$p mmWZZ CW nu- f8'" S7"'V,''!tT if ' '" f t Sa H V SUBSCRIBERS mllltiir to k iKir will tirt on 1tllvorrt by phonlutf of. flo by a u. in. MEDTORD MAIL TRIBUNE WEATHER Fair Max. 00$ MIh. 44 1 I'rcclp. SO. Dully- flUtlt YiMir, Korly-flriit Vmr. MEDFORD, OJlliaON, FRIDAY, SHI'TIOMHIOR 1, 1911. No.151. CANADIAN BANK ROBBERS SECURE $315,000 mm is NEAR DEATH AY DOCTORS Condition 0( Russian Premier Who Was Shot While Attending Thea tre Pronounced Critical And Op eration Probahly Fatal. TERRORIST CAMPAIGN THREATENED IN RU8SIA Cznr Occupied Box Nearby But Is Not InlurorJ Assassin Splr- ItedAwa T Dungeon. m rs-arrcovnrr KIKKP, Hum rfiu, Ki'jtl. 15. fhe (Miiuliltiin of Premier Ktnlypin, who was shot through tint hotly fn u theater box bore last night while the (V.ur Nat nearby, ih most critical to ilnv nnd his phy (luiniirt fenr that ilto iit'ccHHiiry op eration will provo STOCKADES GO AROUNDSHOPS DURING NIGHT Five Hundred Carpenters Work All Night In Erection Fcnco Around Railroad Yards Of San Pedro Road At Los Angeles. LABOR LEADERS TAKEN BY SURPRISE AT MOVE Predicted Harrlman Lines Intend To Force Walkout By Monday. fiitut. Thuy urn delaying tli use t Hut knifo until tho arrival of Dr. .oldlor, ii Kt. Petersburg exjiert, StolyplnV lung ami liver with per forated hy tho bullet of Horror, thn nHffflsMn. Tolu)vhU breathing l very dirriuiilt atut ho U paralysed downward from where thn bullet touched hid Hpluo. Mix pulse is 70. Awilliuit VntilKlirri. Except fr tlu fact that tin is iin prioncd, nothing Iiiih been hoard of Hogrof hinro his arrest. Ho Iiiih slm ply vanished into ono of tho secret dungeons of tlio police It Ih believed ho will bo hanged, whatever tlio out come of Slolypin'n wounds may ho. It Ih believed horo that the shoot inn w"14 " roHtilt of political plotjt, liinl the police four that the affair markH the resumption of a Terrorist campaign. Tho IinpnrinliNtH nro making much of tho fact that the CV.nr va not attacked. Following HogropM capture tho audience In the theater insisted on singing the national aiitheiu. Czar Cloudy 2unnlel. The truth Ih that the Cr.ar wiih cloHoly guarded in tho impurial box, making, it ImposHiblo for tho uKmih siu to reach him. Tho audience vih almost unlirely conipoHeil of nristo (irulH. , It is fiald hero today that other Terrorist watched for tho Czar, but Hogrof, who wan detailed to hill Htolypin, wan tho only ono to have the opxrluully or tho uervo to got In bin deadly work. Firnl thought of tho uudionco wns that tho Czar had been shot. Ah mioii us tho Hhot ram; out, secret Horvieo men surrounded tho imperial box, keeping overyonu at u distance. NOTED DOCTOR TO SPEAK ONI MONDAY Dr. J. N. MuCorniuiK "f IIouiImk Oruen, Ivy., ehairmau of tho Org.ini y.ntinn CommlUoo of in Amoritun Medlmtl itHHoolniiou, will dollv'cr an addrcHH in tills city on the ovciiinp (if Keplcmbor 13 on "Things nhuut dooloi-H wliieli dootoi'4 nnil otlior pooplo oiikIiI to i:ijv." Tho inccl U will ho froo l.i the yu and will bo hold uu'ur tho mmpli'cit of tho looal modt'ial iiPiooinliou. Pji' ther aunouiieemoiit 'atoi. RAIN CHECKS BIRDMAN IN CROSS COUNTRY FLIGHT 1.08 AN0KM:8, Bet. jC.Vork- liiK timlor einiTKency order nnd In twelve-liour HhtrtN, a forco of COO enr pciitoru at 10 a. in, today completed a Hloclutilo elKlit root IiIkIi around tlio uliopu of tlio Ball Lako rallroud. a Southern I'nclflo nubitldary. Tliolr work done, thin torco hurried to tho Southern Pacific hIiooh hoio nnd Join ed vovcral hundred other sucti there t'ligtiKod In Mlmllar work. AalHtatit Ganoral nMnagcr Ran dolph of tho Salt Lako road wnn re ticent conrcrnliiR thlit unusual activ ity. " Ihavo nolhlnK to nay ohout tho inntter," wan IiIh only comment. olCnl labor leader alio "up In tho air" over tho Muden activity of tho railroad. Tho tockad' around tho Halt Lako nhopn wn htillt over nlKht, That around tho oSuthorn Pacific Mhopn will bo completed boforn nlsht, Ra'H a labor loader: "Score of Btrlkebreakora arcady havo been en gaged and aro roady to tako tho place of th union men on a moniont'H untlco. I feol poiltlvo that all the union men In tho employ of tho Halt )mUv and Southern Paltflr will ho dUrharRed Huturday nlKht." BACK TO FARMS SHOUTS J.J. HILL Empty Stomachs About The Only Thlnrj That Will Force People In to The Country Declares Railroad Builder. NBW YOltK. 8opt. U.. ."Empty HtomacheM," according to JnmoH J. Illll, tho railroad mamtata today, Is about tho only tiling that will drive pooplo back to tho farm. DoHplto his declaration, Hill la planning another camaplen to pur Btiado peoplo to roturn to tho laud for a IIvIiik, luterrltorloH served by ltla railroad uyHtom. Accordlnu to Hill fifty per cent of tho poplatlou wore tilling tho boII in 1800 and only 30 por cont now mako their HvIiib direct from tho land. lllodolpmattor,"w8a,t'lm& CAMCOON, N. Y Sept. Ifi. Haiti today placed a damper on ,la. J, WhhI'h tiaiiB-oontlnental flight for a .$00,000 nowspapor prir.o. IIo oould not h1 art out in (ha wet, ho remained in shelter iere hopiut; to Kt away tomorrow, . MANY TEMPERANCE ESSAYS IN CONTEST Tho lempornuoo essap contest, promoted by tho ntnto Womau'w Christian Temperaueo Union of Oro Koii this year, lina met with k00"'' rofiponse. Many of tho OBsnya sent in havo not mot tho roauiremontH J that mako thorn availablo for prizos, in Homo oiihoh for tho reason that oonditions were not fpillo understood and in mum oases tho young pooplo have sent such essays as had boon prepared for other use, and whilo dealing with tho temperaueo problem did not touch upon topics assigned. On thn whole tho W. G. T. U. can eongratulalo thomsolves that pupils in colleges and public hoIiooIs nro writing nuil studying tho Hubjeot of temperauoo and in a practical man nor. Tho prize essay contest will bo ooutiuttod noxt year and it is hoped that many .of tho students of both publin schools and colleges will begin early In tho your to prepare lo contest for those fitio prizes. BCIZIIS GUILTY DF ATTEMPT AT BRIBERY Jury Out But Half Hour Before Re turning Verdict Mlko Spanos' Testimony Is Most Damaging To Accused Greek. PENALTY RANGES FROM SIX MONTHS TO 10 YEARS In View Of Fact That Bozus Is For eigner, Judge May Shorten Term. Puter IloziiK was found guilty of attempted bribery by u jury in the circuit court Friday morning. The jury wiih out but a half hour. Sen tenco will b pronounced by Judge Calkins Saturday morning but inns muoh as Horns is n foreigner and docs not understand tho lawn nnd customs of tho United Stutes, tho iudiro will iirobablv bo lenient. The penalty prescribed ranges from nix months to ten years in jail. ItoriiH offered District Attorney Mtilkey $1500 to "throw" tho mur der case ugniiiHt his brother, Geoige IloztiR, who is nwnitiiii; trial on a charge of murdering Christ Spunos in this city. DR. PEARSON GIVES AWAY VAST FORTUNE. mNIELL:&pMZ&W Dr. D. IC. Pearson, the aged multimillionaire of Illlonls, is giving away his vast fortune to various col feces and chariublo Institutions throughout the country. Seven mill (on dollars has already been dlstrlb ed by tho philanthropist and little re mains of his vast fortune. When the fasfof It Is given away D. Pearson w 111 retire to a sanitairum to spend the remainder of his day. Ho Is nlnety-ono years of ago. GREAT FAMINE ' WASTES CHINA STORE AND HOME BURN: HEAVY LOSS C. P. Hall Of Brownsuoro Heavy Loser Latest Loss Is $11,000 Of Which $7500 Was Covered With Insurance. Tho storo and dwelling .house of C. P. Hall at llrownsboro woro com pletely destroyed by flro Thursday night, tho laHH amounting to $11,000. ItiBurancu In on amount of 17500 was carried. Thq origin of tho flro Is not known aa yet but It Is thought to havo start ed from a defectlvo fluo. RANCHER ARRESTED FOR SCAPPOSE CRIME INDEPENDENCE, Ore, eSpt. 15. J, A. Ponder, a rnnlhor of Snap pooBo, Ore., was nrested horo today by Sheriff Thompson of Columbia county lu connection with tho murder of Mth. Daisy Wehrman and her 4-ycar-old son In their cabin on a small form near Scappooso last wook. Pon der was horo visiting hla wlfo who camo to this vicinity with a party of liop-plckors. A SHRIMP AND A CRAB IN ONE STATEROOM SAN FRANCISCO' Cab, Sopt 15. A real livo shrimp and crab oo oupy n stateroom on tho steamer Hobo City on route today from San Francisco to Portland. What thoy will do to eaoh other when they moot face to face may bo told by wireless, or may not bocomo known until the vessel docks at Astoria. A olork in tho loenl ticket office, not tho steward, is to blame. Ho oould not resist tho tomptntiou when ho sold a ticket to J. A. Shrimp to plnco him in tho sivmu stateroom with T. II. Crab. 1 ! ! I . I Ill SACRAMENTO That fino fenth ors do not mako fine birds was again demonstrated horo when Tlios. And Hazel Ilirdell woro nrrosted with .flfi.OOO worth of stolon ostrich plumes in their possession. v-V4 Greatest Suffering In History Of Celestial Empire Follows Big Flood -rFields Still Lakes Of Water And Many Perish. VICTORIA, II. C, Sept. 15. A grent famine, probably one of the worst in China's history, will follow the big flood of tho Yang Te ;iver in China, according to A. NT. Little. British cous.nl at Ichang, who just arrived here from the ?ceue of the uprising in S.e Chucn province. "On my way to Ilnnchow," said Little, "tho steamer pushed over places that had oneo been fields far from tho river. Tho whole counlry sido lias been turned into an im mense lnke. Thousand's have been drowned and famino is ilre.idv grip ping the suvivors nnd oonditions are steadily growing worse. Mail hdviros from Slmnuhni say that dodgers nro being circulated which say that foreigners are plan ning to divide China. IN PERIL FROM WAR BRITAIN READY FOR BIG WAR , -: - Military And Naval Preparations Being Feverishly Marie Crisis In Moroccan Situation Has At Last Arrived. NEW WESTMINISTER BRANCH OF BANK OE MONTREAL IS LOOTED' DY SAFE CRACKERS Robbers Enter Rear Window, Dig Under Brick Wall, Dynamite Safe, Get Safely Away With Contents $28,000 In Gold Overlooked Police Were Nearby And Police Station Next Door, But Explesisn Nst Heard Chinese Janitor Intercepts Thieves At Work And Is letm And Gagged Auto Also Stolen But Left Broken Down. J- , f The robbery of tho Bank at N ew Westminster today is com parable on this continent only I) the looting of the Manhattan and Ocean banks in New -York and the Kensington bank in Philadelphia by Jiminic Hope and his gang in the lato (30's and 70's. The Kensington trick was turned after Hope had got tho bank president to stntion several of his men, garbed as police, in the vaults, alleging tnai me ponce department nnu work or an in tended robbery. The gang got away with $80,000. In tho finme year 18C9 Hope and his men rented a base ment beneath the vaults of the O ccan bank and spent days dig ing through the floor. Finally they removed moro than $1,000, 000, in bonds and gold, but threw away the bonds and escaped with only a few thousand dollars in gold. In an early moraine raid on the Manhattan bank October 27, 1878, the Hope gang overpowered the watchman and stole secur ities and money to the amount of $2,500,700, most of it, however, in non-negotiable securities. Jimmy Hope, leader of the gang, was caught and sent to prison while trying to rob the Sather bank in San Francisco in 1881. military and naval activity, evident ly in connection mth Franco-Gorman war scare, developed today in all British navy yards and sraenals. Tho most comprehensive prepara. tions for emergencies are . .gross ing and, whilo tho authorities, at Downing street, tho war offica aud the admiralty nro dumb, it is be lieved, that a crisis in the Moroo enn dispute bns arrived. Tho commander of tho homo fleet was ordered to keep tho vjssels un der steam constantly nnd district tinny commanders wero instructed to prepare stores and ammunition in readiness for instant mobilization. BERLIN, Sept. 15. Tha foreign office hero expects France's! reply from Ambassador Cnmbon today. Tho German ambassador at Paris has already telegraphed the gist of the reply. WASHINGTON', D. C, Sept. 15. That 80 Ameiicnns lire in deadly peril in Cheng Tu and that desper ate fighting N proceeding in that city is confirmed by advices receiv ed at tlio state department today. The department is notified Hint 2000 loyal Chinese troops nro fight ing night and day to hold the capital of revolt-ridden Szo Chucn, and it is reported that the rofiols havo cap tured a government arsenal on tlio outskirts of tho city. Charge D'AtYnires Williams re port from Kkiug that tho majority of 5000 troops m tao province have joined tho rebels. Ho states that most of tho AniorioanH in province ImvY) cither taken rofuge in Cheng Tu or been warned of their danger. PENDLETON, Ore... Among thoso attending tho Round-up hero nro sev eral families who nro searching for runaway sous, lhoy oxpeot the youngsters will ho attracted by the Wild West show. MAHSIIFIELD, Ore Becauso ho could not stay sober when in town, Dan Wilson, a ranchor, appeared voluntarily beforo tho city council and asked to bo put on the saloon blacklist. IIo was nccoimuodated. EASTERN PARTY TO LEAVE EOR MEDEORD Probably no town in any eastern or middle western stnto has sent more peoplo to Medfonl than husj Greensburg, Indiana. There are now 35 or more residing in Mcdford and there nro a dozen or fifteeu booked to leave that same town for Medford on Sunday next. Those who will mako up this par ty nro Mis. Mary llazolrigg and daughter, Miss Florence, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur llazolrigg, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lnndrum nnd two sons, nnd Mrs. Mary E. Connor. Tho lait named is t grandmothor of Clyde Hnzelrigg, a resident of Modf-.nl, and an employe in tho Medford post office. Tho lady's husband wns tin early-day circuit rider in Oregon, his circuit being from Roseburg north into Washington. It was Row Connor who established tho first de nominational college at Philomath, Oregon. ' Miss Florence llazolrigg, who i? ono of tho party is quito a noted vo calist, having for somo time beon ono of the leading singers in tho First Presbyterian church in Iudiun-upolis. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. Sept. 15. At an early hour this morning three men entered the Bank of Montreal here by nn unprotected little window in the xcar, dug through the brick wall into the vault, .wrecked tho cngedoop-Bnd-blew'oprn tne sale, toot approximately .$315, 000 in gold and bills, left $20,000 "n gold on the bed where they had piled their loot and about $8,000 moro un molested in the safe, and made good their escape. This in brief is tho story of the most daring nnd successful bank robbery ever, pulled off in this city. That it was the work of experts is evident from the tools they used, some of which they left behind in their haste to make good their es cape. Janitor Arrives on Scene. It is impossible to say just when tho men effected their entrance in to the bank, but is is presumed that it was somewhere about three o'clock in the morning, for when the Chi nese janitor arrived shortly after 4 o'clock to clean up, he found that three men had been doing n little cleaning up on their own account, and before the Chinaman could give tho alarm ho was sandbagged and tied to a chair. Then the robbers proceeded to collect the gold and bills from tho vault and left the building some time before 5 o'clock, taking fully a quarter of a million dollars with them, and leaving about $100,000 in the vault behind them. Tho only clue to tho robbers is that afforded by the Chinese jani tor, who says that two of tho men wero short and small nnd that the third man was n big fellow. All threo wore masks. Policemen Near at Hand. Whie the robbers wore nt work in tho bank thoro was at least one po licemen within fifty yards of the building and nnother slept near it, nnd yet tho explosion that blow tho safe door open wns not heard by them. Thero is only one building bo tweon the bank and the police sta tion itself, but tho explosion wns not henrd thero eithor. Tho first known of tho robbery was when tho Chinaman appeared nt tho polico station nt 5:30 o'clock and gave tho nlarm. Ho hnd man aged to work his bonds looso after tho robbers hnd dopnrtod. Chief of t'olioo Bradshaw hurried to tho scene, and all of tho avioblo officers wore pressed into sorvico, but tho only eltio obtniunblo was thnt given by tho Chinaman. From tho thor oughness of tho job and tho tools with which tho work was dono, the local officers beliovo tho snmo gang that has recently been nt work in Vancouver, turned the trick here. Stole Motor Car. Lntor in tho morning nnother feat uro wns added to the robbory by tho report that tho motorcar of T. J. Trapp, which is ono of the Inrgost and most poworful automobiles in tho city, had boon stolon 'from its garage, nnd later this car was found hroken down in front of the Y. M. C. A. building. It is presumed that the robbers stole the Trapp machine and intended to make their ,get-a-wny in it, but something went "wrong and ihey were forced to abandoa the car. Expert Robbers. "The bank robbers wore export safe-wreckers," stated Chief of Po lice Bradshaw, as he laid out befoie him the tools which ho had gathered in the vault. "They must have fired the charge of dynamite by a battery' the tools comprise a brace and bit a hand crowbar, a piece of gnspipe, several bits and drills and two handbnrs for digging out tho brick. They hod chosen their tools in ev ery way suitable for the task and hnd carefully estimated all tho con ditions. Entry had doubtless been made by key through the front door, then disturbing no lights in the of fice of the bank they had worked from tho rear of the brick vaults, tho walls of which had lent them selves to easy operations as tho ricks were not cemented ut united with mortar. "Once into tho vault their work was easy. The cash Bafo therein, In which the uionoy they had rightly estimnted rested, could bo drilled without fear of disturbance and tho dynamite shot off without giving nlarm. The bedding of the absent janitor's cot was taken to jlug up the opening thoy had made in the wall of tho safe, thus there was lit tle possibility of tho sound of tho ex plosion passing out to the street." REGENT DEPRESSION NEW YORK, Sept. 15. Today's stock market opened with a distinot improvement over last night's ner vousness. Selling early in tho ses sion wns heavy enough to depress prices but tho list soon rallied un der a good demand and showed a sharp recovery. Tho avorugo level was woll abovo yesterday's closing. The market closed firm. Bonds wero irregular. CRIPPEN CASE CLOSED BL SALE OF JEWELS LONDON, Sopt. 15. The famous Crippen murder case, which held the attention of two continents, was of ficially closed today when the funds roulized from tho auction of the jowels of Boll Elmoro Crippen, bis wifo, for whoso doath ho hanged, woro turned over to tho estate. Tho jowels brought approximately $800. Tho "flninlng sun" broook which figured in Crippen's trial, sold for only $100. -! r". A -A3 La1(jytMiwj.M.,iiiiiiiiiitnmtninil.ttWKlirtii ueM 'mmW'Viml"u .jtM-a- ixm , is?3?-'i 'w Smt- whjbhmWhmt) " hiTwio'ifcMri