i .1 PAGE TWO MEDFORT) MATTj TRIBUNE, TODTrOm). OREGON. SATURDAY, SWL'TIOMinOR 10, 1011. i It p 1U VJLlJtfc tLVJfV An ununually pretty wedding oc currcd Tuesday owning, September ISth when Miss Kliinbetli Folgor nhtl fyr, Ira J. Dodgo wore united In mar rliiKC at tlie home of tho. bride's par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Folger, on V. Main nnd Koss Court. Ueforo nn altar banked with Ma dron nnd fir, on which, graduated cnhdlos wero placed, tho ceremony was BOlomnlted by Rev, V,nt. Lucas of St, Mark's church. Tho living room nnd tho porch weroVfstoonod with greens and flow crs nnd. over tho entrnuco Into the living room, through which the bri dal party came was green arch. An aisle wns formed by ribbons brought from tho archway to tho cathedral Btudards, which were placed each sldo tho altar, Mlfes Mary Joy Folger, younger sister of tho brido, and Miss Ida Leo Kcntner. charmingly gown ed In dainty whllo dresses of embroid ered net with green satin sashes and wearing ft silver fillet in hair, were tho ribbon girls. And as tho strains of Mondolhsons' wedding march were- hoard, tho bride very beautiful In n handsome gown of white satin, cut en train, trimmed with tt fichu and real lace and wear ing n veil fastened with orange bios so :ns. entered on tho arm of her father. Tho only attendant was the anold of honor, Miss Florence Folger, cister of tho bridge, who was beauti fully gowned, In an aqua marine chif fon over whito satin. The grbuin was attended by his brother, Mr. Burdetto Dodge, as best man. Misses Lloyd aud Harry Hous ton, Leo Root and Howard Dudley, acting as ushers. During the cere mony Gounouds' "Are Maria" was played. After congratulations a wedding supper was served on the lawn un. der an awning which was most ar- istlcally decorated with flowers and greens,. Mrs, RIchman carterlng. The tables wcro decorated with flowers and candles, butterflies hov ering on tho flowers. Tho bride and her -attendants occupied tho central table and when the cake was cut Mies Florence Yecelved the ring, Mr. Harvey Houston the thimble and Mr. Bnrdeitn Dndg the anoney. Miss Sara Roily caught the bouquet. Talllander'a orchestra played dur ing the supper and at the-dance which followed. Tho brido'a gift to her maid of honor was a handsome sap phire and pearl bar' pin, to tho ribbon girls dainty pins of pearls aud rubles. Mrs. "W. A Folger, mother of the bride, was handosmely gowned In black point do'sprlt over whito sat in. Mrs. Dodgo, mother of tho groom, woro a beau' If ul lavender crepe de cbeno, with lace and Persian trim mings. " Mrs. Dcnnington, sister of the groom, wore her wedding dress, a handsome gown of whito satin with crystal trimmings and old lace. Tho bride is a very charming and attractive young lady and a great fa vorite In tho younger set. Tha groom Jo one of tho moat prominent young men !n Medford, Is anansger of tho Dodge Orchard., secre tary of tho Medford Realty Associa tion, bcalrea other business Interests. Tho bride's golng-away gown was a becoming tailor suit of gray with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Dodgo left amid n shower of confetti and rone leaves, for California, whero they will spend their honeymoon, return lug lu about ten days when they will reside In the handsome new bunga low Mr. Dodgo has just completed on tho Jacksonville road. Tho0 who witnessed tho wedding wore Jtev, nnd Mrs, Wm. Lucas, Mr. and Mrs, Kenlner, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. B. Davis, Mr. and Mrs, HcCorniack, Mr. aud Mrs. Vawtor, Mr. and Mrs. Qruy, Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, Mr, and Mis. Dudloy, Mr .aud Mrs. Dodge, Dr. and Mrs. Barber, Mr. and Mrs, Ilafer, Dr, anil Mrs., Stokes, Mosdames Dunntngtou, Carey, Glnlze, Morley; M'lsos Engjlfh, Riddle. Hazel DpvIb, Rollny,, Hubutd, McCorraaclc, Kcnt nor, Ida Leo Kentnor, Mercedes Bar bour nnd Rowen Qulo; Messrs. How ard Dudloy, Wqltor Dudley, McCor tnnqlc, Lee Roct, Blddlo, Tumy, Bnrd vvoll. Floyd Houston nnd Harry IIous-tpn. Mrs. 13. B. Picket was hostess at a very pretty luncheon Thursday. Tho house was beautifully decorated, red Kcmnlupis and tmllra nnd Virginia creopois belijg inicd In tho hall and li brary and mnssea of Carollno festoons In tho dining room. Tho guests wero Mcsdumes Hutchinson, Vawtor, Wake man,. Pago, Knight, Hollls, English, Budge, Carey, Ed Warner, LuniBdeu, Kentnor, Alton! and. York. 4 .Judgo W, S. Crowoll loft Thursday on- a loiuugnis visit at nowuori. Mrs. llcct'lco Barlow Dlcrkc of Portland will bb heard In concert here October 17th. Mrs. Dlerke Is one of the beat known pianists on the coast and Is a great favorite In Portland Medford Is fortunate in being nolo to hear such au artist and au unusually good program, will be given. The patronesses of tho concert aro Mes damea E. B. Pickel, L, E. WaUcman, E. N. Warner. M. T. Alford, Delroy Getchell. C. M. English, IL C. Kent nor, E. G. Riddle. O. L. Davla, A. K Reames, F. S. Barber, W. F. Isaacs, F C. Pago, E. R. DuBols, I. J. William, son. C. W. McDonald, W. H. Gore, Clarence Rcauics, M. M. Put num. E. E. Gore, 1. V. Thomas, J. G. Gore. C. H. Redfleld. M. S. Burgess, Miss Frclchlor aud Miss Watt. A surprlso party was given Master Earl Green Tuesday afternoon at the home o his parents. 23 Qrango street, in honor of his seventh birthday. A two-course dinner was served. Miss Joan Anderson and Miss Irene Smith aslstiug Mrs. Green. Thoso invited wero Misses Jean notto Richardson, Naomi Wilson, Frances Perry, Gertrude Hargrave, J.eanuctte Patterson, May Holsc, Mar tha Helse, Masters Harold Riddle, Robert Hart, Ralph Bailey, Louis Richardson, Allen Perry Carter Boggs. Edgar Hussey, Gilbert Green, Roy Green, Trancts Murphy Richard Huse, Joy Hale. The Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian church held their semi-annual election of officers Mon day oyeriing when Mr. Ernest Pr.lco was elected president. Miss Gertrude Trlechler, vice president; Miss Flora Gray, secretary nnd Mr. David Bliss, treasurer. O 9 Miss Carey gave a dinner Monday for her son, Mr. Harold Carey, and several men who belong to the same fraternity at college. Those Invited were Vernon Vawter, Arthur Geary and R. P. Cowglll. Miss Gladys Heard entertained the sewing club which has just been formed with a breakfast Saturday morning. The members of the club are Mesdanies Budge, Carey Daniels, Heard, Purdin. Mr. A. J. Moreiy and Mr. Paul Morley who bavo been visiting Mrs. Glalze left Tuesday for San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morley and their two sons will remain for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Heard, Miss Gladys Heard and Dr. Conroy return ed last week from a week's stay at Rocky Point on Klamath Lake. They made the trip by auto, returning, by way cf Crater Lake. The Epworth League of the Metho dist church have secured a deaconess who will arivc In a, short time and tawe up tho work which Is to bo done In this district. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Meeker left Friday night for Portland, Before returning they will attend tho Meth odist conference which will be held at Salem, September 20. Mr. and Mrs L, H., Walther and family will mako Medto.rd their home. Mr. Walther is tho now gen eral superintendent of tho Rogue River Electric Co. Mr. Harold D, Carey is visiting his mother on King's Highway. He has Just returned from Honolulu and leaves next week for Seattle whore he will attend college. Mr. Arthur Geary left Wednesday evening for Eugene, whore ho will be graduate manager of athlotics at tho Unlvesity of Oregon. Dr. E. B. Pickel has left for a trip to Pendleton. Whllo away ho Will at tend a meeting of tho state board of health. Mrs. Flora Welch and her daugh ter, Miss Ada, havo left for Portland, whore Miss Ada will attend St. Mary's Academy. Tho officers of tho Pythian Sisters will entortuln at tlje K. of P. hall Wodnesday, Sotpomber 20th, when all members are asked to bo present, 4 a Georgo Morritt, who was formorly an instructor in tho Medford high school, luiu left for jNow York, whore ho will enter tho Columbia lay school. Mr. nnd Mrs, Gcqieo Carpenter leavo tho first of October for a trip around tho world, and oxpoct to re. turn somo tlmo In March,' Mrs. Edward Pottlngor wns a charming hostess Thursday afternoon at her, home on. Fourth street whero vaho .outortalned ot S00. I France Korcs werothu decoration useu. i tjio conclusion of tho gauie dainty ro. freshmenta wero served. Mrs. Ross Cllno lmxlng the highest score won first prlxo. a book. Mrs,. Earl Gad ilea second prise, a box of Whitman's qandy. Tho guests wero Mosdnmcs Purdin, Perry, O'Brien, Trowbridge Snnunorvllle Houck, Goorgn Davbj, Ajntlc, Scott Davis, McGowan, Now bury, Schlm6rhftrn, Hoyden, Trow brldRe. Kldd, Eiwood, Shearer, Goble, John Butler. A. L. Loomls, Ross Cllno. George King, J. F. Hutchnson. Wnt crnmn, Gaddls, Howard and Miss Weeks. The Ladles' Aid of tho Presbyterian church will hold their first meeting In the reading rooms Tuesday after noon, at 2:30 o'clock. Special plans ,havo been made for tho afternoon and a full nttendanco Is desired, as plans will bo made for tho fall work A special Invitation U extended to the now memb rs of tho church and to all Presbyterlana who havo latoly ar rived lu town. Rov. L. F. Belknap of the Melho odUt church, leavo Monday for Sa lem to attend tho conference which Is to be held there. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowles and family leavo the, first of October for Portland whero they will spend the Winter. e The Eastern Star had a regular business meeting this wcok aud plans wero made for a social night which will be held In two weeks, Col. II. H. Sargent left for his for- mcr hono in Illlonls last wcok, boln called there bv the illness of his mother. i Mr. A. A. Dayls and Mr. Scott Da- vis loft Tuesday tor a trip to Dav enport, Wash. Miss Bess Brooks of Nowcll, Iowa, ts the guest of her cou3ln, Mrs. C. N. Redf lold at aOS Wcsl Tenth strcot. Mrs. C. Bollinger and Mrs. Glover aro spending a few days at Shasta Springs. Mrs. R. H. Parsons of Hillcrest left last week for a short visit In tho south. BIG ADDITION "- AFfflH Bin Pines Lumber Company Mnklntj Extensive Improvements (n Local .Plants Now Can Turn Out Mu tcrlal Ot Any Kind. Dr. and Mrs. lng Southern auto. J. M. Keono aro tour California in their Mr. Jack Morrill and Mr. Sprague Rclgel are planning a cruise on the Mcdlterancan this winter. Mrs. J. II. Bellinger .is entertaining her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ar thur of Baker City. Mr. cn,d Mrs, C. A. Lux, who for morly lived In. Medford, aro now rcs Uents or San Diego, Cal. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. Boeck havo re turned from a trip to Los, Angeles and Santa Catallna Island. The Junior Endeavor of tho Pres byterian church wiil meet September 33 in tho club room. The Thursday Brldgo was enter tained, by, Miss Bertha English this week. Miss Oal Daley left Friday for Cor vallls, where she wllL attend tho Ore fon Agricultural College. Mr. E. G. Burgess, Jr., and Mr. J. R. Barbour spent this week In San Fran cisco. Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Goble returned Tuesday from Redding, Cal. The Question Club was entertained Friday by Miss Ionne Flynn, Week from a trip to Portland. Mrs. Luko will entertain at lunch- con Monday, for a few, friends. Mrs. Clkrenco Knight ontortalncd the Brldgo lub Friday afternoon. Tho Mandolin Club was entertained this week by Miss Mary Trowbrldgo. Miss Alothn Emerlak, left, this week for Eugene, whero sho Is attending University. Mlsa Hiliel Morrell ot Portland will be tho guest of Miss Helen Watt, ar riving Sunday, Mr. Vernon Vawt,er leaves today for University of Oregon. Mrs. Kendall has gono to Corvallls for, a fortnight's, visit at Nowpot. SAN FRANCISCO After liaviiw been closed for 520 yearn tho old Mission PpIorcH which wuh bujlt (v the 1' runeiKcaii iilIUpvh nnd Jiidimm hi 177(1, is ngnhi thrown open to tho public. Tho graves of ninny notor ious outluwH of tho early cluyw nro in the shadow of tho Old edifice. t no I in; I'lno Lumber company hns nearly completed n fiOxU'J foot addition to their already hiiire fm- tory on north Fir street. This ml dition will ho nsod as u f hushing room for the furniture nnd fixture turned out hy this iirm. There will also bo a vnncerinir. vrtmishini; mid paiiitnij; room In the addition. Now iniiohuiery suitable for producing the finished product in lumber, in being uililed to other umehiucrv so that when the entire plant is in op oration there will he nothing in wood witch this otnlilishiuuui cannot turn out. This company has reached the conclusion that to satisfy the Instcs nnd supply the demands of lite class of people of which Medford and tin- surrounding country is composed, nnd of which class more nro being added yearly, they must ho in n no sition to turn out a class of work equal to thut put out hy cither Port land or San Francisco, nnd to uietit this demand is thu whyforu of the building recently put up. That n Medford institution is cup nble of turning out a finished wood product eipml, if not superior, to anything uiauufiu'turcd in tho large cities is certainly a credit to tho enterprise of the gentlemen compris ing the Ih'g Pines Lumber company. The entire manufacturing floor spneo of this company now com prises a 100x102 feet, this not in cluding tho lumber shedq nnd dry kilns which nre in reality a part -if the factory. Iu the factory and tributary yards there are now em ployed nearly fifty men. Hits company wns recently given (lie contract tor all inside fiuihhiiigs and furniture for the Carnegie li brury, including all desks, chairs-, tables nnd book shelves. These nro to be of solid onk and of the very latest designs, EDITOR WRITES OF THIS CITY. Save Money HY ni'YINd YOl'U MEAT AY THE WICST HIDE MAUKtlT Wo nro now setting meat on n Htrlotly IiiihIi bnatn. This plan mciuiH that wo can mill to you at a lower rate than you havo been paying. ' It's a Saving for Both of Us You will nlwnyn find thu bent meat nt our market. Our aim Is to !ouau, both In quality nnd uorvlco. WestSideMnrKet LOUIS 11EIL, Proprietor SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE South ltlvcrsldo Now mill 1'iMo-llato Modern In ctcry particular, gas tHk lug, etc. Women nnd gliN nttikt bring rvfervinx.1. WM. SMITH. - Homo Phono HIK. Mill Standaford'a Piano School Piano, Harmony and Musical History EMILY T. STANDEFORD Examiner for Now ICngland Conservatory of Music In Iloston Makes a specialty of training teachers. Send for testimonials and terms. Phono 7211. 170 J 1.1 North OakiLilc. (Contlnutd from Pan 1.) four pn.sscnger trnins enter tho city dnily. The city has two excellent news papers, the oldest being the evening Mnil Tribune, issued from a modern nnd completely eouipped plant, edit ed by one of the live wires of west ern journalism, hns been a jxiwcrful agent in developing the city nnd en joys the distinction of being the best newspaper in the state outside of Portlnnd. The morning .Sun, about a yenr old, is nli,o ably edited, and a paper that would do credit to any community. Roth jealously guard tho city's every interest nnd hiso no op portunity to place before tho world its many advantages. MARBLE HALLS OF OREGON (Continued from Pag 1.) r Mouth." At ono nlnce thero is an immense pillar tho thickness of u mnn's body, reaching from floor to vaulted roof; ngnin there is n broad shelf covered with minute crystals resembling the trncdry of frosl on u window pane; hero the floor lies in little ridgo like- sand on tho bench as the tide goes out, and so strong is tha likeness that ono involuntarily ptoops to tnkc n haiid full. One of the most remarkable fea tures of n journey through tho caves is the fact that one loses nil fsenso of direction caHt, west, south, north, or up nnd down. o entered by the lower entrance nnd when wo ngnin Mrs. J, F. Hutchnson returned this I catno out into the sunlight wo wero 700 feet above tho lower entrance and less than 2.ri0 feet west, ulmost ridectly nbovo it. SAN FRANCISCO A hcnvilj armed posse today is scouring the brush in tho Cucnmongn hills for n negro answering, in every detail tho description of tho map who last week brutally nHsnulted nnd mur dered Mrs, Movlinu W. Unships, nu aged resident of Compton, n suburb of, Los Angeles, $wketlfcuto$! U tht QrlgMtl anrf IhnIm HORLICKS (MALTED MILK 1litFM.liikhrJIH'l(M. FoflnfanUjqvalidi, and Growing children, PurcNutrition.up building the wnolebody. kvlgoratetthenuMngrnodvarandtheaged. fjjck milk, malted grain, jo powder fora, A fNkk kadi pwroJ h WMrte. Tike MMktihitt. Adcfer HORLICK'S. HmtlmAny Milk Trumt OPEN- For Business KIGfJINS LESME'H Second-! laud .Store nt 3C South Urnpo Street. Olvo iih a cull and wo will treat you fair. Highest cas'h prlco tor socond hand gooda ot all kinds. Phone Pacific 2681 Home 268 For MILK CREAM for WHIPPING, BUTTERMILK, BUTTER, ICE CREAM, or SHERBETS. "Not the Cheapest but the BEST." Rogue River CREAMERY 134 NV Riverside Avenue Pure Clear Sparkling Ton can't afford to io without thia splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and order a case eetit to tb house.' Tho purest, most healthful drink known i SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P.C. IIQHAM, AimI. ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Gold Ray Realty Co. Winlu'H (o niiiiottnco thai aflor Soplomhur 1st, 11)11, ( hoy will occupy olTico room To. 101, on Hfcoiicl floor ol! lOLM'UlU HUILDING. WILL HANDLE REAL ESTATE J Wo aro prepared loMako llHlingH (if all kinds of real oslato, ranches, eity lols, houses, chattels rial properly of every des cription. MEMBER OP MEDFORD REALTY ASSOCIATION J Hoing a niomhei' of tho Medford Uealty Association, wo solicit your patronage for anything iu the lino of farm or city prop erty, ranches, leases, options, etc., etc. I We have a largo amount of laud, suitable, for the cultivation of all farm products, all iu southern Oregon, which wo can offer at prices which will surely interest you. PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE CJ We also havo property which wo will ox ehango for outside real estate, ranches, farms, etc. All inquiries will ho promptly answered, and wo shall lo pleased to hear from von either iu person or hv letter. (I t VI) US A (JAL'li. GOLD RAY REALTY Co. Room 101, Electric Bltlg. Medford, Or. i FALL STYLES M Olllt ADVANCK SIIOWINO Ol SKW STYIJ.'S IS AN IMPOSITION OK WHAT IS IMIOPUK KOU KAI.L AND WINTi:it. MEEKER'S MILLINERY DEPT BCIlOOIi HATS FOU OlltLH A 8PKCIAI.TV. IN MILLINERY Headquarters For CUT GLASS TriiHt UiIh utoro to bo al wnys iirounred to (ill your out KlaxH wnntH. Wo'ro hIiowIiik nn tinuminlly flno UHHorlinunl of cut kIuhh how ninny rich. Hiiarklliii; lilfcca thut nro truly bountiful to bohold anil yut rwiHonnhly nrlccil. If ynu'rn thliiklni; or cut KlniiH, coiuu nml limucct our lluu. J Cut Glass For Brides If tlioro'ii ii wmlilliiK prummt to ho lxiuglil hooii, wo call your attention to our fluo hJiowIiik ot beautiful, rich cut kIuhh. Wo hnvo n nultnhln lrt horn nt 'moHt nny prlco you ciiio to liny. I'INK WATCH AND .11 diamond sirrn.v IWIJMtV ItKCAIIllNO. AND K.VtatAVINO. MARTIN J. REDDY Tlio Jonclcr. Ncnr I'oNlofflci', Squibb s Spices ' Give Best Results in Pickling Fruit i Aboslutely Pure Exceptionally Strong Economical to Use MEDFORD PHARMACY OFFIOK. I'HONIC NIGHT OK DAY: NKAR POST OF MAIN 101, V I .'