Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 14, 1911, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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page seven
A Mutt Boxes Battling Nelson at the Newsboys Bepefit Today
By "Bud" Fisher,
, i , ...... , "a ... ; i
I JPJ Li - yp smrsssT' ,. fS. In I ""'. "J" . I r ' .'JMUni 1 1 1 1 1
v"mvj oyxxy rA yyxi av'i ..fitiiiniii . i("jmvTv
i " - -TMSSSsr 77 TIChte T '" jjtir -
. : J " 1 . Wmms. T
11 .
'An nrdluuuo imtrniiiiiK Hm properly
pnjnoeut Ui itnil benefited y dm Mfx-lltrfl
laletitl KHrnr Oniwlriictoil along I'lr
Htteet froth Keoond nliret In Jucknou
Mieet rir tlm cunt nf couMruutlg ilii
nnm nmt providing tliu nmiiiirr or onr
rylng mill nnnenniiieuiH into (U effect.
Tlm Clly of Medford dolh ordain im
Hih'IIiiii I Whereas, Hih council ill.l
heriofoM, piotldn iiy nidlnanoo for the.
Wiling of I ho owner of property ml.
JitlVhl to mill benefited by ll UilllNtrilO-
Hon of tlm latent! unwrr lnriiinflr do
nrrlbed o nppeur heron nnld council and
show dune, If liny, why Haiti property
Hliuutd not ho mi.ihhh.-iI for the in iib ( rue
llhn of nulit newer, iiinl itlil fix IIiiik for
henrlng uny micli iirwlnim. wliuli noilmi
wn kIvxii In nrrunlMiri Hllh huIiI unll
limirn llliiln t hull Irll liny lirMro III" lo.
gllinllii; of llin roimlrurllon or imlil new
T, Inn no protmiN HKNlimt aalil cunnirun.
Hon or iin.ini'iit of llm runt llivrruf
Won inniln Iiy nnvoiip mill nmIiI unwrr wnii,
III" mlit council, nnli-rnl ronntruulnl.
' Ami. whorrKH. tlm roil or llin con
Ktrtlrtlim of unlit nvor linn .bent Ulnl
hi-trliy m ittfiiirmliKil to l'O Ihu kuiu of
IJ 10 00,
Now Minn-forr, unlit clly ttolli onlnln
mnt ilii'lnrn lint i-uclt imroul of iirojirty
ilcKcrltiril lrnv nilnritiit lo nmt lxii.
Kfllitil by Hint cxrtnln Intmil Mower nil
liii"hn In nr. rniiNtrilolril on North l.'tr
Jrrct fiotn Hoooiiil ntmt to Jni;dnn
Kirvrt nmt Hint Uit iroHirtimt of tlmrom
Of nnlil Mftwnr Which mirll of Hulil pnrccln
if Inml nlnnllil tpr Imni'il on Ihu tnii.
fltn itnrlvnl fnjifcllvrly i) ai n'vcrul
Iriiclw of Inml U Urn iiiiioiint MJit oipi.
Mlln Iho ikucrlplloil or imoIi st reel tin
low, mill rnrh of unlit pitrcclH In nctimlly
lVnrrltrl t it tlm amount iwt opponllv lln
ti'Mcrlpilon liolnw hy Hit. coimtruoiloit of
unlit ncr. unit Hint unlit
miioiiuin ropri-Krtit Hm proportional ben
fltM of Hitlit prvrml parcxU from unlil
ntiwrr. Ami rnch o( unlit parcvln In
h'rntiy KHNi-KHnl in tlm nmoiint net opi
ntlo (In ili'iuTlptlno llow fur Iho co'f
nlmrlloii uf nulit nawrr. Tlm imina mi
pmrliiK nt'OVn 'Hi'li ilrncrlpllon, liflnif tlm
mi i n i uf Iho owimr or rcputvit owner of
rnrh niirh lot or parcel.
i:it.i, hi:vi:h ns niiiitii rut
htiihut rnu Hi:co.Nn KTitKhrr to
jaukhun Titi:irr,
Airsmrnl No 1. John r Murphy,
lot :. hiiK'k 39 urlclnnl towniiiip, oily of
Mtnlfonl, UriU'in, frniltnui' &u foot on tin)
Wrnl niti of I'lr nlrcct. 60 frcl rulo piT
fool, 90 ci'iitn, iiiuoiinl, 115 00.
' AinMtiti'iil No 3 -I'rnnU J Mrhl. lot
3, hlik 39, i.rlMliml townll, (.'Iiy of
Mrilfonl, OrpKon. fronlitKo CO fir I on Ihu
wM nl.ln of Fir Htirct, 5b finit, Irttu nr
iooi. u i-rnix. miioiiui, isuu
AnnrniiuiKUt No 3 l'rnnk .1 Mrhl. lot
1, l.lock 39, (irlKltml towmiliu. City of
.Mcilforit, UrcKoii frontneo &0 fii-t on
ihu went Miu or Mr nttfft. &u rout, rate
prr fMit. vo cntn, miioiint. f IS oo
' Annnnnmiit No. i AliiMint liwrcnli.
lot &, hlock 38, orlKliml Inwunllf, City of
Mrilfonl, Uri-Hon, fronlitKn 80 fvt on Iho
went nhln or Fir ntreiit, SO frut, mo Jicr
iooi, -j ii criiin, ninoiini, iiauu
1 ANnrimincnt No K Aueunt ttwrriiU,
lot , Ihock 39. orluliml IuwiinIik. t'lly of
Moilfnril. OrrKoti, frontiiiin 60 rct on tlm
went nhln or i'lr Hirwt. r.n r.i, rnto per
fflOl, 90 Ci'lltH, liliuilinl. 116.00,
" AiiK-cxin.Mit No it- II. l Antic, lot 1.
titnek 3h, orlKliml townnllc, City of Mcil
foril. orciiou, rn.uiinHii 60 fiit on tin
went xIiId of Fir Ml reel, 60 red, rnto por
foot. 90 ccnU, niiioiint, 116 00;
' AHHiHninrut No, 7 -Jnin I.cmIIc, lot
3. hlock an. orlKlnul lownnllc City or
.Mciironl, OtcL'on, froniiiK" 6U feci on the
wnnt nhln of Fir nltcct; 60 fcil; rnto por
fool, P0 coin, miioiint, 1(5 00
,nBin.Mit No K - UcorK llmiillu, lot
3, hlock 3N, iiiUllnilt lowiinllc, Clly of
Mcilfnril, Orcuon, fioulaKC 60 feet on tlio
went nlilo or Fir direct. 80 recti ruto por
foot. 90 rantit. mninint, tts.oo.
"AHBCMinni'iit No. 9 C V lleeknmii. lot
tfhlock 3D, nrlulliut lownnllp. Clly or
Meilfonl, OrcKoiK fiouliiun 60 feet on
llin went nlilo of Fir nlrcct; 60 fcotj rut"
per foot, 90 cmitH, miioiint, 1 15,00.
'ANHeHmmit No. tO. C O. Ilcekitinri,
tot n, t.iock 3H. i.iiKimii towiifiic. Fity r
Mcitforil. On.ciini rrontiiuii 60 feci (ill
tlio went nlilo of Fir Hlrccl; 60 feel, ratu
per fool, 90 cetiln; miintint, IIS 00
AMcNNinrni No 11 -i rniimnKii iiiiick,
lot D, hlock 37. orlnliml lownHlte, CHy or
Alciiroril, gi-TKiin, rrnninuit nu icci on ino
immI nhl.t of Fr mrccti 60 rc; rnto per
Mot, 9(1 (ipiiIn. iiinniint, 116.00.
ANnenmcnl No 13 FranxInUa (lliicU,
lot il. hlock 37, orlKlnul lownnlio. City or
Miwlfonl, OrcKoiii froubiKu 60 feet on Iho
enfct nhlfi of Fir nlrcoti 60 feutt rnto per
font, HO contH, miioiint, 116.00,
AHNcnniiiDiit No 13 Fruiulnka flltirk,
lot' 7, hlock 37. orlKlnul IuwiihIIh. City or
Meiironl, ori'Kon; frontiiKo 60 rct on
lhn,eiint nlilo of Fir ntreuli 60 fciiti rnto
tier root, 90 ccnlH. iiinouut, 116 on.
sANncMinnni Nn. 1 1. AimtiHi liwrontii.
lot7, hlock 30, ui'lKlllill townnlle, Clly of
Mmtforil. OrcKon, rroiilniso 80 rent on Ilia
eiiNt hlo of Fir nil cot 60 fccli nilu jir
fool, no cpiiIh. iiinouut, H5.00,
MnneiiHinonl No, lit --AiiKimt l.nwrnnlr.
Jot'8, hlock 30, orlKlnul lownnlio. Clly of
Muilforil, OrcKon, Iionluu" 60 foot on Hi"
ciikt Mhhi nf Fir Htrcot, 6" foot; role por
fiiot. 00 ccntn! iiinoiint. IIB no. ,. ,,
-AKKOMHinent No. to -Wllllmn llnlilcy.
lutC V, hlock 30, orlKlnul IowiihIIc, Oily
of 'MeiHopl. OtcKon, fronliiKo 60 rcot on
ihA eiint nlilo of Fir nlrcoti no foot; ruto
per root, 00 ooiitHj iimnunt llS.ui).
'AnncHnmiint No, W Wllthiiu lluiilor.
lnflO. houk 30, oiIkIiiiiI townnlte, City
(if 'Mcilfnril. Orcijoiii nonliut" 60 fcot on
tl(o cunt nhln or I'll' HI reel! 60 rent; rnto
per root, oo ceniH. iiinoiint, $18.00.
AHHONNincut Nn, 18,llcn Iluyinonil, lot
tihiock an, iirlKiimi inwiiMiic, city or,
MoiKoril, OroKoni fronliiijo 60 rent on tin
ciiNl Hhlo of Fir Htrotit; Brt f.Mil; into por
root, 90 contHj iiinoiint, Hn.oo,
Hcotlon 8. Anil It In Intrcliy oriloroit
mill oiiliilncit' thlil HUM Hoviirnl iihhoiim.
inniilH mill tlio IIoiim lliprcof ho cntcrcil
In 'Urn Hun iloukui uf unlit oily, nml tint'
tlunniipon nnlloo ho ulvcn to tlio iiwiicih,
hi1 rcpntnl nwnciH, of nulit property, mul
Ihrtt the Hniiio he iinfotceil mnl colleoteil
liii'llio tumuier provhlcil hy tho cluutci'
of wild clly for llm collcollon of hhhchjc
ineplM for llin Improvement uf HlrcctH
'Hciiliim n. It Ih fiirtlmr oiilcrcil llnil
tlm nollccM nliovo provhlcil ror ho piilf
llnlioil Hired HmCH In llm On llJ" M"IJ Trl
Initio, it iiuWHimper ptihllnheil unit or Ken
oriil (ilroiilntlon In milil olty. In tlm limp
-nor piovlilcil Iiy oiillimnou No. SR0 uf
H .Tin? follnwlnir niillnnnco wiih piiHHeil Iiy
InVclty iMiunon of tit" t'lly. of Meilfonl.
Oremin. W" llm .Mil tin J' of Hepleiuhor,
lOlT, hy llin follnwlnir vnlm itlorreU,
nyoi "Wutt uyo, Woilmnii, ttyoi Kinorlclt,
nbxi'iil; Klfert, nyo, mnl Mllhtr, nye.
Approved Hvplemhor "Ih, lull.
AHcnf Mnyitr.
ItOIIT. W. TJ'.M'Kn,"
City Itccorrlitr,
To tlm owner, or reputed owner, of
tncli parcel of properly iluncrlheil In the
fnicKoliiK orillnmice, on iiuiiieil Ihrrelu,
mnl III thv lien ilcclureit hy mihl nrdl
limice, nn recorded In the, docket or city
Von nro licrvhy notified Unit tlm nn
firniiinrnt ileclfircit hy tlm rorrunlnic onll
imiu'o him hecti miiilo nml thv lien there
for entered In the city Hen docket, mul
that the mi mo In duo mid you urn hereby
rcijillrcil lo pny llm name to (Im city re
corder within ten (tiiyn from ll nervier
or thin notice. Which nervlco In iiindo hy
pllhllrntlon or the fiireolnt: ordlimnce
mul thin nollce three llint-n In llin Slfd-
rord Mull Trlhmie, purMiunt to nn or.
ller or thO Clly cooiell or nnid city.
ItOUT; V. Ti:i.FlJlt.
Clly llvcnrder,
OKOiif amob ho, rao.
An Oldluuncn nnnnnnluir Hie procrty nil.
Intent to'unrt benefited hy tho eight-Inch
Interiil newer conntriielcd nloiiK I'lr
xtreet from HUtlt ntrret lo Hreond ntre.t
fur the rent or ronnlriictliif; the nniuo nml
pruvlillni; tlm iiimumr of cnrrylnK "nht
unnenntoeulN Into full erred
Tlm Cty or Medford doth ordiiln nn
rollown: 0
KeQtlon 1. WhercAH, the council did
heretofore provide by ordlnnnrn for tho
nerving of the owimra uf property ml
lucent lo nml b'tieflted hy Iho count rue
tlon or llm lateral newer hereinafter de.
ncrlhed to npprar heforo nnld council
ami ninjw rminp, ir nny, wny n.iid prop,
erty ntioulil not Im minrnned for tlm con
struction of nald rawer, mid did fix n
limn for hearlntf nny ouch nroientn
whlali notice wnn given In nccontnnce
wild nnld onllnanca moro thnn ten dnyn
uerore uie iiKiiiniUK or me ronnirucnor
or nnld iMiwer, hut no prolcntn nRnlnnl
nnld comitructlou ur iirnriiniiient or tlK
ennt therenf wnn tnmle hy nnyono mid
nuld newer wnn, hy nnld council ordered
And, wherenn, the, ronl nf Ihe con
nirueiioii or nnld newer linn licen mm
hereby In determined to he tho num of
IM0J.10I ...
Now therefore, nnld city dolli onlnin
unit declare Hint ench pnrcel of prop
erty ilrncrlhed lielijw In mljnccnl to nnd,
henr(ltt'd hy Unit certain Intcrnl nower
eluhl lnclien In nlte. rouMtriioled on Fir
ntreet from Hlxtll to K'Cond ntrret nn.t
Hint the proHtrllon or the cunt or nnld
newer which rnah or nnld pnrceln of
inml niioiiiii nrnr niineii on tlm penoriln
derived rcnpectlvcly hy nnld nevenil
tnirtn of hind In the amount net op
nonlle tho drncrlptloil of each pnrcel he
tow, that each of nnld pnrcrln In ncttmlly
benefited III the uiuount net (lUpo'lle tn
dencrlptlon helnw hy the cnnntrtictlon or
nnld rower, mid that nnld nnveral
umomilH reprencnt the proMrtlonnl hn
efltn of Buiil nev.tnil tmrceln rrom nald
newer And ench of nnld pnrceln In here
hy nnnenned In the niumiut net opponltfl
lln denerlptlou helow for tlm conntruetlon
of nnld newer Tlm nnitin niiprnrlm;
ii Im vo each dencrlptlon holm; the nmiiv
or the owner or reputed owner or cnCh
nuch lot or imrrel.
Annrnnmeul No, t Oohl liny Ttcnlty
Co, lot 3, hlock 13, orlKlnul Inwnnllc, City
or Meiironl, OreKon, frontneo 26 reel on
llm went nhln or Fir ntreet, 2.1 rent; nxte
per root, 01 nuntni miioiint, f'i3.7&,
Annennmeiit No. 2 .Minnie ,M Klnn
mnn, lot I, hlock 43, orlKlnul towunlte.
City of Meilfuril, Oreitoiii fronlnno S5
feet on the went nlde of Fir ntreet; 36
recti rnto per foot. 81 ,cettin; amount,
Annenvmcnt No. 3. Minnie M. Klnn.
mnn, lot 5, block 13, orlRinui tnwnnlle,
Clly of Medford, Oretron. frnntnun 2i
feet oil lite went nldo or I'lr nlrcotj 26
root: rnto per foot, 91 cent; nmouiit,
Annennment No. 4. Minnie M. Klnn. 0, hlock 43. orlKliml towhnllo.
City of Medford, Un'Rou; frontiiKo 26
reoi on ino chi niue or Mr niraui; .')
feet: rnto per foot, 91 contH; ninnunt,
122 76.
AnneMHinnnt No. 4 -r.Mlnnlo M. Klnn
mmi, lot 7, block 4.1, orlKlnul towiiHlte.
Clly of MoiUord, OrcKotii fronlnue 2.1
feel on tho wchI nldo or I'lr ntrcot; 25
reel: rntu por foot, 91 cenln: amount,
$.2 76.
'Annenniuont No. r,, Mlnnln M. Kink
mnn, lot 1, block 43, orlRlnnl townnlto,
Clly of MoiUord, OrcKim. frontnuo 23
reel on Hie went nlde or Fir ntreet; 2J
reel: rntu per foot. 01 ccntn; nipouut.
AnneMnmrut No, 7 lterthn TinBles,
lot II hlock 43, oilKliml townnlto. Oil)
or Medford, OrcRim; frontline 25 feet on
went nlilo or Fir nlrcotj 36 root; ruto por
foot, ni ccntn; amount. $32.75,
AMHCHNincnt No. 8, llortlm I.unuley,
lot 10, block. 43,, orlplnnl townnlic. Clly
of Medford, OlTttnu; frontuiio 25 fcot on
(ho went Hide, of Fir nlrcoti 25 feet; rnto
per root, 91 ceutH; amount. $22.75,
AHHcHKmunl No, li. Hertlm l.anuloy,
lot 11, block 13, orlRlnnl townnlto. Cty
or M ed foul, Onioni frontiiKo 36 fcot mi
tlm went Hhln of Fir Htrcot; 28 font; ratu
pur fool, 01 runt; nmouiit, $$3.75,
ANxenNinoilt No. 10, Hertlm I.nilKlnv,
lot is, hlock 43, orlRlnnl townnlto. City
or Mi'dfmd, OreRon; fiontanii 26 root on
tho went nldo or I'lr ntrcot; 26 root; rnto
per food 01 renin; nmouiit, $33.76.
AHKVHHinont No, II III u- l'lncn I.timher
Co, lot I, block 43, orlKlnul lownHlte,
City of Medford, OrcRoii: froptniirt 26
fool on Hi WOHt mile of Fir Ntreni: 25
reel: rnto per fo&, 01 coitio; nmmint,
AKHOMHmout No, 12, HIk l'lncn Lumber
Co., lot 2, block 43, orlRlnnl townnlic.
City or Moilfonl, Oiokoh: frontiiRo 25
reel on tho vcHt Hldo or Fir Htrcot; 25
fet i ruto per fool, 01 cotitH) amount,
AMMdHHiiiont No. in, HIr rimH T.umhor
Co., lot .1. hlock 42, orlRlnnl towiiHlle,
City of Mcdfmil. Oiokohi frouliiRO 25
fcot on tlm wont hide of Fr Htrcot: 25
reel: rutu pel' foot, 01 coiilot upimint,
'ahhohhiiii'IiI No, II. Hlir 1'liiCH T.umhor
Co., lot 4. hlock 42. orlKlnul townnlic,
Clly of Moilfonl, Oromm;. fiontiiKif 2j)
fcot on tlm 'wont' Rhhi of Hrlrooq 36
fecit rnto per foot, pi conta; nmoiint,
$"2 75
"AHHonHmPiit No, 16. Itlit VIiiph l.nmhor
Co,, lot 6, hlock 42, orlRlnnl towiiHlte,
Clly of MouTnrd, OreRon! frnnliiRn 2.1
foot op llm wohI Hhln of Kir Hini'l: 25
root: i'ii in por font, Pi oontpi niuminl,
Annenniuciil No, 18, IIIr l'lncn I.llinlier
go., lot 1, hlock 42, orlRlnnl towiiMlte.
Hy or Meiironl, OreRon; fronlnKO 26
rent 6n the went nlde or Fir ntrcot; 2S
reel; ruto per root, 91 cciiIm; uiuount,
. Annenntmfiit No, 17, Mr l'lncn I.umhcr
Co, lot 7, hlock 42, orlKliml townnlic,
City or Meilforit. Orcuon; frontiiRo 2b
feel on the went Hide or Fir ntrcot; 25
reel; rto per root. 01 couln, amount,
$.22 76,
AnHCMinrnt No. It HIr lnen I.timlior
Co., lot H. hl'K'k 42. urlKlnnl townnlto,
(.Hy or Meilfonl, Orcuon; rroiitnun 26
r.-et on the wnt Hide or (Ilr Direct; 25
reel: rnto per foot, 91 contn; umolint,
Annennment No, 19 IIIr l'lncn Lumber
Co,, lot 9, hlock 42, orlRlnnl tnwnnltc,
City or Medford, OreRon, rrontngn 23
feet on tho yent nlde of I'lr ntreet; 25
feet; rule per foot. 91 ccntn, amount,
122 76. '
Annennment No. 20. IIIr l'lncn Lumber
Co. lot 10. hlock C.. orlKlnul towunlte.
City of Medford, OreRon, frontage 26
feet on the went nlde or Fir ntreet; 25
reel. rnl per root, 91 ccntn; nmount,
122 75.
AnrioKnment No. 21 JIIk l'lncn Lumber
Co, lot 11, hlock 42, orlelunl lownvlle.
City or Medford, OreRon: frontnuo 25
feet on Hm went nldo of Fir ntrret; 25
feet; ruto per foot, 91 ccntn; amount.
$22 76.
Annennment No. 22 -IIIr l'lncn Lumber
Ca, lot 12, block 42, orlKlnul towunlte.
City of Medford, OreRon, rrontuuo 21
fret on the went Hide of Fir ntreet, 26
feet, rnto jx-r foot. 91 ccntn, nmount,
$22 ?6.
Annennment No, 33. Medford HrewInK
Co, nt 1. hlock 41. orlRlnnl townnlic.
in)- oi .Meiiiuru, urcKou; ironinco iu
feet pu tliu went nlde of Fir ntreet; 50
reet, rata per foot, 91 ccntn; umount,
Annennment No. 24, Medford Drcwlnc
Co, lot 2, block II, orlRlnnl townnlto.
City or Meilfvril, OreRon; frontnuo 60
feet on the. went nldo of Fir ntreet; 60
feet, rnto per foot, 91 ccntn, amount,
$16 60
Annennment No. 36. Medford ItrowlnR
Ca, lot I. tdork 41. orlKliml townnltu.
City ofOledfonl, Oregon; fronlnRo 6u
fel on tlm went nlde or Fir ntrcot. 50
reel: ruto per root. 91 centn, amount.
A(-nleHt ". 2S. Medford llrewlnR
Co., lot 4, block 41, orlRlnnl townnlic.
City of Medford, OreRon; fnmtnRO 80
reel on the went nlde or Fir ntrcot; SO
ret; rnto per foot. 91 anta; amount,
Annennment Nn, 2. Medford HrewliiR
I'll,, lot b. mock ii, orlRinui lownnllc.
city of Medford, OreRon; froutaRo 60
rent oil the went nlde or Fir ntreet: 60
reel, ruto xr foot, 91 ccntn, nmount,
IIS 50
Annennment No 28, Medford TlrewlnR
vo, ioi n. ihock (I, oriRllini' lownnile.
City of Medford, Oregon, frontneo 50
reel, on the went nlde of Fir ntreet; 60
feet, rata per foot, 91 centn: nmount,
AnHrnnnleiit No. 29 J. II. Cooley, lot
I, hlock 10. orlRlnnl tnwnnlte. City of
(cdford, OrcRim: rrnntngo 60 feet on
llm went nlde of Fir ntreet; 60 feel; rnto
per foot, 91 centn, nmount, $45.50.
AHKCnnieut No. 30. J II. Cooley, lot
I. hlock 10, orlRlnnl towunlte, city of
Medford, frontiiKo 50 feet on tlm went
nldo of Fir ntnel; 60 feet; rnto per fool,
91 renin, umount, $16.80.
AnncnNinent Np. 3t. J. M. "Mnrcy, lot
J, block 40, urlKlnnl tnwnnUc, City of
Medford. Oregon! front UK) 60 feet on
tlm went nldo or Fir ntreet; 60 reel; ratu
pert root, 91 centn; nmount, $15.50,
AnncHnmniltNo. 32. William I.IIIhoii,
lot 4. block 40. orlRlnnl townnltc. City
of Medford. Oregon, frnntnge 60 feet on
tjio Went nldo or I'lr ntreet; 60 reet; rnto
por root, 91 centn; nmount. $16 60.
Annennment No. 33. ChnrlcM II. Iloxle,
lot 5. hlock 40. orlulnul towunlte. i'lti
or Meiironl. Qrccnit. frnntuKo 50 root on
llin went nldo or I'lr ntrcot; 50 root; ruto
por root, 91 ccntn, nmount, $46.50.
AnHcHHmunt No, 34. Southern I'.iclfla
Company, that portion of the railroad
rlRlit nf way on tho cunt nldo of I'lr
ntrcot from Hlxth nlreet to Fourth ntreet;
frontnuo HO feet on tho cunt nldo of I'll
ntrcot; 600 feel, rnto per foot, 01 ccntH,
umount, JOOO.ilO.
AnncKHtuAnt No. 38, Krnent K. Hurt,
lot 12, block 31, urlKlnnl townnlto, City
uf Medford, OroRou, frontapo 50 reel on
Iho, cant hKio Of Fir ntreet; 50 root; ruto
Hr fodt, 91 cents; iimuum, $45 80.
AnKCHmcut No. 3(1, HrucHt K. Hurt,
lot II, hlock 31, orlglnnl townnlto, City
or Medford, OreRon; frontiiRo 60 fcot on
tlm oimt nldo of Fir nlrcut; 60 font: rntu
I cr foot. 91 cenlH; umount, $15.56.
AHxcnmojit No. 37. 'KrnoHt K. llnrt,
lot 10, hlock 34, orlRlnnl townnlto. City
of Meiironl. OreRon, frontiiRii 60 fcot on
tho,cnHt nlito or Fir Hticott 60 foot; nilo
per root. 01 contH; nmount, $16,50.
AHHCHHincnl No. 3i. IJpnoHt R llnrt,
lot 0, hlock 31, orlRlnnl tnwnnlte, Clly
of Modford, OreRon; rroutngo 60 foot on
thn.i'iint Hldo or Fir Htrcot; 50 foot; rutu
!' foot. 01 contH; umount, $15,00.
AHHCMHinont No, 30, KrnoHt M. Hurt,
lot K, hlock 31, orlRlnnl townnlto, City
of Medford, OroRou, frnntngo 60 fcot on
tlm cunt nldo of Fir ntrcot; 80 fcot; ruto
por fool, 91 contn; umount, $45.50,
AHHcHNiiitint No, 40, KrnoHt 15. Hurt,
tot 7, block 34, orlRlnnl townnlto, City
of Medford. Oregon; rrontngo 50 fcot on
tlio cunt Hldo of Fir Htrcot; 50 foot; ruto
pur root, 01 ccntn; umount, $45.60.
AHMiiNHinclit No. (I. Medford Lumber
Co., lot 12, block 35, orlKlnul towiiHllo,
city oc .Mcnioni, uroRon; iromuKo m
root on tho oa hi nlde of Fir Htroot; 60
root: rutu por foot. 01 oohIh; nmount,
AHHOHMmcnt Nn. 42. Modford Liunbee
Co., lot 11, hlock 35, orlRlnnl towiiHlte,
City of Medford, Oregon: frontuRo 60
root on tno ou hi unto or Mr Htrcot; oo
foot: ruto por root, 01 ooiiIh; inumnt,
$15,60. ' ,
AHKt)niuout No. IS, .Modford Lumber
Co., lot 10, block 35, orlRinui towiiHlto,
city of Medford, OroKou; fronttiKo 5U
root on tno eiiBt unto or Fir Htroot; 60
foot; into por foot, ,91 contH; umount,
$16,60. ,
AHHOHHmont No. 4 1. Modford Lumber
Co,, lot 0, JilocK 36. orlRlnnl towiiHlte,
C)ly of Modford, Oregon: froutnuo 80
veoi on ino eiiHi hiiio or Kir hi root; &o
feel; rnto per foot, 01 cciiIh; umount,
AHHCBHmout No. 45. OroRoii-Cullfornlu
Lupd Co,, lot 8, block 35, orlRlnnl town
Mite, C(ty or Modford. Oregon; fronlnRo
80 root on tho ciiHt Hldo of Fir Htroot; 60
foot; rntu por root, 01 cents; nmount,
Keotlon 2. And tt Ih hnrohv ordered
nml nnliilncil tlint tmhl Hovoru) hhhohh-
HlulilH ouil'lliit lleiiH litirei)l im enleied
thuroujion notlvo ho' given to tho owner,
or reputed ownerH, or Bald property, nnd
that the, name he enforced and collected
In the manner provided hy tho clinr
tr of nnld city for the collection of on
ncnsmnntM for the Imprutemcnl of ntrcctn
Heetlon 3. It In further ordered that
tho nollco nhovn tirovhled for ho put).
iiniieu inren uinen in uie wany .iiau in
buna. A neiVMOUiXT nubllnhed and or een
ornl circulation In nnld city. In the. man
ner provided hy ordinance No. 250 of
nnld olty.
The foreeolnir ordinance wn nnnned
hy llm city council of the City of Med
ford, Oregon, on tho Cth day or Heptom-
ner, 1 9 1 1. iy inn loiiowmg voie; Jier
rick, nye, Watt, nye: Worlrnnn. nye; Km
crick, nhneiit: Flfert. ny and Miliar, nye
Approved (September (th. 1911
Atlent: Mayor.
noiiT w. tulfkh,
Clly Itccordcr.
To the owner, or reputed owner, of
ench parcel of property dencrlbcd In tho
roregolng ordinance, nn named thcrel:,.
nml In tho Hen declared by nald ordi
nance, nn recorded In thu docket of city
You nrc hereby notified that the nH
nenetnent dcclnrrd hy the foregoing ordi
nance linn been innde nnd the lien there
for entered In the city lien docket, and
Hint the nitinu In duo nnd you the hereby
required to pay the nnmn lo the city
recorder within ten day from the nerv
loi or thin notice, which (service In made
hy publication or the roregolng ordinance
nnd thin notlco three tlmrn In the Med
ronl Mall Tribune, purnuant to nn onler
of the city council of nald city.
City Itccordcr.
i, , i ' . . , ;
the BuixDnrs or pskxajtskt
oiDi xx jacxso conarrr, osve.
Notice l hereby given that on the 30th
i s .I IliinlaHtliiii ttfll ulanillAtt will
lJ UI J"UIIV1 f Iff i )IV.VI "II
bo held throughout JtckHon county, Ore
gon, ror me purpone oi aunmiiiing 10
,I.m vaIap. tt 1emtn m,-tt-. O.Awnn
the queatlpn nn to whether or not debti I
ror ino building or permanent roaat
within Jackson county, Oregon, shall b.
Incurred In a mum not exceeding $1,600.-
000 and Interest thrroon, and oyer am'
above any and all Indebtedness of th
county at the dato of al election, am'
Independent of any other Indebtednenr
of nnld county otherwise created, am
authorizing said Indeblcdnenn.- to he evl
denced by tlm bonds of nnld county, dat
ed January Int. 1912, and payable twen
ty years after date and bearing a rt
of Intereit to be determined by the coun
ty court, but not to exceed nix per ccn
er annum, payable Mrnl-nnnually, whlcl
IntcrcRt may be evidenced by Interest
coupons attached to such bonds, and
which bonds and Interest coupons may
ba substantially In the form designated
In tho order of the county court foi
Jackson county, Oregon, calling '
election, which order was duly made and
entered of record In the county court of
the state of Oregon for Jackson county
sitting for the transaction of count
business at the regular August. 1911
term of said court, which convened oi
the 2d day of August, 1911, and whlcl
order wnn mado and entered on the 3i
day of August. 1911 Sold election wll
be held In each election precinct In soli
county, beRtnnlng at tho hour of I
o'clock In tho morning on the 30th day ot
September. 1911, and continuing until
tlm hour of 7 o'clock In the afternoon ol
en Id da.
This notice In Instied In accordant
with said order of said county tourt thlt
3d day of August. 1911,.
W li.vCOL..UAN,
County Clerk Jackson County. Oregon
XowMkaaataff Maomm
MODKIIN housekeeping rooms, $14 am)
$11. 223 Houth Holly,
TnraJahsd kooss.
FOrt JiKNT A furnished room, modem.
Inquire 335 Houth Illvernlde.
FOIt ItKNT Furnished front room. 20C
Cot lag. st. 161
Of fiots for sVobI
FOIl SALE Itcglstered Burkshlrc
nwlno nnd Jersey' cows nt all times.
M. F. Jllngham. Applegnte, Ore. 174
FOIt ItKNT Two elegant front office
rooms, corner Main street. Inquire
Gregory's Studio.
POR IU3NT Oyer, the postpfflc with
beat and light Be A. A." Davla.
FOn HENT Store building suitable for
frocery and market. V. O. box 622.
HALL FOIt ItKNT The Commercm
clhb hall, second floor of Medford Mall
Tribune. 25x29, well lighted, tnblcr
and chairs furnished, will be rented
for parties, societies, lodges or func
tions In quest of a meeting place. For
terms and dates, Inquire Secretary of
Commercial club. 151
FOIt SALE At bargain price. $200 pc
acre. 143 acres fruit or alfalfa land
30 ncrcs In year old alfalfa, now per
petunl water right, rate $1 per yea
pr acre; best of drainage: t-room
house; barn 60xG0; tank and tank,
house (3000 gain.): shed 60x15; chick
en house; corrals and land all fenced:
Improvements one year old. J. V. Hop
kins, 332 Ilush street. San Francisco,
California. This land Is situated In
Iluttc county. California. 1S2
FOrt SALE 1C0 acres, 2 1-2 miles R. It..
$20 per ocre; terms; Improvements,
water; timber. Address owner, Mrs. II.
l 3SS. 29, ave-. Seattle. AVnsh. 160
'OR SALE Lots and small tracts for
sale. Buy direct and avoid commis
sion. M. M. Maine. Pac. Prion 742.
Home 143-c. 153
FOR SALIC Five-room house, -with wood
house, lot eSxllC, water, newer and
plumbing In, good loentlon. price $1776.
21S neatly ttreot 151
r'QR SALE Eight-room bungalow. 3
blocks from depot. Central Point; city
wutcr, electric light, sewer connec
tions, small bnrn, henhouse, yard, flow
er garden; price $1600 cash. Inquire
C. A. Pnnkcy. Central Point. 170
ma- Sstat
WILL tlm party who found 'tho bearing
nml cap on tho Ashland road Sept
11th pleiiHU return samo to tho Vnlle
Auto Co. 1504
LOST Umbrella on King's Highwuy
Flnder please ri turn to Mull Tritium
orrico. 160
KTIt.i.'l'U) Two gmy horHOH. AddrcKs
eOorRo It. Denn. cCntrnl 1'olnt. Phopt
Fftrmurs 215.
FOUND A gray work horse; ownei
cun Iiiivq lilm by paying chnrges. A
K, Wurd, one mile sotitli of town. 157
FOR i:Cll A.NHii: -JJO nurcH near Cen
tral Point or 6 1-2 ncreu near Rates
orchunl for city proporty. Call ul
20 Wont 12th nlroot J52
FOR EXCHANOK-V 82VlncllC8tor
hoIdH 3 hIxvh of Ntu'lti, cOat IS.EO when
new, fo)' u Hlngle lurrul HhotKun, Cor
Dukiitn nml 1'arK am. . ISO
FOR HALF. Oil K. CHAnQH Now mod
om two-story hnuso. punnolod dining
room, fli'0-pliicf. bath; toilets, Iftvator.
Ioh, hot nml cold water, sleeping
porches, A burg In; would connlder
.good roHldonco lot In Modford or Port
Inml. C I... euro Mall Tribune. 16!
H)R RUNT . Modern flvo-room hungu
low; olono In; Imiulru 643 Houth Hot
ly. 155
l'O 1 1 RENT Two sovon.roain houses,
,ouo largo hum, nuo stable F, Oson
bruggo, 401 RlvorMdq yenuo, pouth
' 167
FOR RHNTi-Cosy flve-room buugalQW
on West Hamilton; lriodorn. Inquire
401 8. IUveraldo.
Board nd Kooama
ROOM AND I.OAHU nt Mrs. Fays. No.
10 No. Ornno Ht.. back of Farmers and
. 'FruItRrowors bldg,
VnfurnUhid Booms,
III tliu Hull iloolU't of tmhl clly, ami tliu; 713
FOR RENT Two or threo unfurnished
rooms for light liotiHeltoopIni:: nnvoil
Htrcot; no I'hllilivn, AiUIi'osh j. (. hog
FOR SAL13 Twcnty-ono ncrca first
class fruit land, about 1G acres clear
cd, five-room house, 600 young peach
trees, a few largo apple, pear, plum,
cherry, fig ami almond trees. 1 aero
old rapes, close to good school nml
R. V, D. Located between Jackson
ville nnd Central Point, 1 13 mllcn
from Jacksonville, flvo miles from
Modrord. 1'rlco $3150. Owner. M. C.
Danforth, V. O. address Central Point,
Ore. 151
WANTED Someone to Join me In ship
ping car household Roods to Portland
. about October 2, Address P. O. Box
WANTED Consignments of peaches,
cantaloupes, grapes, eto. We guarantee
prompt returns. References furnished.
Frank K. Blair Com. Co.. wholesale
commission Co., Eugene. Oregon. Ml
WANTED Consignments of peaches,
canta'oupes, grapes, etc. We guarantee
prompt returns. References furnished.
Frank E. Blair, Com. Co., Wholesale
Commission Co., Eugene. Oregon. 164
WANTED To rent. 5. room, 1-story,
modern bungalow, before October 1,
Phono 3171 Pacific.
WANTED Flvo to ten acres with house
and buildings within 2H miles of
Medford P. O. Must be bargain. Give
full dencrlptlon and price. R. W. Hut
chison. P. O. Box 01, Seattle. 152
.VANTED Job storing away wood, 25
cenU per hour. Uurke, home phone,
80. 150
. ANTED Salesman fot exculstre tar
ritory. Big opportunities. No expe
rience necessary. Complete line Yak
ima Valley grown fruit, shade and
ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Out
fit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company.'
Toppcnlsh, Wash.
WANTED Salesmen In every localltjr o
the northwest; money advanced week
ly; many make over 11000 month
choice of territory. Yakima Voile
Nursery Co.. Topenlsh. Wash.
MsJp Wanted rsaal
WANTED Flrst-cluns bookkeeper and
stenographer. Gold Ray Realty Co.
"ANTED First-class bookkeeper, now
holding a responsible position, desires
to locate In MedrqrU or adjacent
country, youn. well educated, mar
rled. have you anything to orfer? Ad'
dress E. R. Ltndsey. 1109 T. Flor
ence Street, El Paso, Texas. 150
WANTED Experienced gookkcoper and
stenographer desires position. Ad
dress box 61. cans of Mall Tribune
orrice. 151
WANTED Young girl to assist with
light housework and care of ten-year-old
girl. Ranch, near Central Point.
Threo in family, 'one other servan.
kept. Fair wages. Address box SS.
caro Mall Tribune. 153
FOR SALE Ranch on Colemnn creek,
a lot of cordwood and polos, fir, pine
and onl; wood. F. Oscnbruggc. 401
Riverside avenue,- South. - - 167
FOR SALE Pumping engine, with gear
and without; wooa bqw complete; wood
sawed to order. M. M. Maine, Pac. 742.
Home Phono 143x. 153
FOR HALUWood. wood. How Is Hilar
$3 per cord for that dry hlock wood
f. o. h. Medford In car lots. We also
hnvo tlm tMst oak nnd fir tit th4 low
est price. Wood sawing done on Hhort
notlco. Call nnd soo thowood nt tho
big shed, 117 South Onkdnlo, Residence
406. Pacific Phono 1616. C. F, RhIuIi
Hteln & Co. 150
FOR SALE Six year old 'marc, buggy,
harness, iiIho Studehnker wagon,
cheap. F. M, Sweat, Phoenix. Ore.
FOR SAI.K Poultry plnnt, 714 South
Central avo.; house' and lot, together
with S00 chickens, nil thoroughbreds;
one flno cow and ono 2IQ-egg Cypher-.
Incubator, Phono 6413 Main, 190
FOR SALE Two horse power gasotiuo
vacuum carpet cloanoiv cheap. 70S
West 10th st. 151
WANTED To rent, furnished house or
bungalow until Now Year's; must ho
modern. Address S. R., caro Mull Trl
buno office.
pasture RegaV
FOR SALE Small umount of cash will
buy nil excellent IiuhIiiohh In Central
Point, l.liicoln-HnriieburK-Hokin Co.,
401 OarttPtt-Corcy Uhlg. 151
FOR SALE Alnlulo terriers. Tho best
dog for ranch, homo or hunting, Reudy
for (U'llwry; n strong litter of nine,
whelped July 30. PrleoH right: full
pedigree; oIIrIIiIo for registration. P.
It. Starr, Sam's Valley. 105
WANTED Girl for general housework;
ono who can cook; wages $30 per mo.
Apply Gold Hay Realty Co.
TU Reamos. Lawyers. Office Medford
national name ouiiaing, second lloor
Aiiorneys-ai-iaw. not. I ana J 1'oat
oixicq DUiiuing.
A. E. REA'MES Lawyer. Qarnett-Corey
GEO. W. CHERRY) Lawyers. Prac
tice In nil state and federal courts,
Rooms 11 and 12, Jackson County
' Bank bldg.
AxcU fven.
JOHNS A TURNER. Architect and
Builders. Office 7-1. 33C Main; pfaon
Main 3471. Residence phono 744.
D..R.WOOD General accountant. Your
hooks audited and kept for a reasonable
flguro: your business solicited. Office
Medford Mall Tribune Building, phon-1
6U, resldenco phone 1601.
Asiayr ana Analyst.
gels, n. He. General assay and an
alytlcal work. Cement and asphalt
testing. Best equipped assay office
and testing laboratory in Oregon. All
work guaranteed. Qrants Pass. Or.
-i-ixiaa tv,. iku., Jacksonville. Phone
Polflo. Main 11: Horn 200J. i
ailltard Vanor.
S, T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Cigar
and Soft Drinks. Up stair. Young 4)
Hall building. A nice, cool ylaoe to
pend the hot afternoon.
Sill -PosWrm.
Clfai aaA Tobacco.
IRELAND c ANTLE, ftmokohouse .
Dealers In tobacco, cigars, and amole
ers' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewi
Single Hinder. El Merlto and El palen
cla. 212 West Main street.
rural tar.
H. J. WILSON te CO.. dealer Id neW
and second-hand furniture and hard
ware. Agent for Household atovn
and ranges. 16 South Fir street. Phon
Main 8161. Home 266-L.
tier 8th and Holly streets, Medford.
Mission furniture mad to order. Cab
inet work of all kind. A trial ordsr
MORDOFP ft WOLFF CooU stoves and,
ranges. New and second hand furni
ture. Bads' old stand. 18 Fir street.
SouUj. Phone 9h Homa 2SJ-K. Medford.
SraniM Works.
A1HDFURD BRICK. CO. 4Jeo. W. Prlddv.
O. D Nsgle. Oco. T. O'Brien Cent rao-.
tor and manufacturers or brick; deal
ers In pressed brick and lime. Office
In Garnett-Corey block, room 209. 2d
floor. Phone No. 3181. ,
GARBAGE HAULED Leave onlcrs at
29 South Bartlctt, or phono Roduoy
Taylor, 3682. Prompt servicer, 168
SUNRISE I,UND P.Y Tel, Main 7831.
Orders called for and delivered. First
class work dono by hand. Ladles' and
Gents' suits cleaned and pressed, Co.
Eighth and South Central. Medford, Or.
Music "
MISS TURNBY, Piano Instruction and
musical history, 309 South Newtown
street. Phone C603 BelL
Mlnlair TnUcsIaer--.
SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoenix. Or.,
or tho Denver Quart2 Jilll & Crusher
Ca. of 1710 Broadway, Denver. Colo
rado. Catalogues and prices can be
had at Phoenix, Oregon. Matt Calhoun.
Votary PabUo,
HELEN K. TOCKET. Notary public.
Brlnjf your work to mo at the sign of
The Mall Tribune.
ers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 938
E. Main. Phone 3741.
budded, not grafted. Our stock la not
Irrigated. We guarantee everything put
out. We are not In the trust H. B,
Patterson, office removed to 116 B.
Main at.
CO.. inc. Growera of high grade nur
sery stock. Office 104 S. Fir. Both
g&yaJclana and Bargeon.
DRS. CONROY & CLANCt Pnysiclan
and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bldg
rooms 310211.212. Office phone Wl
residence phone 613. Offlco hour t a.
m. to S p. m.
OIaE't SwPA1ALOw' dr- bva mains
?.- ..w Osteopathic phyalcIans,V
Moved to rooms 416 and 417 OarnetR
Corer bldg. Phone Main 6351. """.
Oas administered for extraction of
ihit 443r2?1"Ph0na Mln '"' M
211-218, phono 5501. Rostdence 118
laurel st. Phone 2092.
DRur!eon: LOCKWOi. Phyalciaa and
nJPe- "F3. . I-OCKWOOD,
practice limited to diseases of wo
men. Offices over Hasklns drug store.
Phone: Pacific lOQl; Home 28.
Dr. w, M. Van Scoyoc,
Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoc,
.. Dentists.
Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 318. Medford,
Onsoo- Both PhoneiV
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon, practice limited to eye. ear.
and throat, eyes scientifically tested
and glasses supplied. Offices 216 East
Main street, over Medford Hardware
Company; hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 n. m.
both phones. '
tice limited to eye, our, nos and
throat. Office: Suite 318 Qarnett.
Corey building. Both Dhonea. ura""
J. M. KEIBNK. D. D. a: A. jriilNIKBIlT
u. u. a., ueniiais. ass ii Main. Phona
Main 3191. Homo 1241C
Chines KeaTclne. '
CHOW YOUNO'ShlneTo'mldlcln'e "Win
cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit
er, throat and lung trouble, deafnes.
paralysis, private disease and all
vklnds of ohronlo and nervous ailment.
Stomach trouble, contdlpatlon, Inrtltre
tlon. womb and bladder troubles. So
me at 841 S. Front st Medrord nr.r
to 4, 6:30 to 7:30, Residence rhoni
Pliono Mnln 43.
.Printer and Publishers.
VERNE T. CANON Rill poster and Dls
trlbutor. All orders promptly filled
iiuuin . dacKson .ouniy uans: nuiio
tng. Medford. Oregon
DR. R. J. I.OCKWOOD Chlroprnctlo.
norvo specialist, 212 Frultgrowarn Bank
bullilliig. Office hours: 3 to 4. Phone
Homo 3VS9K". Residence IJ9 Roosevelt.
Hour: 10 to 12 and 0:30 to 7:30. Phone
108IC, Special bourn by appointment,
Sclentlflo massage given. Advice In
dietetics, Medlcnl gymnastic hydrotherapy.
DAVIES & IRLH Chlropraotors, 633 S
central ave. t'liono Ainm 614. orrie
hours: 2 to 4 ri. in, Qonstiltatlon nnd
examination free, I
t-ijuiijpuu jul, uiuce ,n aouinern ore.
gonjbook binding; leaf syttoraa;
S!?txrPaPrUe,cf oto- Pof-'and Price.
?L North Fir s treot.
sewing machines for salo nnd font. Ro-,
pairs. Caro Duncan local resprenentn
tlvo. Phona 6043, Xo, 10 South Fir"
street. '
Stenographto work done quickly aad
MfSS L. J. HINOSTflN, Publlo stwibg.
rapher. Medford. Oregon. Phone-j; Of.
flco, Paclflq 6571: rllenoe. Paelfto
6083, Roqm 218, Oamett-Corey bldg.
' M""T" 'I,w" " i a-
SIONS will ImlP build im your bu4
nce. Phone 802, 18 lUversia avwuu;
J ',