Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 18, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I" , , ,
Jmlllfl Dismisses Aliliotl Cnso At
Portland As Intrrslnto Commcrco
In Involvoil itDBlrnliit Is Point On
Wlilcli Decision Is Dnscil,
PORTLAND, Om, H. 18, Tlic
llll'IIMIIItt IMIHneil t lint Hl HOHMidll
of (lii! I.'kImImIiih., i(..,ulHiiK lluil nil
I'llllviH llllllld pMlllH OH(tl for Hlt
WMM lllllll IllVulill IC'l-lltl.U y CiriMlll
IllllgH (Illll'IIH, Ulio oilllt' Hill ilw.
'l"irgo I'miii niNl.iilv of .1, T. Aliliull,
mi 1'iihl hIiIm iiii'ifliiinl uiicxlcil ami
IihIIkIi'iI Iwh tiKnilliH nun for Helling
i wo pun- Ml hiiiiuH, matin in im iCmi
iiiitiki ,..t... i . 1 1 i it .
, (Minim, iiiiii which urn not MMr
llm hlmnp, Almoll Ihih licvn on
hIih'm hiri iirrt'Ml.
Tim i'iimh iiivnhi'il llm iinhii f
M'Hiriiliit mi iiilKi-Mliiiu .(,iiiiniri'i.
ami it wax on UiIh point Unit m ,(
rlcloii o' In- jiiiIkh wiim IiiimoiI. Alt
ImiII'k lawyer nIVrrl In ilnMHimm
ill oilier Hliito in wliit'lt hiiiiilnr Iiiu'm
Imil Im'Oii iimiiii iincoiiHlilutiniiiil
Imwuimu limy oH'iuli'i In .li-piiv.. h,.
oIiIximim nf IiIn iiiiMrty without duo
pioooHH of law mid wvrv iiiiioiihoiiii
hlo iiyorolnoM of ixiliiv pnwor.
Hold On Ilic iinrlliMi'Ml niruor i
7lh mid l.iint'll Htrootn, lu 1,'iiI.IhiII
pniMirly to .lnculi Stoiio on Halur-
Jrn. .Hlri'lliHiiiiimr Ihim ri'turin'il
from n Ncvorul dayn vihil with
iririidx in (liaulri I'iimm.
Arr. tun! Mrn. ,lu.. Wtillnriitnir'
uho litixo Mii'iil tint IhnI low tniinlliri
lmro, liuvit moved to AhIiIiiihI for llm
Win. Johiixon. ho huK Ih'i'ii in iho
employ of Mr. Niuimiiiiii, proprietor
oi uio tNiiiirttiiiin meat luurknt, for
hevenil iiiuiiIIm, left for Portland
Sunday inorniiij'.
Ilomor I'oart left Saturday fnr nn
extended xMt in California, iNititiu
ivIativt'H and friend. .Mr. IVnrt
xx ill xiit Saoraineulo, San I'miiciHcu.
'hieo mid othorn Houlheru eitiow.
Mrw. V. I-;. IVieo and Mrn. J. II.
5 InWoodxillo." " " "
H. V.. Ileal enjoyed a xi at Ah1,.
laud Sunday.
I). If. Shu livnnt hurt purchased
llm kcihtiiI inerehandiHo utoro on
Pine Htreet n J. It. Hih,h. Mr. Dhhm
reeeutly piireliancd n property of
li. Ilatnelil.
Aiiioiih llm tunny Central Point
Saturday mid Sunday xinilotx to
Medford went Mr. and MrM. V. M
Nartnill, Mrx. K. U, Moore, Mrn.
Stidinan, Mrn. 0. (J. Puikeoypile.
Mrx. Steelhamuier, MihH Kiln Vi.
linttiH, W. K. SI. Ahaui, Wtijuo I,eo
xcr, Shipley Kohh, Melliu Condon
Donald Miihh, Frank Hal Hold, noon
Oxxciih, Mr. mid ,Mr. .1. Kliitddn, MU
Ilorrintr, MiHH Vouiijf, Mrs. mid V.
N, N'oroniMM,
Prof. A. J. Haiahy nddrertsed llm
Y. M. C. A. hern Sunday uflornnoii.
City eouuril will meet tonihl
(Monday) at 7 o'clock.
KiiIkihI (llimcir) Carlo nud lo'ehua, of "Mudam Sherry" rnWm, Ihih
ho ul hiH finiiiiont in ho new humci! xx'nlloti hoiiio henutifiil hotiH for
"Iv ".liimpliij; upiler" m wlucli Muinpiii .lupiti'r" mid iiiiioiik the
he will ho neon hern for Iho fiihl prominent piny urn in Mr. Curio'
Hum al Medford opera Ihiiim- on! Miiport m ifdnu Wnllaeo Hopper
Sept. iJ KIIJ. TIiih piece Iiiih iIIh. (Hpociully eiiKiij;cd) mid ninny oth
linelioii in, its eit-i mill sumpfuoiisi i m of eiiial note. Scatn nro now
elok'.iueo in iU itiounlint;, Kml Hoh-Ioii nuIo.
H. C. Kcntncr Anil Party Enjoy Visit
To Orcipn Caves Trip Is Mado
In One Day Three Hours In The
Schaefer Is Best First Sack
er Senators Ever Had.
II. C. Kvutiiur n ml party Kumlay
demount rated thai tin uutomnlillo trl
to tlio .Marhlo Halls of Oregon and
letitrn can W mnilo lit xnry nhort or
der. The party, xshlcli connlHieil of
MUn IIdhhIo Kunliier. Ida l.o Kent
nor, M-rtHtH. PholpH, Tinny. l.oo Root,
ilorliert Keuitmr ami II. C. Kouliicr
rtartml al 6 o'oloelc .Sunday moruluK.
They packed for ton miles on liortse.
ttnek and upcnl thrco liottrx In (ho
Ttm r turn (o the nutomoldlo wan
iinnlo at night y camllo Ilht and
the tmrty roncheil Medford oarly Mon.
dny mornliiK.
All wore very niitliiihlastlr ovor Iho
cnxoH. Mr. Kunlnor atntod that ti
him thu hcuiiIo nm in dors xxoro Knrator
(liati Crater I.tiku mid (hat It xvhh
HlllirlnlliLf that mom ikiiiIi.iI 1....I ti..i '
heeti tuailo of tho cnxow hy dtluit Jo-
cuteit near It. A k! road mid n '
Hltln.dxortlHlnt; xvould tm-ati thou-
HiitidH of xhdtoru tiuuunlly.
Rtnon For Wlldnait.
Tlio yotim; man had Iwoii rowIiij; hlu
wild oat, hut had Mopped for a mo
inent to rout. "I xvomlur," ho mur
tint red thoughtfully to himself, "why It
In that my outH uro wlldlf" For u tliuu
ho Mat In diHp thuuuht. At IiihI ho
NprnnK up. "Kurokii!" ho nhoutod.
"Tltoy nro xvlld UvnuMi I don't j?lvo
them enough to drink. That xvould
tnnko iiuyhiMly xvlld." And forthwith
ho extracted a (juarlcr from tho toy
hunk of hlu Imhy hrothor and net out
In mmrcli of hl cotnpuulotiH, Huston
Tho Riort Proipootus,
"notug to ruu dally cxcurHlona UiIh
"Oh, yoH."
"I uotlco yott don't nilxcrtUa n Rortte
any more."
"No; I nindo It n ruvlno Instond.
Homo people IhouKht n prKo meant a
lot to cut." LouImvIIIo Courlcr-Juurnal.
Dulwp Lytton and Hit Chorui.
Tho I'tlucoH von met
Mulwer lotion In tho lllvlutii toxxttn!
Iho end of the nfllen. lie ,h llieit,
hIio mhjk In her miiotiloKmpliy, Vpt
his llrxt youth; hlu fiime ciik nt It
tetillli. lie Hcetncd to me milotlllu
vlaii, xx lilt IiIh lout; dyed cuiIh mid hlu
old faHhlotied ilreM. HeilreHsul o.nct
ly In the fiiNhlou or tlm tweuilox, xvllh
louii coalH reaehlnic lo Iho ankles, kueo
In coolies mid hum tolotvd xvalstconis
Also ho appeared alxxiijs xvllh a jntuifj
lady xx ho ndnrml htm ami who wan
follout d iy a tuiinxervaut curry Iiik
a harp. Sho sat at hh feet mid nn-
peiired, as ho did, In Iho costume of
is:ii, with Ioiik tloxvlnt. curls, calhsl
AiikIiiIsih. Ilo toad aloud front IiIk
oxvii xvorks, mid In ospivlully pootlv
piiHstiBcrt his 'Alice' accompanied hltu
xvllh arpcKiJlort on tho hiirp."
Undo .TohIi I'm jjoln' tor taku that
Uinr tliormomotor buck.
Aunt All What nro yoxv n-goln' tor
tako It back for, JobIi?
Undo JonIi'Ciiuho yow can't depend
on It. Ono day It hcs otto thing mi' tli'
noxt It hois Hiimthln' dlfforont. Farm
A Duko Without Nerve.
"I'm tlilnklnt; of biiyluir my daughlor
a" duko."
"(lot that much money?"
"Thht 1m n Hort of cut rnto duko.
ITo'h xvHIIiik to couio Into tho family
for hlu board and lodtjltij;." ICansnH
City Jouruul.
"nobby, didn't you hoar mnmma toll
In' uh to conio In out o' tho rain?"
"Yop, but I'm not koIii' to do It till
I'm ho wet that hIio can't lay mo
ncroHH Jior lap'ihout Hpollln' hordiOHs,"
Chlcnuo 1'rlhuuo.
A Troo Climbing Doq.
A Kovci'iinient oiliclul lit liiiMtrlacon
neeS'd wit li the forestry depuitinetit
hits it xvoudetful tlojj. xvhlch Is nsclcx'
er at cllnthluj: tiecs as a cut. If hlu
master fastens a handkerchief up In
Iho treetops the animal will ehiuthcr
up after It In Iho nimblest way and
never falls lo bring It iloxxn. Ilo xvas
taught hy his molher, xho xvas famous
as a treo cllutbor, Tho clover animal
I'hoto by American lrea Aoclatlon.
It mny not bo n compliment to say
no, but It Is imvorthelefw n fact that
Herman Schaofer has proved himself
tho best Unit hnsemau Washington has
had bluco U'Iuk In tho Amorlcnn
lonjjuo, not even ImrrliiK Jnko Staid,
xvho xvas not tho playor In tho Capital
City that ho developed luto xvhllo with
Huston. ' f-
Not only has Schaefer plnyed tho po
sltlon xvell, hut ho has been of tho
KrcatoBt help to tho team on tho In
dido. Ills hlttlne una been tho best
of tiny member of tho team, -whllo ho
has been ou tho bases oven more than
Had Iluchoy JcnnltiKS suspected
that Bchaefer could bo mado Into n
first baseman ho undoubtedly xvould
Imvo held on to him, for Schnofer has
played bettor ball In that position
tllllll I1IIV lll'lll .Inllliliiira lino liml ..--
bus xvott M'wral medals hy his ox- .nt nninnr. ! ut.n.ui - t r.i-..
linnrdlimry talent and takes paHlcular iust Borliis
dollKht In cllmhluh' sllxer bltvhes, not
Iho easiest ueo In tho xxorld to scale,
for Iho (runic Is pmtlculnrly smooth
ntid Hllppory, Wldo World MiikuxIiic.
KlnHnett to Anlmnlt,
"What I belloxo In," said Mr. Urns
(us I'lukly, "Is uliidness lo dumb mil
mills." "Vos,' replied Miss Miami Jlrown,
"I has liyuhcd dat hoiiio folks kin f
u chicken off do roos' so kouIIo an
tender dat ho won't Imvo his sleep
disturbed Hkn'sely uono." WashliiKton
Tho Alternntlvo.
KlKR-My xvlfo xvanlH a noxv slllc
I'VKK Aro you olntr to lot her Imvo
Kljrir-VcH, It's n case of silks or
vulkH, Iloatou Transcript.
HuHklnB for Honlth.
Cunnlnoham Dip Dltappotntment.
lilll OuuiiltiKhnm has earned for him.
Bdf tho reputation of belnj; tho Rrent
est dlsnpiiolntment In tho history of
tho American league. Cunny'a xvorlc
lust fall xvas of such a IiIkIi order that
It xvas generally conceded McAleer had
plckod tip n youngster xvho xxiih Mire
to bo a star, Ho hit ntid tloldOd xvoll
and left llttlo to bo desired In his piny
That xvas last fall, but this acasnii
It Is different. CuniUnijhmn's record
xvould probably bhoxv that he has
struck out more often than any other
player In tho circuit, not oven bnrrluc
tho pitchers. Ho seems absolutely mi.
able to connect xvllh the ball, and yet
ho hits a kooiI position nt tho plato
and docs not pull uxvay an Inch. Cun
iihiKlmm'H batting mmKosts that there
Is noma fault with Ids eyes, for ho
seems to hit at tho ball either before
It leaches him or Iour after It has
nnsscd him. Tho failure of CuuuIuk-
limn to play up to tus (nut years xtn'nii
nrd linn been n Kovore blow to the
tvnm, Of that tlmm Is no doubt. Had
Ilo hold up his end numerous switches
In tho Infield would iiol hnvo been trnc
ewnry, mid a team xvhli h Is nhvnys
chunked about mcmIoiii plujg uicudy
rtugby Football In Wait,
ArrnnKcineuls have been intitlu by tho
Ktnlu unlxerslty of California for a
ficrles of txvo interiolleitlitiv ltin,'hy
KHiiwn Willi tho itnlxemlly of Nnjvnda
next fall, Ono'Of the jjitmes tvlll be
phied at Ili-no Oct 7 and tlm leluni
mitteli on (ho local Krldlron Oct 2.H.
lame will nlno probably be arrmiKed
during tho fall Reason xxlth the Vic
toria and Vancouver twim, provided
n scries of matches crn be nrraniud
outside of Ihu local contest for the
Champion Hollar 8kter on Tour.
Ktevo Hhlpley. the liatnplori speed
roller skater, of Baltimore has gone
abroad to ntco and xvlll compete In the
International tourney to take place In
Imdoii In Hcptembcr and October.
Hhlpley will make a tour of tho conti
nent, nppenrlujr In IMkIiiiii, France,
Oermnny and Ilufwki before tryliiR for
tho loudon laurels.
on wftn Jt or will ta rorcefl to com
plete It. When n player cannot go on
nntl has thus lost a llfo ho may re
quire from any one before him to tell
xvhat his xvord was; otherwise n play
er might merely odd n letter without
thinking of any word at nil.
Why Is n hen Immortal? IJpenuno
her sou never cIj
Why Is n hen on a fenco like n pen i
ny? Head on one side, tall ou tho
Why does a hen fly over tho fence?
It can't go nrotiml It.
Why does a miller wear a white j
cap? To cover his hood.
What Is the most dangerous kind of ,
man? One xvho takes life cheerfully. '
Who Is tho oldest luttutlc on record?
"lirno out of mind."
Support tho mnttiifncturora of your
homo city flnit, Inst and all tho tlmo,
and you will help yournolt to pronpor
Ity. Hut If your local factories can
not iiupply your wantn, InalBt that the
merchant carries "Mado In Orogon"
goods front other Oregon nonrco 'o
' supply your needs.
All property values depend upon
tho proBporlty of tho community. If
our manufacturers aro prospering,
and tho merchant llkowltio, tho farm
er will prosper, too. Tho pornlslent
domnnd for goodfl "Mado In Oregon"
will holp bring greater prosperity to
ho peoplo of Oregon. ,
Ho Frethmen Alhltte at Weileyan.
The Wesleynn (Conn ) university fac
ulty has voted that, beginning in tbe
fall of 10112. no freshman xxlll bo ol
lowed to pnrtlclpato In Intcrcolleglnto
athletics of nny kind This order, a
radical one for n small college, xvlll bnr
tho freshmen effectually from football
and. of course, will practlcully excludo
them from basketball.
$&m&, li
lili :
A Gam of Vordt.
Three lives Is n xxord game plnyed
by any number of jM-num Tho llrst
player thinks of n xvord nod glxes Its
first letter. Tho ftccond thinks of one
beginning xxllb that letter and gives
tho tecotul letter. The third thinks of
one beginning xvlth these two letters
mid gives tho third. This goes on till
hoiiio ono Is unublo to think of n xvord
beginning xvlth nil tho letters given
or till some ono' letter Ilnlshes a
xvord of four or more letter. In ei
ther of theso easel the player Is snld
Jo "Ioko n life," ond the one next In
order begins n noxv xvord. When any
ono has lost thrco llxes he drops out
of the gntne, nnd tho xlctor Is ho xvho
remains In at tbo Inst. Thus mip
ixise tbe first player thinks of "hottso"
and says "II." The kccoihI thinks of
"huppy" nnd nays ".V." The third
thinks of 'harness" and says "1L"
The fourth thinks of "barpy." but can
not say "P," ttecnusu that coMijiletcs
tho xvord "harp." no be thinks of "Hnr
lent" nnd saytt 'Tj." Tbe fifth la unablo
to think of nny word beginning xvlth
"hnrl," nnd so loses it life. When only
txxo or three nro left In tbe game It
IwconittM mon) excltlnc, each ono try
ing to glvo tho xvord such a. turn that
the next xvlll cither Hot be able to go
Ibul DrvutiiN, XcrxnuMioss, lllllous
ncs mid All Stoninch Misery.
Oo to Chas. Strang today, don't
procrastinate get a fifty-cent box of
Ml-O-NA stomnch tablets and got rid
of nil that annoying kos. sourness,
honrtburn, bloating nnd heaviness.
Ho guarantees them.
Thoro wouldn't bo so many deaths
from acttto Indigestion if sufferers
xvould constantly carry a tow Ml-O-
NA tablets xxlth tbent.
Head this from a mnn CI years old
and then decldo whether you prefer
to suffor loitBor or not.
"I ntn on my necond box of MI-O-
N'A. 1 recelx-ed lief nftor taking txvo
doses. I fool like a different man. I
nm (34 years old nnd MI-O-NA Is tho
best thing I ever usod for stomitch
tioublo." J. M. Hurgor, It. F. D. No.
3, Ilox GS, Wooster, Ohio. Fifty cents
for n largo box of stomach tnblots at
dins. Strang's ami druggists ovcry
xv It ore.
oitsaoir pofuzlUb bsacx
An Ideal retreat for outdoor pastimes
of nil kinds. HUNTING. FISHING,
pretty water ncates, moss agates,
moon-stonea. cnrncllans can bo found
on tho bencti. Turo mountain xvator
and the best of food nt low prices.
i' rosn iisii, ciams, crnoa nnd oysters,
xvlth nbiindauce of vegetables of nil
kinds dally,
Oaaiplnif Oronnda Conyentent nod At-
trnotlT with Strict BtatUry
Trom All Polnta la Oregon, Waah-
lngton nnd Idaho, on aaJa dally.
from Bouthoru Taolflo points Tortland
to CottnRo Grovo; also from nil C &
11. stations Albany and west. Good
KoIiik Saturday or Sunday and for
return Sunday or Monday,
Call on nny 8, P. or O, & H. Agent
for full particulars as to fares, train
schedules, etc.; also for copy of our
Illustrated booldot, "Outings in Ore
Kon," or xvrlto to
noral rantng-ar Agast,
rortland, Orfo.
Oamo of Dutton.
nngllsh children piny "button" with
a fruit stone I its tend of saying "Hut-ton.-billion,
who's got (he button?" tho
plajer sings:
KnrnotlilnK for nil, a pip for nns:
1'onr o'clock -d and plneappla bun:
I'ewtcr, tilene. nnd powder mnl
As the leader shouts the Inst word
the child xvho has the stone starts for
the t-'oal. xvhlch ho sometimes makes
ulthnut getting caught. Then ho has
Iho stone u second time.
The Unaetn Ear,
We aro appointed agents for
J. U. THOMAS, Covent Garden, Lon
don and Southampton, England,
whoso charges are 5 per runt and
C cents per box.
gow and F.dlubtirgh. Scotland, 5
per cent and 10 cents per box.
11AWS0N ItOHINSON, Hull, Eng-
lang. D per cent and 8 cents per
These nro tho oldest and largest
firms In their respective towns, and
their referenco as to financial abil
ities can bo bad at Medford National
Hank, Medford, Oregon.
Cash can be cabled day after sale
If required, and highest market
prices guaranteed.
Hod Faced Men smoking DIG CIG
ARS talking "HOT AIR" don't always
llvo on air, benco our remarks on
Tho clap-trap about private sale
does not prove remunerative, except
for some curios of a small nature All
sellers by prixate sale have to wait
until nuctlor.s aro over so ns to know
what to ask, and In the case of large
supplies they often Ret left.
For further. particulars, address
W. N. White (Q. Co.
I n --- . Ss-i r
ct-l ffr Jffl 1 I HI V 1'VVV V joT MflKB
5V V ri' XL. t'pliyV hu?3FLir J
Mir tr I lyMw "s--t It ft I I I I lsmUiliiHMMlBflBBl
a JzrA f -j-At-gv-vetf 1 1 1 xi l I I I I fjMSMPsr
ITHOUT the best
in groceries vour
cooldng cannot b? a success. The good work
ing man never attempts to build with deficient
tools or b.'id material, lie is too proud of his
So with the successful cooIl Only the finest groceries
can bring satisfaction. We sell that kind. Successful
cooks are our best patrons.
For instance, WAITSBURG PURE WHITE is the
kind that gives complete satisfaction.
3 0-40 8. CEXTIIAL AVE.
Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building
Offers you land at $450 per acre
irrigation system constructed. The
land plowed, leveled, fenced and
planted ta a standard variety of trees
complete with a perpetual water
right On easy terms
Investigate this offer
Stoves Stoves Stoves
We have a very large and complete stock of Cole's-Air Tight Wood Stoves,
also a fine assortment of Ranges, including tho GREAT MAJESTIC, all at rea
sonable prices.
Medford Hardware Comp'ny
s i
r fl