t PAGE TWO tfEDl?ORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKCION, TUESDAY, SEPTMMBKK 1 .11)11, i t W t & l rv Ul X It f 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Chinese- Bacred Lilies nnd Japanese iilr plant at Broadloy's. Phono B181. VI V. JiodlnBky nnd C. E. Whlslcr left today for n duck minting trip to .thaiKlnmathtcountry. Btoy or rent a Singer to make the ehlldreiu sew school clothes. Phono 1043. 1J1- MIm Marjory Hells ot Portland Is visiting Miss Campbell ot this city Frnnk Hurst has left to hunt in the neighborhood or Mount Pitt. ' At tho Sign ot Ye Nifty. f Archibald V, noddle, who was to teach'KnKllsh literature, elocution and dramatic nrt at tho Medford Con servatory this season, has changed liln plans. In letter, received by Mr Talllandlor yesterday, ho In formed him that ho has accepted a professorship at tho U. ot Q. Sanitary French Dry Cleaning Works.' Lawrenco Rukcs has gono to Sa lem to piny for a week with tho col- lego band at tho stato fair. ThoiW. C. T. U. of Oregon will hold n stato convention In Medford October 5-10. 1911. Walter McCallum has returned from n short business trip north. Refcfciteln sella and saws Wood. 146 James R. Barbour and E. Q. Bur gessi Jr., have left for a short busi ness trip south. See R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Han, over Jackson County bank. Hepry Allen has left for his homo near Iluch after a visit for several days In Medford. Carkla ft Taylor (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Tayjor), attorncy-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Will Duncan, George Sheriffs, "Wesley McKay, Richard alder and George Youug havo returned from a bunting trip on Elk creok. At tho Sign of Yo Nifty, C. R. Lewis of Ashland was a re cent visitor In Medford. Ladles, have your suit made uy the Berlin ladles' Tailoring Co., at Central Point, Or. 173 W. E. Worell of Sam's Valley was a recent visitor in Medford. Sanitary French Dry Cleaning Works. Moso Barkdull is planning an au tomobile trip over tho mountains. Ho intends to hunt , ducks. In the Klamath country Do not overlook this. Tho fish (market will sell of their fresh halibut and ling cod at lc per lb.; salmon, lGc per lb.; spring chickens, special, Jfpc.j creamery bufter 60c a square. Don't overlook our steel cut coffee, 30c per lb. Kipperal salmon fresh evpry day. W. J. King of Beacon Is spending a few days in Medford on business. Leslie Wilson of Talent was a re cent visitor In Medford. Do not overlook this. The Fish Market will sell every day this week halibut and ling cod at 1 cents per lb.; salmon, 15c per lb.; spring chickens 20c per lb.; creamery but ter 30c per lb. Kippered salmon for lunch goodB fresh every day. Mess ier & Kentworthy. 152. In ordpr tq complete their exhibit the commercial club has Issued a call to formers and growers of the Rogue river valloy to bring in their ex hibits of vegetables. Specimens of corn, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, caullflpwcr, cabbage and tomatoes nre sought! Curios and relics, having a historical or antique value to tour ists ,aro also desired for exhibition purposes. Arthur Geary of Griffin creek spent Monday in Medford on business. George Davis has returned from a brief country trip on county busi ness. Harry Adams of Grants Pass spent Tuesday in Medford. Tho rain of tho past two days has delayed paving operations In this city. County Inspector Myers and Pro fessor O'Gnra who havo been plan nlng a trip up Rogtio river to inspect orchards have postponed their trip for n few days, 'Mules wanted. Vo want- to pur chase eight first-class mules. Ad dress care W. S. Brooke, Bear Creek Orchard. Box 263, P. O. US L. K. Rendition of Evans Creek was a recent visitor In Medford, Anyono wishing n thoroughbred collta dog shohld address "Talr Vlew," Jacksonville. f Ciarles Evans, a homesteader of the Sucker creek district, spent Tues day In Medford. All of tho young people's societies In tho city wllhunlte next Fildny ev ening In a monster social. All arc Invited to attend. z Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Heard and daughter Miss Gladys, have returned from an outing In the Klamath coun try. Mrs. M. E. Kellogg has returned from a visit wtth friends nt oGld Hill. Colonel H. H. Sargent has left foi n visit at his former home In Illinois, Monday. His mother Is very 111. J. G. Gore has left for a visit at Salmen where he will take In the state fair, now in progress. Frank Miller has left for Central Point. He is acoempanied by Albert Lawrence. They secured a plaster ing contract. The semi-annual election of officers of tho Christian Endeavor society of tho Presbyterian church held Mon day evening resulted In tho election of Ernest Price, president; Gertrude Trlechler, vice president; Flora Gray, secretary and David Bliss, treasurer. For the great meeting tomorrow night, at Central Point, every one operating an automobile Is Invited to come out with a load of good people to swell tho crowd for a rousing meet ing. Autos leave from tho coinmcr clal club promptly at 7:30 o'clock. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. BOSTON Plap In the national lamateur EQlf. championships began nicrctorfay. ' y v Weeks & NcGowan Co. Pay Phone M71 WgM FbOMi V. W. Weeka 1071. JLUOir, ZtADT ASSISTANT. t-w JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Eiubalmer Successor to tho undertaking de partment of Medford Furnlturo Co. Office. Stf South Bartlett Street Telephones: day, Bell 471; n'Bht irosldonco, Boll 473, Homo 170-L. Calls answered Bight or day AMI1ULANOR SEItVICK fojrrrrrfrrrrrr r PORTLAND, Alleging nbandon ment, Mrs. George Primnwc, wife ol the well known retired minstrel man today filed suit for divorce. Sin nsk for $300 a month alimony, $3, 000 to settle debts incurred since their separation and !?1'00Q for at torney's fees. Mrs. Primrose de clares that Primrose is worth .$."300, 000 nnd has nn nnnunl income of $25,000.' ' Mr. Ilouptmnu, ti Table lloek mor ohant, whs transacting business lieic Monday.- T. J. Ohnra nnd wife ami M. Bow sera and wife hnvo returned from their summer outing at Butte Falls. J. 1). Pauley is uttemlinir tho re union nt Woodyille this week. Boyd. Potter and John Mitchell spent Mon day inAshhuul. Miss Norah Heche, Miss Campbell. S. A. Pattison,' AK'hio Porker weto Medford visitors Monday morning. Miss Maud Lee and Jack Wultc meyer spent Monday afternoon in Ashnud. Mrs. Lnugc, Hugo Lange, Mrs. V. J. Taylor nnd son, V. 11. Lindsay, Henry Freeman, Ward Harnett, Jus. Vestal, Miss llnrel Ilerrinj, Miss Qoode, M.iss Agnes Dunlnp and brother spent Monday afternoon m Medium. The Clark Henery Construction Co. huve n large force of teams and men grading Pine stroet. They nlo have a large force hauling gmvel to day. On account of the increased nt tendauce in High School an extra teacher was put on. V. J. Seott was in from his lioguc Itiver ranch Monday. Councilman D. C. Grim wns on the sick listens week. Ilov. Cocn of Woodville, wns in our city Monday on business eonneutcd with tho building of the Presbytee inn church. They expect to let ihe contract soon. EOEN PRECINCT ITEMS. CINCINNATI The National V As sociation of Stationary Engineers opened an annual session here today. Violin Maker. Repairing ot all stringed Instru ments. Violin repairing a specialty. Corner of 8th and Central avenue. Chas Harris. 177 Notice tc Bathers. The Nut management wish to an nounce that owing to the condition of the weather and the great ex pense of heating the wnter, which a too cold for bathing until hented, the plunge will be open for business everj Saturday and Sunday until further notice. Fresh water will be put the plunge every Fridav night and heated for these two days. MOW MANY WOMEN' I DESTROY THEIR nAIR (From the London nSturday Review. Ono of the best known hairdress ers In London much patronized by royalty has the following to say; "Frequent washing of the head with soap and water or prepare sham poos make the hair brittle and causes it to lose its color and split at the ends. Any porson desiring abundant lus trous hair should use a dry shampoo frequently. Ml fopr ounces of or ris root with four "ounces of therox. Sprinkle a tablespoonful of this mix ture evenly upon tho head; then brush tho powder thoroughly through tho hair. "Therox and orris root keep tho liulr light and fluffy, and beautifully lustrous it heightens, but does not change tho natural color of tho hair. Therox is tho only thing I know that will produce a growth of hair." . f THEROX FOR SALE HASKINS' DRUG STORE Ira Dunlay of Phoenix was on Saturday evening's motor, returning from Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Hendrlckson of Medford visited Mrs. Hendrlckson's brother, Oscar Talent of Phoenix Sunday. Mrs. C. Carey and her alster-In-law, Mrs. Annie Thompson, attended tho funeral ot Mrs. Alfred Rummell In Medford Sunday. ' Mrs. Annlo Thompson of Roseburg arrived at the homo ot her brother, C. Carey of North Talent last Tues day, and will visit for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Emll Hqvcr A. Frl degar were kuests at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Henry of North Talent lost Sunday. County Clerk W. R. Coleman and wife of Jacksonville, were- out to 'Phoenix Sunday and wcro guests at dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Furry. Mrs. A. Hearn went to Ashland Friday to visit her aunt, Mrs. Martha Rapp; also her sister, Miss Elsie Reams, returning Sunday. Phoenix has another store going in. They will occupy the Englo block and will carry a general mercantile stock. The gentleman Is from Scat tie. Tho firm name I have not learned. Mrs. M. Garrison, mother of Mrs. James Allen of North Talent, arrived from Newport where she has been spending the summer and will visit her daughter for a while. Willis Chandler of North Talent died at his home Sunday night at 11 o'clock after a lingering Illness of over a year. He was aged 81 years and some months. PROTE i CT LAND BAINST FIRE i KANES CREEK ITEMS. ' f T t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY " f f t 1 1 WANTED Jobs storing away woox. 25o per hour. Burke, homo phono 80. 150 FOR SALE Fifteen chickens, all not luter than Wednesday noon, at 401 South Newtown street. 148 FOR SALE There is a genulno bar. gain In a blcyclo at 707 West t street. Don't pass It up. 14,5, FOR SALE Registered Burkshln, swine and Jorsoy cowh at all tlinori. M, F, Bingham, Appleguto, Oro, 174 Mr. nnd Mrs. Cox, who have been residents, of )h plncp fpr llic pwt year, left last week for Bedding, Cnl, their former' home. The Dardenells school comcnccd on Monday with Mr. IIitHelton of Ea gle Pnjpt ns teacher. This makes his third term of school ut this place, Sam McCleijdon of Gold Hill, was out to his "Revenue Mine" 011 up per Kuiiu creek one day recently, briuginj; with jiirn supplies for the mine, which is showing up some vory good ore. Mr. Will Lewis is the proud pos sessor of an auto, which ho has hut recently purchased of Medford (igents. Elmer Higiuhothnm spent tlio foiu par't of last week at Butte Falls on business. Misses Kutio und Mnggic Foley nre attending tho Central Point higd school. The recent ruins was quite hcuo ficial for putting out the forept fircH and otherwise clearing the 'atmos phere of smoke. Mr, nnd Mrs. Bitter of Garden Roue spent Sunday an guests of Mr. Brown und family. John Tompson' and wifo spent Sat Urday with friepds on Ktinca oreok. The dupep Saturday night at the Mayqello mine was u most pleasant affair and well nttcijdec., Carpenters Take NoMro, Meetings hereafter wll he hpld In Smith's hal on North Gropo St., on Wednesday evening at' 7:30 p. m. Please favor us -with your presence P. W. OILLETT, Rep. Bec'y, Lqcal 1848. 140 Hnflkins for health. Make a Contract With State Gnmo Warden, Making Your Property Game Preserve and All Hunters Will Be Barred. There is a law In tho State of Or egon which' may be mado to servo a wonderfully valuable purpose, it Its provisions were nuno widely known. Tho recent agitation requesting tho governor to suspend the hunting sea son, to tho ond that tho damage rrom roied fires might ho minim ized, cnlls attention to tho above 'mentioned provision. It Is one of tho pilvilegcs ot tho Stato dumb Warden to mako private reserva tions. When once this Is done. It la unlawful for any ono to hunt game birds and game animals on the laud so set aside. An Imprcsslou has prevailed that prlvato owners would suffer some Inconvenience, were they to take ad vantage of this act. On the contra ry, there Is no oxpenso Involved, on the part of the owner, nor Is the land withdrawn from any useful purpose It Is merely contracted be tweon the owner and tho Stato Game Warden that the land described shall bo regarded as a private re strve, upon which no hunting, eith er by outsiders or the owners him self, shall bo lawful. The hunting and killing of varmints however, can be carried on by sneclat permit from the warden In charge. Tho owner merely agrees to act in the capnclty of Deputy Gamo Wardon for that particular piece of property, sub mitting such ovideuce as ho bathored to tho proper authorities. There aro millions of acres of tlmbor land In the stato that could be withdrawn under contract with tho Stato Game Warden, as well as hun dreds and perhaps thousands of oth er large tracts. Under this law, tho dauger from forest flro could bo al most entirely eliminated, bo fnr as Its origin Is duo to coroless hunters. This law Is not only a protection against forest fire, but can bo made to serve tho farmers a useful pur pose by making It unlawful for hunt ers to trespasson their land, dam aging their grail? and "killing their stock lesldes making tho game pro tection laws ot tho stato of some consequpnee. Jaamcs R. Kecne improves. LONDON, Sept. 13. The coudi tion of James It. Kecne, who was op erated on for slomach trouble is fa vorable today and ho is making good progress toward recovery, according to his physicians. Kecne said he would lie out of bed within two weeks. J , HER HAIR GREW That's Why a Tliankful Woman Ilec omowls I'urltlim Huge. Charles Strang will sell you a fifty cent bottle pf PARISIAN SAGE and guarantee It to banish dandruff, stop falling hair and Itching scalp, or money back. It's a delightful hair dressing that makes hair fiustrous and fascinating. "In tho spring I wns recovering from a sevcro caso of erysipelas, which left mo virtually bald on tho front of my head ond next to any cars. Tho hair kept coming out rap idly and anything I used stopped my getting entirely bald, until I Used two bottles of PARISIAN 8AOE. This tonic tnndo my hair start to grow In and, In fact, grow mo a good fair amount of hair, nnd It has entirely stopped my hair falling out. It-is with pleasure that I glvn a public recommend to- PARISIAN SAGE, wl)lch I know is a wonder." Mrs. Ella Gilchrist, W. Pitt St., Bed ford, Pa. Hasklna for Health. Save Money iv nuyi.vo Yquit meat ai1 Til?-: WEST HIDE MARKET Wo aro now selling meat on a strictly bash basis. This plan means that wo can soil to you at a lower rato than you havo peon paying. 1 It's a Saving for Both mt Mm You will always find tho best meat at our market. Pur'alm Is to please, both ln quality and uorvlco. Wet5i4Market LOUIS IlElL, Proprietor RECENT SALES OF BARRETTS Sflobol nnd Day Report Snlo of Four . Cars of Rontio River I'cnrs At Low Prices' Silisun Overripe Fruit As Low As 80 Cents a Box. Sgohel & Day tupoit ns follows under divlu of Now York, September (Hit: Monday being n holiday theru was no sale and the details ot 'luesdny ami Wednesday sales are sa follows; Tuesday Bai Hells' HUH). Wedncsdny-Bartletls, 11,000. Bariletts Continued heavy arriv als you see, some from mountain sections in Cnliforiiin, elegant flint mado &.VK) to S'J.tU) and then dowi as low as 8O0 for some Suisun Kivcr or vicinity dead ipe Bnitletts. Our sales of Murtiues Mm Holts .f l..r ami f 1.70. Kour cn"s of handsome Bogui? River uveraL'ed fl.KO. 1.70. $1.10. Car of Hood lliver $l.!lfi. Iiuuicum' consumption hut smaller receipts are ueuo'tsary lor uu advance. SAN KUANClSCO-lvau Oalcs manager of a laxicah company, tried to dance in a ta.i. The room was Mimll. He kicked Ids foot through the glims door. The tendon Achilles i-i healii;g from a had cut. OPEN- For Business RICGINS Ai U-SUK'H Second. Hand Htoiv nt 3(1 South Ornpi! Street. Give us a call and wo will trent ou far. Highest cash price tor second hand goods of all kinds. We have just received a carload mUIim WHITE DIAMOND FLOUR The Flour That Never Fails Once Tried Always Used OLMSTEAD &HIBBARD West Side Grocers Newport TAQUni BAT OBXOOS'M VOVUXAB BSAOX BSSOBX An Ideal rntrcat for outdoor pastime of all kinds. HUNTING, KI8UINO, IIOATINO, HUM' IIATHINO. HID JNG, AUTOJNO, CANOEING. DANC TfO AND IlOLLRIt HKATINO. Whuro pretty wnlcr mcatrn, mow ORates, moon-ittoncH, cnrnallnnH nun bo found on the bench. I'uro mountain water 1'and the beat of food at low prices. Fresh flnl. clams, crabs and oysters, with abundance of vegetable of all kinds dally. CMaplar Grounds ConvtnttBt n At tractive with Rtrlct Hnnltarjr Bpnltlo. 10W BOTTTTS TZlVf cbaios xzoizaxu from All Volnts In Oregon, Wain tarton and Idaho, on sale dally. DAY ATUBDAY-XOKDAY XIOXXTS from Routhern Pacific points Portland to pottuKO drove; also from al C. & IS. stations Albany und west, dood polng Saturday or Sunday and for roturn, Sunday or Monday, Call pn any H. P. or p. & 13. Agent for full particulars un to fares, train schcdulos. etc; also for copy of our llluHtrated booklet, "Outlnus In Ore aon,' or write to WU, VoMOBXAY (Bttftl 0iugF Agent, Portland, Oregon. ? t444 ANNOUNCEMENT HOTEL MEDFORD OlMW l'OK. INSPECTION SUNDAJ-, SIOPT. 17 lYom 2 to ( o'clock nnd 8 to 10 . m. TNU PUniilCCOmHALhY INVITMD. WILL HIO OPEN Jj'Olt MUSINMRH TUWSDAY, HKPTKiMJJIOU JDIIi With a UANQURT at7 p. m. S3oalH can bo reserved on and after ThurHilny, Sop toinbtu' I'lth, at. tho Hotel .Moore. RAUMOHROO. X W $ $$ $ 5? 'I? $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ u v ( fr if u The Medford National Bank CAPITAL STOCK - 41100,000.00 SURPLUS nnd PROFITS $3J OOO. OO UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY 8AW2 IHCI'OSIT IIO.XICS Hill IlKNT. W. H. OOBK. rrtitntnt. 7. A. RRT, Vice rr. JOHK 8. OBTX, CaihUr. V. X. MSBBIOK, Vict rrt. W. B. JACK80K, Ami. OaiUl.r. fH li (ft m v f ) $ $ $ $ ijt $ iji $ y y y y $ y t ? v v f "li 'i' $ iii $ 5 X X Our New Location The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company is now lo cated in the College Block on N. Grape Street Southern Oregon Electric Co. tr9)f Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 820 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. ttttrrr:r--rre0r.trr2 Sportsmen Hnvu your troplilox tlilu your. Tlicro will lio 110110 to nnvo In n fvr ypnm. TliU cut mIiowh wIiiiii to nut tlili mU In. Novor cut tho front of a (liMir'n neck. Cull nt Iluuiiiliruy'M dun Kloro iirul got immplilct frcit, ttillliiK liow to nnvo Kiiiiiu liomlH, l.lrtlg nnd Hklin for rilK, pulilliilioil by F. W. BARTLETT Tuxlrii'pinlxt Mi'ilttntl, Ort'KOH For Sale 640 acres foothill fruit land, 10 miles from railroad station; $15 per acre on 10 years1 time. One tenth cash, one-tenth each year for 10 years. Interest on deferred payments. Big gest bargains ever offered. i Gold Ray Realty Co. iM8 UVhI Mii I ii Hlicet ItOOIII 101, i:ilM'll(! JllllK. i v