'41 ', -3 L i PAGE TWO MEDFORD ttATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, QKKaONIWKm)AKlfiPTMMnMK M, 11 1. swpmiiled SUFFERING SISTER Trtod For murdering Companion To Whom They 'Administered' Chloro form tTr Ease Her Dying Mo-ments; .KfSSIMMB. Sept. 11. Sister SonnTnnd Brother Oillclto, oL the Shnktr colony hcrv, vcro arrniKiicd todnyjjjpfore Jmlge G, 11., Purker on jl7oj charRa o having murdered SN tor Sn'dfo Mnrchnnt lo relievo her of Huffurinjj from tuberculosis. Oillclto was released on $3000 bnil nnd Mis Senrs on $--'O0O. Tho Sjiakers greeted tlio defend nuts affectionately after liiivinj; pro vidcd the bnil for them. Gillette snid: , , Before God and innu we did ex actly right. Sister Sndio always longed to die peacefully and without pain. On August 20 the climax pnino. One lung wns destroyed, hemorrhages began and we knew she could not live. That night, in awful agony, she begged us time and again to kill, her, saying: 'I'm at peace withiGod and all on earth and I am ready to go.' 4,Yb -tried to relieve her with 'opiates, but she could not keep them on ,hcr stomach. Tuesday uoou she grew worse and I went to St. Cloud and got- two ounces of chloroform. We ndmmistcred it on a cloth and she slept peacefully. I secured an other dose for kjer when she pass?d the effect tot the first. I pivc her more and she passed out quietly. "My conscience is clear. Every time I gave her chloroform I asked her if she didn't want to wait and try to fight but she begged me to give her the drug. She wanted us to do as we did." BORAH TO CUT OFF GOLD OF LAME DUCKS STATE .OF SEIGF ATBALBOASPAI Five Thousand Troops Patrol City As Result Of Strike Bridge Dy namited and Riots of Frequent Occurrence. ELECTION ODDS ON RECIPROCITY Much Money Being Wagered in Can ada Upon Election Majority Think Lauricr Will Be Returned To Power. BALHOA, Spain, Sept. 11. Owing to the soriousucss of the strike here, a slate of siege has been proclaimed and 5,000 troops to reinforce the force already bere nro en mute to day from nearby garrisons. The street railways have stopped business houses closed their door and the commercial activities are ai a standstill. Strikers and troops have elaicd numbers of times and the troop? have fired into the mobs. In one encounter two rioters were killed. A railrund bridge near Owiedo was dynamied by striking coal miners to prevent, the transportation or coal from a mine where the men refined to, strike. BOISE, Idaho, Sept. 14. -ITnt on the trail of the "IamcduekV of Taft's administration and determined to drain tho golden pond for lame ducks dry, Senator Borah of. Idaho, today is hard at work on a bill that he will introduce in congress at its next session barring defeated sena tors and representatives from 4he federal crbi. "It's scandalous," said Borah, "bow these men have been taken care of by federal appoimive jobs. I believe the people are getting tired of such a policy. I know I am. If my bill passes it will prohibit ap pointment of any lnmeducks to a federal job. We must get more competent officials then." FAST CURE DOCTOR SAVED BY QUIBBLE TORT ORCHARD, Wn Sept. 13. Dr. Linda Burfleld Hazzard, the fast cure specialist, may never have to stand trial on tbo charge of murder in the first degreo for the death of Miss Claire Williamson, an English woman who took her treatment. A demurrer to the information filed by the statu waa sustained by Judge Myers, because tho character and quantity of food withheld from the deceased, and the lack of which is said to, hayo caused tho death, was not specifically described. Prosecu tor Stevenson frankly admits the dif ficulty of making so specific a description. REV. BELKNAP LEAVES FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE Tlev. L. F. Belknap leaves Monday for the annual Methodist conference at Salem. The matter of appoint ments comes up at this conference which opens Wednesday and friends of tho local minister are hoping that he will be returned to bis Med ford charge. During tho two years that Itev. Hulkimp has been in Med ford the church -has more tlmn doubled and has enjoyed prosperity in many ways HJiould the conference decide that his labors are needed in other fields the eiitiro congregation will mits lim. , SILVER LAKE LAND h ', OPENJED FOR ENTRY WASHINGTON, Sept. 34.Upon ihu petition of numerous residents of Lake county, endorsed by Sena tor Dourne, the secretary of to iu-Wu-iorins designated as subject Jo entry undqr tho Enlarged Homestead At lands in townships 20 nlid 27 soutji,' ranges lf, JO and 1 entf iin.fl township 28 With, range Hi .ciifct, Lake couijly, Oregon. This land is 'about 12 miles north of Sil ver liike, Tho list of jaud" desig nated wil Jio filed in tho Iniul office at Lukeviow. EIGHT GOVERNORS GO EAST UPON SPECIAL ST. PAUL. Minn.' Sept. 13 Eight western governors next month will go on a special train carrying agri cultural exhibits of their respective states to Chicago and New York nuiul then back to St. Paul, making stop; enroute, according to plans announced here today. The governors planning to make the trip are s.atd to be West of Or egon, Hay of Washington, Hawley of Idaho, Norris of Montana, Johnson of California, Eberbart of Minne sota, Burke of North Dakota and Vessey of South Dakota. CHILD MURDERER! r . , GIVEN LIFE TERM . MAqiSOX, Wis.. Sept, 14. John A. Johnson, tho self-confesed mur derer of Annie Lemberger, whose body he threw. Into. a lake, today be ban his lite term sentence at the Waupun penlteltiary. For fear that tho agitated popu lace would take the law into their own hands if they know of the pres ence of the murderer here, the pro ceedings wero conducted with the ut most secrecy and expedition and tho prisoner was shjskcdaway. In an au tomobile on his Journey to the pjace of his confinement before the resi dents here knew that lie. had con fessed. , ,. ., . WESTERN OREGON MILLS FORMING BIG MERGER PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 13. Ne gotiations looking toward the merg ing of all tide water saw mills in Westeni Oregon into one company i proceeding today in secret. Abon 25 millmen attended a din ner nt tbo Commercial Club, where an executive meeting wns called by the promoters of the proposed com '" I i -.I--- in ; Jt is admitted that, .further, meet iugs will bo necessary before the consolidation .is .affected as-Ta num. her uf raijlmcn are not prepared to join thp merger, which appears to many ns a scheme to create a mo nojMly in tho lumber business in Or tffon. ,. , t-uioAUW uwy a tew pcruojis saw Gertrude Ho fin an and her bare legged Russian dancers hero Inst night becrusc ticket scalpers bad a cornei on the choice scats and put tho prices so high that patrons re belled and declined to.ntend. Freckles GQne, "hJinpIn I tenuity from tf Ileniovcd Tliem," Says Koclcty Lady, "The best skin specialist told me that nothing would remqve my freck les and that I would carry them to my grave," said a well known soclo- tv wrimim "lint T fnnll thmn nil with a now drug, othlne double strength, that I bought at my drug dint's, which cleared my skin and pave one a flno complexion." Tho uetlon of othlno.ls really re markable, for when applied at night. many of tho freckles disappear, en tirely by morning, and the rest havo begun to fade. An ounco Is usually all that is needed, even for the.wowt case Ue sure to ask your druggist for thotdoublo (strength othlne, .as this Is' spld under a guarauteo of money hack if it falls to removo the freck les. Yt OTTAWA, Opt., Sept. H. That Sir Wlllfrld l.aurler'a government bo returned to power in tho coming Ca nndian elections with an unmistak able mnndate to at once conclude a reciprocity treaty with the United States is an odds on bet here today. Much money Is being wagorcd and tho liberals, believing Laurler sure to wm, are. placing their mono without hesitation, while tho conservatives, even though asking odds, aro back ing their opinion that Laurler will be beaten. In the last house of commons the liberals had a majority, of 45 and Premier Laurler expects tho majority will be at least as largo in tho new parliament. ..,, PINCHOT RETURNS FROM ALASKA COAL FIELDS ''SEWARD, Alaska, Sept Jj. Gifford Pinchot returned here today from the coal fields. He, bail n fipe trip and was favorably ( impressed with tho country. He, encountered several severe tortus. Tonight be addresses a mass meeting. Senator Poindcxtec h in the Mutu nuskh coal fields. The Holms of the fjititvl SlnU bureau of .mines,, left vhaHo. Admit til Sampson today for Seattle. lop IFUFRIIICKi HtonM PKN'IHjUTOX, Oio., Hop!. VI.-.. Pendleton's, second annual round. ip the only frontier show given i the Pacific slope, Jiegun hero today, wlh several score covvbovs entered ii the various contests, which luojudc horse breaking, race- and roping. Thousand's are, in the city., Tnir toon siweinj train trout variins Northwestern cities arrived luday. The round-up will end September 18. .... . ... . MoNAMARA MUST STAND . JRIAL AT LOS ANGELES TT LQS ANCIKLKS, VaU M tKkv John .1. MoNuiuunv nnist, stand Irlul in Iais Auueles mi the indlctmeu charging him with dyuamilmg and inuttloi' in ciipiiutfUoii with the tie xt met ion of Ihu Times building. l-'ollowiug the notion of Judge Hold well in denying McNaninru's reuuest that ho be tried in ludiaimpoliH, fivtn which city hu avers ho was kid. pupped to bo brought to l.os Ango. les, dufuuso iittorucys today utated there would bo no appeal in thu en ho to the supreme court until after the prisoner has had his trial, llaaktnn for Health. ? BVuB Heafjquar For tcrs "T r dinff'n .'- CUT GLASS Trust this store to bo al ways prepared to fill your.jcitt glasa wants. Wo'ro showing an unusually fine assortment of r.ut glass now many rich, sparkling pieces tjiat are truly beautiful to behold and yet reasonably priced. If you're thinking of cut glass, cqmq and inspect our line. Cut Glass For Brides If t hero's a wedding present to be bought soon, wo call your nttontlon to our flno showing of beautiful, rich cut glaBa We havo a suitable gift hero at 'most any price you enro to pay. ' - FIXi: WATCH ASU JKWRLHY ItlH'AIUIN'O. DIAMOXlf dKTTTlXd AXI KX OHAUXCJ. MARTIN J. REt)DY Tlio Juwelcr. XcarJ'iMtofflrc, HuaklDs lor Health. I! Squibb s Spices t. , v Give Best Results in Pickling, Fruit -tlfl Aboslutely Pure Exceptionally Strong Economical to Use MEDFORD PHARMACY "neah post office. , i WIOXE NfcilT OH HAY MAIN 101. TKe New Fall Styles are III. I , Mere it I 4 1 in Ab hi un dance T . !,. U l A- . .1 HE .showing! of new fall-merchandise is. now most intferesting; all is crisp fresh, new Japt pare!;. Really you must see Ahrens. showing. It is the best .ever brought .to, Medford. Our merchandise is right, our prices dire right. We court comparison. We- are really too busy id attempt to describe the new apparel here, could ' not- do them justice, but come, see for yourself; never too busy to show yoii" :- : : : : . :: ,1 .Vv M New Tailored Suits. .... . $45:0,9 .to. $65.00?. New Long Coats $10.00 to $75.00 , , . . New Millinery, Newurs. , ,' :it-; . v New Waists, and Skirts , . .. - New Furnishings - , , , . .. . . -.. -------. -..,. . . ...n.,,iMWHrtW ' .' .ANNOUNCEMENT HOTEL MEDFORD OIMON" KOU. INSPMHMOiN MUNDAT, SIOPT. 17 hVom 2 lo ( oVloelc and vS to 10 ). in. Til 10 VUHl'ilO OOUDlAMiY INVITKD. WILL W OIMON KOIt DUSINIOSS TU10SDAV, SIOPTIOiMHlOU. IUtl. Wifh n .HANQU10T nt 7 p. in. StMila fan bo lVMorvod on and aHoi' Tluirmlny, Sop tumbor Milt, ai llio .llotol Alooro. RAUMOHROO. -..rrnn-err- CAPITAL STOCK - $100,000.00 SURPLUS and PKOFITS $33 OOO.OO 3. i.L WA 3 J $ $ $ CO- The Medford National Bank vV CO- v UNITED STATliS POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY HAKK DHl'OHIT 1IOXICS 1X)H HUNT. W. X. (tOUU, yrenldtnt. 3. a. rrxnr, vtci rr.. jomk h. ohtk, oaiuur. r. b. mkruiok, vii rro. vr. b. jaokuon, . onier. to 4i D -V.' 1) t'i .' -7. Ms U V; 7.' n n yjyit'yyil!pypp.p.iir "yix (Kir New Location The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company is now lo cated in the College Block on N. Grape Street j Southern Oregon Electric Co. j t Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on hand at all times to loan on improved ranchos and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-C0REY BLDG. f Mmjk . jrt . i Sportsmen Snvo your trophlen thin yonr. Thorn will lio iiono to nvn In it few yrnrn. Tills cut nliown whon to cut Urn hKIii. Novur cut tho front of n. door's nock. Cull nt IIuitii1iroy's dun Htoro nml cot pnniililut (rcn, tollliic how lo navo Kiuiio licnilH, lilrilH nml iiklun for niRii, iiuhllHliod by F. W. BARTLETT Tiuldft-inHt Mi'tlfiinl, ()nKini For Sale 640 acres foothill fruit land, 10 miles from , railroad station; $15 per acre on 10 years' time. One tenth cash, one-tenth each year for 10 years. Interest on deferred payments. Big gest bargains ever offered. Gold Ray Realty Co. SJIH AVt Rtitln Hlroet Itooui 101, lCliuli'lo Mlilc. w . . f