' P2TGESIX f r ACEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKCION, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 32, 1911'. PIONEERS HAVE SPLENDID MEET Over 250 Members of Pioneer Fam ilies Meet at Ashland In Annual ..Reunion Nothing Was Lacking to Make Meeting a Great Success. Nothing wns Inckinp to nmkc the annual reunion of the southern Oro imn uiontcrs nnd nntive sons nnd, THINK KALI IS NOW IN GOTHAM Newspaper Tells Of His Arrival There New York Pollco Are No tified and Absconding King of Local Greeks May Be Apprehended Through n newspnper received hv a local Greek from New York it is be lieved that Chris Kail, erstwhile daughters which was recently held at "kins" of the Greeks in Medford who Ashland' a success, says the Tiding Alin.it QfiO pnthercd in this city, where they met n war mrecention. Addresses in the morning, followed by a delicious dinner that taxed the appetites even of the old settlers, and reminiscences in the nflemoon made Iho day complete. G. W. Dunn presided at tue exer cises in tho morning and Hev. 11. .. Van Fossen pronounced the invoca tion. This was followed by an in Klnicnicntnl solo by Miss Norma Minkler. Jliss Slinkier was peculiar ly qualified for this office, not only because of her musical ability but because she enjoys the distinction of being Krcat-granddnughtcr of Wil liam Hoffman, one of tho cnrlicit nioneers. Sho is a cranddauchter of Mr. and Sirs. M. H. V'""K "ml daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. A. Mink ler. Rev. Mr. Tnn Fossen rend "Bene dict Arnold," a masterpiece which was particularly adapted to the oc casion, nnd wns followed by Rev. Robert McLean of Grants Pass, the orator of the day. In addition to be ing ono of the oldest active ministers, in Southern Oregon, Mr. McLean is an able orator, as he demonstrated Tuesday. He gave a fascinating nd drcss, which was greatly enjoyed and highly complimented. Tim chnirmnn then rend some in teresting Indian War reminiscences liv A. G. Rockfellow. The lntter oc cupied a place on the platform dur inn- li rendinc of these reminis cences, sittint in an historic old nlinir tlint was ft century old. Miss Nellie Gilbert gave a vocal solo ac companied by Miss Lottie Crews After this all adjourned from the Tabernaclo to the G. A. R. Hall, where a sumptuous dinner was served. Tho ladies who contributed tho dishes were the kind that "know how" nnd everything was done to a turn. Tho dinner included chicken pies with nil the trimmings nnd side dishes, topped off with a variety of fruits, watermelous, mineral waters, cako and ice crenm. The hall was beautifully decorated. Tho sides of the room were banked with flowers and wheat and com were twined nbout the pillnrs. A feature of tho afternoon session was the reading of meorials by F. D. Wagner. Those who have passed away during tho past year are as fol lows : Sarah Ann Chapman, who died Juno 25, 1911, aged 05. Chnrles K. Klum, who died April 25. 1911. John P. Wnlkcr, who died Febru ary 10- 1911. ' Jacob Thompson, who died Febru ary 5, 1911. America E. Thompson, woh died November 20, 1910. E. E. Gore, who died November 21, 1910, aged 80 years. Dnniel P. Brittsan. who died March 11. 1910. Tho afternoon session wns held in G. A. R. hall. Following tho read ing of tho memorials, W. J. Dean of Talent read Mr. Rockfellow's poem entitled "Tho Trail." The remainder of tho afternoon wns then devoted to reminiscencing" led by E. K. An dorson. skepped out recently with a goodly amount of Greek coin, ha been lo cated m uotuam. 'ino newspaper mentions Kail as a recent arrival from the West. Icnl authorities have communi cated with the New York police de partment nnd it may be that Kail will be found and held. It is said that the man is wanted in n number of Western cities for alleged .Miarp practice and petty swindling. HIS TONTNAME WAS NO GOOD R. W. Swelyn Tait, Is In Durance Vile, AH Because That Fancy Coq nomen Was No Good On a Check Doc Ryan Is Stung. DIVIDE ALASKA m m III TERRITOfitES " i i CATANIA, Sicily, Sept. 12. Ml. Congressman Sulr Would Give Aetna, tho-volcano which devastud Country Home RuleDenounces Mcssinla and Hcggio, causing a loss Conservation and Government hmAK ' " i '; t today nnd refugees Irom air tho Leasing Of Coal Lands. farms and ii!ages on its slopes arc flocking here for Mitoty. ureal eruptions trom tho mam crater, three lesser orators and 1I fissures are constantly increasing hi violence. The air is filled with ashes nnd the lava is flowing in immense streams down the mountain side. R. W. Swelyn Tint in spite of his name, is indurancc vile, lie wns juged Mndny afternoon charged with giving checks which are no good. Doc Ryan is the party who was stung. Mr. R. W. etc. Tnit is secoond cook in a local restaurant- On Au gust 4 he is said to have passed two checks which were returned as val ueless. One wns for $5 nnd tho oth er for 3. Doc Ryan soon discovered that the paper was worthless and he called on Tait to mako good. Tait has since failed to do so and yester day grew sarcastic over it. So he was locked up. The case will bo heard this after noon in the Justice court. ASHLAND ROAD WORKERS NAMED Men Are Appointed To Work With Medford Fcr the Passage of Good Road Bond Issue Will Be Here September 20. SEATTLE, Wn." Sept. 12,-Con-gressman William Sulxcr, chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, who has just returned from Alaska, at a banquet at tho Arctic Chili spoke in favor of homo rule foi Alaska and a government owned rail road there. He declared itgainst tin leasing ..ystem in the following lan guage. "I do not want to see government ownership for coal lands, but 1 would a hundred times rather have government ownership than have the leading system fastened on us." bulzcr's plans for homo govern ment, undertakes n division of Alas ka into three territories, south east em, south western and northerr Alaska, each of which, owiuir to e- ographicnl conditions has nothing :i, common with the others. He predict ed that in the next 50 years, the beef supply for the United States' Canada and Mexico would como from touth western Alaska. Speaking for the majority in the house Sulxer promised to give Alaska fair treatment. He denounced the Controller Bay episode as "the most dastardly attack ever made on a president." He rebuked Gifford Phi chot nnd other conservationists who "started a rumpus" nbout a purport cd monopoly by 11,100 locators wh sought to secure 30.000 acres. Sul zer claims that even if they got thi. it would bo but a drop m tho bucket ns "there are 21,000,000 acres of coal bearing area in the Bering River and Mnntnniiskn districts." MRS. EVERHARD'S FEDERATION LEADERS LEAVE COAST FOR HOME EFFORT TO FIND JEFFRIES IN ALASKA A FAILURE LOS ANGELES, Cal., Sept. 12.--With his mother far from being out of danger, all efforts to ocato Jas. J. Jeffries, former champion heavy weight pugilist who with his brother is hunting somewhere in the Keuaim mountains in Ahiskn, have failed. Advices received from Suward today Mate htat Fred Lanbiier, tho Kfout sent out to notify tho Jeffries broth ers of their mother's illnesB, has abandoned tho search. It is feared that (he failure to find her f-ons may have u bad effect on Mrs. Jeffries, HIVES AND PRICKLY HEAT RELIEVED FREE Thorn nro no conditions attached to this offer. If you aro Buffering with hives, prlckley heat, Insect bites or any other skin affliction, wo want yon to accont with our compliments a frco bottlo of 7.EMO, tho clean li quid romody for oczoma, and all dis eases of tho skin nnd scalp, This free bottlo is not full size, but It is largo enough to show you tho wonderful lieullng und soothing effects of XKMO. Call today for your aamplo bottlo of ZBMO at the Hosklns Drug Storo. C i, The following committee hns been appointed by tho Ashland Commer cial club to act with the committee recently appointed by the Medford Commercial club to work for the pas sago of tho bond issue for tho pur pose of constructing better high ways in the county; C. B. Lambkin, chairman; J. A. Harvey, C. L. Young C. L. Cunninghum, A. W. Silsby. This committee is to meet soon with the local committee and the two committees will then get together on campaign work. The Ashland club is planning for a large delegation to Medford on September 20 or what ever date Samuel Hill is to bo in Med ford. LOS ANGELES, Cal.' Sept. 12.--Following a conference with Sam uel Gompers, president of the Ainer ienn Federation of Labor, J. W. Kline, international president of the blacksmiths; J. A. Franklin, presi dent of the boilermnkers; J. D. Buck alew, vice president of the machin ists, nnd SI. F. Ryan, international president of tho enrmens union, de parted for their eastern homes at noon today. Before leaving Kline stated that last night's meeting hnd no relation to the strike situation on the Hnrriman lines further than o explain the matter to the members of the unions involved, should trou ble come. NOISELESS GREETINGS FOR PRESIDENT TAFT PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 12. President Taft's welcome to Portland will bo "hearty, but duly decorous," ncocrdlng to members of tho commit tee having his entertainment In charge hero. There will bo no "rahs-rahH, with tigers" nor shrieking sirens, and 4th of July racket, such as grcoted Col Koosovelt, announced tho committee. Taft will arrive hero October 11, and it is by telegraphic request that the muffler Is to bo put on all nolsemak- lng devices. About the only break in tho pro posed quietude, apparently, will bo tho president's speech at tho armory. MISS NOBODY FROM STARLAND ON FRIDAY On Friday evening at Sfedford Op era House Manager SIcCallum will present for the first time in this city the new musical revue called ".Miss Nobody from Starland" with a most attractive cast, inclosing Olive Vail. This production is ono of Mort II. Singer's latest ventures nnd comes from the Princess theatre, Chicago, where it has enjoyed a most success ful run of one entire season. The play will be in six scenes, ono of them aboard the ocean liner Lusitnnin, an other the stage door of tho Princess theatre, Chicago j if SPOKANE, Wn. To savo them- solves from violating tho law and making the company liable to a glne, tho crew on an eastbound Great Northern freight stopped tho train flxo miles from tho end of their run after thoy had worked continuously for 10 hours, and rested eight hours before resuming tho trip. Husklne for Health. A Warning Word From tho Ilcrpicldo Girl. You are becoming bald. The hair is getting thin on the top of your head and unless you tako my ad vise you will, bofore long, bo as hair less as a croquet ball. Remember, too that chronic baldness Is Incurable. It is all duo to dandruff. I can tell, because you always havo dand ruff flakes on your coat collar. He sides being an Indication of Im pending baldness, It also sugeHts un tidiness. Nowbro's Horlpcldo will kill tho gorm that causes dandruff, checks further acumulatlnn of scarf skin and stops falling hair. You aro not taking any chances when you purchaso Horplcldo and you aro tempting fato when you uho anything else. Horplcldo has thou, sands upon thousands of satisfied usors who testify to its germ destroy ing and hair preserving qualities. Your druggist Is authorized to guarantee ono dollar bIzo bottles, Tho best barbers recommend and use It. Send 10 cents In postago to The Horplcldo Co., Dopt. It., Dotrolt, Mich., for samplo and booklet. MKDKOJtl) PJIAHMAGY, Near Post Oflce, Night or Day, Tho funeral of Mrs. W. II. Kvcr- bind, who was killed last week, when her hroBO was frightened, will be hold from the Into residence at Hull West N'lnth street Wednesday after noon at 'J o'clock, Friends are cordi ally Invited to attend. ed to escape from a United Slates deputy uinrshal und us it result is today suffering from serious injur ies. Lyman bolted away from his cus todian anil jumped ou a street ciir and in so doing struck his foot against the step, breaking a nniulior of Miuill hones and Miiaiiilug Ills an kle, The pain drove Lyuinii to it box pilal, where the iiiiii-hIiiiI again look IiIiii In charge, The prUnuur wmm then IuInimi to (he Ahiuii'dn county jail. Ilnnklns for Moulin. SWINDLINK PROMOTER HURT IN ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE. Nankin for He lth SAN FRANCISCO, Cul, Sept. 12 Dr. John Grant Lyman, a Los An gelcs promoter who was n rested hire last week on n elmrge of making fraudulent use of the mails, attempt- GOOD HOUSKEEPING NEWS VOL 1. Tuesday, Soptember 12. No. 2 NOTK Wo will give under this column, from time to time, hints on the preparation and uo of meat food products that may be used for tho betterment of and economy In your cooking. Union Meat Co. Regarding the Gheapor Guts of Beef Much bettor than wo could tell here and more In detail, Is nn nrtlclo in tho September tsue of tho Undies' Homo Journal, on page S4 on the use of tho cheaper cuts of beef, showing how thoy may bo prepared Into sav ory, appetizing dishes at a saving of one-third to one-half tho coa t of standing rib roasts, slrilon or porter house steaks. Tho suggestions are very practical and every housewife can profit by following tho recipes given therein for the preparation of Steaks Stanloy, Dolled Heof, Cottngo Supper Iteef, Mock Stew, Heof Iloll, etc. Thero Is ono very vital point that thoy do not intuition regarding the selection ut meat and that Is In re gard to making sure that you secure for your protection, only Government Inspected Meat. It Is an winy matter as nil Government Inspected Meats bear tho stamp of the Inspectors n little round, blue stamp on tho akin with tho words "U. S. Government Inspected nnd Passed." This Is Un cle Sam's protective mark. You will find this mark ou every pound of moat lenvlng our plant nnd also In tho center of the circle, out! plant number "138." I.ook for this al ways when buying fresh meat at lo cal butchers and slaughter houpon who kill and sell meat direct to the consumer nro not under Government Inspection and could kill and sell diseased meat. Union Meat Co. p.0j.-- Does This Suit You ii All work guaranteed snltsfactory. If It Is not your money la refunded. All greaso cups kept full nnd all bolts kept tight without ex- i, tra chargo above storage. i j j LONE RED AUTO COMPANY MULKKY & CJIUFFITII, Prop. 110 S. IIAUTIjKIT. & jIUliKHl tiiurriiiti rrup. " .-i. ... . i, fffffffWffWW'""'"w,'"w' Headquarters For CUT GLASS Trust this Btoro to bo al ways prepared to fill your cut glass wants. Wo'ro showing an unusually fine assortment of cut glass now many rich, sparkling pieces that aro truly beautiful to behold and yet reasonably priced. If you're thinking or cut glass, como and Inspect our lino. FINE WATCH AXI .IKWKMtV IlKPAIIMNO. DIAMOND 8KTT1.VG AND KNGKAVIXO. MARTIN J. REDDY Cut Glass For Brides If thoro's a wedding present to bo bought soon, wo call your attention to our fine allowing of beautiful, rich cut glass. Wo havo a sultablo gift hero at 'most any price you care to pay. Tlio Jeweler. Near 1'oibifflcc. TO THE FAIR GROUNDS Oregon $11.15 ROUND TRIP i. 'i SALE DATES: Sept. 9 to Sept. 16 Limit September 20 mmmmmmmmmm t No stopover allowed All trains will stop at fair grounds SOUTHERN PACIFIC RY. A. H. IIOHKXISAUAI. tttt4tt4 BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS HENRY M, MARSH All ordora promptly uttundod to night or tiny. Short and long hauls. Moving hoiiHoholdgoodH u Hpuciulty Union tunmatorB. Office 51 9. Front racITIc 4171 Home 80 Residence Mnln 613 MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. Q. Trowbridgo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilors nnd Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & OO. Jlftl)ii)iJSl)li)jJJ) Our Meat Department Invites your closest inspec tion. It is clean. It is screened. It is sanitary. Sometime take a look at our refrigerators. We have the largest cooling plant in Southern Oregon HMHf4W I Warner, Wortman & Gore 41M444M4t1h-4h44MI4-0-e4m ThAViASk wjiiiv1 KfiT ' ITHOUT the best in groceries your cooking cannot be a success. The good working man never attempts to build with doficiont tools or bad material. Ho is too proud of his work. So with the successful cook. Only the finest groceries can bring satisfaction. We soil that kind, Successful cooks are our best patrons. TAKE FLOUR For instance, WAITSBURG PURE WHITE is tho 'kind that givos complete satisfaction. ALLEN GROCERY CO, 0 0-40 S . O K N T It A h A V 13 . M t ! I A u 11 I I si J S