Kr ' PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SMPTFiMBTflR Ifi, 1011, r s LOCAL AND PERSONAL 1 tf j. P. Jt; Sweat nml faintly rotUriMjil to their homo nt Pliopnlx, Ttieialny nftor ii visit with Iholr tlniiKtitor nt ISnglo Point. J. T. nuniB returned recently from n vlult to Dunamulr, Ho loft Inst night for Grants Pass hut will .fotiim to Titcdforil hOoii and make tlilBicTty'liiB home, ho having recently bouglit resldonco property on Oftk ilnio avenue. Chinese Sncrod Lilies and Jnpnneso nlr plants at Droadlcy's. Phone B181. JudRo and Mrs. H. H. Hose of Los AnReles left Mcdford Thursday after noon for their homo. They made the trip from oI.s Angeles to Crater 1-ike Jn on nutomobllo nnd when at Pros pect en'routo to Mcdford, their car Kavp out and they were compelled to-jirlng St toMcdford hy teams and bIiIh' It by rail from hero homo. Mr. Rose Is n police judgo In lxs Angeles. Buy or rent a Singer to mako the chlldrens now school clothes. Phone 0043. 151 Mrs. V. X. Chessmoro left last night' for tho stnto fair nt Salem. At tljq Stgn of Yo Nifty. Mrs. P. J. O'Gara nnd her friend, Mrs. L. S. Fosslor, Mrero at Central Point last night guests of Mrs. J. W. Meyers. Sanitary French Dry Cleaning Works., ' Mr' and Mrs. Glenn Tabrlck left last night on Xo. 14 for a Tew days flslt to Portland. ' Tho W. C. T. U. of Oregon will hold 8 state convention In Mcdford October 6-10. 1911. A. K. Earhart of Woodvllle was In the city Thursday, returning from. Jacksonville where he had been serv ing on tho Jury. See R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. The building fcr tho wireless tel egraph statlou on the roof of the Mcdford Hotel Is nearly completed and the wireless Instruments will be Installed within the next ten days. Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkin, Glenn O. Tayior), attorncy-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medtord. ' Tho park band stand Is nearly, completed and tho concrete founda tion will be put In as soon as ma terial can bo gotten on the ground. At tho Sign of Ye Nifty. City Attorney Porter J. Neff was at Butte Falls last night on business. Ladies, liavo your suit made by tho Berlin Ladles' Tailoring Co., at Central Point, Or. 173 Tho concrete foundation for the Mcdford Hotel annex is being put in and work on the walls will be com irienced tho first of the week. Sanitary French Dry Cleaning Works. Mrs. B. F. Mulkey is visiting Ash land friends. Harry Carlton left Thursday night for Salem and Portland. Do not overlook this. The Fish Market will sell every day this week halibut and ling cod at 1 cents per lb.; salmon, 15c per lb.; spring chickens 20c per lb.; creamery but ter 30c per lb. Kippered salmon for lunch goods freah every day. Mess ier & Kentworthy. 1G2. J. F, Gahn of Perry, Oklahoma, Is in the valley looking for a suitable orchard land purchase one which will Just suit him. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Kent are among the several Mcdford visitors at the old Boldlora encampment at Wood vllle. Many people are taking advantage of tho present by bavins the Pan torlum put their winter clothes and wraps In proper and wholesome con dition. No time like the present for doing this, Call us by phone and our drivers will call at your door for your clothes and return same promptly. Pacific 2441; Homo phone 244. . J. I. Way of Central Point was In Mcdford Thursday with some musk melons a'foot In diameter, grown In the fertllo land on his farm without Irrigation. Mr. May also raises mag nificent strawuerrics nine monins in tho year. Undo Jako Kllpnle is nt the Woodvlllo reunion today. Mrs. M. J. Paul Is among the many Mcdford people who nro nt tho soldiers' encampment nt Woodvlllo. S. A. Nowoll, ladles' tailor. Room ID, P.O. Building., , 174 Rev. F. J. Hedges nnd family nr rlved in .Mcdford this morning from Asotin, Washington. Theso people will lenvo thts afternoon for Jack sonville at which place Rev. Hedges has accepted the pastornto of the Presbyterian church. Ho ytl preach nt that place next Sunday, both morning nnd evening. Rev. Hedges Is formerly from Coming, New York. Karl Price, the plumber, Is In Phoe nix today on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Weston nre on Joying n visit with Ashland friends today. Mrs. Thomas Taylor Is In Wood vlllo today attending tho soldiers nnd sailors reunion. Mrs. llnsk'ns left this morning tor her ranch near Woodvlllo. Will pay cash for first-class pow er spray outfit. Chas. Tschlrjji, Box vs. Mrs. W. R. Cubank who has been In Mcdford on a visit to her daugh ter, Mrs. J. E. Dent, returned to her homo at Eugene tills morning. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hall are at tho G. A. R. reunion at Woodvlllo today. Mrs. E. M. McKee Is at tho soldiers reunion today at -Woodvllle. E. E. Miner is in Gold Hill today on business. Free dirt. Bear creek sediment, very rich, all loose, adjoining pave ment on Geneva avenuo and Mine sota street. See Humphrey, 815 E. Main. 153. A. Ends and family are enjoying the day fishing at Gold Ray. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Suter returned today to cSattle after a visit in Med ford with C. A. McArthur and fam ily. Bert Anderson and Wesley Green wcro In Grants Pass today on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Witto left this nornlng for a week's visit In San Francisco, la ,whIcK cltj; they i meet Dr. Wltte who is en route from the east to Honolulu. E. W. Witto Is a traveling salesman for the Union Meat company of Medford. J. W. Lawton and son Guy, return ed this morning from the state fair. M"r. and "Mrs. Wn.Gerlg returned this morning from a visit to Spokane and Portland. E. H. Libby, of Clarkston, Wash ington. Is In Medford looking tho city over with a view to locating. Miss Ella Gunyaw returned recent ly from a week's visit to friends in Pendelton, Walla Walla and Portland. Mrs. Eli Hogan returned today to her home at Portland after a two week's visit with her mother. Mrs Brooks, who is quite ill ,and her Bis ter, Mrs. Orin. Davis. bagar liaier has returned from a trip to Chicago, QUERIES ABOUT HIGHWAY BONDS i L- v E. J. 0'Dell Of Central Point Seeks Information Regarding Proposed Good Roads Bond Issue Of $1, 500,000 Answtrcsl In Editorial. Central Point, Ore., 'Sept. 12, Ml Editor Mnil-Trikuiu', Medford Ore. Dear Sirs 1 lmvo been rcmliui; the "Short Talks" on the road bond issue. ilia imiDositiou as presented is all right nml looks good, but should not the nuthor go further and givo us tin outline of whnt this $l,fil)0' OQd is Ruing to cost us when the debt is fully cancelled t Will wu hot nt tho cml of the thir ty years paid over $3,250,1)00 and Ioiiir4 before tho eud of ,tbe thirty years, will we not oo obliged to spend from $75,000 to $100,000 yearly to rebuild ami repair these snawe roads. After thu firsl three years wo may not have to expend any great sum on the roads that have just been built but there will bo tributary roads to these main roads, ntul thero will oe some repair on the main lines and this will gradually in crease until before the thirty years NOTICE. Degree of Pocohontas. All mem bers are requested to bo present Fri day night. Business to attend to. NORMA I. MARTIN, Great Deputy. ELLA SHOULTS, Keeper of Records. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express pur thanks to inose who so Kindly assisted us our Ing our late boreavement. W. II. EVERHARD AND FAMILY. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Pfaoae MT1 Nlgbt Fbo F. W. Weeks 071. A. M. Orr, MM. LADY ASSISTANT, oo JOHN A. PERI Undertaker and &iibalnicr i 1 1 ; Successor to thq undertaking do-; : partm,eut of Medford Furniture Co, ; I Office 28 South Hartlctt Street ! Telephones; day, Boll 471; night!; resldonce, Bell 473. Home 179-L. !; Calls answered night or day AMUULANCE SERVICE MOOSE, MOOSE, MOOSE. Attention to all cltlrens of good, loyal and moral character In medtord and surrounding towns.'this will bo the last call to Join tho selected herd, the charter closing Tuesday evening, September 19, 1911, at tho charter fee of flvo dolalrs at 217 1-2 West Main street, Slewing building. After that date fees will be $25. M. P. SHERMAN, 15C Deputy Supremo Organizer. Notice to Bathers. Tho Nut management wish to an nounce that owing fo the condition of the weather and tho great ex pense of beating the water, which ' too cold for bathing until heated, the plunge will bo open for business every Snturday nnd Sunday until further notice. Fresh water will bo put thq plunge every Fndav night und heated lor these two days. amount somewhere near tho $100, 000 murk. Then is there nny certainty" thnt these bonds will sell for their face value? I .see some falk of a prem ium, but is this assured? " ' Then the sinking1 fund This fund will be deposited in some bank, or banks, ami -wall undoubtedly draw two per cent. And will bo re Ioaned to the fanners of Jackson comity at six per cent. But the county will receive the two per cent and the bank the other four per cent. What per cent of this large amount of money will actually be expended on the roads of Jackson county if voted nml the bonds nre issued ?, s ib inn a iaci, wiai as a rule when there is n large sum of money to be handled, there is always plen ty that nro looking for a piece of it? And is it not also true, that there is generally a goodly number thnt get a good generous slice? ' The iK'ople who have this nioucv in charge and nre responsible for it niny be all right, but thero are so pinny overseers, inspectors, super intendents, trustees, clerks, ac countants nnd bosses, all at a niee, fnt salary, and some nt an extra ordinary fat salary. Then pomes road machinery, rond engines, grad ers, wagons, etc, all at a nice Inrgo price, then after all theso nre taken care of, the balance will undoubtedly be oxpeetcd on the roads. I am told that the county hired a road overseer, or expert road u. .:i .., . . uiuiult, una. paid mm $juu ptr month, nnd thnt all he has done was to ride around and draw his salary. How is this? They say that un doubtedly if wo 'Vote for the bonds, it will be necessnry to have several more of the same kind. Then I see that the county built a 10 foot 14" -stone mupadaui rond at Ashland this year for $3995 per mile and in the mmc pa per I notice that tho county court gave Contractor Twohy tho Medford and Central Point rond contract, a stone mnendntn road 10 feet wide, nt $0000 per mile. Then who will build theso roads; will it bo the taxpayers? and rebi deiit farmers and laborers? Or will it bo done by contractors, who em ploy Greeks, Hindus, Dagoes, etc, so ATW00D WITHDRAWS FROM AIRSHIP RACE NKW YOKK, Sept. IS. Deolnrimr Unit, under the conditions imposed it will be impossible for unytuio to win the Hearst $50,000 prlro for n coast to onus! Might- AviutoV Harry N. Atwood' today withdrew from the competition. Atwood said he mdur stood that tho start had to be made before October 10 nnd not tho finish and only learned his mistake today, "This loin mo out," mM Atwood. ''As u mutter of fact, none of these fellows bus u cjiuure to win the money. 1 have figtued It out, and the least time in which tho feat can be done is 3!) divs. The time limit of the nice is now only 30 days." HIGH PRICE OF SUGAR ,.fiHBRTT9JB?;WDU0T,0M sava'sKaM,' ?Vhi., W-' wi- - Thnt the high poire of sugar is not the result of mnUipuhttum on the part of the Amdrieiui Stigurltefiniug company but it i the direct result of the lack of prmluction, is the opin ion expressed here today by t'ou grcssuuui Hnrdwiek. chairman of the congressional Committee investigat ing tho so-called juignr trust. Ho said that thu committee, how ever, will investigate tho added eosl of sugar when it meets uguiii in Oc tober. ATLANTIC CITY, N, .I.Hccuhu six of his secretaries have married in rapid sucocssidit, City Compl rol ler 1 lesion is looking for u homely middle nged maiden to fill (ho pluoc. She must also sign a contrucl thnt sho will remain single. llaaklm tor Health. that as fast as the money is earned it will leave tho county? Now Mr. Kditor. I am not a chronic kifcker, but I do like to know. I have heard this' mutter, amid f have simply handed you o is tap we will bo expending an11,8.' uf ,hu '"iwriex that are goings me rounds. Yours Respectfully,' K. J. ODKLI? Violin Miikcr. ' Repairing, of all stringed Instru ments. VIoHh'Tr"opalr!ng" a specialty. Cornor" of 8th nnd Central aveuiio. Chas Harris. 177 NOTICIJ. Rev. D. S. Wood, evangelist, will preach at M. E. church Sunday morn ing and evening. Everyone Is Invit ed to attend. NOTICE. Thero w'll bo a five passenger au tomobile sold at auction Snturday afternoon at 2:30 at 110 South Ilart lett Stroot. ' Pure 4 Clear' Sparkling You eaa't afford te io without this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and order a case Bent to the house. The purest, nost healthful drink Imowa'k SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, AimL Newport TAQUXWA BAY omxaox'a rorotAm aiiox KBsoar An lilnnl rrtrront for outdoor intlmr of nil kliul. HUNTING. KIHIIING, 1IOATINO. HUM-' HATIIING. HID INO, AUTOINO. CANOISING. DANO "NO AND ItOM.KIt SKATING. Whiri irtty wtr nuiilm, mo nuntrM, iniKXi-Htom-K. cnrupllnnn ean ho roll ml on tli Ikuc1i lurt mountain water nml tho boat of food nt low prlrcit. Frtiflh. fltti, olrtina, oriitm nml oynti'm, with ntititulunco uf ycsotnlle of nil klmlH dally. Caiuplnf Qronnda Oonvtulcnt nnd At- Unotlv with atrtct annlUry Herniation. LOW BOUND TRtT BSABOV Tioxsxa Xrom All Potato In Orafoa, 'WnmU lnftoa nnd Idaho, on anla daily. S-DAT aATUKDAY-XOXDAY TIOKBTa from Southern l'nclflo point Portland to CottnK" Orovc; aloo from all C A 11 Matlnna Albany nnd wast. Good Rolnir Saturday or Hunday and for ruturn Sunday or Monday, Call on nny A. P. or C U. ACvnt for full particular!! na to farm, trnln chrdulcn. otc: al for copy of our lUuvtrated booklAt, "OuUiikn In Gr Bon, or wrlto to WV. MoMinUUT Vtctra) Vngr Arami, Portland, Orvroa. : APPLES FOR EUROPE Wo nro appointed nRcntt for - J. D. THOMAS, Covent Carden, I-ou- don and Southampton, England, whoso charges are G per cent and C cents per box. JAS. LINDSAY & SON, Ltd., dloa- gow and Edinburgh. Scotland, C per cent nnd 10 cents per box. RAWSON ROBINSON. Hull, Eiie- lang, C pur cent and 8 cents par box, Theso are tho oldest nnd largest firms In their respective towns, and tholr reforenco as to financial abil ities can bo had at Medtord National Hank. Medford, Oregon. Cash can bo cabled day nftor sale if required, and highest market prices guaranteed. Red Faced Men smoking FIIO CIG ARS talking "HOT AIR" don't always live on air, hence our remarks on charges. Tho clap-trap about private sain does not provo remunerative, except for soma curios of a small nature. All sellers by prlvato sale have to wait until auctions are over so as to know what to ask, and In the case of large supplies thoy often get loft. For furthor particulars, address W. N. , White (El Co. 70 I'AKK I'LACK NEW YORK SALE "BEGINNING SATURDAY For three days you can ot tlid best values in 2 1-2, 5, 10 AND 15 CENT HANDKERCHIEFS . ever shown in the city, at j , THE WONDER STORE O000000000000000 000000000000000? - . - 4 - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY --f-f t -f-f rtrf40 STRAYED OR STOLEN I brown IKJiiy, weight about 8C0 pounds, branded C on loft thigh. 8 years old; reward. M. Q. Guy, 701 E. Main. FOR RENT Nowly pqpored and painted houso keeping rooms; In; also sleeping rooms. 134 S. Rurtlett stroot. 1C3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OPENING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 we put on a special display cf DRESS HATS Beautiful creations of the fall season MISS PAYNTER Milliner. North Central Avenue. O0000000000000000?00 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ ANNOUNCEMENT HOTEL MEDFORD OIMtiO'OK INSIM'KTION'SUNDATsSIOPT. 17 liYoin U Jo (5 o'clock and H to 10 . m. TUM lnniUO OOUDIAhliY INVITWI). WIIjI, I UO OHW KOI I MJKINNKS TnHSDAV, SIOra'JMMM ll" I Willi nAVOlTltfP M. 7 n. III. " '"' ' ....-.-r,- t ,- 4 Seals cnii ho roaorvwl on and nllt'r Thursday, bop- j lomhor ,Mlh, at tho Hotel iUoorc. RAU MOHR OO. rA''-' w V C f (t c V ay y The Medford National Bank CAPITAL, STOCK - IfUOO.OOO.OO SURPLUS nnd PROFITS $U5 000,00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Jji $ $ $ $ $ $ !i $ $JS til (II m v. u t to :i (ii n v.' n UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY KATI3 DICI'OSJT IIO.VICH WHt HKNT. W. X. UOKIl, Pr.l.1nl. 3. A. PHHHy, Vie Vrl. JOHN tf. OHTK, Ci)ilr. r. i, ushuiok, vtc Pr. vr. . jaokhon, At, chitr. j$$ $ $"$ $$$$$$$$$;$$$$$ $ $ $'$ $"$ $)( Our New Location The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company is now lo cated in the College Block on N. Grape Street Southern Oregon Electric Co. .''ip Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS -Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. S20 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. Sportsmen Knva your trophloM tlila yimr. Tltoro will bo iioiiu Io imvo In n tnvr ycitru. Thin cut nhowii when to cut tho nkln. Nuvwr cut tho (rout or ,n dt'or'H imrk. Call nt Iluinplirvy'ti Oun Storo nnd ;ot u jminiililot free, tollliit; how to anve liuuiii lioattH, lilnla nml hIcIiiu (or ruijH, piibllHlicd liy F. W. BARTLETT Tiuldorinlxt MinKonl, Orvuon After Vacations Marinello ViiratioiiN n rn n Joy miilivn iiiiiHt lmvo llicni. Hut koUIiij: tho roiiiiIivloii limlc Into ronilltlou uflcnvunl In hiioIIut nuiiici iiuli'NH on lmvo llio ".Muiliii'llolinliU," Hun nml wind mill ruin mill Mirf Knifing, ImuiIIihi, niiilorliiK, IniIIiIiik lmvo no uricrtnri'orH for tlio woinnii ulu uovn what Mnrluollo will do for lici. Our Miirlucllo Tri'iitinriilH will llulitiii llio hUIii four or flvo HliadcM at n nIuIo (n-atiiii-nl. Will qnlcUly iriimvo all (iuioh or riHiKlmiMH anil coamiuii-Hsj' from tlio nkln and h-hIoio Uh fluo noft tcxhiro, Nvr 0-y Io llvo In tho okii llllln or mtiWi tvlll t a plou- llfiil supply of our Mailii.dlo rifpmalloiiN roaily o haiul ami an or niHlomil hour iiikIit llio Nldllfu) IiiIiiIhOiIIoiih or our MnrluHIo opur. alor. It In worth nvcrytliliiK lo your ronifoit ami inoro to your up. IK'arauiu, Hvrry woman iu'imIm what wo ran ilo ror htr hut i-Hpcclully vmatiouoiH. Ami (mlay n (hi ja-Nt lliuo to ImkIii. Marinello Shop ItOOM n, OVKH KliNTNKUH. imioni: Jit,