Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 14, 1911, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE eigiit
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Trail Lumber Company Will Next
4 Week Bring Machinery Here
7 From Jackson Creek And Hcrcaf-
. tcr Operate In Mcdford.
' Tlio Trail Lumber company lins
its Inrfjo plunniiiR mill in operation
and next week tlic tnnnnger of the
compnny, J. T Qngnon, Hinted Inst
night ho would commonoo tho work
o bringing tho company's snw mill
to Mcdford from Jnrtaon creek,
where it hns been in operation for
several years.
Tho compnny intend to hnnl the
logs to Mcdford and manufacture
theirlnmbcr at their mill yards hero.
Tho company owns five acres of
land in tho western part of the city
at which place their lumber ynrd-
and where tho sawmill will be .ct
up when brought in from its present
sito on Jnckson creek.
Tho noguo River Vnlloy railrond
noow runs into the limber owned by
the company and the logs will be
brought to Mcdford over that line.
The company own about fifty mil
lion feet of merchantable timber in
that locality and all of it will be
broiiRlft to Mcdford and manufac
tured into lumber. Besides this,
thcro is another block of fifty mil
lion feet of timber which is avail
able to tho railroad and which will
in all probability, be handled by this
Company when their own timber is
loogged off. Tho company also
owns n largo tract of timber in the
Big Butte country and this, too, they
expect to bring to Mcdford in the
Mr. Gngnon estimates hint the be
product from the timber will easily
pay tho cost of transporting the logs
the bi-producls such sn lath, fire
wood and sawdust, being considered
a dead loss where the (lumber is
manufactured at a distance from an
active market. The company is now
employing fifty-fit o men but when
both the sawmill and planing mill are
in oopernted in Medford it is ex
pected that emplooyracnt will be fur
nished for over 100 men, these not
including the loggers in the timber.
Tidewater Mills Of Orcqon and
Washington Controlling Half
Lumber Output Of Northwest
Form $200,000,000 Combine.
Bay Mare Belonging To Rev. Frank
Stuart Taken From Ranch Thief
Traced Into Applegate Valley
Second Horso Stolen Within Year.
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. H. The
consolidation Into ono company of
tide-water lumber mills ot Oregon
and Washington, controlling more
tahn one-half the lumber output ot
tho Pnclffc northwest, and Its ac
quisition ot timber lauds sufficient to
supply the mills for at least 15 years,
the whole representing an Invested
capital of approximately 1200.000,
000, Isc virtually assured In tho near
future, according to prominent tim
ber men hero today.
It has been learned that mill own
ers representing moro than fifty per
cent of the Columbia river cut have
signed the consolidation agreement
and taht S5 per cont of the mlllmen
of Gray's Harbor, Wn., have already
joined tho proposed merger. Tho
project Is being handled by Henry J.
Plerco of Spokane, who is represent
ing eastern capitalists, whose indent
Itles ho declines to disclose.
The agreement provides that Its
conditions aro binding only In event
that 65 per cent of tho output of
tide-water mills In the two state;
have, become parties to the contract
prior to January 1, 1912, and taht
Pierce shall have until March 1 to
organize tho proposed company and
take over the properties and timber
holdings of tho contracting lumber
12.25 IS PAID
Rogue River Fruit Proiluco Associa
tion Advised Of Sales Of Several
Cars Prices Are Gradually Com
ing Up.
Thai Griffon creek, despite elec
tric light, well groomed orchards,
and up to date telephone service' is
still in the wild wooly and lawlossi
West, has again been demonstrated
in the disappearance of n valuable
bay marc belonging to Hoxerond
Frank Stuart, the ovnngolUt of Grif
fin Creok. Mr. Stuart's t mining on
the frontier, where his work has
kept him most of his life, enabled
him to follow the hoof marks of the
demrted horse over the mountains
into the Applegate valley. Hero
further tmco was lo-t on account of
a Tain storm which wijwd out the
hoof marks.
This is the second horse that has
been stolen on Griffin creek during
the year. J. H. Wilson lost one out
of his bnm lns't winter but recov
ered it while it was in the posses
sion of tho thief, at Grants Pass.
Mr. Stuart is very anxious to re
cover (he mission animal as he i.
very fond of the horse on account of
its thorouch reliability for mountain
Tho Hoguo Hiver Fruit & Produce
Association has boon advised of the
following sales of Koguo K'ucr
Car fltiri at St. Uiuis, grossed
SOW, nuu-ngo $1.8 U.
Car 'J8N at New York, grossed
$827, average $1.01 .
Car 4US0 tit New York, grossud
$IW1' nveragc $1.8'.'.
Car IKH'J tit Chicago, grossed
$l07, averaged faue, 'J.'J.'i, choice
Car 4087 tiPCliicnco. grossed $0."o,
averaged fancy $'2AQ, choice $1 80,
thirds $1.70.
Frank Cottcrrlll Injured While At
Work On Hotel Modfoid Wants
$10,000 From Contractors Had
Leg Broken In April.
Frank Collorill who was badly In
jured in an accident at the Hotel
Mcdford in April, has "filed suit h
tho circuit court against Thomp
son Torritt company, coiitractoors,
for $10000 for personal ii juiies.
Cottcrill had his leg broken in a
freight elevator and claims that ho
had boon permanently injured.
Tho case will come up for trial in
the noa future.
(Continued from Page One)
ers specified Jnckson county mater
ial and Jnckson county labor. That
money is to be spent for the bene
fit of Jnckson county and it will not
bo spent to send to Italy or India
or Greece. It will go to the men
who arc building homes here.
A Taxpayer's View.
Fred Hopkins: I am a largo tax
payer. I believe in schools, but we
must go a step further. We must
not ask children to tramp throuch
the mud to attend school. Wo must
build them good roads. I pay a
lurge amount of taxes now. I will
pay more. And when you hit a manAs
pocket you are very close to hU
heart. How then can I give proof of
greater sincerity.
Prepare for the Fair.
Mayor Lcover: Wo must have
good roads. California and Wash
ington are getting them. Oregon
must not bo left behind. When tho
Panama canal is ojMjned it means
thoiiKands of new comers. And
roads will bo the greatest thing we
can show them to make them want
to stay here. And ufter Jackson
county has led thu way the remainder
of tho stnto will follow. Vote the
good roads bonds by nil means.
For Future Generations.
F. Oscnbrugge: Get your pencil
out and figure on it. At the end of
twenty yenrs you nro not in a ser
ious condition at all. Our children
will sny that their daddies had a
long head. And look nt the benefit
to bo dorived from tho good roads,
Tlioy will do more than any one
thing to make this county.
Premium I Oggered.
Georgo Davis: Tho bonds will sell
at a premium. This amount will
inko euro of tho roads while we are
building new ones. No mun can op
pose tho issue who thoroughly un
derstands them. And after a trip
through California our present rouds
tnuko mo blush. But wo cannot do
belter thnn to patch them under our
present conditions. Wo haven't iho
money to build them scientifically.
And I believe' thutwthe county court
niul advisory board will spend the
money judiciously. Out of the
twolvo road districts in tho county
eight nro represented on tho board.
This moans a fair deal to all of the
sections of tho county.
ROMK On account of tho prov
aleuco of cholera here, it hns been
determined to abandon tho sovonth
International Congress for tho Pro
voiillon and Cure of Tuberculosis,
which hud been scheduled to begin
hero u week from Saturday.
Capt. S. M. Xenlon of Table Rock,
and Mr. Twomey left Wednesday
morning to bo in attendance nt the
old soldier's reunion being held nt
J. J. Grim spent Wednesday m
Grants Pass.
Conductor Harvey Crandall and
Harvey Garven of tho Shasta Limit
ed, spent a few hours here Wednes
day momin.
Miss Mary Ilsson returned Wed
nesday from a much enjoyed visit
with her brother Mr. llaf Olsson, ot
Kosebunr. nnd her sifer Mr. Mn!
TACOMA Owing to charges of
graft and collusion between employ
ment ngents nnd contractors, there
is a strong'probnbility that employ
ment officct. may be abolished in
this city, except the city's free bureau.
ler. of Eugene.
Mrs. Wtggs of the Cabbage Patch
is to be held in -the Central Point
opera house Friday Sept. 15. Mrs.
Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch is to
be comosed of home talent and rll
desiring to come will be guaranteed
one of the best times in their lies.
All come nnd help the Rogue River
band. It is under tho efficient man
agement of Jack Wntermeir.
Mrs. Eugene Childcrs Mrs. Elmer
Childers Roy Dunlnp, J. L. Pass,
Mrs. II. E. Bedford, A. E. IjiPonte
were the many Central Point
ers who spent Wednesday in Mcd
Printing of all kinds nt Portland I
nriees Afnil Tribune office
photographs of baby and the privi
lege of entering htm in u baby show.
kit ... - I I
nil tor f .uoiuers couiuui iiauii
over the money fast enough. To
day Otto Meyer is charged with pet
i.. i...........
Guests Know
they arc rfcftinrt the test beer
brewed when you serve
TLBr of QwKtr
It is rich but not heavy and juat enough,
nt fh- dclir-wiin nnnrtinnrt flavor Si
",, "T . .i " ." f. Jc&.'W
or hops vunout tne excessive ouicr.
a case
k tnlau
Jw Htuck. At,
Mrtfen) It A Start Ot
ftMMMM ,
On SaMottle or Draught, at Nash Bar
Plain White Chink
Per Set
Tho above is (lie finest imlity American Chi
na Hindu and is, guaranteed perfect inovory way,
and is the welt known Ilnvilnml Ransomo shape.
You ean buy a 128-pioeo sot complete or you can
buy one piece as we entry this line in open stock;
also have the above in a (Join Gold decoration.
We would be pleased to have you como-jn and
see this new lino of China.
Tho abovo is in a vory attractivo shapeand
will stand burning for hand painting vory satisfactorily.
Plain White
A 48-Picco Dinnor
Set, $4.40.
Ail uuiiiunlly largo plero
dinner not (or tho prtro, 48
iineful pieces. No butter
china In thin set. Not cheap
ware, but n good (till stand
nnj quality. Your cholco of
two uinki'N tomorrow, per
net of t8 pieces
Gold IBand
Viterous Ware.
48-Pioce Dinner
Sot, $6:60.
This la one of tho fluent
makes of American Vltor
out wart, a quality that will
last for yean. A hamUoino
tS.pleco dinner nut complete
Alio carried In
"We are showing an unusually good lino of.
hard-finish .Jardineres in (i, 7, 8 and 9-inch sizes,
Crom one of the best potteries in tho country.
Several patterns and shapes to select from at
75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 UP TO $2.50 EACH,
Quality considered, Prices are Lower Here Than Elsewhere
)., w
Ribbons at 19c a Yard
that are 25c, 35c and 40c values. All silk Taffeta Ribong, 5 1-2 inches wide, in
a full line of colors, including light blue, pink, white, cardinal, black; also big
line of fancies; on sale at . "c
Fine quality, full size Spreads; big assortment to select from; $1.50 and $1.75
quality; for $1.19
Table Linen
72 inches wide; full bleached; an ejetra heavy quality at $1.25; at this" Halo for
two days, per yard ' 89c
Ladies' White Wash Skirts 65c
We will put on sale for two days Friday and Saturday- nil our white
duck and colored wash skirts, worth -up to $2.50 each, at your choice for ...65c
Ladies' white, tan and colored wash suits at closing out prices, worth up to
$5.00; your choice , 95
Outing Night Gowns
Made very full and of very good quality; for ladies and children; from 75c to
$1.50. M (
33J per cent
juuMijuuijfiiuifiiiirrinryryrrrrrrrrTrrrrrrrrrrrrrv'i ' . . y....
La Vogue Coats
AVe have just received a large assortment of LA VOGUE Coats in new
est styles and material. Plaid and plain colored linings, with squaro and
painted sailor collar. They come in rough Cheviot, Zibaline, 13oucle, otc. Wo
are willing to convince you that our prices are Tight.
Blankets and Comforters
Six dozen Imperial Cotton Blankets, medium size, and good value. Special for
Friday and Saturday 45c
50x72, Cray and Tan oCtton Blankets, $1.00 value. Special 79c
Good heavy comforts, full size. Always sold at $1.25. Special 98o
Ladies' Separate Skirts
We will show at this sale the largest lino of medium priced Skirts over assem
bled in Medford and prices that you cannot resist.
$10.00 Skirt, your choice $6.95 $5.00 Skirt, your choico $3,75
$8.00 Skirt, your choice $5,95 $4.50 Skirt, your choico : $3.60
$7.50 Skirt, your choice $5,25 $3.50 Skirt, your choice $2.95
Lawn Waists
We will close out at this sale all our white lawn Waists, the regular $1.50 qual
ity goes at 98o
The regular $1.00 quality goes at , ;..... 65c
And 75c quality, to close 39o
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