F & .3 METWOTtT) MATL TTITBUN13, MEDFORD, OKTCCION, TTIUftflDA V, SEPTEMBER K .1911 PAGE TJTvTS 2 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Itrtiiit Wllwiii of (lilffln crti( iIIm. 1 1 let wim it went Mttilftmt vlnltor. CIiIiuiku lliturml l.lllim mnl Jitpnuomi iilr tilnntn nt llrnnillny'i, Phono GlHt, 0, A. Lux mnt wife, formerly of Mmlforil, inn now i )Hlitmiln of Han UIiikii, liny or rout u Ringer to iiinlio the chlldrena nuw itoliool clothes, l'liono 0043, ic Mrs. Henry Mntx, Mik. I), II, Alt OrowH iiml .Mm. Wtioily took llio mo tor UiIn iiioi'iiIiik for Woiiilvlllit lo lin In iilli'iiiliuiru at tint (I. A, It. iicaiii liinnl now In homIoii nt Unit place, At tho HIkii of Vn Nifty, Atttorimy V II. Wnlmui of Aitliluinl ' In In Meilfnril Utility. Huiiltury French l)rj Cleaning WorliH. ' A. J. Htowal of (NilliiKitdriivo, Ore gon, In vImIMiik iilil-tlnio friend mill riilntlvnit In Mm valley. Mr. Htownrt liitH been In poor health for home ' time lint In t'onulilorulily Improved mIiicm ruining lo .Moilforil, Tim W, !. T. U. of Oregon will liolil n Htiitn convention In Mmlforil October 6-10, 1011. Mr. mnl Mrn. Clnrtno Meeker will lii vo Friday iiIkIH for u IhihIiikxh mnl plennure trip t Portland. They will nlm ntt'inl llio M. K, ruiifuruiiru nl Hiilem, cniiimcitrllig Kiplt'iiiln'r SOlh Mr. Meeker Ih n l-loati front tin' Medford M. H. church. Tho ollntr delegatim from lliln church urn .lumen Camptii'll, I). I.. I.tiwloii mnl It. II. lll'IIIH'11. Himi It. A. Holmes. Tim liuurnnco Mnn, over Janknon County bank. J.'W. Ilonnr mnl IMwnrd Jiuly. wi prortperntiH (Jrlfflii creek furiu mnl or chitnmtn, nn In attendance til '' Hlutn fair ut Hitlem. Carkln & Taylor (John 11. Cnrkln, OUnn 0. Tuyuir), nltoruoy-at-lftw, over Jackson County Unnk UulldlnR, Mmlforil. Jleatonud family left Uiln iiium- Iiik for ! AnK'I'H. At thu Sign of Y Nifty. Mm. I. M. Lyon ami Mm, Field are vlitlllng Central Point friend to- r $ day. ' LadUm. Imro your stilt mailo by tho Berlin imillOH' Tailoring Co.. nt Central Point. Or. I7.V i:. C. Wells of nPrtlmnl In In Mml foril for n iteventl days' vlnll with his Medford friends of -nrly days, Mr. Well wan formerly engaged In tho 4' market buMlnN In tula city. Hanltnry French Dry Cleaning Works. Mrn. Alexin Jlttlmrd In In Suloui lit attendance nt Urn beside of her ulster, Mm. Sample, who In quite seriously III. .; no not overlook, thin. Tim l-'lnh Market will noil nvury day IhU week Jmlllmt ami lint; rod ut 1 cent per lb.; (milium, 5e por lit.; prlit nhlokenn 20 per Hi.; creamery but ter 30c por Ih. Kippered nalnton for lunch KdH frohh uvery day. MejB lor A Kent worthy. lf'2V Mm. I. C. Deimlon who has been In Medford for a vlnlt with her aUter. Mm. J. II. Mulhtillen. on North Cen tral iivcmie, returned to her homo at Kaleiii thin moriiliiK. Tho lady'n hun i hand In a contractor mnl builder In ' Halom but will. In nil probability, lo cate In Mmlforil. Wall and buy your next pair of nhominflMliiKV r, Tho nttin'M adult bible cIuhh of thn M. 13. church Huudny ncbool will havu charRO of the church Ktirvlron on Himday, Beptember 'J 4 Ih. .Several inouthorH of the claim havo been de tailed for talkH upon apeclnl HiibJectH mid a npleudld .tultnlcal proKraut Ih belni? arritiiKed. Many peopl are taklni: advnntiiKe of the prenenl by havltiB the Pan lorlum put tlmlr winter nlotlios and wrapH In proper and wIioIuhoiiiii con dition. No tlmo like tho prenont for doliiK thin. Call iiB by phono and our drlvom will call at your dour for your clutheB and return canto promptly. Pacific 2411: Homo phone 24 1(. W. H, C'rowell, prealdent of the Kltnt iiNtlonul Hank, and .1. W. Uer rlan left thin inornliw for u couple weeka' Hlny at Nowporl. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNPERTAKERW l)y Phono M71 Nigh rhottf F. W. Weki 071. ' A. K. Orr, . LADY AflHIHTANT. JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Kmlmlmcr rsrsvjs- J luccoHsor to tint tindortuklnn do- g piirttiiont of Modford Fimmuru co. I i Offlco JiH Hoiitli llartlett Htiwt Tnlophonoa: day, Doll 471; ulBlttZ roiddoitco, Hull 473, Homo 170-UJ CuIIm nuatHHed itl(,'ltt or tlay AMUUriANGH BKHVICH ,49Mf H, A Nowull, ladli'H' tailor. Itoont IC. P. (. Iltilldliiic. nt Ml', and Mrn. II, U. Waltlmr, Mr, mid Mm, .k'Miio V. t'liiiiolilll, Alex .1 Homiliroiir.h, Mr. mnl Mm, J. P ntuiclilll mid II. ! Htuddiird left ThuiHilay uuiriiliiK for a thirty dnyn' trip to lronu:t,. Tlteiio pooplo are ilm new owiihih of tho olucirlii com pany ami tlmlr trip tt Pronpect Ik for the piiriiimii of InnpoctliiK thn com- pany'ii powur plant at (hat place, and to do a Itttln mountain tiout r IhIiIiik- I3veryhoo will Im now and up-to- dato at "II-IIiikV jr(t II. I.. Walthor Iiiik moved to Med ford with lilri family mid will tenldu here. Mr. Wnlllivr Ih tho nmmral btlNliieHH nupcrliiteiiilenl of tho Kottilo Itlvnr Kleclrlo company, unili'r Hm new owimmhlp. Will pay null for flmt-iiliiHn pow er npnty outfit. Chan, TnolilrRl, Mux It 2. The fallliiK rock nt the county rock nuarrlen near .lacknonvlllo caiiKhl I (Ireek laborer, breakliiK IiIm htt. Itev, I,. K. Ilelkuap or the Metho iIIhI church will leave Monday to at tend the church conference, W. II. allrr and H. I., Leonard ure lit (irautn Piinh today on bunluenn. Mr, and Mm. Win. IIiikIich roturn ed thin week to their homo at Tou lon, lllluoln, after a umuth'n vUlt with (heir non-luOaw, 13, W, llriim erd and family, Minn Aletha ICmerlck lert thin moriilnt: for i:iu:euo where nie will rentime ntudlen at Urn nlato uulvemlty, Andrew Cmitralt. one of Apple Knle'ri bent rniichom, In at tirauln Pann today. I P. PIckliiKH left today for Marnh- field whero be oxpeutH to remain, Minn Ola Mickey left tnduy for Or eKon Clly wheie nlto will have a pnol tlon nn (enclmr In the IiIkIi uchool of (hat city. Mr. ami Mm, A. A. Davln are visit Intt In Portland for a few dayn, Bcott V. Davln In up nt Davenport, WnnhliiKtou, -on biulitenn, C, T, Mlcholnon left thin inornliit; for a couple dayn' ntay ut the ntatu fair at Ralum, Itov. C. J. Hettllard and 1). 13. Uif Kreu of Portland arc Kuentu of John A. Wenierlitud, J. W. .Mitchell mnl (1. ('. (Innvtt mnl their fnuiilii'H returned it lew iluyH hlitce from u trip ip aiitoumbileM to CrtveciU City Kurcka iind ollui eonnt ikiIhIh. They rcturucil ovej ie inland nntiite llirtttiKh Ifcdditi ami over the .Sikiyniir.- mnl tm eleil 1 100 milen iiilhe three week they were nwiiy. K. ('. Hiicck mnl family relumed recently from it three weeks' ntny in I.OK AitKelch mid nl Santa Cntitliim Ultiucl. Mr. HocukV liciiltlt with inn (erially iuitrovcd hy thu trip. J. C. (Inibl) of Atlcj;ate, Iviih in llio city WcdncHdiiy. Joe llililmnl mid Jnek Olinstead ami their families enjooyed mi au tomobile drive to Attlilnud WciIiich day iifternoon. Mr. mid Mrs. ('. II. DukkcII ol Kliunulli Fullrt, are visitliij; in Mml foonl. Joint Sinetnore of Klnuuilli I-'hIIn it. rcuihlored ut lite NiihIi, K. W. I'owcm, HCerelary of (lie Slain Hnrticiiltttriil society, in m Medford. NO SCHOOL FOR GRIFFIN GRFFK Mountaineers Of Upper Section Fall In Effort To Hnvo Mew District Created, Takliin In Some Of Lowtr Volley nnnches nml Orchards. XOTICI3. Dcuroe of Pocohontan. All mem hem nro reijuentml to bo prenent Fri day nlKht. HtuliioHti to nKend to. NOIt.MA I. MAltTIN, Crcnt Deputy. I3L1.A HllOtn.TH, Keeper of ItecordH. moohi:, moosi:, moosk. Attention to all cltUenu of i;ood, loyal and moral character In utedford and HtirrouiidlnK towiiH, thin will be the hint call to Join tho nclcctod herd, the charter cIohIiik Tuesday uvciiIdk. September 11), 1011, at the chartoi fen or flvo dolalm at 217 1-2 Went Main Htreet, .SIowIiir biilldliiK. After that ditto feen will bo $25. M. P. H1II3HMAN, lfdl Deputy Supreme QrKiinlzur. Notlco tc Bathers. Tim Nut iiiauiiKciuout wUh lo nn imutice Unit owiiiK to thu condition of (Im wcnllier Mini the ront N' pciiHe of lioiiliuj; Hm wiilr, which n too cold for Imtliiiu,' until honied, the pluitKO will Im upon for 1iuh!ikhh everv Sitturdiiy and Sunday until furlltot notice. 1'YckIi wttlur will lm put tin pluno every Kridiiv ni;ltt mid heated for llteao two dnyn. ' Look nt nil of tho real ustnto tut and a( iiuicli of tho real entitle, ail vM'liHod, hoforo InveRtiinr. llnnklnB tor Hoaltn. f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY f MON13Y TO LOAN G 000 lit Hums of not leua than $1000 on realty Hootirlty for 1 to 3 yoatH. Knrm ami orchard property preferred, llox CI, U Mull Trlbtitto, Tlinro will Im no churcli or c'nxtl built for tho miiiiiitiiiucer of Uipcr (Iriff'ln creek lliin year wiih Ilm edict of the diHlriet lioiiiulitry Imiinl of JnelcMOii eouiily lit Ih recent mccl iiiK at Jiieknonville. Kcvcreml Stun 1 1 tlrcHKcil ueiitly in IiIh loti lilnel; coal mnl bucked by mimt of the uicmbcrrt of hiri eniijrcpiliin, made mi eiMuen( mnl heart touching up pnil for the eliildieu of the diwtrict whom! cdui'iiliou wn IicIiik iickIccI ed on account of the lack of hcIiiiiI facililicH, e nrKcil thai properly iuterent Hhotild not lie protected to the iliNjiiiniKciimiil of cducnliori. Jeff Skinner, Ilm proprietor of the Ioim Stnr rnneli on Oriffin creek, wIiokh piopetly hm been iuclinli'd in Ilm iroMinml new mIioo iliHlricI protcHled Im had youiijj ehildrcn who were jilHl lii'iiiiiiii school iind ix M'rled thnt te (rip of Iwo or three mile up into the iiiouutiiinN l hcIiihiI would be impohxible fur them while the (Irirfiit Creek M'honl, a mile and n half uwav, over u koim! rom! towimU (own wiih rcadilv ncccrtsible. M. II. Harper. I he well known or chard expert or (Irilfiu creek, nl lompted to refute Mr. SUiiner't or tiiiinent and inlvuiicyi it few ulntis tiiM iilx.nl ih,. linl'.i follow rolling in the Htiow trying lo gel from I lie moiinliiliiH down to (lie valley m-linnl. Harnehf Adanm wlioxu property wn iilno iticlipU'il liy.lhe iiioiinlitin th in Urn new dislricl, then had a few wohIh In hay about the inoiin luiiieer liuililitii; their own church Hut Hilly Holmes, who iiIko felt t hut din properly would be uuitiflh taxed if the new district were I'onncd was jimt nildiin: climax to thu dis- oiimhiom, plnoiiuk that IiIm mid nelKhhom' properly inlcrent iihould not Im Injured for tho itke of the hpiritual welfitre of fv, Htimir coiiKicKiitioii. when Jinlgc Neil elonetl the iliNfMiMHlou by throwing Hid peti tion for Hie new mcIiooI mil of court ItecniiHt! the placcn where the nolicin were lo Im placed had not been Hint ed in it. In hiiigle file it nut row fnl Hiring Itev. Hluart led hin fnllowerM from tho room lo their wagon from whencA, (buy dejtarliil J(,r ilm liillh with hope thai miotlnr year the would he more Hiice-fiil niul get Ihimc rich lowland famtem to build them n Nchool. We have just received a carload t U It WHITE DIAMOND. FLOUR The Flour That Never Fails Once Tried Always Used OLMSTEAD & HIBBARD West Side Grocers Violin Maker. HopnlrltiR of nil ntrlngod Instru- tnuntn. Violin rcpnlrlni; a npeclalty. (Joiner of 8th and Central avenue, Clin Harr.n, 177 Unnklnn for Health J&J0P'fr i Does This Suit You All work guaranteed uaitsfnetory. If It In not your monoy In refunded. All greaso cupa kept full mid all belts kept tight without ex tra chnrKU abovo atorago. LONE RED AUTO COMPANY .MCMU3V .V (.'Itiri'ITH, lr.w. 110 S. U.ItTL13TT. "v,'';;;;(Nr4- BAGGAGEand express HENRY M, MARSH All orders promptly uttended to night or dny. Short and long hauls. Moviug household goods n specialty Union teamsters. Office 51 S. Front Pacific 4171 Home 80 Residence Main 613 MEDFORD IRON WORKS 13. O. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. It Stands Alone In a Class By Itself No other roofing is like Ruhcroid. It is made of the best wool felt, impreg nated with materials man ufactured exclusively by the makersand which cannot be found in any other roofing. j rr4 MORT H. SINGER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Presents The Talked of Show in the World. THE ACTUAL DRESS REHEARSAL SCENE The Only Com pany Prcscntlnrj This Delightful ful Success En Tour. rTMC ria rMU3ICAl RCVUC smmm WITH MISS VOLIVCi VAtty With Us Record Run of 300 Con secutive Per formances at tho Princess, Chlcnrjo THE AUDIENCE GETS A PEEP BEHIND THE SCENES 20 Jlngtey Sonn Hits. PRICES : $1.50, $1.00 and 50 Cents Seats on Sale at Haskins Monday Morning 10 a. m. fH has made good for 20 years. It will prolong the life of every building on your farm. It protects them from all weather condi tions, and is fire-resisting. TRAIL LUMBER CO. .MKItKOKJ), OKICGO.V JWPPPPJ9PM0 OPEN- Our Meat Department For Business if JUGGINS & J.KSM178 KrconiMliiiul Store nt 3G South Grape Street. Give uh a call anil we will treat you fair. Highest cash price for second band goods of all kinds. Min $tandcford'a Piano .Vchool Piano, Harmony and Musical History EMILY T. STANDEFOIID Examiner for Now England Conservator' of Music In noston Makes a ppeclalty of training teachers. Send for testimonials and terms. Phone 7211. 170 r Invites your closest inspec tion. It is clean. It is screened. It is sanitary. Sometime take a look at our refrigerators. We have the largest cooling plant in Southern Oregon 04C444f4444HNn Warner, Wortman & Gore !i 4f4(4&4f&t:'4 ! ivfffflv I I ji I S--sS MEDFORD THEATRE -Seat" oifsale, MON. SEPT. 18 '"w"i'''i!'rf"m""ii-,',.MJ m ! i i i . &Siia , Sti-A-tX'JSA.-Jr S-'arlS".f1?-. FDA"2PF nn J-EDERER present i--i&- 5 -yzmZiZXKzz S; m: wi (HI INTHBIfi-MUSICAL-STEEPLECHASE. with EDAiA WALLACE HOPPER fiSSSiaag) .AND A PERFECT MUSICAL COMEDY CAST AND S03Vi.K tn 15 SONG HITS. ?:, -SJMii!-! -eyacgr?-.jr-i -r-ji f4fy .". . r-feeiai; orrzxrGM -xi ic;i-- ? lSK3?ilf!X,rL.???t . n?' itiEsa-iKiJ f-iits '.s'3ca--Ti, rs- a? till illl .! II Mil mm? gfes L.ia . zrz ES3S sfcea r Tx SiE PRICES: 50c, $I.OO, $1,50, $2.00 DREvSS GOODS SALE AT MEEKERS The Largest and Most Successful Sale of the Fall Season LOOK FOR THE GREEN TICKETS BLACK DRESS GOODS $1.75 FANCY BLACK MELUOSE. 45-Inch: sale $1.10 J2.25 PLAIN I)LACK WOOLEN TAFFETAS, 4G-Inch; sale, yard..$l.rH $1.50 FANCY EMBROIDERED BLACK PANAMAS. 44-Iuch; sale.. 91.15 $1.25 PLAIN BLACK BASTISTE. 44-lnch; sale OOc $2.00 FANCY SILK AND WOOL TUSSII CARINA, 44-lnch; sale ?t.liO FANCY GREY SUITINGS $1.25 fancy all wool grey novelty Suiting; 42-inch . . . . . 83c Fancy olive Zluallne, all wool; 42-inch 1 83c . COAT FLANNEL 3G-inch all wool Clonk lannel for children's coats; sold ovorywhoro for 05c and 75c; on salo ut, yard . 30c LADIES' NOVELTY SUIT PATTERNS 10 Ladles' Suit Patterns; tho season's latest values to $3.50 yard; no two patterns alike; 5 and G yds. to tho patterns; prices $1.11) to $2.-10 FANCY SILKS LESS THAN COST G5c Silk Popllu, lavender, pink, roso, light blue, peach shades; n clean-up price of, por yard , tiSc v"tte 1 arSp"-3 McCall Patttrnj Noj. 4233-42:: Price, 15 ctnts each LADIES' COSTUME PLAIN DRESS LINENS 3G-lnch plain Natural Dross Linen; sale, ynrd.tOc SERPENTINE CREPES Klntotm Cropos; all shndes, also plain whlto, lilnek nml whlto striped; regular 20c; sale, per yard 13c Cotton Matiutosottes and Voiles; regular 25c goods; sale, per, yard IKe Whlto hnlrllno Suitings; sorges; regular $1.25 values; per yard . , HOo PLAIN RAJAH SILKS Big assortment of Hajah Silks for wlsts; every shade; rekular price 6Bc yard; on sale, por yard , 35c (Washable goods.) White cotton goods at loss than cost, goods that you wear the season through. Indian lawns, piques, madras, Persian lawns, evory Item has a green ticket and tho prlco will bo a wonder to you. 12 India ltwns , 8 l-3c 20c India Lawns Ill i-i!c 25c Lawns it i lKc WHITE 'MOHAIR SUITING Just tho thing for ovonlng and fall wear; G5c values; salo, por ynrd .30c SILK FOULARDS A Tow Silk Foulard Dress Pattorns left; regu lar $1.00 yard; to closo out, por yard WJc ZEPHYR GINGHAMS A good assortment of Zephyr Ginghams; 30 and 3ti-liich; usually sold at 25c and 35c; alt Included In ono bunch, por yard, .,,..,.. .lOc PREMIUM WITH EVERY $10.00 PURCHASE PREMIUM WITH EVERY $10.00 PURCHASE