ip ; - .y , "n t it ." ifV 1 PXC.E STX MDFORD ahVTTi TftTBTOR MDTORT), OKTCOON, THURSDAY, SlQFnOMRlW 1-1, 1011. citV Notices. it . b j 14 yu It I a n u I I Jr it r ORBXXAKCB HO. 600. An onllnanw hMMMlnir Uio properly ttdjneent lo antl bcnuflteit by tlia fiU-lncli jAtrrl dnwr, coiiHirucieu """ tliruimh block 73 between Onkilftlo it .,.. ..! Ivtt m1rt.nl from KlftVCnlll Klreot to Twelfth Mreol for thy cost of conntriiulinit inn MAtnn ami imivmuiK limnner ot carrying ealil nsnoiwmcm 'The City of Mcilfunl doth ordain n f8ectfoii 1. Whet-en, the council did heretofore provide by ordinance for tlio nervlnir of the owner of property ml Jftoent to rind benefited by the construc tion of tho lateral newer iierelnnrtor dr fCrlbed to 'appear before Wirt council) nnd aliovV cautte. If any, why Bant prop erty whoultl not bo anciMil for the con Ktruollon or wtltl "wr, ami did fix a time ror hearlnir niiy such protests, M'riloh notle wan Riven In accoruanco with MM ordinance more mini im u"j binm tlio nfRinnlnR of tho construction of uald sower, but w protests upilnst haM cohMnictlon or assessment of Ino costs llioreor wus miun uj iih- " Mid sewer was, by said council ordered constructed. .... Antl, whereas, tho cost of the con struction or said sowe lias Ven and hereby Is doturmtneU to bo the sum of v,',.'ll,iir.fnn.. Htllil cltV doth Onlalll nnd dvdaro that each parcel of proper ty described below Is adjacent to nnd benefited by thai Certain lateral setycr nix men in wimnuuui .. - Vl. .. i.Ui.b twtltvrwvn fknVtlnlrt A.VC inn uk imvv.i -"fcv" " "" . .. CITY NOTICES. jiuo and ivy street from Kleventh street to Twelfth juixtt and that thh propor tion of the cost of jald fewer which each ot said parcels of land should bear i. ...... I lliii tmniafltia llcrlVl'd rCSleCt- lvely by said several tracts of land la tno amount wi iiiuwmiw n .j-,...t.-.. of each jmrccl below, that each of aald parcels IS actually ui.-iii.-ini.". ;"v nmount set opposllo Ita description bo low by tho construction of said sewer, and that said several amounts represent the proportional benefits of said several parcela from suld sewer. And each or Mid parcels H henby assessed In the amount set opposite Us description w low for tho construction of said sewer. Tho name appearing above each de scription belnc the name of tho owner or reotued owner of each such lot or tisreel. jGSJSSSESr Kon a six-inch lat. KltAU KWi: IN AM.nr THROUrtll ju'ocic 7 J uirrwEKN oakoaub AVKNUK .AND IVY KTItBUT KllOM fI.KVr.NTH STllEl-rr TO twelfth sses'smc'nt No. 1. Carrie B. Carna ban. lot 9. block 73. original townslte. City of Medfonl. Orepon; frontage 60 feet on the west a do of said alley: 6 f"; rate Jer foot, S.t!: amount. AMvssmcnt N. 2. Carrie K. Carnahan. lot 10. block 73. orlslnat townslte. Ctty of4 Xtedrord. Oreson: 50 feet; rate per foot, K': amount. t21.0. ,, Assessment No. 3. Thervsa. Burns, lot It" block 73. orlclnal townslte. City of ' - r.An fNnln All ft Oil I the west side of said alley. 50 feet; rat Medford, Orcron: 48 feet; rate per foot, II 07: amount. 49.81. Assessment No, . J. c, Ward, the nonn 41 reet or lot 11. binek -. rroiiiinii. addition, City of Medford. Oregon front ftirt' 41 feet on tha east sldo of Stark sireei: i root; rato er root, 11.07; amount, J43.S7. Asmssment No. 7 J T Kads. the south 9 feet of lot 11 nnd tho north 41 feit of lot 12. block S, Krultdnlo addition. City of Medford, Oregon; rrontnKn B0 feet on the east side of Stark street: R0 feet; rate er foot, II 07; amount. I .'.J. SO. Assessment No. 8-J. C .Varl. R0i feet of lot tS. block S, Vroltdale addi tion. City of Medford. Oregon, frontnifo xn leei on ino eaai sine or MnrK street; v reei; rate per ro, ji.ot; amount, I53.S0. Section !, And It Is hereby ordered ami oniaineu mat saiu sevenki assess inenls and Ihc Hens thereof be entered In the Hen docket of said city, and that inercupon noiiro ihj given to tne owner, or reputed owners, or said property, and that the samn bo enforeetl and collectetl n tho manner provided by the charter of s.tld city for the collection of assess ments for the improvement of streets uierein. Section 3. It Is further ordered that the notice above provided for b pub lished three times In the Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper published and of general circulation In said city. In the manner provided by ordinance No, 150 or sain cny. The foreRolnir ordinance was passed ny the city council or the City or Med rord. Oregon, on tha 5th day of Septem CITY NOTICES. south side of KnlRht street; Kt feet; into per foot, Il.ooj amount, f 51.00. Assessment No. 1? Oregon & Cali fornia Land Co., lot 3, block 61, ortKlnnl townslte, City of Medford, Orefjon, frontage 13R feet on Vermont street. 40 feet; rata per fJot, $1.00. nmount, ISO 00 Assessment No, SO. Mrs. John Hook- CITY NOTICES. ber. 1911, bv the following vote: Mer rick, aye; att, aye, wortmaiu aye, Kmerlck, absent; Klfert. aye. and Mil lar, aye. Annrovcd Sentemher th. Utl W. II. CANON. Attest: Mayor. HOtlT. W. TF.M'Kn, City Iteconlcr. NOTICE! To tho owner, or reputed owner, of each parcel of property described In the foregoing ordinance so named therein and In the lien declared by said ordi nance, as recorded in tho docket of city Hens: You "are hereby notified that the as sessment declared by the foregoing ordi nance hai been made and the Hen there for entered In the city Hen dockt. and mat uio same la due and you are nereoy rciolred to pay the same In the city re corder within ten days from the service of this notice, which servlco Is made by put iicutlon of the foregoing ordlnnnce and this notice three times In the Med ford Mail Tribune, pursuant to an order of ll city council of said city. ItOBT. V. TKl.KKIt. City Recorder. . ,Mi l?. iimmmL 11S1.00. Assessment Sa 4 Oust bask, lot 32; block 73. original townslle. City of vdford. Oregon: frontngo SO feet on the west side of said alley: JO feet; rato per foot. $2.42: amount. $121.00. Fcctlon 2. And It Is hereby ordered and ordained that aald several aasess-m-siits and tho Hena thereof be cnterou InTthe Hen docket of aald city, and that thereupon notice bo glen to the owner. or reputed owners, of aald property, and that tho same bo enforced and collected In tho manner provided by the charter or Bald city for tho collection of assess ments for the improvement of streets Section 3, It Is further ordered that tha notice above provided for be pub lished three times In the Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper published and or general circulation In aald city. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 2j0 of 'said city. Tho foregoing ordinance was passed by tho city council of the City of Med fotd. Oreson. on tho 5th .day of Septem ber, 1911. by tho following vote: Mer rick, aye:. Watt, aye: Vortman, aye: Etnerlck. absent; Elfert. aye. and 111- '"Vpovcd September th. Hll Altest: Mayor. ROIIT. TV. TKLFKIt. Clly llecordur. NOTICE. To the owner, or reputed owner. of each parcel of property described In the foregoing ordinance, ao named therein and In tho Hen ileclarcd by aald ordi nance, aa recorded In the docket of city 'You are hereby notified that tho as sessment declared by the foregoing ordi nance haa been made and the Hen there for entered In tho city Hen dockt. and that tho same la duo and you are hcrby required to pay the same to the city re corder within ten daya from the service of IIiIh notice, which aervlco Is made by publication of tha foregoing ordinance nnd this notice three times In the Med ford Moll Tribune, pursuant to an order of. the city councHrf ;ld eUTOn City Recorder. ' OBDXXAXCS XO. S61. An ordinance assessing the property.! adjacent to and benenieo. oy me six-incii lateral sewor constructed along 8tark street from Sherman street to Aash Ington street for the cost of construct ing thu same and providing the manner of carrying said uuscasments Into full Tho City of Medford doth ordain as follows: . ... Section 1. Whereas, the council did heretofore provide by ordinance fov. serving of the owners of property ad plcent to and benented by the construc tion of the lateral sower hereinafter de scribed to appear before said council and show cause. If any, why said property should not be assessed for the construc tion of said sewer, and did flm time for hearing any such protests, which notice was given In accordanca with said ordi nance moro than ten days before the bo ginning of the construction of said sew r. but no protests against said con atructlon or assessment of the cost thereof was made by any one and said sower was, by said council ordered con structed. .... And, whereas, the cost of the con struction of said sewer has been and hereby Is determined to bo tho sum of $448.33. Now therefore, said city doth ordain and declare that each parcel of property described below Is adjacent to and ben efitted by that certain laternl sewer, six Inches In size, constructed on Stark street from Sherman street to Washing ton street and thut tho proportion of the cost of said sewer which each of said parcels of (and should bear based on the bwieflts derived respectively by said several tracts of land In tho amount set obDoslto tho description of each parcel below, that each of Bald parcels Is ac tually benefited In the uniount sat op posite Mm description blow by the con struction of suld sawor und that said Bsvoral amounts represent tho propor tional benefits of .said several parcels from said sewor. And each of said par cqls Is hereby assessed In the amount sot opposite Its description below for tlio construction of said sewer. Tho numo appearing above each description bejng tho numu of tho owner or reputed owner or each such lot or parcel. ABHRB8M1SNT FOR A SIX-INCH I.AT Jr.RAl, BBtt'Blt ON STARK BTRKKT Ijro.w siu:rman to Washington .STREET. Assessment No. 1. Charles Liming, lot 24, block 2, Krultdalo addition. City of, Medford, Oregon: frontage 120 feet on tho west sldo of Stark struct; 120 fept; rato per foot, $1.07; amount, I2S.4P. . . , fcAssesHiuont No. 3. Idnda Ij. Jjauer maiu lut 1, block 2, J'rultdalo uddltlon, City of Medford. Oregon: frontage 120 feet on tho west sldo of Stark street j 20 feet; rato per foot, $1.07; amount, Assessment No. S.W. R. Rulloclr, lot 8 ' block 3, Krultdale addition. City of Medford. Oregon! frontage 46 feet on tho oast sldo of Slork streoti 40, feet;, rat? per foot. $1,07; amount. $p.2J. 'Assessment No. 4. U U i'orler, lot o l.l.wlr S. Vrilltdiiln urtrtitloli. City of Modford, Oregon: frontngo 40 fet on tho east stdq of Stark street: 40 foot; rato per fool. $1.07: amount. $49.22. ABsesNinunt No. 5.- U. O I'orler, lot IV, block 3, Frultdalu uddltlon, City of OKDXKA1TOE XO. 369. An ordinance assessing the property ad paccnt to and benefited by the eight Inch lateral sewer constructed along Knight street from Vermont street to Tart avenue for the cost of construct ing the same and providing the manner of carrying said assessments into full affect. The City of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. Whereas, the council did heretorore provide by ordinance for sen Ins of tho owners of property ad pacenl to and benefited by the con struction of the lateral sewer herein after described to appear before salo council nnd show cause. If any. why said property should not bo assessed for the construction of said sewer, nnd did fix a time for hearing any such pro tests, which notice was given In ac cordance with said ordinance more than ten days before the beginning of the construction of said sewer, but no pro tests against said construction oras sessment of tho cost thereof was mado bv anyone and said sewer was bv said council ordered constructed. And; whereas, the cost of the con struction of said sewer haa been'and hereby Is determined to be the sum ot 7l.S0S.0O. Now therefore, said city doth ordain and declare that each parcel of property described below Is adjacent to and ben efited by that certain lateral sewet eight Inches In size constructed on Knight street from Vermont street tn Taft avenue and that tho proportion or iuo cosi or sain sewer wnlcn each of said parcels or land should bear based on Uio benefits derived respectively by said several tracts of land Is the amount set opposite the descrlDtlon of each rar. ecl below, that each of said parcels is actually benented In the amount set op posite its descrlbtlon below bv tho eon. struction or said sewer, and that said several amounts represent the propor tional benefits of said several parcels from said sewer. And each of Hal, mr. culs Is hereby assessed In the amount set opposite Its description below for the construction or said sewer. Tha name appearing above each description being ine name o me owner or reputed own er of each such lot or parcel. ASSESSMENT FOR AN S-ITfCH LAT ERAL, SBWER AI.ONO KNIGHT STREET FROM VERMONT STREET TO TAFT AVENUE. Assessment No. 1. IL IX. Toft. lot 1. block S. Anderzon-Toft addition. City of jieuioru. uregon; ironiage bu reet on the south side or Knight street; 50 reet, rate per foot. $1.00: amount, $50.00. Assessment No. 2. U. Prederlckson. lot 2, block 2, Anderson-Toft addition. City of Medford, Oregon: frontage 60 feet on tho south side of Knight street; 60 feet; rate per foot, $1.00; amount, $50 00. Assessment No. 3. I'earl Hollcnbeak, lot 3, block 2, Anderson-Toft addition. City of Mtdrord. Oregon: frontage 60 fvet on the south side of Knight street; 60 fedt; rate per root, $1.00; amount, $50.00. Assessment No. 4. Pearl Hollcnbeak. lot 1, block 4. Page addition. City or aieoioru, uregon; ironiage zz reet on tho south side or Knight street: 52 reet; rate per foot. $1.00; amount, $52.00. Assessment No. 6. W. T. Wilson, lot 2, block 4, Page addition. City of Med rord, Oregon; frontage 62 feet on the south side of Knight street. 62 feet; rate per foot, $1.00; amount, $52.00. Assessment No. 8. H. Shofner, lot 3, block 4, Page addition. City of Medford, Oregon; frontage 52 feet on the south side of Knight street; 62 feet; rate per foot, $1.00; amount, $52.00, Assessment No. 7. It. H. Tort, lot 4 block 4. i'uge uddltlon. City or Medford, Oregon; frontage 52 feet on the south side of Knight street; 52 feet; rate per foot, $1.00; amount. $52.00. Assesment No, 8.-J. L. Wheeler, Jot 5, block 4, Page addition. City of Med rord, Oregon; rrontage 52 feet on the south side of Knight street; 52 feet; rato per foot, $1.00; amount, $52.00. Assessment .o. 9. J. u. Wheeler, lot 6, block 4, Page addition, City of Med ford, Oregon: frontage 52 feet on the south side or Knight street: 52 reet; rate per root, $1.00; amount, $62.00. Assessment No. 10. J. v. Oiesslcr, lot 7, block 4, Pago addition. City or Medford. Oregon: frontuge 52 reet on the south sldu or Knight srteet: 62 feet, ruto per foot, $1.00; umount $52.00. Assessment No. 11, John A. Rum Key, lot 8, block 4, Pago addition. City of Medford, Oregon; rrontage 52 reet on tho south side or Knight street: 52 feet; rate per foot, $1.00: amount $52 00, Assessment No. 12. F. E. Hammond, lot 1, block 3, Pago addition. City of McUfonl, Oregon; fr6ntago 52 feol on the south sldo of Knight street: 62 feet; rate per root. $1.00; amount. $52.00, AsHt'XKtiiunt No. 13, J. V. Drossier, lot 2, block 3, Pago addition. City or Medford, Oregon; frontage 62 feiiL on tho south side of Knight street: 62 feet, rate per foot, $1,00; amount, $52,00, Assessment No. 14. A. II. Hammond, lot 3, block 3 Pago1 addition. City of Medford, Oregon; frontage 52 feet on the south side of Knight street; 62 feet; rato per foot, $1.00 '.amount, $62.00. AsscHHtuent No. 15. O. O. Paiker, lot 4. block 3, Page addition, City of Med rord:rruntago 52 reet on tho south side nf Knight street; 52 feet; rate per foot, $1.00; amount, 52.00. Assessment No, 10. J. T. Rummer vlllo lot 6, block 3, Pago addition, City of Medford, Oregon; frontage 62 feet on tho south sldo of Knight street; 62 feut; rato per foot, $1.00: amount. $52.00, , . ... ............. ! it n tr it, IH..M f ... 6, block 3, Pago addition. City of 'Mpil ford. Oregon: frontline 62 feet on Iho south sldo or Kplght street: 62 reet; ruto per root, $1.00; amount, $52.00. Assessment No, 18. Peter Edln, lot 7, block 3, Pago addition, City of Med ford, Ort'b'cn; frontut'o SI feut on the er. lot S. block 8. Pngo addition. City of Medford. Oregon; frontage 61 feet on the north sldo of Knight street. St feot; rate per foot, 11,00; umount, $51.00. Assessment No St -Win. Wilcox, lot !, block 2. Pago addition. City of Med ford, Oregon, frontage. 52 feoL on tho north side of Knight street, TJ feel. rate tier root, si.on; nmount, ia: wo. Assessment No, 82 Win. Worth, lot 10, block 2. Prtgw addition. City of Med ford. Oregon, frontage 52 feet on tho horth side of Knight street; 52 feci; ruto per foot, $100, amount, 152 00. Assessment No, 23 Peter Kdln, lot 11. block 2. Page addition. City nf Med ford. Oregon, front a gn 52 feet on the horth sldo of Knight street; 53 feel; rato per foot, $100, amount. $55 oo AsseHiuent Niv 24. It II. Toft, lot 12. block 2, lnge addition. City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 52 feet on the north sldo of Knight street, 62 feet, rate per root, ii.oo; nmount, iss up. Assessment o. 25 -Josenh Taylor. lot 13. block S, lhigc addition, City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 62 feet on tne nortn sine or ivuigiu street: 03 leot, rate per foot. $1.00, amount. 152.00. Assessment ivo. :. uosepn vayi.r. lot 14. block 2. IMgo addition. City of Medford, Oregon: frontngo 52 feet on the north side of Knight street; 52 feet; rato per foot. $1.00; amount. $52.00. Assessment No, 37 Sadie Kurrar, lot 9. block 1, Pago addition. City ot Med ford. Oregon: frontage- 52 feet on the north side or Knight street: 52 feet; rato per foot. $1 00: amount. $52.00. Assessment No, 2. Jackson County Loan and Building Association, lot 10. block 1. Pago addition. City of Medford. Oregon; frontage 52 feet on the north side or Knight street. 02 feet; rato per foot. $1 00; amount. $52.00. Assesment No. 20 O. II, Hendricks. lot 11. block 1. Page addition. City of Medford. Oregon, frontage 52 feet on the north side of Knight street: 52 feet; rate per foot, $1 00: amount, $52.00. Assessment ?o. 31 u it llemirlcKS. tot 12. block 1. Page addition. City of Modford. Oregon: frontage 52 feet on tho north side of Knight street, 52 feet; rato per foot. $1 00: amount, $52.00. Assessment No. 31 Q. II. Hendlrcks. lot 13, block 1, Page addition. City of Medford. Oregon, rrontage 52 reet on the north side or Knight street: 52 reet, rate per toot. 11.00: amount, $52.00. Assessment No. 32 O. E. Stlnson. lot 14, block 1. Page addition. City or Med rord. Oregon, frontage 52 feet on the north side of Knight street; 52 feet; rato per foot. $1.00; amount. $52.00. Assessment No. S3. Krnest W. Erlck son. lot IS. block 1. Page addition. City or Medford. Oregon; frontage 52 feet on tho north side of Knight street: 62 feel, rate per foot. $1.00. nmount. $52 00. Assessment No. 34 Anna M Millar, lot It. block 1. Page addition. City of Medford. Oregon; frontage S3 reet on tho north side of'Knlght street: 52 feet. rate per root. XI. 00. amount. ?S2 00. Assessment No. 35, Florence S. Her rick, tot 4, block 1, Anderson-Toft addi tion. Clly or ateororu. uregon. ironiage 60 feet on the north sldo of Knight street: 50 feet; rate per foot, $1.00; amount. $50.00. Assessment No. S. r'loronee S. Her rlck. lot 5, block 1. Anderson-Toft addi tion. City of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet ton the north side of Knight street: 50 feet; rate cr root. $1.00; amount. $50.00. Assessment No. 37, Florence S. Her rlck. lot 6. block 1. Anderson-Toft ad dition. City of Medford. Oregon; rront age 50 reet on the north side or Knight street: 50 feet, rate per foot. $1.00, amount. $50.00. Section 2. And It la hereby ordered and ordained that said several assess ments and the Hcna thereof be entered tn tho Hen docket of said ctty. ami that thereupon notice, be given to the owner, or reputed owners, ot said property, and that the same be enrorced and collected In the manner provided by the charter or said city ror the collection or assess ments ror the Improvement of streets therein. Section 3. It Is further ordered that the notice above provided ror be pub lished three times In tho Daily Mall Tribune, a newspaper published and or general circulation In said ctty. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 250 or snld ctty. The foregoing ordlnnnce was passed by the city council or thu City or Med rord, Oregon, on tho 5th day or Septem ber. 1911. by the rollowlng vote: Mer rick. ay; watt, aye; Wortman. aye. Emerlck, absent; Eirerl, aye, and Mil lar. aye. Approved September Cth. 1911. W. II. CANON. Attest: Mayor, ROUT W. TELFER, City Recorder. Assessment No, 3.-C W Austin, lot 21, block 3, Fruttdale addition, City ol Medford, Oregon, frontage SO feet on the north side of Sherman street; 50 feet, rato per foot, 7 cents, amount, $IS,ro .Assessment No, i. A C Burgess, lot 22, block 2. Frultdale addition, City of Medium, ttromiii. rwnttiii.,,, Ml f,t nn I tho north side of Sherman street; 5U eei, rato per rout, cenia; nuuiuni, IK, (HI. Assessment No. R, V It Humphiey. lot 3, block 4, Frultdale addition, Cll of Medford. Oregon; frontngo R0 feet on tho south sldo or Sherman street, 8t feel; rato per foot, 9i cents; amount, Assessment No, .--" It Humphrey lot 3. block 4. Frultdale addition. City ol Medford. Oregon, lot 3, block 4, Fruit Onlo addition. City ot Medford. Oregon frontage SO feet on the south sldo ol Sherman street; 50 feet, rate per fool vt cvuis; a;uouiit, its o Assessment No 7. W It Humphrey lot 4. blook I. Frulld.ilo addition, t.'lti or Medrord. Oregon, rrontage Ro feet ot tho south side uf Sherman street, 5t feet, ruto per foot, 97 cents; amount $4S50. Assessment No, S,- W H Humphrey lot 6, block 4, Fmltdale addition. Clt Of Medrord. Ore-nun. fnuiltiKt) 50 reel li the south sldo or 8h.nn.-ui street. Ri feot: ruto per foot, J cents, amount ' u0. Assessment No, . Harris Itumly, tin pnrth half of lot ft nnd Ui north hall of tho east 40 feet of lot 7. block 4 Frultdale addition. Cll of Medford. Ore gon: frontage 00 feet on the south sldi or Sherman street; 90 reel, rato per root 97 cents; amount. $S, 30 Section 2. And It is hereby orderei np.l onlnlned that snld several assess jnents and tho lions thereof be entere In the licit docket of said city, and thin thereupon notice bo given to the owner or reputed owners, of said proiierty, a no that tho same bo enforcd ami collector In the manner pro Ided bv the charter ot said city for the col'cctlon of nsess meiits for tho Improvement of streets therein. Section 3. It la further ordered Ibat the notice above provided for l pub lished three llnwu in ih lliillv Mull Tribune, a nnwspnper published and o' general circulation In satd city. In the manner provided by ordinance No, 25i or said city. The foregoing ordinance was passed by tho city council of the City or Med rord. Oregon, on the 5th day of Kvptem ber. 1911, bv the following vote: Mer rick, aye; Watt, aye Wortman, aye limerick, absent; Elfert. aye, and Mil lar. ayf. Approved September th. 1911. W. If. CANON, llieHi; ROBT. W. TKLFRH. City Recorder. w rii flP CITY NOTICES. Mayor. NOTICIi To the owner, or reputed owner, of each parcel of projierty described In the foregoing ordinance, so named Iherelr and in tho Hen declared by said ordt iinure. as recorded In Hie docket of city liens. You are hereby notified that the as sessment declared by the foregoing ordl nance lias Keen made and lite Hen there for entered In the city Hen dockt. ami that tho same Is duo and )ou are hereb) required to pay the same to the city re eorder within ten days from the service of this notice, which service Is made b pu'u'rutlon of the foregoing ordlnano ntui this notice three times In the Med font .Moll Tribune, pursuant to un order of the city council of said city ROBT. W TKI.FKB. City Recorder . block 1, Oodgo uddltloh. Clly or Med. rord, Oregon, rioiitago oil feet on the west sldo of 1'iuk iwcmtet (Id feet; rate per foot, no cents, nmount, $52 so . Assessment No. 13 S. II. Monro, lot ). block 3, 'Wittle's subdivision to the Clly or Medford. Oregon; rronlngo 53 feet on tho West sldo of I'nrk n elide, 14" i'ii1' m,ft ,,or r,1,',' Su ""l amount, Assessment No. 14. M, II. Monro, lot , niocre j, iviiuos numitvisiou to tin 'Ity or Medford, thegon; frontngo B3 feet on tho West side of Park nvenuei 3 feet, rato pel foot, SO cents; vmount, $12.10. Assessment No, 15 II, Mm is, lot 3. block 2, Tnttle's subdivision to tho Jlty of Medrord, Oregon; fronlngo 63 feet tin Dm west side of Park uveuuo, 3 foot, into per foot, SO cents; umount, Assessment No. tC Ellen Tultle, lot I. block 2. Tllttlo's subdivision tn tint lly of Medfoid. Oregon; frontage (t3 feet on tho west sldo of Park avenue. 3 reotj.rnto pur foot, su cents; uiiiouul, Assessment No, 17- II. F Mender, lot ;, blook 3, Titttln subdivision to tho Clly it .Mruroni, uregon. rroutagn as reet ou lio west side or Park nunine; ill feet. itte iter foot, SO cents, nmount. $4 40. Assessment No, t -Jiiukson County lank, lot 4, blook I, Tultle subdivision o the City of .Mcdfurda. Oregon fitiiitnge 3 feel ou the east sldit or Palk avenue, 3 reel, rato per foot, SO cents, amount, M2 40 Assessment No. Id Jackson County Hank, lot 5, blook I, Tuttlo subdivision o tho City of Medford. Outki'Ii: fionl, "XKtt 63 feet ou tho east sldo of Park uv- ue' S3 feet ruto per fool, 10 cents; amount, $43.40. SH.xxin.iit Nn, 20- -H It Till tie, lot . blook 1, Tuttlo subdivision lo tho City f .Medrord. Oregon, frontage 51 feet on the east side ot Park avenue, 5J feet; ate per foot, R0 rents, amount. 1(3 40, Assessment No. 31. It II Tultle, lot :, block I. Tuttlo subdivision to the City ir Medford, Oregon, frontage S3 feel on 'ho east sldn ot Park UVenile. 63 feel, rato er foot, SO cents; amount, 113.10. Assonsmeut No, 22 H II Tuttlo, lot . block I. Tultle subdivision lo the Cltv if Medford. Oregon: frontngo 81 feet on 'he rast sldn ot Park avenue, 33 feet, rate iter foot, so cents: amount, $12 10 Assessment No. 23, W I' Dodge, lot I. block 2. Dodge nibllllou. City of .Med ford. Oregon; frontngo iin foot ou the cast tide or Park avenue, reel, rate per 'out, 50 cents, nmouut, JSJ 0. Assessment No 21 W. P Dodge, lot 1. block 3. Dodge nddlllon. City of Med ford. Oregon, frontage tt foot on the CITY NOTICES. In thu iiiiiniim- in milled bv - . ..'.." - . . .. .-. . Miy ror ino cuuieotinn or nswess' or tho liuiiiiiwmuut of stuelr it 3 II Is further ordered Hint um abovo provided for bo pub. iroe times In Iho Dally Mall Trl Assessment No, 31 -O If, I'. V"f IiIkh. it iimeel nf limit marked (D IJ) oil Iho map of the City of Mrdfoul, Orogonk mm rouoiui'u in vol. ?a, l'tigo n oi me countv rerorilor's records of .IncWson county. Otogont frontngo 3.10 foul nn the oust sldo or I'nik uvoiiuo; 2.10 foot; inlu poo foot, so ooiilHi umount, ll.tioi) Moi'lbtn 2 And It Is linroby oideiod nnd oi dallied thul said sovornl nssoss luonla uinl Iho lions Ihoioof ho outoiod ill tho Hen dockul of said nltV, and that ilioroupoii notion un given in tn tinieue. or lonutod owners, or said property, and that llio snilio bo ouforced and colltoicd In tlm iiiuiiinii' in milled iv tho o inner nf xtilil el Iv rm iho folllnctlnu of iinhosn luoiits for tho liiiiuiiwiiiout of stunts therein. Huollon Hill lllltlllH llshod tliroe times In llin Dally biiiin. a nnWMtiiilier liubllshi'd and of sou rial oliciiliilton III Ma til city, In tho man ner provided by uidlllituco No, 230 of unbl oily Tho roresollii? ord iiituoo Wlis passed by the city council of the City nf .Med rord, Oregon, on the Rlh tiny of Septem ber, H'll, by tho following vote -Merrick, ave; Watt, nso. Wortman, nyo; KmurloK, absent: Kir.-rt. aje, tuttl Mtlhtr. uyn Appnived Siplviiilwr Allii lull. W. 1 1. CANON. Attest Mayor. ROBT, W. TKM'KIt, City Recorder NOTIOU. - To tho owner, or lepuled owner, of ouch iwuoel of inoprly desorlbed In thn foregoliig ordliiniioe, as named therein, und In tho Hon declared by snld ordinance as rvoorded In tho docket of city Huns: Your nre hereby notlfleil tlutt the as sessment declined by Iho rotognliig ordi nance lum been imiile nnd tho Hen tliero Tor entered In the oily Hell docket, ntui that the snmo Is due and ou are hereby ronuliwl to iHty the same to the city to eorder within ten days from th serv leo of this notice, which servlow la made by tiublloittloii uf the foregoing ordl nnnce mid this notice three times In iho Medford Mali Tribune, poisuani to un Older or tha city council uf said oily ROIIT VV TRI.FIJIt. City lteooiilir CITY NOTICES. NOTICR. To the owner, or reputed owner, of each parcel or property described in tne foregoing ordinance, so named therein and In the Hen declared by said ordl nance, as recorded In the docket of city liens; You are hereby notified taht thn as sessment declared by the foregoing ordi nance has been made and the Ben there for entered In the city Hen docket and that tho same Is due and you are hereby required to pay the same to the clly re corder within ten days from tho Bervlce or tnis nouce. wnicn service is maue d publlcutlon of tho foregoing ordinance a'al this notlco three times In the Med ford Mall Tribune, pursuant to an order or tne city council or sum city. ROBT. V, TELFER. City Recorder. OBDXVAHCE HO. 583. An ordinance assessing tho property ad jacent to and benefited by tho six-Inch laertal sewer constructed along Shurman street from Geneva street to Stark street ror the cost or constructing the same and providing tho mnnnur or car rying said assessments Into full effect The City or Medrord doth ordain as follows: Section 1. Whereas, tho council did heretofore provide by ordinance for the serving of the owners of property adja cent to and benefited by thu construc tion of the lateral sewer hereinafter de. scribed to appear before said council and show cause. If any, why said prop erty should not bu assessed for the con struction of said sewer, and did fix a time ror hearing any such protests, which' notice was given In accordance with said ordinance moro than ten days berore tho beginning or tho construction or said sewer, but no protests agulnst said construction or ussussincnt or the cost thereof was mado by anyone and said sewer was, by said council ordered constructed. And, whereas, tho cost or tho con struction or suld sewer has been and hernby Is determined to bo tho sum or $475.30. Now therefore, sold city doth ordain and declare that each parcel of property described below Is adjacent to and bene fited by that certain lateral sower six Inches in size constructed on Sherman street from Qovena street to Sturk street und that tho proportion of the cost of said sewer which each or said parcels or land should bear based on tho benefits derived respectively by said soverai tructs or land is tlio amount set opposite thu description or each parcel below, that each of said parcels Is ac tually benefited In the nmount set op posite Its description below by the con struction of said mi wit, und that suld Hovera) amounts represent tho propor tional bvnnflts or suld purcclB from said sewer. And each of suld parcels Is hereby assesed in tho amount sot oppo site ItH description below (or the con struction of said sewer. Tho name ap pearing ahovu euch description being thn numo of the owner or reputed owner of each such lot or parcel. AHHKHHMKNT J'OR A HIX-INOH LAT ERAL BKWEIt ALONO Kilt'RMAN HTRKBT FROM OFNIiVA HTREET TO STARK STRKKT. Assessment No. l.W. S. WeslOn, lot IV. block 2. Frultdale addition. City or Medrord, Oregon; frontage 50 feet ou tnu norm sine or siiormuu street; do f,..ti rate nor font. 07 cunts ; iiniiiiint. $4B.507 Assessment No. 2, C, W, Austin, lot 20, block 2, Frultdale addition, City of .Medford: Oregon; fiontage 50 feet on thn north sldo of Hlmnnuii strent; CO feet; rato per foot, 97 cents; uomunt, $48.50, OSUHVAROr HO. S57, An ordinance assessing tho property adjacent to nnd benefited by tho six Inch lateral sewer constructed along Park avenue from 'Eleventh street to Da kotn avenue for tho cost of constructing the same nnd providing the manuer ot currying said assessment Into mil effect The City of Medford doth ordain an follows: f Section 1. Wheross. tho council did heretofore rovldw by ordinance for lit serving or the owners dr roperty adjacent to and benented by the construction of tho lateral sewer nerelnarter described to appenr berore said council and show cause, ir any. why said property should not be assessed ror the construction ol 4.itd sewer, and did fix n time ror hear Inn any such protests, which notice was given In accordance with said ordinance more thnn ten day la berore the begin ning or the construction or said sewei. but no protests against said construction or assessment or tho cost thereof was nade by anyone and said sewer was, by said council ordered constructed. And. whereas, the cost of the construe. lion of said sewer lias been and hereby Is determined to be the sum of $1,820.80. Now therefore, said city doth ordain and declare that each parcel of properly described below Is adjacent to und ben efited by that certain lateral sewer six Inches In size constructed on I'nrk nvu nue from Eleventh street to Dakota ave nue nnd that tlm proiosltlon of the cost Of said sewer which each or said parrels of land should hear based ou the benefits derived respectively by said severul tract of land Is the nmount set opposite the description of each parcel below, that each or said parcels Is actually benented In the nmount set opposite Its descrip tion below by tho construction or said sewer und that sold several amounts represent tho proportional benents of said several tiercels from said sewer And each or said parcels Is hereby assessed In tho amount set opposite its descrip tion below ror the construction or snld sewer. The name appearing above each description being tlm name or tlm owner or reputed owner ofyeach such lot or parcel. ASSESSMENT FOR A HIX-INCIf LAT ERAL HIJWRIl ON PARK AVL'NUi: FROM EI KVKNTH STRUT TO DA KOTA AVNUE. Assessment No, 1. F. C. Potter, n par cel or land situated at the southwest Intersection or Kleventh street and Park avenue, rrontage 150 reet on tlm west sldu or Park avenue; 60 reet; rule per root, 80 cents; amount. $40 00. Assessment No. 2 J. E. Watt, a par cel or land fronting 60 reet on iho west side or Park avenue, befog it purl or lot 1 block 1, Barr's addition. City of Med tord. Oregon, frontage 60 font on the west sldo or Park avenue. 60 feet; rule per foot, 80 ctnts amount, $40.00. Assessment No 3. Frances A, Smith, parcel of land fronting 60 feet on the west sldn or Pctk avenue, being a purl or lot 1. block 1, Burr's addition, City of Aieuroru, uregon rrnnmgn oy root on the west sldo of Park avenue; 50 feet; rate per foot, 80 cents: nmount, $40.00, Assessment No. 4,Si'so C, Streets, a parcel of land situated ut the northwest Intersection of Park avenue and the south Hnu of lot I, block 1, Ban's addl tlon. City of Medford, Oregon: frontage 60 feot on the wist sldo .of Park avenue; (!0 feet; rato per foot, 80 cents; nmount $48.00. Assessment No, 6. R. If. Dopp, a par cel of land marked (D II) on tlm map of tho Cltv of Mi-iUoul Oregon, and rocord ed In Vol, 60, page 642 of tho county, re corder's records of Jackson county. Ore- L'on! frontiuro 132 f,.t nn tin, went side of Park avenue, 132 feet; rato per foot, SO cents; umount. $106,00. Assessment No, ut Annlo Cola, a par cel or land marked (C X) on thumui of uie i.uy or aieuioru, urogon, ana record ed in Vol. 75, page a, of the county re corder's records of Jackson county, Orm gon: froutiign 132 feet on tho west shin or rark avenue, 132 reel rato per root, SO cents; amount, $105,00, AHHcNMincrit No, 7 John R. Tvroll, the north hair or tlm east 174 reet or a parcel of laud marked (C w) ou tho iniip of the Clly of Medford, OroKon; frontngo 06 foot on tho west side of Pork nvenuo; 60 tent: rate per fool, 80 cents; amount, $52.80. Assessment No, 8, A. P. Talent, the south half of tlm east 174 feot of n par cel of land marked (C W) on tlm mat) of the Clly of Medford; fronlaga 05 font ou the west sldu or Park avenuo: CO feet, ruto per foot, 80 cents: umount, $52.80, Assessment No. 9, i W. P. Dodge, lot 0, block 1, Dodge addition. City of Med ford, Oregon; frontage 86 feet on the west sldo or Park avenue; 60 root; rato par foot, 80 cents amount, $52.80, AttNeuMmnnt tJn in W 1 Hi,1i,n 1. 8. block 1, Dodge addition, Clly of Med ford, Oregon; frontugo Ofl feet on tlio west sldo of Puik avenuo: CO feet; into por foot, 80 cents, amount, $52.80. Assessment No. II, W, P. Dodgn, loti 7, block 1, Dodge addition. City of Mod ford, pregon, frontogo 00 feot on the west sldu of Park avonuo: Cfl foot; rule, llor foot, 80 rents, amount, $52 HO. I Asscsiimcnt No. 12, W, P. liudue, Jot RKflOLUTIOIf, Bo It resolved by tho city council of thn City of Medford, Oregon That It Is the Intention of Iho commit to lay it sU-lueh woter main on South Riverside uvoiiue from IJIh slieet to I lilt street und lo assess the cost thereof upon the Property flouting on sold portion uf ast s de or nun avenue, go reet. rule I c.iiii street in proportion io in rrouiago vr foot, 80 cents; nmouut. 112 80 lor suld urnperty Assessment !so. : w v Dodge, lilt Tile clonic I vv III meet at tin council !. block 3. Dodge addition. City of Med- chamber In the oily hsll In suld city ou ford, Oregon; frontage CO feet nn the the ltli divs uf September. I'Jll. at 7.30 ntst side of Park uvruue, Cii feet, rntolp m. nt which time all protests against er root. 80 cents, amount, $52 SO I tin, laying of snld wnter inslii on said A,,ilnniil Nf,, fit V" I II.mIi.m l,,t I ,t.,M.l.. ,.e m.,1,1 .i.u.1 .ii.il II, m ,mhum,.h.. I. .block 2. Dodge uddltlon. City of Mvd-lof the cost thereof Uiuiii tlm protMtrty "on!. Oregon, frontage CC reel on the, fronting thereon will be hetrd a.st stiio or I'urK KVeiiue. kk reel, rate irr toot, u rents amount. a: so Assessment No. 27 Bertha K Itanium. t parcel of land marked C V) on the nap or ii in city or .Mi-.irurii. urogoii. ami vcorded In Vol Jv page 1 191. of llin county recorder's records of Jackson runty, Oregon, frontage 133 tret on the ast side ot I'urK avenue. 132 feet; ruto r foot. 80 cents: nmount, $103 CO. Assessment No. 28 John IC. Howard, t parcel or land marked (C Y) ou th nap or the City or Medford. Oreuon. and ecorded In Vol SS, page 621 of the ounty recorder's records of Jackson aunty, Oreuon. frontage 75 feet mi the ist sldo or Park avenue. 76 reel, rate xr foot, 10 cents; amount. ISO 09. Assessment No 29 John Osborne et ix, a parcel of land marked (C .) ou the i ,ip of City i Medrord. und recorded In ol. 70. p 218 or county recorder's rec irds of Jock sou county. Oregon: front- ge 75 feet ou the oust side of Park ave Hie, 75 feet; rule per foot, 80 rents, tmount, $co.oo Assessment No, 10. -W W. Olusgow, n Kircel of land marked IV A) on the map r the City or Medrord, Oregon, and re )rdd In Vol, 69. Migo 31 ot thn county ecordr"H records of Jackson county, Or- gon. frontnge loo reet ou tho east shim by the city rviiuril or thr ciiv of Mn.lront f Park uvenue. 100 reet. rule per foot, I on Hie Sill il.O of Soptrmlicr, 1911 by tlm I in renin, nmnmu. tin un. iinimv ins t um aii rrn K. itvi wall, live ' - The fnretftilnt! resolution wns naed h the City council nf Ihe City tf Mudt ford oil the Rlh da of September. IVII, by the following vole' Merrick, aye: Watt, u. Wortiiisu. ays. Iltnxili'k, ul snt, Klfert. nye. Miliar, e Approved Seutember 4lh. 1911. W II CANON. A I lost: Mayor. HOHT. W. TKLIT.R. City Recorder nnaoiiirrxoN, Be It resnlvril by the city inunrll of tho Oily of Medford, Oregon That II Is the Intention of Hie council lo lay u six-inch water main on South Central avenue from end or present main to south end of Mr '-ii and to nsjiess the cost tlu-not niMi-i I hi- properly frmitlnit on suld portion of said street In prnlr- nun to un- troiiiagn or n.ti,i property Tho council will tnent.at Ihe council chttmber In the city hall In snld rlty on nie win iiav in mcpic inner, iwii, nt i iu p in. at which time all protests against the htvliii; or suld water main on suld portion of said street mid the nessmeut or the cost thereof .upon Hie ptowrly ironiniK men-oil win no- nr.irti rite roregnin;r rs'iiiion vvu ttasse.1 Worlimin, nyo; ISmuilclt, uhsonti Klfoil, ityui Millar, nyo. Approved Heiti.inli.ir nlli, tt'IUrt v II. CANON) Attest! . . .Mayor. ROBT, W. TKI.riW. Clly llocoulor, OKDXlfANOn NO. 073. Ait ordinance Viohlliltlng Hi" illsoliotun or ruing or ritnwoiiiM und other pyro. loohiilo dlNiilay. and to lliull I heir salo und aim aire, ... Tlio Clly of Modriiid ihilh otiliiln un follows: Siotliui I. Thn discharge, riling or lisn of nil rireoiuckoiH, tooliots, impoilooM, lloiiiau oaiiithot, or other flrowoikN ur substuiior doitluiioil Ulld lutoildod fuf p loloohulo dlspluyi mid of all plsluls, i'lini'M. oiiiiiiiiiim, or ot lift npidiuiioes, um. Ing hluiik ourit'lilKoii or ouim coniulnltiir chloiuto uf potash iiilxiuie, Is hoiohy pin hlhllctl I'liivtili'd, thul Iho tiiiivoi' ur I'oiiM'll limy older Hm publlo ilisplity uf fliewoikx hv pioperlv iiusBflnll nillvhl uals iiiiiIki' llio illteet sunei'Vlstoii of o nrt In the huiiittlou of flrewmks Pro vided ulsit Hint such display or dlNpluvs .lotll bo uf such oIihiiioIi r mid m Inoutml, illspliaiged or filed nn In the opinion or I hr chief or Hit file ili'imrtuii'lll, shull put bo hasurduus to surroumlluu piopol t or uiiihiiiKnr miy person in ponton Section 3 The rfuli' ur rirowotlia nt re lull In ptotllblted Sxothih 3 The storage ur sale of file Woiks Ul wlluU'iiile is prohibited, e0Ht by tioriiill rioin Hm maor, Issueil for a period of one year Application for per mil must be filed with the chief of tho tiro deportment nt least thirty days pre vious to the Issuing uf tlio penult, und must give iletiilliil description of the tun, posed earn und storage nt suld hiulerhils mid of Hie Miruoturul eondltlnnM nnd oo Milkiuoles of Hie building ft.otlon I Pi i lulls unit he Issued only after nn lnioilnn of the pioiiiInkn by Iho ehltf or Iho fire dupartjiiMiit or his nntlmrUo'l iigont. who slmll flht with Ibo luuyor mid fir ileikirimeni a eeriirtoiiio of itpinuvul mid itHismiH therefor Uu..ll.... 4 ,t... ..... .., fl.tt. n. .u..,in f"'VI,lll W HIIJ lV -Mil,, .,,,11 ,,l illlHtl ntlou violating any of the provision nf DUN iiitiiiiitiue snail ihi iireuien guilty or a misdemeanor ami Umn couviotliin thereof, ststll bo iiunlshnt by a flno not Ctix-mllng l'lfl Dollars (IJUUO) at lit illsorelliui, reiuuvn or linvo t- moved. Ul the owner's eopeilse. nil slocks of tlrwtvorkH or other oombusllbleN v. ImuhI for sale or held In stock In vio lation of this ordinance, Section Tin rlilef or lite file de lutrtment shall direct Hindi fire umill. auees as In hi Judgment may Ih ueoes sry for the pioiiiIshs. nnd h shall Hint two or moro pernous are Instructed In Ihelr use. mid un to the best hi,' ns nf gelling rite winnow to the riro depart Itietit Section 7 All uidliiuucns mid ltrls of ordiiinmM luetinslsioiit httrewllh are lterby reitlel. Tile fiiregolHU ordinance was passed bv Hie rlty council ur lh City of Med. ford. Olfgun, ou Hie till day of Hrplmil ler. 1911. by thn following vote Mer rtok, aye, Wult. ave. Wort man, a; Jtitt i' ' ,,.,., ,,,, ,,,,,, 1,1.', IIMIIHIHII, M)W. limerick, ntmi'iit. Ktfvri. ny. and Millar. ne. APIitovetl Hetitrmtier f.lh. ... . " W it Aiiehf riiiit w Ti:t.ri:n, city Recorder 1911, CANON. Mayor SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Kuiilh ltltorlilo .Now uinl ri.ti.),iti Mutlcrii In ft cry tmrtlmhtr, us rMik liiK. otf. Women unit girls must hrliiK rofcrvnrs's. W.M. HMtTII. Homo I'liouo NIK. .Rogue River Valley Canal Co. AND ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager $250,000 Was realized from one district in Colorado from Canta loupes alone, first season's planting on new land Our Lands and Water will produce just as well in all kinds of Fruits and Garden Products Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Over 800 Cars of Products Shipped into the Valley Last Year Why Not Produce This at Home Our Prices and Terms are Easy Call and See Us i Stoves Stoves Stoves mmmmmmmmtm 1,1 n aMMoa Wo hayo a very largo and comploto stock of Colo's Air Tight Wood Stoves, also a fine assortment of Ranges, including tho GREAT MAJESTIC, all at rea sonable prices. ,. i,M Medford Hardware Comp'iiy 218 EAST MAIN ST. -w ,- 'II Ws S VI s.A ,' tnl 1 rA- -! in. i v,.h fc.,--!? , - u t f .V'wfciiJrt-,X Mmim4 f.-r VdjrW-lfai