta can bo found on tlt bouclt. l'uro mountain wator and tho best of food nt low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crabs and oysters, with abundance of Vegetables of all kinds dally. Camping Qronndi OonvenUnt aaa At- tracttv with Btrtot nltry BeffuUUoaa, XiOW BOUND XMXT MBABOaT TtOSBTB Trom All Polnta lu Orcfoa, Waih- lug-ton und Idaho, on aala dally. ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager: Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Offers you land at $450 per acre irrigation system constructed. The land plowed, leveled, fenced and planted ta a standard variety of trees complete with a perpetual water right On easy terms Investigate this offer SAT ATDBDATT-MOKDAT XJOXET I1" from Southern IMclflo polnta Portland to Cottage Grove; alao from all C. & 13. stations Albany and west. Good Kolng Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday, Call on any 8. P, or C. &. E. Agont for full particulars as to fures, train HClioduloH, etc.; aleo for copy of our Illustrated booklet, "Outings In Oro Bon," or write to WM. MoMUBBAT nral Pneug Aftnt, Portlaudi Orgxa. Stoves Staves Stoves Wo have a very large and complete stock of Cole's Air Tight Wood Stoves, also a fine assortment of Ranges, including the GREAT MAJESTIC, all at rea sonable prices. Medford Hardware Comp'ny I 218 EAST MAIN ST.