.', J u MRDFOTID MATL TIM1UINP), MEDFORD, OUmOtf,'VWUHUY, 8I3PTRMBI3R 1l, 1011. raGE THREE M WT r J- r, f I GOVERNORS UPON SHAKER'S GRIME i Mcmlirrs Of Conference Would Par don Aod Couple If Convicted In Their Stntcs Small Likelihood Of Even Indictment. HPUINO I.AKH, N. .1 , Hnpl. II".. Tlm mint of llrntlnir (IlllitUn Mini Hlo tor tU'niH, iiiuiiilinrn of thu Hliitlwr colony tit Kltnilinniro, Kin., itcciniuil of Ihu mnriliir of Hlntor Hiulln Mnr ulntlit, wlioiu thoy cliloroforuiiM to ntl lir Mtif (t'lhiKH from UiIh'i'CiiIohIh, Ih altrai'thiK tlm ittttnillnn of thu iiovoniorH In hkhmIiiii hunt at llin "lloimo of (Invornnr." Wlillo not nxm-lly tipprovlni; mirh nn net, not n Koviirnor hero wotiltl wmi thu iiiciihimI IKirHOIIH IiuiikiuI. (lovorniir (llhilirt of Horlilti. In wIiohm ntiitu tint iiffnlr liapiMinml, iloo nut liiillnvt) thu ninplo will uu lonvlctiMl. Ho rnlilS "Kiom tlm fact thiil thi ohukurn nr ln'M on Mirli nimill linll. whim niimoiiB ncnwoil of munlor In tho If ml clt(trMi urn not Imllnlilo, I inn Htiru tlio rlrMimiitiiiirB tiro no wn known thnt tin-mi poor pcoplo will not bo coiivlcti'il. Tlm) furlnlnly will not bo rouvlctmi of iniiritur. mill I ou'n ilonbt wlillnr thoy will bo InillrtiM. Tlioy thouiilit llu-y wire iIoIiik rlKht with no noiul t'lllty of iimllco. I inn ,"ttnln Hint I will not ho cnlloil upon to ho tho final JiiiIko, but If I nui, I c-nnuot ton-c-olvo rttoliiK Miit'h pi'opln hmiKi'il" Jurlm Won't CoiMlrt. (Jovi'rnor liny of WiiKhliiKtoii until "It U up to tho doctor to ilimluV itui'h iiuoHtloun, hut I iiuili'mtnuil (tint nmny'of ilium nro puttln tmtliintw out of iiufforliiK whon tho criHU In iikoiiIiIiik nml hoiili'in. Mnyhn thoy roiihl ho hold for It l'Ktlly. hut jurlon Mould hnnlly coin let." Governor llmtloy of MlnMinrl vulil: "It In iiKnlimt tho Inwn of God anil uinu to tnkc hiininn llf. It once opiMi tho iloorK to niu-h prnrtlro thon In no tolling whnrr It mliilit lend llntf tho murder rimoii iiiIkIH ho do fniulod on thu ground thnt tho crlmo worn committed to end mifforliiK.' l'rloiiM Would Ito (SronWil. Governor Cnry of WyomliiK nld "I would not permit It In tho cam of rotntlvo or frlond If I eonlit boll It, tint U noiuctlnion miii nlinont lierominry. If niich a nwo " " fore mo for pnrden t would Juduo the inorlln. it In ImpoMfii'u to innko n Konornl rnlo. In tho rne of the Hbnkorn I doubt whether they rnn over bo convicted." Governor Tenor of l'Minnlvnnla mid Govouor I'luhitod of Mnluo Indl rated thnt they would pnrilon tho nc cimed If they woro In their tnte. Govomor McGovern of Wlncmili unlit ho would one "liorno hoiiho" In donlliiK with nuch n enno. Governor lliirko of North Dnkotu nKreod with tho nentlmoiitH of Gov urnor 1 1 ml ley. PYTHIANS TO HOLD .Mumlny nml TiieKiliiy, Oetolu" hoooml mill tliinl, lh Kni;itK of l thiiiK wlll'liolri liih jinks in the K of P. hull of thin eity. M. A. Kmler ilihtriot deputy Kinnil elmneellor ol IIiIh, tho Htxtlt iliHtiiet of Orepm eonipiwed of Jnckxni, .loiepltino inn Klamath eountleH, Iiiik issueil a en' for tlm ilihtriel eoitvention heio o the nliuvo iiiiiiinil iliiti'H noil TiiIihiiihi IoiIko of thirt oily in preimriiiK for I Krmiil time. All trtitiiifr KuilitH a well nn loi'iil inoinhorH, who eiiu tic hi will Hiuely attenil nml enjoy tin ffiiMtH nml fenlivitieH. Many of the vimtiih; Kiuj;U1h wil Htiiy over to nttenil the fuir anil niei meeliiiu which folloWH tho hiiiiio weeK To iiiHiiio timely iireimrnlion the lo fill Ime Iiiih nppointcil the following eoniiiiiUee: Keeeploin' H. '. Trow li1St. W. W. Kiffort, II. 0. Woit man, M. A. Rniler ami .1. K lliitelm hoii. Program, M. A. Hniler, II. T UiiHwell nml John Pail. Knterlain niiml, K. (I. Tiowhriiln" Jr., A. (' lliihlinnl anil W. W. Kll'ml. He fieHhmeiilrt, .). T, PhhiKer, II. T. Ila well anil K. .1. Klein. WHALE ADOPTS STEAMER AS A RUNNING MATE BE H BINFURD FILMS BARKED Movlnit Picture Thuatro In San Francisco Forhltltlcn To Show I liistrntlons Of Woman In Dcattlo Murder Case. KAN FIIANCIKCO, (,'al., Kepi. If.. Moving plcliint tlimit m-h in tlim cily will not he allowed to hIiow the lilm lepieneuliui; lleiilah lliufonl, thu I .veai'-iilil nt who wiih piom iieiu in inn neaiiiu iiiuiuer rami in VeiKinla. Wuriieil by tho notion of tho jio Hen nml fire hoard of Denver, llir Kan Fiani'iHco honnl of oeiiKorHhip ileolili'il toilny to pruveut the mIiowiii .of Huh film. Mm. V ,N, Mnllooy, chairwoman of the honnl' mild Hint tho film wan iimlouhteilly immoral in iIk teiiileu eii"H ami offeiiHive to thu ptihlio noime of ileeeiiey, "It Ik claimed on behalf of pic tuioh HiU'h iih thin," lle Hiild, "that they tench n moral onu. We he. Hove that morality h much heltei moivcu ny kco iiiil' IIIOni! itotorioui' mne8 away from ooiinlnnt puhlii wew. KAIJl.M. Oio.-K. I. Wiiti'M, man ager of the drain! opora houxo !m le leinlniit today In u mill for .'i,000 Iainii(ieH hroiiKht tiniiiMt him hy I'. C AtkiiiHou, a m'k'in, ' no Titoritu: i havi: ; lll-'AlTllfli IIAIIt (Prom tho ChlniKo Inter Oconn) A well known Now York widely wouinii, renowned for tlm oxqulnKe (ovelluettN of her hnlr. In ropoited to 'Hive mild: "I nttilbuto (ho nbtitid iiico nnd Kl"Klneit of my hut (o (he fnrl -hii( my htilrdrennor never uhok .valor on my heud. Bho iihck out) dry nhnmpoo, hIGIiik It evenly over ny bond nnd then briinbliiK It tlior-UKhly--briiMhluK It until nit the jowiler In removed. "Hho min weltliiK taken the life mil color out of the hnlr nnd lenvet it dull nnd brittle. In reply to ui) miiilry nhe told me nho mndo the dtniupoo liorio'lf--Klmply mlxInK four iiinren of tlierox with four oiiiicoh of lowdorod orln roit. Hho oxplnlim bnl tho orrU root cleniiNeH, while the herox keepn Ihu hnlr light nnd fltif y nnd retnlim Ita tinturiil color." A. THEROX FOR SALE HASKINS' DRUG STORE BIG BUSINESS VS. UNION LABOR San Francisco In Midst Of Election To Decide Which Faction Will Control Durlnji World's Fair Time Odds Atjttinst McCarthy, KAN' FltANt'lHCO, fill., Kepi. If,, With a Huore of political nioutiiipi hi'iut; held nllillv lliroiiuliiiil tho oily, the battle here between "Hh,' biiMiuchH" nml union labor iih to which nhull control for tho eoiniiiK four ycaiH iliuiii wliich the Paiiama Pacific fair will be Imill, iHtat Uh height today. The primal inn will U: held Kept, III. If the old Miy, "Money talks' in any Indiciitioit, "llii: linini'hh" htuiiilB to win. Two to one Ih heliijj het on .JaiucH Holph, junior, who Ik irocliiimeil iih the "kooiI govern hient" camliilate, over Mayor P. J I. Mcf'aithy, (lie head of the union n bor admiiiiHtrutioii, which Iiiih made BERT HARMON IS SOME CAMPAIGNER Reason Advanced For Hot Votlttfi For The Bond Issue However, Is Too Much For Him Best One Ad vanced So Far, He Says. Vca, Uol you've K'd to hand It lo Hert llniiiioti for Iiciiik kohic eam pnlcner. .InckMOii count ' rood en Kincer ih liavelliiK' ""'(' thcHe dayn. llin iiiohI recent bit of ardent cum paiKiiiiik for the K'M,,I roiulH bond -wile wiih pulled off in Woodvillc ThurHiIiiy afteniooii. It happened tliimly: A riir diovo up '''ir the iiutomo bile in which Juilc Colvi wum Hpcukiui; nnd ntopped A much he whinkered Keiitletnan appeared to lis ten with frrcnt Intent to whnt wan heiiit; hiiid. Ho KCeined to liiin up on every word of the hpenkeiH. Hut when they were through he shook hin hem! diihiotiHly mid to a fiieud Kan KraneiHco known from coiihI lo beuii to piel: flnw. liert, Htand- coaht iih the labor eity. The ilemliiiK papern of the eity nre cliaiapioniiii: the rniiMi of l(olili, but 'Muyor McCarthy Iiiih (,'one htronj; on u l)ill-H)Hter raiiipain- in which he nniioiinceH: "I wiih eleeted by the people mid not by thu uewn pupem." Ik-iidos the inlcrcht arotiKed in the mayonilly eontcHt, there is the "free for nil" for HiipcrviMont, there beini; no U'h than lfl.'t eauilidatoh who have duly miuoiinend IhemHelvcH ih wuiiiiu to iihhiM tlie next mavor for four yenrx. CotiMiderinir that here nre hut eighteen jxinitiotiH to lie filled, good old "Salt River" hould be well filled when the final moke eleniH awav and, tho neoien rv made up. ONLY SIX FOREST FIRES DAMAGED WASHINGTON TACOMA. W11.. Kept. IS. "Only 'x forext fire in this district of Wutliintoii did any damage to tlm 'or, the larceHt heiii): the Cowlitr. fire in .Inly when the loxs was onlv MMllI)." hntd J. M. Wykoff. chief olerk in the local forentry office to- liiv. "The lire los will be tmioli the llowewt it has been for many yours." Hnsklns for Health. MnUoril. Or. Auk , 1911. Thin ) to rury umi iout Novnnbar my ilaush rr wnii tnkrn wltli n snvern nllNck of lirwiimlldni whlcli rrmlrrnt hrr left nrm iKolmii, in Mel It wan no near paralyzed hat alio wait not nlilo to movi her flue rn. but knowInK of aonm of I)i- CUoh routtic'N niarvrloiiK enrra of lone ntnnfl. ii if caarm of rhetimatlnin, w ileclitoil to oniiutt lilm. In which I am taiHl to ay mndo no liilatakn, an hi remedlm ctrl aa hn claiiinl thoy wouli' nml nf er llin thlnl IrontiiiFnt the rhrumnttr ialn nntlrrly Irfl her nml alia linn not had ny a)iiiilntiia of rhmimntlam alnca; tm Idea hrr umirral health la nnich Improv d mid I do not healtntn In naylnc I ! levo tlinan nffllalod with rliPiimnllnm r pnralyala will do well to conault Dr "Mow Vouik. whontt houan la corner nf rnth -nd Kront ntrrot, Medfnrd, Ore on, A. 1. WUIHH. 1C( KAN PKDHO, C'al., Sept. l.ri. Memhei'H of the erow of the Hlenmei Ilnnnlei, plylujf hot ween San I'Vmi eiHno.mid Sun Pedro, are eonvineeil today thai their vohhi1 has been adopted hy n whale. Vov n tliinl I imo in two weekH the little Hlemner Iiiih been oscm'ted foi n eoiiHiilernhle iIIrIiiiiiio off Point Kiithy hy h levialhian. From thin point ,tlio whale Iiiih aeeompanieil the veHHel eneli lime lo within a few iniloH of Kuu FrnneiHeo, MRS. LARAMORE TELLS TROUBLES Lady In Goodwattr Describes Her Distressing Experience and Tells How She Was Finally Relieved. Ooodwater, Mo.- ''Ever since I was a little n'fl." soys Mrs. Riley Laramore, "I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia. 1 suffered misery niter eating, and had terrible heartburn. I thought I had to suffer this way ns lonRns I lived, but when 1 began to take Thedlord's Ulack-Drauglit, in small doses, every night, the heartburn was all gone In a few days, and 1. could eal without distress. 1 took two small packages in all, and although that was some time ago, the dyspepsia has not returned. j I speak n good word for Tlicdford's Black-Draught whenever I have the op portunity." II eating causes distress, we urge you to try Thedlord's Ulack-Drnught. II cleanses the system, helps the stomach tc digest Its food, regulates the bowels, and stimulates the liver. It acts gently and Is without bad after effects. Try It. Price 25c. OPEN- For Business itu; (sink & LKSMi-rn Scroiid-llunil Ktoro nt nii South Crane Street. Olvo tin a cnll nnd wo will treat you fulr. ItlKlicftt cnah prlco for second hnnd Koods of nil kinds. iiiK near, took this nil m and then in order to net in 'ii little work, elenr the ittuiDripherc an it were, he edged into the eoiiverxutiou uud heguii to luy down the well knoivn fnelfl in the eiiHe. lie dvew uhii nil the re rtourcen at his eoinmund and argued, plead, and booHted the cnine of ?ood loiulrt. Finally the hew bickered one Heemed won over. With a final burst of oratory Hert concluded with the pieHtioii: 'a'ow. you will rote or iKc Inn home won't you?" The bewliiKkered one xliook lu head dubiously. "Xo'' he drawled. lit i ,1 n a "i lien way in ine mime oi Heaven won't you" cxpoHttilnti'd Hert. "Heenuse I lie in Joccpliiuc couii' ty." N'ns Hert faded? Xot a bit of it "Well," lie answered, "you have the best reiiHon I have yet heard ad nneed for not votiitg for the bonds, flood afternoon." Phone Pacific 2681 Home 268 For !MILK CREAM for WHIPPING,-tr -BUTTERMILK, BUTTER, I I0E CREAM, or SHERBETS. "2?ot the Cheapest but the BEST." Rogue River CREAMERY 134 N. Riverside Avenue rTHC BIO MUSICAL RCVUC -44--r.r.r-m-rm'r- MORT H. SINGERl FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 With Its Record Run of 300 Con secutive Pcr 1 f ormances at the Princess, Chicago THE AUDIENCE GETS A PEEP BEHIND THE SCENES Presents The Talked of Show in tho World. THE ACTUAL DRESS REHEARSAL' SCENE Tho Only Com pany Presenting This Delightful ful Success En Tour. WITH MIS5 XOLIVC 20 Jfugley Song Hits. PRICES t $1.50, $I.OO and 50 Scats on Sale at Haskins Monday Morning 10 i r4t-f-t-r44 Cents i. m. Uoes l his Suit You i UaBkltiB for Uoaltu. Mis Standoford's Piano iVchool I'lnno, llurmoiiy and Mimical History KMHiY T. 8TANDMPOUD 13xnniluor for Now KiiRlnnd CoiiBorvntory of Muulo In UoHton Mnhoa n Hpoolnlty of training tniiehei'B. Bond for testimonials nnd torniH, Phono 7211, 170 Lot uh kIvo you n fixed nrico on tho overhauling Job you uro BoIiib to huvo dono. LONt RED AUTO COMPANY MUliKKV Ai (Jltirt-'ITII, Vroiw. 110 S. UAUTliKlT. V?:1i4 B AGGAGEAND EXPRESS HENRY M, MARSH All orders promptly nttomled to night or day. Short and long hauls. Moving housohold goods n speoinlty Union toaniators. Office 51 S. Front Pacific 4171 Home 80 Residence Main 613 DRAFTS MADE FOR PLAYERS McCrcdlc After More Players Throughout Country Bids For Two Men For Each Position, Hop ing To Secure One. A HANK HOOK W'lhh LIGHTKiV PORTLAND, Or.-., Sept. 1.'..- Tin opening of tin' dniftiuc hphhoh foh fhiMH A hiiKchnll Icnt-'iu-H today found fudge .Me(.'redie, owner of the Iteuv ith, with drnftH for eight player. McCreriie hid for two third hnne- men, two xhortHtopx, the outflold nnd tho mound. He Iiiih went in drnftH on the fol lowing pluyerH: I'etcrH, thirilhiiieriinii. formerly of Sim Jone. now of the Tri-('(ute lengue; Kibble, lliirdbflxcmnn, Hele na, Pnion iiKxoeinfion: Orceuwell. piteher, Springfield, .Mk., New Kughiiid league; Uvnl, piteher. Hel ena, Union iiHKoeiiition; Iliiueroft. nhorlHtop, Superior, Minn., Wihcoii sin league; Matuen, Hbortntop, Hutfe, 1 iiion nKHoeiatioii", Straight, out fielder. York I'ii.. Tri-Slntc lengue. and FrieH, out fielder, Hulte, jront., I'nioii nssoeiation. MeCredie bid on two men for eaeh position with u view of ceeuring nt lnst one for nlnecs where he think', the Heaver need strengthen ing. tho burden of caring for your monoy. Dopotilt your canh In tho FnrmorB & Krultgrowora Hank and you will not have to nit nnd worry about Ita nafoty. Thlcvefl rl'ui't ntcnl hnnk bookn; nnd If flro dcBtroyn ono, you don't loso anything, tin you would If It was tho caoti Itftolf. Open nn account today nnd you'll Bleep easier tonight nnd cvory night. H H BANK - Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank Mnrrleil. The marriage of George Stenlnnd uud Min Loin Origby of Medford. tvns (Jolemni7ed Afondnv evening at the home of J. Williama on North Hnrtlett street. I?ev. L. P. Belknap performed tho eeremony in the pres ence of n few friend nnd relatives. fr. and .Mrs. Steulund will live in .Medford. SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE South Itlversldo New nnd U-to.I)atc Modern In cery particular, gas cook ing, etc. Women nnd girls inuht bring references. VM. SMITH. Homo l'liono 84K. MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. urnrnnn TuriTnr Thursday, sept, si lYlUirUAU 1 ALA ML -Seats on Sale, MON. SEPT. 18 hDA7FF nriJT LEDERER present rxzum ssjr M m. X-g-1 M-11J. W ,J y.-tr..'c'i:".J. . V S7 mLry-Wy-' :- V vil ?4I 111 5P$ i-rmmm (himself;) rr..i.. mmm mi iia ki a ... I i IM.THt.U K.M C PAI-CTCrn CLJ A(P Ml IllU UIV I'lUJItnt J I tLKLLLnAdLO Jl J-r ro yximmsi9 aaaam wrm EDNAWALUCE HOPPER (tSI5-J) W A PERFECT MUSICAL C0MEPY CAST AND SOME GJVT ' 15 SONG HITS. SM sSlaaEgc PRICES: 50c, $I.OO, $1.50, $2.00 K . . -i ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager . & Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Offers you land at $450 per acre irrigation system constructed. The land plowed, leveled, fenced and planted ta a standard variety of trees complete with a perpetual water right On easy terms Investigate this offer Stoves Stoves Stoves We have a very large and complete stock of Cole's Air Tight Wood Stoves, also a fine assortment of Ranges, including the GREAT MAJESTIC, all at rea sonable prices. Medford Hardware Comp'ny 218 EAST MAIN ST. ? J t l H VjMji'. K'"' ! 4At 1 - - -t i7' 'trfMmlU - tfiT- -m, r-'- V "-w- - '(k'"-t'T -l- ' -l.i i-HNM !-. V I