-1"' a ' 12 ' l P2CGB POUK UEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OKKOOyriTUSniAV, S13PrF,MHT3R Mv 10! 1. MEDFORD MAIL tribune Itfati T " i ',-; AN tKDEPKNDBKT Ni:W8I'APEn PU11M8HKU KVKtir AITBUNOON EXCEPT HUNDAV, 1IY ffUE MEDrOHD PUINTJNU CO. The Democratic Time. The Medford Mftll, The sicaroru xnouno, ino mum em Oregonian, The Ashland Tribune. Office Mull Tribune nulldlnir. 38-JT-39 North Kir street; phone. Main 1021, Homo To. QEOHOE PUTNAM, Editor and Manager ICntercd as second-class matter at lied ford. Oregon, under tho not of March I, U7. Offlclnt Paper of the City of Medford Official Paper of JacJcion County. .. ... f'rjr .ov BUBBORITTIOlf BATSE. Ono year, by mall . On mrtnlh. hr mftll Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford. Jacksonville and Cen tral Point Saturday only, by mall, per year.. Weekly, per year .80 2.00 i.eo iwonn oxH.cinft.Txo-. Dallv average for six month ending December SI, 1I0, 2721. Foil eaced Wire TTnlttA Fie Dispatches. The Mall Trlbuno Is on sale at the Ferry New Htana, n i-tjuicibcu. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland. Ore. YP. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. I i JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown Tho sun of Joy has como to chaso Tho gloom ot clouds ami rain, And things look brighter now that Mutt and Joff arc homo again. C.. Billy Sunday has been restrained from soiling stock In his revival services at Wichita. Kansas. There Is. ono town that won't take much stock In litres. Tho Mooso are to have a mlnstrol show. Hero's a chanco to play the moose horn in tho orchestra. A fund of browcry workers has been started In Cincinnati. Sort ol a slush fund. After putting a bay window on bis hotel a Washington man has named It "The Tan." Aviator Fowler probably ran afoul a few newspaper puffs. There never, was n hall storm but monies fellow,, remembered .when the stones "ywctc as large as ben's eggs. A Portland man complains because his wife threw a contcloupo and two silver dollars at him. Some people don't know good fortune when it Is thrown In their faces. Tho bread trust at Kansas City evidently bel lores that a half loaf is better than a whole ono if they can ellp it across at tho same price. 'Because ho stood in front of New York's Fifth avenue palaces and pray ed for the inmates John Palastok was arrested. His act was evidently so useless ns to be criminal. A Lost Oration. (Apologies to N'ecius NItt.) Jonathan Jupp of Jaguar Station Resolved ono day to startle tho na tlon, And so lie wrote out a lengthy ora tlon Bout Taft and King Georco and eternal salvation. 'Kn a little of Plnchot and bis con servatlon. Ho turned lots ot light on things that wcro dark. Llko pleadln' for lamps in the village hall park. 'En dlggln' up facks in tho life of Champ Clark; When ho throw in some wit for to giro it a spark Thoy wero Jokes that came down from tho tlmo of tho ark. Ho told 'em j-Ight plain what he thought of divorce And cited old Astor and Madelino Force, And dancin' ho held, as a matter of courxo, Was a sin Jest like swearln' or bcat- . in' a horso And a fellor what did it must suffer ", romorse. Jonathan Jupp now in sorrow de clares Ho'o through with oratln' and puttln' on' nlra "My speech wns as good as is writ nnywhorea, Hut gold ding a vlllago whore no body enres I won't speak agalu to a hall full of chairs." . RATE MAKING AND THE OREGONIAN. SAYS (he Portland Orcgoiiiim: "The MecUord Mail Tribune ought to bo happy. It has siu'ooedcd in in veigling Tho Oregonian into a discussion of its fantastic and impossible scheme Tor railway-rate regulation through the initiative with much consequent tree advertising for tho Medford paper." The Oregonian evidently labors under the hallucina tion so frequently a symptom of swelled head, that merely to be mentioned by it confers joy untold. It, is admitted, however, that The Oregonian's arguments arc apt to be mirth producers. This dispenser of happiness suffers also from another delusion that it has discussed railway rate regulation through the initiative. It has belittled it and derided it, as it lias the initiative, the direct primary and all forms of popular government, but it has not answered any of the arguments why a bill carefully prepared, providing equal rates for all, should not become the law o' the land. The Oregonian says that the Mail Tribune "inveigled" it into a discusion oflawful rate making. Tho Oregonian "butted in" on its own account, in behalf of the Portland jobbers and the railroad, and attempted to belittle tho law which Medford is striving to uphold. "It makes no difference to the Mail Tribune" contin ues the Oregonian, "of course, that the enterprising and entirely sane people of Medford are likewise being widely advertised as being behind an absurd and preposterous proposal, for railway rate-making by the initiative is the very last word in legislative dementia. The people of Med ford can of course approve no such thing. That t raff ice bureau must either be a myth or a joke." It might interest the father of .io to know that the peo ple of Medford arc behind this move that the commercial club, merchants association and traffic, buerau have all ap proved it and are all squarely back of the effort to secure rate reform. The "entirely sane people of Medford" who do not approve of this "preposterous proposal" consist principally of Judge Colvig, attorney for the Southern Pa cific. Regarding the Mail Tribune's protest over the unlaw ful action of the state railroad commission in holding a se cret conference with the Washington commission and agreeing upon a joint schedule of rates, the mirth maker remarks: "Ail this outright idiocy. If there is the slightest sense in or validity to this extraordinary assumption that the states have no right to confer through their delegations or commissions, the House of Governors, in session in New Jersey, is a conspiring board of traitors, the Pacific High way Commission a company of outlaws and the legislatures of Oregon and Washington, which passed uniform fish laws, a both" two bodies of enemies of their country." The comparison is not good. The conferences named do tuoiliiure any. authority. JJhcjrailroad commission liowevcr lias full authority. It combines judicial and legislative powers, and when it acts, vitally effects the welfare of the entire region. And when such procedure is secret, and not according to law, protest is justified. In brief, the perfectly legal attempt made by Medford to secure equitable rate adjustment is labeled by the Ore gonian as "absurd," "preposterous," "dementia," "idi ocy," while the admittedly unlawful fixing of rates by the state railroad commission in secrot session with the Wash ington commission is upheld as lawful, and approved. The Oregonian deceives no one except itself. It can not make the public believe that violation of law is lawful and that the administration of the law is dementia. Its ignorance and malice can onlyn'ebound to its own discredit, and the good sense of the public will in no wise be pervert ed by the utterance of inanity. GRIFFIN PROVES COMPLETE ABL Local Charged With Robhery Of Jewelry Store Man Furnishes Evi dence That, Ho Was In California On That Date. ANOTHER GHOST SCARES GRANTS PASS. WITH EMBEZZLEMENT Wednesday R. II. Brndfilinw Kworo out ii wnrrnnt J'or (ho iwro4 WILL Grants Pass be represented at the rate congress called for Salem, September 28? It is hardly probable. Why? Is it not to Grants Pass interest to secure equit able railroad rates? Is it not essential for the future wel fare of the city that rate discriminations against Southern Oregon cease? It is but it might offend the Southern Pacific. Can Grants Pass or any other interior town hope to amount to anything commercially without a revision of rates that will permit the establishment of industries that mean the development of resources? It can not but the agitation to secure the revision might ofiend the Southern Pacific. In Southern Oregon and Rogue River valley all the ingredients of cement abound in extensive quantities, there are great fields of coal, immense quarries of lime, marble, granite, great forests whose waste would supply paper mills a score of resources whose develop ment spells population, industry and wealth all dormant for lack of reasonable transportation rates. According to the Courier, the Southern Pacific threat ens to move its terminal from Grants Pass unless it can dictate to the city and the prospects of losing $G0,000 a year payroll has caused a shiver of terror. Why, in pay roll a single mine, a single lumber mill, a single paper mill, a single cement factory, means more anyone of the pos sible industries means vastly more to the life and future of the community than a round house where engines are changed. And then there is the threat that the company will build into the Illinois valley from Merlin instead of Grants Pass. But it will not it will build nothing unless forced by competition. Least of all -will it build to the coast, which would slice in two the exhorbitant rates now collect ed in tho Rogue River valley. Another ghost is evidently scaring Grants Pass. of C, L. Swan, charging embezzlc-j ing to Bradshnw. ment. OijyTuly 7, 1011, Swan, so the wnr rnnt assorts, collected .ffiU for Itrnd shnw from City Ifeoordor Tclfor find neglected to make n proper iiccnunt- Tho warrant is now iu tho hands, of Deputy Sheriff Shoavor nnd will ho Herved within tho next few day. Swan iH thought nt thin timo to ho employed on n ranch in Kljuinih county. J I). J. Griffin, pluvod on liinl charged with tho robhery of Al. J. Ileddy'a jewelry tstuto iu this t.ly on tho evening of July A, i n fno mnu today following (u proving of u eomplolo nlihi for that tiiuht. (!tif fin furnUhod uvhloiu-e "houi.ig that ho was in CuHfomm at the liiui' f the rohhory. Tom Howard who hu len . victeil of the roluVrj, jIUo that Griffin wns not his pal nnl hud nothing to do with the r.hW.v G'if fiu .allows two liotinrablo diolutrgs from the United Statu urmv. Stops Falling Hair Clmrlen Strung (itim-mitroN Pm-lnlnii Sago, tho Ileal llnlr Uemedy. Yon, ran abolish ovory imitlelo of dandruff, you can ntop Itching tu'alp, yoti can prevent hair from thinning or falling out hy um(iii; PARISIAN SAUK, which Ih old on money ktek plan. PAItlSlAN SAUK sunk Into tho roots of tho hair, ami not only dea ttoytf tho mlerotieis that camut hair trunnion, hut furuL'iio!) to tho hair Juxt tho'Ulml of uourhihtuout to nuUo hair grow luxnrliint nml to put llfo ami hoauty Into It, Tho girl with tho Auhitru hair on ovory carton ami lioltlo of PAItlSlAN HACK. I.oolt for It, h Imitation mo ntimnrouit. I.nrK hotllo r0 ccnU at Chat. StuuiK'tt ami UrugglntH ovory w hero, Hnftktmt tor Health Meufortt. Oro., auk v. l!Hl. Till" In to oortlfy Hint nbout November my itnvicli lur wi tnknn with snvtre rittnek of rhouitmtlum which rttitt?ret hor lft nrm iikuU'ju. In fnut It wtxn no nw- lurtilyxrtl Hint Mtio wnn not ublo to innv- liar fine or. but knowliiK of loiiio of Dr. Chow YoutiR'n nmrvUyii8 curvn of lottit ntnmi- UiK en."" of rhoumntlHiu. w itoelilfil to conmilt lilin. In which I mil iihMiftott to iny inmto no tnlMnke, un n rpmwllr nrttt n lip rlnmcil thoy wouKt mitt n Hpg m m . ii'T iut iiiim irrrtimiMii u riioumnuo MTk KS I 1 if MM 7 W iP'li viitlroly tuft hur nm) h ban not hnit g 1, W i .iiv NymptotiiH of rhfutimtlHui ulnoc, ) viticei nrr RviHTtti iii'tii in iimii;u nnJrM rd nml I ilo not tii'nltiUo In Miylm: t 1)0 illevo thojio nfftlatol with rtuuiiimttntn or i.irnlylit will ilo wrll to ooiiouH lr ihow Yuunc, wliox houni In rornr of Tnth .iiot Tront tnt. Mttfonl. Orv Klin. A P. WHIHH U4 "Just Say" It Means Original and Genuine MALTED MILK Ths Food-drink for All Ages. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digejtion. Ddicioiu, invigoratrng and nutritious. Rich milt, malted ptain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. , Take no substitute. AikforHORLICK'S. The Drain on tho Nervous SyBtom. rno.M i:vi: stuai.v Indirect cntiao APPLES FOR EUROPE Wo nro appointed agents for J. 11. THOMAS, C'ovont Onnlen, Lou tlon and Southampton, Kugland, whono charges nro 6 por ct'iit and ti I'niitri nor bur Others arc imitations, jas. lindsay .t son, Ltd., Gin- -j ' j row ana i;uiiibiir;h. Scotlnml, 6 por cent and 10 cents por box. ItAWSON IIOIUN80N. Hull, Kng- lnng. 5 por cout and S couts per box. TliOBA nro tho oldest nnd, largest firms In their respective towns, nnd tholr roforonco no to flnnncln) abil ities can bo hnd at Moil ford National Hank, Mod ford, Oregon. Cash can bu cabled day after salo If required, and !ilj;host market prices guaranteed. Rod 1'acod Men smoking 1)10 CIG ARS talking "HOT AHt" don't always llvo on air, honco our remarks on "Jih'arges. Tho clap-trap about prlvatu sale does not provo romtiuorattvo, except tor sotn; curios of n small until ro. All pollers by prlvato salo liaro to wait j until auct'onn nro over so ns to know what to ask, and In tho casu ot large Jiujiilli.'l. i uu uui'ii KUl lull. For further particulars, address W. N. White (SI Co. 7(1 IMIUJ PIiACK Save Money 11V IIPYING YOPIt MKAT AT TII1J W'KvST MIDK MAItlCK'l' Wo are now polling inont on a nti'lelly hash basin, This plan ineauii Hint wo ran noil to you at a lower into than you huvo boon paying. It's a $avln$ for1 Both of Us You will always find tho best meat at our market, Our aim Is to p'.eam, both In (ttallty ami iiervlco. W est Side Market I.OIUH IIIOII.. Pioprletor Draperies V enrry vrry oontntts Una of ilrniHTloa, I nro curintnit, lUturi'. tta, nml i't nil elnniKK nf tijiholHtnrlnK A IhvIhI mini to look artnr this work pu'lwmvi'ly nml will mIv komI nrvlc in Is posulblti to Kt In ovn I'm InrKi'it cltlvH Weeks & McGowan Co Is an enormous Quantity and should bo understood bj everyone tuosio days. ' Tho oyes may focus properly yet rcqulro so much effort to .perform thclr-'f unctlon"aBto robStho entire body of nerve cnorgy, thus being tho of many of our 1 ail ments and diseases. Como in and let mo explain moro about It. Dr. Riekert Eyesight Specialist.! Over Kentncr's NKW YORK FOR RENT 430-acre Ranch, 300 acres under irrigation, 10 miles from Medford. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. 2tH West Main Street Itoom 101, Klectrlc Uldg. I.AMU IlAllOAINH. Z.uumn K. Juild. f Ttiti'iil. Or'fiiii. Ims fur l tn I hi' fruit. Koritou mid uirnlfn luiul uf miiilh cm DlrKoil thu fnllniriiiK 5 tti'roji, olumi tu Tjlrnl. In mil III 11 llon. ihmllliik' hmiHit mid kihhI hII lrh tsooii. hihk chhIi. JI090 tirio yrtr nt 1 nr iwiit. f 1000 tun yMitrit ut S wr e-nt Tun mltifw. Otdiir nihI Until, t mil frtmi 'I'hIkiiI; hxhiiiIh llirin. hum tuimt lt fr,-t. Itm othvr I to ri til or ttltionic th hlll. ilMrlllni;. a tw MerM elMirttil, iliy uf wnlur, U uti er-. I scrnn nr Tslwnt, nit In utOtlvti lintt. 113 an mem. oiio-llilnl iIumii. Uil- uiit In thrtHi )cwi ut it pr iHnt. In t'rK -rtHif liit, Iwrn. I'tilrkMM hiMH. (totiitt fmlt; irl lTI8. It) mitcii, iwt tu nlrtiirn nHtl frill I lrMt. I.rits. Jiaoo o (icrr. ttillH rr,im Onl.l Mill, nil un.lrr rultliiilhiH ilwilllir. ori'lmrtt. rt IU.8rt. Iuiiiiism lotii In Tl-nL tS BcroH fruit In J-r tuts. nIJln- .TiiTaliiiil. (W tin sttrw. uiiwthlrit (mull. iMtlam.tf nt 4 Mr tnil. 150 Mcrrn uiiliiiproiwl Innd nr Jiirk' nivlll to m-rvit urclmnt, I 111IW fnniv T.ilmit i-rlr,. SSUDO. 151 crn. ono lullrt fimitli nf Tslvnt iB ncrntt vl tu trttlt nml ll'AnJnil mii-k, C ncr l Hllnliiiri: tiinl Jim. tluin Hiilm; isle IhiskiiIhw. btirn Sot 0 tfi; :0 (Hir r, ItJ.ulO il.iwn. l.al tmsn tnjfi, ' 2iQnrrn ttmlVr. i.BOo.onrt f.t of Mmtwr. I mllvM from I.lttl Hut in; prlrc lavuo. otifiiiir.l iiitun t-3 tternx, orclmnl nml nlfalfn, mil f.tr friHii ThIpmI. if wtlil tnKthr. U& in hct'. If mihl In I0-uor Irmitw. 1110 an aero. On lot In town of Tlnt. ISxI32 tft. t s ritotn iiftv tiiiHitiilow. wotHinhnl i: 10 fwl. ynrd, Wfll, Ihii1 lrM nt uul, nrltwi 19U. 1 1200 cwli, Iml.-inou on HIIIB. II cdn cholci' fruit farm, t mite from Th It'll t; 113,000, 17000 cunIi. Inl ine.' In rrl npyniiniln, mich of 1 1000 I pr cent IniprMi. IT iirrr, X iiillvx frnm Tlnt. ji roin tnrcinl nri'lmnl. hIhhiIi! ylM thU yi-r from ir.no to stOO Imixvh, iirlint Ito.uou, -iii- half iluwii leu ncr-K firm llinlwr l ml. iihimIIv fir nml li'inl'K'k. doiiihIIiJiik lik fl.000 mo fn t of haw ttmlMir; prlcw H000 iw low n 20 urn m. 1 milt from Talmt. twrt In toting erriiHnl una ttlfiiirn, 1X23 p-T icri ISO ncrri nrtir the famntm Huncrrnt irelisnl. 100 ors umlur cultlvntlon. ntl four. i, fruit unit rtl fulfil ioiIIkv ilwnlllllK hoiibi', ixirn nml wutpr Unk; only i:s Where to Go Tonight THE ISIS THEATRE rre 1 i 1 1 ' i IIIH IIOPHl.t) IIIMt Kneilnl K'nuiiuemeut nf Wllllnm MnuH'r nml I'lmciiin Ihdl In "Tim IhiughliT of lle." llerii Is lliu eut vtiu have hum - been waiting fur, mMiiothlug out. of tlm oiilluary run of tiuls, ami ono Hint will InteiKst imi as well as glvo you Hoiuttliliig to tulle about for daytt to emtio; full nf est smtiww on all of the linger clr ; eomedv thnt Is real rnmedv. with l - ' a little sIiikIiik ami a blight lot of! ,.., . . ... . .... ..... . . new Junes ami an iiimib or ninny sltuatliiiis, that )ou Just eaii't ; Keep from laughing nt; tlm net: . .... ...... ...... ...t.i. ,i mm nun nun Willi III" MM K rill I- eiiltM tliioiiKhoiit the miilhMt. Thin Is tho not you don't want i.. ...1-.. u..i.. .. iv, mini pw lift. -Also Snilili ami HUN, (teniian ('umetl Inn. Olio IiIk ell fiom xtnil to fin- ihIi, i lie fiiiiiuHlteni whom the whole of the Paelfle nmMt from uoith to ninth U still louHhlm: llllOtll. Ill III.. If yliLwunllllln.. stream "IVK'm VJ-.lt." iii Hnr ih' iui iii 4niiinif nuxi i, frtt; Kood tho ttcpll; TO THE FAIR GROUNDS Oregon State Fair Jj) J. J. J. , ROUND TRIP :SALE DATES: Sept. 9 to Sept. 16 Limit September 20 No stopover allowed All trains will stop at iair grounds 'i !: I. 'i (i 'i :: :: i i i :: 1 I I 'i :: 1 iliv IIIiik liiiimn mill 11100 ciit.li. I GO nens, uhout (i nillps from Mml fnril. niiuiim' tho IiIIIn, II2C0 mi ncrf. 'oiikIi, coiil nnd tlmltnr luml. JH orrf-M, one hloolc, from ths pontnf-fici- nt Ttittnt: iKirilon, fruit mid nlful fii Mill, 12 nrrcit iionrs. fsmlly mulmril v kuikI divi'lllnif homo: 111,000, J4C00 -.it'll iioivn, liulinii'ti on tlmi'. 80 nrrm, nioHlly wiiv llnihir, yrllow uIiik, siio.ooi) fmii, miionu tho IhIIm itnee $2000. I neri'K. 3 mlli-M from Tulfiil. ninotiK I tif foiillilllH, In n IiIhIi hIiiIii of culll , utloii, fruit mid rlilclion runoli, ilwclt Iiik house, etc., 11700. SOUTHERN PACIFIC RY. ,M A. fl. HOSIVIIAUM. RANCHES 2S0 ncres, MS mi nrre, flint stihillvlNlnn 2 nuros I'erry siilnllvlitlon, ensy torum, IS acres; closo In; licuullful vlnw; flnr hoii; fZBO ncrit; vnry tany turins. I 1-2 acres, beurliiK aruhnrd; wutnr rlcht; Mlnrti; nlso li-nnn on Kent pun- turn nml liny latui; na or triulo. TRADE I 1-2 nrros, l-inoin house, fOSO ICO iicrt'H In Wild county, Colorado, trndi for ranch here 160 ficron, 1 1-2 mlh'H from town la Wil lamette vii Hoy, rich hot loin mid up land, 100 acres cultivated, kooi! lm provoumnts, II2S ucrn, fncctno property, runtnls, I2S monthly, tiilm kooiI ucrniKt'. 10 ucren, 18 In piiirit, olosa In fine build Imr site and vluw. lOO-ncro slock mid ulfnlfn ranch; ICO acres tllhitdo; under ditch; f 76 pur acre; tnlio Incoina property. 120 iicrcn raw land; all firm fruit land take uny Rood pronorty. 10 iicroH, tllluhlu; 12000; take town prop erty 10 narcs, clouted; take residence In Inula. 10 acres Dcnr Creek bottom for Dakntuh land. 10 imres, I'allsadc, Cullfnrnln In nrcluird, tako dairy or stock ranch and city properly. Income property, Twin Kails, Idaho, for i;ooil ucrciiKO, WANTED G cnriKuitnrH, IIoIhIIiik OliKliienr., ' irls for Kenoral housework, flty snil ranch property t IUt. Ciitlnff inoti, liox fuetory, $3,00, Tn II eulorr moil, $2 CO, Hackers, $2,7C, UGO Theatre TOrriOUT'Jl HUIIJIIOT Tlie llext .Million Pictures anil .Miule Cliniigu of program Tuesday, IVI- day nnd .Sunday He nml I He SIIICltl.OCK IIOI..MIW, Jit. TIIK S.Ml'tJCl.KltS. a nun uiiti.'H iiicMtr. (A I'eaturo Pllm.) Rock Spring Goal OH HAITI) AM. TK TIMB. OffU-w mill Oml Ynnl. .Tnelftli ntw I'roiU Htteota. IMione 7101. Burbidge rnn coax, mam PLUMBING HTKAM AM) HOT WATKIt in: ATI. NO All Work Oimranto! Prices HeasonBtjln 2A HtiMiint lllot k, Knlroc on nth Hlrrft. Coffcen & Price Pacific tlOill Home l A' Full Line of School Books and School Sup- j plies at The Merrivold Shop IJU WKKT MAIN T. ', E. F. I. BITTNER t tr t ook ati VUtPVM BTJH.DIWQ Kodaks The most beautiful time of the year Better have one , with you on that trip Medford Book Store v. f ' k V u Sjtll'APrtM utw V mmmmiiiM ,., tttrfi,iki tm .t -a. , .. mmmmsmgmmmmm. i f V i!?'t B.vVytniy-j S.tixS tt -- '--j l.'JIXl .JUt . w -j t'.i i.. . VfJ'l. rlJJJ t .. . 1 1 . lfcW A. ft W" JJji